Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e24 Episode Script

Midnight Battle: Kenshin Versus Sanosuke Revisited

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
I want to blow the
Meiji government apart
and clear the name of the
Sekihoutai and Captain Sagara!
Later, Sano!
I won't let you go all alone!
My new friends are
real important to me
but if I'm going to choose my
past, I have to ditch my present
Midnight Battle
Sansuke vs. Kenshin Again!
A party?
I was thinking we should
let loose once in a while.
How about it, Kenshin?
That sounds good!
That sounds good!
Of course, I don't have
any objections, that I do not
Even if we were to have a good time
where would the money come from?
Don't make it sound so easy!
I guess that's how it is.
That's how it is, that it is.
I can do something about the money.
Really, Sanosuke?
I bet you're relying on me!
No, no, no!
With my only income being the
lessons I teach outside the dojo
I can barely feed you freeloaders!
We don't have that kind of luxury!
And no means no!
Don't get so excited, Missie.
Don't worry about the money.
Leave it to me.
You say that
but I know you're going to
put it on your tab at the Akabeko.
I feel bad for Miss Tae.
No, let's have the party here.
Here, we can party as much as
we want, with nobody bothering us.
Well, do what you like
That settles it.
Oh yeah
Missie, let Miss Megumi know, too.
Tell Miss Megumi?
Well, we have been
through a lot together.
It's better to be rowdy in a big group.
I'm counting on you.
Strange things do happen
Sano inviting Megumi
All they do is fight!
Strange, too strange.
Today, Sano is acting too strange!
I think he's sick or something!
I know!
Sano must be happy that those doubts
about the Sekihoutai were cleared up!
I see!
That's the reason for the party!
That means tonight
we can let loose!
Let loose! Yeah!
The Sekihoutai, is it?
Hey, Katsu!
I'm glad you're here!
Think you can lend
me some of that cash?
The whole wallet?
Famous artists like you think
differently than the rest of us!
But, if you're going to use it, hurry up.
We're raiding the Internal
Affairs Department tonight.
Tonight is the new moon.
It will be a dark night,
perfect for us to sneak in.
The Internal Affairs office, which
is the core of the Meiji government
First, we completely
stop that from functioning
then we hit the other
departments one by one
Tonight, huh?
What's wrong, Sano?
Oh, I just was
thinking how perfect this is.
Then, I'll borrow this.
What a feast!
Now, everyone is waiting and hungry!
I'll help, I'll help!
Little Suzume, don't
trip from being so excited!
Now, now you two
don't make such a fuss.
You'll cause trouble for others!
Then, let's get started.
But, there's something
disturbing about Sanosuke treating us.
Maybe it's money
earned through evil means.
I don't want to be an
accomplice of yours!
I guess that demented
personality of yours will never change!
Oh, the same can be said for you!
In other words, you two
are alike, Sanosuke, Megumi!
Whoa, what a couple!
I'm jealous!
Now, both of you calm down.
This is a party, is it not?
That's right!
Now, let's drink and be
merry until we collapse!
This guy is already toasted
This guy is already toasted
Kenshin, I'll pour you some.
Thank you, Miss Kaoru.
Kaoru, you don't even know
how to pour someone sake?
You're no good!
I'll teach you, so leave it to me!
No, I'm first!
Little girls should stay out of the way!
Now, Dear Ken, have a drink.
That's just like you, Miss Megumi.
"That's just like you,
Miss Megumi," he says?
I won't pour you drinks anymore!
Hey, Yahiko, you have a drink, too!
You can't, Yahiko!
You're still a child!
Stop treating me like a little kid!
I'm Mr. Yahiko Myojin of
the Kamiya Kasshin Style!
One or two shou of
sake means nothing to me!
Just you watch!
See, just look at you!
Looks like the Missie's right!
You shouldn't do more
than eat the fish and rice!
Dear Ken, I want a
drink poured for me too!
Here you go, that you do.
L-l-I can't believe it!
The same drinking dish!
Oh, this is delicious!
Adults can be so filthy!
If you're frustrated right now, why
don't you grow up and become one?
W-What did you say?
Megumi, can you
pour me a drink as well?
S-Someone, call a doctor
I'll just have a drink myself!
M-Miss Kaoru!
You shouldn't drink
recklessly, that you should not!
Leave me alone!
She's telling you to leave
her alone, so why don't you?
Now, Dear Ken, how about fried tofu?
Miss Kaoru?
Now, Kenshin!
I'm a worthless woman that
doesn't know how to pour sake!
I can't cook, I'm not sexy
I'm just a sweaty girl with no
skills other than swordsmanship!
L-Its not good to say things like
that about yourself, that it is not
Oh, is she drunk already?
It seems like Miss
Kaoru really is a bad drunk.
But when it comes to one
thing, I won't lose to anyone
T-That is?
Oh no!
I'm too embarrassed to say
it in front of a certain person!
Or a giggly drunk
But, but
What should I do?
Should I say it?
Go for it, Missie!
Don't hold back now!
Say it!
let me off the hook, I beg of you!
Hey, Kenshin!
Are you listening to what I'm saying?
You smell like alcohol!
Get away from Dear Ken!
How dare you?
Both of you calm
down, that you should
I'm at a loss, that I am
Kenshin, I challenge you.
I can not drink anymore, that I can't.
That's not like you, Kenshin!
Let's let loose!
Have fun!
I guess I'll be going now
That last supper
Did you enjoy it to your heart's content?
I just paid all of them back for
everything they've done to me.
Are you sure, Sano?
About throwing away the present
Are you stupid?
I'm not that sentimental!
I decided on this by myself.
There is no past or present now.
I see
You chose the
Sekihoutai over your present life
I thank you from
the bottom of my heart.
Let's hurry.
The sun might rise before we arrive
at the Internal Affairs Department.
I'm sorry, guys.
I won't ask you to understand me.
But to me, the Sekihoutai
is really something special.
I'm glad I met you guys.
If I can see you guys again
in the afterlife
I'll be sure to have an big party,
with no hidden agenda this time.
Right, Kenshin?
This is the key to the Meiji government,
its police force and the central offices
The Internal Affairs Department
It's about time
Let's go
W-What's that?
A bomb?
We're under attack!
Another one!
The culprit's around here somewhere!
Gather all guards to the gate!
You adjusted the length of the fuse
You planned well!
If we can sneak inside the
building, we can't be stopped!
We're fighting time
the guards will be back soon.
Get across the
grounds without stopping!
Don't stop!
Sano, who is this guy?
Himura Battousai
The man who was the
legendary manslayer
That legendary
Battousai the Manslayer?
The Imperialists are going
to stand in our way again?
This time, the Sekihoutai will
A bomb
That's right!
I'm going to use these to blow
apart each department in Tokyo
and then, the Meiji government!
Whoever gets in my way
even Battousai the Manslayer
will be blown to pieces!
Using his sword's god-like speed to
surround the burning fuse in vacuum
Only Kenshin could do that
D-Damn you, Imperialists
It's no use, Katsu
He's not someone you
have any chance against
But he is a dog of the government!
Kenshin doesn't feel good about
the present government, just like me.
No, since he had a role in building
the government, it bothers him more.
why are you siding with this guy?
When I first fought Kenshin, I just
rushed in just like you are doing now.
But, he took me out, and I lost.
It's been a strange
relationship ever since.
There was a time that I
thought of him as a comrade
But I chose the
Sekihoutai over my present life
I can't go back now.
If you insist on getting in our way
I won't show mercy
even for you!
This is the path that
you chose as a man
There isn't anything that I can tell you
I am only here to prevent
you from committing this crime.
Let's go, Kenshin.
W-Wait, you can't fight the
Battousai with your bare hands!
What's wrong, Kenshin, why aren't
you drawing your reverse-blade sword?
You can't possibly be
Sano, I don't want to fight
without being serious, that I do not.
That sounds more like it!
Is that ryu-tsui-sen?
How dare you do that to Sano?
I did it!
It's a bomb with a short fuse!
It explodes before you
get into striking distance!
He's not here?
You can't defeat Kenshin
with something like that
Mr. Tsukioka, was it?
If you use bombs, you will involve
innocent citizens and victimize them.
I will not allow the
use of such ugly tactics!
There's no difference
between pretty and ugly!
The goal is important, not the method!
The goal of clearing the name of
the Sekihoutai and its Captain
You, an Imperialist,
would never understand!
Because I am an Imperialist
I can't look the other way and allow the
Sekihoutai members to be so stupid.
Battousai the Manslayer,
talking like he knows it all!
Katsu, stop it!
Hey, Kenshin
Your opponent
Is me!
Leave Kenshin to
me, and hurry on ahead
Let's finish this before
the cops get here, Kenshin
He's ready to
Katsu, now!
He understands it all, yet he's willing
to throw his life away for Tsukioka
Katsu, what are you doing?
Hurry up and go already!
You idiot, I can't
just abandon you and go!
Stop it, Sano!
Stop it already!
The Battousai will kill you!
You'll die!
I'm sorry
Can I ask you to treat Sano's wounds?
Are you all right, Sano?
How dare you reduce Sano to this!
Don't think you've won yet!
I still have many bombs left!
When Sano gets better, I'll be sure to
You said we were
being stupid just now
but you're the manslayer who was
so active during the Meiji revolution!
How can a filthy guy
like you say those things?
You're just a hypocrite, like
the rest of the Meiji government!
He was smiling
He took being called a hypocrite
and smiled without responding?
Sano, I'll take care of
your wounds right away!
This time
we were stopped from really
acting like a fake Imperial army
Was I still acting like a child
Captain Sagara?
I lost again.
Where are you, Katsu?
Can it be
How did you manage to get beaten up?
I know
You probably were drunk, and tripped
with your foot stuck in a sewer drain!
You really are stupid!
Shut up!
You're a bad drunk yourself!
Dear Ken, that wound is
from a reverse-blade sword
I see, Kaoru must have gotten violent
Well, a lot happened, that it did
I see, Kaoru must have gotten violent
Well, a lot happened, that it did
Well, a lot happened, that it did
while I was dreaming that wierd stuff.
Oh, I didn't drink that much.
So, what is Tsunan
Tsukioka doing now?
I dunno.
But it looks like he's
stopped making bombs.
Oh, look here.
The guy from a few days
ago is walking right here!
What great timing!
Oh, sorry about the other day.
You want something?
I have something for
you from Mr. Tsunan.
It's the last portrait
Tsunan Tsukioka will do.
I don't know what got into him, but
now he's printing his own newspaper.
He said that he was going to
correct the evils of the government.
I advised him against it, they crack
down really hard on that kind of thing.
Oh well, he was such
a popular artist, too
Sorry to hear that, Mister
When your heart is
shaken about with tears
What should i be doing to help you out?
Even looking up at the sky
My heart hurts as much as yours.
Something that you don't
have to get hurt over
Everyone accidentally feels
Just like the times
when you're surprised
by how cold the water really is.
Now, just being here right next to you
It's all that i can do, and nothing else
All the smiles that i can
make just for you, anytime
I'll embrace and send to
you, whenever you need it.
You can believe it,
dreams will someday be reality
Just for you and only for you
It's okay to cry, because
deep inside that heart of yours
every piece of
sadness turns to wings
for you to fly.
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