The Assassins (2024) s01e24 Episode Script

Omar Khayaam's House

Hassan Al-Sabbah was
a charismatic personality.
Hassan Al-Sabbah was
a charismatic personality.
- Allah, Allah.
- Allah, Allah.
- Because my soul is linked with yours.
- Allah, Allah.
He's persuasive in his talk
and his eyes are captivating.
And I, my soul is your ransom.
My soul is the ransom for the
keeper of the gates of paradise.
He can easily convince a person to sell
his soul, and also kill and be killed.
Zaid Ibn Suhon sold his soul.
I believed in you and that
you were a divine man.
Until I realised
that you're a devil.
Driven by his ego and desires.
It's time to pay the price.
Donia Zad sold her soul
and has paid the price.
I'll run away with you!
And leave the castle!
- I'll abandon my kingdom!
- It's not a kingdom.
It's a hell.
Decided to continue
on Hassan's path
It's time to pay the price.
Yahia risking his soul for revenge
It's time to pay the price.
It's time to pay the price.
Small beginnings
Hearing and obeying, oh our Master.
That's what leads us to the end.
Thanks to the just preacher.
And for you to learn,
oh Zaid Ibn Suhon
That our Lord Almighty,
His judgement is fair
And whoever kills, will be
killed, even after a while
I will give the honour of
executing your death sentence
To a young man
whose parents you killed.
Order, our Master.
I killed your parents
under his orders.
He is the one who
commanded me to do it.
I indeed ordered him to kill them.
But because they were disbelievers
not believers like you, Yahia.
And I gave you the honour of killing him
so you could take revenge for your parents.
So, you killed a disbeliever
who killed disbelievers.
Take his sword f and imprison him
in the same cell as Zaid Ibn Suhon.
Until I decide what to do with him.
This trial is over.
This trial is over.
I was amazed by your
patience with the boy,
I even thought that
you truly loved him.
And planned for him
to have a great position.
Life inside the castle of death Needs
some kind of entertainment, O Barzak.
Indeed, it's a dangerous
entertainment, but fun.
Indeed, it's a dangerous
entertainment, but fun.
So, be careful.
What does no Esoterics
in Isfahan mean?
They left their homes.
There's no trace of anyone of them.
And how did no one follow them?
And how did no one follow them?
What's your job?
Monitoring them
and our eyes are on
their homes day and night.
But, their men were
going out to the market
And their women and
children were staying at home
One day, all women and children dressed
in men's attire and went to the market.
They got lost in the crowd
They never returned to their homes.
- Lost in the crowd means you're blind.
- My lord, I
- You're the one suiting blindness.
Because your eyes no longer see.
Take out the eyes of
the chief of the monitors.
And then let someone
escort him home.
- Helping the blind is a reward.
- Master Minister, please!
The fall of Ibn Al-Hafiz's castle is
these dark nights we're living, O Barzak.
We are still the impregnable
castle they can never overcome.
Spirit of the followers
is most important.
Their spirit is on the decline.
If a single believer feels anxious
or lacks security, anywhere
If a single believer feels anxious
or lacks security, anywhere
- It means I won't be able to sleep.
- My lord, take it easy on yourself.
We must do anything
To restore our followers' trust
in themselves and in God.
An earth-shattering event.
But we are not a military force in
the conventional sense to defeat them.
Souls get defeated, not
by armies, O Barzak.
But the killing of
a single person could
Disturb an entire country.
Who is the most
important person to them?
- The Sultan.
- Or the Caliph.
They claim to be followers
of the Muslim Caliph in Baghdad.
They claim to be followers
of the Muslim Caliph in Baghdad.
If their biggest head is killed,
It's no small feat,
nor an easy task.
A dreadful and epic event.
The followers must
also be reassured.
Send them what can reassure
them with money and words
And let them move their houses
to the outskirts of the city.
Let the Sultan rejoice,
And feel that there are no
longer any believers on his land.
Until comes the time and my Lord
Imam informs me from the inside.
And then the Sultan will regret
everything he did to my followers.
And then the Sultan will regret
everything he did to my followers.
Our master's orders.
What do you think of Al-Hady?
He's a good young man, he'll
become a knight in the future.
That shows you don't know him.
Al-Hady is inspiring,
And he has a unique energy.
Our Lord Imam
entrusted me with him.
Yesterday I saw him
sleeping in his bed,
and his room was
illuminated without torches.
And he was being guarded by angels.
That's all I'm allowed to say.
But his status is higher than that.
Spread what I've seen among
our faithful followers in the castle.
And I want someone
to bring Yahia to me.
Don't you see Yahia, it's time
for us to open our
hearts to each other?
In castle of death, there's
no esoteric and exoteric.
In castle of death, there's
no esoteric and exoteric.
There's nothing but honest hearts.
And tongues that
speak only the truth.
You, Yahia, entered the castle of
death not to take your parent's heritage,
You came to kill Hassan Al-Sabbah.
You came intending to kill someone
who is equal to all Muslims
in the eyes of our Lord.
What madness has
your mind portrayed!
What trick has the
devil deceived you with!
Can you name any honor,
Or any displacement for the greatest
disaster that befell Islam and the Muslims.
Or any displacement for the greatest
disaster that befell Islam and the Muslims.
In my opinion, Islam
is pure and unified.
Its night is as its day.
But sick souls and greed
are what have distorted it.
Your words carry a scent
of Al-Ghazali's teachings.
My Sheikh and teacher.
A wonderful man,
If it weren't for his misguidance,
he would have a great status.
he served his knowledge for
the service of the misguided!
These are your words.
But we can argue that he saved
the nation from misguidance.
But we can argue that he saved
the nation from misguidance.
And revived it at a time when it could
have drowned in misguided thoughts.
Your thoughts and
the thoughts of others.
Every time my heart tells me
to end this futile
debate with you, Yahia,
my mind tells me no.
It's very enjoyable,
debating with the dead.
I, my son, possess
the ability to guide you,
and in the least possible time,
with evidence and proof.
But I saw in your eyes that
you are among the doomed.
What do you think,
shall we talk about love?
Like, for instance, the love of the
young man Yahia, the son of the Muezzin,
for the beautiful girl Nourhan,
who is in Hassan Al-Sabbah's castle.
A legend will be told,
about a young man who found
his love in his enemy's house!
Do you love her that much?!
Then surely it will be
hard for you to throw her
from atop the castle of
death with your own hands.
What can you sacrifice
for Norhan, Yahia?
I'll answer for you.
The negotiation here
is between two things,
And belief.
You don't want to throw Nourhan
from the castle with your own hands,
You don't want to throw Nourhan
from the castle with your own hands,
Because I will command you
to do so and you will comply.
Either implement the orders of Hassan
Al-Sabbah, the commander of the faithful,
and kill the prince
of the infidels.
The one you guys
call the Abbasid Caliph.
If you can assassinate him,
returning safe is a word of honor
You and Nourhan will
leave Hassan Al-Sabbah's den
I know it's always
the hardest things
To choose.
Zaid Ibn Suhon, is a puppet
in Hassan Al-Sabbah's hand.
He eases the thread, Zaid
acknowledges he's a close friend.
He pulls the thread, Zaid,
son of Sihon, a humble servant.
A stone from the castle walls.
Overlooking Hassan
Al-Sabbah, reaching to the sky.
You believed him, Barzak Amide!
You believed him!
Keep believing him until you see with
your own eyes, how your neck gets sliced.
Keep believing him until you see with
your own eyes, how your neck gets sliced.
And your eye soaring
from the top of the castle,
looking at the smiling
face of Hassan Al-Sabbah.
You are the next
sacrifice, my friend.
You called me, father.
Today, Zaid Ibn Suhon was killed.
-I found out.
- Traitor
And infidel.
I loved him and
he was a close friend.
But God's rule is above all.
And beforehand, I passed the
rule to execute my son, Hussein.
My dearest ones.
So that believers know that to Hassan
Al-Sabbah doesn't value any human.
Only obedience matters.
I understand.
And this is the crux
And our purpose in life.
Only the one closest
in faith and obedience.
Is closest to us.
And all human feelings get buried
under Hassan Al-Sabbah's seat.
The throne of rule.
The throne enforced
by the will of God.
We are not kings.
We are rulers by God's will.
God's servants.
Hassan Al-Sabbah is not only
the prince of Alamut Castle.
Or the prince of believers.
Hassan Al-Sabbah is the bridge
between the creator and the creation.
After our Imam.
And since the Imam is in hiding.
Then Hassan Al-Sabbah
is the only bridge.
Between the creator
and the creation.
But this is a very high position.
Hard for a creature to reach.
"That is the bounty of Allah
he bestows it on whom he will"
And since the life rule dictates
that ultimately every living dies.
Then who is for the
believers after me?
- Me!
- Imagine.
Since childhood, I have promised
myself that nothing is impossible
If you want something, whether it's
in the highest sky or the deepest earth,
I will reach it.
That’s why, I've decided to make
you the heir to Hassan Al Sabbah.
But I'm just a normal guy.
I'm not like you, I don't
have the same capabilities or gifts.
I will make you exceed
even your wildest imagination.
I will make you exceed
even your wildest imagination.
I'm going to make you an
exact copy of Hassan Al Sabbah.
Until you believe that
you are Hassan Al Sabbah.
And Barzak Amide?
A loyal servant.
Completely loyal.
And he's been
loyal to me until now.
But you are El-Hady.
El-Hady, son of Hassan Al Sabbah.
From this night,
we will jointly create a great Imam
who will own the
hearts of the people.
And your first mission, Hady,
will be a familial one.
I want you to go to Donia Zad.
And tell her that your father
wants to resolve our disputes.
And to hand over the
girl she has with her.
And reassure her.
Tell her that we
won't harm the girl.
We will leave her in a special room
until her lover comes to take her.
And he can also take her
away from Almut castle.
Go, I will pray for you.
She is indeed terrifying.
But don't be afraid of
her enmity towards me.
She will treat you well.
My mother and…
And KHadyjah and Nurhan…
They are not here.
Not here? Where are they?
They're not in the
castle, they escaped…
And I helped them escape.
Donia Zad and KHadyja are
not in the castle of Almut
And you are the one who
helped them escape from me.
Brave, Hady, for telling the truth
True, you postponed it and
true, you deceived me
But you told me to my face
At the very moment I'm reaching
out to help you climb the ladder
To reach a place where I've
spent my entire life trying to achieve.
You stabbed me in the back.
What madness has your mind
conjured up, son of Al Sabbah?!
But it's said the greater the
tribulation the greater the man.
And there's no
greater tribulation..
Than seeing the head of your mother,
my beloved and my wife, in your hands
Perhaps this sight could
turn you into a man.
She wanted to see the grave
of my brother, she begged me
She was going to kill
herself and I couldn't..
The judgement of her death
regards me, and I'm responsible for it
Let's talk about my only heir now.
Are you going to kill me?
Kill my own heir!
So that the name of Hassan Al-Sabbah
could be disgraced and humiliated
People are saying I
kill my own children!
First, I better raise you.
What will you do?
We will clear things.
At first, I asked you to learn
the basics of religion and science
But you consumed wine.
And now I am preparing you to become
the successor of Hassan Al-Sabbah
Then you fleed
your mother from me.
What do you think your
punishment will be, Hady?
I will judge myself.
Of course.
You're not going to be
responsible for the believers!
What is the punishment for
a boy who betrays his father?
What is the punishment for
a boy who betrays his father?
It's not betrayal.
Everything comes at a
price, Oh son of Al-Sabbah.
Either Hady, the son of Hassan
Al-Sabbah, will behead his mother
Or live the rest of your
life crying like women.
And her head in your hands.
I won't bear this judgment.
However, I bear the judgment of a
husband whose wife ran away from him
A father whose elder son rebelled against
him and the younger one betrayed him
Hassan Al-Sabbah, the prince
of the fortress of Alamut,
Hassan Al-Sabbah, the prince
of the fortress of Alamut,
And the prince of believers
cannot manage his own house.
Hassan Al-Sabbah will wait
for your righteous judgment.
Stay in your chamber, and don't
come out until your mother returns.
Till you die
Where are you headed?
We are on our way to Isfahan.
Who are you going there for?
And where are you coming from?
We were in a caravan, lost our
way, so we are returning now.
Why don't you stay with us?
Don't you have Arab chivalry?
Do you have any followers
of Hassan Al-Sabbah with you?
Just leave us alone.
This is your chamber.
And it might be your grave too.
Either you are born again,
or death will purify you.
The fastest rider
and the fastest horse.
I want Donia Zad and KHadyja to
be here in the fortress of Alamut.
A lot of time has passed since
they ran away, as I found out.
Donia Zad's and KHadyja's
escape from the fortress
Is an unforgivable
act, Oh Barzak.
Surely someone
facilitated their exit.
Their return is important.
If they reached the sultan,
he won't spare them.
If they reached the sultan,
he won't spare them.
And if they come back,
you won't spare them.
My lack of mercy for them
is mercy for all of us.
Choosing a believer
is a simple matter.
But ensuring his
speedy arrival to them
Is not a simple matter, my lord.
I want you to send another believer
following Yahya Ibn Said El-Moa'zin.
- to kill him.
- And Yahya ibn Saeed's mission?
If Yahya knew that his lover is
not under our hands in the castle
Do you think he
will finish his mission?
Our lord's orders
Before Yahya arrives to
Baghdad he should be killed
and of course, this news is a secret
between me, you and the young men
And if they return alive,
they are to be killed
I do not need to tell you, Barzak
that if this secret leaks out there
will be no existence for Barzak Amide
Understood, my lord
We found no refuge after fleeing
from the Devil's castle except your home
I know about your
manliness, gallantry, and bravery
If it costs you stubbornness
or exposes you to danger
then do not open your door for us
and I will understand and forgive
but if you open your
door for us as I suspect
and my expectations
of you are good
then it's the favor that
strangles my neck forever
then it's the favor that
strangles my neck forever
Donia Zad
If God saves her from the
hell of Hassan Al-Sabbah
Are you going to eat, Omar?
What's wrong?
I don't think so!
I can't bear what
is written in the message
Is the task this difficult?
The task requires the
head of Omar Al-Khayyam
Oh, okay, I
I will go to see what do I have
As the bathroom is a mess
and your companionship,
Omar, is full of harm
If it were up to me, I
would stand with you
To this degree
To the degree that you
work as a bathroom cleaner
It's more merciful
Rejoice and be glad
As you have entered
Heaven's Dream
Our lord awaits you
and promises you
eternal bliss in it
Whether you are
killed or returned
Go forth with the
blessing of God, victors
May God honor you
Where is Omar Al-Khayyam's house?
It's that big house over there
- Peace be upon you.
- And upon you peace
Tell your master that
Donia Zad is at his door
And ask him whether
she should enter or leave
It's my pleasure to
welcome you at my house
You and your guests are welcome
Please come in
I never doubted you
Take your master and those
with her to the women's chambers
And meet all their needs
Please, this way
It's clear that the journey
is tough for us both
But there's no other
choice ahead of me
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