The Longest Promise (2023) s01e24 Episode Script

Episode 24

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 24=
Best wishes
for a long harmonious relationship.
Best wishes
for a long harmonious relationship.
Best wishes
for a long harmonious relationship.
I heard the Princess of Crimson Clan
is not willing to be married here.
That princess' heart
belongs to someone else.
But this wedding was granted
by the Emperor.
If she refuses to marry,
it'll anger the Emperor
and the whole Crimson Clan
will be implicated.
The auspicious hour has arrived.
Let's proceed with the ceremonial union.
Young Lady,
it's not late to stop this.
Young Lady,
you can never return once you step out
of this tent.
His Lordship and Her Ladyship
are not young anymore.
You're their only daughter.
Do you really have the heart
to abandon them?
Even if I stayed here,
I can never see them
in this lifetime either.
It's no different than being dead.
Please receive the wedding gifts,
Your Highness.
First bow.
Second bow.
Third bow.
(It's actually a decoy.)
Exchange nuptial wine.
Best wishes
for a long harmonious relationship.
Best wishes
for a long harmonious relationship.
Sand demon! Run!
Completely outrageous.
no one will force me
to marry again in this life.
Forgive me.
We shall bid farewell
in this lifetime.
Who's there?
How could you do this
to the gift I gave you?
what brought you here out of a sudden?
I thought I would never see you again
in this lifetime.
Didn't you invite me
to your wedding feast?
The Principal Sorcerer
of the Huotu Tribe
possesses profound magical powers.
He could easily see
through your tricks.
The Principal Sorcerer
actually has such powers.
It looks like I underestimated him.
you put on a show
to escape the wedding
right under his nose.
You're truly ignorant
of the consequences.
Didn't you draw a line between us?
Why are you here to lecture me?
To be honest, if it weren't for you
who appeared out of nowhere,
I would have escaped.
I learned this trick
from you.
Deception and transformation,
like a cicada shedding its skin.
But with your skills,
how can it be convincing?
Even if they don't immediately realize
the substitute
was merely your puppet,
Great Consort Suda
and Lord Ke'erke are not fools.
Won't they later discover
that the famous Jiang Bead Flying Flame
is nothing more
than a wooden-headed fool?
All right.
My plan has many flaws.
But Master,
as the Priest of Grand Preceptor
of Jiuyi Mountain,
you're always busy and rarely seen.
Did you come all this way
just to expose
your disciple's plan to flee
from a marriage?
the wedding ceremony is canceled.
Master's long journey
was in vain.
It's okay.
I can wait for the next one.
The next one?
There won't be another one.
Master, just return my Jade Bone quickly.
I was actually planning
to retrieve it myself.
Forget it,
explaining is pointless.
Whatever I say will be wrong.
Come back with me
and see the mess you've made.
Don't worry.
We're invisible under the umbrella.
No one can see us.
How is she?
The Princess is severely injured
and needs immediate treatment.
Quickly carry her into the tent.
Even if it's not obvious,
but checking the pulse reveals
that this fake person is already dead.
What exactly do the Great Consort
and this Principal Sorcerer
intend to do?
It'll be a little challenging.
We can only
you should withdraw for now.
Have the area surrounded
and don't let anyone approach the tent.
If the Jialan envoys ask,
tell them the Principal Sorcerer
is currently saving Her Highness's life.
They should not enter
as it's a life and death matter.
Go now.
In this gruesome situation,
Lord Ke'erke's reaction is expected,
but this Great Consort looks too calm.
She doesn't feel surprised or sad
over her daughter-in-law's death.
In the face of my lifeless body,
your mind
remains sharp and agile.
That's not normal too.
Great Consort,
we can only resort
to another method now.
Luckily, the materials
are already prepared.
I can perform the ritual now.
Why did they obtain
so many merfolks' eyes?
That's too cruel.
(The clues about the merfolks)
(are indeed related
to the Great Consort.)
I hope Yuan is safe.
He's our residence's keeper.
I saw him a couple of days ago.
The color of the Jade Tears
would darken significantly three days
after separating from the body.
Since you saw him recently,
his eyes are not among these.
What are they up to?
Jade Tears fall to the ground.
Fire burns in the blood.
The devouring of the demon.
The return of the dead!
It seems like she has come back to life.
It can completely deceive
with a fake appearance.
I intended
to have you use your magic tonight
to control Zhu Yan's mind
and manipulate her as we wish.
Now, with her remains,
it'll be even easier
to create another one.
Congratulations, Great Consort.
We've successfully gained control
over the Crimson Clan's Princess.
The entire clan
is within your grasp.
You can confidently raise an army
and claim the Western Huang as yours.
To think
that she had ill intentions
when seeking marriage.
My father and mother
had always trusted
the Huotu Tribe so much.
Yet, they secretly harbored
such treacherous thoughts.
(Searching for the Sea Emperor
may be urgent.)
(If I ignore)
(the Great Consort's treasonous act,)
(Western Huang will engulf in war,)
(countless innocent people will suffer.)
They even wanted
to turn me into a puppet.
Their malice knows no bounds.
Don't worry.
I won't let such a thing happen.
Something's not right.
How come this puppet lacks vitality?
She just died.
How can her soul and spirits
be completely absent?
Are you saying
This puppet is fake.
The Princess is still alive.
I'm the real Princess
of the Crimson Clan.
That puppet is a fake.
You can't deceive anyone with that.
Two princesses?
Great Consort,
which one do you want to keep?
Of course, we can't keep the real one.
I knew you won't abandon me.
I said this before,
you won't turn into a puppet.
When did I break my promise?
Are you Jiuyi Mountain's
Priest of Grand Preceptor?
You practice dark magic,
sacrificing living beings.
Such acts go against the natural order
and must be punished.
You're just a mere Immortal Official,
an outsider,
who can only deal with matters
of magic and rituals.
You can't meddle
in the affairs of our Huotu Tribe,
and you definitely can't stop me
from punishing my daughter-in-law
for escaping this marriage.
Today, I absolutely won't
let these two leave Susahalu!
Capture them!
what's going on?
Your Highness?
You saved her?
Your future wife
colludes with an outsider,
attempting to wipe out Huotu Tribe
in one fell swoop.
Jiuyi Mountain and the Crimson Clan
are using this wedding
as a ploy to deal with us.
It's clearly their conspiracy!
Trying to make yourself look innocent.
It was clearly you
who wanted to turn me into a puppet,
to control the Western Huang.
To practice dark magic, many merfolks
in the Huotu Tribe have disappeared.
Lord Ke'erke, didn't you notice
any unusual signs?
draw your bows!
that day,
we didn't die together
in the Cangwu Abyss.
it seems we're destined
to die together in this desert.
In the next life
You won't become a puppet,
and you won't die.
You have to trust me.
Release the arrows!
(Master's power)
(has unexpectedly advanced so much.)
How is this possible?
He can actually
control millions of arrows
by controlling one arrow.
This means he can single-handedly
stand against millions of people.
It's impossible.
It can't be!
Principal Sorcerer.
Principal Sorcerer!
Principal Sorcerer!
Great Consort Suda,
will you confess
and accept the punishment?
Two princesses?
Great Consort,
which one do you want to keep?
Of course, we can't keep the real one.
You planned to kill the Princess
of the Crimson Clan,
to conspire and cause chaos
in the Western Huang.
The evidence is conclusive.
Do you admit your crime?
So everything
was a trap you set up.
(Master left)
(to make the Great Consort
lower her guard.)
(So that he could obtain)
(her confession firsthand.)
I admit my crime.
Master, are you all right?
Are you hurt?
Lord Ke'erke,
now you know the entire truth.
Your mother,
conspired with crooked sorcerer
and planned rebellion.
And your father,
I'm afraid he also died
under the forbidden magic
of that Principal Sorcerer.
You and the soldiers here
are the true warriors.
Are you all going to rebel
and conspire with her?
In the laws of Kongsang,
we've always punished the ringleaders
and condemned the accomplices.
If you truly care for your people,
you should stop before it's too late.
At this point,
everything is my mother's fault.
As the Cheif of the Huotu Tribe,
I'm willing to bear
all the responsibility.
I ask that you
won't implicate the entire clan.
As long as you don't rebel,
I'll request the Emperor
to spare the innocent.
Thank you, Priest.
Mother, for the sake of our people,
you must live on.
My son!
My son.
How did you end up fighting
while I went to inquire about Guwei City?
As soon as I'm gone for a moment,
you make a mess like this.
it's been a while since we last met.
Why the long face?
Did Ying ruin your wedding
and make you unhappy?
Great Consort Suda's conspiracy
was all for Ke'erke.
And Ke'erke in turn,
took his life to atone for her sins.
I'm sure she's in utter despair now,
with no other thoughts.
Chong Ming,
go to the tent and take her away
and interrogate her rigorously.
We'll surely extract the whereabouts
of Guwei City from her.
why didn't you save him earlier?
Ke'erke intended to use his sacrifice
to clear the name of the Huotu Tribe.
So the matter ends here.
I'll hand over the Great Consort
to the Jialan envoys
and have her sent back for trial,
without implicating more people.
You could have saved him earlier.
But why didn't you?
I did try to save him.
I didn't have enough time.
you had enough time.
When Great Consort Suda's dagger
was about to strike me,
you had enough time.
you're stronger than you think.
Remember this.
As long as you're willing,
you'll always have enough time.
You can always
do it.
Let's go.
The escape failed
and I was caught again.
Young Lady!
Young Lady, you're back!
I'm glad you're safe.
The situation was so chaotic
that I could only hide from fear.
This is
This is my master.
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
what brings you here?
Young Lady, what did I tell you?
He does have you in his heart.
go and inform the escorts
that I'm fine so they're not worried.
I have important matters to attend to
and will leave shortly.
I've already written a letter
to your father,
asking him to come
and take you back as soon as possible.
So you didn't visit Huotu Tribe
because of me.
But a mere coincidence
that led to my rescue.
Master, you sure are busy.
After a brief encounter,
then you have to leave.
About you escaping the marriage,
I won't tell your father.
But I have one question to ask you.
Are you truly aware
of the consequences of this matter?
Didn't you lecture me before?
Bring trouble to one's parents,
and a plan with loopholes everywhere.
Put out your hand.
are you going to hit me?
In Jiuyi Mountain,
I only taught you magic techniques.
I never used rules to restrain you.
Since you are now in the mortal world,
let me teach you
the rules of being a royal clan member.
are you going to teach me?
I thought you were busy.
How do you have time to teach me now?
Don't come closer.
If you come any closer,
I am capable of doing anything.
What are you trying to do?
I'm not a child anymore.
I'm already an adult.
I even had a husband who died.
If you dare to hit me again,
I will scream.
There are so many people outside.
I'll call them all here.
See if you dare to hit me
in front of them.
Let me go!
Or else
Or else I'll scream for help!
If you dare to hit me,
You hit me for real.
Go ahead and hit me again.
I hit you
because I want you to remember
that as the Princess
of the Crimson Clan,
you should never
risk your own life
and the lives of your clansmen.
The wedding congratulatory letter
was just my wish,
not a command.
Your desires
are in your own hands.
It doesn't matter
if it's Qing Gang or Ke'erke.
If you want to marry, then go ahead.
If you don't want to,
then convince your parents
of your decision.
If you marry and later discover
their treasonous intentions,
you can also inform your father
through messengers
instead of resorting to running away.
Why? You don't agree?
What you said is right.
But you only know how to speak logically
and don't understand my struggles.
If I refuse to marry,
Consort Qing will use this
against my father.
So I can only marry.
But I am unwilling.
So I planned the escape.
I thought
after you leave Jiuyi Mountain,
the Azure Clan
would no longer trouble you
and your clansmen.
Consort Qing
didn't cause us trouble
because of you.
Father said
it was because my father
refused to submit to her.
That's why Consort Qing
deliberately did this to force him.
She's using this as means
of personal revenge.
You can write a letter to inform me.
Although I'm usually not in the palace,
it won't be difficult
for me to enter Jialan City
and have a chat with Consort Qing.
you're concerned about me.
Am I right?
But you never tell me anything.
You never tell me what's on your mind,
your plan,
and everything about you.
You treat me like an outsider.
I'm not a worm in your belly.
How would I know?
I'm aware of it.
I won't dream
of returning to Jiuyi Mountain anymore.
You no longer have
to send me any wedding wishes
or be concerned about me.
Actually, it's my own fault
for not being proficient enough in magic
to protect my family.
If I had your strategies and abilities,
I wouldn't be controlled by others.
(It's good that you think that way.)
(Keep your distance
from Jiuyi Mountain and me)
(to avoid getting involved in conflicts.)
(I hope this will be the last time)
(you get implicated by me.)
why are you grounding me again?
General Jiang Chen of the Kongji Army
will temporarily take over Huotu Tribe.
The rest of the matters
will be handled
after your father arrives.
Didn't you want to possess
the same abilities as me?
Then stay here
and practice magic seriously.
If you want to go out,
you can break my barrier
after you finished reading this book.
When that time comes,
no one can stop you.
What is it?
we have to separate
after a brief meeting.
I feel reluctant.
Why not take me
with you wherever you go?
I'll follow you
to the ends of the earth.
You're just using sweet words to escape
because you can't defeat me.
Instead of playing these tricks,
it's better to focus on practicing magic
and escape from this barrier.
So what if you have advanced skills
in magic?
I didn't say anything.
Sure enough,
you treat me as an outsider.
You refuse to teach me your expertise.
So what?
Having advanced magic skills
does make a person superior.
When Princess was in trouble,
the Priest of Grand Preceptor arrived.
It looks like
they have developed
some kind of affection
at Jiuyi Mountain.
That's for sure.
Did you say goodbye to Zhu Yan?
What did you talk about?
Nothing much.
After leaving the mountain,
Zhu Yan may behave out of line.
But her mentality has matured.
Just listen to yourself,
you speak with a master's tone.
(What you said is right.)
But you only know how to speak logically
and don't understand my struggles.
If I refuse to marry,
Consort Qing will use this
against my father.
So I can only marry.
But I am unwilling.
So I planned the escape.
I am
her master, to begin with.
Did you get any information
from Great Consort?
She took her own life.
But before she died,
she told me the location of Guwei City.
It's located outside Tianqian Pass,
where many merfolks are imprisoned.
There might be clues
about the evil force.
We shouldn't waste time.
Let's leave immediately.
What are you doing?
I inadvertently resolved the rebellion
in the Huotu Tribe.
But the presence of the Huotu Tribe
in the Crimson Clan's territory
might cause trouble for the Crimson King.
I send the azure bird
to deliver the evidence
of the Great Consort's treason
back to Extreme Wind City.
Jiuyi Mountain is a place
outside the world
and shouldn't be involved
in the affairs of Jialan.
The credit for suppressing the rebellion
should go to the Crimson King.
Although you are in the outside world,
you possess strategic thinking
and governance abilities.
In my opinion,
if you're willing
to leave the priesthood
and return to Jialan,
you can bring peace to the world
and marry
All these problems
will be easily resolved.
What do you mean, second?
You've gone too far with your words.
You mentioned this once before
in the Hall.
Three strikes and you're out.
If there's a third time,
we don't need to meet again.
No need to take it
so seriously, Shi Ying.
I was just joking.
Pretend I never said it.
Be gentle.
Priest of Grand Preceptor
sure is heartless.
Look how swollen your palm is.
With Master's skills,
if he really wanted to harm me,
it would be easy.
If he were truly heartless,
how do I only suffer
some superficial injuries?
you really know how to defend
the Priest of Grand Preceptor.
No wonder
No wonder
people say that you two
This one.
Deliver my command.
If anyone dares
to spread slanderous remarks
against my master,
they will be immediately punished
by death.
After all, I'm the Princess
of Western Huang.
I'm capable of handling such matters.
Of course.
I'll convey your command.
It's all my fault
for speaking carelessly earlier,
causing trouble for my master.
this barrier
was specifically set up
to block me only.
Oh no.
How could I forget about Lady Yu
and her child?
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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