Three-Body (2023) s01e24 Episode Script

Episode 24

Endless drifting ♪
To the end of the dark forest ♪
The wind is like a hand ♪
Trying to keep time ♪
Who is the hunter with a gun ♪
Trying to devour the entire universe ♪
The light is like an eye ♪
That penetrates dreams ♪
Don't answer ♪
Who is eager to fill his eyes
with the starry sky ♪
The earth is no longer rotating ♪
You gave me a small universe ♪
In the arms of the universe ♪
Calling humbly for
the vast space and time ♪
The world aches dully ♪
=Episode 24=
(Both Yang Weining and Lei Zhicheng)
(supported me to continue my research,)
(but I knew for a fact
that it had hit a dead end.)
(Report of Conclusion)
(In my final report,)
(I conceded that I failed
and couldn't solve the problem.)
It's been so long,
yet Ye Wenjie still hasn't made
much of a breakthrough.
It's a brand-new topic.
The fact that she's taking on it
counts for something.
I can't agree more.
It's highly theoretical
and proves the researcher's expertise,
or should we say
I'll give her everything she needs
to carry on with her work
so that we won't
let our superiors down.
This research means a lot to us, too.
It's you who want her to continue.
Weining, I hate to say this,
but you're less insightful.
Now that the chaos in society
is finally subsiding,
new requirements are set
for cadres like us.
We need to be mature politically
and accomplished academically.
You don't want to
be stuck here forever, do you?
Think about your future.
We've been helping Ye Wenjie
with her research.
If she makes a breakthrough,
the credit will go to us, too.
I didn't think of that as long as
she can carry on her research.
Sure. Of course.
That makes the two of us.
Without this research project,
she wouldn't have indulged
in the latest academic resources.
I'm envious.
(In the end,
I didn't hand in that report.)
(If my research was terminated,)
(the base library would stop gathering
research materials)
(or ordering
foreign language journals.)
(I'd no longer gain access)
(to such a trove
of astrophysics references.)
(But I never expected
that this decision)
(would lead to a surprising discovery.)
(I continued my research as normal
on solar interference,)
(but actually, I was refining
my mathematical model of the sun.)
(After completing a set of
cumbersome matrix calculations,)
(a paper in a journal
about Jupiter)
(caught my attention.)
(Dr. Harry Peterson
published a set of data)
(accidentally obtained on June 12th
and July 2nd)
(while observing Jupiter's precession,)
(during which strong electromagnetic
radiation was detected,)
(lasting 81 seconds)
(and 76 seconds, respectively.)
(Monitoring Main Control Room)
(June 12th.)
(July 2nd.)
(I remember those two dates vividly.)
(During those days,)
(Red Coast's Monitoring System
also received strong sun outages.)
(The two sun outages
occurred 16 minutes and 42 seconds)
(after the arrival)
(of the Jovian radio outbursts
on Earth.)
(That 16 minutes and 42 seconds
were critical.)
Hello. It's Ye Wenjie of Monitoring.
Contact the National
Astronomical Observatories
for Earth's and Jupiter's positions
on June 12th and July 2nd.
(778.33 Million KM)
(152.7 Million KM)
(100 Million KM)
(From the distance
between Earth and Jupiter,)
(it's easy to figure out
the time it took)
(for the radio outbursts
to travel between the two.)
(Then calculate the time)
(it'd take the radio outbursts
to go from Jupiter to the sun,)
(and from the sun to Earth.)
(The difference between the two
was exactly 16 minutes and 42 seconds.)
I know I might've bored you,
but I feel necessary
to tell you every word of it.
Is such a gap related to the
sudden fluctuation of solar radiation?
I had my guess back in the day.
As you all know,
energy produced by reaction
within the solar core
is initially in the form
of high-energy gamma rays.
The radiation zone
absorbs these high-energy photons
and re-emits them.
Such successive absorption
and re-emission go quite a long way
as a photon might take 1,000 years
to leave the sun.
That's true.
After this lengthy process,
gamma rays become X-rays,
extreme ultraviolet, ultraviolet,
then eventually turn into visible light
and other forms of radiation.
The frequencies drop gradually.
You can think of it as a slow slope.
my model of the sun
led to a new result.
As radiation dropped through
different frequencies,
there were boundaries
between the subzones.
It's like going down the stairs.
As energy crossed each boundary,
from inside out,
the radiation frequency
stepped down a grade sharply.
So the change in frequencies
isn't gradual?
That differs from the traditional view.
I also found
that these boundaries
would reflect radiation
from the lower-frequency side,
and I called them "energy mirrors".
How accurate and fascinating!
One of the most incredible features
of those boundary surfaces
is what I call "gain reflectivity".
My theory is
the energy mirrors not only
reflect radiation
from the lower-frequency side
but also amplify it.
All the mysterious sudden fluctuations
we observed in narrow frequency bands
were the result of other radiation
from space being amplified.
That was why we couldn't see any
disturbances on the surface of the sun.
But that characteristic was bizarre
and hard to prove
until I discovered
that critical time-frame:
16 minutes and 42 seconds.
You skipped meals again?
Here's Jupiter's precession
on June 12th and July 2nd,
and solar interference
on Earth on those days
from the National
Astronomical Observatories.
Jupiter is here, and Earth and the sun.
Based on
Earth's and Jupiter's positions then,
I calculated the distances
between the three.
The time for electromagnetic radiation
to reach Earth from Jupiter
is approximately 2,099 seconds.
From Jupiter to the sun
and the sun to Earth,
that's about 3,101 seconds.
The difference is 1,002 seconds
or 16 minutes and 42 seconds.
My guess is after the Jovian
radio outbursts reached the sun,
they were re-emitted after being amplified
about 100 million times.
Earth received both sets of emissions
before and after the amplification,
separated by 16 minutes and 42 seconds.
The sun is an amplifier for radio waves!
But it's receiving electromagnetic radiation
from space all the time,
including that from the Earth.
Why were only some
of the waves amplified?
Because of the shielding effect
of the solar convection zone.
Situated outside the radiation zone,
it's the outermost
liquid layer of the sun.
(Solar Convection Zone)
The radio waves from space
penetrate the convection zone first
to reach the radiation zone,
where they'll be amplified
before being reflected back out.
So the waves have to be more powerful
than a threshold value.
The vast majority
of Earth-based radio sources
can't cross this threshold,
but the Jovian radio outburst
crossed it.
Red Coast's maximum transmission power
exceeds it, too.
(Space, Radiation Zone, Sun)
Will this solve solar interference?
Not really,
but an exciting possibility ensues.
That humans can use the sun
as a super-antenna,
and through it,
broadcast radio waves to the universe.
The waves will be sent
with the power of the sun,
hundreds of millions of times greater
than the total usable transmission power
on Earth.
Are you saying
Earth can transmit
at the level of
a Kardashev Type II civilization?
Once we compare the waveforms
of the two Jovian radio outbursts
with the waveforms of the sun outages
received by Red Coast
and they're a match,
that'll be
further confirmation of my theory.
What do you need?
Contact Dr. Harry Peterson
to obtain the waveform records
of the two Jovian radio outbursts.
That won't be easy.
For one, we lack a proper channel,
and two,
we need approval at all levels.
Any lapse
could lead to treason.
I'll see what I can do.
There's a
There's a shortcut.
I'm listening.
Red Coast can transmit radio waves
directly at the sun
at a power level
above the threshold value.
No way.
That's never been done in our country.
I doubt Political Commissar Lei
would agree to it.
I'll tell him
it's for my solar research.
Use our transmission system
as a solar exploration radar
whose echoes can be analyzed
to obtain
some information about solar radiation.
There are such precedents in the West.
In fact, it's technically easier
than the radar exploration
of terrestrial planets
already being conducted.
Given Lei's technical background,
he won't be fooled.
It's worth a try.
(Solar Electromagnetic Radiation
Monitored by Red Coast)
Ye Wenjie,
you're getting out of line!
Theoretical research is enough.
Why go to such great lengths?
Lei, as you know,
all major discoveries
must be confirmed by experiments.
If her theory is proven right,
that'll be unprecedented!
Just this once,
Try it once.
It's not too difficult.
Receiving the echoes after transmission
will only take
A little over ten minutes.
That's right!
Enough for Red Coast to switch from
transmission to monitoring mode.
I know it's feasible
technically and operationally.
You just don't get it, do you?
Aiming a super-powerful
radio beam at the sun?
Have you thought about
the potential danger and risk?
I have to review every report
before handing it in.
Everything related to the sun
must be double-checked!
There's uncertainty
about this experiment.
Great uncertainty,
you know?
(Research Report)
Keep working on solar interference.
Forget about this experiment.
Political Commissar Lei's refusal
is beyond reasonable.
I'm sorry.
I wish I could help.
It's for your sake.
Let it go.
(But I didn't listen to him.)
(Finally, sparks of hope
were rekindled after so long.)
(I couldn't see them go out like this.)
(I kept looking for a chance
to pull off the experiment.)
(the risk wasn't too high
to get it done.)
(Red Coast's transmitter
was ultra-high-powered.)
(The fault rate was high.)
(After each overhaul,
there'd be a test transmission.)
Engineer Zhang,
something is wrong again.
It keeps happening.
I just finished the overhaul yesterday.
Not again!
I'll do it.
Thank you,
(I adjusted the test transmission power
to exceed the threshold value)
(for my gain-reflective theory)
(and then set the frequency)
(to the value most likely
to be amplified by the energy mirror.)
under the guise of testing the antenna,)
(I aimed it at the setting sun)
(and transmitted the same content
as usual.)
Tell the base station
to monitor the 12,000 MHz channel.
What are we receiving?
Maybe we'll get something.
There's no time to change the system
to monitoring mode.
This is Yang Weining.
Monitor the 12,000 MHz channel.
Keep me updated.
Given the low sensitivity of that radio,
we can only receive signals
from extraterrestrials on the moon.
The signal comes from
the sun.
You used Red Coast
to send a signal to the sun?
Do not tell anyone else about it.
It can't happen again.
What's the point anyway?
Even if there's an echo wave,
it'll be too weak
to be picked up by our radio.
If my guess is right,
it'll receive an extremely strong echo,
more powerful than we can imagine.
As long as the transmission power
exceeds a certain threshold,
the sun can amplify
the signal 100 million-fold.
I see.
They got nothing.
Don't be too upset.
Check this out.
That astronomer
wrote back.
What did he say?
He said he hadn't imagined
that there'd be fellows in China
studying planetary electromagnetism
and expected more collaboration
and communication.
(The two stacks of paper he sent
included a complete record)
(of the waveforms
of the two Jovian radio outbursts.)
(I lined them up on the floor.)
(If they match
that of the two sun outages,)
(that means my theory is right.)
(Halfway through the effort,
I gave up any hope.)
(I knew those two waveforms by heart.)
(They didn't match these two.)
What's wrong?
It's time to
wake up from my dream.
(Little did I know that at that moment,)
(the first cry that could be heard)
(in space from Earth civilization)
(had been spreading out from the sun)
(to the universe at the speed of light.)
(A star-powered radio wave,
like a majestic tide,)
(had crossed the orbit of Jupiter.)
(At the frequency of 12,000 MHz,)
(the sun was the brightest star
in the entire Milky Way.)
Your call to the universe
let Lord finally hear us!
Eliminate human tyranny!
The world belongs to Trisolaris!
Eliminate human tyranny!
The world belongs to Trisolaris!
Eliminate human tyranny!
The world belongs to Trisolaris!
At the time,
I couldn't have imagined that.
That transmission
was more of a gorgeous bubble.
It quickly broke
and my life returned to peace.
(The Red Coast Project completed its testing
and breaking-in phases.)
(Technical problems became
fewer and fewer.)
(Four years after I came to the base,)
(Happy Marriage)
(Yang Weining married me)
(at the cost of his future career.)
(Due to my complicated background,
he lost his position as chief engineer.)
(We stayed on the base)
(as ordinary technicians.)
(My life and work became regular)
(and I gained inner peace.)
(That said,)
(what had been suppressed
by anxiety and fear)
(began to awaken.)
(I started to look with a rational gaze)
(at the madness and hatred
that had harmed me)
(and straight at humanity's evil side.)
(I read classics of
foreign-language philosophy and history.)
(Philosophers' extraordinary insights)
(led me to the most fundamental)
(and secret aspects of human nature.)
(In reality,
the irrationality of the human race)
(was constantly on display.)
(Deranged logging
was found every day everywhere.)
(Wasteland kept growing day by day.)
(The insanity of the human race)
(had reached its historical zenith.)
(Back then,)
(the Cold War was at its height.)
(Under the ground
were countless missile silos.)
(Under the sea,)
(nuclear submarines
were patrolling like ghosts.)
(Nuclear warfare
able to destroy Earth dozens of times)
(might break out at any moment.)
(A single Lafayette)
(or Yankee-class submarine
held enough warheads)
(to destroy hundreds of cities)
(and kill hundreds of millions
of people.)
(Nuclear Weapons
are as powerful as stars.)
(But the universe
has even more terrible forces)
(such as black holes, anti-matter,
dark matter, and more.)
(Compared with them,)
(a thermonuclear bomb is nothing
but a tiny candle.)
(If humans obtained
one of those other forces,
(the world
might be vaporized instantly.)
In the presence of madness,
rationality is powerless.
(I remember
I was battling the loss of purpose.)
(I had been an idealist)
(who'd give it her all for a great cause.)
(But then, I found all that I had done
was meaningless,)
as would any future endeavor be.
Until 1979,
on October 21st,
everything was changed.
(Actually, the night shift was easy.)
(I just needed to check
the waves of radio signals from space)
(and listen to the meaningless noise.)
(It was hard to tell with the naked eye
if a waveform carried information.)
(But I was so familiar with the waveform)
(of the noise of the universe.)
(I realized
the wave moving in front of me)
(had been modulated by intelligence.)
(No radio signals we had received
exceeded C-level recognizability.)
(Were it an A, the likelihood that the
transmission contained intelligent information)
(would be above 90 percent.)
(The rating of that one was AAAAA.)
(That was extremely unusual,)
(which meant
that the received transmission)
(used the same coding language
as Red Coast's outbound transmission.)
(Do not answer)
"Do not
"Do not answer"!
"Do not answer"!
(Do not answer)
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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