Thunderbirds (1965) s01e24 Episode Script

Martian Invasion

'Thunderbirds are go! ' Gee, just look at that one! I'd love to shoot one of these brutes! I wouldn't recommend that, Mr Blackmer.
You might stir up a whole heap of trouble.
(Engine drones) They're arriving, Doctor.
Thank you, Mrs Fyldes.
Right, McGill, you'd better come with me.
Yes, Doctor.
Boy, this is some backwater.
Are you sure we haven't come up the wrong creek? We've been in this boat for hours.
Don't you know this river? Like the back of my hand.
How the heck did I let myself get talked into coming here? Look, I tell you - We're there.
- Huh? We're there.
(Doctor) Hi, there.
Mr Blackmer? Right.
And you're 0rchard? This is Hector McGill, my assistant.
Pleased to meet you.
I'd appreciate it if we could get this business over with quickly.
You, er wait here, huh? Yeah, I'll wait here, or you'd never get back to the river station, would you? Listen, Kalp, we don't want any insolence.
You're paid to run your boat up the river.
Ah Looks like there's a storm coming up.
I don't want to get stranded here in a storm.
Let's get this thing over with.
(Bubbling) What you are about to see, Blackmer, has been shown to no one outside this laboratory.
Let's make it snappy, then.
Just give me the general picture.
Blackmer, look at those plants over there in that cabinet.
(0rchard) Do you recognise them? (Blackmer) Yeah.
The river out there is full of weed.
That, er, weed is the Sardonicus Americanus, a very rare plant that grows only in this part of river.
It must be processed in this lab within hours of being picked.
As you know, Blackmer, the world is heading for a grave food shortage.
This plant you're holding is going to solve that problem.
You mean, we're going to start eating this? Not quite, Mr Blackmer.
Look at that beaker over there.
The processed juices it is collecting can be fed to livestock, to develop animals that would enlarge our meat output fantastically.
It's called Theramine.
One drop could increase the meat output of the Argentine tenfold.
Now, you will appreciate our need for secrecy.
But are you sure of this? Our experiments have proved it.
McGill, better put the Theramine away.
Yes, Doctor.
Mr Blackmer, step this way.
These rabbits were imported from America last year.
They've been fed and cared for with a normal diet.
Whereas THESE rabbits here have been given a minimal dose of Theramine.
Well, I'll be Say, that's some lettuce you've been feeding them.
These rabbits have been given only one dose of the drug.
Well, Mr Blackmer? What do you think of our new discovery? Has it commercial possibilities? Absolutely! Well, I'm lost for words, Doctor.
A most remarkable achievement.
And you, Mr Blackmer, are the first person from outside to be shown these creatures.
(Thunder crashes) It's not going to be dangerous, is it? There's nothing to worry about.
Alan's just going to fix the aerial mast, that's all.
Well, there's nothing to worry about.
That's right.
How long will this take, Alan? It depends what I find up there.
(Wind rushing) - All set, Alan? - 'FAB.
' OK, lowering now.
Left, left, two degrees.
Keep it steady, Virgil.
Keep it steady.
(Wind howls) OK, Virgil, take it away.
OK, Father, Alan's up there.
Right, Virgil.
I bet it's windy up there.
(Wind rushing) I've found the fault.
It'll be a cinch.
That was quick.
What's the problem? Some junction plates are corroded.
- How long will it take to fix it? - No time.
Tell Virgil to make one trip round the island and then pick me up.
Phew! That was close.
Now we find out if the fault is on Earth.
Jeff Tracy calling Thunderbird 5.
Base to Thunderbird 5.
we're out of touch with John.
Yes, we're out of action until we reach John in the space station.
You said there was no need to worry.
That was different, Mother.
We were talking about (Bleeps) Yes, John? 'I'm glad to hear you! What happened? ' Corrosion on one of the junction plates on one of the dishes.
Alan must've fixed it.
It's good to be back in business! (Thunder crashes) Will that be all, sir? Yes, thank you, Mrs Fyldes.
You've locked everything up? I have, and Mr Blackmer's things are in the guest bedroom.
Oh, thanks.
Good night, then, gentlemen.
It's mighty good of you to put me up tonight.
Well, you'd never get back in a storm like this.
What about the boatman? Kalp? Mrs Fyldes said she'd fix him up on the couch.
Very grudgingly, though.
I think she knows more about Kalp than she admits.
He was an associate of the previous owner here - Lopez.
Mrs Fyldes was housekeeper then, too.
How have you two stood it so long in this God-forsaken spot? I What's going on? Those lights - It often happens.
- Must fix them.
(Door creaks) (Thunder crashes) Why, Mrs Fyldes, I thought you'd turned in.
I thought you might want the keys to the lab, Mr McGill.
No, we shan't be going into the lab tonight.
You look after them as usual.
Very well, sir.
Good night.
Good night, Mrs Fyldes.
(Door creaks) (Door closes) (Door creaks) (Door closes) Oh! (Birdsong) Thanks, Doctor, for the hospitality.
I'll be seeing you.
So you don't regret your journey, Mr Blackmer? Certainly not.
I'm going to get this Theramine on the market fast.
I'll send Muller, my top research man, to see you at once.
OK, Kalp, let's go.
Yes, sir, Mr Blackmer.
That's strange.
This has been tampered with.
This is not Theramine.
Mrs Fyldes! (Roar) Hey, take it easy, Kalp.
Quit rocking the boat.
It wasn't me, Mr Blackmer.
What was it, then? (Screams) Mrs Fyldes, I was told that this lab was locked as usual last night.
It was, sir.
Nevertheless, someone has been in here overnight.
Overnight? Could Blackmer or Kalp have been here? This is terrible.
That drug could have horrible consequences in the wrong hands.
(Gunshot) Kill it! Kill it! Orchard, take a look at that! There's Theramine in the swamp.
They don't stand a chance! They've been hit! We've got to do something! (Splutters) (Growls) - Look, one's still alive.
- It looks like Blackmer.
(Gasps) Here, take this, quickly! (Roar) No! Hurry! The others are all right.
They got in the side entrance.
Thank heaven! What about Kalp? (Roar) (Banging) Where can we go? They'll smash the house.
The laboratory, that's the safest place.
(Roaring and crashing) We've got to get help.
I'll radio the river station.
What can they do? Send the militia? They'd take hours to get here.
(Roaring) Listen to that! This house won't stand up to this.
What can we do? - International Rescue.
- What? Send for International Rescue.
They will help.
McGill, get on the radio.
Send a distress call.
If anyone can get us out of here, it's them.
Calling International Rescue Calling International Rescue.
'There's nothing we can do.
'There's now three of these monsters attacking the house.
' Giant alligators?! Giant alligators?! 'It's a lonely spot.
Might be tricky to land.
'The terrain sounds treacherous.
' All right, John, tell them we're coming.
Give Scott a direction when he's airborne.
Go on, Scott.
Yes, sir.
What do you think, Brains? Well, we don't have enough to go on yet, but it sounds like a freak mutation.
Let's hope it's localised.
Conventional weapons are out of the question, Virgil.
With those people in the house, we might not be able to get close enough for selective fire.
I guess Pod 6 is best for this operation.
Come on, Alan.
Gordon, let's go.
Right! See you in Thunderbird.
That must be the river station there, at the junction.
Hmm It's pretty swampy terrain.
This is gonna be a difficult one.
I wonder how they're standing up to the alligators.
(Roaring and banging) Where are they? International Rescue are coming, so relax.
Relax?! With three giant alligators knocking the house down?! Be fair, McGill! Orchard! (Roaring) (Engines overhead) Wait, can you hear something? (Fyldes) What's that noise? It's them, it's International Rescue.
Father, I've arrived at the distress area.
(Jeff) 'How does it look, Scott? ' Pretty hazardous, Father.
'There's three massive alligators attacking the house.
' Think you can you deal with them? 'I don't know how effective our missiles will be, 'and the house is in the way.
' This is International Rescue calling McGill.
Do you read me? - 'Loud and clear.
' - Where exactly are you? The basement laboratory.
Can you get us out? I'll try to frighten them off.
how long we can last.
Don't worry, my buddies are on their way.
We'll get you out.
I get it, Scott.
What about you? I'll try to clear the area and then get in the house.
I'll be at the rescue zone in five minutes.
(Roaring) Right, McGill, now hear this.
I'm nearly at the swamp.
Keep everyone clear of the lab window.
'I'm going to come in that way.
' - I see.
- He's crazy! (Roaring) Right, here goes.
(Howls) Is there no other way out? - There used to be.
- What? The previous owner, Mr Lopez, built a secret landing stage with a passageway from the house.
Where? Mr Lopez never told me.
He told only one other.
But he is now dead.
- You mean Kalp? - Yes, Kalp.
Come on! (Roars) They seem to be all round the house.
Listen to that racket! Look, over there.
They've got in! Right, stand back.
Kalp! So the alligators didn't get you, after all.
Brilliant deduction.
I used Lopez's secret waterway, but this is no time for explanations.
You're gonna do things my way.
even more unpleasantness with Dr 0rchard's remarkable discovery.
- Father, I don't get it.
- What, Son? Scott got in 0K, but now his line's dead.
I can't contact him.
Never mind, Virgil, he's probably got some scheme in hand.
- 'Are you near the danger zone? ' - I've arrived.
Right, first we've got to get those reptiles away from the house.
(Roaring) Good, it seems to be working.
We'd better stand by with the tranquilliser guns.
They're moving back to the river.
What's going on in that house? Thunderbird 2 calling Mobile Control.
'Come in, Scott, do you read me? ' You say one word, International Rescue, and it'll be your last.
Come in, Scott, do you read me? Oh, I don't get it! OK, Virgil, we're all set! Let's have a crack at these alligators.
' (Howls) Good shooting, fellas.
Let's go back and see how they look.
We've hit these two, all right, but what about the third one? It's heading to the house.
We can't use the tranquilliser guns so near the house.
I'll take my hoverbike and draw them off.
No! The hoverbike cannon would be useless against that baby.
We've got to do something! Alan! Come back! Look, Kalp, in two minutes that wall will collapse, and you know what will happen.
Give me the gun, maybe I can cripple the reptile.
One move and you're dead! (Roars) Here, boy.
Here, boy! Come on.
Come and get me.
It's working.
It's working! (Roar) Alan! Get it, Gordon! (Howls) All right, the coast is clear.
I'm gonna be first on the market with this little potion.
Radio your buddies in that craft and tell them I'm coming out now.
No, it's not safe.
There may be more of these monsters out there.
If you don't do as I say, there'll be more.
If your pals make one move to stop me, I'll pour this into the river.
(Roars) Calling Thunderbird 2, calling (Virgil) 'Scott! At last, what's up? ' There's a guy pointing a gun at us.
'He wants you to give him clear passage from the house.
' He'll put more Theramine into the swamp if you try to stop him.
- You know what that means.
- Thanks, bud.
- Did you get that, Gordon? - Sure did.
Right, stand by in Thunderbird 4.
Hey, what's that? Virgil, alligator! Where? (Roars) (Screams) - Where's the phial? - I hate to think.
Firing missile! Gordon, we've got to find that phial! I think I saw it! If that liquid gets into the river, this nightmare starts again.
Virgil, where's that phial? 'Gordon's out looking.
' Any signs of it, Gordon? With all this greenery, it's like looking for Hey! Gordon, what's up? 'All right, Virgil, don't panic.
' I don't think there'll be any more giant alligators.
I found the phial.
It's not even scratched.
You boys certainly did a great job.
Blackmer and 0rchard have announced that the drug will go under international control.
I guess that's best.
Wait till Tin Tin hears about the rescue.
She just got back from shopping.
Here she is.
Hello, everyone.
How was the rescue? Tell me all about it.
Well, there was this house on a swamp, you see And, er, a couple of scientists working on a new drug Never mind, tell me all about it later.
Alan - Yes, Tin Tin? - I've got something for you.
Something? For me? I know your birthday is tomorrow but come and see.
In the bathroom.
The bathroom? Hey, what do you suppose Tin Tin wants to show Alan in the bathroom? - Can I open my eyes yet? - Yes, open them now.
- You always wanted a pet.
- A baby alligator? a special breed of pygmy alligator.
Tin Tin, thanks.
It's what I always wanted - a cute little alligator.
Happy Birthday, Alan.

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