ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e24 Episode Script

Prince Starling's Quest

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Quickly. We must rebuild before
the monster returns again.
Wise Elder, why does
the Great Destroyer hate us?
My child, no one knows why
the blue and orange giant
has chosen us
for devastation.
All we can do is hope that he does
not darken our skies this day.
Perfect cloudless day? Check.
- Slight breeze? Check.
- [wind whistling]
Wholesome physical activity
with my best bud?
Check and check!
If anyone needs me, I'm goin'
to my Frolicking Fields!
I don't know why Lion-O likes
playing in that field so much.
Yeah, it's like he's never
heard of
[both] Video games!
You know, kids, playing
outdoors in the fresh air
is pretty great, too!
Wow, Tygra, I never really
thought about it that way.
- [announcer] Trashed!
- [giggling]
Oh well, at least Lion-O can't
get into any trouble out there.
Nothing in that field
but grass and sunshine.
Go long, Snarf!
A little lower There.
- Perfect!
- [all cheering]
The Great Destroyer has returned
to lay waste to our village!
What's over there?
Beautiful day today-.
Oh! My body!
Hey, where are you guys goin'?
I just made bread.
Oh! My bread and my body!
- [Lion-O laughing]
- Can nothing be done?
Maybe the elder will know.
We cannot hope to
survive another attack!
Is there no way to
stop the giant?
- There is a way
- Oh, cool.
- But no.
- Oh, darn.
The journey is too long
and too perilous.
- Oh.
- It would take a hero.
- [door slams open]
- [man] Then a hero you shall have!
- [crowd murmuring]
- It's Prince Starling!
But we thought he'd disappeared
into the Wasp-lands.
I had.
But I have returned, carrying the
Wasp Queen's stinger as my blade.
Wise Elder, I vow
to defend my village
from the Great Destroyer,
whatever it takes.
Prince Starling, to save us you must
travel across the Raging River,
and through the Forest
of the Suns.
At the roots of The Great World Tree,
you shall find The Fountain of Growth.
- [slurping]
- If you drink of its waters,
perhaps you will gain
the power of the giants.
- [rumbling]
- [all whimpering]
Go quickly now. And beware, for
the road is full of danger.
Danger hasn't met me!
[all] Prince Starling!
He's wonderful
and I love him.
Oh, who's the brave
Young hero ♪
Who journeys without fear-o ♪
No flea, no fly
No tardigrade ♪
Can flee, nor fly
Nor run away ♪
At a millimeter tall
He will conquer all ♪
With his teeny tiny
Swordy blade ♪
Prince Starling
Hero of the Micrits ♪
Prince Starling, he is
small But his heart is large ♪
Prince Starling
He'll stop at nothing ♪
Prince Starling His quest
is his only concern ♪
It's the Raging River!
I am on the right path.
I gotta get across this thing.
[playing flute]
[booming voice]
Who has summoned me?
Oh great Minnow.
It is I, Prince Starling!
Long ago, I rescued you from the
claws of the Feathered Terror.
I remember that day.
You defeated the terror and
took its name for your own.
I am in your debt.
Take me across the Raging River,
great dragon of the waves,
and I shall consider
your life-debt repaid.
Are you certain this is
what you want, O hero?
There are many dangers
on the far side of the river.
And I do not fear them,
for I am Prince Starling
of the Micrits,
slayer of the Tardigrade
horde, bearer of the
- Whoa!
- Yeah, yeah, I get it.
You're really cool.
Fare thee well.
The Great Destroyer
must have learned of my quest.
Race ya down the hill, Snarf!
You'll never
stop me, Destroyer!
Nev Oh.
Oh, that could stop me.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
[grumbling] When I find the
fountain of the World Tree,
that giant will pay for
Huh? Uh-oh.
Toad soldiers!
[toads slurping]
- Let me go!
- Oh, you'll go, lad,
down to meet the Emperor
Beneath the Earth. [laughing]
Oh no, Toadius.
[muffled speaking]
Ugh! Toads.
[loud growling]
A Micrit? In my kingdom?
Emperor Toadius! I am
on a quest to find
The Micrits banished us Toads
to the land beyond the river!
And now you break
our ancient treaties?
Listen up, you warty fool!
I must save my village from the
Great Destroyer, and you will
I know why you are here!
You want my worms!
No, actually, that is not
Liar! Thief!
You won't have them!
No! I am on a quest
that could save us all
Enough! I cast you now
into the Chasm of Doom!
- That doesn't sound [screaming]
- [laughing maniacally]
After all, the Star Beast
grows hungry.
- I love my job.
- Me too.
Now, what have we gotten ourselves
into this time, Sparky?
Hmm. Pretty dark in here.
- Why don't you turn up the light?
- Uh-huh. [straining]
Thanks, Sparky,
I think that
[both screaming]
- Stop!
- Sparky, no!
Uh, what do I do?
What do I do?
What's that?
The Great Destroyer
has found me even here?
And Tygra said the Sword of Omens
didn't have a pogo stick mode.
What's he know, Snarf?
[screaming] My worms!
This is my chance!
Whoa! Ha-ha!
Catch ya later, Toadius.
[muffled screaming]
- [Lion-O laughing]
- You will not best me this day, Destroyer.
It shouldn't be
much further now,
just, through Through
What? Where, where am I?
It's nothing but
endless desert!
How does the Destroyer
know my every move?
How can I ever make it
to the World Tree like this?
This stinks big time.
[chuckling] I love
my Frolicking Fields!
Those Thunderkittens don't
know what they're missing.
- [wind blowing]
- Huh?
Wh What's this?
This can only mean
The Forest of the Suns!
I was on the right path
all along!
One foot in front
of the other,
and never give up.
That's the Prince Starling way.
Just a little further,
and the Destroyer will
answer to me!
[laughing maniacally]
Finally, the World Tree
and the Fountain of Growth!
Grant me your blessing,
World Tree!
Give me the power to face the
Destroyer and bring him to justice!
Man, this place is great.
Kit and Kat's video games probably
don't smell like flowers.
Your reign of terror
is over!
Uh, I'm sorry, I think
there's been a mistake.
Yes! I finally have
[voice booming] the strength of a giant!
You're not that tall.
[growling] Have at thee!
[both grunting]
[chuckles] You're pretty
quick for a tiny little guy.
Maybe Whoa! We could
Whoa! Talk about this?
[video game beeping]
[announcer] Combo. Trashed!
[WilyKat] Oh, rad!
I literally cannot imagine
anything cooler
or more interesting
than this.
Ah, toots.
Before you meet
your end, giant,
apologize for all the
destruction you've caused.
I have no idea
what you're talking about!
Don't lie to me.
Every morning,
you destroy our village.
You've been following me
on my noble quest,
trying to stop me.
But I eluded you,
and drank of the fountain
at the roots
of the World Tree,
[voice booming]
and now I am the giant!
Again, not that giant.
Just normal-sized.
Wait. Where is your village?
A long and dangerous
journey from here!
Through the Forest of Suns,
across the Raging River
Ah. Is your village,
like uh, really tiny?
It's normal-sized!
You're the giant!
This does not
look good for you, buddy.
Uh, you made me fall
right onto your village.
We've been fighting
all over it.
Don't be ridiculous.
I've journeyed as far as
an ant can see!
There's no way I could've
- [Micrits screaming]
- What? No!
The village should be
far away.
This is all the Great
Destroyer's fault, not mine!
[voice booming]
Never mine!
I am a hero.
Oh, not another one.
Oh, he's horrible
and I hate him.
No, do not be afraid.
It is me! Ah!
That was
the Destroyer's fault.
Oh! That was
the Destroyer's fault too!
This is all
the Destroyer's doing!
Yes, that's what it is.
I wonder what other things
the Destroyer will do.
The Destroyer's doing this.
Ha-ha! And that's
the Destroyer too!
Look what else
the Destroyer's doing!
The Destroyer's doing
this, too. Destroyer!
[laughing maniacally]
Yikes. What was that about a fountain
at the roots of the World Tree?
Yeah! Smash, smash! Yeah!
The Destroyer!
Look at all the destruction
the Destroyer is causing!
Look at it!
[laughs maniacally]
Look! The orange and blue giant
defeated the new ugly giant!
- [all] Hooray!
- [voice booming] You're welcome.
- Yeah, circle. No, circle!
- [rumbling]
Yeah, there you go.
That's right, get em!
Hey guys. You'll never guess what
happened in my frolicking fields!
Ugh, the frolicking fields
are boring.
- You're boring.
- So boring.
- Okay.
- [rumbling]
[video game music playing]
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