Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e24 Episode Script

Episode 24

Your Majesty, you're wise.
I had cut off all ties with Xiao Lin
ever since I came back
from the Sheng Kingdom.
Bingchang, you…
But your husband has deep feelings
for you.
Xiao Lin risked his life
to come and assassinate me tonight,
luring all the guards to me
in order to help you escape.
Even I couldn't help
but be moved by such loyalty.
I wonder
what Madam Xuancheng's thoughts
on this are.
No matter what Xiao Lin does,
it has nothing to do with me.
My heart is only devoted to you,
Your Majesty,
now and for the rest of my life.
I swear on my life.
Weren't you and Bingchang doing well?
Why would she suddenly say such things?
All right, you may stand up.
You've rendered outstanding service today
and deserve to be rewarded.
What is General Ye doing here?
To give a hand?
go ahead.
When I was at Vermilion Bird Gate,
I overheard Bingchang and Pianran.
They were arguing.
I stopped Pianran
before she hurt Bingchang.
What were they arguing over?
Love lines.
what love line?
All intelligent beings
have love lines.
Only with love lines can one love.
But I've lost my love lines.
How did you lose your love lines?
Why would I tell you?
you tell me.
I don't know what they are talking about.
Is that so?
I heard
the Moonshadow Guards have recently
developed a new demonic poison.
It can cause a person
to die a painful death within ten days
and also make them
unable to keep any secrets.
I heard that it is quite effective.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Madam Xuancheng,
if you don't want to speak,
you shall try the new poison for me.
Your Majesty,
you just praised my outstanding service
and wanted to reward me.
That is a separate matter.
Merit can offset a mistake.
After you try the poison,
I can consider keeping you alive.
Are you going to tell the truth yourself
or do you want to take the poison first?
I will tell the truth.
It happened seven years ago.
At that time, I had just turned 16.
I was proud and arrogant.
am I similar to this wildflower?
So weak and inconspicuous.
The great General Ye's household
is full of splendor.
Who would notice
such an unremarkable wildflower?
Miss, don't say that.
You are beautiful and talented.
You will surely
marry the perfect man someday.
How could someone like me
ever deserve a perfect husband?
go to the temple for me
and pray for a safety charm.
Give it to Mrs. Ye for me.
What about you, miss?
It's not far from the city gate here.
I will walk back
and consider it an excursion.
-Please wait.
-Are you okay?
I'm going to die soon.
could you do me a favor?
Are you from the capital of Sheng?
The girl I love
also lives in the capital.
I want to see her one last time.
Thank you.
I want to return what belongs to her.
She lives in the innermost house
on Orchid Alley in the city.
Please tell Pianran
that Jiang Rao is just an ordinary man
and not lucky enough to grow old with her.
Receiving her love line
was already a great fortune in my life.
I now return it
and hope that she will find happiness
and a wonderful relationship.
I wish her
a life full of joy and happiness.
I'm sorry that I couldn't
keep my promise.
She looks so gorgeous
and had such a devoted lover,
yet I have nothing.
At that time,
a wondrous force enveloped me.
It felt amazing
and made me forget myself.
Who is it?
Who is out there?
Jiang Rao!
Was that you?
I don't know
if it was because of that love line,
but later on,
I became more and more beautiful.
Men of all ages in the capital
were captivated by me.
I only knew
that it was called a love line,
but I didn't know what it was.
Back then, I was greedy and foolish
and accidentally kept it to myself.
You didn't even know what it was,
yet you kept it out of selfishness.
You knew that Jiang Rao died
with a heart full of regret,
but you didn't even want
to tell Pianran about his death.
I never thought
that Bingchang was such a person.
So it wasn't an illusion.
What grew in my heart
is a love line.
You would even take
another's love line for yourself.
Ye Bingchang,
you are truly despicable.
Tantai Jin, don't kill her!
She ought to return what she has stolen.
So this is a love line.
Women's misfortunes
often come from their loved ones.
I did possess this demon's love line,
but all I received
was a bit of attention and admiration
from others.
Your promises of eternal love and devotion
were only because of the love line.
Ye Qingyu,
Ye Xiwu,
you have always gotten
everything you wanted.
What did I have?
Now you are even taking this
from me!
Now I have nothing left.
Are you satisfied?
If it weren't for Ye Xiwu
enabling me to grow a love line
and experience the feeling of love,
I might never have been able to have it.
Keep safe
what belongs to you.
Throw Xiao Lin into prison
and strip Ye Bingchang of her title
as Madam Xuancheng.
Starting tomorrow,
she is a servant in the Lateral Court.
Are you here to persuade me
or pity me?
When I was sad that day,
you had dinner with me.
And today, when you are sad,
I'll join you for a drink.
I met Jiang Rao
long ago
at the river that your sister mentioned.
He was watering his horse by the river,
but I thought
he was a creep spying on me taking a bath.
Without allowing him to explain,
I slapped him many times.
He was stunned.
That river
is very close to the capital of Sheng.
It's so close.
Even the slowest person
could walk home from there
in 30 minutes.
He was so close.
Just a little bit,
and he could have been home.
I waited for him for so long.
Every day at home,
I counted the days on my fingers.
I waited for him for over 1,000 days!
I know.
You must have waited for him
for a very long time.
I later
went to Jia Pass
to look for his corpse.
I searched for years,
but I found nothing.
I had no idea,
it was just like that,
he had quietly died outside the city.
Isn't it ridiculous?
Can you stop moving?
Or the bed will fall apart.
I thought you wanted to comfort me.
Why are you having a hard time sleeping?
Tantai Jin,
do you think this wouldn't have happened
if Bingchang wasn't a concubine's daughter
and had gotten more love and care at home?
Why are you thinking about her
instead of sleeping?
Who are you to talk? Aren't you the same?
What is on your mind?
I'm thinking
that perhaps the reason
I used to be emotionless and heartless
was that I didn't have a love line.
The Little Devil God guessed right.
Ye Xiwu,
can you tell me
what it feels like
to have a love line?
It's probably this feeling.
Go to sleep.
Fu Yu,
how many more days
until this formation is completed?
Your Highness, three days will do.
In three days,
no living creatures will be left
within the southern border.
How are the puppet soldiers coming along?
Your Highness,
the sorcerers have been
working day and night.
There are over 10,000 puppet soldiers
for you to command now.
Not enough.
From today on,
have them speed up
the refining of puppet soldiers.
I cannot wait.
I will think of some solutions.
That's all. It's all done.
By the way,
I want to go out to relax in a few days.
Tantai Jin,
do you have a conscience now?
If you keep babbling, no more days off.
All right, no more talking.
What is it?
Your Majesty, I want to take a day off.
General Ye,
since you became a court official,
you have not rested for a single day.
Go ahead.
Officials get a day off every five days.
It's only right.
Thank you.
Just leave the food there.
Ms. Xiwu?
What are you doing here?
Take this.
I'm not short of food and clothing here.
Tantai Jin did not mistreat me.
Father and Grandmother asked me
to bring you this.
They care about you,
so just take it.
Thank you.
Does Tantai Jin know that you are here?
I'm only taking a quick look,
so I don't need to tell him.
I have nothing to do here all day.
It's more comfortable than the barracks.
Go back quickly.
What are you planning to do?
What do you mean?
Where are Pang Yizhi
and the Sheng's remaining troops?
I knew something was up with you.
Xiao Lin, you can trust me.
What do you want me to do?
I will help you.
You don't need to help.
At this point,
I can only resign myself
to my fate and await death.
Tantai Jin won't kill you.
I know he won't kill me.
Nor will he release me from prison.
What on earth are you going to do?
It will take Pang Yizhi at least six days
to return to the remaining troops.
If I could escape after the assassination,
I would lead the remaining troops
to rescue Jing's prisoners of war
and take them south across the sea.
If I couldn't escape,
Pang Yizhi would lead the remnant troops
and refugees away.
They need not wait for me.
What about you?
A kingdom can have
generals that die in battle
but not a defecting crown prince.
When the Sheng was breached,
I should have perished with the kingdom.
Come back here!
How can you be so stubborn?
Ms. Xiwu, as long as I'm alive,
this last elite army
will fight to the death for me.
But now,
the Sheng is as good as gone.
Tantai Jin is a powerful leader.
With him,
the people of Sheng can still enjoy peace.
Only when I am dead
and any hope of the Sheng's revival
is shattered
can this war truly end
and the bloodshed stop.
That means
you took a risk coming here
and was prepared to die.
We all have our aspirations.
Don't feel sad for me, Ms. Xiwu.
Just wait here.
In six days,
I'll figure out a way
for you to leave with the Sheng army.
This is too risky.
Please don't take any chances.
Wait for my news.
Ms. Xiwu.
you're not Ye Xiwu, are you?
Why do you say that?
I've known Ye Xiwu since childhood.
She wouldn't fight for others
or go on a mission alone,
not to mention risking her life
to save me.
After Fleeting-Life Prajna,
when we parted by the Mohe River,
I was already certain of it.
-Prince Lin, I--
-No need to explain.
This must be
an arcane matter of utmost secrecy
not to be revealed to others.
Rest assured.
Whether I live or die this time,
I won't mention it to anyone.
Go now.
Wait for me to save you.
For how long?
A quarter of an hour at most.
What did they talk about?
I was too far away
to hear clearly.
At least you could see clearly.
Is it so hard to describe?
At first,
Xiao Lin put his hand on Ms. Ye's face.
Ms. Ye forcefully pulled at his clothes.
And then Ms. Ye left.
That's all.
Nian Baiyu,
the next time something like this happens,
send someone more articulate to watch.
You're dismissed.
Ye Xiwu,
you evil cunt.
Who is Ye Bingchang?
I am.
Your family is here. Come with me.
Bingchang, you've suffered.
Grandmother, how did you come to see me?
I asked Xiwu for help.
She is quite favored
by His Majesty.
That's why I can come to see you.
We've all heard
about what happened to you.
Being punished for your mistakes
is only fair.
But blood is thicker than water.
You're part of our family after all.
We won't abandon you.
Don't worry.
I shouldn't have gotten greedy
and taken the love line.
Over these days in the Lateral Court,
I've finally come around.
To correct a mistake
is the greatest good.
All right, enough of these.
Come, look.
These are food
and clothes.
Take them.
Thank you, Grandmother.
I almost forgot.
Here, take this.
It's a hand ointment.
Xiwu told me
to bring it to you.
She said that it's cold in Jing Kingdom.
Tantai Jin told the imperial doctors
to create this special ointment
for treating chilblains.
You can't buy this anywhere else.
She specially portioned some out
and told me to bring it to you.
Remember to apply it often every day.
After all,
Xiwu still cares
about her sister.
That's why they all say
she has a kind heart.
The palace gate is about to close.
We have to head home.
I just remembered.
My mother's death date is in a few days.
Although I've been a bad daughter,
I still wish to go home
to pay my respects to her.
could you discuss this with Xiwu?
See if she can ask for mercy
from His Majesty.
Ask for mercy?
Ms. Xiwu can't help you with everything.
Grandmother, I really regret what I did.
I'll talk to Xiwu about it.
We'll see what we can do.
Thank you, Grandmother.
Ye Qingyu asked for leave again.
He has been going out frequently
behind my back these days.
And he intentionally hid it from me.
Is he keeping a secret from me?
This is the road to Sheng Kingdom.
Ye Qingyu,
what exactly are you up to?
Although we were born in the same kingdom,
and both soldiers,
we never had the chance to meet.
You were a good hero of the Sheng.
You died here,
but you died for your kingdom.
I toast to you out of my respect for you.
I toast to you again
for my envy of you.
Though you were killed in battle,
your soul lives on.
Not just in your homeland
but also in people's hearts.
In her heart,
she will always love you,
think of you, and miss you.
She will be sad and happy because of you.
Whatever happens in the future,
she will never be able to forget you.
That's why I admire her too.
Although she is a demon
with a very long life,
she is willing to love an ordinary mortal
and be devoted to him forever.
Sometimes I wonder.
If someday I also die in battle,
I could be like you
and have a permanent place in her heart.
that was just a thought.
I don't want her to be alone.
I want to be alive
and stay by her side
to love her and protect her.
I want to spend this short life with her.
If you're watching over her,
please don't worry.
I'll take good care of her.
I, Ye Qingyu,
will love only this woman
for my whole life.
I will never fail her.
Why didn't you
give me this sweet talk to my face?
Thank you
for finding him.
I also searched the outskirts of the city,
but I wasn't looking in the right spot.
I thought that after so many years,
his bones had long decayed to nothing.
I'm familiar with Sheng's warfare.
When soldiers returned from the frontline,
they always took the same few paths.
That's why I--
That's why
you kept returning
to search for him behind my back.
Jiang Rao,
this man wasn't lying to you.
I am doing well now.
And I'm very happy.
I've also found
the one to spend a lifetime with.
What is it?
Is something on your mind?
By the way,
you told me
that Ye Bingchang wanted two days off
to go home and pay respects to her mother.
I've approved it.
But you must watch her closely.
She's now a Lateral Court servant.
Don't let her escape again.
Do you
not have anything to say to me?
Then I'm leaving.
Go ahead.
Today is the sixth day for Xiao Lin.
I can't wait any longer.
Have a safe journey, Ms. Xiwu.
What are you waiting for?
Who knew a Lateral Court servant
could get to go home?
Move it!
Ms. Xiwu, Ms. Bingchang just came back.
Don't you want to see her?
Didn't I just come from the palace too?
I don't have time to chat with her today.
what exactly are you doing?
Chuntao, do me a favor.
I want to cook sweet porridge
for Tantai Jin.
Porridge is so simple to make.
I probably won't mess it up, right?
That's hard to say.
What a perfect chance.
This is pure dumb luck.
This time,
it actually tastes good.
Ms. Bingchang!
These herbs are for Mrs. Ye!
Ms. Bingchang!
Ms. Bingchang, this is Mrs. Ye's medicine!
-What is going on?
-Ms. Xiwu.
I need these herbs to brew medicine
for Mrs. Ye later.
But Ms. Bingchang just knocked them over.
What am I going to do?
Let go of Bingchang. Don't be rude.
-But these herbs--
-Let go.
Grandmother needs her medicine.
I'll help you clean this.
Bingchang, you must've worked all morning.
Go get some rest.
Ms. Xiwu, why do you keep tolerating her?
Think about the things she did!
Besides, she is now a servant
in the Lateral Court.
How humiliating!
That's enough.
Let's clean this up.
Taste this.
Eat up.
What a coincidence.
Ye Xiwu,
I thought you loved Tantai Jin deeply.
But you actually have evil plans.
Tantai Jin, I'm sorry.
This sedative will only make you sleep
for a few hours.
I'll apologize to you when I get back.
You can punish me however you like.
Why are you still up?
I was waiting for you.
What did you try to cook today?
Sweet porridge.
I don't think I messed it up this time.
You can have a taste.
You eat first.
I'll eat it after reading these reports.
I'm not hungry.
I'm going to lie down for a while.
Remember to eat it
after you are done reading.
All right.
What is she up to now?
Chang'er, why are you still up?
I'm bringing a night snack for you.
Did you cook this?
I'm not so dutiful
as to do such a good thing.
Of course it was cooked
by your good granddaughter, Ye Xiwu.
Chang'er, why are you talking like this?
She told me
to make sure you eat it all
so as not to waste her efforts.
All right.
Very well.
I'm not hungry.
I'm going to lie down for a while.
Remember to eat it
after you are done reading.
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