Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e24 Episode Script

Episode 24

My son.
If I didn't find you
and didn't reveal this secret
would you still show up before me?
Would you tell me I am your son?
Or, I was going to think that my
mother was dead for a lifetime?
We had to do it with Nizamulmulk, son.
[ Both your father's life and the future ]
of the state was dependent upon this.
I left both you and my beloved.
Do you think I would leave you
for a second, if I had the chance?
All of us suffered for this.
And I am sure mother suffered most.
Our Sultan doesn't even
know that my mother is alive.
What does he know about you?
He knows he has a son but
he doesn't know I am that son.
You gave me these booties to
prevent my child from catching cold.
Now, tell me.
Were these booties belonging to me?
But my heart was cold for years.
You didn't even tell me
once that you are my mother.
You didn't let me have
the warmness of a mother.
You left me as an orphan,
while I still had a mother.
How could you do that?
From now on, I have
nothing to hear from you.
Son, listen to me!
He didn't listen to me.
Now, he'll think I am cruel.
Let me go and lie on his way.
He can't listen to
anyone right now, mother.
Don't you see that he believed
nothing because of his anger?
We'll be patient and wait.
We can do nothing right now.
I need to go to the Beys now.
You wait here, mother.
We have nothing to do now
I can't, son.
You go to your duty.
Turna Hatun!
Kill those heathens!
Attack, my brothers!
My son.
Please, listen to me.
Although you knew I
was longing for my mother
until today, you
didn't tell me the truth.
Nothing you can say now
can heal the wound in my heart.
Don't follow me.
My son.
Protect Turna Hatun!
The meeting location was
secret, how could they ambush it?
We couldn't understand either, my Bey.
Unfortunately, all of the
beys were martyred, my Bey.
The Beys were martyred at
the location we called them to.
It will be hard to explain it.
Turna Hatun came at the last
minute together with her alps, my Bey.
How did you understand that
they were going to ambush?
By following Livia.
Livia spoke with a man that
came to the bazaar of the tribe.
I got suspicious of the man. He left the
tribe without buying or selling anything.
It was obvious that he wasn't
a merchant. I followed him.
I realized that he was a Byzantine
soldier disguised as a muslim.
I got suspicious that Livia tell the
meeting location to that Byzantine.
And I was right to suspect.
There is a betrayal.
We will understand who did it, and how.
Why did you come in late, my Bey?
There was a sudden
state matter. I went to that.
You take the funerals
of the Beys to their tribes.
As you command, my Bey.
This situation will make
Turkmen tribes angry.
And we will be held responsible.
They will blame our Sultan and us for it.
This matter was very
important for Sultan Meliksah.
He will get mad at us. I need to
go and explain the situation to him.
You take Turna Hatun to the tribe.
And keep Livia under your watch.
I will speak with her myself when I'm back!
Now I will go to our Sultan,
and reveal the treachery.
As you command, my Bey.
Come on.
Tapar didn't listen to me, and left.
I cannot stand losing him one more time.
He has the right to act like this.
He is like a wild storm right now.
We cannot predict where he
will go, and where he will destroy.
He may even reveal
the secret to the Sultan.
Let him learn it then!
Are you afraid for your life?
We all risked our lives for this secret!
My son does not look at me.
I don't care about the rest.
It wouldn't be good for him to learn
it in all this chaos, Basulu Hatun.
Basulu Hatun.
We know that the fire of this secret
burns your heart as his mother.
You're right to be mad however
.now we need to be
more composed than ever.
If I can't win my son's heart
what's the point of being
patient for so many years?
If I could talk to him once
and explain myself
it's enough for me.
-May I come in?
-Come in.
The Turkmen Beys were
ambushed, Hace Hadrath.
They were killed by the Byzantines
at the secret meeting point.
Sencer? Sencer Bey is fine. He went to see
our Sultan to tell him about the situation.
The killing of Turkmen Beys
will create a lot of trouble.
The Sultan will be mad at Sencer.
I'll go back to the palace now.
Go back to your tribe and wait
for news from me, Basulu Hatun.
I'll tell Zubeyde Hatun too.
I’ll somehow talk to Tapar
when he comes to the palace.
Melik Hadrath.
You said that your mother
died when you were a child.
You said you found the
warmth of a mother in me.
Whenever you need a mother's
affection, I'll be here for you.
Basulu Ana is so kind hearted
and compassionate, my Sultan.
Is your mother's name Basulu?
It's Basulu, my Sultan.
Tapar's mother's name is Basulu too.
So you were all lying to me.
You will pay dearly for this.
Is our Sultan available? I would like
to present an important issue to him.
Zubeyde Hatun.
I want to talk to you
about something important.
He learned the secret.
So, our fears has come true.
It turns out that my doubts
about Tapar were not groundless.
We should prevent him
from talking to our Sultan.
The Turkmen Beys were killed.
While the state has many troubles
this issue will mess things up.
I caught Terken Hatun and Gevher Hatun
attempting to open Basulu's tomb.
I was going to tell our
Sultan what they did.
It would not be appropriate
to complain to our
Sultan about this when
Tapar has learned the secret.
Because our Sultan would give a
great punishment to Gevher Hatun.
And Tapar may tell the
secret to our Sultan
even just to save his hatun.
You're right.
This fear is enough for them
for now.
As long as we prevent Tapar.
I decided not to tell our
Sultan about what you did.
I won't bother our
Sultan with what you did
when we have so many problems.
You were determined to complain
about us when we got back to the palace.
What did Nizamulmulk say that made
you change your mind, Zubeyde Hatun?
It's a state matter. I
won't explain it to you.
Now, go back to your rooms
and don't leave the
palace until further notice.
And you should know
that I'll keep an eye on you.
Why did she change her
mind about telling our Sultan?
There must have been
something about the secret, Gevher.
There is something they don't
want us to know about this.
But I won't give up. I'll find out
what they are hiding from us.
We gave him a lot of
medicine, but it didn't work.
Do you think you
can heal him with it?
The secrets of nature have
been put into our hands.
Man becomes soil. Then the things
that grow on that soil heal man again.
As long as you see not what
appears, but the inner world.
Kitab-i Heft Bab says that:
There are 7 layers of sky and
land, 7 climates and 7 seas
and 7 parts of a man. And
there are 7 healing herbs
to cure the evil disease
that pester these parts.
He'll suffocate.
The poison is in him like the devil.
Now the smoke coming from
the 7 herbs suffocates that devil.
The poison is leaving him.
Now leave this body that
you took captive you dark devil.
Melik Hadrath. The Turkmen beys
going to see Sencer Bey were raided.
They were all killed.
They paid the price of disobeying me.
Now the tribes will get heated
They will go up against
Sencer Bey and Sultan Meliksah.
We will use this chance
to get them on our side.
But will it be enough to get a few
Turkmen tribes on our side father?
They are not just a tribe my son.
They are tied together with
the Turkmen tribes all over.
If they start a riot, it will cause
havoc all around the lands.
now we'll go to express condolences
We will get them riled up about Sultan
Meliksah and get them on our side.
Sultan Meliksah
is getting weaker in the wolfs den.
Soon he'll fall.
When he falls, we will
obey the wolfs tore
and tear him apart.
What do you mean Turkmen Beys are martyred?
You were responsible for that
meeting. How did you let this happen?
And you called the Beys but you were late.
This is so irresponsible. Answer
me now. Why were you late?
I had an urgent business my Sultan.
Or I wouldn't be late.
I am responsible for this of course.
But the reason for the raid is
not me, it's betrayal my Sultan.
What betrayal are you talking about?
There was no way for the Byzantines to
learn about the meeting spot themselves.
Obviously someone among us told them.
Who is this traitor?
There's only one name
I'm suspicious of my Sultan.
Melik Tekis.
Do you hear what you're saying?
Tekis is reckless but
he's a son of this dynasty.
He's son of Sultan Alparslan,
my brother and the state's Melik.
He won't attempt to sell me
and the state to the infidels.
Melik Tekis has ears
at every tribe my Sultan.
Only he could know
about the secret
meeting spot other than
us and Turkmen Beys.
Whatever happened between us
there is no reason for Tekis to do this.
Tell me one reason.
Melik Tekis gathered
the Turkmen bey's before
my feast and tried to
get them on his side.
Turkmen Beys rejected
him and ignored him
so he came to my feast out
of anger to threaten the beys.
Now the Turkmen Beys are dead.
So the Turkmen tribes
will go against us.
Obviously, Melik Tekis will
use it to get the tribes on his side.
That way he'll take revenge
from the Beys that rejected him.
And he will get the
Turkmen tribes on his side.
This is a big accusation Sencer Bey.
Then, prove your accusation.
You are the one to blame for this!
If you cannot reveal the
treachery, you will be punished for it.
Turkmen tribes will get mad at both to
you, and I, with the death of their Beys.
A little spark they lit can turn all
the Turkmen tribes into big fires.
Tell Taculmulk to go and give his
condolences in the name of our state.
And you, reveal the treachery right away.
Clean your name and
let's calm the tribes down.
Among all these troubles, we shouldn't
deal with Turkmen rebellions as well.
I have no fear for my life, my Sultan.
All I want is for our state to be well.
And for that, I will catch the
traitor, and bring him to you soon.
He is breathing normally his fever is gone.
How could you get that powerful poison out?
Tell us the secret to that.
This secret can only be revealed
to those who follow the Batin path.
If you decide to join that path,
then you can learn the secret.
Now let him rest. I will come back soon.
And when I'm back, he will
be better than how he was.
May our Beys go to jannah.
Turkmens have always been
the foundation of our state.
But with these last occurring events
those who rule over us
cannot protect the Turkmen Beys.
How can the Byzantine
learn the meeting that
was going to be held in
a secret location and
Also, Sencer Bey who arranged the meeting
did not take precautions and he came late.
What made our Beys die, is
the incompetence of Sencer Bey.
And the punishment
for that is, tit for tat.
We ask for Sencer's head from the Sultan.
If you settle near Kuvel before this matter
is resolved, no one will care for you.
You will be a prey to the infidels.
First of all, the Sultan must repay you.
Peace be with you.
Peace be upon you.
I came here in the name of Sultan Meliksah.
He sends his condolences to you.
And he wants you to know
that revenge will be taken soon.
Thank our Sultan.
But he shouldn't bother.
We will take our own revenge.
We don't need for the Sultan
to take our revenge for us.
Our Sultan will be
displeased with your words.
Don't say wrong things with
the pain you have right now.
And do not forget that you
are speaking to an Emir.
Your reputation is in the past, Taculmulk.
You just go from place to
place, like the lackey of the state.
It's enough for us if
Sultan does the necessary
thing to the Sencer,
who is responsible for this.
There is no need for more.
Now go, or we will spill blood
on our day for lamentation!
Calm down, Beys!
Put down your weapons!
I told you to put them down!
Emir Taculmulk is a messenger.
He is doing his duty.
You can tell your problem
to the Sultan yourself.
I have come to face you, father.
You kept secrets, but they
also kept secrets from you.
Now we will face all of them.
Tapar, I understand the wrath you have.
You neither know my wrath,
nor do I need your understanding!
Get out of my way.
There is a time for everything.
If you stand before me, I won't hesitate
even a second and pull this dagger to you.
Years ago, you made a decision
which did not fall upon you!
If you did that
then you will pay the price now.
Everything you burned and
destroyed, you will pay for it!
We are in a hard time.
Because I came to meet you, I
couldn't went to meet with the Beys.
The Byzantines ambushed the
meeting and killed all of the Beys.
Don't make things more
difficult in such a difficult time.
The Sultan will decide
if things will get more
difficult or not when
I tell him the secret.
What will happen now, Hace?
There's already a chaos and
worse things will happen inside.
Now you need to take
care of the Tekis issue.
It's more important for you
And we'll do everything we can
to stop Tapar.
Wait, son.
So you knew the secret too.
I put you in my mother's place for years.
I trusted you.
One of my mothers is also dead for me now.
I learned the secret
after I came to the palace.
There is a reason we hid it from you.
Or would we let you suffer so much
when you're like a son to us.
If you care a little about me
listen to me and Nizamulmulk
before you go to your father.
Melik Hadrath.
I'm sorry for the treatment you've
been subjected to, Taculmulk.
You're a strong Emir.
How could you get in
this situation in front
of a few Turkmen Beys?
May you live long,
Melik Hadrath. I didn't
want to push them while
they were by the graves.
Don't blame yourself, Taculmulk.
The ones who caused you to fall
in these situations are to be blamed.
The Sultan threw you
out of Divan-I Ala first.
Now he throws you to the Beys.
Do you really deserve this?
I'm surrendered to the
verdict of our Sultan.
As long as Sultan Meliksah's
order continues like this
you'll be surrendered
to many more verdicts.
And when the time comes,
the verdict will be against you.
Sultan Meliksah gives
privileges to people
close to him like Sencer
and Nizamulmulk but
he wastes Emirs like you.
Someone who wants to be
powerful like Terken Hatun
will not want a
discredited Emir on her side.
You can only reach salvation when
this order changes, Nizamulmulk.
Only then you can get what you deserve.
Keep this in your mind.
If you knew the secret,
why didn't you tell me?
Did you think I couldn't
keep the secret you kept?
It's not about you. We were not going
to tell anyone until the right time comes.
Only Zubeyde Hatun could learn.
Give me only one reason not
to reveal the secret to my father.
We have a lot of trouble. Turkmen Beys were
killed too. We're in the middle of a chaos.
If our Sultan finds out this secret now
he'll forget about everything
and only deal with this.
For this reason, it's not
the right place or time.
Stop giving me lessons to be sagacious.
Is this state so small that it will
fall apart because of a secret?
We are able to fix wherever falls
You should think about the rest.
I caught Gevher Hatun attempting
to open your mother's tomb.
What are you talking about, Zubeyde Hatun?
She and Terken Hatun were
going to open the tomb.
But I stopped them just in time.
I was going to tell our Sultan.
Think what punishment
Gevher Hatun would get then.
I didn’t tell him what they did
just so you wouldn't reveal
the secret to save your hatun.
Now when everyone making sacrifices
won't you do that and act recklessly?
I know the pain you've been
feeling about your mother.
I understand what you're going through.
But you're the son of the state
before being the child of a mother.
It suits the son of the
state to protect the state.
If you don't believe us
go and see your
father's situation yourself.
Witness the problems he's facing with.
Then, if you have the
heart to reveal the secret
we're here.
We're not afraid to lose our lives.
Our business is in a
very bad situation, sir.
We have a few customers.
We're struggling to earn a living.
know that your business
is not in a good state.
However, there is always an easy
side hidden inside the hard times.
You keep doing your work.
I'll pray for your trade and benefits.
Give some gold to our men
and servants from the mine.
And make sure they make shopping
from the new traders in disguise
as if they are from the common people.
We need to make sure that traders benefits
increase, so that, they become loyal to us.
Don't worry, father. I'll
do whatever it needs.
Seljuk is facing another trouble everyday.
Because of the pilgrim caravan raid
Khalifah and Islam world
are having trouble with the state.
Now, they have another
trouble with Turkman Beys.
Seljuk is near disaster in both
internal and external affairs.
That will be the fire
we are going to flare up.
What are you going to do, father?
When Izakios is healed
I'll make an agreement
with him for a bigger attack.
But what is more important is that
I'll meet Bedrul Cemali, who is
Khalifa of Fatimi, and make an alliance.
Father, Bedrul Cemali is your arch enemy.
He sent an army to kill
you in Egypt in the past.
And, we don't have good relationships
with the current Fatimi Khalifa, too.
He kills you wherever he sees you.
Tekis is searching for an
opportunity for rebellion.
The crusaders are making
preparation for a bigger campaign.
Byzantine keeps attacking all the time.
And we will convince Fatmis,
whom are the biggest enemy of Seljuk.
If all the enemies of
Seljuk don't come together
this state can't be destroyed, son.
Bedrul Cemali will also
understand this, and
I'll convince him no
matter what he thinks.
Kasvin, Yest, Horasan.
All of our men are waiting for
our orders to take action there.
We will just start that fire.
First Selemzar, then,
the lands of Seljuk
will belong to Fatimi state.
My Sultan.
I heard the things happened.
I've come to say something important
and also because the recent incidents.
My Sultan.
Turkmen Beys want to come to your presence.
Let them in.
-My Sultan.
-My Sultan.
-My Sultan.
-My Sultan.
accept my condolences.
And the things you did to my
Emir to present condolences
is out of our tradition.
Yet, I'll forgive you for this time.
The things done to our Beys are also
out of our tradition, my Sultan.
They were called in
the name of the state
but they fell as martyrs in
a place considered hidden.
The responsibility belongs to Sencer Bey.
And our Sultan should maintain the justice.
We demand the punishment
of Sencer Bey for justice.
I made the necessary warning to Sencer Bey.
We suspect there were a
great treachery behind this.
I'll do the things needed,
when it is revealed.
For there is a treason
then, we also want to
know who the traitor is.
Tell us, so, we can do what we need to do.
And Sencer Bey came after the raid
even though he planned the meeting.
This means he doesn't care about us.
I couldn't go to the meeting
with the Beys to meet you.
Byzantines raided the
meeting and killed all the Beys.
You'll learn, when the
investigation is over.
Now, go back to your tribes and be patient.
If you act with anger, you
will be the ones, who will lose.
I'll call Sencer Bey to account.
I've even have done it already.
Now, we need to set the
order and unity
to take our vengeance from Byzantines.
As long as the criminals
are not punished
it's hard to set the
peace for us, my Sultan.
There are many tribes dependent to us.
Even if we can calm
down, we can't control them.
Because of this reason, we demand
the delivery of the killer
or Sencer Bey's head
as soon as possible.
We fully trust in your justice.
You can leave.
All the troubles show up together.
We get rid of a trap and
another one appears.
What is the important thing
you want to say? Tell me, son.
Zubeyde Hatun.
Hace Hadrath.
Sultan Meliksah is calling you
into his presence right away.
said somethings about
Sencer's mother and Kinik tribe.
Turkmen tribes are mad at
Sencer. They might attack Kinik tribe.
We need to send them help now.
You will send them soldiers Hace.
As you wish my Sultan.
Sencer's mother is the
head of Bajis at Kinik tribe.
But hatuns may not be
enough. You will send her hatuns.
Take care of their fate at all times.
As you wish my Sultan.
We thought you revealed the secret.
Are you the only one capable of
keeping a secret that you think this?
Sencer was late to the
Beys meeting because of me.
I have fault in what happened.
I wanted to do what I
can just because of this.
Even though I'm still angry at
them, I want to keep them alive.
You didn't think of protecting them
even though you know the secret.
Now you're just worried about yourself.
-Melik Hadrath.
Don't try to explain it Hace.
We listened to you enough.
You hurt a lot of people
with what you did. A lot.
You went out of line
thinking you own the state.
From now on, stay out of my sight.
His anger will burn himself and the
ones around him for a while longer.
He suffered for not having a mother.
it's our turn
to bear the fire.
He will get strong like steel
and turn to himself eventually.
We thought you suspected Livia. But
you told our Sultan Melik
Tekis betrayed us my Bey.
It's clear why Turna
is suspicious of Livia.
But she can't have told the
byzantines the meeting spot.
Because she didn't know about
the beys or the meeting spot.
I'll learn what she spoke to the Byzantine
who came to the tribe when I got there. ;
Now we don't have time to question.
We're at a risky situation.
Our state is at the brink of riot.
We must bait Melik Tekis at once
and reveal his betrayal.
What will we do my Bey?
We'll write a letter in
Isakios's name to Melik Tekis.
We'll write that they
handled the Turkmen Bey's
killing problem and they
must come to the meeting.
When they come, we'll capture
Melik Tekis and bring him to our Sultan.
He can't deny his betrayal.
How will you write it my Bey?
Will Tekis believe it?
When I was a private soldier I took
care of many jobs in Byzantine's lands.
I know how to write like them.
We'll send the letter accordingly Aslantas.
As you wish my Bey.
As you wish my Bey
They're waiting like vultures to kill us
and to dethrone Sultan Meliksah but
the sword the hold to betray
I us will be their end eventually.
Opening a grave? Are you going
behind my back working with Terkin Hatun.
I didn't mean bad-
I told you not to get involved in the
palace business. How can you go against me?
And about a matter so special to me.
I did this for you. You suffer
for your mother for years.
What if your mother's alive?
What if they're fooling you for years?
You have a right to know.
From now on nothing about
my mother is of importance to me.
It's the only thing you have of
your mother's. What did you do?
I have no mother.
Why are you mad about your mother?
What happened? Tell me.
Something I found out
killed her inside of me.
It's enough that you know that.
You won't speak of her name again to me.
Close this subject.
If you go against me
and look more into this
I'll leave you, I don't care
if you're carrying my child.
I'm going to the army workshop.
Don't wait up for me.
Zubeyde Hatun.
You're like this ever since
I talked to Nizamulmulk.
No matter what, I'll save
you from this trouble.
Turkmen Beys showed the Sultan their teeth.
He has no other choice but
to take Sencer Bey's head.
But this won't save him either.
Turkmen Beys will
always be within our palm.
Can I come in, Melik Hadrath?
Come in!
This was sent by Prince Isakios.
What does Isakios say, father?
He wants to meet regarding
the murdered Turkmen Beys.
It must be something important
that he is calling me for a meeting.
We will go where Isakios said.
Prepare my horse right away.
My Sultan, since you came
there is something that bothers
you It can be seen in your eyes.
If yo tell me about it
maybe I can offer my humble help.
He says that in the
martyring of Turkmen Beys
Tekis' betrayal was the case.
And now he is after revealing that.
If he cannot, I will have to punish Sencer.
 he always made me with
the things has done, but
betraying the state, and our
lands, is something different.
Especially if it's done my own brother
This is a heavy burden.
Did I cause Tekis to be a rebel?
Did I make him like that?
I'm thinking about that, Hayyam.
You have always been a
big brother for him until today.
Even with all his mistakes,
and his possibility of
betrayal, you try to find
the mistake in yourself.
You are always sensitive
towards your family like this.
Remember, you always protected
Tekis from any danger that was present.
If Seljuk Dynasty is the biggest
dynasty of the world today
it's thanks to you.
Thanks to your fatherhood, and brotherhood.
That's why, don't seek
the mistake in yourself.
Being the Sultan is like wearing
a shirt made of fire, Hayyam.
The possibility of my
brother's betrayal on one side.
And on the other, our
favorite Sencer's life.
My heart cannot carry the
burden of my brother's treachery
or punishing my Sencer.
I wish Tekis had listened to me.
I wish he wasn't this wayward.
Oh friend, why were you
bestowed your mind by the Lord?
Find your path and know
yourself, before you are lost away.
Why do you fly in the ruins like an owl?
When your place is the hand
of the Sultan like a gerfalcon.
You always reached your merciful
hand to everyone, my Sultan.
If anyone does not
want to hold your hand
they deserve being an owl in ruins.
Don't worry.
My Sultan, Sencer Bey is positioned at
the location he will lure Melik Tekis into.
Let's go
Let's go and see.
Will destiny test us with the
treachery of my own brother.
Hasan Sabbah.
When you were in Al Qahira,
you barely escaped my armies.
If you didn't escape with a ship
from Alexandria, I was going to kill you.
Now, since you are
brave enough to meet me
then it means you
risk getting killed.
When I fled
Alexandria by ship
we grappled with raging
storms in the Mediterranean sea.
We fought mountain-like waves.
The ship sank but I survived.
I walked across hot deserts
from Damascus to the Seljuk lands.
I endured fire.
I traveled from house to house, village
by village and told people about our cause.
Which of you has served
this cause as much as I do?
Although there are divisions between us
I invited you to serve the same cause.
For the common interests of both of us.
We have nothing in common with you.
You did not pay allegiance
to the heir Mustali.
Those who do not obey him are
unbelievers and deserve death.
We will act together with all the
powerful people from all around
in order to destroy the Seljuk.
Seljuks are the enemy of all of us. We
have infiltrated the Seljuk's vital points.
If you don't have an agreement with
us, you can't destroy them from within.
When your servants in the Seljuk lands
see a battalion of Seljuks
in front of them, they get afraid.
Seyuduna promises you
the paradise, my servants.
We're ready to die for you, Great Seyuduna.
I promise my servants the paradise.
And they fight with their eyes
closed to reach the paradise.
All of your armies learn to kill
my servants learn to die.
Now think about who could be
stronger than my army of servants.
I offer you the opportunity to
come to terms with a leader like me
and such a frightening
army, Bedrul Cemali.
So Tapar was mad at his mother after he
talked to Zubeyde Hatun and Nizamulmulk.
Whatever Tapar learned
it's what made Zubeyde change
her mind about complaining about us.
You were right to be
suspicious, Terken Hatun.
There is something about
the secret that we don't know.
Whatever made Tapar angry
is the key.
I want to find that key.
I want the pain that's been
in Tapar's heart to be over.
Don't worry, Gevher.
We'll unlock that lock
We'll unlock that lock.
I know very well how to do it.
You were saved from my
father's rage at the last minute.
And my brother snapped at
her for trying to open the tomb.
I'm afraid that this
will get you in trouble.
Those who deserve to be strong are
those who take the risks, Mahmelek.
If we get the trump card
about this secret issue
then no one can stand in our way.
I will do what's necessary for that.
I organized the lookout Alps, my Sultan.
I also deployed a few people
around Melik Tekis' tribe.
My Sultan.
There is news from the Alps
who watch Melik Tekis' tribe.
Melik Tekis left the
tribe with his soldiers.
He took the bait, my Sultan.
Get ready.
We'll trap Tekis.
Who are these powerful people you speak of?
Who will we work with against Seljuks.
Holy Roman Empire,
Byzantine crusader army.
is getting ready to riot
with Meliksah's brother Tekis.
We we're waiting vigilantly to
bring down Seljuks from the inside.
Now that you're with us
we can surround Meliksah
and his state from all
sides and bring it down.
In return for this Abbasid
caliphate must end.
The world of Islam must obey the Fatimid.
There will be much more.
When Seljuck is brought down
all the khutbahs will be said
in the name of Fatimid Khalifa, not just
in Medina, in the rest of the Islam world.
And Kaaba will not be
covered in Seljuk's cloth
it will be covered in Fatimid cloth.
I'll go to Kuvel and talk to
kios and we'll get moving.
Khalifa will like this.
It's a deal Hasan Sabbah.
Are you insane? Why did you do this?
This map shows us how we will
share the Islam lands and Seljuks lands.
It should be sealed in blood so that
we can swear to fight till our last
drop of blood to bring down Seljuks.
My Sultan.
Melik Tekis changed his
path halfway and went to Avlak.
Didn't anyone see what happened?
Why did you change his path suddenly?
The watchmen were watching
them closely but no one saw anything.
He must've received news my Sultan.
Or he wouldn't get back to Avlak.
Obviously he knows it's a bait.
He won't come here now.
You're still talking of possibilities.
Your game was in vain.
Maybe Tekis isn't a traitor.
Maybe we came here
for a pointless accusation.
It's not pointless my Sultan.
I wouldn't make this accusation
if I didn't trust my suspicions.
Then figure this out somehow.
you'll be killed
because you're guilty.
What will we do my Bey?
Let Melik Tekis be sneaky.
Let him think he won.
The wolf can follow.
as the fox runs.
So you wanted to bait me and trap me?
Now he will be so angry to know we
changed the path to go to Avlak.
Because of the man who came
to us on the road father.
What are you doing here?
How can you stop me?
You're going to Sencer's trap Melik Tekis.
What trap?
Sencer told the Sultan you
may be behind the Beys deaths.
Ishakios sent me the letter.
It's a fake letter.
Ishakios is poisoned,
he's fighting for his life.
I'll remember this favor Taculmulk.
We can only rise by helping
each other Melik Hadrath.
Sencer Bet couldn't trap me.
Now they'll have his head.
Meliksah will cut off his head himself.
We will gather all the Turkmen
Beys and gain their alliances.
And we'll begin the preparations
for riot.
Hace Hadrath said that this
land is quite suitable for the school.
Hace Hadrath said right.
It is both airy and close to the city.
By your leave.
Have a nice day.
Welcome, Count Albert.
Which wind has brought you here?
Thank you.
Can I say it was the wind of Nizamulmulk?
I hope it is something good.
Don't worry.
It is not a harsh wind.
Let's say it is a morning breeze.
Have a sit, please.
We can talk better.
Tell me. What is the reason
of this morning breeze?
I had some questions.
Even though I asked many
question to Nizamulmulk
he said you are more knowledgeable
and a master of this matter.
Hace Nizamulmulk shows kindness.
For Hace Hadrath led you to me
I'll try to answer your
questions as much as I can.
I wanted to destroy Seljuklu
and become a saint in
the eyes of my people
by gaining power and
fame in the near past.
But I see my desires were
so meaningless today and
start to question myself.
Questioning is the road
leading us to the truth.
Because the one, who
doesn't ask, doesn't look, the
one, who doesn't look,
doesn't see and stay in the
There are some times
that life loses its meaning.
However it seems troubling,
we stop and think in these times
and gain courage to
knock the door of the truth.
Tell me.
What is the thing that makes you
think and make your life meaningless.
I used to think that
the only aim in the life
is land, property, goods
fame and power.
But you
see the blessing of Allah
as the only important aim.
As long as I observed
in Isfahan, everyone
is peaceful.
And I
however powerful I became
I couldn't find this peace.
What does it mean to live
for the blessing of Allah?
The desire of having
something blindly suffers man.
When you own, you start to
suffer from the fear of losing.
And when you lose it,
it gives you more pain.
So, as long as man is
bound to the worldly things
what he gets only
pain, sorrow and suffering.
Man's desires are limitless.
Yet, his ability to reach them is limited.
His limitless desires can only be satisfied
by being bounded to the eternal one.
And the ones, who reach
this happiness, realize this.
Happiness is not taking but giving.
The Muslims, who realized that
give up the world things
without any exception
and keep following the eternal
one just for the blessing of Allah.
He reaches the happiness by that.
And how can you reach
the blessing of Allah?
What should we do?
You should love your
beloveds for Allah and
consider every act of
yours in accordance with his.
All of these are covered in
the every corner of Islam
in detail by Allah
The life of Hadhrat Muhammed
can be an example for you.
The life of the people,
which I observed here
and what you told
me is exactly the same.
And this
shows me that Islam a
religion that worth living in.
Yet, even though I know it
its so hard to accept.
It's such a trouble that
no matter how much I try
I can't handle it.
There is a master for
any job, Count Albert.
Even though I am able
to tell you the explanation
of Islam that is
written in the books
the essence of it must
be told by its master.
Maybe, its master can help you
handle the troubles you have inside you.
Before the questioning I
am living in strangles me
 I am ready to meet everyone
and read every book you advice.
As long as you look for
the truth, I'll always help you.
And this is what I should
do for the blessing of Allah.
I told it Turna Hatun, too.
The one, who came to the tribe,
is Prince Izakios' right arm, Tomas.
They called me among them
again, but I declined them. That's all.
Believe me I said nothing.
And I don't know anything.
And I believe you didn't give
any information. Don't worry.
You didn't know anything about
the Beys and meeting place.
We baited Melik Tekis, but he realized.
Our Sultan's arrows of wrath point at us.
If can't reveal the treason..
we'll lose both our reputation
and our heads.
Isn't there any other way, my Bey?
We can't reveal this treason
through Melik Tekis anymore.
For this reason
We will do it through Byzantines.
If we can capture Isakios right hand
man, Thomas, and make him talk
then we will reveal
the partnership they have.
For you to get rid of the
suspicions surrounding
you, I want you to throw
this bait in front of them.
I will do anything you want.
You will write a letter
to Thomas saying that
you want to rejoin them,
but you have conditions.
And when you go to the meeting location
we will capture Thomas, and make him
confess Melik Tekis' and Isakios' alliance.
It won't be enough for me to
say that I want to rejoin them.
For them to come meet me, I need
to offer something bigger to them.
My uncle Nikolas' secret documents.
When he hears that I will give them, Thomas
will come to the meeting place for sure.
Send the necessary letters quickly.
And you will see
into this matter.
As you command my Bey
As you command my Bey.
It also made me happy that you
realized Livia was not a traitor.
Although I don't like her much
I wouldn't want to slander anyone.
My Turna.
My brave hatun.
You made me proud by going to the ambush
location, and help my brave soldiers.
Sencer if you do not
reveal the treachery,
you will lose your life
too, may Allah protect.
-What shall we do?
-Don't worry.
If they have traps
we have the strength to get rid
of their traps, with the help of Allah.
There is something with
you and Basulu mother today.
Like you have a problem,
but you keep it inside.
You told me something.
"One day, I will share even my
biggest secrets with you" you said.
Tell me the thing that bothers you.
When the time comes,
you will learn everything
that waits to be
lifted from my heart.
Be patient.
I will go check up on my mother.
Tapar's words hurt my
heart like an arrow, son.
It still hurts me.
If he spoke to me
If I could explain myself to him
then the pain of my heart would stop.
Maybe he won't even look me in the face.
Don't upset yourself, mother.
Allah forbid, you'll get sick
because of your sorrow.
He'll understand you when he calms down.
Tell me, son.
I heard about what happened.
What's this treachery?
I heard your life is in
danger because of the Beys.
Melik Tekis is the traitor, mother.
But we need to prove it.
We don't have much time.
That snake Tekis
has been a trouble for everyone.
I hope you won't get
hurt because of him, son.
There's a bigger game behind it, mother.
They want to dethrone my father
and create a mess in the state.
That's what I'm worried about.
But we have sealed
this secret to our hearts
for both the life of my father
and the safety of our state.
We won't let that happen
even if it costs our life.
Your father is mad at you, right?
You must be feeling sad about that.
I know.
On the hand there's
the trap you fell into
on the other there's your
father's pain in your heart
and there's also the
sorrow of your brother.
All these years you were in pain
you can't be happy no
matter what you do son.
Allah doesn't give trouble to those
ones who can't handle it, mother.
Our strength to defeat our
troubles is as big as they are.
We'll live happy days too Don't worry.
Turna come quick.
What happened to my mother?
She keeps coughing. She fell ill suddenly.
Help me. Lay her down.
Don't go or I'll be alone.
I have no mother either.
If you don't come back
from war what will I do?
We had to do this with Nizamulmulk my son.
Your father's life and the
salvation of the state depended on it.
I left you and the one I loved.
Would I leave you for a
second If I didn't have to?
Brother. We all suffered in this path.
Mostly my mother has.
What's wrong with my mother
Turna? It's not bad right?
Her forehead's on fire.
She was so sad today.
I kept asking but she didn't say a word.
My mother will get better right?
You can heal her right my Turna?
I'm scared her disease I
treated before will come back.
I'll get some remedies quickly.
When my brother was wounded
you became a spiritual
healing for him.
Obviously, he will be his cure for you now.
I'll bring him to you, mother.
Turna, I have an urgent business.
You take care of my mother, Turna.
Where are you going, Sencer?
I'll be back soon. Don't worry.
Who are you?
Or, are you a Turk?
You are scared of Turks so much that
you think all the danger
can come from them, Isakios.
You sacrificed my brother for Turks.
I've come to make you pay for it
and take my vengeance from the Turks.
I made everything to protect him.
Yet, I couldn't stop Meliksah.
And the soldiers in this castle obey me.
If you do something to
me, you can't leave here.
I got my name from Rome's god of war.
I go nowhere without fighting.
Of course, I killed all your soldiers.
There is no need for
those unnecessary soldiers.
All other thousands of
soldiers will follow me.
As you see, this castle will be mine.
I am the prince of Byzantium.
You can't explain this to the emperor.
Everyone will think that you
die with the poison of Meliksah.
The Emperor will also think the same.
He's sent me here to succeed
in the things you failed anyway.
Don't worry, you'll be buried as a hero.
Pray for me, too.
Tapar's, Nizamulmulk's and
Zubeydey's actions are not normal.
Obviously, they have
information about the secret.
What kind of information can it be anyway?
Don't you think you are supposed
to tell me that, Taculmulk?
You are my Grand Vizier, but you still
couldn't get any information about it.
You know that I was wounded in
the pilgrims caravan. That's why-
You were expelled
from Divan-i Ala.
Sultan Meliksah can't trust you now.
If it continues like that, know that
you can't be my Grand Vizier, either.
And someone like Terken
Hatun, who loves authority
doesn't want a disfavored Emir like you
Zubeyde Hatun forbade
me to go out of the palace.
I give a great opportunity now.
Go after this secret matter.
Learn what lies behind Tapar's action.
Use all your contacts for this,
if it will be needed, Taculmulk.
What if the secret is true?
What if Basulu Hatun is alive and she
gave birth to a son? What will we do, then?
Their existence is a threat for
Sultan Meliksah's sultanate
and my son's future, in
case I give birth to a son.
Therefore, we need to
reveal this secret matter first.
Use this opportunity well, Taculmulk.
I even killed Firdevs and became
a murderer for you, Terken Hatun.
You threaten me by expelling me.
As long as Sultan Meliksah's
order continues like this
you'll keep losing like this.
And when the time is right,
you'll lose everything you have.
For this secret is dangerous for
the sultanate of Sultan Meliksah
then, I won't do anything for you
but for whatever beneficial
for me, Terken Hatun.
Drink, mother.
It makes you much better.
Where is Sencer, daughter?
I don't know.
He went out suddenly, when you got worse.
He had an urgent matter to
handle. He will come back soon.
You know me, I have
been a healer for years.
This illness is not physical.
You have a problem, that makes you ill.
Tell me your problem and get relieved.
I have no problem, my daughter.
There is something going
on with you and Sencer.
I don't want to persist, but
I don't feel at ease.
Whatever your problem is, tell me.
Even if it is a very personal secret, I
will bury it in my heart, you know me.
If I scream the problems
I buried in my heart
to mountains
mountains would be shattered.
If I scream them to waters,
they would become floods.
Your heart is still pure.
Don't bury big problems into your
heart, and make them a burden to yourself.
If I have something
to tell, I will tell you.
Be at ease.
You try to forget about
problems, but
mother is alone with her problems there!
Didn't she cope up with them
for years? She can do it again!
How can you know what my
mother went through for years?
The things she want to
tell you burns her heart!
Go see her once, and
listen to what she has to say.
She doesn't want anything else.
Then you can do whatever you wish.
Although she knew about me for years, she
didn't come and call me "son" even once!
Many people knew the
secret, only I didn't know!
I suffered its pain the most!
Even if you didn't tell the truth,
you knew about our father, and me.
But I My mother was in
front of me, but I didn't know!
Which one is worse, brother?
I couldn't call my father "father"
even though I knew who he was.
Maybe if I called him father for
once, all my pain would go away.
But I couldn't!
What about you? I couldn't
call you "brother" once!
I watched my father showing
you affection from afar!
Was I not of your blood?
Was I not also relative?
But I always stayed away!
Now tell me! Which one is worse?
Then you should have come and
told me that you are my brother!
But we need to keep
this secret" you could say!
Wouldn't I protect you?
Wouldn't I call you my
brother, and hug you?
Wouldn't I protect my mother?
Would we suffer these
pains if we didn't have to?
You were away from our father
 but I was away from our mother.
Who knows
how beautifully she
must have brought you up.
How she made you sleep on her lap.
How she hugged you with
her mother's love.
I lived my life longing for these!
Then go and see mother!
Go and listen to her once!
Or we will lose mother!
We will both be left without a mother!
If we lose our mother once
we won't be able to
bring him back again, Tapar.
You are my mother's remedy.
Go and see her.
Not without my anger towards her is gone.
When the time comes,
I will go and see her.
Now go.
In the battle of Light and
Dark, Mithras came into being.
By killing the big monster,
he spilled its blood.
That way, the darkness was gone.
Now that dark enemy is the Turks.
And the ruler of the Turks, Meliksah.
As the soldiers of Mithras
you will be baptized by blood.
For my brother Markus.
For every brother of
us that the Turks killed.
Our battle for revenge will begin!
Sir, this man came for commander Isakios.
Isakios is dead, Hasan Sabbah.
I'm his twin brother, Mithras.
How do you know me?
I know that you were
my brother's closest ally.
You worked hard to heal Isakios
but unfortunately he didn't make it.
There was no way my
remedy wouldn't heal him.
Such a coincidence that
, he died when you came.
Don't worry this much
. for Isakios, Sabbah.
We just sworn an oath to destroy the Turks.
Join us.
We need to be together.
Rome-German Empire.
Crusader army.
Fatimis and you.
If we cannot destroy Turks
together with this alliance
we will never be able to destroy them.
Prince Isakios made an alliance
together with Meliksah's brother Tekis.
Now you should refresh this alliance.
Then we will start the
big attack all together.
Your brother Markus was
dying to conquer Jerusalem.
Now you have the
chance to fulfill his dreams.
You can be the one
toput dowh the Seljuk
Sanjac in Jerusalem
as a result of our attacks.
We will achieve it.
Then we can seal our deal.
It looks like you love to
seal your deals with blood.
May our deal bring us good luck.
Turkmens, whose numbers
cannot be underestimated
have considerable
contributions over the state.
As a matter of fact, they
faced many difficulties
during the
establishment of the state.
Even if they sometimes cause trouble
the constant support of the state
will please them.
My Sultan.
You took shelter in your
inkwell again, my Atabey.
What are you writing in
your Siyasatnama again?
I am writing information
about the Turkmens, my Sultan.
As you know, they are
our urgent matter now.
Explaining their importance
and our connection with them
will be useful to
the next generations. .
Good idea.
Now they are mad at us and Sencer.
It's easy to break down.
What really matters is to win.
In such situations
the duty of the state
is to tolerate anger.
That's why we need to take
care of this and calm them.
Good idea, my Sultan, however
Melik Tekis meets
the Turkmen Beys often.
Tekis takes advantage of the situation.
He wants to get the Turkmen Beys
on his side and get stronger against us.
What will we do, my Sultan?
Sencer will find out how
Tekis contributes to this.
Our duty is not to leave the Turkmen
tribes in Tekis' hands, my Atabey.
You should meet the Turkmen Beys tomorrow.
They should get ready to
settle their tribes around Kuvel.
They'd better follow our order.
If they don't
it means they're following Tekis now.
It would be a self-destruction for them.
As you order, my Sultan.
I will fight you every day
to keep my revenge alive.
One day this sword that stuck in your heart
will be stuck in the hearts of all Turks.
There's a letter from Livia, sir.
Beautiful warrior leader Livia, huh?
It's her writing.
In return for Sahbender's secret documents,
she wants her warrior leadership back.
It was foolish for you to humiliate her
so much and damage her reputation.
She is very important to us, and so
are Sahbender's secret documents.
The information of the
caravan track followed by the
emperor, kings and feudal
lords is in those documents.
With the death of Sahbender, Seljuks
may want to confiscate those documents.
We can't let that happen.
After the death of Isaakios, the
king's attendants will come here.
I will stay here.
You will go with your men and
bring Livia and Sahbender's
documents here to me.
Very good. Nice.
So you brought such important
news that could dethrone Meliksah.
The key to dethrone him, is his son Tapar.
People say that Tapar's
mother Basulu Hatun is alive.
More importantly they
suspect that he has another son.
But we don't know who he is.
You know what would happen if Basulu
Hatun and the missing son show up.
Of course I do, Taculmulk.
I have done everything I could to
dethrone Meliksah for years but
none of them were as precious
as the information you just gave me.
We suspect that Tapar knows the secret.
He's at the army workshop now.
My most trusted men are following him.
I'm trying to learn everything Tapar does.
You should do everything
you can about that too.
Because this will give
us both what we want.
The collapse of Meliksah.
My men will follow Melik Tapar too.
And I will reveal
Meliksah's secret eventually.
We all will get our revenge
when Meliksah is dethroned.
Sultan Meliksah still didn't find
the traitor and hand him over to us.
That's because there isn't a traitor.
They are gaining time for Sencer Bey.
That's what they want.
Then he should take Sencer Bey's
head or we'll do what's necessary.
We're being patient
because we trust the state.
Don't hesitate. I am Melik Tekis.
I am one of the owners of this state.
I'll give you all what you deserve.
As long as we unite.
Melik Tekis is right.
-He's right.
-We should unite, Beys.
He's right. We should unite.
May I come in?
Come in, Nizamulkmulk.
Peace be on you.
-Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.
Sultan Meliksah sent me here
to meet with the Beys.
When I learned that you
met at Melik Tekis' tent
I came here.
What's going on
Nizamulmulk? What's the issue?
Our Sultan wants to for the Turkmen tribes
to settle near Kuvel to happen at once.
That's why
he decreed the Turkmen beys
to start the migration preparations.
Sultan Meliksah hasn't even
solved what happened to our Beys.
He didn't solve it and now
he wants us to go to Kuvel?
That problem is being taken care of.
The traitor will be revealed soon.
But Kuvel matter is important
and urgent for our state.
And the problem we want to have
fixed is important and urgent to us.
Either reveal the traitor
or cut off Sencer's head.
Otherwise, we won't obey the decree.
Everyone knows what the tore
is about disobeying the decree.
Don't you stand against the state.
You can't threaten anyone
in my tent Nizamulmulk.
I am the state.
You are just a Hace of the state.
You are as your position
in the state allows.
If there's a state here it's me.
I am the state's blood.
Beys are right. This matter
shall be solved quickly.
Don't protect Sencer Bey
and go against all the tribes.
The only thing we protect is justice.
But as I see
you protect these
Beys against the state.
You go against the state too.
I look after the tribes you ignore.
So I do what a normal stat must do.
I don't care who comes
in my way in this path.
This path
is not a good one Melik Tekis.
I told you before Nizamulmulk.
The path and the order is mine.
Whoever wants to proper
business walks in my path.
If anyone tries to stop me I'll crush them.
You ruined my feast as it is.
Now go back to the palace.
Don't ruin it anymore.
May you live long Melik Tekis.
You had our backs. Now that from
now on all the Turkmen tribes
will have your back.
Now Sultan Meliksah
will understand that too.
Then he won't dare to do anything.
Everyone shall be relieved.
Mother Basulug.
For you.
I want to talk to you.
It won't be proper for me to
come to the tribe, just in case
I'll wait by the house at the village.
Thank Allah.
What did she learn? Why's
she leaving so suddenly?
This is an important secret
that I can't share with Taculmulk.
If Melik Tapar is going in a
hurry alone, this must be a secret.
What do these Beys think?
How dare they disobey our word?
They want the Bey's death
matter to be solved my Sultan.
They want the head of
the traitor or Sencer Bey.
Melik Tekis is backing them up.
They say "he's doing what the state
had to do for the Turkmen tribes."
How dare he act like the
state when we're here?
Our suspicions are correct Hace.
Turkmen Beys are following Tekis.
Tekis is trying to get
them on his side against us.
What Tekis is doing is
more than carelessness.
We must go put them and the
Beys he's backing up in their place.
We won't speak if need be
our swords will talk.
It s time to meet.
Get ready soldiers.
I've brought the documents
you wanted, Tomas.
And I've brought Mithras' regards, Livia.
The heathen set us a trap.
Do you think we didn't realize
you set us a trap to catch us?
I've brought the regards of
Mithras, the brother of Markus.
Especially to you, Sencer Bey.
Mithras was much more cruel than Markus.
I don't know who Mithras is, but
I'll send my regards
to him with your corpses
When there is a fight here, I
can easily get away from here.
Yet, I've come here
neither to fight or run.
I can tell you whatever you want to learn.
Yet, I have one condition.
What is it?
You'll give us Livia.
If you give me to him
Mithras will torture and kill me.
If you can't prove the
person, who betrayed
the tribes will take your head.
And the evidence in within my confession.
Give us Livia and learn the traitor, who
is so important for you and your state.
An unimportant
Christian woman
or your state and life.
Make your decision, Sencer Bey.
Can I come in, Melik Hadrath?
Come in.
Sultan Meliksah is coming
to the tribe, Melik Hadrath.
Melik Hadrath, didn't you say Sultan
Meliksah couldn't dare to do anything?
It looks like his arrival is
not with good intentions.
Don't worry Beys.
He must be coming to talk with us.
We will welcome him in front of the tent.
The Beys are ready, father.
We both know my uncle.
He must be coming here with his wrath.
Sultan may even pull his sword against us.
Tell soldiers to position
themselves around secretly.
When Sultan comes to the tribe, if
he pulls his sword, or raises his hand
tell them to shoot him.
If necessary, the
rebellion will begin today.
When Sencer told me about
your situation, I wanted to see you.
Thank you
Melik Hadrath.
Not your Melik
I'm your son.
I couldn't say it as I thought
you would be mad at me.
I'm so angry with you.
But I won't get mad.
Call me your son.
My son
-My Sultan.
-My Sultan.
You incautious, impertinent men!
How can you disobey my firman!
Neither the traitor's nor Sencer
Bey's head reached here, my Sultan.
However, you promised us.
Haven't I fulfilled the
promises I've made so far?
How can you be ungrateful now!
What about you?
Who are you to act like the state?
Who are you to support
the Beys against my firman?
Even though you are the Sultan,
the state belongs to the whole dynasty.
I did what's necessary.
If I had not supported the Beys, they
would have already rebelled by now.
You are the one who
encourages them to rebel indeed.
Were you planning to take the Beys
to your side and stand against me?
I forgave all your
crimes similar to this one.
Now I'll cut the head of
the snake of ambition in you!
I'm not ambitious, my Sultan.
But you are too delusional.
Are you this angry because I'm
able to do politics that you couldn't?
You exceeded your limit too much, Tekis.
This is more than being heedless!
Even though you are the Sultan
you can't accuse
Alparslan's son Tekis like this.
If you don't take back our words
there will be bad blood between us.
That blood had been coming for a long time.
I won't take back my words
or the sword I hold in my hand.
How are you?
Now that I saw you
I have no worries.
I said some mean things to you.
Even though I'm still mad at you
you didn't deserve any of it.
You were right my son.
Anyone would be mad if they
found out the truth after all the years.
No. You
didn't deserve to be
without a mother all this time.
If there's someone to blame
It's me
So what you and Sencer
was hiding from me
is about Melik Tapar.
I'll figure it out.
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