All That Glitters (2023) s01e25 Episode Script

Episode 25

Useless cripple!
How dare you argue with me.
Why don't you just die?
This bird's nest is good!
Maybe it'll make me look younger.
Hey! That's my bird's nest!
Why are you drinking it?
Give it back to me.
It's a gift for me.
Since when did it become yours?
Jianzhi gave it to me
as a health supplement.
-Hands off!
-Stop hitting me.
Darn you, old woman!
You witch, how dare you hit me?
Darn you, old woman!
How dare you hit me! Go and die
Jianzhi, you scumbag! Like you said,
when your car dealership was in trouble,
Liu Mu went bankrupt just to help you.
Yet you betrayed him
I bet you made lots of dirty money.
Now you're only offering
S$200,000 to S$300,000?
That's not even enough to repay Liu Mu.
Acting all noble
Darned old woman.
Is your head made of steel?
Now you've ruined my table.
That'll teach you to bite me!
Hey! That's my bird's nest!
If something bad happens to me,
the police will have
the evidence to catch you.
Huang Jintiao. Why are you so disgusted?
When Jianzhi offered you the money,
weren't you tempted for a split second?
Weren't you secretly hoping that
if Liu Mu didn't look you up,
you could split the money with Grandma?
Huang Jintiao,
you're not any better yourself.
You're only slightly
better than that traitor.
No, wait, Huang Jintiao,
you're a lot better than that traitor.
Chased out of the apartment again?
Grandma, you got chased out again?
So tired? It's too early for bed.
Grandma, shall we leave this place?
Far away from that shrew, okay?
Let's find somewhere else to stay.
Grandma! Grandma, you okay?
What happened?
-Old woman!
What's wrong, old woman?
I'll call the police.
I don't know the details.
I heard her scream suddenly,
so I rushed out.
She had fallen in the toilet
and hit her head.
I told her the injury could be serious
and she needed to
go to the hospital for an X-ray.
But she refused
and told me not to waste money.
She was not quite right in her head.
She would often sleep outside,
saying she couldn't sleep in here
because it was too hot.
Still crying?
You're a grown man. Shameful!
She died from a fall. It's no one's fault.
Listen up, I only have a budget of S$500.
Go buy a discounted coffin
for her funeral.
What budget?
Didn't Grandma set aside some savings
for her own funeral?
I saw you take them.
Why don't you give it to me?
I need it for her funeral.
Why do you need a good coffin?
Like I said, she's already dead.
Why waste the money?
It'll be burnt anyway.
Just do a cremation
and scatter her ashes at sea.
I want to get a priest
to carry out a ritual for her.
Why the hell would she need a ritual?
She's dead. Don't waste the money!
And remember to
throw all this rubbish away.
It's getting in the way here.
Hear that?
Take it away now! So unsightly.
Liu Mu.
Where are you?
Grandma just died.
I have no family by my side now.
Why did Grandma have a cellphone?
Hello? Granny Thunder?
How are you?
Granny Thunder?
Why aren't you saying anything?
You can't hear me?
Is the volume turned on?
Huang Jintiao?
Where's Granny Thunder?
What's wrong with Granny Thunder?
She's dead.
When did it happen?
She died last night.
That's too sudden!
I'll come see you now.
But she was fine two days ago.
She told me she'd bought
a second-hand cellphone
and asked me to teach her
how to record videos on it.
She bought a cellphone
and asked you to teach her to take videos?
When you were waiting for the doctor,
she said she'd step
out for a while, right?
When she came back
Huang Jintiao?
Darn you, old woman!
Excuse me, do you?
Excuse me, do you know Granny Thunder?
Her grandson is a wheelchair user.
Oh, the two of them!
They live in this block.
Do you know which floor?
I think it's the sixth floor.
But I don't know which unit.
Thank you.
Going up.
Save me!
Huang Jintiao, what are you doing?
Save me! He's trying to kill me.
Huang Jintiao,
what do you think you're doing?
Why did you kill my grandma?
Why did you kill my grandma? Why?
Let her go!
-Why did you kill my grandma?
-Huang Jintiao!
Let her go!
Stop staring!
Huang Jintiao.
I've informed Zhenting.
If you need any help,
just give her a call.
She's a lawyer. She can help you.
Thank you, Xiaomei.
You'll be all right.
Got it.
Don't worry, Mom!
I'll do my best to help him.
All right, then.
Your mom misses you?
She wants me to help a friend.
Have you told your family we're dating?
Not yet.
-You're worried?
My sis is no longer seeing Lin Musen.
Whom I choose to be with
is no one's business.
I don't doubt that at all.
You never let anyone
interfere with your decisions.
Thank you.
Why are you suddenly thanking me?
Thank you for letting me know
what it's like to love someone.
You can have any woman you want.
Why did you fall for me?
I keep asking myself why I fell for you.
But I don't have an answer.
And you? Do you love me?
I do.
Even though you know I'm not a good guy?
Listen up, Li Zhenting.
I may treat everyone in this world badly,
but I'll never treat you badly.
you're mine.
You're hesitating?
You're emotionally scarred.
I am?
You want to accept me,
but you have reservations about it
because you're afraid of getting hurt.
You're not a clinical psychologist,
you know.
Just my gut instinct.
Of course, I hope I'm wrong about this.
You're not wrong.
I am emotionally scarred
by bad relationships.
Because you've been hurt in love.
Is Arthur Thng the one who hurt you?
I just saw him at a business lunch today.
He kept talking to me.
Seemed rather tipsy.
He explained to me that
you two had a misunderstanding that day.
He said you two had once dated,
but you broke up.
He also said
What else did he say?
He said he let you down
and wants to make amends.
You seem to be so angry at him.
He must have done
something unforgivable to you.
Want to tell me about it?
I don't want to talk about the past.
I understand.
I just want you to know that
I won't let anyone hurt you again.
Those people you hate,
those who have hurt you
I'll make sure they disappear before you.
Why are you sitting here?
You've been drinking?
I'm here looking for you.
I went upstairs, but no one was in,
so I've been waiting for you here.
My mom is staying the night
at my sis's place.
My bro is on the night shift.
Why didn't you call me?
I have something to tell you.
Face to face.
Okay, let's talk upstairs.
Hey, be careful!
Take a seat.
I'll get you some water. Sit down.
Listen to me, then I'll leave.
Okay. What is it?
You already know this.
No one can replace you in my heart.
I've been waiting for you for years.
I know that.
That's why I've been grateful towards you.
Grateful towards me?
You're showing me your gratitude
by being my boss's girlfriend?
That's got nothing to do with this.
You must break up with Richard.
Didn't you say I was unfathomable?
Richard is the one who's unfathomable!
You can't even begin to imagine
what he's capable of.
I'm not interested in this.
I'll get to know him myself.
I don't need others to instruct me
on how to handle my relationship with him.
So, I'm just some random,
unimportant person to you.
I know you care about me.
But I'll decide who I want to be with
and why I want to be with him.
These are my own matters
I can take care of it myself.
You've already forgotten
what happened with Arthur Thng?
Richard won't turn out like Arthur.
-You're so confident of that?
You barely know him.
-You've no idea what
-Enough! I'll call you a cab.
-Why won't you listen to me?
-What are you doing? Let me go!
I'm telling you all this
for your own good.
-All I want is for you to be happy.
Why are you defending him?
I'm the only one who truly loves you.
-Let me go!
-Why can't you see that?
Let me go!
Jianzhi! No.
No. Let me go!
Jianzhi, no!
You said you wanted to be my girlfriend
when we were in Thailand.
You wanted to sleep with me
in that hotel room!
Don't you remember?
Have you forgotten?
Richard is coming here soon!
Richard is coming! He's on his way.
Zhenting, sor
I had too much to drink.
Yes, you had too much to drink,
and now you've revealed your true colors!
I treated you as a friend,
a friend I could trust with my secrets.
I never imagined you could do this to me.
You lied.
Richard isn't coming here, right?
Aren't you afraid I'll tell him?
Tell him!
I don't care.
Fine, I'll give you what you want!
I'll give it to you!
That night in Thailand,
I was drunk.
But I remember you saying
even though you might never have me,
you didn't want to lose me as a friend.
You said, "We can be
good friends forever."
"But lovers? Perhaps only for a night."
I remembered everything you said.
And I believed
you meant every word you said.
So, I was very grateful towards you.
I thought I had no regrets
having made a friend like you.
Looks like I was wrong.
You curbed your desire for me
because you knew I'd be yours someday.
And now that I've fallen for someone else,
you regret it!
-No, it's not what you think.
-It's precisely that!
Stop making excuses.
I should have guessed.
You preyed on Jiahui
even though she's like a kid sister.
How could you possibly let me off?
Though I've seen through you now,
I've to admit that I'm in my current state
all thanks to you.
I'll make your wish come true.
But after we sleep together,
we'll no longer be friends.
I won't tell Richard.
You want me badly, don't you?
What are you waiting for?
Don't you look down on me.
I know
since the day we met,
you've always looked down on me.
No matter how hard I tried,
how successful I became,
how rich I became,
in your eyes,
I'll always be
that young punk who sells satay.
Uncultured, low-class, useless!
I'll never be good enough for you.
Oh, I forgot.
In your eyes,
I'm also an evil person.
But only people like me
will stay by you
when you're down and out.
I want you so badly,
for you to give me your heart
and your body.
You'll never understand
the pain of loving someone
that you can never have.
I finally understand now.
Deep in your heart,
I'm so detestable.
He Jianzhi.
Jintiao was completely right.
You're just a traitor!
Richard Mo's lackey, that's what you are.
You do whatever he tells you to do.
when you're no longer useful to him,
you'll end up like Liu Mu.
He'll casually get rid of you.
he'll go on enjoying his life.
He even stole
the girl you love from you.
You must break up with Richard.
I'll get to know him myself.
I don't need others to instruct me
on how to handle my relationship with him.
But I'll decide who I want to be with
and why I want to be with him.
These are my own matters,
I can take care of it myself.
Li Zhenting.
You think by snagging Richard Mo
and getting rid of me,
you'll be the ultimate success story?
Without me, you're nothing!
I can let you succeed,
but I can also ruin you.
Looking for me, Richard?
I've never treated you badly
all these years you worked for me, right?
Of course not.
I bought you a house.
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,
Cambodia, Paris
You've got properties in all these places.
I gave you at least S$10 million, I think?
I'm really grateful to you.
I don't need your gratitude.
You deserved all that.
You had to take huge risks.
I know what you did to Zhenting.
You told me about Zhenting's car accident.
But you didn't tell me you were
the one who pulled her out
of the wrecked car.
That's what you're referring to?
-Zhenting told you?
She must have been traumatized
by this accident.
She didn't tell me about it,
but I got my men to investigate.
I find this accident fishy too.
Who do you think was behind it?
I don't have any evidence.
But I believe Arthur Thng was involved.
The mastermind
only needs to hire a hitman,
without needing to
do the dirty job himself.
That was clearly not an accident.
The one who orchestrated that car crash
was Judy Fong.
She's Arthur Thng's current wife.
Arthur Thng was aware of her scheme,
but he did nothing to stop it,
nor did he have the guts to stop it.
From now on,
you'll no longer be my henchman.
You'll be my bro.
If it hadn't been for you,
Zhenting and her unborn child
would have died in that accident.
And I would never have met her.
I just happened to
chance upon her at that time.
I don't just treat anyone like family.
Besides Zhenting and my mom,
you're the only one.
How would you get back at
Arthur Thng and his wife?
I would
take an eye for an eye
to teach them a lesson.
Tell me, how would you
take an eye for an eye?
We can also orchestrate an accident.
Sis, I hear Mom's been
taking care of Jintiao recently?
Jintiao's been through a lot lately.
You know that.
Yeah. His wife beat his grandma to death.
It's in the news.
He's crippled
and confined to a wheelchair.
He can't move about much
and needs help going out to buy stuff.
That's why Mom has been visiting him
and taking him to acupuncture.
I hear his condition has improved.
Do you think
they will rekindle their love?
What makes you so sure?
You know how afraid Mom is of gossip.
By helping Jintiao in this way,
she has nothing to hide.
Jintiao has been through a lot
all these years.
He's no longer the Jintiao we knew.
They're more like
elder sister and younger brother now.
By the way, are you dating now?
-You won't admit it?
How did you know I was seeing someone?
Maybe you didn't realize,
but you've become a lot more cheerful
the past six months.
You used to keep
complaining about your work,
saying life was meaningless.
But you don't grumble about that anymore.
You've suddenly found meaning in life?
I am seeing a guy now.
He's really nice to me.
But I still want to observe him
a while longer.
I'm glad you're
putting some thought into it.
Don't jump into relationships.
Slow and steady, right?
Just like you and Ming.
Sis, I have a question for you.
You may choose not to answer,
but you must not get angry.
You sound like you're interrogating
a witness, my dear lawyer sister.
What do I have to hide? Go ahead.
If it weren't for Beibei,
would you be with Ming?
Sorry, Sis. I shouldn't have asked.
This is unfair to Ming.
You're worried that
I may still have feelings for Lin Musen?
Despite everyone's objections,
you insisted on marrying him.
You must have loved him very much.
Besides, I suppose it's not easy
to forget such a deep love.
I have to forget him,
no matter how hard it is.
I have to forget him completely.
Sis, Zhenting! Come join us downstairs.
Okay, coming!
Let's go.
Happy birthday to you
-Make a wish, Mom.
I wish that our family will be happy.
-And safe.
-And safe.
I knew it!
You wish for the same thing every year
I'll make a wish for you.
May Mom remain
youthful and irresistible forever.
And when she's out with me,
Sis and Beibei,
everyone will think we're four sisters!
I want to make a wish too
May Mom look younger and younger,
and look more like
my girlfriend than my mom.
Mom, blow out the candle!
Grandma, I'll blow it out with you.
1, 2, 3!
Mom, remember your promise?
You're not to cry when you see Zhenting.
Also, don't tell Sis about this.
Mom, don't cry.
Have a good chat with Zhenting.
I'm here to see you.
I haven't been feeling well,
so your sis wouldn't let me come.
I'm feeling much better now.
She's your second sis?
What a small world.
It's hard to forget a pretty woman.
Of course I remember her.
Once, Jianzhi brought her along
to my yacht to hang out.
She's quite a cheerful and chatty girl.
We had a great time.
Did you ever see her again after that?
We met a few more times, I think.
Jianzhi often brought her along
to my gatherings.
I thought they were a couple.
I guess it's okay for policemen
to drink on their days off?
Life is full of unexpected things
that are out of our control.
So sorry to hear about
your sister's plight.
She left a deep impression on me.
I wish her a speedy recovery.
Thank you.
So, you and Zhenting
were mere acquaintances?
Why do you ask?
I visited her at the hospital
a few days ago.
There she lay before me,
almost like she was asleep.
I'm not that close to her.
Unlike me, she's an extrovert
who loves having fun.
I never really had
heart-to-heart chats with her.
But once, a few days before her accident,
she suddenly had a lot to say to me.
She said she had a secret to tell me.
Let me tell you something,
I have a boyfriend now.
He really loves me.
I can sense it.
But somehow, I have a bad feeling.
And this ominous feeling
is growing stronger.
He says he won't let anyone hurt me.
Those who have hurt me before
and those whom I hate
He said he'd make them
disappear before me.
Did he really say that?
I think he
What's wrong, Sis?
I think he's going to kill me.
Zhenting didn't tell me who he was.
But after hearing that,
I also found him terrifying.
A boyfriend from hell.
Suffocating love.
I have no idea why
Zhenting suddenly told me all this.
That night,
watching her lying on the hospital bed,
I suddenly understood.
Perhaps she had sensed that
something bad might happen to her,
so she decided to tell me.
Is it you?
Are you that boyfriend from hell?
Officer Li.
Should you ever quit the police force,
you can consider becoming a scriptwriter.
I patiently listened to your
touching story about you and your sis
and that amazing sixth sense of yours.
But I've got a meeting to chair.
Now, if you'll excuse me
but I'm afraid I can't let you go yet.
I checked footage from dozens
of CCTV cameras around the crime scene.
I strained my eyes badly
just to find clues regarding
my sister's fall from the building.
You should be familiar with
these two people, right?
This doesn't prove anything.
So what if Jianzhi and I
appeared near the crime scene?
So, you admit to being
near the crime scene on that day?
Didn't you get this photo
from the CCTV footage?
I never said that.
Now, I can prove that
you and He Jianzhi were
near the scene of the crime.
I'll continue looking for more evidence.
No one hurts my sister
and gets away with it.
Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Mo.
Why did you help me?
Isn't Richard Mo your brother?
We are just step-siblings.
I'm helping you
because I'm a good citizen.
Besides, it's our responsibility
to cooperate with the police
I saw how determined you were
to solve your sister's case,
and was a little touched.
Whatever it is, I really must thank you.
I only told you what I know.
It's not unusual that
your second sister went to his yacht
because they met often.
How do you know this?
I sent someone to stalk him.
Believe it or not?
He wouldn't hesitate
to kill his own father.
My daddy had
a stroke after a fight with him.
Daddy almost died
and he feels tortured
in his current state.
Richard Mo is eccentric and unpredictable.
And he's very cunning.
Even though he's committed many crimes,
you won't be able to nab him.
Did you see the recent news report?
The deceased Arthur Thng's wife
had already died
ten days prior to the crime.
That's right.
His wife Judy Fong
had a diving accident in the Maldives.
It was later discovered that
her oxygen tank had been tampered with.
In other words, she was murdered?
-Has the murderer been caught?
-Not yet.
After his wife died, Arthur Thng
wanted to get back with your sister.
Your sister refused,
and they ended up quarreling.
Then, for some unknown reason,
they both fell from the building.
Do you believe this?
If I did,
I wouldn't be investigating this.
You think
Lin Jiahui wasn't telling the truth?
Lin Jiahui is dead.
No one else knows the truth,
unless she had told someone
or left a clue behind.
Is that possible?
I know someone
was investigating Zhenting's case.
-Lin Musen.
I'm the one who committed the crime.
Jintiao is innocent.
I made a mistake.
I shouldn't have let him
go on the run with me.
I got him into this mess.
I pray that Jintiao survives.
I should be the one
who gets punished instead.
Hey, mister. Want a ride?
-To Taiping?
-Sure. One person?
-Yeah. Okay.
-RM160, okay?
Pay half the fare first.
-I'll get on, then pay you.
-Hop in.
Subtitle translation by: Zhou RC
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