Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e25 Episode Script

Tsuguko, Kanao Tsuyuri

Naho! Kiyo! Sumi!
I'd like you to help me train.
If I stop doing Total Concentration
Breathing while I'm asleep,
can you clobber me
with these carpet beaters?
Please help me!
Very well!
Thank you!
It's all good, right?
Master Tanjiro's doing a good job!
Spineless fool
Please let me try again!
If you please!
Give it all you've got!
This time, for sure!
One more time please!
Just you again today, Tanjiro?
I'm sorry!
I did ask them to come, but
Well, it doesn't matter to me.
I'll give them another nudge later!
I'm starting to get used to training
while doing Total Concentration Breathing!
Although I can't sustain it all day
unless I really get myself pumped up,
497! 498! 499! 500! 501!
the longer that I can keep doing
Total Concentration Breathing,
the bigger the stamina boost I get!
You can do it!
Hey, I can chase after her!
I'm able to chase right after that girl!
I can keep up with her!
Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!
Thank you very much!
Zenitsu! Inosuke!
I refuse to get involved!
You can do it! You can do it!
You can do it!
It broke!
Now all you have to break
is this huge gourd!
I did it!
Thanks, all of you!
Oh, crap.
So, Tanjiro's already gone off to train.
Jeez, it's the crack of dawn.
Putting in effort isn't my thing.
There's nothing more draining
than persevering every day.
Oh, it's you.
Maybe getting left behind
by Tanjiro is making me panic,
but I can't get the hang of anything
even if he shows me for hours!
Now I realize that we're a total lost cause.
Wait, did you just say,
"Yes, you are"?
How can you be so cruel?
Would it kill you to say just once,
"You're working hard, too"?
Did you just say, "Work harder"?
I guess there's no way out of it.
For Zenitsu Agatsuma
Take 5 times daily
7 days' worth
After each meal
Come on, Monitsu.
What Tanjiro is trying to master is a skill
called "Total Concentration, Constant."
By continuing to do Total Concentration
Breathing every second of the day,
your basic stamina level will skyrocket.
Let's just go ahead and try it!
Seriously impossible!
I still can't sustain Total Concentration Breathing
all day unless I really throw myself into it,
but I bet you two can do it!
You go like this
to make your lungs expand!
When that rattles your blood, your bones and
muscles will go, "Boom! Boom!" You gotta stop it!
All that's left to do is train like crazy!
Now, now
We're talking about a basic skill,
or should I say a beginner's skill,
so why wouldn't you be able to do it?
But it's also true that one must put
great effort into mastering it, right?
Well, why wouldn't you
be able to do it, though?
I was sure it would be
child's play for you, Inosuke.
Are you sure you can't do it?
Even though there's no reason
you can't do it?
It can't be helped, then,
if you can't do it.
Can't be helped! Can't be helped!
I can do it, all right! Why wouldn't I?
Don't mess with me,
or I swear I'll rip off your breasts!
Please give it your all, Zenitsu!
I'm your biggest cheerleader!
Yes, ma'am!
Kanao, you're in the same class,
so why don't you join them?
More! More! Boom! Boom! Boom!
You damn wimp!
You got this, Zenitsu!
It hurts.
I'm hungry.
I'm sad.
I feel hopeless.
I'm in agony.
I'm lonely.
That was my life.
But then, one day,
I heard a sound like a snap.
And I never knew pain again.
I never knew pain again.
While living in poverty,
even when my parents sold me,
it didn't make me feel sad.
Excuse me, do you have a minute?
Could you tell us
why that child is all tied up?
Is she a criminal, perhaps?
Isn't it obvious?
She's flea-ridden, and her face is dirty.
Not to mention, she might try to escape.
Hello, there. Nice to meet you.
My name is Kanae Kocho.
What's your name?
She's got no name, all right?
Her parents never gave her one.
Happy now? Get away from her!
Please don't touch my sister.
What's your problem, you two?
If you wanna talk to this kid, pay up!
All right, then, we'll purchase her.
Would this be enough?
Hey! Come back here, dammit!
I'd pick it up right now if I were you!
After all, there's a crowd here,
and the wind is strong!
Are you sure about this?
It's fine!
Please excuse us!
Hands off! It's my property!
Oh my. Oh my.
Sister! Sister!
Sister, this child is hopeless!
She can't do anything without being told!
That goes for meals, as well!
She won't touch her food
unless I tell her to eat!
Even as her stomach growls and growls!
Oh my. Oh my.
What exactly are we going to do with her?
Now, now, don't be like that, okay?
I just love that smile of yours, Shinobu.
But we can't do anything with a kid who can't
even think for herself! It's dangerous!
Well, you do have a point, but
She can't do anything on her own!
She can't decide for herself!
All right, when you're on your own,
you can decide by flipping this coin.
Right, Kanao?
You don't have to take this
so seriously, you know
since Kanao is so adorable!
That's not a good reason!
As long as it's given a chance,
a person's soul will open up,
so don't worry.
When you fall in love
with some boy someday,
you'll change, too, Kanao.
You're doing great! Keep it up!
Right now! Harder! Bam!
That's it! You can do it, Zenitsu!
You've got this! Looking good!
Inosuke! Inosuke!
They'll be bringing
our reforged Nichirin Swords soon!
For real?
Yeah! I just heard it from the crow!
That's Mr. Haganezuka's scent!
Let's go! Let's go!
Mr. Haganezuka!
Hey! Hey! Mr. Haganezuka!
Long time no see!
How have you been?
M-Mr. Haganezuka?
How dare you snap my sword in two?
You've got a lot a nerve!
I'm sorry! B-But to be honest,
I came this close to being killed!
My opponent was insanely strong!
Not true! That has nothing to do with it!
You're the one to blame!
It's all your fault!
You're pitifully weak!
That's why it broke!
Otherwise, my sword
would never snap like that!
I'm going to kill you!
Is that a new training regimen?
Probably not.
Well, Mr. Haganezuka
is a very passionate man.
He loves his swords more than anyone.
There's no one like him
even in the sword-forgers' homeland.
You're probably right.
My name is Kanamori.
I was the one who forged
Master Inosuke's swords.
I would be thrilled
if they prove useful in battle.
Beautiful, aren't they?
The dull sheen of that
indigo-gray hue is so cool.
It's a fine color for a sword.
I'm happy for you, Inosuke,
since your sword was chipped all over.
How do you like the grips?
The thing is, this is the first time
I've ever forged swords for a dual-wielder.
Master Inosuke?
I'll kill you, you miserable brat!
You bastard! Are you flaunting it?
We're sorry! We're sorry!
Bastard! That's it! You're a dead man!
Unbelievable! He's unbelievable!
We're sorry!
We're sorry!
Taking a stone to those swords?
We're sorry! We're sorry!
We're sorry!
Looks like he'll be fine.
After all, Master Tanjiro
was really giving it his all!
Let's make him some rice balls again!
My body's changed!
I can't wait to swing my sword!
With these hands!
My Nichirin Sword!
I did it!
Good move! You can do it!
Don't let up for a second! You can do it!
I did it!
This medicated water stinks.
It would be cruel to splash her with it.
- He won!
- Does that count as winning?
Either way, it's the same thing!
Yeah! I did it!
I did it!
- Oh, crap.
- Oh, crap.
All right! Open up!
Okay! Looks like your jaw
is as good as new.
All right, you can close your mouth now.
That concludes this exam.
Since you're physically sound now,
you may take on your missions
without any misgivings.
So, I'm done with my training?
Yes. All that's left for you now
is actual combat.
Oh, before I forget, Lady Shinobu
There's something I wanted to ask you.
What would that be?
Have you ever heard
of the Hinokami Kagura Dance?
I have not.
Uh, w-well then,
how about Fire Breathing?
Never heard of it.
A-Actually, this is something
that happened during my childhood.
Yes, yes.
I see.
So, for some reason, Tanjiro,
your father used Fire Breathing.
All I can tell you is that
while Flame Breathing does exist,
it's not Fire Breathing.
What? They're not the same thing?
I'm not familiar with the details myself.
Please forgive me.
But I do know that they're very strict
about the exact phrasing.
"Flame Breathing" must never
be referred to as "Fire Breathing."
The Flame Hashira, Rengoku,
might know something about this,
but unfortunately, he's out on a mission.
Thank you for all that you've taught me.
I'll ask Mr. Rengoku if I ever get
a chance to see him again.
Now then, please excuse me!
I'm expecting great things of you.
She's asleep all day again today.
I know they said you could be sleeping
to recover your stamina,
but it does worry me if you don't open
your eyes once in a while.
Hey, I'll probably be leaving this place
soon to go on my next mission.
I've healed physically,
and I've gotten a little stronger, too.
And I'm still doing
Total Concentration, Constant right now.
I think Zenitsu and Inosuke
will be with me, too.
Having those two by my side
gives me confidence.
I see.
You think so, too, Nezuko?
They're both good guys.
To turn you back into a human,
I gotta bring down
the strongest demons that I can,
and send Miss Tamayo
their blood samples.
Am I capable of doing that?
I know you can do it, Big Brother.
Thanks, Nezuko.
You just encouraged me, didn't you?
I'll try my hardest, all right?
Maintaining Total Concentration
Breathing is way too demanding!
It's totally not happening, dammit.
You both look wiped out.
I know!
Here's a Taisho secret for you!
The medicated water we use
for reflex training, when added to your bath,
is actually great for healing
exhaustion and wounds.
Well, I'm going off to train,
but maybe you two should take a break.
I'm nowhere near done yet!
Don't underestimate me!
We'll train some more?
All right! All we gotta do
is show up, right?
Next, Episode 26, "New Mission."
Okay, I'm heading out now, Nezuko!
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