Enheraf (2022) s01e25 Episode Script

Episode 25

What are you doing, crazy woman!
Let's talk about this.
Do you smell that?
Do you smell the gas?
It takes 30 to 45 minutes
for the gas to fill up your lungs
just as it filled Mido's lungs.
Remember that or not?
By the way, I'm not scared of death.
Death could be better
than this miserable situation.
Well-said. Good girl.
You better die,
so as not to hurt anyone again.
But I don't want to die.
I confessed to my crime
and owned up to it.
Will your confession
bring Mido back to life?
Come here.
-What are you doing?
-Come close.
Let's talk about this.
Stop it, don't resist.
Don't resist.
It's so easy to kill.
Excuse me now
because I'm allergic.
Take care of each other.
Hey, Taghreed.
Stop everything you're doing.
You killed him?
You rented this place to a woman.
What does she look like?
She was a generous,
beautiful woman, sir.
I'd rent the place to any paying
customer and she was one.
Give me a copy of the ID.
The ID?
There you go, sir.
Her ID, not yours.
She didn't bring her ID. She said
she left it at home and I believed her.
She said her husband would bring it
when he comes, and I believed her.
She paid for three days in advance, sir.
Tarek is dead.
We're still trying to save Taghreed.
Was she the one who killed him too?
But that's no longer a mystery to me.
Who did it, Sherif?
Which Hor do you mean?
My wife.
Pardon me, Sherif,
just calm down and tell me what
this is about, so I can be informed.
Won't we reopen the clinic, doctor?
I'm not used to not working.
Soon, Abeer.
I just need a break.
I wouldn't blame you,
you're a newly-wed.
I'm making you shy?
Say, doctor, is marriage nice?
Yes, it's nice
because you'll have somebody to lean on.
I'm sick of doing everything myself.
Soon you'll get married
and see for yourself.
See for myself?
I don't think so, doctor.
Why not, Abeer?
You're gorgeous.
You were just saying that marriage
is about having somebody to lean on.
I think I need to marry a wall, so
that it supports me when I lean on it,
Hor was the last person
to talk to Talaat Eldakkak.
I'm aware of this.
Dr. Aasim Ghorbal
the investigation showed
that Hor was his psychiatrist.
Dr. Aasim stated in the questioning
that his wife had an affair with
Aser El Mufti.
was found choked at the hotel
where Hor and I were staying,
and on the same floor.
Only a couple of rooms away.
All right. All this could
be coincidental.
Let's assume that.
Kamla who identified Hor
and said she was Fawzeya's killer
was that a coincidence too?
The necklace we found
at Ameer's place
was it a coincidence too?
I wish it's all coincidental.
Tarek and Taghreed
whose case we're still investigating
A couple of days ago,
Sanaa, Tarek's sister-in-law,
was accused of kidnapping a child.
Hor intervened so that a case
wouldn't be filed against her.
The location of Hor
which you reported to me
was in the same compound
where the crime was committed.
There are too many coincidences.
Is Hor killing all these people
to seek justice
for a few of her patients?
We should be sensible about this.
This is the truth, Wael.
Hor is the only suspect
in all these cases.
But I don't even have one piece
of physical evidence against her.
What if we manage
to find evidence, Sherif?
What will you do in that case?
I'll turn her over myself.
You know, doctor, my mother
is giving me a really hard time.
I think I'll end up dying
because of how she makes me feel.
Is she back at it again?
I told her:
"Dr. Hor saved you last time,
but this time, no one will."
It's okay, Abeer.
I can't complain.
I have to go now.
What happened?
What is it, doctor?
What is this about?
Act like everything is normal.
We're keeping watch.
All right.
I'll go up to the surveillance room.
If I detect any strange activity,
I'll tell you over the phone.
Make sure all cameras are working,
I don't want any broken ones!
Don't worry.
Our men are on top of this.
I'll go now.
Hey, Sherif.
Listen, Hor was spotted on the CCTV.
Yes, sure.
Ok, I'm on my way to you.
Take care.
What are you doing here, Hor?
I'm here to visit Ms. Radia Hamdi.
Isn't this her room?
Get the nurse over here.
Is there a patient here
by the name Radia what was it?
-Radia Hamdi?
Yes, she's in the room next door.
I'm obviously in the wrong room.
Pardon me.
Thank you.
A country that starts with the letter K.
Good girl.
A plant that starts with the letter K.
What is Gale? You're making it up.
I didn't say Gale, I said kale!
Forget it.
-Kernel of corn.
-It's just corn!
Ok, you won!
What's the score now?
In favor of whom?
What a crushing defeat!
My, my! You're in such a good mood,
laughing and everything.
Let me join in the fun.
Look at your daughter,
she crushed me.
What? Really?
-I won six-nil.
-Oh, God!
Just wait and see. Tomorrow
I'll avenge her against you.
So it's two against one?
Of course, I won't just
let you win against her.
I'll get you the food, honey.
Ok, honey.
I'm really hungry, indeed.
And I'll go to bed.
-Good night.
-Good night, Daddy's girl.
-There you go, honey.
-Thank you, darling.
What was that about
at the hospital today?
The thing is,
the room you went into today
had someone
who had an attempt made on her life,
but thankfully she made it.
We were worried
the person who tried to kill her
would go to the hospital to finish her
before she exposes him.
Did the killer come?
He got scared.
We waited a long time for him to come,
but he didn't.
So we thought we'd question her first
thing tomorrow morning at her place.
-I hope you'd catch the killer.
-I hope so too, dear.
The food is delicious.
Thank you.
Would you like some water, dear?
I'll get it.
I'll kill her!
Do whatever you want!
She's dead.
Taghreed died a while ago, even
before you went to the hospital Hor.
What you're looking at
are a few pillows.
The hospital ambush was arranged
by the Ministry of Interior.
But this ambush
was arranged by yours truly.
-Sherif, I
-You're what?
What are you?
You're the murderer whom I've been
looking for this entire time.
My wife who shares my bed at night!
Why did you marry me, Hor?
Why did you marry me?
So you can have access to evidence
and escape justice, right?
Maybe that was it at first,
but, unfortunately,
I loved you two.
I loved the sense of safety.
I loved that you two gave me
what was missing in my life.
I loved Habiba.
-Yes, I loved Habiba.
-Don't you dare speak her name!
Do the likes of you know what love is?
Do you believe your own words?
Well done.
Well done.
Well done.
You really fooled me into thinking
that you loved me,
the same way you perfected
the role of playing innocent.
You even fooled a child
into thinking you loved her!
Not Habiba!
I loved Habiba, I did!
I'll always love her!
I'll always love her
no matter what anybody thinks!
Who is talking to me now,
just so I'd know?
Solafa, Zekra, Hoda,
Samar, or who exactly?
Just so I'd know to whom
I'll give credit in the end?
I'm Hor.
Hor, your wife.
Hor who only felt safe
with you two.
Yes, I'm Hor.
I'm Hor.
Why did you do this, Hor?
Why did you make me feel this way?
Why did you make me feel I was with
the best and kindest woman ever
when you're the most
dangerous person ever?
I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
Forgive me.
Forgive me.
I know
I know I wronged you.
I wronged you to a great extent.
But I couldn't help it.
Yes, I couldn't help it.
I was selfish.
Yes, I was selfish.
But afterwards,
I put you two first afterwards.
You know?
You know what's eating away at me now?
That I'm no longer going to be with you.
I will no longer share a house
with you and Habiba.
I will no longer be with you.
-Don't come near me.
You're not Hor and I'm not your husband.
I'm an officer and you're a criminal.
No officer would hug a criminal.
Case No. 5643.
You may proceed.
Thank you, Your Honor.
In the Name of the True and Just God.
In the Name of God,
the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.
Your Honor,
honorable judges,
I'm standing before you today
for a case that will make
children's hair turn gray,
and make one's blood curdle
just at the thought of its details.
The perpetrator in the case, Your Honor,
is a woman.
But she's a woman unlike any other.
She works as a psychiatrist.
Patients go to her
and share their secrets with her.
But she broke her oath,
took advantage
of her patients' trust in her,
and used their secrets
to commit her crimes.
Your Honor, she made herself judge
and made rulings accordingly,
and an executioner,
and thus, implemented her judgment.
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