Firebuds (2022) s01e25 Episode Script

Roller Coaster Rescue/The Night Shift

(alarm ringing)
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand
Or need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds
Are here for you ♪
Just listen
To our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends
And neighbors out ♪
We're coming through
Our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day ♪
We're crackin' the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash
Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl
Yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best
Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes
Around the bend ♪
On us, you know
You can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
VIOLET: "Roller Coaster Rescue."
If you're gonna ride The Wolf,
ya gotta keep your hands and wheels
inside the car at all times
and howl like The Wolf!
-(Wolf howling)
-(kids screaming)
Isn't this great, Flash?
The mayor asked us
to help folks stay safe
at an amusement park!
Oh, yeah! I just hope the other Firebuds
are having as much fun as we are.
If that's even possible.
(whistle blows)
Safety Supervisor Piston is on the job!
Well, are you ready to do a safety check
at rocket-speed?
'Cause my new J-Wheels are good to go.
-JAYDEN: Whoa!
-Just remember to be safe!
(blows whistle)
Your blood pressure's fine, ma'am.
Your tire pressure's low,
but it looks like you have a leak.
You want a spare tire? They're free.
-Okay, who's next?
-(footsteps approaching)
Manny Kablamee?
Hey, there, sunshine.
What are you doing here?
Captain Kapow and I
are gonna do a stunt later today,
and I need a little help
from my daredevil-in-training.
AXL: Go on, Violet.
I can handle the pressure
while you're gone.
-MANNY: Well, then
Let's rev it up and go, go, go!
Whoa! You fixed up your ramp!
-Cool ride!
-Can we go on it, please?
Sorry, little friends. This isn't a ride.
It's the ramp I'm gonna use
to jump over that roller coaster.
Sunshine, I gotta rest up
or my Kablamee Komeback Spektakular.
So, could ya watch over
the ramp while I'm gone?
Make sure the little ones stay off it.
It would be my honor.
But now that your ramp's fixed up again,
maybe I can try it out sometime.
You got it, sunshine!
Thanks for helpin' me out.
Are you gonna do the jump?
-One day.
-JAYDEN: Hey, Violet!
Oh, you gotta give my J-Wheels a try.
They do look pretty sweet.
But I'm on ramp duty.
I'll have to try them later.
Well, I'll just leave these right here
in case you change your mind.
Gotta take a snack break!
It's his fourth today.
Can't watch folks' backs
without plenty of snacks.
-See y'all later.
-BANG: Ooh!
I bet you could do the jump in those!
Maybe "one day" is today!
Hmm maybe you're right!
Violet, you're not really thinking
of doing that, are you?
I'll just make one quick jump
and go right back to watching the ramp.
I can't wait!
Uh, Violet. Remember,
we're Safety Supervisors,
so we should be setting a safe example.
Which is why
I'm gonna jump safely in this helmet.
Violet! Violet! Violet! Violet!
All right, like Manny Kablamee says,
"Let's rev it up and go, go, go!"
(all gasp)
-BANG: Wow!
-We gotta try that!
Negative, children. Off-limits.
-But Violet did it.
It's our turn!
Wait. Negative means no!
(revving, grunting)
I guess there's not enough room.
You two go. I'll go up next.
Oh, no!
You must tell your brothers
to come down this instant!
-Pow! Piston!
Are you sure about this, guys?
If Violet did it, so can we!
ALL: Whee!
(engines revving)
(all grunt)
Well, at least we landed on the track!
Look out, little cubs!
The Wolf doesn't have any brakes!
He's gonna crash into us!
(wheels squealing)
Whoa, little cubs, ya gotta go faster
to make it around that loop!
I don't wanna do the loop!
I don't wanna go upside-down!
Quick! Jump onto the tunnel!
Whoo! (grunts)
-(kids screaming)
-Made it!
-But now we're stuck!
Uh Bo?
-BO: Uh-oh!
-My thought exactly.
Did you see that? They could've been hurt.
What were they thinking?
They were thinking, they saw you do it
and thought that they could do it, too.
Oh But I didn't mean
for them to think that.
What matters now is getting them down.
Come in, Firebuds. It's rescue time!
We gotta get Zip, Bang, and Pow
down from the top of the tunnel.
The Wolf doesn't know hoowwww
you're gonna do that. (giggles) Get it?
Not really, and this
doesn't seem like the time
to make jokes, Mr. The Wolf.
I'd use my J-Hook Plus,
but the cable isn't long enough
to reach all the way up there.
Too bad that ramp isn't closer
to the roller coaster track.
The platform looks about
the same height as the tunnel,
and we could use the lift
to bring 'em down.
What if it was closer?
How would we get it closer?
It's too heavy to move.
Unless we put wheels on it!
Then we can roll it over.
We do have plenty of spare tires
at the first aid tent.
Then let's roll, Firebuds!
(engines revving)
(siren sounding)
Hit the sirens
Turn on the lights ♪
There's trouble brewin'
And we gotta make it right ♪
We're gearin' up
We're in the groove ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move! ♪
-Hi, Bo!
-Can we get down now?
Yes, but we only have enough room
on the lift for two of you at a time.
I'll stay. I like the view.
-Not me.
-See ya, Pow.
I'm gonna take them down
and come back for you, Pow.
-Don't worry.
It's brave of Pow
to stay behind by himself.
I hope he's not frightened.
I better go keep him company.
Aren't you gonna take the lift?
Who needs a lift when you have J-Wheels?
Wow, look at her go!
Here I come, Pow!
That was the coolest thing I've ever seen!
You were, like, vroom! And whoosh!
-And zoom!
-Be careful, Pow.
You don't want to slip and fall.
Look, Violet,
I can flip like you. Watch me!
No, Pow, stop!
Whoopsie. Whoa!
Wow, that little cub
is gonna take the loop-de-loop backwards?
(chuckles) Even I haven't tried that.
That was awesome!
Violet, did you see what I just did?
Yeah, I saw it.
Violet, we gotta huddle up
and figure out a new plan to save Pow.
I don't get it. Why did Pow
flip onto the tracks like that?
Well, I think someone may not
have set the best example.
Me? What did I do?
He means me, Flash.
But I don't get why Pow would do something
just because I did it.
Because you do all these cool things,
so he looks up to you.
And I get it. I look up to you.
-So do I.
-Me, too.
I used to look up to you,
until you set a bad example.
We all have to set a good example.
'Cause the young ones
who don't know better
will try to copy us.
I see what you mean.
Okay, I'm starting to get a little tired!
Is there some cool
Violet-y way to get me down?
With lotsa flips?
No, Pow. The best way
is to get you down safely.
Bo, since Pow is lower now,
my J-Hook Plus cable
might be long enough to reach him.
Could my tow cable help?
Hmm. If I get a bit higher up,
I can launch my J-Hook cable
up to the track near Pow.
I can lift you with my bucket.
Then we attach the J-Hook Plus
to Axl's tow cable
so we have an extra-long cable line.
And I can carefully climb up to Pow
to connect it to him.
So I can lower you both down
on the extra-long cable.
Excellent and safe plan.
Then let's roll again, Firebuds!
Great shot!
It's ready for you, Violet.
Are you sure there isn't
a more exciting way to get me down?
We've gotta be safe, Pow.
As a Safety Supervisor,
I should have set a better example.
That's why I'm gonna take this
slow and safe.
Can you do that, too?
If you can do it, I can do it.
Great. Then let's get you down.
Axl, I need some more cable.
Okay, now I'm gonna climb down
and attach the hook to you.
Then, Axl will lower us. You ready?
Oh, yeah!
We're good to go, Axl!
All right, here we go.
(all cheering)
-Oh, yeah!
Thanks for saving me.
Anytime, Pow.
(crowd cheering)
Time to rev it up and go, go, go!
(revving engine)
(friendly quacking)
(tires screeching)
(audience cheering, applause)
Oh, we gotta try that!
Oh, no.
Manny and Captain Kapow are professionals.
None of us should try that at home.
Or here.
Way to set a good example, Pow!
FLASH: "The Night Shift."
Okay, you can open your eyes now.
Welcome to your new Firebuds Headquarters!
Wow, Dad. I can't believe you turned
that run-down old fire station
into such a cool HQ!
(chuckles) All in a day's work
for a car-chitect like me.
And if you think it looks good
on the outside, heh, wait till you see
what's on the inside.
Come on into your new HQ ♪
I'll show ya what I built for you ♪
Your command center
Has brand new gear ♪
To look out for rescues
Far or near ♪
The training room
Keeps you on your toes ♪
And preps you
To face your foes ♪
But there's still
Much more to do ♪
In your Firebuds HQ ♪
A studio for arts
And crafts ♪
A basement full
Of vests and rafts ♪
A library filled
With safety books ♪
These snacks in the kitchen
Have me shook ♪
This place Is such a big surprise ♪
I really can't
Believe my eyes ♪
And my tour's not even through ♪
Of your Firebuds HQ ♪
Yeah ♪
Your Firebuds HQ ♪
I was savin' that for later ♪
It's a secret elevator ♪
Go on in if you want proof ♪
And I'll just meet you
On the roof ♪
I added ramps
On every floor ♪
A workshop, game room
Gym, and more ♪
A bunk room in case
Ya need a nap ♪
It's such a big place
You'll need a map ♪
And one more gift
From your dear ol' dad ♪
A nice big rooftop helipad ♪
So now the rest
Is up to you ♪
Start trainin'
With your rescue crew ♪
Or have yourselves
A barbecue ♪
In your Firebuds HQ ♪
Your Firebuds HQ ♪
That's right, it's yours!
Our Firebuds HQ ♪
Thanks, Mr. Fireson.
I don't ever want to leave!
I figured you might feel that way.
So, how would you all like
to pull a Night Shift tonight?
A Night Shift? What's that?
A first responder way
of saying "sleepover"!
-Let's do it!
-Aw, yeah!
As long as we go to bed at a decent hour!
Now go get whatever you need,
and meet back here at sunset.
JAYDEN: Let's get this party started!
What are you doing, Jayden?
I gotta install
my security cameras and equipment
to make sure our HQ's protected.
Plus, all the upstairs doors
and windows need locks.
You gotta be prepared.
Aw, there's plenty of time
to do that stuff later.
Sleepovers are supposed to be fun,
Yeah! It's time for our first activity.
Making posters for next week's
safety presentation.
Eee! Did you see how much glitter
was in the art studio?
Did you see where they keep the vacuum?
I should probably stay here
and finish my work.
Okay, but we're gonna stop
by the kitchen first
and get some snacks.
Snacks? Hey, wait up!
Ho-ho! Sure feels great to be out of jail.
And you know what we're gonna
get to celebrate, Louis?
I don't know, Throttle. Pizza?
No! The Turbo Thruster.
That doesn't sound very tasty.
That's 'cause it's not food.
It's the engine booster we stole
before we were locked up.
Oh, right. Eh, what's it do, again?
(sighs) It'll make my engine so fast,
I'll be uncatchable.
We'll be able to steal all the toys
in Gearbox Grove and Motopolis!
Uh, but where would we put 'em all?
(tires screeching)
In the same place
we hid the Turbo Thruster.
The old fire station.
That don't look so old anymore.
Hey, it's those little kids who caught us.
They really fixed up the place.
Well, sure, but they're
not gonna stop us this time.
-I'm done!
-Me, too!
That window could use a lock.
And that door.
There will be plenty of time
to do that stuff
after we try out the training room.
I'm just trying to make sure
we're prepared.
In case anybody tries to break in.
Or you could have fun using your gadgets
against pretend bad guys
in the training room.
I guess the locks can wait. Okay, I'm in!
Okay, I hid the Turbo Thruster
in the attic.
We gotta find a way to break in.
They didn't even lock this place up?
Ha-ho-ho! This is gonna be too easy.
There's nothin' here.
(groans) They must have moved it
somewhere else in the building.
But we're gonna find it.
(engine revving)
So in this training room, we can practice
what to do when we run into danger.
Imagine the Rileys
just stole candy from a baby.
Babies shouldn't have candy, anyway.
That's beside the point, Piston.
Let's stop 'em.
Ooh! Those Throttle and
Louis Lam cutouts look so real.
Hey! Keep your mitts off the rims, kid!
(gasps) They're real, they're real!
I'll get 'em!
Heh-heh! (grunts) Not this time!
(gasps, grunts)
-Get out of here, kids! Now!
Quick, hide in the secret elevator.
Hey! Where'd they go?
How'd Throttle and Louis Lam
get in our HQ?
Since I never got to put the locks
on the doors,
they probably rolled right in.
But what do they want?
Let's find out.
(beeps, whirrs)
THROTTLE: Eh, forget about the kids.
We just gotta find our Turbo Thruster.
We'll go room by room.
They're looking for something
called a Turbo Thruster.
I've read about those.
It makes a vehicle too fast to catch.
Then we have to stop them
before they find it.
Let's roll!
First, we have to prepare, Flash.
If they're searching room by room,
we can cut 'em off here,
in the Emergency Command Center.
-Third floor. On it.
We'll pop out of the elevator here.
Piston will put a spike strip
in front of the exit,
forcing the bad guys
to drive under the one trap
I was able to install.
Wham, bam, perfect plan. Let's do it!
-(elevator dings)
We should go over the plan
one more time so we're all prepared.
We all heard the plan. Let's roll.
-Ugh! It ain't here, either.
-(elevator dings)
-Flash, that's not the plan!
Wait, I don't have
my spike strip ready yet.
I'll cut 'em off!
Aah! (grunts)
These kids are everywhere!
(revving, tires screeching)
They're heading right for the trap.
-I'll get 'em!
-No, Flash, wait!
(both grunt)
Give it up, kid, before you all
get stuck in your own traps.
Let's search that workshop, Louis.
Ugh, sorry!
What are we gonna do now?
Ooh, they're right in front of my J-Laser.
If we turn it on, they'll be trapped.
How do we turn it on?
Someone's gotta press the buttons
on the control panel in this order
green, yellow, orange, blue.
Easy-peasy, anti-freezy. I'll do it.
Okay, but let me tell you
which ones again so you're prepared.
No need, I remember.
Are you sure? (groans)
Green, yellow Uh, blue, orange?
Why are they turning around?
Because you pushed the buttons
in the wrong order!
You kids are really
off your game today. (cackles)
Jayden, quick! Turn off the lasers.
I can't, man.
You pressed blue then orange.
That locks the control panel.
(groans) I'm sorry. I thought
I knew the right buttons.
It's not just the buttons, Flash.
None of our plans worked, because
we never took the time to be prepared.
I shoulda let you set up
your security system to begin with.
Well, yeah, but even after that,
when you set up a plan,
you gotta go over it again and again
until everyone knows exactly what to do.
So now they're just gonna get away?
I don't have any gadgets left
that can stop 'em.
But there may be another way
to stop 'em without any gadgets at all.
-Without gadgets?
By using all the other stuff in our HQ.
But there are a lot of steps in our plan.
Then maybe you should write it down.
So we're all prepared.
All right. Step one.
Pretend you have the Turbo Thruster.
Hey, I got your Turbo Thruster right here!
-Give it!
Step two
-Look out!
Time to book it outta here!
(impact sound)
(both groan)
-The sticky kind!
-Step three.
-Lock up his wheels!
Not so fast.
After you trapped me with glue last time,
I always carry glue remover.
Jayden. Time for the back-up plan!
Oh! You're not gettin' away this time!
Ha! I got the Turbo Thruster!
-I can't steer!
Whoa! Where am I goin'?
-Where am I going?
(both grunt)
Oh, just wait until I put in
this Turbo Thruster.
You didn't have it?
Nope. But we do have a training pool
that just flooded your engine
so you can't get away.
(engine stalling)
-Oh, man, not again!
Hey, what's that?
THROTTLE: The Turbo Thruster!
It's always in the last place ya look.
Hup, I'll just drop these two off
with the proper authorities
and be right back.
A few party crashers
aren't gonna ruin this sleepover.
Uh Jayden, maybe you and I
can finish installing
your security system.
'Cause, you know,
it's good to be prepared.
Now, you're talkin'.
(theme music playing)
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