Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e25 Episode Script

Falling into Place

(Adapted from the web novel "Waiting for You in a City")
(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Episode 25)
- Thank you for your hard work. - Thank you for your hard work.
(Selfless contribution to disaster relief on the front lines)
(Natural disasters are merciless, but there's love in this world)
(Natural disasters are merciless, but there's love in this world)
(Thank you, angels in white)
(Thank you, firefighting warriors. Thank you, love has no borders)
(Good thing you're here)
- Bye. - Bye.
(Caring for people, selfless contribution at the front line)
(How's your wound?)
(Much better. Get some rest too.)
(How's your wound?)
(Much better. Get some rest too.)
(I'm already done resting.)
(What are you doing? You're not working, are you?)
(What are you doing? You're not working, are you?)
(I'm recovering.)
(Do you want to meet up?)
Come on out then.
Have you been waiting for a long time?
I just arrived.
Why are you smiling?
Where are we going?
Let's watch a movie.
Where are we watching it?
Qifeng Road.
Why are you smiling again?
"Sure, sure."
You sound like a fool.
Let's take the subway today.
The traffic is bad.
"Sure, sure."
You sound like a fool.
The card is broken.
(Fire hydrant)
What's the matter?
This is a perfect interpretation of a math problem.
What problem?
Two parallel lines can intersect.
At a certain time,
a certain place,
a certain point.
It's a fake proposition.
The reason they can intersect
is because they are not parallel lines.
Song Yan.
After the rescue operation,
I've thought one thing through.
Before, whenever I thought of you,
of us,
I would remember the 10 years we missed.
But now I wonder
if our lives
are also like these tracks.
We meet, we part.
We separate, we reunite.
So there's no need to dwell on what we missed out on.
I just need to be with you
on the days
we meet again.
Am I too fickle?
Dr. Xu.
You're being so sentimental
on your first subway ride?
Let's go.
Please stand clear and hold on to the handrail.
- Hello. - One popcorn.
All right.
What would you like to drink?
Two colas.
All right. Please wait a moment.
Grilled sausages.
Spicy sticks.
Potato chips.
I don't eat much junk food anymore.
What about this?
I don't like chocolates either.
Scan the code and pay here.
All right.
Enjoy the movie.
- Thank you. - Bye.
Do you want some?
You go ahead.
Wait for me.
I'll be right back.
- I'm sorry. - It's okay.
We'll be more careful next time.
- Okay. - Enjoy the movie.
It's an occupational hazard.
The escape corridor is blocked, right?
What happened when the movie started?
I didn't watch it earlier.
You didn't?
What were you doing then?
I was
watching what you were doing.
We're here.
Go inside.
Do you want to come up?
You haven't had dinner.
Eat before you go.
Do you know how to cook?
Aside from rice,
what do you have?
There's a supermarket over there.
They have everything.
Let's go.
Pork belly.
This used to be your favorite.
Marbled meat?
Your tastes have changed a lot.
Let's see what you like now and what you don't.
Over the years,
what's changed about you and what hasn't,
I'll find out in one go.
By the way,
I don't eat spicy food anymore either.
What about you?
How have you changed?
I can eat spicy food now.
Is it good?
It's very delicious.
I remember you didn't know how to cook before.
You weren't this tidy before either.
You've changed a lot.
I don't cook often.
Sometimes, my uncle and aunt would travel far,
so I cook for Zhai Miao.
I've changed a lot too.
I've become boring.
Very boring.
Have some tea.
I've boiled some water.
Don't you think
it's already late?
do you mean?
We watched a movie.
We're done eating.
What do we do after drinking tea?
It's getting late.
I'll get going.
Do you still like me?
I do.
I regret it.
Let's be together.
I don't need you to do anything for me.
I don't need you to promise
that you'll be on my side in the future.
We've been through so much
and we still like each other.
We've been through life and death too.
We understand and love each other more than before.
Let's be together then.
We both have jobs
that we like and can work together on.
If we had our own home,
that would be the greatest thing.
We should be together now.
We can be together.
let's be together.
What you're saying
doesn't sound like you at all.
Do you
like me that much?
I still like you.
I like you a lot.
After 10 years,
even if your personality,
preferences, and tastes have changed
or maybe we'll be sick of each other
in a week's time,
let's be together.
Call me when you've made a decision.
Let's get married.
Right now.
Let's be together.
When did he start acting like this?
Since coming back from Wangxiang,
he's been acting like this.
At first, we thought
he had a fight with his girlfriend.
But then we found out
that he often wakes up in the middle of the night
and sits outside by himself.
He sits there until dawn.
Apart from Ge Zheng,
who else is like this in our station?
In that case,
Tang Jie is the same way too.
He can't sleep since he came back.
He keeps saying
that if he had been just a little faster,
he would have been able to save that little boy.
What about Jiang Yi?
Jiang Yi is fine.
He's just been sleeping a lot lately.
When he's not on duty,
he keeps sleeping.
I took a look at their questionnaires.
It's PTSD.
What SD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder.
I've experienced it before.
After the mission,
I was shocked.
For a while,
I couldn't rest at all.
I went to a doctor and he told me
that there was nothing I could do.
I can only rely on the company of those around me.
Besides that,
only time can solve everything.
Let's spend more time
with our comrades here.
(China Fire and Rescue)
What are you doing?
It's snowing.
The yard at Uncle's house must be really beautiful.
When you open the door,
you can see a thick layer of snow.
It's all over the roof and leaves.
Do you like old-style houses?
The one your family has?
The one
where only one family lives.
I like it.
When I first went to my uncle's house,
I told him
that I really like an old-style house
with a small yard.
You don't remember, right?
Go to work.
You're going to be late.
When I go to work later,
will you be bored at home alone?
It's okay.
I'll rest at home in the morning.
In the afternoon, I'm meeting a friend
A colleague.
Is she a friend or a colleague?
Who is it? Do I know her?
Li Meng.
I see.
Does she like you?
Li Meng.
I don't think so.
Do you like her then?
What do you think?
When do you get off work?
I'll have dinner with you.
I'm not sure.
I might have emergency surgery tonight.
I'll get off work late.
Don't wait for me.
All right.
I won't bother you.
Call me after work.
(Yanbei Shilitai Fire and Rescue Station)
Ge Zheng, let's eat.
Yes, let's eat.
There's cured meat today.
I'm not going. I'm not hungry.
Ge Zheng.
What's wrong?
I'm fine.
If something's bothering you,
don't keep it bottled up inside.
Tell us.
Then you'll feel better.
A lot of new members who take part
in such a large-scale rescue operation
might possibly have
post-traumatic stress disorder.
In our work lately,
we have to pay careful attention
to this kind of situation.
Report it to the brigade at once
to arrange for counseling
and give a happy ending
to this disaster relief.
(Yanbei Fire and Rescue Brigade)
Do you have any questions
about today's presentation?
Go ahead.
Regarding post-traumatic stress disorder,
what are the common treatment methods?
Can daily training
enhance the team member's emotional ability
to deal with this
to improve his mental strength
to cope with more complicated and difficult rescue operations?
Currently, most of the treatment methods for PTSD include
medical treatment and psychological intervention.
Based on our team member's situation,
by reviewing
past rescue data,
they can understand in advance
the difficulties and dangers one must face
in a large-scale rescue operation.
This can help the new team members
adjust their mental states
in a timely and accurate manner
to improve their abilities to deal with stress.
Does anyone else
have any questions?
(Speaker's area)
Go ahead.
have no more questions.
Let's have a recess for 10 minutes.
Come back later.
(Commendation Ceremony)
Thank you for your hard work.
In this disaster rescue,
our medical team
performed outstandingly.
They successfully performed
38 major surgeries
and 79 minor surgeries.
They rescued 438 injured people.
They're well-received by the locals.
During this operation,
some outstanding individuals also emerged.
They have excellent medical skills
and they're benevolent.
They always keep the lives
and safety of the local people in mind.
Such medical professionals
deserve to be learned from
by each and every one of you.
They also deserve to be recognized
by the hospital and society.
let's welcome
one of them.
She was also chosen by the news media
as one of the top 10 touching people in the earthquake.
Dr. Xu Qin from the Emergency Department.
Please come and say a few words.
I just did what I had to do.
I was a rescued victim too.
After I found out
that the woman was dead,
I left.
It was the firefighter who dug her up
and noticed that she was pregnant,
so he called out to me.
Thanks to his warning,
I was able to save that baby in time.
And he pulled me back
from the brink of making a huge mistake.
At that moment,
I realized my mistake ever since.
As a doctor,
this is a serious dereliction of my duty.
It's also
Dr. Xu.
That's enough.
Go and get some rest.
Since Dr. Xu
has been exhausted for many days,
she's a little agitated.
This is what happened.
Dr. Xu and a firefighter
worked together to save a new life.
Let's give her a round of applause.
(Some thoughts and suggestions)
(Keep warm. Drink more hot water!)
Dr. Xu, you wanted to see me?
Dr. Xu.
I'll give this to you.
Keep it as a souvenir.
Over the past 10 days of earthquake rescue,
I've seen an outstanding doctor.
Keep up the good work.
I will.
What are you doing?
Is this from the director?
That old man is so biased.
This was given to him by the Minister of Health
when he helped with an African rescue.
He wears it every Doctors' Day.
Is that so?
Then I'll also wear it every Doctors' Day from now on.
You're showing off, right?
Keep up the good work, Dr. Yang.
Keep a low profile, Dr. Xu.
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