Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e25 Episode Script

Chimei tekina suki

Since we have such little information,
we should prepare just in case
it doesn't have a mind.
In that case, we'll have to
use sheer force.
Is that possible?
I don't know.
Um, in that case
I might be able to kill Mistress Frieren.
Well then, let's draft up a plan.
First, let's make sure
we're on the same page.
In the event that the clone has a mind,
we'll use Edel's hypnosis magic
to break through my mental defense.
-And to have Fern kill me. Is that right?
How can you say "yes" so easily?
Where is Edel?
We were attacked by Sense's clone,
and she dropped out of the exam.
I see. And Blei as well?
I was able to run to safety
because he bought me time.
I hope he was able to escape safely.
Don't mind me! Go!
Anything's better than having
zero participants pass.
I have information.
Will you cooperate with me?
I was willing to do that
from the very beginning.
Is there anyone who can heal?
I have Scriptures, so I can
perform simple healing magic.
Thank you.
I see.
So the clones don't have minds.
That's right. According to Edel,
they're just imitating the workings
of a mind very precisely.
But they don't have a real mind.
Now there is no easy way of defeating it.
We have to draft up a plan
with that in mind.
That being said,
there are still too many unknown factors.
The biggest issue to focus on
is the identity of
those clones and the caster of the spell.
We can't take action
until we understand their nature.
We especially need to find out
if they really don't have any weaknesses.
If that clone is really
on the same level as Frieren,
some of us may end up dead.
I won't give any answers.
I thought so.
It doesn't have any weaknesses.
The one manipulating the clones
is a monster from mythical times
called Spiegel.
How do you know?
My oldest brother
was part of the advance party sent by
the Continental Magic Association
to raid the Ruins of the King's Tomb.
So you had information?
No wonder you were
able to make it this far.
But what you did wasn't very logical.
If you knew, you should have
shared this information
and cooperated with us from the beginning.
No one seemed to be
in the mood to cooperate.
Plus, Frieren and Fern went in ahead of us
before we knew it.
And you, old man,
are the type to abandon your comrades
if it's not against the rules.
Why would we cooperate with you?
You really got on their bad side.
I am, indeed, an old man.
But it hurts when you say it to my face.
-You should probably apologize.
-Sorry about that, old man.
According to the observations
of the advance party,
Spiegel is on the other side of that door,
inside the treasure vault.
Supposedly, the monster itself
is weak and has no means of attack.
If you defeat it,
all the clones will disappear.
That matches up with the results
from our mana detection.
The monster is beyond that door.
But that door has
a powerful binding spell cast on it.
I noticed that too.
My clone must have done that.
The spell that shuts the door of
a treasure vault at the risk of your life.
It's one of the most powerful
binding spells in all folk magic.
That door will not open
unless the caster dies.
We could ignore the door completely
and break down the wall,
but it probably has
a workaround for that too.
Either way, in order to get to Spiegel,
we have no choice
but to defeat that clone.
Then you'd better hurry up.
What do you mean?
Spiegel creates clones of
everyone inside the dungeon.
And those clones
instinctively flock to
the innermost depths over time.
Aside from my brother's unit,
most of the members of the previous
advance party were annihilated.
They were annihilated right here,
just before the innermost depths.
I see.
Excuse me.
The clones imitate the workings
of a mind very precisely, right?
That means they have the same
behavioral weaknesses
as their originals, right?
Most likely.
In that case, we might have a chance.
What is this "weakness"
you're talking about?
Mistress Frieren,
can you please
stand by that wall over there?
This is
It can't be
Did you notice?
-Do you get it?
This is, indeed, Frieren's fatal flaw.
Why didn't I notice this
when I fought her?
I knew she was skilled, and that
preconception prevented me from noticing.
The moment she uses magic,
her mana detection is interrupted
for a split second.
Isn't that a common mistake
made by apprentice mages?
I've always been bad at that.
If you were aware of it,
why didn't you tell us?
Because it's embarrassing.
Now is not the time to be saying that.
But all her other skills
are just too exceptional.
Very few mages would be able to actually
take advantage of her flaw.
let's just start a strategy meeting.
Even if we get rid of Frieren's clone
Mistress Frieren,
you look like you're having fun.
Sounds like we have a plan.
Eisen, you distract the monster
while I attack from the side.
Frieren, you provide covering fire.
What about Heiter?
He has a hangover, so he's useless today.
He's dead.
I just remembered how
we used to have discussions like this
when we fought dungeon bosses.
All right.
Let's start our raid.
Can we win?
Don't worry.
There is no such thing as a dungeon
that can't be raided.
I'm the mage from the party
that has raided
the most dungeons in history.
Are you sure you want to
fight Frieren's clone
all by yourselves?
It's easier to predict your opponent's
movements when there are fewer people.
It's true that we would most likely win
if we all fought together,
but most of us would die in the process.
You probably won't even have time
to use your evacuation golem.
So you're saying
it is more important
to stop the clones that will
come to the innermost depth?
After all, we'd all be wiped out
if we got attacked from both sides.
Okay, let's go according to plan.
All right. I wish you good luck.
Go ahead and open it.
Well then
Let's go around and say who the toughest
opponent would be for each of us.
It's moving exactly how
Mistress Frieren predicted.
Its mana detection was interrupted.
My clone will be wary of Fern,
who hid during that time.
But it will be too busy fighting me,
its evenly matched opponent.
It won't have time to search for Fern.
After all,
nobody knows how dangerous I can be
more than I do.
Don't worry.
When you perfectly conceal yourself,
even I can't find you that easily.
But are you sure that Zoltraak
is the spell I should
use to attack?
It's the quickest spell to fire.
Plus, Zoltraak is
a relatively newer spell among elves.
It hasn't been around long enough
for our reflexes to
automatically defend us.
In order to counter it, we have to think,
so it takes a little longer,
even if it's just a split second.
But not for you, Fern.
For you, Zoltraak is something
that has always existed
from the time you were born.
It's fundamental magic
that comes naturally to you.
Your Zoltraak would be able to kill me.
Put in all the mana you have.
you don't like me, right?
Why did you come see me?
To tell you the truth,
I thought I'd never see you again.
I came to deliver my master's will.
It's been 50 years
I see. So Flamme died, huh?
You're not sad?
I only raised her on a whim.
It's basically a report.
What did she write?
the emperor authorized the research
of magic on a national level.
Up until now, magic was viewed
as the art of demons
among human societies,
so studying it indiscreetly
was considered taboo.
Flamme was the one who proposed the idea,
and she took part in teaching
the newly established Imperial Mages.
She basically wrote to me
to ask me to take over in her place.
How greedy is she?
Just getting the authorization
for researching magic was a feat.
But she wants more?
Is this such a big deal?
This means the largest empire
on the continent will begin researching
and applying magic for military use.
The nations around it
won't be able to ignore that.
In just a few decades,
magic will become
widespread throughout the continent.
A day will come when all of mankind
will be able to use magic.
In the not too distant future,
mankind will gain the power
to fight against the Demon King's army.
I see. That's pretty incredible.
I know.
that is not what I want.
Go home, Frieren.
There is no way I am going to
agree to this will.
It's extremely annoying.
"A time where
anyone can use magic," you say?
Magic should be special.
I don't plan to
teach anyone without talent.
To think she would send me this
Flamme and I could never agree
until the very end.
She's just an apprentice I raised
on a whim, after all.
Master said,
"Serie will most likely get mad
and rip up the will."
But she still wanted to tell you anyway,
that her dream came true.
Don't ask me why.
Well, I'll be off now.
I don't think we'll ever meet again.
Before that, want to take a little walk?
We have all the time in the world, anyway.
It was Flamme's dream to see
the day when anyone
could use magic.
At first, it had nothing to do
with wanting to save mankind
or fight the Demon King's army.
She didn't care about any of that.
Do you know her favorite spell?
The spell to create a field of flowers.
It's a stupid spell
that has no use whatsoever.
She really loved magic.
She sincerely wished for everyone
in the world to be able to
cast spells like that.
It gave me the creeps.
It sounded like
a little girl's cutesy dream.
But that's exactly what it was.
It was a pipe dream that
she shared with me when she was
a little girl who was
much shorter than me.
Honestly, I thought
that day wouldn't come for a while
and that she couldn't possibly
make it come true.
But in her short lifetime,
which amounts to
almost nothing in my eyes,
she was able to become
the progenitor of mankind's magic.
Master was always quick to make decisions.
It was as if she was pressed for time.
Humans have a limited lifespan.
They are closer to death than we are.
There are many times
in life when you have to
make big decisions,
and humans like her cannot afford
to postpone making them.
For us, we could do it
100 or 200 years later.
Even if we put it off for 1,000 years,
it wouldn't make any difference.
The time we have is close to an eternity.
a long time has passed
since humans first created
what we call civilization.
From here, the generations
will come and go rapidly.
In a mere millennium
In a mere millennium,
it will become the era of humans.
Humans will overtake us.
Don't neglect your training, Frieren.
If anyone can kill you,
it will be the Demon King
or a human mage.
How exciting, Serie.
That means I will get to see lots of mages
and all kinds of spells.
Well then.
-Let's get it over with.
-Both might die.
-I'll leave it to you.
-This won't work either.
-Mistress Frieren.
-I expected it.
-I have no choice but to do it.
So this is the height of magic?
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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