Ghost Force (2021) s01e25 Episode Script

Scream Scratch / Creepop

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Come on, Asta,
our conference awaits!
Excuse me!
- (Barking)
- Huh?
- Hello, Andy.
- Hey, Professor Pascal.
- Huh?
- (Sighs)
- Uh, are you all right?
- I'm actually supposed to be
at a museum conference, but
I've been given terrible news.
No dogs allowed!
Well, maybe
I could dog-sit Asta for you.
Oh! Oh, that's amazing!
Here's her stuff.
Woofkies are her favourite
treat, but no more than two!
And here's her ball to play!
Be good, puppers.
I'll be back in two shakes.
And don't forget to water her
once an hour! Thanks, Andy!
- Oh, you want this?
- Woof!
Then ya gotta hustle for it!
Oh, look who finally made it.
Wait. Why is Asta with you?
I'm dog-sitting for
Professor Pascal for the day.
So, how's the ghost
thinga-ma-bobber comin' along?
Ms Jones
is almost finished loading
Boo-energy signature.
This new version will let us
copy any ghost's power!
(Message comes in)
- Uh
- ANDY: What's up?
Nothing, just my dad wants me
to join him in a friendly game
with his fans
to launch some energy drink.
He still doesn't get
basketball's not my thing.
But it is totally mine.
Come on, let's go!
I'm pretty sure taking Asta
to a basketball game
is a recipe for squashed dog.
Aw, come on! Ms Jones could
dog-sit Asta for a couple hours!
Uh Mmm-hmm.
Dude, Professor Pascal
left Asta in your hands!
Chill, he'll be as golden
as a retriever.
Ms Jones, are you sure
you're fine with Asta?
What? Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, sure, Liv.
You can do that.
Today, pros meet fans courtside,
all sponsored by Dragon Venom,
the fiercest energy drink!
And the fans are gonna need some
to face off against
the legendary Michael Collins!
Oh, yeah!
A few words to inspire the fans?
To play basketball, you're gonna
need a dose of Dragon Venom!
So, who wants to play?
Got it!
- Woof!
- Dog?
- (Laughter)
- Ah! Ghost!
Dog? Ghost-Dog?
Aaah! Itchy, itchy, itchy!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
Oh, no! This is an emergency!
Go Boo-cap that ghost, Glowboo!
Roger. Copy.
- Yes!
- Sweet moves, kid!
I may have found
the best junior player in NYC.
Oh! Oh, wow!
This is like every birthday and
Christmas combined for Andy!
- Ms Jones?
- Liv!
Some stray mutt got into
the lab and unleashed a ghost!
- Asta?
- I don't know who Asta is,
but Glowboo's on his way.
Transform as soon as you can!
- Sorry.
- (Laughter)
- (Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
Oh, no. We need to move.
Mike! Where are you?
- Dad!
- Oh, no!
Michael Collins just turned
into a furry plush toy?
- Sorry about your dad
- You should be. Thanks to you,
- Asta woke that ghost!
- Mike!
Well, maybe not directly.
Let's play the blame game
after we Boo-cap this ghost.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Ready for action.
Thank you, Ghost Force!
It bristles its fur
to trigger its power!
So we have to block its fur.
Fractal power!
Time to finish it!
- We can't let it get away!
- Flight mode activated.
All I had to do was dog-sit,
but instead
I got Krush and his dad
turned into walking mops.
We all make mistakes.
And it's not all your fault.
And we can fix it, starting with
Boo-capping that ghost!
You're right!
(Evil laugh)
Flexy power!
My Flexy Boo's
not strong enough to capture it!
What do we do?
We require something equivalent
to Krush's power.
Like Freezofear's Boo energy!
Ms Jones loaded it
in the ghost gauntlet.
Ms Jones! We'll need
to borrow the ghost gauntlet.
Ah! Ooh! Ooh!
The gadget's not ready yet,
but I'll do my best.
You kids stall!
- We need to gain some time.
- Heh, heh! Got an idea!
- Heh, heh!
- Huh?
Yo, fleabag!
Wanna play ball?
It fell for it,
hook, line and sinker!
You trying out silly pet tricks?
Trust me. I'm not
fooling around this time.
- Ms Jones, what's your status?
- The gauntlet isn't 100% ready.
- I need more time!
- We can't hold on much longer!
(Sighs) Fine! But there's
no guarantee it'll work.
My Boo energy is almost empty.
Ms Jones, it's now or never!
The gauntlet
is ready for downloading
- into one of your suits.
- Right on time!
(Evil laugh)
Yo, magic carpet!
No one touches my sister!
End game, Fleabag!
Told ya!
I'm a natural-born pet-sitter.
Huh? Whoa!
Uh, Ms Jones? The ghost gauntlet
just went kablooey.
I guess we're going to need
a "new" new version
of the ghost gauntlet.
it's gonna take some time.
Ah, well,
at least the city is safe
Ooh! And I'm not itchy any more!
Ha! Good job, kids.
Oh, thanks a million, Andy.
I hope Asta
wasn't too much trouble?
It was like
she wasn't even there.
Yeah, Andy had so much fun
he wants to dog-sit her
every time you need!
- Argh!
- What a wonderful idea!
Man, prepping this party
is a total drag!
Oh! But I like the school party!
Yeah? Well, I don't!
Come on.
Check out the venue
for our end-of-semester dance!
Wow, you guys
really decked out the library.
Except there's gonna be
no reading here tonight.
Yep, only dancing.
Grab your partner and go!
(Gasps) I totally forgot
to get a date for the dance!
I can't show off my moves
without a partner!
Yo, Charlie! Maybe Mike can
Uh, sure I'll help you
with those chairs, Andy.
Really? You blew your chance to
ask Charlie out to stack chairs?
Yeah, Mike, it's not like you
already have a dance partner.
Yeah. I mean, sure,
but dancing's not really my jam.
Oh, come on!
Music is everyone's jam!
Just loosen up those limbs.
Er, can we please not do this?
ANDY: Shake your rump-ah!
I feel like an octopus
with eight left feet.
No way!
You are working it, dude!
Ha! Love your penguin two-step,
Junior, but here's a pro-tip,
it's a dance,
not a nature documentary!
Yo, Drake, tell me. Is this box
too heavy for your little arms?
- Ha, ha!
- Baker
(Evil laugh)
Aaah! A ghost!
Bobby, help me!
Oh, no! My teeth!
Hi, Ms Jones. We've got trouble!
Oh, hello, Liv,
I'm a bit tied up at the moment.
- You OK, Ms Jones?
- I'm zen! What's up?
A ghost just crashed
our dance party!
- Ghost on the move!
- Aaah! Aaah!
I'll send you Glowboo ASAP.
Hmm. I've never encountered
this one before.
You'd better capture it
or who knows what it could do.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
(Music playing)
What the?
- Oh, no!
- It merged with a boom box!
Who knew ghosts were
into hip-hop? Or rather Creepop?
It's forcing people to dance?
Oh, great.
Spectral arrow!
Well, at least we know
your arrows
won't work on its bubbles.
Sounds like this dance party
is going city-wide. Let's move!
This is Charlie reporting live
as the Ghost Force
flies off to save the city!
(Evil laugh)
Funky. I'd almost ask it
to DJ at our dance
- if it weren't so evil.
- This is not good.
It's making the whole city
dance like crazy!
Neutralising its cable
might cut off its power.
Ha! I can get down with that!
I don't like
where this is going.
Go, go, go, Ghost Force!
Charlie? Oh, no! Not now!
- Ready, Fury?
- I was born ready!
Thanks for the assist, sis!
And today was the day
the music died.
Heads up!
Save me a spot
on your dance card!
(Evil laugh)
Or I'll just sit this track out.
Yeesh, you're unstoppable!
The speakers!
That's what feeds its power!
So let's use
some power of our own.
Krush, give us a beat!
KRUSH: Not gonna happen.
What if I get hit
in front of Charlie?
Charlie? OK, I get it.
You got a major crush, Krush.
But we really need you
to bring some bass to its face!
Allow me to get down
with your bad self.
- Hey!
- Sorry!
- Gotta get you to safety!
- Krush?
- Look out, behind you!
- Oh, great!
Oh! Aaah! Aaah!
Oh Hello!
Can't keep a beat?
- That was close!
- Yeah
Uh, sorry about
the ridiculous acrobatics.
- Hope you didn't get seasick.
- Ridiculous? Are you kidding?
Where'd you learn those steps?
That was super cool.
Really? Ahem!
I mean, cool.
gotta go help my Boo-buds.
(Evil laugh)
Guys, watch out!
- (Laughs)
- Fractal power!
I'm getting tired
of your playlist!
- Ah!
- (Evil laugh)
Can't keep this up alone!
I got this!
Leave that
walking jukebox to me!
Your dancing days are over!
OK, it doesn't matter
how I look
I have to get out
of my own head and just do it.
Work it, Krush!
The rhythm always gets you!
Yeah! Finally!
Boo-yah, kids! Whoa! Oh!
Finally free
from that stupid pose!
Phew! That is the last time I do
yoga without a workout buddy!
I caught the whole thing
on camera!
You shoulda seen it,
the Ghost Force in action,
not to mention Krush's
super-slick moves!
Hey, girls, look at Mike!
He's a kind of
a skilled dancer!
Yeah! He's awesome!
You know, you kinda dance
like Krush. I love it!
Oh, thanks!
You're pretty good too!
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