The Assassins (2024) s01e25 Episode Script

Shepherd's daughter

Al Hady helped Donia Zad,
Khadijah and Nourhan escape.
Al Hady helped Donia Zad,
Khadijah and Nourhan escape.
Al Hady defied
his father, Hassan Al-Sabbah
he defied the strongest man on earth
it's not Al Hady's courage
that allowed him to do that
but his love for his mother and sister.
and their fear of his father.
Welcome to Omar Khayyam's house.
So that Al Hady admits
all this to his father
My mother, Khadijah and Nourhan
are not here.
Hassan Al-Sabbah's fire has ignited.
Hassan Al-Sabbah's fire has ignited.
Donia Zad and Khadijah
are not in Alamut Castle
and you're the one who
helped them escape from me?
Not only because of
his wife and daughter's escape
but because his son and heir
betrayed him.
This is your bedroom
and it might be your grave too.
either you reborn or death will purify you
There had to be an heir
There had to be an heir
stronger and braver than Al Hady.
"Episode 25"
"The Shepherd's Daughter"
It'll be better if you let me die.
I don't want you to die
I want you to wait until you see
the one who'll get your strength back
I don't want you
I don't want to be your heir.
But I want you to be my heir.
I thought I'd act
according to my standards
and come to check on you.
it seems that you have guests.
I thought you were in trouble.
No, I didn't get into trouble
the trouble came to me.
Your riddles are exhausting, Omar Khayyam.
Your riddles are exhausting, Omar Khayyam.
Can you keep a secret, spa attendant?
Although spa attendant is not well-versed
he can keep a secret, Khayyam.
Hassan Al-Sabbah
-He is the one who sent the message?
-His wife
she came here running away
from him, along with others
and I couldn't turn her down.
You are gentleman, and full of chivalry.
If the minister or the sultan knew?
I will disavow my acquaintance
with you and consider you a martyr
I wouldn't even visit your grave.
I wouldn't even visit your grave.
If Hassan Al-Sabbah, whom
they ran away from, knew first?
That's an even worse scenario
He'd send one of his followers to kill you
then the Sultan would know
and have you killed again
I'm leaving.
Where's your nobility that
made you care about your friend?
Listen you there are things
exceed nobility and chivalry.
What's your advice?
Run away alone.
Go home, Sahban.
Go home and keep the secret.
May God help you in your troubles.
Let me take this.
My Lord, the Sultan.
Are you Yahya?
Yes, my Lord, the Sultan.
Why didn't you execute Al-Sabbah's plan?
and killed my lord the Caliph?
I chose to live my life with honor.
What about your lover whom Al-Sabbah has?
I thought there's no love without honor
What's the honor of
Yahya, the muezzin's son?
To lead an army
to destroy Alamut Castle
and kill its demon.
Can you?
I'm the most knowledgeable
of its entrances and exits.
I'm the most knowledgeable
of its entrances and exits.
and I have the strongest weapon
I know that Nourhan's destiny is death
but there's no nobler than seeking revenge
and just as God enabled me to kill
the one who killed my parents.
He will enable me to
kill Nourhan's murderer
and the revenge for many
others who sent them to death
it doesn't matter to me
whether I win or lose
what matters is that I kill him
even if I die a thousand times afterwards
and who is unafraid of death,
triumphing over it many times
death fears him.
What assures us that
your whole story is true?
What assures us that
your whole story is true?
You might be a liar
Or a spy for Al-Sabbah?
Ask the streets of Isfahan
and its mosque about my father
Saeed ibn Oufy and who killed him.
Ask those who returned from your soldiers,
in the last battle at ibn Hafez's castle.
about the knight who entered the castle,
with Esoterics, who was he fighting for?
You seem honest, Yahya
your intentions are good
but great states are not run by intentions
We got a lot of those who
returned from Al-Sabbah
also, at first, they
claimed good intentions.
Take him to jail.
Take him to jail.
Years of life have passed
inside the castle, Barzak.
What our master has done inside the castle
neither a Sultan nor a Caliph could do.
In the end, here I am
the castle's prisoner.
Our master can be anywhere he wants
there's no place or time
can imprison Hassan Al-Sabbah.
The soul longs to get out, Barzak.
I want to breathe
I want to walk long distances until
I tire and rest on the desert sand.
I want to smell the scent
of the world outside Alamut Castle.
I hated solitude.
The freedom
The freedom, Barzak.
our master has always been free.
I don't think so
either in the Seljuk prison as you meet me
or in the prison of Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali
or in the prison of thought.
or in the prison of Badr El-Deen Al-Jamali
or in the prison of thought.
The prison of thought?
Every great mind is
a prisoner of its thought
until he can realize it
and every time he realize
an thought, he leaves its prison
and enters the prison of a new idea.
What our master commands.
So now let's get to the back
No no no no no!
There's severe pain here, master Sahban.
The pain is from your standing guard
and Sahban will relieve the back pain
Fine, master Sahban, just gently.
I know how to do my job! Also, if
you worked gently, you would sleep
No problem if I slept
-at least I'd rest for a while.
-Sleep as much as you want
-Where's your guard?
-At the entrance to the Sultan's palace
Then you have to have
special treatment. Sit properly.
All what you need is a story
from the stories of wondrous Sahban
and to enter the world of dreams.
-Tell me, master Sahban.
-Once upon a time
in the times of the past
There was a terrifying person
named Hassan Al-Sabbah
The Esoteric residing in the castle?
-I know it.
-Of course, I know you do
Hassan Al-Sabbah
killed the sultanate's dignitaries
Malik-Shah's minister,
Nizam Al-Mulk and others.
Nizam Al-Mulk and Omar Khayyam
were his closest friends
Nizam Al-Mulk and Omar Khayyam
were his closest friends
Omar Khayyam?
That's the poet and philosopher. I
saw him once in the Sultan's palace.
Hassan Al-Sabbah
He had a very beautiful wife.
-Of course.
-She ran away from Alamut and left him.
Who did she go to for refuge
and to have her as a guest?
Omar Khayyam, my friend
now here's some hot water
it'll make you feel better.
My lord, the Sultan
The case of the young man
Yahya ibn Saeed is easy, my lord
it turned out that he is indeed honest
and that he was indeed fighting with
our soldiers in the castle of ibn Hafez.
We have gained a new
enemy for ibn Al-Sabbah
he also knows the ins
and outs of his castle.
But I have a news and a
gain that is far more important.
But I have a news and a
gain that is far more important.
May Allah glorify our Sultan.
A greater and closer
enemy to ibn Al-Sabbah
and they are here in Isfahan.
-Hassan Al-Sabbah's wife and daughter.
They are at Omar Khayyam's house.
Did anyone in the castle
know about my departure?
No, my lord, it's a secret
everything about you is unknown to them.
Leave me alone and return to the castle.
I don't want anyone to sense the change.
How can I leave you, my master?
It is risky for you.
This is my journey
alone, listen to me Barzak.
-Your duty is only to follow orders.
-I won't leave you, unless I die.
Obedience, Barzak.
When will you return?
In due time.
As my lord command.
-So, the information we received was true?
-Yes, my lord.
Hassan Al-Sabbah's wife
sought my refuge.
She is with her daughter
and another girl named Nourhan
They are all running from Hassan,
and I couldn't turn them away.
Why didn't you inform us?
Is chivalry and helping women
something reporting?
When the matter concerns
the Sultanate's biggest enemy
permission is needed.
permission is needed.
Our poet Omar
did what was appropriate as a gentleman
I commend your noble act, Omar.
But we need to interrogate
your guests, Omar.
Do you want me to hand
over my guests, you mean?
Is it right to interrogate women?
The situation has gone beyond hospitality
this is a matter of higher interest
as for interrogating women
if the matter is for the state's interest
if the matter is for the state's interest
we have the right to interrogate anyone.
I am surprised by your objection
and your refusal of the request
that can possibly be an order!
I thought the orders here
were for the grand Sultan alone.
You did what you had to, Omar.
You welcomed those who sought your refuge
but I am the ruler here.
I should have been the one to welcome them
Al-Sabbah's wife and daughter will come
here, under protection and guardianship.
Al-Sabbah's wife and daughter will come
here, under protection and guardianship.
I don't think this order can be objected.
Are you Hassan Al-Sabbah's wife?
Yes, my lady.
What would make a woman, married to
such a strong and dangerous man, run away?
The hatred.
What turns love into hatred?
-He killed my son.
-Your son?
His own son?
What makes a father kill his son?
Insanity and self-love
Love for being the owner
of the key to heaven
who dares to kill his son if he errs
who dares to kill his son if he errs
in order for those around
him to believe in him.
You mean, trust him?
Believe in him
Hassan Sabbah is not
merely a leader or ruler
he is a god
he genuinely believes that about himself.
A strange story.
Is this your daughter?
and this is the oppressed Nourhan.
Your story is quite a tale, Donia Zad.
Your story is quite a tale, Donia Zad.
You are my guests, and the Sultan's too
you are safe here.
What's your story, Nourhan?
Anyone, whoever he is, claiming
to be our lord Hassan Al-Sabbah
and orders you to open the castle gate
shall be killed immediately
these are our lord's orders.
Stop right there!
Stay where you are, Esoteric.
Drop your weapon.
I don't have a weapon.
Kill him.
Yahya didn't go to Baghdad.
He entered Isfahan and
surrendered to Sultan Berkyaruq.
Lady Donia Zad and her companions
are also in the Sultan's palace.
I don't want you to mingle
with the rest of the believers.
You now have a higher status
you are keepers of a secret.
So what's our destiny?
A big promotion
by the order of our lord,
the owner of the key to heaven
something bigger than martyrdom
as I promised you
you will experience heaven's dream again
now, you can leave.
Would you rather die and be cast
in the desert to feed the hungry birds
or would you guide me
to your master's place?
Who's my master? I don't have a master!
The disbeliever devil living in the castle
the one claiming to be
the owner of the key to heaven
Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Who knows his place?
You malicious! Your clothes
indicate you're one of his followers
Yes, but he has many followers.
-Are you confessing?
-Why would I lie when clothes expose me?
Do you know
the entrances to the castle?
Do you know
the entrances to the castle?
Each one of them.
Show me an entrance
that leads to your demon
and save yourself from being killed.
-Why did you call me a liar?
-Because after I guide you, you'll kill me
if I were in your place,
I would do the same.
You're malicious.
Why don't you say,
educated by a great scholar?
Who is this great scholar, Esoteric?
Hassan Al-Sabbah.
But I keep my word
and our words are as they appear
not like you, have double meaning.
Show me an entrance to the castle
where the guard is weak
and I'll let you live.
All of this just to get
to Hassan Al-Sabbah?
You say it as if it's nothing
killing him means the end of the bad dawah
the end of the devil himself.
What if someone led you to
Hassan Al-Sabbah himself and his location
without you having to go to the castle?
without you having to go to the castle?
-direct me to him.
-I am Hassan Al-Sabbah.
I am the Abbasid Caliph
this is the Seljuk Sultan
this is the Seljuk Sultan's wife
I respected you at first
and gave you my word
but unfortunately
none of you are truthful
All Esoterics are like this
All Esoterics are like this
I claimed to be him
and I even have the proof.
Hassan Al-Sabbah
would leave his castle
and surrender himself so easily?
Because I know what you don't know
because I can see what you can't see.
Great, Hassan Al-Sabbah
I will go along with you till the end.
What's your proof then
O, owner of the key to heaven?
Look at the ring
in my hands and its engraving.
If you are him, you'll be
the catch of a lifetime.
How would you know?
Could God have sent me to
you so that instead of killing me
I would guide you?
A demon guiding the believers?
Or an Imam guiding the sinners
Seize the opportunity, God
works in mysterious ways.
How will you guide us?
Let me hear you so I
can kill you with clear proof.
Let me hear you so I
can kill you with clear proof.
Your sheikh is sick
his illness has stopped him
from praying with you for a while.
If my words are true, take me
to him quickly so I can treat him
and if my words are false, then kill me.
Get well soon.
It's bitter.
Very bitter.
Bitterness is the secret.
The apparent is bitterness
and the inner is recovery.
Praise be to God.
How did you know about my illness?
That's a matter between me and God.
God's grace is abundant.
For three years now
I’ve been warning the youngsters
about your misguided teachings.
The world is a place for sedition.
You've heard about me
but never listened to me.
All I want is for you to be cured
even if you ordered the youngsters
to kill me, I'd be content.
God forbid, I would never kill
a man who believes in God
But I have a question.
Why would Sheikh Hassan Al-Sabbah
the mountain sheikh
leaves his castle
Alamut Castle
and descend?
A divine voice called me
while I was praying in solitude.
The voice was calm and clear.
It told me, descend, O ibn
Al-Sabbah, and heal Al Sheikh Al-tayb.
In the name of Allah, the most
Gracious, the most Merciful.
As God wills, and there
is no power except in God.
Praise be to God.
That means I
would be able to stand up
perform ablution
and pray as well?
God wills, you'll be able to.
Praise be to God.
Praise be to God.
Accompany the Sheikh to the place he wants
and all of you
should be at his service.
should be at his service.
Thank you, I don't want
anyone to accompany me.
My purpose was to heal you
and I will continue my journey alone.
It was a pleasure.
May peace be upon you.
May peace be upon you.
Praise be to God.
Praise be to God.
Where are you heading?
Where are you heading?
You're lucky
the Sultan asked for you.
Looks like you have a long life ahead.
You were honest, Yahya.
Praise be to God.
How can I reward you for returning to us?
By letting me lead an
army to the Alamut Castle.
Planning that would take a long time.
What would make you happy right now?
To go and visit my lord,
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali.
Was he your scholar?
He was my scholar and my lord.
But I have a fun reward for
you, I'm sure it will cheer you up.
My daughter!
Mom, I missed you!
I missed you!
My darling!
Forgive me!
Are you alright?
Are you okay?
My daughter!
I'm fine.
Thank God!
Praise and gratitude to you, God.
It's good that you got out of that trouble
so thank God.
Yeah, but how did the Sultan know?
The minister for sure.
That means I'm being monitored.
Indeed, there is no doubt about that.
If I was being monitored, they
would've known from day one
these are high ranks
I mean, a guard let's assume
the one who knew this was a guard
I mean, a guard let's assume
the one who knew this was a guard
he can't just go and
inform Sultan right away
he has to inform the guard leader
and the guard leader informs whoever.
It's a big deal until
the news reaches the minister.
Or someone ratted on me, spa attendant.
Someone ratted you out?
I'm the only one who
knows the secret, Omar.
You would never spill the secret.
You won't let me eat in peace!
Listen here, man.
I may be a spa attendant, but
I have principles and morals.
You'll never tell, even
if they torture you.
Even if they gouge
my eyes out, I would never speak.
Listen, Omar
the secret is a man's honor.
You're right, Sahban.
Let me finish my meal.
Why is the fruit dish so far away?
Why don't you bring the stuff closer!
Take this, take it.
As God wills.
Shepherds' kids are strong.
They are born knights.
The wilderness here is
what makes them stronger.
The rough upbringing makes heroes.
The true essence is in the mothers.
The mother in this are strong and sturdy
from her comes the tough boy
and the stubborn girl.
-Can I help you?
-No, I am stronger and younger than you.
I don't like anyone
carrying my burden but me.
-Can you handle it?
-Yes, of course, I can.
You look foreigner, not from here.
You look foreigner, not from here.
I am really a foreigner.
The foreigner is a guest.
Come, rest at my place.
I fear I'll be a burden on you.
A piece of bread is sufficient for many
and a sip of water can
quench a lot of thirst.
Come, rest.
Tie up the horse, Gaber.
Please, come in.
I want you to eat a lot
eat as much as you want
eat as much as you want
I don't like a shy guest.
-Alright. In the name of God.
-In the name of God, the merciful.
Bring the milk, Badr al-Budur.
You showing affection to her is nice.
No, I'm showing affection
to her, it's her real name.
Her mother died
and her brother got married
and went to pursue a livelihood.
Why aren't you eating?
She is the joy of my life
her name is Badr al-Budur.
Would you let me marry your daughter?
Let you marry her?
I haven't known you yet.
The name is Hassan
the homeland is far
the wife has passed away, and I'm
willing to pay whatever dowry you ask
I will marry her to you if she agrees.
Her consent is more important to
me than the dowry and everything else.
Your right and hers.
But she is all I have
will you take her far away?
We'll marry here, and
then we'll see how things go
I'll ask her.
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