The Longest Promise (2023) s01e25 Episode Script

Episode 25

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 25=
You're finally home.
Young Lady.
What's wrong?
Send someone to
Bamian Peak
and look for Lady Yu and her son.
This won't do.
I can't just get trapped here
and do nothing.
(If you want to leave,)
(read until the end.)
(Then, you can
break through my barrier.)
(When that day comes,)
(no one can stand in your way.)
(Zhu Yan's Note)
Is this Master's drawing of me?
Sprawling Roots
I didn't think Master
would even teach me
the technique of Sprawling Roots.
What is on the page
he tore out?
Is it harder to master
than Sprawling Roots?
Does he think it's too hard for me?
Let's find a safe place
to spend the night.
This spot seems adequate.
Even if we must take a detour
or lose everything,
we must never get involved
with the Huotu Tribe again.
We can make more money,
but we only live once.
What's wrong with the Huotu Tribe?
The Great Consort of the tribe
planned a rebellion.
a master from Jiuyi Mountain came.
more lives would have been lost.
They haven't caught
the Principal Sorcerer.
They are transmuting
with the lives of the Merfolk.
It was dark and menacing.
You should leave now.
We can't keep waiting.
The Kongsang people
are all bad guys.
We can't trust them.
Did you hear them?
The Principal Sorcerer is using
the Merfolk for transmutations.
We mustn't get caught.
Young Lady.
The scouts reported back.
They searched Bamian Peak
three times over.
But they couldn't find
the lady and her son you mentioned.
A wounded mother
carrying a child
recovering from illness
What could they possibly be?
Young Lady.
I think
you worry too much.
As you said,
Lady Yu was a beloved concubine.
She's seen her fair share of the world.
Surviving while carrying her child
shouldn't be a challenge for her.
they had been waiting for too long,
so they left when you didn't show up.
This is my fault.
I totally overlooked them
because of the rebellion.
I have to break the barrier soon.
I must find them.
Young Lady.
You were busy yesterday,
and you didn't rest well at night.
It's going to take a toll on your body.
I'm fine.
Don't worry about me.
I'll figure it out.
(Guwei City, Huotu Tribe)
Spare me some food.
Back off!
Spare me some food.
Stay still!
Spare us some food
Spare me some water
(I still can't sense anything.)
(The Sea Emperor
is not inside Guwei City.)
(So, what else could he be?)
Excuse me,
did anyone escape from this cell?
We had hoped the Merfolk marine force
would send help after learning
about our situation,
but no one ever came.
Unless you could turn into smoke,
there'd be no way
to leave this cell.
We are trapped for good.
Will we ever get out of here?
I'll get you out of here.
You will never succeed.
Extreme Wind City is nearby.
They are friendly toward Merfolk.
After you get out,
go to that city.
Can you really get us out?
Can you?
That can't be possible.
It's unlocked.
Save us.
Save us, please!
Stay quiet.
Be careful.
We're finally saved.
Quick! Don't fall behind.
Watch out.
Principal Sorcerer!
Be careful.
Be careful.
Is this the Principal Sorcerer
who caged you?
- Yes!
- That's him!
It's him!
Who are you?
How dare you sneak into Guwei City!
You committed countless sins.
Today, I shall avenge my people!
You're a Merfolk.
You know the sword art of Kongsang?
(Are these Merfolk)
(without any souls?)
Speaking of yourselves!
Being used
and dying for me
are the greatest purposes you have!
These Merfolk
have lost their souls.
They weren't even alive.
Rather than let them be used
and become empty husks,
why not send them back to Biluo Sea
so they can find peace?
But their bodies were whole.
The Evil Star has risen.
When the Sea Emperor is crowned
and the God of Dragon returns,
they still stand a chance to wake up!
The only Merfolk who possesses
both a spirit and a soul
is you.
given your knowledge on the matter,
you are not a commoner
among the Merfolk.
Are you
the Sea Emperor?
Are you really the Sea Emperor?
Why are you looking for him?
Who are you?
Priest of Grand Preceptor
from Jiuyi Mountain.
The Evil Star is rising,
the search for the Sea Emperor
and defending Kongsang
are my responsibilities.
(He is Yan'er's master.)
(What is he doing here?)
The power of Diba, the God of Darkness,
requires a hundred Merfolk
to be sacrificed
before it can be acquired.
I've been waiting
for this chance for ages.
I lacked the necessary conditions.
But then,
I saw you, the Priest of Grand Preceptor,
in the Huotu Tribe.
You commanded a rain of arrows
with only one arrow.
I knew you'd fulfill my last wish.
I knew it!
You fell for it!
War will soon ravage Western Huang!
If you surrender yourself to me,
if you agree to serve me,
I can spare your life.
I am the Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Why should I bow down
to living filth like you?
Not a chance.
How ignorant.
I'll let you in on a little secret.
Consort Qing sent me here.
I know Jiuyi Mountain's
Priest of Grand Preceptor
was the former Crown Prince Shi Ying!
How about we make a deal?
I'll give up on aiding Shi Yu.
I'll aid you in retaking the nation.
When the job is done,
I want a plot of land in
Western Huang as payment.
Every word you speak
pains my ears.
Shi Ying!
Know your place!
The power I possess now
came from the primordial demon god!
Your power is no match for me!
Even if I must exhaust my power and die,
I won't let you get away with your crime.
You consumed my people.
I will make you pay for this!
I'll aid you.
You are no match for him.
Leave now.
If you're not afraid of him,
why should I?
You shall both die!
Watch out!
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
He's finally dead for good.
Oh no.
The gem contained
the power of the primordial demon god.
Priest of Grand Preceptor?
Priest of Grand Preceptor?
What's wrong?
Priest of Grand Preceptor?
You're finally awake.
You said you could handle it by yourself.
You even asked me
to check the nearby bases.
What happened to you?
How many fingers?
And now?
I'm glad you're awake.
The shards contained the power
of the primordial demon god.
It conflicts with
your power of heaven and earth.
It will subdue your spiritual power.
The longer it lingers in you,
the greater the damage.
You must find a way
to get rid of it.
What am I doing here?
Where is the Merfolk?
I was just about to tell you.
By the time I arrived,
he was carrying you.
He clearly looked exhausted.
He was as pale as a ghost.
Before he left,
he left you in my care.
By the way,
he gave me the Merfolk's medicine.
You let him leave?
See that?
When he moves, the Evil Star moves.
He must be
the man we've been searching for.
But I didn't know who he was.
If he is the Sea Emperor,
the two of you
will be at war with each other in the future.
Judging by his personality,
if he is the Sea Emperor,
the two clans
might not go to war at all.
Instead, we could work as allies.
Perhaps the Evil Star
might not be
a calamity
for Kongsang.
Over the years,
the Merfolk marine force
didn't seem to act
on a wise commander's orders.
The Evil Star had just risen.
He must have learned about his identity
as the Sea Emperor not long ago.
he is not in the marine force.
why would he come to battle Diba alone?
As for the Merfolk,
they obey the Sea Emperor.
The Sea Emperor's opinion
will eventually decide
the fate of the clans.
If they have a wise ruler,
it's a blessing for both clans.
The phoenix passes on at the withered.
Heroes are born in war.
Just like this barren land beneath us,
it will one day
be thriving with pasture
and fields of flowers.
Ever since we came to the Huotu Tribe
looking for the Evil Star,
you've foiled the Great Consort's plan
and defeated Diba.
You've done many good deeds.
But in the end,
you let others have the credit.
And now, your power is sealed away.
Is it worth it?
Let's not waste any time.
We have to
track down the Evil Star
as soon as possible.
I think
you should first extract the shard.
I've been training for two days.
I still can't understand
the knowledge within.
Lady Yu and her son are waiting for me.
How can I be so useless?
I get it now.
These movements are connected.
There's more to simply sitting down.
It's the movement before standing up.
It requires
a charged upward thrust,
instead of lowering peacefully.
Young Lady.
Have some food before you continue.
Young Lady!
What happened?
Young Lady!
Are you alright?
I did it!
Young Lady!
Young Lady!
I must go to Lady Yu and her son.
When I find them,
I must bring them home.
They will like Extreme Wind City.
(Sumo was having a fever.)
(Maybe Lady Yu took him
to an apothecary.)
This is the last apothecary in town.
Yufei, go check inside.
Yes, Young Lady.
Jiuyi Mountain's
Priest of Grand Preceptor
single-handedly subdued
the entire army of the Huotu Tribe
and defeated Diba.
He sure is amazing.
I heard about this too.
Rumor has it
the Priest of Grand Preceptor
was the former Crown Prince.
The former Crown Prince is alive?
I think
he came to the Huotu Tribe
to build up his influence.
Of course.
With this accomplishment,
he's earned the right
to fight for the throne of Kongsang.
Some said he was
meditating on the mountain
with his heart
pure and untainted.
He clearly got impatient.
- Yeah.
- Indeed.
These people
These are baseless claims.
My master is a righteous person.
He cares about the people.
He wouldn't seek to take the throne.
He would never take revenge.
Young Lady, calm down.
I'll bring them here now
so you can teach them a lesson.
Forget it.
I had already caused a lot of trouble
to my master.
If I stick my neck out again,
I might get to vent my anger,
but I'll bring even more trouble
to my master.
Let's bear with it.
Did you find the two?
They weren't in there.
Everyone we've spoken to
said they had never seen the pair.
Could it be
they are already
in Extreme Wind City?
Lady Yu and the Old Lord
used to visit His Lordship together.
This time,
you saved both of them.
Maybe they had waited too long
and decided to go back
to Extreme Wind City.
At the moment,
we're all out of options.
Let's pack up
and return to the city now.
Let's go.
((Rumors about the Priest's attempt
to set up his influence were all nonsence.)
We see this everywhere along the path.
Others might not know who wrote this,
but I know.
As expected from your disciple.
For me,
this isn't embarrassing.
Mind your business.
we've never
spread word about your good deeds.
Why is it that everyone already knows?
Could it be
your disciple's doing?
His Supreme Majesty did this.
The High Priest of Grand Preceptor
wants you back in Jialan.
His Supreme Majesty
had already learned
about the Great Consort's plot.
He expected me to leave the mountain
and put an end to the matter.
But it wasn't your fault.
The blood of
the royal family flows in you.
You couldn't have
let the rebellion succeed.
After the matter
with the Evil Star is over,
I'll return to Jiuyi Mountain at once.
The Evil Star is just up ahead.
Let's go.
(Merfolk's Dungeon)
Lord Left Envoy.
Lord Left Envoy.
It's been 200 years.
How did you find this place?
It's been 200 years.
The marine force's communication wave
hasn't changed.
I heard you were here.
So, I came by.
(Elder Jian, Merfolk)
It seems all the rumors
about the marine force over the years
have been true.
It was a misunderstanding.
Just misunderstanding.
You carry the oldest surname
of the Merfolk.
The blood of the Dragon Clan's
side branch flows in you.
You can sense
the blood of the Sea Emperor
in an instant.
Everyone expects you to return.
By the way,
have you found any lead
on the Sea Emperor?
Can you sense
if the Sea Emperor is here?
Could you show us
the miraculous power?
None of them is the Sea Emperor.
(Xi, Merfolk)
Give them the muting pills.
Take their Jade Tears.
- Yes.
- Yes.
You really are into illicit conduct.
Even the people of Kongsang are
not allowed to do something so cruel.
How could you victimize your own people?
Where is your conscience?
You abandoned us 200 years ago.
You hid in Crimson Residence.
We didn't judge you,
who are you to judge us?
War and revenge require
resources for the military.
These Merfolk captives
are dying anyway.
Rather than let their deaths be in vain,
why not put their lives to better uses?
We want to rebuild
so no Merfolk will ever
be exploited again,
not because you get
to exploit the innocent.
Release all of them now.
Now that you've said it
Release them.
Thank you.
Get up.
Thank you.
Take it easy.
A filth like you
has no right to search
for the Sea Emperor with me.
If I ever see you
harm innocent Merfolk again,
I'll make you pay!
There have been rumors
that Jiuyi Mountain's
Priest of Grand Preceptor
was killing Merfolk.
someone spread different rumors
to clarify the claims.
If there are explanations,
we'll present our evidence.
Find an opening
to kill the dragon slayer.
That should make the Merfolk obey
and pay more tributes.
Who are you?
How dare you infiltrate the dungeon?
Elder Jian!
Elder Jian!
I know what you're planning.
I came to offer my assistance.
Your assistance?
What do you mean?
To start a war.
It will not be like
your petty skirmishes,
but an all-out war with Kongsang
similar to 200 years ago.
If the Sea Emperor returns amidst chaos,
he has no right to punish you.
Your top priority at the moment
is to lay siege to Extreme Wind City.
(Extreme Wind City)
an urgent letter from
His Lordship and Her Ladyship.
Extreme Wind City is besieged
by the marine force.
(Yan'er, do not come back recently)
The main routes to the city
(because of marine force's invading)
are crawling with enemy soldiers.
Please delay
your trip to Extreme Wind City.
Stay in Huotu Tribe
until it's safe to return.
I am the Jiang Bead Flying Flame
of Extreme Wind City.
I'm the disciple of Jiuyi Mountain.
How can I hide in the Huotu Tribe?
I must return to the city
and aid my parents.
War is not child's play.
You should follow
your parents' instructions.
We were returning
to look for Lady Yu and Sumo.
We now have
all the more reason to return.
Ready the horses for me.
Young Lady.
(Relay Station)
Messenger Zhang.
Do you have spare horses to exchange
so we can travel all night?
Not long ago,
the Merfolk marine force attacked.
They took many of our horses.
We no longer have
any horses to exchange.
These soldiers are unbelievable!
They also seized Xia City.
They've made it a base.
Inspection checkpoints are tight.
Given your large group,
they won't grant you any passage.
Why are they taking Xia City?
The army provisions
to Extreme Wind City
were confiscated in Xia City by them.
How dare they steal my father's supply!
Very well.
I shall get rid of them
and help out Extreme Wind City.
Princess, no.
You travel with a large group,
but the marriage delegation
is no match for them.
You can't fight trained soldiers.
If you are captured,
you're causing
the Crimson King more trouble.
I believe in my chances.
There must be a way.
What are you doing here?
There is only one way
out of the Huotu Tribe.
It's perfectly normal
to run into you here.
Did you think
I'd still be trapped
in the Huotu Tribe?
You said so yourself.
With power comes greatness.
You asked me to train
and escape the barrier.
Extreme Wind City
is being attacked by the marine force.
As a daughter,
it's only right for me to go there
and aid my father.
Are you
thinking about
setting up another barrier
to trap me?
Is there another relay station nearby?
None within a hundred li.
Chong Ming.
In this case,
we must hurry up
and travel at night.
Do you think you're invincible?
You're wounded inside and out.
You can't travel without shelter.
Whatever the case is,
I must have my beauty sleep.
I'm staying in the inn.
Why must you avoid me
every chance you get?
I know it all.
I will set out tomorrow morning.
You need not be bothered
to share the inn with me.
I'd only trained a few days
following instructions in the books,
I didn't know I'd become this strong.
I'm calling the shot here.
We are spending the night here.
Shut it now before she learns the truth.
Master and Chong Ming
can travel a thousand li a day.
If nothing went wrong,
they would've traveled
much further ahead.
What happened?
Who is it?
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
I am the servant of Princess.
Princess passed out
all of a sudden.
Could you take a look?
I knew something was off yesterday.
So, I employ a little trick to test you.
Your spiritual power is stagnant.
How did you get wounded?
Was it the battle against
the Principal Sorcerer?
What is this?
The shard of the gem
from the Principal Sorcerer's staff.
How can an ordinary shard
do this to you?
Was the shard
tainted or something?
Now that she's found out,
I'll be honest with her.
The shard was embedded with
the power of the demon god.
It conflicts with
the power of Jiuyi Mountain.
If we don't get it out in time,
the longer it lingers,
the greater the harm.
What do we do now?
I asked the birds.
There is a divine healer
in Xia City by the name of Xu.
He specialized in treating
Immortal Officials.
He can deal with
all kinds of conditions.
We're going to Xia City tomorrow
for this physician.
You should
stay out of this.
Why you
How dare you trap me?
You are
I'm insolent and audacious,
rude and disrespectful?
You once
said the same thing about me.
But you took those words back.
If you want to leave,
stay here and recover your strength.
When you're ready,
you can set yourself free.
Yan'er is right.
It's an urgent matter.
Let me go now.
At the moment,
your health
comes before anything.
Do as I say.
we'll take you to the physician.
Chong Ming.
You mustn't collude with Zhu Yan.
Undo this barrier now.
The Merfolk marine force
is on the move.
They are eager to march
due to the rising Evil Star.
We should hurry up
and find the Sea Emperor.
Only then can we devise a plan.
No more excuses.
The Evil Star is moving in the direction
of Extreme Wind City,
where Yan'er is headed for.
Xia City
is occupied by the Merfolk marine force.
The Evil Star you're pursuing
is ahead of Xia City.
To reach him,
you must pass through Xia City.
Xia City is crawling
with enemy soldiers.
If they found out
I was the so-called dragon slayer,
Zhu Yan would be in danger
if she traveled with me.
Do as I say.
Undo the barrier.
Even if I did undo the barrier,
could you escape your disciple
who has become so mighty?
Power speaks for itself!
Chong Ming!
Stop giving me the look.
It won't do you any good.
It's not the same as running away
from a wedding.
If I can petrify you,
of course I have
a flawless plan in mind.
Collect some water with this.
Thank you.
It's time for your medicine.
I am no match for your
mighty disciple.
as you said earlier,
the world operates in a repeating cycle.
Every bit of power
you borrow from nature
must be returned in the end.
How you treat others
will decide
how you're treated.
I wouldn't dare intervene.
It's karma.
Chong Ming has a point.
Here you go.
The medicine
was prescribed by Chong Ming himself.
You must take it three times a day
to recover quickly.
Here you go.
Why aren't you taking the medicine?
You've petrified him.
How can he open his mouth?
It's getting late.
We will reach Xia City
before this evening.
You must convince this man.
We need
his cooperation
for the plan to succeed.
I must go, nature calls.
I shall lift the Muting Spell
so you can use your mouth.
Pardon me.
I think I did it the wrong way.
you would've started reprimanding me.
I get it now!
I should draw the line
based on the mouth shape.
Tracing the lines, tracing the mind.
With my skillful, hand is lifted.
Did I do it wrong again?
I got the wrong spell this time.
Let's try it again.
Tracing the lines, tracing the mind.
With my skillful, hand is fitted.
Why aren't you talking?
You're pressing on my lips,
how can I speak?
You had to redo a simple Muting Spell
three times to get it right.
Sorry about that.
I embarrassed you three times.
I have an idea.
I'll lift
the Immobilization Spell for you.
That should make you feel better.
I swear
I'll get it done on the first try.
Go any lower,
and you're dead.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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