Theodosia (2022) s01e25 Episode Script

Once Bitten

Augustin and I have seen
our wildest dreams exceeded.
We may have unearthed
the greatest archaeological
discovery of all time.
You should have
trusted me, Harold.
How much more did you hide?
The flail you used
to imprison me.
Where did you hide
it? At 10.50am,
the shadow points to
where the flail is buried.
Yeah, but it doesn't say where
this obelisk is. Here it is.
The Place de la Concorde.
In Paris, young man.
Intruders! Let's
get out of here!
Our intruders left
something behind.
Oh, Theo.
Theodosia Throckmorton
must be stopped.
I hit Aapep with the
flail and weaken him.
If your granny finds the flail.
She'd better, or I'm putting
this thing on wheels for nothing.
And the world will end, I
think that's more important?
Once he's weakened, we trap
him inside the sarcophagus,
push him through the Ka door,
straight to the Great Pyramid.
We throw Aapep
back down the well,
seal it and we're
home in time for tea.
Any questions?
The well's cap and
chains are broken,
we can't seal it up. He'll
just come back out again.
Not unless I use a
restoration spell.
Oh, no, where's my sistrum?
I need that for the
spell. Where is it?
We'll help you look for it.
I'm tired of hiding
in this human body.
Your flesh is weak and cloying.
I think your
transformation has begun.
I feel my strength returning.
The time for hiding
will soon be at an end.
But we haven't found the flail yet.
If my cousin finds it before us
Fear not,
the flail will soon be mine.
The shadow of the obelisk must
point to where the flail is buried.
Excuse me, madam,
this is the only
obelisk in Paris?
Yes, isn't it wonderful?
My husband thought so.
Have a good day.
The shadow brings me here.
Oh, my word.
"For the flail that you seek,
"cross the bridge and don't peek
"Till the garden of bronze,
"which huge Victor adorns.
"Can your mind see the spot
"to my buried square plot?
"Now all will be better,
"sticking to the letter."
Oh, I do love a riddle.
Oh, come on. The sistrum
must be here somewhere!
Found it!
No, I lost a ring when I
came for the sleepover.
The sleepover. That's when
I last had the sistrum.
I must have dropped
it at the warehouse!
Please tell me there's
another one in the museum?
No. No, I'll have
to go back for it.
No, I'll go. You get the
ingredients for the spell.
No, Will! It's too risky.
What if Aapep catches you?
Better me than you. Look,
I can only do stage magic,
you're the one who
can save the world.
We need more pine resin.
Be careful.
When will those two kiss
and get it over with?
The tension is killing me.
Tell me about it.
"For the flail that you seek,
"cross the bridge
and don't peek."
Bridge? Bridge?
This time, I will defeat
Ra, once and for all.
This world he has created
can turn back into
the dust it came from.
We're supposed to
replace the old order,
break all the rules and make
the world free, not destroy it.
You think humanity is a success?
Ra has indulged his
creation for too long.
Mortals behave as if
they are the gods.
Which is why we're going to
take over! With you in charge.
This world cannot be saved.
All must be destroyed.
What do you mean by all?
What about us?!
Does my appearance offend you?
Look at me.
You wanted power.
I wanted to make a difference.
You have.
Is that not enough?
Yes, my Lord.
It's been an honour serving you.
I am hungry. Bring me Heka.
What are you doing here?
Free country. At
least it is for now.
You can't stop him, so
don't waste your time.
No, I can't, but Theo can.
Remember her?
Your favourite cousin?
You're looking for her
sistrum. You've seen it?
Go home.
Enjoy the time you have left.
Is that some kind of threat?
No. It's just reality.
Where's the sistrum?
I only have to shout and
the serpents come running.
Go on, then.
You need to leave.
Who on Earth is that?
"Till the garden of bronze,
"which huge Victor adorns."
Statues are made of bronze.
I think we need
more of a wow factor
for when the visitors
get here. Hm.
Well, I could stand over here
and greet them with a smile?
I know, right? Oh, how
about the seated Anubis?
That could be good,
let's take a look at it.
Well, I'm thinking the
whole mummy section is
WHISPERS: It's pine resin.
If it isn't, it's doing a very
good impression of a forest.
Let's not add to the number
of things that need restoring.
Sorry, just can't stop
thinking about Will.
You should have kissed him
when you had the chance.
That's not what I meant. I
mean what if he gets caught?
Well, then you really should have
kissed him when you had the chance.
Don't worry, Will's too
smart to get caught.
Is this enough Heka, my lord?
We shall see.
I will leave you in peace.
What a pity.
I was quite fond of you.
I was going to clean it for you.
I was going to
return it to Theo.
I want her to stop you.
Your cousin has Heka,
but she's not a god.
Let me show you
what a god can do.
You will turn her to
dust by your own hands.
Go to her now.
I won't do it.
You can't make me.
That is where you are
very much mistaken.
Do I command.
Yes, Great One.
Huge Victor
Victor Hugo. Oh, Harold.
You always loved puns.
Now then, "Can your
mind see the spot
"to my buried square plot?"
"Can your mind see the
spot to my buried"
Oh, sorry.
Pardon for my clumsy feet. Hm.
Have you ever found
anything buried around here?
No, but once, I dig up
an old pair of shoes
by the statue of The Thinker.
An old shoe's not going
to save the world.
The Thinker.
You think with your mind.
"Can your mind see the spot?"
Where can I find the Thinker?
This path. It will take you there.
Oh, merci, Monsieur!
What are you looking at?
"My buried square plot!"
I was looking for you, ma'am.
I was studying the
hieroglyphs on the obelisk
when I saw you and
I was hoping would join me
for dinner tonight.
Well, thank you
for the invitation.
I'm flattered.
And married. Ah.
He's a very lucky man.
The Great One caught her
trying to steal the sistrum.
A traitor to the cause.
She wasn't prepared to see
this through to the end.
When will that be?
It's just not your place to ask.
Search the building. Nigella
may have accomplices.
"Now all will be better,
"sticking to the letter."
Ugh, what could that mean?
"Sticking to the letter."
Cambon Street.
Ha! 79 Cambon Street!
You're here, how exciting.
Wait there. We'll come down.
Nigella's here! What
is she doing here?
Whatever it is,
it can't be good.
Um, did I hear you say
that Nigella was here?
Yes, honey. Isn't
this wonderful?
I thought she'd
gone back to Japan?
So glad she decided to stay.
Where's she gone? Are
you sure it was her?
Yes. Well, I was sure.
Now I'm thinking I
might need glasses.
Look. The Magic. She is here.
OK, you need to tell Henry
to stay on his guard.
So she really is in Japan!
Oh, well. Sayonara,
Nigella. Shame.
It would be lovely
to have seen her.
Is that you?
Hello, Lavinia.
I see you solved my riddle.
Your riddle?
- Nigella, are you in here?
Ra! You can't do that to me!
Hey, Hey, hey. Hey, There's
no need to be like
Unless you weren't
hissing at me.
Well, if it isn't
Aapep's little helper.
Aren't you supposed to be off
destroying the world, Nigella?
Not the world.
Nice bangle you've got there.
AAPEP: It will turn you to dust.
Good to know.
And the weird voice thing?
You're trying to scare me?
Here you are! I've been
looking for you every Shh!
Nigella's here.
Oh, yeah? She forgot
her toothbrush?
I'm serious. Sorry, I
thought you were joking.
So what? Nigella's in the museum?
Theo went looking for her.
On her own?
OK, Nigella, Nigella,
we don't have to fight.
Let's talk. We were
always good at that!
What do you say?
AAPEP: Turn to dust.
You weren't kidding
about that dust thing.
You have angered Aapep
and must be punished.
And you just do anything
he tells you to do?
He is the Great One! And
I am his loyal servant.
Come on, Nigella, you are
so much better than this!
Theo! I I I can't believe
I thought you were my friend!
Wait a minute
You're trying to miss.
Are you under a spell? Nigella?
Turn to dust!
More Heka for you, Great One.
Will you betray me too?
Never, my Lord. I am
your most loyal Serpent.
I must prepare for the
battle ahead. Leave me.
Give me the strength
to defeat Ra.
Let the dark swallow the light!
A few days after
we arrived in Giza,
I woke up in our tent
and Harold was gone.
He left this behind.
The Flail of Hemiunu.
And a note.
"Augustin, you must
keep this safe.
"Go into hiding until my
return. Say nothing to Lavinia.
"Your friend, always, Harold."
I left the clues so he could
find me when he returned, but
..he never did.
I'm sorry he never told you.
But he was only trying to protect
you. To protect all of us.
I know.
I know, I miss him, that's all.
I could stay and talk with
you about Harold forever,
but I really must be going.
I'll come with you
to help defeat Aapep.
Oh, you've done enough
already by keeping this safe.
I have to hurry, or Harold's
efforts to find this
will have been for nothing.
Don't do it, Nigella.
I will do what I want.
OK, that is new!
How can she do magic?
Listen, Aapep's put Nigella under a
spell. Do you know what this means?
We're all going to die? No, it
means there's still good in her.
Theo, it's not like
she cares about us.
No, I actually think she does. She
was trying to resist the spell!
By throwing lethal
balls of magic at us?
She's trying her best, Henry.
Yeah, to turn us into dust.
I think she's gone. OK.
Turn dust!
Hear me, Ancients! With the
strength of the mountains,
grant me the power
to smite my enemy.
Awesome shot, Sis.
Yeah. Good job not
aiming at her heart.
It's so hard, it would
have bounced off!
Go ahead.
I deserve it for what
I've done to your family.
I'll show you out.
She's not really
letting her go, is she?
No. Course not.
She's going to do some magic,
turn her to stone or something.
What is it, my Lord?
The girl has broken my spell!
Her Heka is stronger
than I thought.
She needs to be crushed.
Let me do it.
You must conserve your energy.
My strength has returned.
Tomorrow will be
the last sunrise.
The light of Ra will
be extinguished.
Let the dark swallow the light.
Then Theodosia is of no
importance. HE EXCLAIMS
No mortal challenges
the power of Aapep
and goes unpunished!
Tomorrow, her light
will go out first.
Thanks for letting me go.
I truly am sorry.
Goodbye, cousin.
Don't come back.
You have to stop him, Theo.
He'll destroy everything.
There's a mark on
the back of his neck.
Hit him there with the
Flail and he'll be weakened.
Good luck.
You let her escape?
Theo, she's the enemy.
Not any more.
We have to show mercy.
Otherwise, we're no
better than Aapep.
It's broken! Theo
can't do the spell!
We're in big trouble.
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