Three-Body (2023) s01e25 Episode Script

Episode 25

Endless drifting ♪
To the end of the dark forest ♪
The wind is like a hand ♪
Trying to keep time ♪
Who is the hunter with a gun ♪
Trying to devour the entire universe ♪
The light is like an eye ♪
That penetrates dreams ♪
Don't answer ♪
Who is eager to fill his eyes
with the starry sky ♪
The earth is no longer rotating ♪
You gave me a small universe ♪
In the arms of the universe ♪
Calling humbly
for the vast space and time ♪
The world aches dully ♪
=Episode 25=
(But the waveform that night
was different.)
(It was hard to tell with the naked eye
if a waveform carried information.)
(But I was so familiar with the waveform)
(of the noise of the universe.)
(I realized
the wave moving in front of me)
(had been modulated by intelligence.)
(No radio signals we had received)
(exceeded C-level recognizability.)
(Were it an A, the likelihood that the
transmission contained intelligent information)
(would be above 90 percent.)
(The rating of that one was AAAAA.)
(That was extremely unusual,)
(which meant
that the received transmission)
(used the same coding language
as Red Coast's outbound transmission.)
(Do not answer)
"Do not
"Do not answer"!
"Do not answer"!
(Do not answer)
(This world has received your message.)
(I am a pacifist in this world.)
(It is the luck of your civilization)
(that I am the first
to receive your message.)
(I am warning you.)
(Do not answer.)
(There are tens of millions of stars
in your direction.)
(As long as you do not answer,)
(this world will not be able to ascertain
the source of your transmission.)
(But if you do answer,
the source will be located right away.)
(Your planet will be invaded.)
(Your world will be conquered.)
Do not answer.
Do not answer.
When I received the first message,
no more than nine years had passed
since the time I had sent the message
to the sun.
Then the source of this transmission
must be around four light-years away.
It could only have come from
the closest extra-solar stellar system,
Alpha Centauri.
In the four hours after that day,
for the first time,
I learned of the existence
of another world,
of Trisolaris.
(As you know,)
(that is the civilization that
had been reborn again and again.)
Of course
I also learned
of their plan to migrate to the stars.
(No one noticed this.)
(In the data analysis section
of the monitoring system,)
(only the two terminals in front of me)
(could view the recognizability rating
of a signal)
(and access the deciphering system.)
(I moved all of the received messages
to a multiply-encrypted,)
(invisible subdirectory.)
(Then I copied over a segment of noise
received a year ago)
(as a substitute for the transmission
received during the last five hours.)
(Later, I went to the main control room
of transmission.)
(All units are to fill in
the work logs carefully.)
(All unit heads are to attend the regular
meeting in the meeting room. Over.)
(According to
the latest weather forecast,)
(from 8:00 AM today
to 8:00 AM tomorrow,)
(the highest temperature)
(in part of the Northeast
will be nine degrees Celsius.)
(The lowest temperature will be
minus three degrees Celsius.)
(Sunny to overcast.)
(Northwest wind at Level Three.)
(At 5:00 this afternoon,
the transmission unit)
(Come here.)
(I will help you conquer this world.)
(Our civilization is no longer capable of
solving its own problems.)
(We need your force to intervene.)
Why don't you tell me?
don't be burdened with thoughts.
You can tell me anything.
We can shoulder everything together.
Do you know how dangerous it was
for you to be unconscious out there?
You've known everything?
You're pregnant. It's such a big deal.
Why don't you tell me?
Tell me.
I became a mother
that day.
My daughter
is Yang Dong.
It might be a coincidence.
From that day on,
both my life
and the history of human civilization
had a fresh start.
I will answer your question.
Why does Lord
have to extinguish nanomaterial?
Because it can allow humans
to escape gravity
and engage in space construction
at a much larger scale.
The space elevator?
You immediately
think of the space elevator
from Flying Blade.
This may be but a tiny invention.
But for humans on Earth,
its meaning would be significant.
If ultrastrong nanomaterials
could be mass produced,
(then that would lay
the technical foundation)
(for building a space elevator)
(from the ground
up to a geostationary point in space.)
(With this technology,)
(humans could easily enter
near-Earth space)
(and build up
large-scale defensive structures.)
This will affect the advent of the Lord.
Thus, this technology
must be extinguished.
This is useless.
This is not basic research.
Based on what we've already found out,
someone else can figure out the rest.
It's far more effective
to confuse the researchers' minds.
(It is a countdown like this.)
(It goes on and on before my eyes,
second by second, without missing a beat.)
What is at the end of the countdown?
Like you point out,
this is applied research after all,
not as effective as basic research.
Basic research?
(All the evidence
points to a single conclusion.)
(Physics has never existed,)
(and will never exist.)
(I know what I'm doing
is irresponsible.)
(But I have no choice.)
Physics does not exist.
Yang Dong.
How did she die?
Captain, we've arrived at
the place outside as planned.
All units, move!
Indeed, compared to our Lord
who possesses peerless strength,
everything we do is meaningless.
(Everything's ready.
Please give instructions.)
Move now.
What happened?
What's wrong?
Everyone, freeze! Keep down!
(Squad One has got in.)
(-The east side is under control.
- Report!)
(The north side is under control.)
(Squad Two, watch carefully outside.)
(Don't let a single one of them go.)
(Got it.)
(Our observation says
there are five to six firearm holders.)
(We don't know yet)
(if they have other weapons.)
(Is Professor Wang safe?)
Professor Wang.
Professor Wang, follow me.
(All of them are under control.)
(Attention, all units.)
(Except for the five people,
including Ye Wenjie and Chen Xue,)
(other people are all under control.)
(Chen Xue and the other two
are holding unknown objects.)
(They may be dangerous.)
Don't move!
Keep down! Keep down!
It won't be fun if you move again.
Hand over your weapons.
I swear I'm going to kill
the next bonehead who tries anything.
I know that none of you is afraid to die,
but we're not afraid either.
I'm going to say this up front.
Normal police procedures and laws
don't apply to you.
Even the human laws of warfare
no longer apply to you.
Since you've decided to treat
the entire human race as your enemy,
there's no longer anything
we wouldn't do to you.
we hold in our hands
three nuclear bombs.
(Report! There are nuclear weapons.)
(Repeat! There are nuclear weapons.)
Don't move.
Keep down!
Everyone, keep down!
Professor Wang, leave here
as soon as possible.
Each of them is with a yield
of about one point five kilotons.
This is the detonator.
look for a favorable firing position.
Chief Commander, please allow me
to find another firing position.
Our demand is simple.
Let Commander go.
Then we can play whatever game you want.
I stay with my comrades.
(Snipers, get in position now.)
Is it truly a nuclear bomb?
I think it's just a ball.
- Do you want to have a try?
- Don't!
Snipers' sight is obstructed.
The first shoot can't be guaranteed.
There's another way.
We can shoot the sphere.
Won't that set off the bomb?
(The conventional explosives
around the outside will go off,)
but it won't lead to
a nuclear explosion.
Leave her to me.
What tricks are you trying to play?
We need to have a talk.
Don't move. Don't follow me.
Calm down.
I believe I have some information
you'll definitely want to know.
Your mom has been found.
Your mother has been found.
Your mom's letter.
Which one of you will come and take it?
Radiation! Go!
Put down the gun!
Put down
the gun!
Put down the gun.
(Protect the site.)
(Count the casualties.)
(Is the ambulance here?)
(Get the injured to the hospital now.)
(All units, attention.)
(Cooperate with medical staff
and clean up the radiation.)
(All surveyors on the site
should wear protection suits.)
(Protect yourselves.)
(All brigade members,
please take personal precautions.)
(Here. Here.)
How are you?
It's nothing.
Just some superficial injuries. I'm fine.
You call using a pistol
against a nuclear bomb nothing?
Do you think it's enough for me
to brag about it for ten years?
It's enough for you to brag about
for your whole life.
That's worth it then.
Are you also hurt?
Have a rest.
Shi Qiang.
That's okay.
These are not superficial injuries.
You detonated a nuclear bomb
five meters away.
What will kill you is the radiation.
I don't know
if it's a blessing or a curse.
If it's a curse,
I believe a smile would let it go.
Are all scientists in position?
They're ready
in the adjacent surveillance room
to provide you with technical support
at any time.
My name is Chang Weisi.
Let's get started.
Ye Wenjie.
Birth date?
June 1947.
(Professor of Astrophysics
at Tsinghua University.)
(Retired in 2004.)
(Professor Ye,)
given your health condition,
you can request a break at any time.
Thank you.
There's no need.
(First, we need to conduct
a regular criminal investigation)
(and won't get into
more sensitive matters.)
(That's not the major part
of this investigation.)
(We would like to finish quickly.)
(We hope you'll cooperate.)
I know what you're referring to.
Yes, I'll cooperate.
Our investigation revealed
that while you were working
at Red Coast Base,
you were suspected of murder.
I did kill two people.
(The afternoon
of October 21, 1979.)
(Names of the victims?)
Political Commissar Lei Zhicheng,
and my husband, Chief Engineer
Yang Weining.
(Explain your motive for murder.)
Can I assume that you understand
the relevant information?
We know the basics.
If something is unclear, we'll ask you.
(It had been eight years
since I sent a signal to the earth.)
(On October 21, 1979,)
(Do not answer)
(OS: I received a message from Trisolaris.)
"Do not
(On the day when I
received the message and replied,)
(Lei Zhicheng called me to his office.)
(I learned that at that time,)
(I wasn't the only one)
(to get the message
from Trisolaran Civilization.)
(Lei got it as well.)
(Unbeknownst to everyone,
he had been running a secret program)
(on the main computer for a long time.)
(He had a copy of everything)
(Red Coast sent and received.)
(It was from this copy)
(Do not answer)
(OS: that he discovered)
(the extraterrestrial message
that Red Coast received.)
Ye Wenjie, I really didn't think
you would do such a thing.
Eight hours have passed
since you received the first message.
Instead of making a report,
you deleted the original message
and maybe hid a copy privately.
Isn't that right?
I know your next move.
You plan to reply, right?
If I hadn't discovered this in time,
you could have ruined
all human civilization!
Of course,
I'm not saying
that we're afraid of an interstellar invasion.
Even if we assumed the worst
and that really did happen,
the outer space invaders
would surely drown in the ocean
of the people's righteous war.
This is indisputable.
(I realized then that he didn't know
that I'd already replied.)
(When I placed the answer
into the transmission buffer,)
(I didn't use the regular file interface.)
(Luckily, this got around
his monitoring program.)
(I was thinking about
how to let Lei Zhicheng believe me)
(and cover up all this.)
Ye Wenjie, I knew you were capable
of doing something like this.
Because you've always held a deep hatred
toward those who once hurt you.
You would seize
any opportunity for revenge.
But have you considered
the consequences of your action?
I was too afraid.
That's why I didn't make a report.
Too scared?
Ye Wenjie,
to be honest,
I have no pity for you at all.
But I cannot bear to see Yang Weining
ruined along with you,
and I certainly cannot allow his child
to be ruined as well.
You're pregnant, right?
You will soon be a mother.
I'm telling you. Even though Yang Weining
had nothing to do with this,
your deeds would certainly implicate him
if revealed.
Just like you were implicated
by your father your whole life.
And your unborn baby's whole life
would also be implicated by you.
Have you thought about these?
have a seat.
This must be taken care of.
But there's still a silver lining.
Luckily, only you and I
know what happened.
What we must do is to minimize the impact
of your actions.
From now on,
don't mention this to anyone,
including Yang Weining.
I will
take care of the rest.
Wenjie, you must believe me.
Weining has been my comrades
for so many years.
We have a deep personal friendship.
I have to help him with this.
As long as you cooperate,
you can avoid
the disastrous consequences.
(At that moment,
I knew what Lei Zhicheng was after.)
(He wanted to become)
(the first man to discover
extraterrestrial intelligence.)
(It really was a great opportunity to get
his name into the history textbooks.)
Once he reported this,
my reply would soon be discovered.
(Humans would exhaust all technological
and military power)
(to stop Trisolarans from coming.)
(I assented.)
(But at that time,)
(I'd already decided everything.)
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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