Thunderbirds (1965) s01e25 Episode Script

The Cham-Cham

'Thunderbirds are go! ' Well, there she is.
All security systems are operational.
There's nothing to worry about.
That's what we thought last time.
We were wrong.
She certainly looks good, sir.
At this moment the contours of the RTL-2 interest me much less than the success of the whole operation.
Hitchins, do the crew have their sealed orders? They should be opening them now, sir.
we're delivering the goods to.
Macklin, have you read your orders? Yes, sir.
Well, let's set a course.
Yes, Captain.
Guess I'd better have a final word with the old man.
The only danger in this operation is if an enemy discovers the position of your aircraft.
'Quite, sir.
' So I want you to preserve complete radio silence.
'0nce you've levelled out, don't utter another word.
' Right, sir.
Break silence only in a case of extreme emergency.
You have your orders.
Carry them out.
Good luck.
I'll sure be glad when we've delivered this little cargo.
(Engines roar) (Engines scream) 'Radio Maxwell is proud to bring to the microphone at Paradise Peaks, 'the Cas Carnaby Five with their chart-topping hit "Dangerous Game".
(# Jazzy tango) (Music continues) (Music and voices on radio) (Music continues) I hope Tin Tin's listening, she digs this number.
Yeah, it's great! 'This is RTL-2 calling central control.
'This is RTL-2 calling central control! ' Loud and clear, RTL-2.
Go ahead.
'Central control, we are under attack.
WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! 'Three fighters with some kind of oval markings.
' The radio's gone dead.
Hitchins, you get a fix? Yes, sir, relief aircraft are on their way.
(Jet engines scream) This is the third time this has happened.
The third time! (Piano plays) I wonder if it WAS a coincidence? - What, Alan? - That tune, "Dangerous Game".
Just before the transporter crashed, they were playing it on the radio.
So? They've played it a million times on the radio in the past month.
They played it on Radio Maxwell before the other two crashes as well.
What are you getting at, Alan? It's simple, each time they were attacked, the Cas Carnaby Five have been giving a live performance.
Live? That was pretty observant of you.
But surely the Cas Carnaby Five can't be involved with this? There could be a connection.
Where are they? They're doing a season at Paradise Peaks.
Isn't that that de luxe hotel in the Alps? - Yeah.
- What do think, Brains? It's certainly an interesting observation.
I'll get John in the satellite to radio us a recording of that broadcast and see what I make of it.
Meanwhile, I know just the person to investigate this hotel.
(Birdsong and cuckoo calls) Tea, m'lady? Oh, thank you, Parker.
Tea on the lawn and isn't it a lovely day? Yes, m'lady.
In fact, I wondered if I might have the rest of the afternoon off.
I thought I might take Cook out for a punt.
Why, certainly.
You deserve a break.
Thank you, m'lady.
I'll just go and change into something more suitable.
(Teapot bleeps) International Rescue, Lady Penelope speaking.
'Hello, Penny.
Jeff here.
' Why, Jeff, what a pleasant surprise.
Penny, I'm investigating the crashing of these rocket transporters and I require your assistance.
I want you to go to Switzerland, to the Paradise Peaks Hotel and investigate the Cas Carnaby Five.
Cas Carnaby? 'There seems to be some connection.
' Very well.
I'll get Parker to arrange a flight at once.
(Sings very badly) # Jolly boating weather # Da da da dee, da da! # When Cook sees me in this gear, she'll be like putty in me 'ands.
(Bleeps) 'Parker, we are off on a mission again.
' Oh.
Very good, m'lady.
What sort of business will it be this time? 'Show business, Parker.
'I believe you have connections in the theatre world? ' Oh, yes, m'lady.
Excellent connections.
Wanda Lamour? Who the heck's Wanda Lamour, anyway? (Parker) She's by way of being a very provocative torch singer.
Nosey, I'd love to do you a favour for old times' sake, but I can't send Paradise Peaks a singer I've never heard of! Now that is a pity.
A real pity.
I was in the States last week, and I was only saying to Pudgy Patterson Huh? Pudgy Patterson? I thought he was inside.
Pudgy? Now, I ask you! Could you see a bloke like Pudgy staying long behind bars? With his muscles? What are you getting at? You didn't tell him I'm over here, did you? Well, to tell you the truth, Maxi, I didn't really know what to do.
He was in a very anxious state.
Kept on about some unfinished business.
All right, Nosey.
I get the message.
You wanna do a deal.
That's right, Maxi.
You engage Wanda Lamour at Paradise Peaks.
And you keep your mouth shut! OK, then.
What's this Wanda Lamour like? Is she blonde or brunette? Good, that ought to do the trick.
(Knock on door) Come in.
I was looking for Her Ladyship.
Come in.
So you didn't recognise me? It looks as if my disguise is a success.
I should go down well.
They say if you go down well at Paradise Peaks, you'll go down well anywhere.
I hope I can keep this pose up long enough.
Still the show must go on.
(Engines roar) I'm all set, Alan.
You're clear to go.
Good luck! (Engines roar) (Bleeps) How's it going, Penny? I mean, Wanda! 'All right, Jeff.
My flight departs in ten minutes.
'Any new developments? ' Not yet.
Brains is working on the Cas Carnaby recording Iooking for melodic patterns which might cause mechanical changes.
A radio was playing in the aircraft when the crash happened.
You see, Alan, repeated melodic patterns from the Cas Carnaby group could be used to impede the efficiency of the aircraft.
But Brains, the transporters reported that they were under attack.
It was the fighters that shot them down.
But perhaps the music affected their ability to retaliate.
However, I agree that there could be something in the music.
Something like a musical code.
Well, let's try and decode it.
Penelope and Tin Tin will need as much help as possible.
They weren't joking when they said this was the highest hotel in Europe.
Yes, and I feel rather lost without Parker.
I wish we'd taken the Rolls.
Remember what they said - it's a very long and dangerous road.
Perhaps it's just this disguise making me nervous.
You'll be all right, Penelope, provided they don't ask you to sing.
I'm going to plead throat trouble.
That should give us time to investigate.
Look! There it is.
Paradise Peaks Hotel! (# "Dangerous Game" plays) (Music continues) I just can't believe they've got anything to do with this sabotage business.
I can't! Thanks a lot, ladies and gentlemen.
Isn't he gorgeous? Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to meet our next guest star here at the Peaks.
I'd ask her to sing for you, but her opening has had to be postponed, because of a throat infection.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Miss Wanda Lamour.
Gee, Miss Kyrano, it's real nice of you to come round and see me.
When did you get here? Just today.
I came with Miss Lamour.
the lady with a frog in her throat.
I must've heard "Dangerous Game" a million times but it still knocks me cold, Mr Carnaby.
You're a bit of a knockout yourself.
And, please, call me Cas.
All right - Cas.
But you must get tired of playing that tune.
Don't you sometimes want to vary it? You know, change the tempo or something? We leave that to Mr 0lsen.
Yeah, well Kids, I have things to attend to.
Couple of points I'd like to raise with you, Cas.
So Mr 0lsen's your musical arranger? Yeah.
Funny guy, but he knows the business.
Funny? In what way? Well, he's temperamental.
He makes last-minute changes just before we go on the air.
Drives us crazy! Still, like I say, he knows the business.
(# Jazz plays) It's certainly funny that our paths have never crossed before, Miss Lamour.
I know most of the warblers in show business.
High society keeps me pretty busy.
That figures.
But you're still a lady of mystery.
You've told me everything and nothing.
You intrigue me.
Oh, that's enough about me.
Tell me about yourself.
I hear you keep the Cas Carnaby boys on their toes.
What else have you heard? That you also are a mystery.
Tell me, Mr 0lsen, what is your secret? Of my success? 0r of my good looks? Both, Mr 0lsen.
Plenty of beauty sleep, Miss Lamour.
And I'm afraid that's my cue to excuse myself from your very charming company.
So soon? Good night.
(Parker) Pssst! M'lady! Why, Parker! You're a sight for sore eyes! What are you doing here? I got a job as part-time bouncer, m'lady.
I thought I'd be more useful to you here at the hotel.
Oh, Parker, we seem to be having very little success.
I would enjoy one of your splendid cups of tea.
Very good, m'lady.
I'll fetch you some up at once.
Mmm, just right.
Thank you very much, Parker.
Now, tell me, how are your investigations going? Well, m'lady, I did overhear your Mr 0lsen talking to Benito, the head waiter.
He was saying something about expecting a message tomorrow morning.
I wonder what he meant by that? It sounds interesting.
Where does 0lsen live, Parker? In a chalet round the mountain.
Let's follow this up at once.
He'll soon find out I'm a fake.
Let's report it to Mr Tracy.
International Rescue! Calling International Rescue! (# "Dangerous Game" plays) (Music continues) How are the experiments going, Brains? Well, Mr Tracy, I've established that there's some kind of electronic pattern in the music.
- So it was a code? - It's likely.
But I have to decode the music before I'm sure there's a code in it.
(Buzzer) Laboratory.
(Alan) 'Tin Tin's here for Dad.
' Jeff Tracy speaking.
What's the situation, Tin Tin? (Tin Tin) Nothing definite, but 0lsen, the music arranger could be the man we're looking for.
But we don't know if he's working alone or with the group.
Brains is pretty certain the music contains a code.
Do you need help? Not yet, Mr Tracy.
We'll tell you tomorrow, when we've called on 0lsen.
We're nearly there! (Plays gentle tune) (Rapid beeping) What's that machine he's working at? I don't know.
Some kind of electronic computer.
(Keyboard beeps and buzzes) Did you see it? Yes.
He's been giving his orders for the next sabotage operation.
Come on! We've got to warn Jeff! - Give me Benito, quickly! - '0ui, monsieur.
' 'Allo? I see.
I see.
That singer that no one has ever heard of.
Very well.
I shall DEAL with them.
Ski thrusts on.
(Gunshot echoes) What do you suppose is going on up there? Why, that's Parker! Oh, my goodness! They appear to be heading this way.
doing Parker's vertigo any good.
I must apologise for the unconventional entrance, m'lady, but I had to apprehend him somehow.
You mean that bullet was meant for us? Yes, m'lady.
The masquerade is over.
to dispose of you and Miss Tin Tin.
I'm not surprised, now they know we're on to their little game.
We must contact Jeff.
And hide him.
The broom cupboard's the best place for him, Miss.
Out of sight, out of mind, as the saying goes.
When he comes to, I hope we'll be a long way from here.
I just can't get Brains and Alan to eat anything.
They say they haven't got time.
Well, Mother, they've just got to get this code cracked.
(Bleeps) Go ahead, Penny.
'We've traced the men who've been sabotaging the transporter planes.
' Good work.
Brains, are you there? Please come up.
I'm on my way.
OK, Penny, we've got to work fast.
'Tin Tin's going to show you the evidence.
'Go ahead, Tin Tin.
' (Penelope) 'This was after the machine had done the translating.
' That's it! Why didn't I think of it before? Think of what, Brains? That's it! It's a Cham-Cham! - A CHAM-CHAM? - What's a Cham-Cham, Brains? It's a new electronic machine that is sensitive to ultrasonic harmonics and microtones.
0f course! Now that I know their technique, I'll soon break their code.
and work out the code.
Penelope 'Yes, Jeff.
' Wait for my next message.
- Scott, get me Washington DC.
- Yes, sir.
We've got to save that next transporter.
Sir, they could be on the level.
You know we can trust International Rescue.
We can't listen to every nut who says he's International Rescue! But, sir, Washington thinks they're genuine.
I don't intend to make my unit the laughing stock of the US Air Force, just because some coot wants to play musical chairs! Yes, sir.
No good, Father? No, Alan.
They wouldn't listen.
Washington were sympathetic, but the Commander at Matthews wasn't convinced.
Well, Brains has cracked the code, and calculated how to alter the tune and 0lsen's message.
Now it's up to Penelope and Tin Tin.
Only they can save that aircraft.
(# Jazz) All right, Cas, let's try the tune this way tonight.
There's just a few minor modifications.
I don't see the point Look, Cas, when we drew up that contract, you agreed to do it my way.
Yeah, 0K, then.
We'll change the arrangement for the broadcast.
That's my boy.
You'd better let the other fellas know.
You're on in five minutes.
(Cas) Thanks, Mr 0lsen.
(Door shuts) Cas, if you alter the arrangement, you must change it to our way.
Tin Tin, if you asked me to, I'd do it, but I'd still want to know why.
I can't tell you how I came to be involved in all this.
Just trust me.
Honey, this season here is the biggest break I'll ever get.
I can't break my contract with Mr 0lsen.
- Father, I'm all set.
- 'Right, Scott.
' Let's hope this desperate gamble pays off.
It's the only way to show the Air Force we're in earnest.
Good luck.
Thanks, Father.
Right, boys, it's nearly time for the broadcast.
Let's see what's happening at Paradise Peaks.
Brains, are you ready? Yes.
Penelope knows how to alter the arrangement to divert those fighters.
I just hope they can persuade Cas Carnaby to play it that way.
(Compere) Now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Cas Carnaby Five! Only Penelope can save us now.
I wonder where Mr 0lsen's got to.
(Uptempo version of "Dangerous Game") (Music continues) (Foreign accent) Our contact has a message for us.
I'm getting a direction on the flight path of the transporter.
(Siren wails) (Husky voice) # When you play # That dangerous game, # You must learn # The message is changing.
# Learn to watch every glance # She's done it! She's changing the key - and the code.
Six, two, nine, six, six eight.
Action stations! Intercept transporter craft at position 6-2-9-6-6-8.
Repeat, 6-2-9-6-6-8.
Intercept transporter craft - and destroy.
# So beware # It may be a frame # You must gamble hard when you play # That dangerous game # Parker, look! # That dangerous # Game # (Applause and cheers) Virgil, you better get out to Paradise Peaks.
Penelope and Tin Tin could be in great danger.
Alan, go with him.
Sir, we've just received a request for permission to land.
Sir, it's International Rescue.
International Rescue?! This is International Rescue calling Matthews Control.
We recently told you (PA) your transporter was about to be destroyed by fighters, but you would not listen.
What's this all about? We've diverted the fighters and they are about to overfly this airfield.
That must be the three unidentified aircraft that were just reported.
Look, those oval markings! These must be the fighters reported last time.
Action stations! - Yes, sir.
- These aircraft must be destroyed! So International Rescue have done it again.
I feel dreadful slipping away like this.
We haven't even paid our bill.
It's the only way to avoid Mr 0lsen.
I wonder where he is.
The three of them.
Now to make sure they don't interrupt any more broadcasts.
That's strange - we've stopped! I can't understand it! Parker, press the alarm bell! Yes, m'lady.
That sounded like the cable car alarm.
- What was that? - I don't like this at all.
Calling International Rescue.
Come in, International Rescue.
(Bleeps) 'It looks as if 0lsen's going to get his revenge.
'I thought we were getting away too easily.
' All right, Penny, Virgil expects to arrive there in two minutes.
sighting the hotel any moment.
They're trapped in a cable car and 0lsen's cutting the cable.
Olsen! 0lsen! Cut that out! (Cable creaking) You crazy fool! That car will never stop! What's that? Hey! Just look at that! He's cut the cable! Alan, I'm going to get in close.
When I say, fire the magnetic grabs! FAB! He's coming very close! Right, Alan - now! It's no use - the grabs won't hold.
Calling Penelope.
'Come in, Penelope.
' Loud and clear, Virgil.
Look, Penelope, you'll have to help us.
Let me talk to Parker.
I hope Parker has a head for heights.
Right, lowering cables now.
Parker, use this! He won't make it in time! Hurry, Parker, hurry! Right, Alan, stand by with retros.
Standing by.
(Siren wails) Now! (Cables grinding) Parker, are you all right? Parker?! what could have happened to him? Look! There he is! (# "Dangerous Game" on piano #) Well, it's nice to know that lovely tune can't be used for sinister purposes any more.
Does anyone here know we're from International Rescue? No, but Cas wonders how we knew about the code.
I haven't seen Tin Tin since the last dance.
Oh, er, Alan and she went out for some air, I think.
And tomorrow she's off home again.
Ah, well, that's show business.
I suppose you're all cut up about going back to the base tomorrow, and leaving Cas and the fellas.
Oh, I'm getting quite used to this "hello", "goodbye" all the time.
And, you know, it's always nice to get home again.

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