ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e25 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
'Sup, Third Earth.
Time for another volume of
Cheetara's Self Defense
for Berbils.
First, when a monster attacks,
always remember to
obliterate it, like this.
- [yells]
- [crashing]
Ooh, ooh, Cheetara,
I learned a bunch
of new sword tricks.
Check out
this teeny tornado!
Oh, come on,
you're not even looking.
Sorry, dude,
gotta shoot my video.
Ready for take two?
Ready when you are.
Panthro, check this out.
Did you see?
This thing's not gonna
fix itself, Lion-O.
Ooh. WilyKit, WilyKat,
check this out.
Water jet. [exclaims]
- Lion-O!
- You made us lose our last life.
Cool, cool, cool.
But, uh, while I have
your attention
- Yeah, right.
- That ship has sailed.
Tygra, check out
my new sword tricks.
Wow, Lion-O.
You've been practicing.
How responsible of you.
I'm very excited to see you've
been working hard and studying
Ugh, never mind.
[all laughing]
What's everyone's deal?
Don't they know that sword
moves are the best?
ThunderCats! There's a spaceship
careening to the ground!
Let's check it out.
- Neat.
- Awesome.
What's so cool about
a crashing spaceship?
Oh, wait. That is,
in fact, very cool.
ThunderCats HO!
Be on guard, everyone.
What up, what up?
[narrator] Too cool!
- Cool!
- A Thunderian? But how?
You guys didn't happen
to see
some freaky-looking
robot dudes
around here, asking about me,
did ya? Huh?
I'll just be one sec,
gotta deal with this.
Look out.
Gotcha. [laughs]
[all exclaiming]
Surf's up, dork.
Whoa, cool sword!
Anyway, I'm Lion-S.
So nice to see some
fellow Thunderians.
Not so fast. I have
a couple of questions for ya.
Ask me anything,
my man.
Why didn't we ever know you
on Thundera?
I'm from the south side.
And why weren't you there
when it blew up?
Running errands
in another galaxy.
Ugh. What's with
the interrogation, Tygra?
She's one of us.
Hi, I'm Panthro.
Do you like inventions?
Dude, let me show you
our weapons facilities.
- Cheetara, by the way.
- Yeah, I know.
You were super famous
on Thundera.
A fan! [sighs]
Oh, oh! Play video games
with us.
We're Wilykit and Wilykat,
the fun ones.
Stand back, everyone.
I'm Lion-O, and I've got
three words for Lion-S.
Cool. Sword. Tricks.
I've got three words too.
I. Love. Swords.
Then you'll totally love
the Sword of Omens.
Look at this.
- Oh, man.
- O-mens.
[both laughing]
- [whooping]
- Huh.
[both laughing]
It's so nice to have
someone around
who actually
appreciates swords.
Are you kiddin' me?
Swords are the best thing ever.
They are
the best thing ever.
You get it. No one else gets it.
Check this out,
I just learned this trick.
Your sword has powers?
That's even cooler!
I know, right?
Wanna have
some real sword fun?
Let's check out that pyramid.
Shadow Master.
You are now under the command of
the great and powerful Mumm-Ra.
You shall do my bidding
and destroy the ThunderCats!
What? What's so funny?
Anyway, where was I?
Oh, yes.
Destroy the
[all laughing]
As I was saying,
destroy the ThunderCats
for me, and I shall reward
Are you kidding me?
There's something
behind me, huh?
- Ah. Aha.
- [both] No!
What is the meaning
of this?
Stop that right now.
You're making me
look unprofessional.
Whatever, mummy-butt.
We've got some pranking
to do. [whoops]
[coins jingling]
[both laughing]
That was
the best day ever.
Wait, are you crying?
It's just I've never
met someone
who likes to have fun
with swords as much as I do!
- [sobbing]
- I finally have someone to share this with.
Great, now
I'm crying, too.
- [sobbing]
- Lion-S?
I'd like to ask you something
very, very important.
Would you help me
tuck the Sword of Omens
into bed?
Oh! I thought
you'd never ask.
Sweet dreams, you sweet prince
of blazing magic.
Don't forget the night light.
[whispering] In case it gets
scared of the dark.
Mm. Mm-hmm.
Would you do me the honor
of becoming the keeper
of the spare key?
Of course, I would.
Then let
the ceremony begin!
There you go,
it's all done.
Thank you
for the key, Lion-O.
I'm gonna guard it
with my life.
- Bring it in, man.
- All right, here I
Ooh! Sorry, I thought
we were doing a hug.
I thought we were doing
a high-five.
- [both laughing]
- Well, I'm gonna turn in.
Come on. Tygra will hook you up
with the guest room.
No worries, man,
I'm just gonna
camp out down here
and make sure the sword
stays safe.
You're the best, Lion-S.
See you tomorrow.
Breakfast, breakfast
Hey, everyone.
I have a really great idea.
I think we should make Lion-S
an official ThunderCat.
- Brilliant idea.
- Can't disagree with that.
She's a Thunderian,
she's strong, she's cool
She hasn't
earned our trust yet.
She knows who I am.
Then it's been decided.
Lion-S is now a Thunder
[alarm blaring]
All right everybody,
control room.
This is Mandora,
Evil Chaser First Class,
reporting an urgent alert.
There's a fugitive
on the loose,
a female Thunderian
who recently escaped
the Grey Prison Planet
Ugh, Lion-S.
I knew something
wasn't right about her.
Come on, Tygra.
We don't know how many Thunderians
survived the exploding.
That could be anyone.
The fugitive escaped
in a stolen squad car
Uh, but
what about, um
And was being pursued
by two guard robots
Ugh, probably
just a coincidence.
And lastly, here's a recent
photo of the convict.
Maybe Lion-S has a twin.
Or a clone.
Maybe her clone has a twin?
- [all groaning]
- This fugitive
is one of the most notorious
thieves in the galaxy
and is not to be trusted.
Then it can't be her!
I trusted Lion-S
with my spare key
to the sword vault.
If she was a thief, she'd have
stolen the Sword of Omens.
And as you can see, she hasn't
stolen the Sword of Omens.
Lion-O, that is not
the Sword of Omens.
we have to get
the Sword of Omens back
and turn her in.
Let's go!
Oh, no, you don't.
What're you doing?
I'm sure it was just
a misunderstanding.
You'll see.
In case you get hungry.
How long is he planning on
leaving us in here?
- Uh, Lion-S?
- [growls]
Lion-S. Ma'am, partner.
Partner, ma'am.
Lion-S. Wherever you are,
I swear, I'm not mad
that you betrayed me.
Oh, man, I really messed up.
I failed as the sworn protector
of the Sword of Omens.
- [engine revving]
- Aha! There's that pranking ThunderCat.
Uh-oh. [yelping]
Picking on Bolkins
is my me-time.
[exclaims and yelps]
- Whoa!
- [cackles]
- Uh-oh. Whoa. Ah!
- [cackles] That'll teach him.
Oh, man, I probably shouldn't've
locked all my friends in a safe
if I planned on getting
thrown off a cliff.
Maybe they were right
about Lion-S.
Oh wait, what's that?
[yelps] Whoa!
Gotcha, man.
[laughs] I knew it was
just a big misunderstanding.
Now, what do you say
we go home
and put that sword back?
I don't think so, Lion-O.
Uh, here's the deal.
I really did have fun
hanging out with you.
But, like, swiping swords
is kind of my thing
and I can't pass up stealing
the Sword of Omens.
It shoots lightning, fire,
water, and rainbows?
I mean, it's got everything
I've ever wanted!
Take care of yourself, bud.
I'm out.
So I really did mess up.
Dang it, Lion-O, we had to break
ourselves out of the vault.
Now where's Lion-S?
She took the Sword of Omens
and flew into space.
- What?
- But it's okay.
How, Lion-O?
It's the only one we have.
Quit being a baby, Tygra.
I still have one more
new sword trick.
Sword of Omens,
come to my hand.
Oh, come on!
[engine revving]
Really? You could do that
the entire time
and you still
let me try to get away?
I thought you'd bring
it back.
Man, you are gullible.
Gullible, but pretty cool.
Guess ya better turn me in.
I'm oddly comfortable
with this.
- Huh? What is that?
- [all gasping]
I don't see anything at all.
All right, Lion-S.
So long, steal from ya later.
Lion-O, dude.
You let her escape.
You know,
maybe Lion-O's right.
This act of kindness
may be the example
Lion-S needs
to evaluate her choices
and begin taking steps
towards a life without crime
No. I meant, what's that?
Let me guess,
the oaf let her go?
Not all criminals
are evil, Mandora.
Maybe not, Tiger oaf.
But all criminals do go
to space jail.
So, you're all under arrest
for aiding and abetting
the escape of a known criminal.
Hold on tight.
[Lion-O] Oh, man. Not again!
[camera shutter clicks]
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