Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e25 Episode Script

Episode 25

Sencer Bey's Hatun, Turna.
The ones, whom you
followed, won't notice you.
Because you are going to die
We are looking at a quite precious
treasure. A really precious one.
Whoever this Hatun is, she is
very precious to Melik Tapar.
Obviously, this is the woman related
with the secret that Tapar goes after.
What was that sound?
Is there someone following us?
It's not obvious if he
is Batini, Byzantine
or someone else.
Yet, what is obvious there,
is not only one person
but more than one.
What are we going to do now, son?
What if the ones following
us learned the secret?
It was impossible for
them to hear us from there.
But we need to be careful.
Let's go quickly, I will
drop you off near the tribe.
Even if you are a Sultan
you cannot accuse
Alparslan's son Tekis like this.
If you do not take back
the words you uttered
there will be blood between us.
The time for that blood has already come.
I will not take back the words I uttered
nor I will sheathe the
sword I took out of its scabbard.
My Sultan, a messenger is coming.
It looks like he is bringing
an important information.
My Sultan, Seferiye Hatun is
brought to the palace, she isn't well.
The doctors are saying that she
is about to breathe her last breath.
My mother
What is my mother doing here?
I called her to the palace
so she would be close to me.
We are going to the palace quickly!
I need to see my mother right away!
Allow me to come to the palace too.
So I can see my mother as well.
We're resented at each other.
But don't deprive me of seeing my mother.
Come on, Sencer.
Make your decision.
Give me Livia and I'll tell
you who the traitor is.
I'd never give someone who asks for
my help under no circumstances.
Now you'll give me the traitor's
name and I'll take your head.
Attack, soldiers!
Kill them all.
I'm going after Thomas.
Our companion's been killed.
Someone other than us must be after them.
We need to be quick and reveal this secret.
There's a high chance
Tapar's mother is this hatun.
Now follow this hatun secretly.
Learn where she lives
and who she is and tell me.
As you wish Great Seyuduna.
Who are you mysterious hatun?
They’re after us. Hide.
What is it, ma'am?
Where are you coming
from breathlessly like this?
I had some businesses.
Let me know when Basulu
mother comes, Alaca.
I was angry with you, both
because I was suffering from
being motherless and because
of the secret you hid from me.
we have limited breathes
to take in this world now.
While the death is the
greatest warning for us.
it is not the time to
look for someone to blame.
Don't upset yourself any longer.
I'd sacrifice my whole life
just to ease the pain
in my heart a bit, son.
Don't do it.
I carried the pain of
your absence for years.
I can't bear it now, while I've found you.
You can't get what I
don't give it to you, but
I can get whatever I
want from whoever I want.
And now, I'll get the name
of the traitor for you by force.
Tell me. With whom did you
cooperate for the raid of Turkmen Beys?
I don't know.
We cooperated with no one.
You said you were going to
say it, when we give you Livia.
Obviously, you know who he was.
I tricked you.
I was just going to take Livia.
We cleared rest off the heathens, my Bey.
Hasn't he still said
the name of the traitor?
He thinks he can resist but
I know how I can make him talk.
Tie the heathen to the tree.
As you command, my Bey.
Why are you crying?
Maybe, the information you were going
to learn was going to save your life.
You didn't leave me in spite of this.
I made many mistakes
against you in the past.
Now, the more kind
you are to me
the more my shame increases.
Doing kindness for
kindness is easy for everyone.
Doing kindness for evil is a
thing only matures ones can do.
From now on, whatever we
experienced stays in the past.
We never negotiate for the
ones taking shelter with us.
We'd rather die than being a coward.
Take Livia to the tribe, Bozkus.
And take an alp with you.
As you command, my Bey
Come, Livia.
And we'll make this heathen talk meanwhile.
We think our tents
just as the universe
itself, Turna Hatun.
The moon completes its cycle
around the world in 28 days.
All the 28 star cluster
hang on a specific position.
For this reason, we have 28 divisions
on the ceiling of our tents.
You shouldn't underestimate the tent.
The tent is a world.
Its dome is the sky.
The space at the top of it
symbolizes the road leading
to the polestar from the world.
The pole of the tent links
the earth with the sky.
A family lives in a tent.
Tents combine and become a tribe.
Tribes combine and become a state.
Whatever the universe means to the state
the tent, which is thought as universe.
means to the family.
Even if we live in tents
our eyes
our dreams and thoughts
always and everywhere
reach out of the universe.
I didn't know even a tent has
such supreme meaning, Akbilge.
I've understood now, in what kind
of world of meanings you live.
Long live.
By your leave.
What's going on, where have you been?
I had some stuff to take
care of, it's not important.
Feel a little tired,
I will go to my tent to rest.
Of course. If you need anything, call me.
Of course my daughter, don't worry.
You hid the truth from me, mother.
So you don't trust me, huh?
What is the secret you hide from me?
I was with my mother.
I made up with her.
I called her mother, and hugged her.
Why are you waiting here?
Seferiye Hatun.
She is in the palace.
Sultan Meliksah Hadrath!
How is my mother, Zubeyde?
She isn't well, my Sultan.
She has been talking about you,
you came just in time.
What happened to you?
The world of life and death
The mortal world
The time for me to travel to the place
where no one can come back from.
It's been a long time since I last saw
you two together.
Thank Allah.
I saw you together before I die.
My Ahmet.
My Tekis.
My Meliksah.
We had made some decisions.
Which made you so sad.
You suffered a lot.
Your heart was pierced.
Don't think I didn't see
or felt your suffering.
Give your blessing
give your blessing to
your mother, my son.
Don't say that, mother.
When compared to what a mother did
his son's blessing is nothing.
I have always been grateful to you.
And may Allah bless you too, mother.
My dear.
Come close.
My child.
Forgive me.
I didn't want you to live with a
longing for your mother in your heart.
Be at ease, grandmother.
I have reunited with my
mother, and my brother.
We forgave you.
Oh my Allah.
Thank You.
the time for me to
pass away has arrived.
The Sultan of my heart.
We will be reunited in
the afterlife as lovers.
I bare witness that there
is no god except Allah
and I also witness that
Mohammed is His prophet and servant.
Isn't there any news from Thomas?
Neither did he come, nor did any news
come from him, Commander Mithras.
Let's hope he saved
Livia from our enemies.
There is a hidden cross
engraved on this spear.
It can't be erased.
This is fake.
This spear is fake.
Meliksah gave us the fake spear.
The Turks still have the Holy
Spear which is entrusted to us.
God will send his curse upon us.
I want to meet Meliksah
as soon as possible.
We'll take the Holy Spear back
from him no matter what it costs.
You allied with with Melik Tekis
and killed Turkmen Beys, right?
Admit it and save your life.
I don't know about Tekis but
if you know who the traitor is
then you should have found him.
There is a messenger, my Bey.
He apparently has important information.
Is there an important situation?
The dynasty is mourning, Sencer Bey.
I am going to report this to the tribes.
Mourning for what?
Who died in the dynasty?
Sultan Meliksah's mother Seferiye Hatun.
She passed away.
Finally you're here.
Where have you been for
all this time, Alparslan?
I'm honored that you think
I look like Sultan Alparslan.
But I am one of the personal
soldiers of Sultan Meliksah.
You look so much like Alparslan.
Your eyes look like
an eagle, just like his.
You walk like a lion.
May she rest in peace.
Take Thomas to the tribe
and lock him in the tent, Togan.
Try to get as much
information from him as you can.
I need to go to the palace and
give my condolences to our Sultan.
Why don't we take Thomas
to the palace, my Bey?
Let's take him to our Sultan and
say that he knows who the traitor is.
It's no use if we take him there
without a confession, Aslantas.
Won't our Sultan ask us why we
brought a man who doesn't talk?
And I have another plan for Thomas.
He'll bring the traitor to
us even if he don't talk.
Every secret is bound
to be revealed eventually.
What will make Meliksah
fall into our hands
is hidden in the hatun whom Tapar met.
And we'll find out who she is soon.
As you ordered I arranged
our plan in Selemzar, father.
I bought bills from the
merchants that the Emirate owed.
In this way, it will be
easier to win the favor of
Nizamulmulk and take the
position of the Emir of Selemzar.
Very well.
Now go do your job son.
We surrounded the devil on all sides.
If we all take them out they'll
burn down to the ground.
Because of you, father.
Excuse me.
Soldiers we sent after Melik
Tapar have been killed.
Who would do this?
Let's hope Tapar doesn't
know we had him followed.
My condolences brother.
We had no father
now we have no mother.
Losing a father and a mother
is the same for a shepherd
as it is for the sons of a
dynasty who rule the world.
Same pain.
Same emptiness.
May Allah
have mercy on our mother and father
and grant us patience.
For the sake of my mother's will
I'll ignore the problem
at the tribe for now.
People will come to the palace
to give condolences. Come.
On a day like this, there's
no need for the people
to see us in bad blood.
My mother loved oak trees.
I wanted her to rest forever
under it's shadow.
Build a shrine here,
that my mother deserves.
Prepare foods at the palace
and give it to the people.
Paint the doors of the city black.
Let the people know we're mourning.
As you wish my Sultan.
I'm so hungry.
Didn't the beatings fill you up?
Walk. Walk.
Bring him food and water.
Don't leave this tent.
As you wish my Bey.
I brought you peppermint oil.
We always have it on our horses.
It's good for your cut and
stop a possible infection.
Why did you bother?
I'm a stronger girl than you think.
Don't worry about me.
Yes but you're still fragile.
A pigeon has strong wings.
But it's a bird after all.
You helped me.
Thank you.
I'll go.
Tell me if you need something.
Okay. I definitely will.
My father Alparslan
went to war in the morning azan
the day he married my mother.
My mother put this on my father's sword.
She said
"Keep your sword sharp"
"Don't come back
"without glory and feel my presence."
My father
never took it off from
his sword in his life.
He fought many battles but
it's as strong as ever.
It showed how strong their love was.
Our duty
is to be children worthy of them.
Our brotherhood must be as strong
as their love was strong.
We've clashed so many times until now.
The last incident
became the last straw.
I'll tolerate you for
the sake of my mother.
You are my brother.
You are my blood and flesh.
From now on..
you also don't fail
my mother's last will.
Promise me.
I promise.
My Sultan. Sencer Bey wishes
to be accepted in your presence.
Let him in.
My Sultan.
Seferiye Hatun was the mother of
both of our state and all of us.
My condolences.
Thank you, Sencer Bey.
Fortunately, I have some good news
which can ease your pain
a bit on this mournful day.
The traitor we suspected in the
attack towards Turkmen Beys
We finally captured someone
who can admit his name.
We have the right hand of Isaakios, Tomas.
Did he admit the name of the traitor?
Not yet.
Obviously, he's resisting, my Sultan.
Yet, I wish to take him in
your presence tomorrow.
Then, he is going to admit everything.
When he brings the
right hand of Isaakios
the traitor will be revealed.
Whom do you think
the traitor among us is?
If the right hand of Isaakios speaks
we can learn.
My Sultan.
The new commander of Kuvel Castle,
Mithras is waiting for you to accept him.
He is the twin brother of Markus.
I've come to present my
condolences, Sultan Meliksah.
I know what kind of a pain
losing someone in the family.
When I received the
death news of my brother
I felt similar things.
So, you are the brother of Markus.
Just the same. Okay, then.
The situation of your brother must
have been an example for you.
I hope you won't make the mistake he did.
It was really smart that you poisoned
Prince Isaakios with the sacred spear.
Yet, the spear you sent
was not the sacred spear. It was fake.
And I've come to take the real one.
It is smart that you realized
the spear was fake, too.
Yet, such a smart man
must have calculated that I wasn't
going to give the real spear easily.
I've come to present a new peace
opportunity, in return of the sacred spear.
You can't bestow peace to us.
We are the state of Seljuk state.
If there will be an agreement
or peace, we can only present it!
My condition to give the spear is obvious.
You will retreat from the lands
between Kuvel and Black Sea.
You will build a mosque
in Kuvel and pay your tax.
We won't leave even a handful of land.
No nail will be driven for a mosque.
We won't give even a coin of gold to you.
Then you will forget about
the peace and the spear
and suffer the answer we
will give to you with our swords.
You killed my brother.
You poisoned a Byzantine Prince.
Even with that, I came here
to make peace with you.
But you chose war.
Since you chose war, then there is no other
choice for us but to get ready for war.
There are words that ends wars.
There are words that
make one lose his head.
Since you are not saying
anything to end the war
then our swords will
speak the most righteous words.
I went to the old house
and met with my mother.
I realized everything after I calmed down.
There is nothing for you to
worry about now regarding me.
And about Turkmen Beys.
And about Turkmen Beys
What happened is my fault. If I didn't call
you, you wouldn't be late for the meeting.
That's why, we will act
together in this matter.
As two brothers.
As two brothers.
By the way
we found a dead body near the old house.
It's unknown whose man he is.
But we may be being followed.
I told my mother, you
should be cautious too.
So you are the new commander of
Kuvel Castle, Markus' twin brother.
And you are Melik Tapar.
I offered peace to Meliksah,
in exchange of the Holy Spear.
But he didn't accept.
I hope you won't be a harsh
Sultan like your father.
A wolfs child is also a wolf.
You will be treated by me, same
way you are treated by my father.
What are you going to
do with the Holy Spear?
It has no harm to anyone.
My brother stabbed you with it
but you didn't die.
But when our Sultan stabbed
your brother with it, he died.
So the real skill lies
in the one who uses it.
-Who are you?
- I am Sencer, the Bey of Kinik Tribe.
You bothered my brother Markus
and Prince Isaakios a lot.
But I'm not like them.
The names you just
said are dead and buried.
And I have Isaakios' right hand man Thomas.
Don't create trouble for us,
so you won't end up like them.
Why did you tell this infidel
that you captured Thomas?
The same reason why I said it when
Melik Tekis was present with our Sultan.
Now they will unite and attack us.
And we will trap all of them together.
Thomas is held prisoner by Sencer.
We have to save him.
Place our spies around the palace.
I want to know everyone
that comes in and out.
Meliksah will realize who he is up against.
My Sultan, the vizier of Fatimis, Bedrul
Cemali wants to be accepted in your presence.
He came here with the documents
of a messenger, my sultan.
And today is the day we accept condolences.
We shouldn't harm a messenger.
Let him in.
Sultan Meliksah.
I came here in the name of Fatimi Caliphate
to inform you about an important matter.
We heard that you have a funeral.
Fatimi Caliphate
sends his condolences to you.
May your precious mother
go to jannah (paradise).
Bedrul Cemali, what is the
important matter you wish to speak.
It is not seen before that
you brought any good news.
InshAllah you will speak of
good things on this sad day for us.
I have come here to talk about the
hajjis you couldn't protect, Nizamulmulk!
This time, you are the responsible
of the bad things that happened.
We want to turn them into good things.
What are you saying
We know about the attack on the hajj group.
This matter put the world of
Islam into sadness, and worry.
Hajj is an important
matter for all of the Muslims.
It also bothers us as well
that the Seljuk cannot
protect the hajj routes.
The attack on the Haj caravan
was responded properly.
We're capable of protecting
the Hajj roads in the future
just as we protected them until today.
If the Caliph of Fatimid wants
to serve to the world of Islam
it's enough for him not to
create trouble for Muslims.
We won't accept these
words about our Caliph.
Because a khutbah is given
on behalf of our Caliph
in a holy place like Medina
and in many other places.
This is an honor not everyone can achieve.
It's a persecution for
the world of Islam to
give a khutbah on behalf
of the Fatimid Caliph
who created trouble for the ummah
of the Prophet in the city of the Prophet.
Either stop creating trouble for Muslims..
or we'll continue to
do what's necessary have a sermon on behalf
of the Seljuks in Medina.
And you should understand
that we risk everything for this!
Now get out of my sight
before I take your head!
There's restlessness in Selemzar
among the merchants, Hace Hadrath.
Sencer will take Thomas
to the palace tomorrow.
My brother will make him
talk if we can't take him.
We'll lose our heads when
we want to dethrone him.
Who are you?
How dare you stop me with an arrow?
Because I'm your ally.
Hear what you're saying!
Who are you to ally with Melik Tekis?
Stop expressing fake attitudes, Tekis.
You'll ally with me just as
you allied with Prince Isaakios.
I know that you want to take the throne.
I saw the games you
played next to Meliksah.
But you can't take the
throne without our support.
And we have to save
Thomas from Sencer.
We can't be allies if we can't save him,
because your brother will take your head.
We have to save Thomas because he has
important information about the Kuvel Castle.
It won't be good for any of us
if Meliksah has that information.
As a result of your plan, Sencer
has taken your most important man.
I hope you won't rule Kuvel like this.
As a result of the treachery
you tried to do to your brother,
you messed up everything.
This is not the right time.
will take Thomas to the palace tomorrow.
We need to take action as soon as possible.
It's not possible for
me to enter the tribe.
But you know so many people.
You can find someone to
intervene in this in the Kinik Tribe.
I know how to get
Thomas out of Kinik Tribe.
I'll get it done before
Thomas arrives to the palace.
My brother will neither
learn about my actions
or will he have the
secret information of Kuvel.
There are news from
our spies in the palace, sir.
Zubeyde Hatun, the hatun of Meliksah, left
the palace and set out for Kinik Tribe.
Zubeyde, Berkyarug's mother
and the most powerful
woman of the dynasty.
This cheered me up.
Tell our men to ambush her.
Tell them to bring Zubeyde Hatun to me.
I'll need her.
Meliksah will experience
an unforgettable pain.
I'm sorry about Seferiye Hatun's death.
May Allah forgive her sins.
She expressed her regret
about you in her last breath.
Even though nobody understood, I did.
One of the reasons I
brought the news of her
death is to ask you to
give her your blessing.
She knew you would never
hold a grudge against her.
She repented.
What it suits you is to
give her your blessing now.
We know whoever holds
grudges have no religion.
Everything aside
you tried to be a mother to
my Tapar in the Palace for years.
Even just for that, I give you my blessing.
I heard you made up with Tapar.
I'm so happy.
My Allah never keep
you, away from your sons.
May all of us.
And ever since you learned the secret
have sacrificed a lot.
You were a second mother
to my Sencer and my Tapar.
If it was anyone but you..
they'd try to destroy
me and my children.
You tried
to make me and my Sencer live.
Give me your blessing Zubeyde.
I've always acted
in favor of our state,
dynasty and Meliksah.
And you are a part of him.
I give you my blessing.
I'll get back to the palace.
I'm sorry Zubeyde Hatun.
I couldn't sit with you. I was busy
No problem my sweet girl.
You are a bey's hatun now.
Of course you'll be busy.
Take care.
Go in grace.
Why did Zubeyde Hatun
come to see you mother?
We became friends after
your wedding feast with Sencer.
She came to let me know
Seferiye Hatun passed away.
Your silence is killing me Tapar.
I know I made you mad.
You're right.
But whatever I did
I did to diminish the
pain of your mother.
Get mad at me and yell if you wish.
But don't keep me from
hearing your voice, your words.
My heart's only cure
my soul's shelter is your voice.
Don't cry.
Don't upset me and our
baby in your stomach.
I know you did it for me.
But from now on the best
thing you can do for me
is to be a good mother Gevher.
You'll give us the
traitor's name eventually.
You dog.
Didn't he speak yet?
No my Bey.
Torture me all you want.
I won't speak.
Mitras isn't like Isaakios.
He'll save me from here.
I made you into a bait.
That traitor and Mitras
will fall into our trap.
And you'll watch the
Mitras you love so much die.
Think of the trap we put you in Sencer.
Livia that you protect was the
leader of the hired crusaders.
She came to you when
she lost her reputation.
Now she's being cute to you
but when the time comes
she'll be our dagger
that cuts you inside.
So she was the leader of the fighters?
Bring Livia in front of the tent.
As you wish my Bey.
You think you're smart.
But you're nothing Sencer.
Don't let anyone near the tent Togan.
Whether he talks or not
he'll bring the traitor to us.
As you wish my Bey.
We're only here for Zubeyde Hatun.
There are other girls with her.
There will be a feast in the
castle when we take them.
Get ready to attack.
It's an ambush.
Don't try to protect Zubeyde Hatun in vain.
We've come to take her.
But you are going to be our prize.
So, you want me.
You are a brave woman.
You sacrifice yourself for your daughters.
But none of you can be
saved from being taken by us.
My Sultan. I want to go to
Kinik Tribe by your leave.
So, I can both present our condolences
and inspect our daughter
we sent for reinforcement.
The heathens have become
hell bent to fight with us.
There can be an ambush
on the road. Be careful.
If you want to cage the eagle
you need to take
the risk of her claw first!
My daughters!
My brave warriors!
May your swords never be destroyed!
Our Sultan had already told us
that the dogs can do some treachery.
And we didn't disappoint him!
Now, we return to the palace.
Let's go!
The security and peace of Selemzar
is important for us, Hace Hadrath.
Our state helped us more
than enough in the past.
We couldn't let the dogs
do things they wanted.
You are a powerful man of state.
Yet, you can't handle
every job by yourself.
Selemzar needs someone to become
Emir, who will be a good substitute of you.
Do you have any idea for it?
It's well-known that I am a talented
and trusted trader everywhere.
I have the skill for management
and quite a deal of treasure.
What I am saying that put myself in for
the Emirate of Selemzar, Hace Hadrath.
Besides, I have the
bill of debts of Selemzar.
If I become the Emir,
Selemzar will have no debt.
What is your answer, Hace Hadrath?
Let's walk, I will tell you my answer.
Here is my answer to you.
What does this mean Hace Hadrath?
What I'm saying is
You impertinent man!
Do you think we are fools
and this state is oblivious?
What do you mean, Hace Hadrath?
Do you think that I didn't understand that you
rallied these merchants up, then calmed them down
for your reputation, then bought their
bills and use them as leverage for emirate?
These are not trivial accusations for
a respected merchant such as myself!
I don't accept any of them, Hace Hadrath!
You didn't shut your mines
down when we told you before!
Our enemies melted
their golds in your mines
and you said you didn't know!
And with this, you ruined your
reputation too, Faysal Afendi!
How dare you to make schemes for Emirate?
Do you think that this state is
helpless, that it would make you an Emir?
I cannot accept this much, Hace Hadrath!
If your answer to my offer is an insult
then I'm going to execute
all the debt bills in Selemzar,
and get everything what people have!
Now I will show you
And you are threatening
us without any shame, huh?
You impertinent man!
-Hace Hadrath!
- You fool!
And you put conditions for the state, huh?
Now we will take everything
you have, and make you suffer.
You will learn your lesson!
Until a second order
shut down all the mines Faysal has!
And beat these impertinent
men in the name of our state first
then kick them out of Selemzar!
Don't show up in front of me again!
Go now!
Hit them!
So you were the leader
of the Crusader warriors.
Why did you hide that from us?
I had nowhere to go.
I was afraid that you
wouldn't protect me,
if you learned that I was the leader
of the Crusader warriors.
Even if you were our arch
enemy, we would protect you.
Because we don't refuse to
help anyone that asks for our help.
Why did Byzantines kidnap you?
When Markus got more powerful,
I was not as important as before.
Markus beat me, and kidnapped me.
He forced me to
Sencer Bey.
No matter what happens,
she is still a hatun.
Don't make her talk further and suffer.
The Crusader warriors you have
brought have spilled a lot of blood here.
But none of it is as
bad as the lie you said.
How can we trust the words you say now?
Since you accepted me into your tribe
I have left all the lies,
and everything I did behind.
Everywhere I go except here is
surrounded with lies and darkness.
That's why I want to stay here.
I have no proof other than
my tears to make you believe.
However, if you want, I can
leave the tribe immediately.
Even if they kill me, I will
always be grateful to you.
Those warriors killed a lot of people here.
They caused us great damage.
If they hear that you're staying here,
there might be some troubles.
The other tribes might rebel as well.
it's our duty to protect you.
Go back to your tent now.
Thanks, Sencer Bey.
I said we could learn something
from her the first day she came to tribe.
And it happened.
If she was the leader of the warriors
she might have much other
information that we don't know about.
She can't say anything now because
she's scared, uneasy and lonely now
but we'll learn the truth
when she pulls herself together.
Damn you, old wolf!
He slapped my dear son so cruelly!
What deeply resented me
is not that he slapped me
it's that I couldn't
fulfill your order, father.
It's worse then anything for me.
I'll pay for my mistake with
my life if you order me, father!
Put that dagger down!
Put it down.
We'll learn such a secret soon that
not only Selemzar but the whole
Seljuk lands will fall into our hands.
Now we're attacking
the Seljuks from all sides.
We will stick this dagger not in
ourselves, but in the heart of the Seljuks.
Be patient.
What happened, Bedrul Cemali?
You look like you got your
share from Meliksah's rage.
We were going to oppress Meliksah
about what happened to the Hajj caravan.
But we couldn't.
He even threatened us.
He's determined to rule Medina
and have a khutbah there.
If his shadow over the
world of Islam is not erased
it will be a nightmare for us everyday.
We must damage his patronage
and reputation over the world of Islam.
Otherwise, we won't be able
to get rid of, this nightmare.
We heard that he ordered
for a calender to be made.
If this calendar is made, all Muslims
will act according to his calender.
And this means to dominate the spirit
consciousness and
time of the world of Islam.
If we can prevent this
calendar from being made,
we will destroy a great
goal of the Seljuks.
Don't worry.
I know how to take that calendar.
He will neither be able to rule over time,
nor be able to have a khutbah in Medina.
On the contrary, a khutbah will be read on
our behalf in Makkah as soon as possible.
My servant in the observatory
is waiting for my order now.
Master Hayyam.
I sorted my findings by
watching the sky for 10 days.
Tell me Fida.
In the Gregorian calender
why is it wrong to count
the month Adar after Nowruz?
The land doesn't get
warm before the heat falls.
The trees don't come alive Master Isfizari.
That's why 2 weeks must
pass after the month of Adar.
Fida is one of the brightest
among my students.
Thank God, we have the
chance to improve his talents.
He grew up with us and became a blessing.
It's time you be of
use to our cause son.
Great Imam's spirit has ordered
us to give you this dagger.
Destroy the calender of the devils.
My life is yours for your
cause, Great Seyuduna.
Have good night Count Albert.
I'm sorry I dozed off.
It's good that we came InshAllah.
are doing some deep reading.
I'm not reading anything.
I'm just watching the sky.
You're reading Allah's Great Book.
I don't understand.
Allah's Great Book
is in the sky?
You don't always need have
something written to read.
All over the world Allah's
verses are written
if you know how to read.
Can you elaborate on it?
The verses are the obvious signs to
prove the existence of some things.
Whatever there is in the sky and earth
they are the obvious signs for
the unity and greatness of Allah.
So, everything Allah created are also
the verses of the great
book of the universe.
You do not have to be
literate to read this great book.
With the love of the heart
you also need to look
with the eyes of the heart.
Our heart has eyes?
Of course.
We can only see the material
world with the eyes in our head.
But we can see the essence of the
material world with the eyes of the heart.
We can see all the truth
and power of the creation.
how can we realize that
the eyes of our heart see?
If the things we see with our
eyes make us remember Allah
and make us think about
his eternal greatness
it means the eyes
of our heart start to see.
I have never looked at this great skies
and the shining starts in the sky
in those eyes.
Then, look at it with them from now on.
Look at the world for reading
the book of the universe
and understanding its meaning.
So, you can see and read
the eternal verses of Allah
with eyes of the heart
and with the language of the heart.
So, you can understand it
with the mind of the heart.
The eyes of the heart.
The language of the heart.
The mind of the heart.
You cause more questions upon my questions.
Our heart, which seems to be a piece of
meat in our chest, is actually a universe.
A greater universe than the
apparent universe we see.
And there is a greater book than
the book of universe in that universe.
You own book.
Time Albert.
There is a time to read that book, too.
There is a master to make
you understand your own book.
He will surely answer your questions, too.
You mentioned to me
about such person before.
Tell me his location.
I'll run there.
In the city I was borne.
In the city of Tus.
But don't you worry.
Soon, he will come to Isfahan.
InshAllah, when you see him
all the questions you
have will be answered.
And all the troubles you
have in your heart will vanish.
The man, who was killed
around the musty house.
Obviously, there are others,
who are after the secret, mother.
My brother also said it.
Be more careful now.
Don't get out of the tribe unnecessarily.
I promised something Turna.
I told her I was going to share
even my heaviest secrets with her.
We made our wedding and married now.
We put our heads on the same pillow.
I am stuck in a difficult
situation, mother.
You are also a Hatun.
Tell me. Should I share my secret with her?
If I don't, does it mean I disregard her?
We can tell this secret to no one
with our own will.
Look, even though my own son
suffered because of
the absence of his mother
I could tell him nothing for years.
Even though the longing of your
father burned me, I couldn't tell it.
Even you You are always
with your brother and father.
It hurt you deeply,
but you couldn't tell it.
As you see
before its time comes
we can’t tell, it to no one, son.
It neither means that you disregard her
nor it means you break your promise.
Don't you worry.
Thank you, mother.
Have some rest now.
Have a peaceful night.
You, too.
In this world
l am sure that there are
sons, who are not able to see
their mother.
I saw and knew my mother, thankfully
Allah let it happen.
I was able to bury her
after a timely death.
Until now, we have not only
been father and son with you,
but also companions in battle.
We have fought side
by side in many battles.
And now, loss of our
mothers have united us.
Now we both are orphans.
From now on, my son
we will share our pain
of being orphans as well.
My mother
before she gave her last
breathe, told you something.
Tell me son, what did she say?
What was the reason of the
smile on my mother's face?
My grandmother
before she passed away
advised me to always be
a worthy son for you, father.
My mother
It's her will for us to always
be together with Tekis.
Tekis acts as if he did not
betray, InshAllah that's true.
Sencer speaks surely of Tekis' betrayal.
This matter has been bothering me.
Do you think
that your uncle has
betrayed us and our state?
My own brother
do you think he stabbed me in the back?
No one would want something
like this to happen, father.
We have to wait for
Sencer's plans to show results.
No matter what happens, we
will accept it as the best outcome.
We will wait.
Keep your eye on the Kinik Tribe, son.
Before Sencer reveals this matter
Turkmen Beys’ anger
towards Sencer won’t end.
They may do something bad.
As you command, my Sultan.
We will get over this trouble
when we reveal the traitor tomorrow.
There is a coldness around you, Turna.
Don't think I didn't feel it.
What is it?
It's your silence, Sencer.
What are you hiding from me?
You are hiding it together
with Basulu mother.
You have a secret, but
you are not telling it to me.
Why do you think we are hiding something?
What did you see, and
what do you know? Tell me.
If we are going to be
honest, then let me tell you.
A word came to mother.
She left the tribe suddenly
without telling anything to anyone.
And I got curious, and
started following her.
I saw them speaking with
Melik Tapar near a grave.
What do you think you are doing, Turna?
How can you follow
mother all alone by yourself?
You weren't going to tell me anything.
And I did it to learn what's going on.
Someone was killed over there.
Was it you that killed him?
He put a dagger on my throat.
I had to kill him.
Turna what are you doing?
What if something bad happened to you?
What if he hurt you?
Does it suit you to follow people like a
spy, forgetting that you are a Bey's Hatun?
I felt offended that you
were hiding a secret from me.
Melik Tapar is also
involved in this thing you hide.
What are you hiding
from me Sencer? Tell me.
If there is something I need to tell you,
I will tell you when the time comes.
Isn't this being untrustworthy?
Aren't you disregarding
us, and act all by yourself?
This is the sanjac of Hadhrat Omer Afendi.
And this is the sword of Atsiz Bey!
Are these trivial relics, Turna?
We are working hard to carry
the responsibility of these relics.
You are the Hatun of such a tribe.
Does it suit you to act like a spy,
instead of taking care of the tribe?
Don't you understand the
importance of these relics, Turna?
Or am I not able to tell you?
Do you think of them lightly?
Of course not Sencer.
I know the importance of them.
Then why is this untrustworthy attitude?
What is it with this
wayward attitude?
What if you were killed?
What if you were killed by the
dagger that was put on your throat?
You are right.
the secret that bothers you
I wanted to learn that.
That's why I did it.
I thought maybe I could share your trouble.
If there is a secret I cannot tell
it is out of my responsibility.
You are not just Turna Hatun anymore.
You are a Bey's Hatun.
Just as I act according to that
you will act according to it too.
You will be the warmth of
my home, the pillar of my tent,
and the strength of my heart.
If you act like this
it won't mean anything that we suffered
for our love and that we're together now.
Sencer Bey who caused the
Turkmen Beys to be martyred
has now captured a
Byzantine who attacked the Beys.
Even you don't know about this.
What does Sencer Bey want to do?
It's the Turkmen Beys' right to
question and punish that murderer.
Who is Sencer Bey to take
Turken Beys' right to reprisal?
You're right, Melik Tekis but
maybe our Sultan has a
plan that we don't know about.
If we let anger get the better
of us, we will be rejecting Tore.
Tore exists to give
the rightful one his right.
The leader of the mercenary
Crusaders called Livia
is protected by Sencer Bey.
Those Crusaders killed many people
and martyred our soldiers.
Apparently Sencer Bey hides
things from our Sultan too.
If you make him pay for it
If you punish the guilty ones yourself
this means you did
something worthy of the Sultan.
Melik Tekis is right.
Apparently Sencer Bey is acting on his own.
We were promised that the
murderers would be found.
If they found them then
it's our right to take them.
Then we'll go to the Kinik Tribe tomorrow.
Let's take the Byzantines from
Sencer Bey and punish them.
All documents of
Meliksah's calendar are here.
You will no longer be
able to make that calendar.
Drop it. Drop!
Get up.
Nobody can enter
here from outside.
Obviously, you are a
Batini who has infiltrated us.
You won't be able to destroy this calendar.
I'll reveal your ugly face now!
Terken Hatun.
You wanted to see me.
What's the situation about
the secret, Taculmulk?
I ordered you to follow Tapar
but there is still no information.
I ordered our personal soldiers
to follow Melik Tapar, however
someone killed them.
Who did that?
Who did this?
It is highly probable that
Zubeyde Hatun did this.
Obviously she suspected
something and had her men follow me.
She may have killed my men
so that we could not reach
the truth about the secret.
You are not good at knowing
your enemies, Taculmulk.
Zubeyde Hatun never
gets a Seljuk soldier killed.
Choose skillful men.
We'll continue to
investigate this secret issue.
We should unlock this secret
so that we can take precautions.
We've been walking on the
path of reign step by step.
I don't tolerate anyone preventing this.
Let's say he and Basulu
Hatun have a secret son.
First of all, it is Sultan
Meliksah who keeps this secret.
Later, this secret would
affect the entire dynasty.
How are we going to
eliminate Basulu Hatun and her
secret son from the way of
reign while all this is going.
I appreciate that you closed the
matter about Tapar's mother, daughter.
This is what suits to the
Hatun of a Melik like you.
What we expect from you is to give
birth to our grandchild in a healthy way
and to raise that child in
a way that suits our dynasty.
InshAllah, Zubeyde Hatun.
What can the whole dynasty do, Taculmulk?
I'm Terken from Karahan.
Neither the late Seferiye Hatun
nor Elcin, the
daughter of this dynasty
nor anyone else could
stand against me.
Zubeyde's time
will come.
I have faced many
troubles all these years.
I would never bow down
to Basulug who's a simple
Kipchak Bey daughter and her son.
I was born as a daughter of a great state.
I am the hatun of the
state that rule the world.
If I can't rule somewhere
no one will be able to dominate it.
Your words cut my heart like a knife.
But you're right.
It's my fault.
I did as I pleased.
I worry if
I'm not worthy of being
this tribe's and your Hatun.
I was mad at you
because you're a Hatun
worthy of me and the tribe.
I warned you because you're a great Hatun.
I have no doubt you
are a loyal Bey's Hatun.
My only wish from you
is to trust me.
Don't worry me.
You can be at ease.
I am not an Emir's daughter Turna now.
I'm not the lonely healer Turna either.
I'm Sencer Bey's Hatun Turna.
Know I'm aware of that.
From now on
my only effort will be
toward our tribe and our home.
I'll shoulder all the weight.
If there's a secret I must know
.. I'll wait for you to tell me.
The time you decide to tell me
is the most appropriate.
Any other casualties in the observatory?
A soldier became a martyr my Sultan.
Hayyam was brought to the
palace in the morning for treatment.
We're still investigating.
Figure it out at once. We will
make the ones who did this pay.
Make way. Sultan Meliksah Hadrath.
How are you Hayyam?
How is he?
Who ever stabbed the dagger
wanted to leave in a hurry.
That's why there's no lethal wound.
Thank God.
My confidant, my friend.
..turn the world upside down..
for a single drop of blood.
I won't let you go unavenged.
They took the calender documents.
They were important.
Now we have to start all over.
I wish they took my life
and didn't steal the documents.
I feel embarrassed my Sultan.
Don't worry.
First, get better.
Get on your feet.
We will use all of our strength
to prepare the calender again.
We won't do this calender for us
..we'll do it for the Ummah.
The dogs that did this
not just ours
but the whole of
Islam world's enemies.
We won't turn back from our path.
And we won't let them get away with it.
Most probably
.this was done by Batinis, Hace.
It's hard for someone
from outside to go in there.
Infidels have nothing
to do with our calender.
A secret Batini on the
inside did this attack.
That Fatimi vizier Bedrul
Cemali is around here.
They allied with Hasan Sabbah
and they planned this vile attack.
You are right, my Sultan.
Therefore, I'll focus the investigation
on the staff of the observatory.
If we can find him, he will lead us
to the alliance of Fatimi and Batini.
Then, we'll ruin both the plans of
Bedrul Cemali and Hasan Sabbah.
To make this calender, we had to
use the effort of so many people
and so much time.
We got all of them in our palm now.
We will get the studies of
this calender and finish it.
We will rule the spirit, mind
and time of the Islam world!
Our agreement was on getting the
studies of the calender from Seljuk.
I did my share.
Yet, if you want to have them
you have to accept my
conditions in return of them.
What are your conditions?
Tell me.
You will give your captive, Nizar's robe
sword, turban
and whatever belonging left from him.
When I have them
both my power on
Batinis will increase
and it will be easier
for me to control people.
You are crazy.
We can't accept this.
You are trying to keep
Nizar's reputation alive.
There is only one heir and he is Mustali.
We will never obey Mustali!
And you can't infiltrate the
lands of Seljuk without us.
Give me these belongings, so, I can
increase my power among these people.
If my power increases,
you will have a powerful ally.
Those belongings are in Cairo.
Yet, it's so almost impossible
that Mustali Hadrath accept this.
There is no subject that you are not
able to convince him about, Bedrul Cemali.
Give me the belongings of Nizar
and get the studies of the
calender and finish it in Cairo.
Therefore, you will be able to grave your
name in history thanks to the calender.
Melik Hadrath.
There is an urgent news.
What is it?
There is a news from the watcher soldiers.
Turkmen Beys are going
to Kinik Tribe with their Alps.
Good morning, my Bey.
We are ready to take Tomas to the palace.
We are waiting for your orders.
We produce white color
with the petals of the daisy.
May it be easy, Hatuns.
Thank you, my Bey.
The rug workshop was inactive for a long
time. I thought we should have revived it.
So that our Hatuns can make
some extra money for their families
and our ancient craft stays alive.
You thought well, Turna Hatun.
Sencer Bey.
I say that for Livia was
a leader of warriors
she can use her skills for us.
She can train the Hatuns
in the tribe to use sword.
You thought well again, Turna Hatun
It is appropriate.
I am grateful to you.
I won't disappoint your trust.
You thought so well,
Turna Hatun. Thank you.
What is it? What are you doing here?
We heard you captured the
heathen martyred our Beys.
But none of us was informed.
We've come to take him.
You have no business with him.
I'll take him to our Sultan personally
and make him admit everything.
It's our business to do that.
For he knows something,
why haven't you still learn it?
Obviously, there is
something wrong with this!
His interrogation and punishment
are our right to execute now.
Know your place!
If you try to take someone
forcefully from this tribe
you'll leave here as corpses.
No one is after something wrong.
I'll take him to our Sultan personally
and he will confess personally.
And you will wait.
We also heard that you hid the
leader of the crusaders in the tribe.
What are you up to, Sencer Bey?
We won't leave here without taking that
Byzantine dog and whoever that leader is.
It's enough for us to wait for you!
We'll take both of
them from here!
If you don't allow it, we'll use force!
Put down your weapons!
I told you to put them down!
Or I will draw my sword!
What kind of outrage it is
to attack a tribe in daylight?
Sencer Bey is hiding
the killer of our Beys.
He is saying that he will take him to
Sultan, and make him confess everything.
It's our right to interrogate
that traitor and punish him!
Who gives you that right?
Didn't Sencer Bey say that
he will reveal everything?
Didn't our Sultan say
that justice will prevail?
Who do you think you are
that you raid a tribe in daylight?
If even one person's
blood is spilled in this tribe,
you will take the state
against you as well!
Then the blood that will be spilled
on your side will have no end!
Now, if there is anyone
willing to go against the state.
he can come and take what he wants.
So be it, Melik Hadrath.
We will obey our state.
if this matter is not
revealed until tomorrow
the swords we draw, won't be sheathed.
Go now!
The medicine you gave me has
stopped my pain, midwife, but tell me
how is my child?
Your child is healthy, but
you should still be careful.
Thank Allah.
The baby is on the left and
your stomach is lowered.
It's highly possible that you
will have a son, Terken Hatun.
A son?
Are you sure?
The position of the child in your
stomach, the month you became pregnant
and your age
indicate that it's a boy.
Allah knows better.
This child will make everything
better for us, Mahmelek.
He will shine upon the darkness,
which we have lived for years, like a sun.
Thank to Allah for
giving me you, my son.
Mother, why are you getting up?
You heard the midwife,
you shouldn't tire yourself.
I cannot stay put out of
happiness, Mahmelek.
I need to tell this to your father as well.
I'm sure he will get so happy as well.
I'm also at fault for
things to become like this.
You were late to the meeting because of me.
I couldn't forgive myself if anything
happened to you, or my mother.
Don't blame yourself, brother.
None of us could know that we
were going to be betrayed like that.
Drink it, my sons
Thanks, mother.
Thanks mother.
What is it, son?
You don't like it?
I like it.
I like it very much.
It's the first time I drink
ayran made by my mother.
I didn't know anything done
by your mother is this delicious.
Time to take Thomas
to the palace has arrived.
Are you sure that the
traitor will take the bait?
If this plan fails
we cannot stop my
father, nor the Turkmen Beys.
It was also Melik Tekis that
sent the Beys here, brother.
Beys were supposed to come here and take
Thomas, so he couldn't go to the palace.
Now since the Beys couldn't take Thomas
Melik Tekis will ambush us on the road.
How will you know where
they will ambush you?
The most suitable place for an ambush is
the narrow pass on the road to the palace.
They will ambush us there for sure.
I will come with you too.
I won't leave you alone.
You both are going into an ambush.
Be careful.
Don't worry, mother.
Their ambush will be the
cause of their own death.
How could that many Beys go to the
tribe, and come back empty handed?
How couldn't they take Thomas from Sencer?
Tapar was also there, father.
He threatened the Beys.
When they heard Sultan's wrath
Beys retreated.
It now falls upon us.
We will take Thomas from Sencer.
While he is taking him to the palace,
we will attack them on the road.
We have no other choice left.
I hardly gained my brother's trust.
He should trust me, so that I can
attack him when he expects it least.
If we cannot save Thomas
today, our betrayal will be revealed.
And it will cause
us to lose power.
We will set an ambush and attack them.
We will kill
Sencer, and even
Tapar if he is with him.
We won't leave Thomas to them!
We investigated what the observatory
workers did on the night of the incident.
We wrote them all in
those papers, Hace Hadrath.
This information will be useful
when we question the workers.
We also went to the
observatory workers' houses
secretly and took all the
swords as you ordered.
We had the daggers we
took from the Batini servants.
Bring one of them.
The hatun that met Melike Tapar
didn't leave the tribe, Seyduna Hadrath.
Sencer and his Alps did.
Sencer and his Alps did.
She probably took precautions
when she saw that our companion died.
If Sencer left the tribe
we'll go to the Kinik Tribe
and learn who that hatun is.
My Meliksah.
I came here to give you some good news.
Good news?
Tell me, Terken.
The Midwife Hatuns said that
we'll probably have a son.
I'm so happy that I couldn't wait.
I wanted to share it with you.
You gave me such good news
in a troubled time.
My crown.
The naivest corner of my heart.
I got rid of all my troubles now.
Hearing these from you
makes me so happy.
I know that I couldn't
pay attention to you
because I had so many troubles.
Allah entrusted you to me.
Give me your blessing for the
days I couldn't pay attention to you.
Don't resent me.
I can't even if I want to.
The Sultan of my heart.
Come on. Don't tire yourself anymore.
Go to your room to rest and
take good care of yourself.
The news arrived, my Sultan.
Sencer Bey and Thomas left the tribe.
We will set an ambush to the
narrow passage on the road to tribe.
And we'll see..
who that traitor is.
I hope you're not that traitor, Tekis.
I am a doctor and he's a friend of mine.
He came to the tribe bazaar to
sell some goods with his poor father.
Turna Hatun knows me well.
Why are you still keeping us waiting?
Sencer Bey ordered us to
question everyone before they go in.
Our Bey isn't here now. You can only
go in if Turna Hatun says that it's okay.
I told Turna Hatun, Doctor Efruz. She said
that it's okay for you to enter the tribe.
Thanks, Alaca Hatun.
Now it's time to leave the invisible
one behind and open our eyes.
Look around and tell me as
soon as you see that Hatun.
-Have a good day.
- Thanks, my lady.
Turna Hatun.
Just in case, she shouldn't see me.
Efruz and I will walk ahead.
Where is your peddler
friend and his father?
They are in the bazaar to sell some goods.
Okay, then.
If his goods are of high
quality, I'd like to see them.
-Tell them to see me after they're done.
- As you order, Turna Hatun
This is the hatun we're looking for Efruz.
Who is she?
That hatun
is Sencer's mother.
Her name's Basulug.
Tapar's mother's name is Basulug too.
And he met her next to her mother's grave.
Her name is Basulug too.
We found Meliksah's hatun
and his secret son Efruz.
Basulug is alive.
Sencer is Meliksah's son.
What you want old man?
If your eyes don't see
well look at the rugs closely.
My eyes on my head is closed.
But my eyes on my heart is open.
I don't see surface,
I see what's deep down.
And I see something precious
in you that no one can see.
You speak like an oracle.
Tell me what's precious about
me that no one but you can see.
There are storms hidden deep within you.
When it's revealed, it
will turn it all upside down.
I see that in you.
He's not with them.
He's at the palace I guess.
Good, he saved me from killing my nephew.
Get ready.
Shoot at Thomas especially.
Now Thomas can't speak.
Now it's time to kill others.
You're the traitor we're looking for.
You killed Thomas so he doesn't speak.
Your only witness died.
Now you can't know anything Sencer Bey.
You are the one who's trapped.
Now you can't leave here.
If you don't die by our arrows
then die by our swords.
No. You'll die by our swords.
We're trapped father.
Go. Our only chance is to run.
Or we'll be caught too.
Go on.
Where you run
our swords will follow traitor.
Now your veil will fall.
Your true face will be revealed.
It's finally the time to know
who's been betraying us.
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