All That Glitters (2023) s01e26 Episode Script

Episode 26

Hey, mister. Want a ride?
-To Taiping?
-Sure. One person?
-RM160, okay?
-I'll get in, then pay you.
-Hop in.
We're setting off.
Life is getting hard.
Private hire cars are hogging the road.
Old drivers like us don't know
how to use those apps.
We'll be made redundant one day.
I don't have enough ringgit.
Do you take Sing dollars?
Okay, thanks.
Your mom wants to see me?
It must have been a slip of the tongue.
She's been harassing me since,
grinding me daily about
introducing my girlfriend to her.
Guess I have to raise the white flag.
You've never brought a girl home?
You're the first girl I've dated.
It's true. You're the only one for me.
Looks like I have to meet your mom.
Let me fix the day and time.
Then it'll be my turn to meet your mom.
Plus my older sis,
my brother-in-law, younger bro
and Beibei.
Beibei is my niece.
I've got so many hurdles to pass?
I'll do my best.
Beibei will be the most difficult one.
Here we are.
Thank you.
Good night.
Don't miss me.
What are you doing here?
Can we talk?
There's nothing to talk about.
Megan, please, just a bit of your time.
I won't disturb you again.
Leave or I'm calling the police.
Megan, do you hate me so much?
Won't you even
give me a bit of time, Megan?
-Let go.
-Please hear me out.
-What are you doing? Let go
-Megan, hear me out.
Let me call home first.
Or my mom will be worried.
Missing me already?
Mom, I ran into a friend downstairs.
I'll be home later.
Don't wait up for me. Go to bed.
Let's go somewhere to talk.
Say what you came to say.
What now?
I'm sorry, Megan.
I've done you wrong.
I've been living in pain all these years.
I'm totally miserable.
Surely not?
You married an equal,
and you have an adorable
and intelligent son with her.
How is life miserable for you?
I have money.
But I'm not happy. I'm unhappy.
I have never gotten over you.
I'm a weakling.
I lacked the courage
to go against my folks.
I also did something unforgivable to you.
I regret it. I totally regret it.
Tell me.
What will make you forgive me?
You already said it was unforgivable.
So how can I forgive you?
I can't undo what happened.
If you'd forgive me,
I'd do anything to make amends.
If money can make up for the hurt,
I'll give you any amount you ask for.
So you see me as a gold-digger?
Money will bring me back into your arms?
That's not what I meant.
Okay. How much will you give me?
-Arthur Thng.
You totally disgust me.
You've not changed one bit.
You think that money solves all problems.
You once told me that
your family paid S$300,000
for a pedigree dog.
You're paying me S$200,000
more than a dog.
I should be thankful, eh?
Don't insult me with your money.
I don't care for your stinky money.
Megan, tell me.
What will make you forgive me?
Jump off from here. Prove your sincerity.
What? You don't dare to?
Then drop your act.
I'll jump down.
Go on. Keep up your act.
I'll watch from here.
If you jump, I'll applaud you.
The one thing that I regret most is
having hurt you.
Go on, jump.
Jump down and I'll believe you.
I'm sorry.
Hey, come down.
Megan, will you give me another chance?
Richard Mo, what's your problem?
Trying to run me over?
It's what you deserve.
I know you have backing and clout.
-But I'm not afraid of you.
-I know you're not afraid.
Your wife and you come from
the richest families in this region.
You have no lack of money.
We make our riches
through legit businesses.
-You make dirty money.
-I've never denied that.
I'm a bad egg.
But no matter how vile I am,
I'd never hurt a woman
who's carrying my child.
How did you find out?
My miscarriage.
You heard it from Jianzhi?
I got someone to investigate.
Why did you do that?
I wanted to know who hurt you,
and who bullied you.
I'll make all of them pay.
Some people ask for it.
Don't go soft on them.
If he says he'll jump off, let him do it.
Had he really jumped off,
I'd think he was a real man.
But did he have the guts?
Why did you stop him just now?
You believed he'd jump?
I wasn't thinking anything.
You acted on instinct?
I got it.
What did you get?
That you still have feelings for him.
No way. I hate him to the core.
Your instinct gave you away.
No way.
I don't wish to talk about the past.
Thing is, he won't let go of you.
He knows you only too well.
You say you hate him.
-But your heart still
I won't see him ever again.
I was driving
towards you guys at full speed.
You must have been scared stiff. Sorry.
I was really scared.
I thought you were going to knock us down.
I am capable of that
if I find out that
you still care about him.
you have to love only me.
Let me drive you home.
Where's Beibei?
Her dad brought her to her grandparents'.
-Let's eat.
-Thanks, Sis Zhenyu.
-You're welcome.
You're still working in Bangkok?
My boss is Singaporean. He's nice to me.
Jiahui is getting married.
Really? To Susakong?
You don't think before you talk.
Sis, what's that between Jiahui and me?
We've seen so many failed relationships.
You can't blame me
for asking her that. Right?
I'm thankful that Susakong and I
have a stable relationship.
We're still together.
You've been together forever.
You should already be married.
You even went to Bangkok to be with him.
Yes, we should already be married.
As the saying goes, the path to
what we want is never easy.
That's why we're still not married.
What happened?
Susakong has a younger brother
who is also a Muay Thai boxer.
He got injured in a match
and needed a few surgeries.
Susakong borrowed money
to pay the medical bills.
We were going to get married
after repaying the debt.
But bad things befell
his family members one after another.
Enough talking. Let's eat.
You must let me know if you need any help.
That's right. We see you as family.
Thank you. We'll work things out.
In any case, we'll get married this year.
Congrats in advance.
Thank you.
How long will you be staying?
I came back to visit Bro Musen.
But I've not got to see him yet.
I asked around but there's
been no news of him
I'll stay a few days more.
Sis Zhenyu, let me take over.
It's all washed.
Go chat with Zhenting.
She wanted ice cream,
so she went downstairs to get it.
We'll have the fruit first.
-Allow me.
Sis Zhenyu, is Zhenting seeing someone?
Why don't you ask her yourself?
I didn't have a chance to ask just now.
Since the incident with Arthur Thng,
she's been single.
She focused on her studies
while getting her degree.
To quote her, she was cultivating herself.
At one point, we thought
she was dating Jianzhi.
Her dating Jianzhi?
No way.
If Zhenting had a thing for Jianzhi,
they'd have got together long ago.
It's been so many years already.
Jianzhi is not Zhenting's type.
You know her best.
She didn't date anyone
even after she started working.
She buried herself in work.
We were getting anxious for her.
But she seems to be seeing someone now.
She's so secretive about it.
She won't tell us a thing.
Don't tell me Zhenting is
Jiahui, you know something about the guy?
Do you remember Richard Mo?
Richard Mo?
The mastermind who got
Lin Musen sent to prison?
The gold repurchase
and land investment plans
were all his ideas.
But Bro Musen was the face
of these investments.
Richard Mo cheated their clients
out of tens of millions.
But he got away Scot-free.
Bro Musen became the scapegoat.
Why are you suddenly mentioning this guy?
Don't tell me that my sis is seeing him?
I can't be sure.
You are good friends with Zhenting.
You must tell me what you know.
I'll tell you.
Keep it to yourself.
I'm keeping tabs on Richard Mo.
I want to redress Bro Musen's grievances.
Richard Mo has done a lot of evil things.
I'm sure I can find evidence against him.
Don't worry, Sis Zhenyu.
I'll be careful.
I saw Zhenting
having a meal with Richard Mo.
They were chatting happily.
They appeared close.
Why did you want to meet me?
Is Zhenting seeing Richard Mo?
I hope you'll be honest with me.
Shouldn't you be asking Zhenting instead?
So it's true.
You know what kind of man Richard Mo is.
Musen went to jail because of him.
He cheated many people out of their money.
I'm sure that's not his only crime.
You should know that better than anyone.
Because I've thrown in
my lot with him, right?
Jianzhi, I didn't mean that.
It's all right.
I know you guys despise me.
Even Jintiao is no longer friends with me.
You know what Richard Mo is like.
Could you talk to Zhenting for me?
I'm sure you know this.
I've been in love with Zhenting
all these years.
I've been trying hard,
hoping that one day
Never mind.
I don't know why I'm telling you this.
No matter who she may be seeing,
so long as she's happy,
I'll give her my blessing.
But she is dating Richard
I am a little worried.
I tried to talk her out of it.
In the end, I lost a friend.
What is Zhenting getting herself into?
You know what she's like.
So you've not spoken to her about it.
I may be worried,
but I've got to say this.
Richard is very good to her.
But what?
How should I put it?
He is a person of extremes.
He is unpredictable.
If he loathes you, good luck to you.
If he loves you,
that may not be good news.
You've always looked out for Zhenting.
Please keep an eye on her.
Keep her out of harm's way.
I will.
-Are you busy now?
-No. What is it?
How's the immigration papers for Singapore
for our son and me coming along?
The lawyer is seeing to it.
Our boy will have to be
enrolled in school soon.
If we come over sooner,
he'll have more time to adapt.
Don't worry.
-I'll ask her to expedite it.
-All right.
Send me the video.
Show this to Zhenting.
What do you want me to tell her?
Say you suspect foul play.
Arthur Thng may be next.
Just do as I say.
This video was taken off the Internet.
She had stopped breathing
when she was saved.
Does Richard know about
your past with Arthur?
Diving mishaps do happen.
But accidents can be staged too.
You know that only too well.
Wake up! Wake up, Zhenting!
What are you driving at?
You're hinting that Richard had
something to do with that woman's death?
No, I'm not.
That's what you are saying.
I know I'm asking for trouble.
I know you no longer see me as a friend.
But I still care about you.
Here's my advice.
If you want to put your past behind you,
make a clean break.
Have nothing more to do with your past.
Even if Judy Fong and Arthur Thng
meet with a mishap,
don't get involved.
Don't say a word
even if you suspect anything.
Don't ever show it.
You're saying that Arthur Thng
If Arthur Thng meets with a mishap,
I won't be too shocked.
But accidents can be staged too.
You know that only too well.
If Arthur Thng meets with a mishap,
I won't be too shocked.
I wanted to know who hurt you,
and who bullied you.
I'll make all of them pay.
Some people ask for it.
Don't go soft on them.
I thought you were going to knock us down.
I am capable of that
if I find out that
you still care about him.
I want you to know this.
I won't let anyone hurt you again.
People that you hate
People who have hurt you
will have to vanish from your sight.
-I'd like to speak to Arthur Thng.
-Mr. Thng is in a meeting now.
-You are?
-This is Megan Lee from S&Y Solicitors.
Could you ask him to return my call?
28 JUNE 2022
Mom. Jintiao. What brings you here?
Why can't I be here?
This is my turf too.
You used to pull a face
whenever you had to come here.
I was young and insensible.
Jintiao, you've started walking again?
Sit down. Take a break.
No need. The doctor says
I should walk more.
That will boost blood circulation.
-Did Jintiao walk here?
I returned the wheelchair he was using,
so he can only walk now.
Mom, that was harsh of you.
You have no idea how lazy he is.
He's never short of excuses.
I had to do that to make him walk.
Jintiao, are you doing this
to make my mom take care of you?
No That's not true.
Jintiao, Zhenting was just teasing you.
I'll make an iced dinosaur for you.
For the road.
My mom's bark is worse than her bite.
She's a softie.
It's your good fortune to have met her.
What are you agreeing with?
Don't join in the chorus with her.
I'm helping you
on Granny Thunder's account.
I help in ways that I can.
Don't let your thoughts run wild.
I know
My heart
is as still as water now.
Pardon me?
Heart is as still as water.
-You could even hear my mumbling.
-She has very sharp hearing.
Zhenting, your phone's ringing.
-Sorry, Megan.
My secretary just told me that
you called yesterday.
It's okay. I just want you to be
Where are you now? I'm at the car park.
I'll come and meet you.
Wait for me there.
I'll have a word with you and leave.
Sure. I'll wait for you.
-I'm on the 4th floor of the car park.
-Still having your coffee?
Mom, Sis, I've got to go now.
Jintiao, see you.
Don't stay out too late.
Thank you.
Be careful.
Mom, can I leave early today?
Xiaomei is still so nice
to someone like me.
If I could be with her,
that would be so nice.
Zhenyu, is something the matter?
Have you seen Zhenting?
She is over there.
She seems to be waiting for a ride.
Can you drive?
I can.
Will you do me a favor?
Zhenyu, why are we following Zhenting?
I feel very uneasy.
What do I tell him when I see him?
Warn him to be careful?
That someone might harm him?
Yes. I'm working on an urgent case.
I wanted to bring you home
to have dinner with my mom.
Why didn't you inform me sooner?
It was a spontaneous decision.
No problem.
I'll tell Mom that you're busy.
Okay. Sorry.
It's okay. Get on with your work.
Okay, continue to keep an eye on him.
Arthur Thng is still at the car park.
Looks like he's waiting for someone.
Zhenting has alighted. She's walking away.
I'll get off here to follow her.
I'll look for you after parking the van.
Be careful.
Sorry about that.
Jiahui, my match is about to begin.
Wait for my good news.
Susakong, I read in the online forum that
your opponent today is savage.
Yes. He even killed an opponent.
He also severely injured my brother.
He is the one who injured your brother?
Don't worry.
Rest assured I will defeat him.
I want you to quit these matches.
I promise that once we pay off the debt,
I'll quit these matches. Okay?
Wait for my call.
You are my hero.
You must win.
How's life as a eunuch for your brother?
What are you staring at?
Red, get ready. Blue, get ready.
I'll just say my piece and leave.
-Let's find a place to talk.
-No need. We can just talk here.
I saw the news story.
-About your wife's accident.
It wasn't an accident.
She loved diving.
She held a diving instructor's license,
I didn't believe she'd get into a mishap.
So I asked the local police to do
a thorough investigation.
Her oxygen tank
had been tampered with.
She was murdered.
I will hunt down her murderer.
Why did you ask to meet me?
He's asking you. Answer him.
What brings you here?
I wanted to confirm
if you still care about him.
I've got the confirmation.
An old love is unforgettable indeed.
It's nothing like that. Hear me out.
No, I'm not interested.
I never listen to those who betray me.
I did not betray you.
Then why are you still meeting him?
You told me you were busy,
so you couldn't have dinner with me.
He's waiting for you.
What were you going to say to him?
Say it!
What you want to tell me
has something to do with him?
You won't speak now?
Then I'll say it for you.
She wanted to warn you to be careful,
or you may get into an accident
like your wife.
-Is that it?
-It was you!
-What are you doing?
-You got my wife killed, right?
Arthur, stop pretending.
Weren't you hoping to rekindle your love
behind your wife's back?
Judy Fong's death should
give you that freedom.
Aren't you secretly
rubbing your hands in glee?
What about you?
His wife is dead.
So you can't wait to
go back into his arms?
I said it's nothing like that.
You told Jianzhi that whatever
happened to his wife and him
was none of your concern.
Then why did you still look him up?
Come clean with Richard.
You came of your own accord
or he made you come here?
I called him.
I just wanted him to watch out.
Watch out that he didn't
get into an accident like his wife?
You've forgotten what they did to you?
No, I have not.
That staged accident made me lose my baby.
I almost lost my life too.
But no matter what they did to me,
I don't wish for them to have such an end.
There's a price to pay, no?
It's not that you don't
wish this for them.
Rather, you can't bear to see him die.
You still care for him.
-I said it's nothing like that.
-Stop deluding yourself and others.
I've never truly loved a woman before.
You made me feel normal,
that I could like and love someone.
But I was wrong.
I'm the biggest fool.
It was just wishful thinking on my part.
His wife's death
had something to do with you?
He killed Judy Fong.
What nonsense is that?
The local police have
made their investigations.
Judy Fong's oxygen tank
had been tampered with.
That meant foul play was involved,
amounting to homicide.
They'll eventually
discover the mastermind
was none other than you,
Arthur Thng.
A load of rubbish.
Don't worry.
You won't get arrested.
You won't be charged in court either,
let alone do time.
Of course not!
I did none of what you said.
It's not because you're innocent.
It's because you're already dead.
The eyewitness? It's her.
What are you talking about?
He asked to meet you, saying he was
miserable and couldn't get over you.
All's good now. His wife is dead.
He wanted you back, but you rejected him.
He angrily asked
how he could convince you.
He suddenly climbed over the parapet,
and fell off the building.
Does this scene seem all too familiar?
You'd better finish
that act from the other night.
Richard, no!
Richard, no!
Richard, no!
‪Stop! Stop!
Time out.
You are my hero. You must win.
He jumped off for real.
He did not. You pushed him over!
No! He jumped off himself.
He was redeeming his sins.
-What are you doing?
-Give it to me! I'm calling the police.
-Calm down.
How can I stay calm?
You saw it too. He pushed Arthur over.
Arthur jumped off himself.
Subtitle translation by: A Han
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