Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) s01e26 Episode Script
The Launching
(footsteps clicking)
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
His name, Captain Scarlet.
- Hello, Trivium Control,
I'm standing by for takeoff.
- [Man] Very good Mr. Brand.
You are clear to proceed.
- Thanks pal.
Hello, Trivium Control.
I am now changing to
horizontal flight.
- Okay Mr. Brand, I have the
latest met report for you.
Heavy thunder cumulus
over Ohio at 4,000 feet.
Could be an electrical storm.
- Right, Trivium Control.
I revise flight plan to 15,000.
Trivium Control, I am
clear of cloud,
leveled off at 15,000 feet.
- [Man] Fine Mr. Brand,
have a good flight.
- Trivium Three to Control,
cloud sailing much higher
than reported.
Climbing to 20,000.
(dramatic music)
Come in Trivium control,
come in control.
(thunder booms)
Trivium Control?
Trivium Control?
Looks like I'm on my own.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(eerie music)
- [Man] Come in Trivium
3, come in Mr. Brand.
- Trivium 3 to control,
I have passed the storm area.
I am now proceeding on revised
flight plan vector 283.
I shall relay my next report
after the news conference
with the president.
- Right, Mr. Brand
We lost contact a couple
of minutes back there.
Beginning to get a
little nervous.
- Don't worry.
I'm fine.
Just fine.
- [Narrator] This is the
voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you can hear us,
Earth men.
You continue your futile
defense against us
even though you must know
that you cannot succeed.
In order to show you
your ineffectiveness,
we will deal you yet
another crippling blow.
We will destroy president
Roberts within the next 12 hours.
(dramatic music)
- Well we've heard the
latest Mysteron threat.
They intend to assassinate
president Roberts.
- Yes sir, and within the
next 12 hours.
There's no time to lose,
what are my orders?
- You will go immediately and
see the president in person.
I will arrange a meeting.
It is imperative that you
explain to him
the danger he is in.
- I'll leave at once, sir.
- It'll be a tough assignment.
The president has a reputation
that he doesn't scare easily.
- Yes, but he must be convinced.
- What can I do, colonel?
- I want you Captain
Blue to cordon off
the presidential
residence for the next
12 hours, the danger period.
We know that the
Mysterons always strike
within their own deadline.
I want you to impose
maximum security.
draft all the Spectrum
personal you'd need.
Take Captain Ochre with you.
- SIG colonel.
- Request launch clearance.
- Spectrum is green.
Proceed with takeoff.
- And what will our role be,
- I want the angels to challenge
anything with wings over
flying the area.
If you have any
suspicions at all,
do not hesitate to
destroy the intruder.
Get down to the amber room,
Destiny Angel
I'm ordering a launch
in five minutes.
Lieutenant Green,
launch all angels.
- [Green] Angel one,
immediate launch.
- SIG lieutenant.
- Angels two and three,
immediate launch.
(harp music)
Angels two and three, you
will RV with angel leader
at reference X33
above Cloud Base.
- Harmony and Destiny
Angels are climbing for RV.
RV complete, we're on our way.
(dramatic music)
- I'm a very busy man,
Captain Scarlet.
Please be brief.
- Mr. President,
Spectrum have imposed
a maximum Security cordon
around your residence.
Now I would like your
word that you will
not attempt to leave
for the next 12 hours.
- I'm sorry captain, but
I have a full schedule.
- But the Mysterons have
threatened your life, sir.
- I get threatened every
day of the week.
Phone calls, letters.
If I took any of them seriously,
I'd never get any work done.
- Sir, I don't think you realize
the extent of their powers.
You've got to take
them seriously.
- I have a heavy schedule this
afternoon, Captain Scarlet
and that includes the
launching of a ship.
- Remember Mr. President,
the Mysterons killed
the director general of
the United Asian Republic.
- All state leaders run
the risk of assassination.
All right captain, you win.
but I must insist on holding
my weekly press conference.
- Very good sir, but
we'll screen all news men
with a Mysteron detector
on entering the building.
(dramatic music)
- Suspect intruder at
seven o'clock.
We will challenge.
Prepare to engage if necessary.
- SIG Symphony.
We'll adopt interceptor
flight pattern.
(dramatic music)
- This is a Spectrum air patrol.
You are about to enter a
restricted area.
Alter course immediately.
We have instructions
to destroy any aircraft
violating the
restricted air space.
Change your course.
You have five more seconds.
- Don't try and bluff me.
I know you wouldn't shoot
down an unarmed aircraft.
- You've been warned.
This is your last chance.
Have you visual contact
with the intruder, Harmony?
- Yes, Symphony.
- [Symphony] He refuses
to cooperate.
Attack and fire a warning shot.
- SIG.
- Okay, you win.
My name's Martin Brand.
- Please explain your presence
in this maximum security
air space, Mr. Brand.
- Sure, I'm heading for the
president's news conference.
I'm a reporter for the Tribune.
- Very well, Mr. Brand.
One of our aircraft will
escort you to an air strip
outside the restricted area.
If you can prove your identity,
you will be free to proceed to
the press conference by road.
(dramatic music)
- Well well, another girl.
You don't look quite
so frightening
without that missile
button in front of you.
Maybe I should teach
you a lesson.
- That is far enough, Mr. Brand.
My father is a judo
black belt, third dan.
- And he taught you a
thing or two, eh?
- No, I teach him.
I am a black
belt fourth dan.
- I guess you've
made your point.
You want to see identification?
Here's my press card.
- That seems to be in
order, Mr. Brand.
You are clear to proceed.
- Good, I've been
looking forward
to seeing president Roberts.
I think the meeting
could prove interesting.
Most interesting.
(dramatic music)
- Any news, Captain Blue?
- No captain, weve checked
out all the press men
and they're clean.
The Mysterons are leaving
their attempt a little late.
- Yes, but theres less
than an hour to go.
We must stay on the alert.
The Mysterons don't make
empty threats.
(Suspenseful music)
- This is Captain Black
relaying instructions
from the Mysterons.
You will carry out your mission.
Your orders are to
destroy president Roberts.
- And to conclude this
meeting with the press,
which I must say I have enjoyed,
I would like to say one thing.
We have all been under
a great strain,
but with less than 15
minutes to go to the deadline
it looks as if the
Mysterons have not succeeded
in carrying out their threat.
Thank you gentlemen.
- Thank you Mr. President.
- Well, so far captain
Spectrum has done a good job.
- Again with respect sir,
you haven't made it easy.
(dramatic music)
- Captain Ochre, I've
been watching that saloon
parked across the street
for some time.
I think we'd better
check it out.
(intense music)
- Are you all right?
- Yes I'm okay, did you
manage to get
the detector around on that car?
- No, there wasn't time.
There could be a
connection between
that saloon and the
Mysteron threat.
We'd better teLl
Captain Scarlet.
- What is it Captain Blue?
- A suspect driving a
black saloon,
license number 19B0419.
He drove away from the
presidential residence
when we tried to question him.
A Spectrum saloon is in pursuit,
but we had a good start.
- Right, well as long as he
drove away from the area.
Keep me informed.
- SlG.
- Trouble captain?
- Not really, Mr. President.
- Well it looks as
though there's not
going to be a Mysteron attack.
There's still time for me
to make that launching.
- I'm sorry.
- Well look captain, this
was being kept a secret.
I've got a special
interest in that ship.
It's being named after me.
- What was that?
- The atomic liner,
it's going to be
called the President Roberts.
- Of course!
They could mean the ship.
(upbeat music)
- It's a pity the president
can't be here in person to
see the launch.
- She's certainly a
wonderful ship, dear.
- Yeah, she's the biggest
atomic liner ever built,
and the fastest.
Mervin Brand, what are
you doing here?
- I came to cash in on an
old friendship.
I wonder if I could watch
the launching from here.
Press enclosure's
pretty crowded.
- Sure, anything for
an old friend.
- Thanks.
Could I take a few pictures?
- Of course, Mervin.
I hope you get some good shots.
- Thanks, thanks very much.
- What is it Captain Scarlet?
- I've just found out
that the new atomic liner
is to be called the
President Roberts.
That could be the
Mysteron target.
- I see.
- I'm going to the shipyard.
- Shall I come with you?
No, in case I'm
wrong we mustn't
leave the president unguarded.
There's still a few
minutes to the deadline.
Take charge, Captain Blue.
(upbeat music)
(eerie music)
- Mervin, Mervin, Mervin!
- I'm sorry, I was daydreaming.
- Well, we're nearly ready.
It should be a wonderful sight.
- It certainly will be.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- Looks like a big crowd,
- Yes, I'm so excited
and proud of you, dear.
- Well, I'll start
making the announcement.
As vice president of the Trans
Pacific Shipping Corporation,
this is indeed a proud
moment for me.
My only regret is that
president Roberts
cannot be here to witness
this great moment.
However, without further delay,
I'll ask my wife to
launch the ship
of which you can all be
so justly proud.
- I name this ship the
President Roberts.
May God bless her and
all who sail.
- Hold it, don't
press that button.
I'm Captain Scarlet Spectrum.
There's reason to believe
that this launching has
been sabotaged.
- Sabotaged?
- There's no time to explain,
clear the area immediately.
- But I--
- Do as I say Sir, please.
- Right, we'll do as you say.
- Hurry up, there's
very little time.
Stay where you are, Earth men.
- He's got a gun!
- Mervin!
- Look out!
Move, everybody, this shipyard
could explode any second.
- Mervin Brand?
He was a personal friend.
- Please sir, clear
the shipyard.
- Yes, yes captain.
I'll tell the dock supervisor.
- The ship yard is
being evacuated.
Yes Colonel White?
Yes, sir.
- That's what I said, get all
people away from the ship.
A bomb has been planted.
No, no we don't know where.
It could go off any second.
Yes, hurry it up.
(sirens wail)
- I'll organize a search as
soon as everyone is clear.
- That's what I said, get all
people away from the ship.
A bomb has been planted.
No, no we don't know where.
It could go off any second.
Well captain, the shipyard
will soon be evacuated.
- Good, you'd better
leave as well.
- Right.
- Captain Blue, you
can call off the cordon
around the
presidential residence.
The Mysteron attack was
against the atomic liner.
I've taken care of the
Mysteron agent
and the area has been evacuated.
A booby trap may already
have been planted,
but we can locate that
with detectors.
It looks like the
Mysterons have failed.
- No, Earth man.
We will be avenged.
(dramatic music)
- Thank you for coming,
Captain Blue.
I've had time to think,
and the events of last week
have brought home to me the
real menace of the Mysterons.
- Yes sir.
- Because of the quick
thinking of Captain Scarlet,
a major disaster was avoided.
I only wish he was
still with us,
so I could thank him in person.
- You can sir, he's outside.
- You mean to say he
wasn't killed?
Get him in here.
- Yes Mr. President.
- Do you realize how close
he was to that explosion?
- Captain Scarlet.
- Mr. President?
- Captain, I'm amazed.
You don't even have a scratch.
- I guess I'm just lucky.
- Lucky?
I'd say we're the lucky ones,
having a man like you around.
Thank you, on behalf
of everyone
all I can say is
thank you captain.
(dramatic music)
? Captain Scarlet ?
? He's the one who knows
the Mysteron game ?
? And things they plan ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? To his Martian foes, a
dangerous name ?
? A superman ?
? They crash him, and his
body may burn ?
? They smash him, but
they know he'll return ?
? to live again ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? As the Angels are flying
wing to wing ?
? Into the scene ?
? Spectrum is Green ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? Though the Mysterons
plan to conquer the Earth ?
? This indestructible man will
show what he's worth ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
His name, Captain Scarlet.
- Hello, Trivium Control,
I'm standing by for takeoff.
- [Man] Very good Mr. Brand.
You are clear to proceed.
- Thanks pal.
Hello, Trivium Control.
I am now changing to
horizontal flight.
- Okay Mr. Brand, I have the
latest met report for you.
Heavy thunder cumulus
over Ohio at 4,000 feet.
Could be an electrical storm.
- Right, Trivium Control.
I revise flight plan to 15,000.
Trivium Control, I am
clear of cloud,
leveled off at 15,000 feet.
- [Man] Fine Mr. Brand,
have a good flight.
- Trivium Three to Control,
cloud sailing much higher
than reported.
Climbing to 20,000.
(dramatic music)
Come in Trivium control,
come in control.
(thunder booms)
Trivium Control?
Trivium Control?
Looks like I'm on my own.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(eerie music)
- [Man] Come in Trivium
3, come in Mr. Brand.
- Trivium 3 to control,
I have passed the storm area.
I am now proceeding on revised
flight plan vector 283.
I shall relay my next report
after the news conference
with the president.
- Right, Mr. Brand
We lost contact a couple
of minutes back there.
Beginning to get a
little nervous.
- Don't worry.
I'm fine.
Just fine.
- [Narrator] This is the
voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you can hear us,
Earth men.
You continue your futile
defense against us
even though you must know
that you cannot succeed.
In order to show you
your ineffectiveness,
we will deal you yet
another crippling blow.
We will destroy president
Roberts within the next 12 hours.
(dramatic music)
- Well we've heard the
latest Mysteron threat.
They intend to assassinate
president Roberts.
- Yes sir, and within the
next 12 hours.
There's no time to lose,
what are my orders?
- You will go immediately and
see the president in person.
I will arrange a meeting.
It is imperative that you
explain to him
the danger he is in.
- I'll leave at once, sir.
- It'll be a tough assignment.
The president has a reputation
that he doesn't scare easily.
- Yes, but he must be convinced.
- What can I do, colonel?
- I want you Captain
Blue to cordon off
the presidential
residence for the next
12 hours, the danger period.
We know that the
Mysterons always strike
within their own deadline.
I want you to impose
maximum security.
draft all the Spectrum
personal you'd need.
Take Captain Ochre with you.
- SIG colonel.
- Request launch clearance.
- Spectrum is green.
Proceed with takeoff.
- And what will our role be,
- I want the angels to challenge
anything with wings over
flying the area.
If you have any
suspicions at all,
do not hesitate to
destroy the intruder.
Get down to the amber room,
Destiny Angel
I'm ordering a launch
in five minutes.
Lieutenant Green,
launch all angels.
- [Green] Angel one,
immediate launch.
- SIG lieutenant.
- Angels two and three,
immediate launch.
(harp music)
Angels two and three, you
will RV with angel leader
at reference X33
above Cloud Base.
- Harmony and Destiny
Angels are climbing for RV.
RV complete, we're on our way.
(dramatic music)
- I'm a very busy man,
Captain Scarlet.
Please be brief.
- Mr. President,
Spectrum have imposed
a maximum Security cordon
around your residence.
Now I would like your
word that you will
not attempt to leave
for the next 12 hours.
- I'm sorry captain, but
I have a full schedule.
- But the Mysterons have
threatened your life, sir.
- I get threatened every
day of the week.
Phone calls, letters.
If I took any of them seriously,
I'd never get any work done.
- Sir, I don't think you realize
the extent of their powers.
You've got to take
them seriously.
- I have a heavy schedule this
afternoon, Captain Scarlet
and that includes the
launching of a ship.
- Remember Mr. President,
the Mysterons killed
the director general of
the United Asian Republic.
- All state leaders run
the risk of assassination.
All right captain, you win.
but I must insist on holding
my weekly press conference.
- Very good sir, but
we'll screen all news men
with a Mysteron detector
on entering the building.
(dramatic music)
- Suspect intruder at
seven o'clock.
We will challenge.
Prepare to engage if necessary.
- SIG Symphony.
We'll adopt interceptor
flight pattern.
(dramatic music)
- This is a Spectrum air patrol.
You are about to enter a
restricted area.
Alter course immediately.
We have instructions
to destroy any aircraft
violating the
restricted air space.
Change your course.
You have five more seconds.
- Don't try and bluff me.
I know you wouldn't shoot
down an unarmed aircraft.
- You've been warned.
This is your last chance.
Have you visual contact
with the intruder, Harmony?
- Yes, Symphony.
- [Symphony] He refuses
to cooperate.
Attack and fire a warning shot.
- SIG.
- Okay, you win.
My name's Martin Brand.
- Please explain your presence
in this maximum security
air space, Mr. Brand.
- Sure, I'm heading for the
president's news conference.
I'm a reporter for the Tribune.
- Very well, Mr. Brand.
One of our aircraft will
escort you to an air strip
outside the restricted area.
If you can prove your identity,
you will be free to proceed to
the press conference by road.
(dramatic music)
- Well well, another girl.
You don't look quite
so frightening
without that missile
button in front of you.
Maybe I should teach
you a lesson.
- That is far enough, Mr. Brand.
My father is a judo
black belt, third dan.
- And he taught you a
thing or two, eh?
- No, I teach him.
I am a black
belt fourth dan.
- I guess you've
made your point.
You want to see identification?
Here's my press card.
- That seems to be in
order, Mr. Brand.
You are clear to proceed.
- Good, I've been
looking forward
to seeing president Roberts.
I think the meeting
could prove interesting.
Most interesting.
(dramatic music)
- Any news, Captain Blue?
- No captain, weve checked
out all the press men
and they're clean.
The Mysterons are leaving
their attempt a little late.
- Yes, but theres less
than an hour to go.
We must stay on the alert.
The Mysterons don't make
empty threats.
(Suspenseful music)
- This is Captain Black
relaying instructions
from the Mysterons.
You will carry out your mission.
Your orders are to
destroy president Roberts.
- And to conclude this
meeting with the press,
which I must say I have enjoyed,
I would like to say one thing.
We have all been under
a great strain,
but with less than 15
minutes to go to the deadline
it looks as if the
Mysterons have not succeeded
in carrying out their threat.
Thank you gentlemen.
- Thank you Mr. President.
- Well, so far captain
Spectrum has done a good job.
- Again with respect sir,
you haven't made it easy.
(dramatic music)
- Captain Ochre, I've
been watching that saloon
parked across the street
for some time.
I think we'd better
check it out.
(intense music)
- Are you all right?
- Yes I'm okay, did you
manage to get
the detector around on that car?
- No, there wasn't time.
There could be a
connection between
that saloon and the
Mysteron threat.
We'd better teLl
Captain Scarlet.
- What is it Captain Blue?
- A suspect driving a
black saloon,
license number 19B0419.
He drove away from the
presidential residence
when we tried to question him.
A Spectrum saloon is in pursuit,
but we had a good start.
- Right, well as long as he
drove away from the area.
Keep me informed.
- SlG.
- Trouble captain?
- Not really, Mr. President.
- Well it looks as
though there's not
going to be a Mysteron attack.
There's still time for me
to make that launching.
- I'm sorry.
- Well look captain, this
was being kept a secret.
I've got a special
interest in that ship.
It's being named after me.
- What was that?
- The atomic liner,
it's going to be
called the President Roberts.
- Of course!
They could mean the ship.
(upbeat music)
- It's a pity the president
can't be here in person to
see the launch.
- She's certainly a
wonderful ship, dear.
- Yeah, she's the biggest
atomic liner ever built,
and the fastest.
Mervin Brand, what are
you doing here?
- I came to cash in on an
old friendship.
I wonder if I could watch
the launching from here.
Press enclosure's
pretty crowded.
- Sure, anything for
an old friend.
- Thanks.
Could I take a few pictures?
- Of course, Mervin.
I hope you get some good shots.
- Thanks, thanks very much.
- What is it Captain Scarlet?
- I've just found out
that the new atomic liner
is to be called the
President Roberts.
That could be the
Mysteron target.
- I see.
- I'm going to the shipyard.
- Shall I come with you?
No, in case I'm
wrong we mustn't
leave the president unguarded.
There's still a few
minutes to the deadline.
Take charge, Captain Blue.
(upbeat music)
(eerie music)
- Mervin, Mervin, Mervin!
- I'm sorry, I was daydreaming.
- Well, we're nearly ready.
It should be a wonderful sight.
- It certainly will be.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- Looks like a big crowd,
- Yes, I'm so excited
and proud of you, dear.
- Well, I'll start
making the announcement.
As vice president of the Trans
Pacific Shipping Corporation,
this is indeed a proud
moment for me.
My only regret is that
president Roberts
cannot be here to witness
this great moment.
However, without further delay,
I'll ask my wife to
launch the ship
of which you can all be
so justly proud.
- I name this ship the
President Roberts.
May God bless her and
all who sail.
- Hold it, don't
press that button.
I'm Captain Scarlet Spectrum.
There's reason to believe
that this launching has
been sabotaged.
- Sabotaged?
- There's no time to explain,
clear the area immediately.
- But I--
- Do as I say Sir, please.
- Right, we'll do as you say.
- Hurry up, there's
very little time.
Stay where you are, Earth men.
- He's got a gun!
- Mervin!
- Look out!
Move, everybody, this shipyard
could explode any second.
- Mervin Brand?
He was a personal friend.
- Please sir, clear
the shipyard.
- Yes, yes captain.
I'll tell the dock supervisor.
- The ship yard is
being evacuated.
Yes Colonel White?
Yes, sir.
- That's what I said, get all
people away from the ship.
A bomb has been planted.
No, no we don't know where.
It could go off any second.
Yes, hurry it up.
(sirens wail)
- I'll organize a search as
soon as everyone is clear.
- That's what I said, get all
people away from the ship.
A bomb has been planted.
No, no we don't know where.
It could go off any second.
Well captain, the shipyard
will soon be evacuated.
- Good, you'd better
leave as well.
- Right.
- Captain Blue, you
can call off the cordon
around the
presidential residence.
The Mysteron attack was
against the atomic liner.
I've taken care of the
Mysteron agent
and the area has been evacuated.
A booby trap may already
have been planted,
but we can locate that
with detectors.
It looks like the
Mysterons have failed.
- No, Earth man.
We will be avenged.
(dramatic music)
- Thank you for coming,
Captain Blue.
I've had time to think,
and the events of last week
have brought home to me the
real menace of the Mysterons.
- Yes sir.
- Because of the quick
thinking of Captain Scarlet,
a major disaster was avoided.
I only wish he was
still with us,
so I could thank him in person.
- You can sir, he's outside.
- You mean to say he
wasn't killed?
Get him in here.
- Yes Mr. President.
- Do you realize how close
he was to that explosion?
- Captain Scarlet.
- Mr. President?
- Captain, I'm amazed.
You don't even have a scratch.
- I guess I'm just lucky.
- Lucky?
I'd say we're the lucky ones,
having a man like you around.
Thank you, on behalf
of everyone
all I can say is
thank you captain.
(dramatic music)
? Captain Scarlet ?
? He's the one who knows
the Mysteron game ?
? And things they plan ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? To his Martian foes, a
dangerous name ?
? A superman ?
? They crash him, and his
body may burn ?
? They smash him, but
they know he'll return ?
? to live again ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? As the Angels are flying
wing to wing ?
? Into the scene ?
? Spectrum is Green ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? Though the Mysterons
plan to conquer the Earth ?
? This indestructible man will
show what he's worth ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?