Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e26 Episode Script

The Kid From 3030

Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
Man, where did
I put that bow tie?
Mom, Dad.
How do I look?
there's my handsome son.
Whoo, looking sharp!I have to get a picture.
Mom, please!
At least
get my good side.
Boy, stop!
-Oh, here it is!
Guess who did their chores
without needing to be reminded.
Me, Craig!
You look so good,
Look what I found.
It's "Y2-Jam" by Jelly.
Oh, I have to play this.
Girl, I wanna jam
with you, it's 1992 ♪
Oh, no.
You say you'll jam
with meeee ♪
In 1993
Come on, Bernard,
dance with your mama.
I'll dance with you!
And now I'm waiting
by the door ♪
Oh, yeah.
'Cause it's 1994 I see you now.
[ Laughs ]
I can't believe you're already
going to your junior prom.
I'm so proud of you.
Notice me.
Go play with Craig,
It's not a huge deal.
Anyone can go to the prom.
Not with a date,
Speaking of which, don't worry
about your dinner with Alexis.
It's on us.
Oh, yeah.
Let me get my wallet.
You're giving him money
because he's going to a dance?
I do important stuff
all the time.
I scrubbed the toilets!
And you should see what
Bernard does to the toilet.
JP: You guys,
this tree's wood, too.
Aw, man.
I think I finally perfected
my wood detector.
I'm gettin', like,
so many readings.
what'd the rock do to you?
It's my parents.
They're so proud of Bernard
for going
to some stupid dance.
Like it's important!
I threw out the trash
and the bag was wet
from who knows what,
and I'm the one
who gets ignored?
Come here!
Were you even
listening to me?
No and look!
It looks like a robot.
Do you think he's frozen?
Like a computer?
My dad says if computer freezes,
you give it a hard reset!
Wait, wait, Kelsey.
Look, maybe if we just
Auxiliary power
Press "start" to continue.
The big triangle.
Oh, thanks.
I'm here from the future
I know you don't believe me ♪
I'm Deltron,
this is Automator ♪
We had to retreat
somewhere remote ♪
Where we could be alone
Continue our studies
of the ancient funk flows ♪
Didn't expect to see others
in the zone ♪
My calculator is off
I thought I was alone
Keep this creek a secret,
you understand? ♪
There could be soldiers
from the future ♪
Tracing where I am
My mission --
uncover more analog jams ♪
The music is my muscles,
without it, it's no chance ♪
The people in control
of the future ♪
Have their hand
in everything ♪
Telling me
not to do that ♪
I feel that maybe
this might be the place ♪
To replenish my supply
Before it
totally evaporates! ♪
You're a robot kid
from the future?
That's right.
The year 3030, to be exact.
-Why is your voice so deep?
It's because
he's a robot.
Deltron, is that thing
screwed onto your skeleton?
It's welded.
But once the tape runs out,
I'll shut down,
and there'll be nobody left
to stop the evil powers that be.
That's why I gotta find more
of these cassettes
or else the future
is doomed.
Well, that's my story.
Guess I better get going.
Wait, can we help you
find a new tape?
-You want to help me?
Who wouldn't want
to save the future?
Yeah! I've always wanted
to topple an oppressive regime.
And I've always wanted
to become friends
with a robot
made from real wood.
This way
to the stump.
I think I might have one
of those ancient tapes
you speak of.
This is incredulatory.
Moss, grass, trees.
We don't have a lot of this
where I'm from.
[ Chuckles ]
I can't imagine life
without the creek.
It's a beautiful place where we
all can do what we want to do.
Hm, I see.
After searching my databank,
it seems like the closest
we have to that in the future
are what we call
recreation corners.
"Parks" for short.
Whoa, is this some sort
of ancient hover craft?
It's the chair lift.
It goes down
into our hang out -- the stump.
I built it myself.
Without cyborg drills
or future tape?
Nah, just regular drills
and regular tape.
But I bet the future
has way cooler stuff.
Like me.
I-I'm still around, right?
I come from over 1,000 years
in the future.
So, am I, like, bald?
Is everyone in the future
a cyborg like you?
There are lots of cybernetic
beings, but none are like me.
What do you mean?Do a song.
Please, do a song.
I was supposed to be just
another cybernetic soldier ♪
Doing everything that
the big cheese told us ♪
Programming very deep
when they speak orders ♪
But there was a few details
they didn't know of ♪
I took the program,
then I reprogram ♪
I was a rebel,
I could see the whole scam ♪
Some of it a mystery,
but one thing's clear ♪
I knew I was more than
a puppet for the puppeteers ♪
The coast is clear,
but still I gotta hide out ♪
Looking far
and near everywhere ♪
I steer to find out
Is there anyone out there
like me, a homie? ♪
No, seems I'm the only one,
it makes me lonely ♪
Kelsey: I found it!
It was my dad's.
He figured I could use it
to record my thoughts,
but I don't want him to know
all the brutal things
I've done.
By Mortimer's beak,
it's too small.
Aw, man.
My parents
found some old music
looking for my brother's
junior prom outfit.
Wait, do you guys have dances
in the future?
In the future, school dances
are for the obedient masses
who can't think
for themselves.
Ugh, right?
All right, let's go take
some stuff from Craig's dad
and eventually return it
because we're good kids.
Um, negatory.
I cannot risk him
seeing me.
cannot be trusted.
They ended net neutrality.
I'll have to use
my invisibility shield!
It must've gotten damaged
in the time-hole.
Welp, guess we can't go.
Hey, don't worry.
I won't let anyone see you.
Mom, can I get a picture with
Bernard during his big moment?
Oh, that's a great idea!
Duane: All right, say "Big B"
and "Little C."
Big B.
And Little C.
That's me.
All right, we better
get you going, Bernard.
I want more pics.
I wont be your little brother
C'mon, B.
Let's do a silly one!
Bernard Williams
doesn't do silly.
Nicole: Oh, I got it.
Hold Craig like you used
to when he was a baby.
Look at our big boy babies.
Ugh, that was rough.
[ Imitates scanner ]
Target located.
Found one.
An MX 90.
This may be enough to
keep the resistance alive.
I cannot thank you enough.
Don't worry about it.
That's what friends do.
I must power down to change
my energy source.
I'll need someone else
to replace the tape.
Don't worry, Deltron.
I got you.
Patient is unconscious
and ready for operation.
Extracting power supply.
Kelsey: Careful.
Scrub, new tape.
-Did you just call me "scrub"?
That's what the surgeon's
assistant is called.
The tape, scrub.
Preparing transplant.
Emcee: All right guys,
our next comedian did
not make me laugh backstage,
but yeah.
All right,
here's Duane Williams.
Duane: Hey, everybody.
I had to stop my gym session
to make it to this comedy show, so I really hope this
works out!
Bad stand-up
can't function.
Oh, no!
Quick, turn it off!
Deltron, are you okay?
I think so,
but with the amount of tape
I have left,
Automator won't last long.
Without a new power source,
my musical rebellion is over.
Duane: I'll show you
some dancing!
Let me see if I can find
my parachute pants.
Deltron: Ah!
Oh, no!
Hurry, hurry!
Audio circuits
functioning at 5%.
This might be it for me.
What about your mission?
What about you?
At least I got to see the beauty
of Earth's past
and hang out
with you guys.
You're really cooool.
Deltron, no!
No, there's got to be something
else in here that can --
Scrub, prep the robot
for surgery.
Yes, rejuvenated
The music's coming in
so clear I can taste it ♪
With this upgrade,
we're gonna win this time ♪
Infinite playback,
no need to press rewind ♪
The pesky swine
that controls our actions ♪
will now be broke down
to micro fractions ♪
It's time for action
but before I leave ♪
I got to leave you
with this important speech ♪
The future is in good hands
Thanks to your help,
you're the best friends ♪
I ever could have
Your names will
be listed in history ♪
Fighting against ignorance
and bigotry ♪
But now I must go
Hopefully we'll see each
other again someday, though ♪
Thanks for helping me
with my mission.
Deltron, I know
the future is lonely,
but you'll always have
friends at the creek.
[ Gasps ]
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
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