Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e26 Episode Script

New Mission

Holy -
Look at them go!
That's it!
You sure are fast, Kanao!
Your record is now
ten wins and ten losses.
I'm totally not done yet.
Let's go for a run. Are you up to it?
You mean while doing
Total Concentration, Constant?
Keep this up the whole time?
Take this!
That's nothin'!
You're all brawn and no brains!
Let's go!
Where the hell is this place?
Was it that woman's Blood Demon Art?
Looks like the whole space
is distorted around that woman.
Only the Lower Ranks
of the Twelve Kizuki have been summoned.
That's never happened before.
Lower Five isn't here yet.
It just moved!
Blood Demon Art again?
What's the deal with this woman?
Who is she?
Lower your heads and crouch down.
Prostrate yourselves.
It's Master Muzan!
That's Master Muzan's voice!
I didn't recognize him!
He's changed his appearance and aura.
The precision of his shape-shifting
is mind-blowing!
P-Please forgive us!
Since you've assumed
a different form and aura
Who gave you permission to speak?
Don't presume to voice
your worthless thoughts.
Answer my questions. Nothing else.
Rui was killed.
I'm talking about Lower Five.
I have but one question to ask of you.
Why is it that you demons
in the Lower Ranks are so utterly weak?
You shouldn't be satisfied with just
being counted among the Twelve Kizuki.
That is merely your starting point.
To devour more humans,
to gain more power
Your starting point
for becoming useful to me
For over a century,
the members of the Upper Rank
Twelve Kizuki remain unchanged.
It's always been the demons
in the Upper Ranks
who've disposed
of those Hashira demon hunters.
But what about you demons
in the Lower Ranks?
How many times have you been replaced?
That's easy for you to say, but we
"That's easy for you to say, but we"
What? Go ahead and say it.
He can read my mind?
I'm screwed!
Screwed how?
Go ahead and say it.
Please forgive me, Master Kibutsuji!
Please show me mercy!
I'm truly sorry! I'm truly sorry!
I'm truly—
Why is this happening?
Am I going to be killed?
After all I went through
to become a Twelve Kizuki
Why? Why?
I thought I was going to do
more and more!
Are you more afraid of the demon hunters
than you are of me?
Every time you run into a demon hunter Hashira,
the only thing on your mind is escape.
Oh no, that's not what I'm thinking!
I'll put my own life on the line
to fight for you!
Are you refuting what I just said?
No good! It's over!
Our minds are being read.
Whether we agree or disagree with him,
he's still going to kill us!
We can't possibly beat him in battle, either!
In that case
the only option is to run!
What a fool.
Just make it out of here somehow!
Now that I've gotten this far away
I believe that the Twelve Kizuki are better off
consisting of just the Upper Ranks.
I am now dismantling the Lower Ranks.
He got me?
No way!
Was it that Biwa Player's technique?
But no, I didn't hear any biwa sounds.
I can't regenerate my body.
Do you have any last words?
I can still be of use to you!
If you could give me just a short reprieve,
I swear I'll be of use to you!
How long a reprieve
are you asking for, specifically?
How do you intend to be useful?
What exactly can you accomplish
with your current skills?
Your blood!
If you could give me
a share of your blood,
I will acclimate without fail!
I will fight for you
as an even more powerful demon!
What makes you think you can order me
to give you my blood?
You're beyond shameless.
Remember who you are.
You misunderstood me!
You misunderstood me!
I just
Shut up. I misunderstood nothing.
I'm never mistaken about anything.
I'm the one who calls all the shots.
My word is absolute.
You have no right to reject what I say.
Whatever I say is right
is the right thing.
You tried to tell me what to do.
You deserve to die.
Do you have any last words?
He'll end up killed, too.
Everything hinges on the Master's mood.
I'll be dead soon myself.
Well, let's see
This is like a dream for me.
To die by your hand in person.
And I so enjoyed hearing
the other demons' last gasps!
I feel so blessed!
Because I love to see others
in despair and agony.
Because it's like a dream come true for me!
I thank you for leaving me for last!
That's what I like to hear.
I'm going to give you
an ample share of my blood.
Although you might not be able
to withstand the volume of blood, and die.
Still, if you do manage to acclimate,
you're sure to acquire
even greater strength.
Make yourself useful to me, then.
Kill the demon hunter Hashira!
If you can kill the demon hunter
wearing hanafuda-like earrings,
I'll give you even more of my blood.
What's this?
I see something!
It's gushing into me
along with Master Muzan's blood!
If I kill the Hashira and this kid,
I can get more blood!
It's like a dream!
It's morning! Wake up!
What the heck?
What's going on?
The casualties of the Infinite Train
are increasing.
More than 40 are now missing.
You are to join Kyojuro Rengoku on site.
Head west at once!
I have decided to send Tanjiro and the others
on the Infinite Train mission.
Shinobu, may I ask
what made you recommend Tanjiro?
Tanjiro has a pure soul and is capable
of striving hard on a daily basis.
And the upside that he showed
exceeded my expectations.
And above all else, he has a clear goal
in mind. To defeat Kibutsuji.
As far as that goes,
I'm in agreement with you.
Also, Tanjiro himself told me that his father
had used the Fire Breathing technique.
At this time, there's no denying
that he still has a way to go,
but perhaps Rengoku, the Flame Pillar,
might be able to provide some guidance.
Yes. Considering his sister, who won't devour
humans even after becoming a demon,
as well as his encounter with Kibutsuji,
it might very well be Tanjiro's destiny.
All right, time to go!
Someone's coming.
He bumped into me
even though I got out of the way.
Huh? That guy just now
Was he at Final Selection?
He got such an amazing build
in such a short time.
But I wonder why
His scent
Long time no see!
Glad to see you're doing well!
Is that right?
You're heading out now?
It was only for a short time, but I'm glad
we got to spend that time together.
Good luck to you!
Take care!
Thank you so much for looking out
for us when you were so busy!
Thanks to you,
we can go back into battle!
No need to thank me.
After all, I survived
Final Selection only by luck.
And then, I was too afraid
to go into battle. I'm a coward.
Hey, that doesn't matter.
Since you helped me out, Miss Aoi,
you're part of me now.
And I'm carrying all of your emotions
onto the battlefield with me!
All right! Look after me
if I get hurt again, okay?
Hey! There you are!
We're heading out now.
Thanks for everything!
Hey! What's that?
All I did was follow the Master's orders.
There's no need for you to thank me.
Hey, you talked to me!
What was that you just flipped?
It says "Heads" and "Tails," huh?
Why did you flip it?
You really made it twirl around!
I flip this to decide
what I haven't been ordered to do.
I just decided
whether or not to speak to you.
"Don't speak" was heads,
and "Speak" was tails.
Because it came up tails, I spoke to you.
Why don't you decide for yourself?
What did you want to do, Kanao?
It doesn't matter.
Nothing matters to me,
so I can't decide for myself.
I don't think there's anything
in this world that doesn't matter.
I guess
the voice in your heart is really tiny.
Sure, following orders is important, but
Hey, can I borrow that for a second?
Okay! Let's toss this to decide!
Decide what?
Whether or not
you're going to listen hard to the voice
in your own heart from now on!
I flipped it too high!
Heads! Let's make it heads!
If it comes up heads, Kanao,
you're going to follow your heart!
Huh? Where did it go?
Oh, is that it?
Got it! Got it! Kanao!
Ready, Kanao?
Which is it?
His back was blocking it,
so I couldn't see it the moment it fell.
It's heads!
Good luck!
It's the heart that drives people.
So, your heart can grow
as strong as you want it to!
All right! See you again someday!
H-How did you make it come up heads?
I saw his hand when he flipped it.
I'm sure he didn't cheat.
Just by chance.
And if it was tails,
I was going to keep tossing it
over and over until it came up heads!
Take care!
You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!
Here you go.
Don't eat it now!
Please go out
and defeat tons of demons!
We'll do our best!
I told you not to eat it now!
Shut up!
Mr. Tomioka!
Are you heading into battle now?
I hear that you've mastered
Total Concentration, Constant.
You should keep at it.
Mr. Tomioka
About Nezuko Thank you very much.
I had no idea you were putting
your life on the line.
I just don't know
how I can ever thank you.
You can thank me by doing good work.
Our mission as Demon Slayers
is to kill demons.
That's all.
Take care, you guys!
You're all heartbroken
to say goodbye to me, aren't you?
I can stay behind if you want!
Master Zenitsu, please try to learn
how to be considerate and respectful of girls.
I'm feeling giddy.
But you do feel a little sad
that I'm leaving, don't you?
We are not sad!
Okay! You guys!
We're heading out now!
Hey Hey! Hey!
What the hell is this creature?
I bet this is that thing!
The master of this land!
The ruler of this land!
See how long it is?
So intimidating! No mistake!
It looks like it's asleep right now,
but don't let your guard down!
Uh, no, it's a train.
Haven't you ever seen one before?
Shush! Calm down!
I'll lead the charge!
Hold up, Inosuke!
You never know, it might be
the guardian spirit of this land.
Also, you shouldn't attack all of a sudden.
No, didn't you hear me? It's a train.
A railway train, all right?
It's a vehicle for transporting people.
You country bumpkin!
A train? So, is that
what the crow was talking about?
What's his problem?
Comin' through!
Stop it! Talk about embarrassing!
What are you doing? Hey, you!
Hey, these guys have swords!
The police! Call the police!
Oh, crap! Crap, crap, crap!
Thanks to you, we went through hell,
Inosuke! Say you're sorry!
In the first place,
why did we have to run from the police?
We the Demon Slayers aren't officially
recognized by the government!
We can't really walk around
in broad daylight with our swords.
They wouldn't believe us
even if we explained about the demons,
and it would only confuse them.
Even though we're working so hard?
Well, it can't be helped.
For now, let's hide our swords on our backs.
You can totally see them.
Put on some clothes, idiot.
Oh, crap! The train's leaving!
Are the police still around?
We'll have to go even if they are.
I'm taking you on! Master of this land!
Hey, idiot!
We should go, too!
Hey! You three!
Tanjiro! Inosuke!
Man, it's fast!
Are you sure about bringing Nezuko along?
Wouldn't the Demon Slayer Corps
Headquarters be the safest place for her?
Yeah. It's fine.
Wherever we go,
Nezuko and I will be together.
We're never going to be apart again.
I'm gonna save you no matter what!
I swear your big brother will save you
no matter what!
Muzan Kibutsuji!
I'm not letting you get away!
No matter where you go!
Nezuko and I are staying together.
We're not going to live
apart from each other.
The bond between Nezuko and me
can't be
severed by anyone!
I swear
I intend to carry out my duty!
I won't let anyone here die!
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