Enheraf (2022) s01e26 Episode Script

Episode 26

Case No. 5643.
You may proceed.
Thank you, Your Honor.
In the Name of the True and Just God.
In the Name of God,
the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.
Your Honor,
honorable judges,
distinguished members of the court,
I'm standing before you today
for a case that will make
children's hair turn gray,
and make one's blood curdle
just at the thought of its details.
The perpetrator in the case, Your Honor,
is a woman.
But she's a woman unlike any other.
She works as a psychiatrist.
She assumed different identities
using clothes and wigs
to avoid suspicion
especially that her appearance
is an integral part of her life,
and her business.
However, it's worthless
a beautiful face is worthless
if what's on the inside is malicious,
and wicked.
She uses the skulls of her victims
as a turban for moral superiority.
But how miserable are human beings
if they lose their humanity.
She took advantage
of her patients' trust in her
and the secrets they shared with her
and made herself judge
and an executioner.
She claimed during the investigation,
Your Honor,
that her crimes are justified
based on some senseless philosophy.
But I cannot help but wonder,
Your Honor,
what will happen to the community
if a woman,
who is the symbol of motherhood,
kindness and giving,
turns into a vicious killer?
What will happen to the community
in which a female doctor
turns into a cold-blooded killer?
Not only that, she enjoys
torturing her victims
in every way possible.
The defendant thought
that she is personally capable
of ridding humanity
of the injustice of deviant individuals,
so she committed murder
time and again
until killing became a habit of hers.
Every time,
her thirst for bloodshed would grow,
and her desire to kill people
would increase.
How atrocious!
How cruel!
Your Honor,
we're dealing with a case
with criminal intent
and the defendant's intent
to kill the victims.
She planned for everything,
which makes her crimes premeditated.
In fact, we're dealing
with a human predator
living among people.
A scorpion that feeds off blood.
A mysterious woman.
We're dealing with a crime complete
with all the elements of a crime;
criminal intent,
and the defendant's intent
to kill the victims,
Therefore, I call for capital
punishment, Your Honor.
Yes, Your Honor,
retributive justice for the victims,
I demand that the defendant be punished
by the most severe penalties
to be made an example
for those who think
about committing such crimes.
God Almighty says in His Holy Book
In the Name of God:
"And there is life for you in the law
of retaliation, O men of understanding,
that you may guard yourselves."
God Almighty has spoken the truth.
Thank you, Your Honor.
You may be seated.
Is the defense ready
for their opening statement?
Yes, Your Honor.
Your Honor,
I did not hire a lawyer to represent me.
Didn't you agree to be assigned a
defense counsel to speak on your behalf?
Your Honor,
I want to come forward.
No one will be able to express
my point of view
besides myself.
let me come forward
to address you.
-Does the defense approve of that?
-Yes, sir.
The court got
the permission of the defense.
The defendant can come forward.
Bring me the defendant, officer.
Go ahead, what do you want to say?
I want to say
that I did not make myself judge,
or act on behalf of court,
and I'm none of those abominable things.
I just wanted
justice to be served.
The justice that was long gone,
and the rights that were long forgotten.
I know
I know it's not in my place to do this.
But I couldn't handle seeing
people's lives getting destroyed
because some people
managed to circumvent the law.
The law that is supposed
to achieve justice
is the same law
they use to escape justice.
There is a big difference
between rights and justice.
You achieve justice through
paperwork, files and evidence.
But some people
committed murder, arson, injustice,
and didn't leave any piece
of evidence behind.
Their records are clean.
And those people
those people
they must be punished.
I was happy.
Yes, I was happy.
I was happy to restore
those people's rights.
The rights of the people
who were wronged.
The rights of the people who failed
to seek justice for themselves,
so I decided to seek justice for them
as long as I was capable of that.
Talaat Eldakkak,
the fraudulent businessman.
He committed murder.
He committed murder
and made a lot of people suffer.
Every moment I shared with you
weighed heavy on my heart.
I hated my own body every time you
touched me or were intimate with me.
I hate the sound of your breath.
I hate your voice.
I hate the way you look.
I hate your lame jokes.
Yes. I hate your lame jokes!
I don't know how I put up with them.
I hate you, Talaat!
I hate you!
I hate you, Talaat!
I hate your face!
I hate you.
You know why? Because you're
the filthiest man I've ever met, Talaat!
You're the filthiest man
I've ever known, Talaat!
I won't let you die alone.
I'll stay with you
until your last breath
to talk to you, keep you company,
and tell you stories.
Hold on.
Look, Talaat.
Hold on.
Look, Talaat.
Remember this man?
Remember this man, Talaat?
Remember what you did to him?
Grab this.
It's so easy to kill, Talaat.
So easy.
Aser El Mufti,
the popular radio show host,
the sweet-talker.
You don't know me,
but I know you very well.
I know all about your dirty deeds.
Just call me Aser.
What is your real name?
How wonderful!
It's my favorite name.
It was my late mother's name.
Aser El Mufti
how did he come into your life?
Through his radio show.
It was entertaining.
Loneliness is a terrible thing.
Loneliness makes my life hell,
day in day out.
Can you help me?
I'm here with you now.
So forget about that loneliness.
Aser would check on me when I wake up,
ask whether I've eaten or not,
and how I spent my day.
He really made me feel things I haven't
felt since my mother passed away.
By the way, I love it when a man
comes knocking on a woman's door.
Thank you, sir.
-There you go.
-Thank you.
I came here just as I promised Mayan.
But let us postpone
the engagement a little.
This is in light of some
family circumstances.
Once they pass, I'll bring my family
to announce the engagement.
I've never seen Mayan
as happy as she was at that time.
I even loved Aser because
he was the reason for her happiness.
You took advantage of her vulnerability
by sweet-talking her
and you made her submit to you
of her own volition.
I need to corroborate your statement
before filing a case.
Did you kill your own wife,
Mrs. Fairuz El Sherbini?
I want to speak to Dr. Hor.
Is she an attorney?
She's my psychiatrist.
I told you she was cheating on me.
Did you catch her red-handed?
Answer me.
Did you?
I did.
With whom?
It'll be so embarrassing to tell you.
The father
was put in jail.
-Did you think it over?
I will tell you everything.
Ok, let's start from the beginning.
-What do you think is going on?
-I think my wife is cheating on me.
Why do you think that?
Because of her.
No. This can't be.
Ok, I'll tell you.
What's this about?
Fairuz swore to me that there
was nothing between her and Aser
and that she only met him once.
-What is that?
-He wanted to talk to me about Mayan.
Talk to you about Mayan?
I didn't think you'd mind.
Have you lost your mind?
How dare you doubt me?
I swear it was just a regular outing!
You look like a couple!
What the hell is this?
Answer me!
Didn't you say that Aasim
confessed to killing his own wife?
What are you looking for now?
Who is the important person
you're covering for
that you even made your Dad
take the fall for his crime?
Why would you do that?
Was it you?
What are you talking about?
I told you Aser was cheating
on me with someone.
-So was it you?
-He never loved you, Mayan.
He got to choose between
the two of us, and he chose me.
You can't force someone to love you.
What about the poor man
you're married to?
It's not his fault you're filthy!
It's his fault he's useless!
He made me lose my self-esteem.
Now I know why
your mother died of sadness.
The woman who died is more honorable
than you, you piece of trash!
I'll keep the phone
until my father returns.
Give me back my phone.
You will be held on remand.
You still have the chance
to recant your statements.
I'll get back to you.
I hope you'd think this through
and change your mind.
You say it's my fault?
You call your father a man after all
The second wife was killed.
It's over between you
and my daughter Mayan!
If I see you anywhere, even
if we just cross paths, I'll kill you!
Call her now and tell her
it's over between you two.
Speak to her respectfully
without hurting her feelings.
Or else by God
I'll turn your life upside down!
forgive me.
We can't continue this relationship.
Don't try to get in touch with me.
Please take care of yourself.
And the young girl
she'll spend the rest of her life
feeling broken.
She'll spend the rest of her life
feeling broken
I'm not okay at all, Dr. Hor.
I'm not okay at all.
I'm not okay, and I want
to come forward with everything.
This doesn't feel right.
I don't know.
Your father is in a better
legal standing than you.
What the hell?
What happened?
I killed her.
You'll do as I say.
Get up.
When questioned,
don't confess to killing her.
Say that I did.
-No, Dad, I'll turn myself in.
I'm worried about you.
Let him go.
God will send him someone
who will restore your right.
Give me a second chance.
A second chance.
A second chance?
So you would go on
with your home-wrecking?
Every girl whose heart you broke
will be so happy
when she hears about your death
on the radio.
The passing of the popular
radio show host
Aser El Mufti.
Every girl who turned to him
so he would solve her problem,
he treated her in a vile
and mean manner.
Salem sent his sister to the gallows.
His own sister.
His own flesh and blood!
Why was she sentenced to death?
She killed her nephew Sayyid.
Come quickly, Mr. Salem!
Your son Salem was found burned!
You killed him, you criminal!
You infidel!
You killed the apple of my eye!
Who killed Sayyid?
Only God knows.
Oh my goodness!
I'm here to interview you
about the death of your son Sayyid.
God rest his soul.
He's gone.
The good man is gone.
I did not kill him.
I will receive no mourners
or hold the 40th day of mourning
unless I see the noose wrapped
around the neck of that criminal
who burned my son's body!
The last thing I would ever do
is to hurt Sayyid,
let alone kill him or set him on fire!
Either way, you're dead.
If that's the case, what did
my aunt do to deserve this?
This isn't right.
She was the kindest person ever to me!
It's settled.
Why did your sister Wedad kill Sayyid?
I'll tell you why.
Salem is good-hearted.
He doesn't hold grudges.
That woman doesn't know how to love.
She the devil incarnate.
I swear to God I didn't kill him.
When Sayyid had had it with her
and wanted to move out
and live with his mother,
she killed him
so no one else would enjoy his company.
I have a feeling
you're telling the truth.
-Why didn't you turn yourself in?
-I got scared!
Both my parents and I
would get locked up
and I had nothing to do with it.
They orchestrated this!
But you can't convince someone
of the truth with words.
She was kinder to me than my own mother.
She was kinder to me than my father!
No need for this. Please!
I beg you not to kill me.
I beg you.
I swear I didn't do anything.
You're not the one who will be killed.
I can tell that you believe me,
and you feel bad for me
for having to die unjustly.
How is Sayyid doing?
Speak and don't bother me.
Why did you falsely accuse
your sister Wedad of killing Sayyid?
What's this about?
Wedad came in the morning
to change her will.
Change what? She already wants
everything she owns to go to Sayyid.
That's what I don't get.
She wants to donate
everything she owns to charities.
How about you and I become partners
and open a small shop?
I wouldn't invest my money
in something I know nothing of.
Speak, young man,
so I can know how to help you.
The guy called Mohammad
who came to have a drink with me,
stole all of my goods.
What goods?
No one can get you out of this
but your aunt.
What the hell have you done, young man?
-Please! They're going to kill me!
-You won't get a penny from me.
I'll get you a ticket first thing
in the morning,
you'll use it to go
to your mother's place and lie low
until we find a solution
to this problem.
Stay as you are.
Don't change the will
until I talk to her
to see what this is about.
She wanted to protect
Sayyid from himself.
Save him from himself.
I had to do something about it too.
I need you to do me a favor.
If you do it, I'll pay you handsomely.
But this remains between us.
What is it, sir?
Move forward.
Which makes it a premeditated murder.
Where is the food?
I'm not here to bring food, Mrs. Wedad.
I won't let the woman who killed my son
be buried next to him.
She did him harm when he was alive,
and now you want to do him harm
when he's dead?
Bury her elsewhere.
And what was all that for?
He wanted the inheritance.
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