Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e26 Episode Script

Episode 26

(How Tong Daji is made?)
(Well done.)
(Now Lu Sicheng has begun to)
(deceive the girls who met them at that time)
(under the guise of staff.)
(Everyone, pay attention to what I am saying.)
(This is Tong Daji.)
(On the first day she came to the ZGDX base,)
(she actually asked the captain)
(to drive an Aston Martin to the supermarket.)
(She really knows how to seduce men.)
(Someone must have played the game for her.)
(What a bitch!)
(Back then, I thought
she had some ulterior motive)
(for flattering Cheng in such a calm manner)
(in front of Yang.)
(Yeah! Yeah!)
(She's too disgusting,)
(as she's unfaithful to her ex-boyfriend.)
(She ran into Yang in a ranked match
just a few days after she joined the team.)
(The cat is obedient. So am I.)
(I suppose I don't need to refresh your memory)
(about how Tong Daji flattered Lu Sicheng.)
(She and the noble consorts of)
(ancient China are on the same level
in winning men's favor.)
(Don't blame all the faults on women.)
(- Both she and he are to blame.)
(- Yeah.)
(One is flirtatious and the other is shameless.)
(So naturally they meet each other's needs.)
(- If Lu Sicheng was a gentleman)
(- Yeah.)
(Tong Daji couldn't have pressed
his head to make him kiss her.)
(and made him fall
in love with her gradually.)
(Tong Daji finally achieved her goal.)
(Since then, Lu Sicheng has cared about
nothing but her.)
(Double Carry players are in a relationship.)
(The jungler is not getting along
with the topsolo.)
(Can ZGDX)
(still go all out
in the national final this year?)
(ZGDX will be doomed.
This post can be used as evidence.)
(After Tong Daji joined the team,)
(the level of ZGDX has fallen significantly.)
(Sure enough,)
(it was actually defeated by Alpha
for the first time.)
(At this rate,)
(ZGDX is unlikely to win
the championship this season.)
(Everyone, you may as well support other teams.)
(There's no need to follow a team)
(where the shooter and midsolo
value their relationship more than anything.)
(Love between Team Leader and Tong Daji)
(ruins the good reputation of ZGDX for years.)
(I wish Tong Yao never joined ZGDX.)
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 26=
(Lu Sicheng and Tong Yao
behave like a prima donnas.)
I'm gonna try to persuade the company
to delete these negative posts.
And you'd better not
play with your phone these days.
Don't look at Weibo,
E-sports Industry Farm
or forums.
It's for your own good.
Surf the Internet less
and concentrate on the competition.
Don't look at those imaginary things.
Otherwise, your state of mind will be affected
during the competition.
It doesn't matter
whether you look at your phones or not.
It's OK if you can win the next competition.
They will close their mouths then.
You win the e-sports competition
with your hands,
not your mouths.
Kubinashi is not on the line.
Tong Yao, after you clear the line,
go to the top jungle opposite.
Now the score is 1-0.
Can ZGDX that has won the first round
strike while the iron is hot
and win the competition directly?
At the moment,
both sides are exhausting
each other's blood volume in their fight.
(In this round, ZGDX)
(plays more steadily than the previous round.)
(- Yeah!)
(- I wonder how FNC will respond to it.)
(In the previous round,)
(Smiling really did a good job.)
She defeated the opponents easily.
Before they have time to react,
the four of FNC has exhausted
most of their blood volume.
She's worthy of the nickname "Queen of Mage".
She's likely to dominate the competition.
Gather together.
Lets' pick up a small team fight.
- I'm coming.
- OK.
Gather. Get started.
Chubby, put up with the damage.
(Shield Disappeared)
Good job!
Chubby, follow me.
I'm coming.
(Perfect Power)
(God's Envoy)
(Perfect Power)
I was right.
Sure enough,
Smiling has dominated the competition today.
In the last ace,
she not only protected Chessman,
but also got rewarded
by killing the hero of the opposition.
(Well done. Let us congratulate ZGDX)
(on winning the competition immediately
after their previous success.)
Thanks to the Double Carry players
of ZGDX for their perfect cooperation.
Thanks to them for bringing us
such a wonderful competition.
Exactly. Besides,
the use of Triple Kill at the beginning,
definitely didn't let us down.
Congratulations to ZGDX again
on winning the competition.
Let's go.
Let's go.
(ZGDXSmiling MVP)
Congratulations to ZGDX
on winning the competition successfully.
Congratulations to Smiling
on securing the MVP award
in two successive rounds.
So what's it like
returning to the team again
and playing with your teammates?
There were many rumors about us.
So we were all a little depressed and nervous.
I believe we will be relieved
after this competition.
We have seen that
ZGDX's tactics
were actually adjusted a little this week.
And it seemed Cheng was not the only one
to take command of the situation.
Were there some adjustments
in this aspect?
We are adapting to it now.
Everyone is very active.
Are you going to
get someone to replace Cheng to command?
He's always been our best choice.
He won't be replaced,
unless over his dead body.
as for the captain's response
to the fans online,
we know many people
have doubted you.
Is there anything you want to say
to your teammates and fans?
(I have secured the MVP award twice.)
(Is that what you have doubts about?)
- Smiling, come on!
- Come on!
- We're always with you.
- You're the best.
Come on, Smiling.
You've got our strong support forever.
- Way to go! You're the best.
- We'll be by your side forever.
- Smiling, cheer up!
- You're the best.
I don't know
what identity I should use
to answer this question.
I have played in competitions
and have been Lu Sicheng's teammate
for half a season.
I suppose I know
what he and ZGDX
actually want.
I believe all of you know too.
He hopes someday
that he can drape
the Five-Starred Red Flag over his shoulders,
stand at the top of the global arena
and raise the trophy we are dreaming of.
Before that,
it's ok even if he has thistles and thorns
draped around his shoulders
or treads on the burning hot sand.
As the captain of ZGDX,
everyone expects too much from him.
He's willing to accept this fact.
He should,
and also must accept it.
So for some of his fans,
we can understand that
you want to protect him.
But performance
is actually what e-sports is all about.
Is the player you admire
someone who shines at the arena
or someone who's just tall
and a little handsome?
You should get it straight.
I know
girls in the industry of e-sports
have always been treated badly online.
So many of them
are trying to correct the situation.
But I want to ask you.
When we're trying hard
to practice in the ranked contests,
watching the competition
and analyzing the situation,
what are you doing?
That's all.
I'll get put down if I continue.
But for what I have just said,
I won't regret it
if it offends you.
She really has the guts.
I think her words make sense.
What are you doing here?
You scared me to death.
You tell me what I'm doing here.
It's so sweaty.
Don't say those words
if you're not brave enough.
Now you're afraid after you've said them.
I noticed that you almost
couldn't walk properly when you left.
Who did I do that for?
Actually after I finished
at the platform,
I was worried that you would scold me.
Since the model incident at the exhibition,
I promised you I would be a good person.
But I'm not good now.
You have become mature.
This time
I'll forgive you.
(It's not easy for a girl)
(to play professional competitions
in the industry of e-sports.)
(Smiling, way to go!)
(Everyone, you should be tolerant of her.)
Recently many people
have doubted Smiling online.
How do you feel about it?
Smiling is a very good person.
Those who criticized her
probably will never know her good qualities.
They don't want to know either.
Smiling is a wonderful professional player.
Pay attention to my wording.
I said "professional player".
Who's bad-mouthing Smiling?
What should I say?
There's nothing I can say.
Everyone, I advise you
not to judge unfairly a noble person
with your own despicable minds.
Don't defame Smiling and mislead others
(Everything is not absolute.)
in my live room,
(Let Yang speak.)
or any one's live room on my team.
For those who can't understand the competition,
(It makes you want to cry, right?)
please don't talk nonsense and disgrace yourselves.
Unpleasant things about Smiling
are forbidden in my room.
It's not interesting since
those unpleasant remarks will be blocked.
(Smiling, you're shameless!)
No! Forbid those remarks!
(I feel sorry for Yang.)
My support for her
(Keep calm.)
doesn't have anything to do with the past.
(Girls can't play the competition well.)
It has nothing to do with her gender.
Mind your own business
before worrying about others'.
If you treat her as your enemy,
(You've been deceived.)
then you don't need to follow me anymore.
(Yang was just unwilling to admit Smiling has changed.)
Her achievement today
(We make them convinced with our strength.)
results from her consistent hard work.
(She just doesn't have any skills.)
You could dislike her,
(Smiling is good.)
but most people in our team
(Who said girls didn't deserve)
respect such a rival like her.
(to play professional competitions?)
respect such a rival like her.
(Don't be deceived by her, idiot.)
Even if you dislike her, please respect her.
(Please show her some respect.)
Respect everything
(Her bad performance has nothing to do with respect.)
she has done for her dream of e-sports.
It has nothing to do with any other reasons.
He hopes someday
(Well said!)
he can stand at the top of the arena
(Smiling, go for it!)
and raise the trophy we are dreaming of.
Before that,
it's ok even if he has thistles and thorns
draped around his shoulders
or treads on burning hot sand.
As the captain of ZGDX,
everyone expects too much from
and trusts him.
(These are all his duties.)
He's willing to accept the fact.
(He's a worthy professional player.)
He should
and must accept it.
(Well said. How could they
talk nonsense about her?)
(It's so moving that tears
keep running down my face.)
(Those words give much food for thought.)
What nice words!
So moving.
I'm deeply inspired by them.
Don't worry.
(Just focus on your competition.)
Although it's a shame ZGDX didn't win any prizes
(We're on your side.)
in the national final.
(Keep a low profile.)
But keep in mind
(See you at the arena.)
that I will raise the championship trophy for Cheng.
Jealousy can't cause one to make progress.
If you have time to have a chat,
you may instead spend some time
improving yourselves.
My wife made unpleasant yet wise remarks.
(Smiling attracts me too. I'm her fan now.)
(Unpleasant yet wise remarks.)
I've looked at it.
(I'm looking forward to the day when you drape
the Five-Starred Red Flag over your shoulders.)
(Don't be affected by those bad words.)
Smiling is a very attractive woman.
(I want you to win.)
(When will Smiling come to have a live stream?)
How to say that phrase?
Luck was on Lu Sicheng's side.
That's exactly that phrase.
we get along quite well
with one another.
So you don't need to worry about it.
What Tong Yao said
is just the official attitude.
She even used the same punctuation.
If you still think we don't get on well,
it doesn't matter
and won't have any effect on us.
Whether you're our fans
or haters who know what they said is false,
we are sure to
give you a satisfying answer
at the national competition.
We've said what we should say.
The hardships we experienced
will all become the light
for the road ahead of us.
ZGDX, come on!
Come on!
Let us drape thistles
and thorns around our shoulders
and tread on burning hot sand.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
How about taking a photo of all of us?
- OK.
- OK.
Make space for me.
ZGDX, come on!
How about having a chat with them?
Who is it?
- Don't care.
- I'm getting it.
many people have said
I don't get along well with K.
Come on.
Cheers, bro.
Hello, you've got a package.
Could you please sign for it?
I'm done.
You and I
What's going on?
Let's go and check it out.
Wait a minute, guys.
Stand up.
It's so disgusting.
A roach was actually sent here!
That person must be abnormal.
He actually used such a lowdown trick!
So catty.
There is a letter here.
What is written on it?
What does it say?
This is just a little punishment.
You're so arrogant.
You'd better not take part in
any competitions later.
It's only a short distance from
the spectator seats to the player seats.
Obviously, it's against Tong Yao.
I'm gonna hurry and take it away.
- Wait a moment.
- So disgusting.
I'm gonna take some photos first.
- Yeah. It's evidence.
- Evidence.
And this one.
Take a photo of it too.
Hello, sir.
I want to report something.
This person must be insane.
What feud does he have with Tong Yao?
He has gone too far.
He couldn't have done such a thing
if he's not insane.
It's all right. Hold it in.
There's also a roach
in that box.
Blades are a good match for the dead mice.
But they changed the mice to roaches.
I must have said I'm afraid of roaches
in the live room.
Why didn't I say
I had a phobia for diamonds and gold?
Don't talk so much,
your tears are coming out.
It's because of the pain.
You almost poured
a bottle of rubbing-alcohol on my hand.
Do you know how painful it is?
It's not as painful as my heart is.
Is she all right?
Leave them alone.
She should be all right.
Let's go.
Get some rest.
There was also a threatening letter
in that box.
It reads they will make trouble for us
in the competition the day after tomorrow.
I've called the police.
I've also contacted the organizers
and asked them to tell their security guards
to intensify the inspection of certain people.
But it may not work.
We mean,
since Tong Yao's hand is hurt,
for security reasons,
she'd better not play the competition
against Red Arrow the day after tomorrow.
Lu Yue can just take this opportunity
to practice playing the competition.
If he always plays training matches,
I'm afraid he won't be able to keep up with us
when he takes turns to play the competition.
No. We have no reason
for not having her play the competition.
Safety first.
Although her hand wasn't hurt badly,
it's her hand after all.
(Shield Disappeared)
(God's Envoy)
The mages and supporters of
Red Arrow like to follow junglers.
Then when they reach the sixth level,
they will watch for shooter.
You and Cat's tactics
have almost been studied completely.
So next time use some new tactics.
I've got something to say.
Because of what happened just now,
the club has noticed that
Tong Yao won't take part in
the competition against Red Arrow tomorrow
for the time being for security reasons.
Lu Yue will be the starting player.
Tong Yao, you agreed?
I think it's ok.
Lu Yue can take this opportunity
to practice new shikigamis.
It may be useful in the competition later.
Besides, the club made this decision
for safety concerns.
Since she's at the eye of the storm,
there's no need for her to save face
without regard to her own safety.
Besides, I've discussed with Rui
about this matter.
We plan not to announce this
for fear that others will follow suit.
Then I'm not the only one who has hard luck.
Moreover, I don't want my fans
to worry about me either.
Then there will be inevitably
many rumors about me again.
Why did Cheng leave?
What's going on?
He's angry.
Are you all right?
Although this decision upsets you very much,
there's nothing else we can do now.
I also understand the management.
Don't blame them for it.
You're just a little girl.
If something really happens to you,
we will be too embarrassed
to explain the matter to your family.
Don't worry.
I'm all right.
(Sent to Lu Sicheng)
(Where are you?)
(Come back.)
(Sent to Lu Sicheng)
(I'm all right.)
(I'm just taking a break
from the competition.)
(It's not a ban.)
(It's ok if I can't take part in it.)
(There's nothing for me
to have a grievance about.)
(Although I'm a professional player)
(and my only job is to play in the competition,)
(fans are)
(inevitable accessories.)
(Sometimes you'll find them annoying.)
(Why don't they just disappear?)
(But sometimes,)
(if we are at the lowest point in our career,)
(our fans will happen to)
(support us from places)
(where we don't necessarily see them.)
(There's no real all-or-nothing situation
in this world.)
(For example,)
(when I was given an interview that day,)
(it's just because my fans were with me)
(that I had the guts)
(to say those things.)
(I don't regret it now either.)
(Just forget it.)
(I don't know what the hell I am talking about.)
I want to ask you something.
Say it.
Who on earth was Cheng angry with
when he slammed something down this afternoon?
Figure it out yourself.
I'm asking the wrong person!
(the number you just dialed)
(is not available.)
(Sent to Lu Sicheng)
(Why are you upset?)
(I don't want to see the headline
on the newspaper)
(that some professional player
leap the sea level in a luxury car)
(and sank it to the seabed in anger,
and in the end, he became fish's food.)
(Can you come back or not?)
Tong Yao, you haven't gone to sleep, have you?
How's your hand?
I've just come back from home in the morning.
I thought you were dead
since you hadn't taken my calls
for such a long time.
I'm all right.
I just went to fetch my cat's nest.
So I didn't see your call.
Cat's nest?
What for?
To let them sleep with me.
The last time you slept with the cats
can date back to that evening
when you and Jian Yang broke up.
No more pretending to be strong.
You think you are the heroine in a K-drama?
I'm really fine.
So don't worry about me.
Ok. I'll chat with you when I go back.
Don't fight.
(Sent to Lu Sicheng)
(I'm sleepy.)
(But my hand hurts.)
(I want you to hug me while I'm sleeping.)
What time is it?
3:00 a.m.
Why are you back so late?
I was worried about you.
Just sleep.
(Everyone, we welcome you)
(to the second round of ZGDX vs. Red Arrow)
(in the National League)
(of the Onmyoji Arena Pro League.)
(Now the score is 1-0.)
(Chase him! Chase him! Well done.)
(Today ZGDX has a new midsolo, Lu Yue.)
(We still got the opportunity.)
(They also have a new commander K.
He's gonna lead the team.)
(They're always harassing me.)
(Chessman, however, is playing so cruelly.)
(He's either striking someone suddenly,)
(or on the way to do that.)
(The enemies are hit so badly that
they've nearly run out of blood.)
(Yeah! Ares, retreat!)
(First Blood)
(But Chessman didn't give him the opportunity)
(and killed him right away.)
Good job.
Lu Yue, never use the second skill
too often to clear the line.
If you lose too much blood, you'll be defeated
when the jungler opposite attacks you.
What the hell!
I got beaten up so badly.
I don't even have time to clear the line.
The jungler opposite is gone.
Lu Yue, watch out!
I'm stressed out because of Shiro Douji.
After you pull down the enemies' defense turrets,
hurry to come to me.
Then the enemies will be scared.
The captain is pulling down
the enemies' defense turrets.
So we can't come to you.
K, call the jungler.
Cat, watch for someone on the middle lane.
Watch for someone on the middle lane?
Lu Yue, you sell it.
Not too deep.
Why is the jungler opposite ready to attack us
since we've changed the midsolo?
Cat, what do you mean?
(Invincible Warrior)
Chessman directly killed
two people at the bottom lane.
He really did a good job today
in the bottom lane.
Lu Yue.
Pay attention to your Teleport.
Try to deceive Shiro Douji.
There's no need to rush.
Let's just wait for him to come up a little.
Come up a little.
(He deliberately went forward
to be attacked by Shiro Douji.)
(Sure enough,)
(after he took the bait)
- I can't move.
- Steady yourself.
I can't move.
(Shiro Douji still insists on killing Lv.)
Come back. Retreat.
(They deliberately tempted
the three people of Red Arrow to chase them.)
- Attack.
(- Sure enough,)
- Attack.
(- the Red Arrow is deceived.)
(The three of them are fought back
by the three people of ZGDX.)
(ZGDX's score has changed
to three points successfully.)
- Yes.
- Yes.
Well done.
You did a really good job.
(Now the competition
has been going on for 30 minutes.)
(ZGDX has the upper hand.)
(It will all depend on the team fight.)
The topsolo and shooter opposite
are going to support on the middle lane.
You hide yourselves well.
I'm gonna come from the jungle.
Why must all of us
help Lu Yue with the team fight
when he's guarding the middle lane?
I'm the core.
So you should protect me.
Chubby, you attack first.
I've joined the team fight and have attacked.
Captain, don't go forward.
(Shield Disappeared)
(Chessman's tactics)
(are so wonderful.)
(He killed one of his enemies instantly.)
Double Kill.
(Triple Kill)
(Oh! Triple Kill.)
(Anything else?)
(- Quadra Kill)
(- Ultra Kill. Can he get penta-kill?)
He has good performance.
(Can he get penta-kill?)
Penta Kill
Penta Kill.
Penta Kill Ace.
Chessman did a very good job.
Chessman is awesome!
Cheng is so amazing.
We finally are going to
pull down the base turret.
(ZGDX is working together
to pull down the base turret.)
(Chessman stands a little forward.)
(Congratulations to Chessman.)
(Congratulations to ZGDX.)
(Onmyoji Arena Pro League)
(Cheng played too aggressively just now.)
(He played so irritably.)
(It seemed that somehow)
(it looked like he was going to eat someone.)
I think he played in a bad mood.
He attacked many times
when he shouldn't do it.
He's too impulsive.
It seemed that he was angry with someone.
What happened?
They changed
the midsolo starting player today.
Does it have anything to with that?
Will he
spill the beans later?
- Won't he retort
- Good.
when answering the host's stupid questions?
He can't.
He's not coming.
Everyone, I'm very sorry to inform you that
today's MVP interview is canceled.
The captain of ZGDX Chessman
refused our invitation.
- Why?
- Why did he refuse?
Could you tell us the reason?
- What on earth happened?
- Could you give us an explanation?
(Onmyoji Arena Pro League)
Here comes the bus.
Hurry up.
- Come on.
- We must get the news source.
Hurry up.
Rui, may I interview you?
Excuse me.
Could you please say something?
Chessman, could you please give an interview?
Could you please say something?
Today, in the arena,
you played the contest
in a very bad mood.
After the contest,
you also refused the MVP interview.
Could you explain it in person?
I heard that you secured the MVP reward twice
in today's contest.
But you refused the interview after the contest.
No one has ever done that
like this before in the Pro League.
Someone said
you were very emotional in the contest.
Is that true?
What's the point of these questions?
We all know that
Smiling didn't take part in the contest today.
For this matter,
there has been
no official explanation until now.
Which team have you seen
sent a post on Weibo when
they intended to change their members?
Did the club suspend Tong Yao temporarily
because of her sass last week?
Is this her punishment?
That Lu Yue replaced her in today's contest
is just to prepare for
the World Championships.
And Tong Yao
has done well in everything,
until now
as a professional player,
except the time when she fought with others.
Whether I or the club,
we all have no reason to punish her.
Explain it.
Could you please say something?
Have you asked enough?
No one asks these kinds of questions
at the doors of the clubs.
Will you step aside?
I don't have a problem
with you writing a report.
But you should be careful
with the title
and the content.
Especially for some e-sports media.
Like the bloody E-sports Industry Farm!
If I see you make up things,
even punctuation,
to catch people's attention,
we'll sue you
to the extent that
you will lose all of your money.
How could he say that?
They were not like this before.
What happened to them?
What's going on?
Cheng, you're back.
I watched the contest.
Why did you play so aggressively?
Were you possessed by Hierophant?
What's wrong with you?
A headache,
stomachache, or a cold?
Then why didn't you accept
the MVP interview?
Or did you look at the comments online?
What comments?
Someone says that
you're dissatisfied with
the punishment the club gave to me.
So you played the contest angrily
and refused the interview after the contest,
in protest.
Of course
I know it's not like that.
- You couldn't have
- I'm dissatisfied indeed.
But not with the club.
Don't wait me
for dinner.
Sorry, I was stuck in traffic.
It's for you.
What's wrong?
You're unhappy?
Say it.
Cheng has been acting very strange recently.
You really observe keenly
as his girlfriend!
Love, even the journalists outside
know this!
Since he slammed the door and went out,
he's been quiet
and gloomy.
Whatever I say to him,
he looks like
he's not interested in it.
He even rarely spoke to me.
He was absent-minded
even when he put his arm around my shoulder.
I asked him the reason.
But he didn't say anything.
He just started playing games madly.
These days,
I have said "I'm all right" so many times
that I almost broke my lips.
But it didn't work on him at all.
I even began to suspect that
he was dissatisfied with me.
He was just silent,
irritable and refused to cooperate with me.
That's indeed his way of behaving.
I really don't know what to do.
He said in the morning
he was dissatisfied.
But not with the club.
Could it be with me?
It's difficult for us to read his mind.
He's never been like this before.
He just focused on the contest before.
Now that you mention it, it's true.
It seems that after you joined the team,
he has changed indeed.
You think it's because of me too?
Don't make any wild guesses about it.
You're doing the same thing again.
When you saw Jian Yang have fun in the KTV
and ignored you,
you proposed breaking up with him
since you couldn't bear it.
You're behaving like that again!
I can't be bothered to criticize you.
What a funny thing!
Jian Yang really
did something unpleasant to you.
But what about Cheng?
He didn't do anything that shows
it's you who makes him unhappy.
It's all your imagination.
I'm just saying.
always focused on the competition.
It seems that I forcibly
pull him from the altar
and let him experience the unpleasant things.
At least those fan girls
are right about this.
Unpleasant things!
I'm really envious of
these young lovers like you.
I'm also envious of
the mentality of you two
flattering each other and loving each other.
I think Cheng
is just dissatisfied with himself.
So he is upset and avoids you.
Sometimes men
are much stronger than we can imagine.
But their mysterious self-esteem
is much weaker.
he's hiding somewhere you can't see,
hitting his head against the wall.
He may blame himself
just for your little wound.
Little wound?
It's obviously a big wound.
I even got an injection against tetanus for it
and had a nightmare all night.
Are you a caring person or not?
It's impossible for me to break up with him.
Besides, I am no match for him at fighting.
So I can only imagine things.
I'm too helpless.
You're quite aware of that!
It's all because he ignored me.
My hand hurts.
But he didn't care about it.
He didn't know that it's painful?
By the way.
One more thing.
He was missing for a whole day.
He didn't reply
when I sent him messages on WeChat.
It turned out the next morning
that he secretly got into my bed
and hugged me when he was sleeping.
You just complained about him,
why are you suddenly showing off your love?
He disappeared and reappeared
whenever he liked.
Only bastards
would behave like this.
♪The clouds aren't moving♪
But they changed the mouse to a roach.
I must have said I'm afraid of roaches
in the live room.
Why didn't I say
I had a phobia about diamonds and gold.
Don't talk too much,
your tears are coming out.
It's because of the pain.
You almost poured
a bottle of alcohol on my hand.
How painful do you know that is?
But it's not as painful as my heart is.
♪The heart is lost♪
♪A small hole has been drilled♪
♪It hurts when we meet♪
♪Behave sophisticatedly♪
(What do you like in Tong Yao?)
(To be honest,)
(she's a plain girl.)
(She's not as beautiful as)
(your numerous female fans.)
(Because she's very strong.)
♪We're not good at being♪
She's also cute even when she's crying.
Anything else?
(I don't know where it comes from,
but I'm deep in love.)
♪The most deliberate passerby♪
♪We're not very good at being♪
♪identified with our last names in hesitation♪
♪Do I have to return the favor♪
♪The whole world knows we're both lying♪
Tong Yao,
you agreed?
I think it's OK.
I'm dissatisfied
but not with the club.
♪talked to and questioned♪
♪Someone has to argue♪
Don't wait me
for dinner.
♪The most regretful love in the world♪
♪Is called us♪
Am I really wrong?
Should we really be together?
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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