Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e26 Episode Script

Overcoming Trauma

(Adapted from the web novel "Waiting for You in a City")
(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Episode 26)
You're back.
It smells so good.
I told you I'd make it in time for dinner.
If you didn't, I'd beat you up.
Look, they're all your favorite dishes.
Go away.
Come here. Have a seat.
Let's eat.
Doesn't it smell good?
Let me try it.
Is there something wrong with your eyes?
You weren't at home.
Where did you go?
It's your brother's business.
None of your business.
Song Yan.
You've gone astray.
You went out to play without me.
This is really delicious.
I made it especially for you.
Mom, he ignored me.
The shrimp is really good.
It's high in protein and low in fat.
- You must eat more. - I'll have some.
You're ignoring me too.
You're Miao Miao.
Aunt, Miao Miao.
Xu Qin and I
are dating.
No, I mean
- Let's eat. - Mom.
- Why are you - Come on.
This is good too.
Mom, what are you doing?
Eat more.
Eat up.
Song Yan.
Come on. Let's eat.
Look, you got food all over your mouth.
Just like when you were a kid.
I think we need to find someone more professional
to talk to them.
Why don't we get a psychiatrist from the hospital?
We have one already.
Li Meng.
She studied psychology in college.
I think she even has a license
as a psychological counselor.
That's right.
She even gave us counseling.
I'll contact her.
Have you thought about it?
I have.
This injury is nothing.
I can still be on the frontline for a few more years.
Song Yan.
Because of you, our higher-up has had
three meetings.
He wants you to take on more responsibilities,
so that your abilities
can be brought into full play.
If you go to a higher position,
you'll be able to
You can't keep standing in the same spot.
You have to seek progress to improve.
I know.
When the time comes and I can't walk anymore,
I'll report to you.
I know you can't bear to leave Shilitai,
but you have to think about your future.
You have to get married and have a family.
You're not young anymore.
Go to your office.
You're always
teetering in front of me.
I'm sick of it.
You're sick of me?
You're sick of me.
I'm not done yet.
You always make me speechless.
Give it to me.
What's this?
Brochures for the community?
Yes, the weather is dry in winter.
Fire prevention is critical.
I'll open it for you.
That's right.
Lunar New Year is in a month.
The fireworks in the city will make it even worse.
Tell me about it.
How's your injury?
I'm fine now.
I'll resume work next week.
I'm here to talk to you
about the team's mental state.
Jiang Yu told me.
Although a psychiatrist was arranged immediately,
a few firefighters still haven't gotten through the trauma.
But don't worry too much.
I'll check up on them today.
They'll be fine.
I hope so.
What about you? Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Of course.
Our Chief has experienced a lot.
He's mentally tough.
Why does it sound like you're being sarcastic?
I wouldn't dare.
Let's gossip.
About what?
and that doctor.
She's my girlfriend now.
Thank you.
But Song Yan,
she's at the top of your food chain.
She has you wrapped around her finger.
Don't worry.
She can't leave me either.
I'm off.
Jiang Yi.
Let's play two rounds.
I'm okay.
I'll be fine in a few days.
Don't worry.
Sit down. Let's chat.
I'm really fine.
Don't worry about me.
In our line of work,
it's often a matter of life and death.
Sometimes, a moment of carelessness or hesitation
may lead to paying the price of life.
As for me,
as an instructor,
I hope I have the ability
and responsibility
to help you adjust.
I also wish I could help you
as a buddy and a friend.
I've been a firefighter for eight years.
I've been on thousands of missions.
Tough situations like this
are not new to me.
But it's different this time.
You've been performing your duty for eight years
and saved thousands of lives.
What's different this time?
This time, my mom was in the disaster zone.
My dad passed away when I was young.
My mom raised me on her own.
She had a hard time in her early years.
I have yet to have the time
to take care of her.
I don't even dare to think
that what if my mom died
during the earthquake this time?
What should I do?
I've saved so many people.
But when my own mom is in danger,
I am unable to show up for her right away.
To help her.
When I can't even protect my own family,
what right do I have to protect the people
and society?
I'm not a good son.
I've shamed the badge on my chest.
Filial piety
is our root.
There's nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to family.
I just think
you have too much on your mind.
We have much to shoulder.
Big family.
Small family.
I understand where you're coming from.
Don't worry.
I will
try my best to adjust myself.
But my original passion for firefighting
has never changed.
That's what I'm most proud of.
For the earthquake rescue this time,
it's the first time a lot of new members
are taking part in such a big mission.
Go and give them some concern.
I'm a veteran. I'll be fine.
Forget them. Worry about yourself first.
Let's play
two rounds.
The whole court.
Come on.
I'll attack first.
(Song Yan)
(Li Meng)
(Why haven't you texted me all day?)
(Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?)
(What are you up to?)
(Miss me?)
(I'll go to you. Be there in ten minutes.)
Did you miss me?
I just called you over to see you.
In case I forget what you look like.
You're right.
Do you have a bad memory?
Take a good look.
Do you remember it now?
I've seen enough.
You've seen enough?
All right then.
I'll get going.
I miss you.
That's more like it.
If you miss me,
then say it.
A safety hammer?
That's right.
When there's an emergency
and you're trapped in the car,
use this to break the window.
Hit the corners.
Don't hit the center.
The center
doesn't break easily.
Got it?
I'll put it here.
Fire extinguisher.
How do I use it?
It's easy. Look.
There's a pin here.
Give it a twist,
then pull it out.
When you want to use it,
give this a press.
That's all. It's simple.
Give it a try.
One, two, three.
Got it?
This thing
I hope you never have to use it.
Where should I put this?
Take this home. It's useless now.
Put this new one in the car.
Whether it's those
who died in the disaster
or our own teammate who got hurt,
it's not your fault.
In this world, there are many uncertainties.
Disasters are also part of it.
I'm going to show you some videos.
It shows the situation of the earthquake relief at Wangxiang,
and information on other disaster relief.
Like I said in the beginning,
is a very painful
and scary experience.
People always avoid it.
But avoiding it won't solve the problem.
These things
will help us understand
and accept the trauma and anxiety.
It's not dangerous.
We can overcome those memories.
Instead of letting those memories
overcome you.
Ms. Li is right.
Yes. Come on, let's watch it together.
Help! My wife has fainted!
Everyone, come!
What are you scared of?
Just watch it if you have to, right?
Come on, raise your head.
Let me tell you a story.
When I first became a firefighter
and went into a fire for the first time,
it was way more dramatic than what you two saw.
I was so scared.
After I returned to the fire station,
for three months,
I couldn't eat meat.
- Yes. I know that. - Just one look
This won't do.
- I won't describe it to you two. - Let's wait and see.
Back then, my instructor said this to me.
He said, "Yang Chi."
"What are you afraid of?"
"You're a man."
"Look at what you're afraid of."
"The more afraid you are, the more you look."
"Look until you're not afraid anymore."
Don't think too much, right?
Even Ms. Li is here with us.
Let's watch it. Come on.
Raise your heads.
Come on.
We're men, right?
There's nothing to be afraid of. Come on.
Let's watch together.
What's so scary about this? Look.
At this time,
keep breathing.
- Ge Zheng. - Breathe.
Breathe in and out slowly.
Steady your breathing.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Thank you for today.
I appreciate it.
It's what I should do.
Thanks for being our psychological counselor.
All right, go back.
You don't have to see me out.
Go back.
Li Meng.
This is for you.
You're still writing greeting cards
in this era?
So old-fashioned.
The new year is starting.
We should have a sense of ritual in life.
Okay, thank you.
Go back.
(Take care of your back! Drink more warm water! Be happy!)
(Take care of your back, drink more warm water!)
Jiang Yu.
It's nothing.
Go back.
Thank you.
Give it to me.
By the way,
did your meeting with Li Meng go well?
Why are you asking about my work?
It's nothing.
I just feel
that you two seem close.
So I'm asking.
Are you jealous?
Are you tired from work?
Did you think about me today?
Didn't you say you were busy
and to wait for your call?
Song Yan.
You're doing it on purpose, aren't you?
What do you mean?
You're leaving me hanging on purpose.
I didn't want to disturb you at work.
Look. I came as soon as you texted me.
I forgot.
I almost forgot again.
I have a lot of cases to review tonight.
I'd probably be busy too.
All right then.
I won't bother you with your work.
Rest early.
All right.
I won't tease you anymore.
I just want to see
how long you'll hold it in before you say what's on your mind.
You've changed over the years.
You've learned to bottle things up.
You used to be a snob.
do you have to review the cases?
Of course.
You're still up?
You're breathing in my ear.
It tickles.
Actually, you wanted to throw a tantrum at me today, right?
You blame me for not looking for you,
texting you,
or coaxing you.
You're afraid I'll think you're acting up
and have a bad temper.
Don't be like this anymore.
We're going to get married
and live together for the rest of our lives.
When you're with me,
you don't have to worry so much.
I'm so envious of girls who can talk with their eyes.
I want to have eyes like that too.
Because even if
there are things I am unable to say,
my eyes can still convey
my happiness or sadness.
You don't need them.
I can tell.
They're out of cereal.
It was always here.
Maybe they haven't stocked it up.
We'll buy it next time.
I'll come again after work.
What do you want for dinner?
Let's get takeout.
Can you surprise me?
I'll surprise you every day from now on.
What's wrong?
The scar on your shoulder
is weird.
You know what I do for a living.
Isn't it normal to have a scar?
It looks like a gunshot wound.
You're so imaginative.
This scar
was from a piece of glass.
Dr. Xu.
If you don't leave now,
I'll make sure you'll be late.
Let's go.
All right.
- Good morning, Dr. Xu. - Good morning.
- Dr. Xu. - Good morning.
Good morning, Dr. Xu.
Dr. Xu, you used to come 15 minutes early.
Why are you late these days?
I wake up late these days.
Dr. Xu.
Are you tired lately?
But why do I feel like
you look much better than before?
Your face looks rosy
and moisturized.
Dr. Xu, have you had breakfast?
I have some yogurt drinks. Do you want one?
I ate at home.
Did you notice?
I think Dr. Xu is in love.
I can feel a hint of happiness
in the air.
That's impossible.
I don't think she has changed.
Such terrible observation skills.
There's no difference when she's working.
But didn't you notice?
She never touched her phone before.
Nowadays, her keyboard clacks all day
and she even covers her mouth and smiles.
I heard that.
Let's get to work.
Don't rush me.
(Imported cereals and supplements)
Excuse me.
I'd like to ask about Xinle Cereal.
Why hasn't it been in stock?
It won't be stocked anymore.
That factory is about to close down.
Come in.
Mr. Meng.
This is the proposal
and this is next week's schedule.
We have to go to Guokun on Monday
for the annual summary meeting.
Take care of this.
(Purchase of Xinle Cereal Factory)
You're acquiring a cereal factory?
Is there a problem?
No. I'll arrange for some research.
Go ahead.
You've been back for so long.
If I didn't look for you,
won't you show some care for me?
Didn't I just call you yesterday?
Does telling me to come home for dinner this weekend
count as caring?
Meng Yan Chen, are you still a baby?
Why is your hospital playing music?
I'm at the mall to catch a meal.
With whom?
My colleagues.
You're getting closer to your colleagues?
Are you mocking me?
I care about you.
Okay, I'll talk to you later.
What kind of place is this? What's good to eat here?
- How is it? - It's good.
I'll get going.
All right.
Wait for me here.
(Yuexin Restaurant)
Qin Er.
Xiao Yi Xiao, why are you here?
My friend and I are here for a meal too.
- Let me introduce you. - Song Yan.
I know you.
I saw you get drunk
and go crazy at others last time.
Did you forget?
All right, I
I won't disturb you then.
Eat up.
Xiao Yi Xiao.
It depends on my mood.
Come on. Eat more.
Thank you.
You don't dance or flirt with anyone.
Instead, you come to me every day.
What a waste.
Well, today calls for a celebration.
What for?
The company's performance has doubled.
Will this reason do?
Come on.
Do you even care about that?
If you said
you were celebrating for catching a bug or something,
I can somehow believe it.
What's wrong?
I'm just feeling listless.
Did you notice that they
Notice what?
I noticed
that life is too comfortable for you.
You have too much free time.
I don't even remember
when was the last time I felt comfortable.
I'll make you a drink.
Where's that waitress?
Which one?
The one you said looked like someone.
The part-timer?
I don't know.
I think she said
she's becoming an influencer.
Why do you care about her?
I don't.
I just hope she's not going astray.
You're all kind again.
Don't you have anything better to do?
The fact that you're too soft-hearted
makes you not cut out to be a businessman.
Tell that
to Mrs. Fu.
I still want to live.
You know it.
I've been afraid of her since I was little.
- Hurry. - Come on.
The weather is nice today.
It took me a long time to find this place.
The sun is so warm today.
Yes, it's not that cold.
It's perfect for taking photos.
The women's apparel we brought this time
are quite a lot.
It's so beautiful.
Look. What do you think?
- Is it okay? - It's so nice.
Ye Zi, how did you find this place?
Don't worry about it.
This is great.
The clothes we're shooting this time
will surely sell a lot.
Then we'll have money to donate to the disaster area.
Of course.
Stop talking. Let's get started.
This place is good.
- This is nice. - Okay.
Let's take one against the window.
How's the spot?
Who is it?
Someone I used to know.
I think his office is nearby.
I think we've entered their private property.
- Should we go say hi? - That's right.
I'll go and say hi.
Wait for me here.
Okay, we'll wait for you.
Mr. Meng.
I'm sorry.
My friends and I
were looking for a place to take photos.
We didn't know it was near your office.
So I thought I should come and say hi.
This terrace is semi-closed.
It's sort of
the public area of this office building.
That's good.
We were worried about whether
we could post the photos we took
and thought we came today for nothing.
What photos?
Like influencers?
We're going to donate the proceeds from the goods
to the Wangxiang disaster area.
Aren't you cold?
We brought warm clothes.
They're in the luggage.
Excuse me.
Four coffees for this lady.
Thank you, Mr. Meng.
- Ye Zi. - Coffee for you guys.
My friend just bought it.
That's great. I'm so thirsty.
- Miao Miao. - Thank you.
Ye Zi.
Your friend is a CEO, isn't he?
He looks so young.
He's quite handsome.
How is he handsome?
He's so-so.
- He's so handsome. - Yes.
Ye Zi, how did you two meet?
I used to be a designated driver, right?
I just
What a good thing.
Since he's from an investment company,
why don't you ask him to invest in you?
How is that possible?
He invests in big projects.
It's almost time. Let's hurry and shoot.
Else, we won't have enough daylight.
- Let's go. - Let's go.
(Guokun Group)
The above is the annual situation of each branch.
Next is a look at each subsidiary.
In the past year, the revenue of the subsidiary
that has increased the most
is Yancheng Minghao Investment.
The increase
is 100 percent and 120 percent.
The second is Hongdao Technology
with an increase
of 78 percent and 86 percent.
This is the annual sales report of our subsidiaries.
Last year's sales
of Yancheng Minghao Investment
was 31.6 billion.
The year-over-year growth is 37.9 percent.
The annual sales goal
was 5.3 billion.
The goal completion rate is 84.7 percent.
Congratulations, Mr. Meng Yan Chen.
Next, we have Hongdao Technology.
Last year's sales
were 2.35 billion.
The year-over-year growth is 25 percent.
Yan Chen is really making his dad proud.
He's becoming so brilliant.
It's just a little hustle.
You're being modest.
The way I see it,
sooner or later,
Guokun will be handed over to him.
Guokun will only be handed over to the capable.
Besides, Yan Chen currently
isn't really interested in the group's affairs.
He only cares about his matters.
Even if his mom couldn't urge him.
We can only respect his wishes.
Is that so?
It's hard to say if he's interested.
What if
he's a wolf in sheep's clothing?
Are you sure you don't want to get involved
in the group's affairs?
Guokun already has a good system
of professional managers and executives.
The thing is,
most of these people were trained by Dong Cheng Min.
Once I retire and lose my power
Dad, you'll be retired anyway.
You should enjoy your retirement.
Guokun's shares
are more than enough to last you a lifetime.
Why care about these trivial matters?
Then is he short of pension
when he retires?
He's also afraid that he'll lose power.
You're not even in the group yet,
but he already feels threatened by you.
Dong Cheng Min's opinion of me
is about to be out in the open.
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