Follow Your Heart (2024) s01e26 Episode Script

Episode 26

[Follow Your Heart]
[Episode 26]
[Blossom Beauty]
So that's how the fireworks last night
came about.
do you and Mr. Jiang
really have to leave the capital?
There must be a way.
It's a blessing in disguise
for you and Mr. Jiang.
You're getting married.
What are you envious of?
It's not the first time we're getting married.
We're just going through the motions.
since I can't find my mother now,
I am thinking of
getting married from Blossom Beauty.
You want to get married from Blossom Beauty?
You're sending yourself off?
How is that the case?
You two
are my family.
That's great!
In that case,
both Ruoqian and I are now
your maiden family, Boss?
If Mr. Jiang
dares to bully you,
I'll beat him for you.
Beat him?
Yes, Boss.
I'll straighten him up for you.
We're family from now on.
This is great.
Let me see.
What should I wear?
Wedding dress?
My mother
found the best embroiderer in the capital
to sew it overnight.
Sewn overnight?
The cost must have been doubled then.
The cost is not important.
On the surface,
Xinbai has cut ties with the Jiang family,
so it's inconvenient for Mother to come here.
Mother had asked me
to deliver this message for her.
The Jiang family
has caused you to suffer.
Consider this priceless wedding dress
as a way of making up
towards you.
You Jiang's really think
money can solve anything.
Since we've come to this point,
I might as well
make things clear.
The last time I came here
was to drive you away.
But this time,
I'm here to welcome you
as you marry into the Jiang family.
Speaking of welcome,
how do you plan on showing it?
What do you want?
How about
You call me sister-in-law?
Don't push your luck.
Don't be shy.
After I marry into your family,
you have to call me that sooner or later.
You could try it now.
Get some practice.
That's fine.
I don't know what
you siblings are up to.
How do you plan on dealing with
Lu Dingzhao
and Li Jun?
He doesn't want you to know,
because he was afraid
you would treat this wedding as an act.
He really wants to marry you.
I know.
So, you just have to prepare
for this wedding.
Leave the rest of the matters
to me and Shang.
Come nearer.
You've been good.
You're so sweet.
This tea is delicious, right?
It tastes terrible.
you look so beautiful today.
Seeing you like this,
it makes me want to get married.
When you get married,
Boss and I'll
also send you off.
May you and brother-in-law love each other
for the rest of your lives.
May you two never be apart.
Thank you.
[Great virtue brings utmost kindness]
Mr. Jiang.
Mr. Jiang.
Are you thinking of entering?
Well then, you have to show your sincerity.
Yes, give us a token.
Yes! That's great!
That's right!
Quick, pick it up!
Pick it up!
I got it!
That's more like it.
Mr. Jiang,
Our dearest bride,
open the door!
Open the door!
♫When the emotions are ignited♫
♫Yet scurries away in a hurry♫
♫The more you're afraid of it piercing through♫
♫The more it plays in your mind♫
♫Look at your longing♫
♫Taking turns to light up♫
♫I wait expectantly♫
♫There's no room for return♫
♫Let it occupy (my mind)♫
♫I want to keep an image of you♫
♫In my heart♫
♫And never let it go♫
♫And let my feelings run wild♫
♫I'll never have a change of heart♫
♫There's no time to lose♫
♫I want to look at the flowers with you♫
♫Even if it's late♫
♫I won't return it♫
♫What's confusing me to this extent♫
♫And the beginning of everything♫
♫It's because of love♫
♫When the emotions are ignited♫
♫Yet scurries away in a hurry♫
♫The more you're afraid of it piercing through♫
♫The more it plays in your mind♫
♫Look at your longing♫
♫Taking turns to light up♫
♫I wait expectantly♫
♫There's no room for return♫
♫Let it occupy (my mind)♫
♫I want to keep an image of you♫
♫In my heart♫
♫And never let it go♫
♫And let my feelings run wild♫
♫I'll never have a change of heart♫
♫There's no time to lose♫
♫I want to look at the flowers with you♫
♫Even if it's late♫
♫I won't return it♫
♫What's confusing me to this extent♫
♫And the beginning of everything♫
We leave Boss in your good hands.
♫It's because of love♫
♫I like how all your emotions♫
♫Are related to me♫
♫Never change♫
Have a baby soon!
♫My heart is warm at the thought of it♫
Wishing you a blissful marriage
and everlasting happiness!
You two are a fated pair,
♫I want to keep an image of you♫
bounded for a lifetime!
♫In my heart♫
♫And never let it go♫
May the two lovebirds soar together!
♫And let my feelings run wild♫
May you live in conjugal bliss and have a baby soon!
♫I'll never have a change of heart♫
Have a baby soon!
♫There's no time to lose♫
♫I want to look at the flowers with you♫
♫Even if it's late♫
♫I won't return it♫
♫What's confusing me to this extent♫
♫And the beginning of everything♫
♫It's because of love♫
Wishing you a long and happy marriage!
Grow old together!
Have a baby soon!
Yan Nanxing.
I'm sorry.
Due to circumstances,
I couldn't give you
a grander wedding than what we had at Heman.
I'm sure you know
how I feel.
you must be beautiful.
I really wish I could
see your face clearly.
♫I'll fetch you the moon in my heart♫
♫I dream of the courtyard♫
♫It knows my heart♫
♫I want to return triumphantly with you♫
♫Spring can take its time♫
♫Everything is as you wish♫
♫We meet with our hearts♫
♫Let's not miss each other♫
♫I'll grow old for you♫
♫I want this flower to bloom and never wilt♫
♫And that's all I need for the rest of my life♫
♫I'll never break my promise♫
Yan Nanxing.
You are
You are not feeling shy, are you?
I'm not feeling shy.
I think
Don't worry.
I will be gentle.
Are you still playing that trick?
I didn’t expect you, Yan Nanxing,
who is not afraid of anything,
to actually get shy.
Yan Nanxing.
Are you…
Why is it tonight?
It's my wedding night tonight!
How would I know?
It's not even a full moon tonight!
That's why!
Why on earth is this happening?
How would I know?
My dear.
Let me shapeshift back!
Of all times, Li Jun chose to
leave tonight,
when it's their wedding night.
According to the capital's wedding customs,
the couple must share
a bowl of longan red date soup
on their wedding.
It symbolizes
a sweet marriage.
It's not sweet at all.
How can it be sweet?
Why is your shapeshifting
getting more and more irregular?
How would I know?
Do you think I want to?
Forget it.
I'm not angry.
I'm angry.
No hurry.
We have many days ahead of us.
Drink slowly.
It's Yao.
What is he doing here on the wedding night?
I asked Yao to keep an eye on Li Jun.
Once Li Jun leaves the city,
he has to inform me immediately.
You even arranged tasks for yourself
on your wedding night?
How could I have expected Li Jun
to leave the city tonight?
It's just like how I didn't expect
you would shapeshift tonight.
You want to deal with Li Jun?
I want to go too.
What are you going to do?
Li Jun is cunning.
For all you know,
he might recognize you guys.
Look at me.
A complete stranger.
It will be seamless.
That actually makes sense.
You don't think I look like a killer?
You do, just a bit.
That's good.
Go lower.
Come on.
You can go a little lower.
Yes, yes.
Go lower.
Where are you?
Didn't I tell you to
go a little lower?
W-Who are you?
Who are you?
It's obvious, can't you tell?
Someone hired us to kill you.
Let me tell you.
I'm a court official.
If you dare
We're precisely in
the business of bloodshed.
What we're after is exactly you,
this court official.
When we get the reward,
let's all have have fun for a while.
Do it.
Wait, wait.
Guys, I have money.
How about this?
However much the other party offered, I will
Kill kill
You still want to resist?
T-They're all dead?
No, no, no.
Good lad.
Please spare me.
Spare your life?
Tell me.
Why should I spare your life?
Sir, I have money.
Double, triple or even five times more.
I'll give it all to you.
Who cares about your filthy money?
I'm a man of rules as a hitman.
Don't think you can bribe me
just because you have money.
How about
you tell me what you want?
I, Li Jun,
will be your pawn
even if it's at the expense of my life.
Will you keep your promise?
What if I wanted you dead?
I have a family.
Don't kill me! Don't kill me!
Please, I'm begging you.
You even called for accomplices?
So, you've been lying to me all along.
I I didn't, Sir.
I I don't know who they are.
I don't know them.
You've done so many immoral deeds.
How could my hirer be your only enemy?
If they are not your accomplices,
then they must have come for revenge.
Rather than dying in their hands,
why not
die by my hand instead?
Don't Don't kill me!
You're hurting me.
Who are you?
A friend.
Mr. Yan.
I'm Xinbai's man.
Where is he?
He needed to hurry back to the city, so he left first.
He left me behind to
stall Li Jun and wait for you.
Mr. Li.
Mr. Li?
Don't.. don’t kill me!
Chief Constable Yan,
he wants to kill me.
Mr. Yan,
please help me.
Mr. Yan.
Li Jun,
is there any truth in your words?
Didn't you say
you don't know them?
This man is ruthless.
He killed all my servants.
Mr. Yan,
you have to uphold justice for me.
Mr. Li,
don't worry.
Justice lies in the heart of all of us.
By the way, Mr. Yan,
what brings you here?
Shang Bieli reported to the Inspection Office
saying that you, Mr. Li,
might have something to do with General Nan's death.
That's why I'm here to invite you to
go back to the capital for investigation.
Also, Mr. Li,
you took leave to go back to your hometown.
Why did you divert elsewhere midway?
How did you come to know that
I diverted elsewhere?
Don't kill me! Don't kill me!
Detain him!
Tell me, who ordered you to do this?
Where is your accomplice?
Every profession has its own rules.
I'd never betray my brother!
You you're such a prick.
Young man, you're quite stubborn.
No, don't!
I'm just taking money and
doing others a favor.
Tell me.
Who sent you here?
I-I can't tell you.
I'll die if I do.
If you don't tell me,
you'll die right now.
I'll tell you! I'll!
It's Mr. Lu, Lu Dingzhao.
-Lu Dingzhao gave us the orders.
Mr. Lu.
Mr. Lu is
a fourth-rank official,
and also Mr. Li's father-in-law.
How could he possibly hurt Mr. Li?
You want to die, don't you?
I'll kill you!
It really is him.
Mr. Li.
Is what he said true?
As in-laws, you two
shouldn't be like this.
What exactly is going on?
He wasn't even looking to send me away.
He wanted me to die.
My lord, look!
I've told you everything.
I'm telling the truth.
Did you hear that?
I can
hand over the money
Mr. Lu Dingzhao gave me
to bribe me.
I don't deserve to die, my lord.
It's not just enough to pay.
You have go back and be a witness.
I can consider that as redeeming yourself.
Mr. Lu, no.
Old man Lu is ruthless.
He can even try to kill his son-in-law.
If you want me to be a wintess,
you might as well
kill me now.
Okay, I won't stand on ceremony then.
If he won't testify, I’ll testify.
I want to expose Lu Dingzhao
for killing Nan Jifeng.
Mr. Li,
do you have evidence?
I am the witness.
Lu Dingzhao killed Nan Jifeng.
He's the main culprit and I'm his accomplice.
Lu Dingzhao not only killed Nan Jifeng.
Mr. Yan.
I have something more important to report
to His Majesty back in the capital.
I'll leave first.
Escort Mr. Li back to the capital.
Come, give me a hand.
Thank you.
I'm used to it.
Jiang Xinbai
used to play with me like this too.
I knew it.
I'm sorry.
It's just that, when I swung my body up just now
My back
I sprained my back.
Go stretch.
I'll be off.
Let's go.
Let's go.
[Remarkable past and present]
Official Lu.
How do you explain this?
Your Majesty,
Prince of Weiding and I
are friends in calligraphy and painting.
We've been in touch with each other
to admire the posthumous works of
famous artists together.
It was just amicable chat.
But somehow,
it has caused him to misunderstand.
Your Majesty,
please help me.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Report! Duke of Yuejiang, Jiang Xinbai,
asks to see Your Majesty.
Send him in.
Greetings, Your Majesty.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Mr. Jiang, you came at the right time.
Official Lu was just telling me about
how he was just pen pals with Prince of Weiding.
But somehow, he had offended you.
He even asked me for a favor
to make peace with you.
Your Majesty,
profits from sales of Zornia are transacted in paintings and calligraphy.
It may seem unrelated, but it is.
The painting from Mr. Lu
is ill-gotten gains.
This is not just a trap,
but also evidence of Li Wufang
profiteering off sales of Zornia.
Your Majesty,
it seems that Mr. Jiang's
misunderstanding of me runs deep.
But the matter of Zornia is very significant.
Your Grace, please watch your words.
Jiang Xinbai.
I exiled you to
Yazhou for three years
was for you to reflect on yourself.
When you return to court, I expect you to serve the country well.
You know what's on my mind,
don't you?
Li Wufang has now been exiled.
I think these calligraphy and paintings
can be handed over to
the Inspection Office for safekeeping.
Your Majesty is wise.
I will never forget
the trouble you have taken.
Before I leave,
have one more thing to share.
Go ahead.
Although I have resigned,
but the case of Zornia
has not been resolved.
It might
even involve others.
Your Majesty, please allow me to report.
Mr. Yan from the Inspection Office
has something urgent to report.
Send him in.
Greetings, Your Majesty. I'm Yan Qingyun.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Mr. Li, didn't you go back to your hometown to recuperate?
Mr. Yan, what happened?
Your Majesty,
the Inspection Office
has been investigating General Nan's death.
As a witness,
he can identify the murderer.
Greetings, Your Majesty. I'm Li Jun.
Who is the murderer?
Your Majesty.
It's Lu Dingzhao.
Li Jun.
This is the Imperial Study.
Don't you dare talk nonsense
and accuse others!
Your Majesty,
I dare not lie to you.
I was ordered by Lu Dingzhao
to bribe bandits and assassinate General Nan.
Your Majesty.
I have no grudge against General Nan.
There's no reason for me
to want to kill General Nan.
You knew that General Nan
was helping Mr. Jiang investigate the case.
You were afraid of being found out,
so you killed him.
Your Majesty,
I have no idea what Li Jun is
talking about.
I also didn't know
General Nan was helping His Grace
on the case.
Go on. What case?
Your Majesty.
Everything Lu Dingzhao did
was aimed at the Duke of Yuejiang.
On the fifth night of this month,
fireworks broke out through the city.
It was also Lu Dingzhao who
ordered me to set off fireworks
in order to frame His Grace,
and sow discord
between Your Majesty and His Grace.
Well Li Jun,
since you've admitted that
these were events orchestrated by you,
then go and bring the bandits
who set off the fireworks
to come and see me for a
face-to-face confrontation.
Don't you dare try to
throw dirt on me.
Do you have witness or evidence?
Even if there is even one witness,
I wouldn't need Your Majesty to judge.
kill myself on the spot and apologize with my life.
Lu Dingzhao!
You sent me away
and destroyed all the evidence
just so that you could push the blame on me.
Li Jun.
Your claims are merely empty words.
Do you have any evidence?
Your Majesty.
Li Wufang is the witness.
Li Wufang is your son.
Of course, he'll do whatever you say.
how can the words of
a criminal in exile be trusted?
And also
Your Majesty
Your grandson, Lu Bo'an.
Your Majesty.
Bo'an has traveled to the State of Miluo.
If His Majesty decrees,
I can
ask someone to find him.
But, it'll take a few days.
Your Majesty.
Lu Bo'an
has never left the capital.
Lu Bo'an didn't come to school today.
It's Lu Dingzhao.
Lu Dingzhao wants to send Lu Bo'an
out of the capital.
Go and find Shang Bieli.
You must stop Lu Bo'an.
Greetings, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Lu Bo'an has arrived.
He has already told me that
he, Li Jun, and Li Wufang
had been making money from forged paintings and calligraphy.
Lu Bo'an,
What kind of money did you make?
What do you know?
I don't know.
Your Majesty.
I'm asking Lu Bo'an!
Grandfather! Grandfather!
Help me, Grandfather!
Help me, Grandfather!
If you have anything to confess,
just tell us.
His Majesty
will uphold justice for you.
I don't want to die, Grandfather.
I know.
My child.
Don't worry.
Your grandfather has his own plans.
He won’t implicate the innocent.
Grandfather! Help me! Grandfather!
Grandfather. Grandfather.
Your Majesty.
Bo'an is still young.
Let me explain.
Explain what?
At this point,
you're still trying to defend yourself?
Li Jun.
If you don't tell us today
what case you were investigating,
and what kind of money you collected,
I'll drag you and Lu Bo'an
to be beheaded.
Your Majesty! Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
I'm innocent, Your Majesty!
Protect His Majesty!
Protect His Majesty!
Don't come over!
Don't come over!
Lu Dingzhao!
Don't do anything stupid.
Your Majesty,
I was framed by a villain.
I have nothing to say.
I have to die to prove my innocence.
Your Majesty,
on the account of
my loyalty to Your Majesty and the court,
please spare the Lu family
from death.
Lu Dingzhao!
Lu Dingzhao!
Your Majesty.
Lu Dingzhao
is officially dead.
I can't believe we failed at the very last hurdle.
A mystery
is about to come to light.
Jiang Xinbai, listen to my decree.
I order you
to find out the mastermind behind all this.
Yes, Your Majesty.
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