The Assassins (2024) s01e26 Episode Script

The Castle's Heir

A long journey from
youth to manhood.
A long journey from
youth to manhood.
Passed by Hassan, heralding
his call and message.
His message, which he
sent to the world,
As a message
against injustice and corruption.
And since the course of life eventually
requires that every living being dies,
Who leads the
believers after me?
But after the death
of Hassan Al-Sabbah,
Who will be his successor?
Hussein was killed,
And Al-Hadi
Betrayed him.
And now I am preparing you to
be Hassan Al-Sabbah's successor.
And now I am preparing you to
be Hassan Al-Sabbah's successor.
Then you helped your mother to run away!
I don't want you.
I don't want to be
your successor!
Who will rule Alamut Castle
after Hassan Al-Sabbah?
Years of life have passed
inside the castle, Barzak.
Our master's achievements
inside the castle
Could not be accomplished
by a Sultan or Khalifa.
Hassan became alone in the
castle as if he was imprisoned.
I want to breathe.
I want to smell
the world outside Alamut Castle.
The time has come,
The time has come,
For the terrifying, fearful
inhabitant of the castle to leave
Without his chosen people,
Or his men.
Will you give me your
daughter in marriage?
Why did you choose a
shepherd's daughter?
I heard that the daughters of the
desert and shepherds are strong.
I heard that the daughters of the
desert and shepherds are strong.
And you want a son from me?
I want a strong son from you.
Didn't you have sons before?
I had two.
One died, and the other is alive.
And where is their mother?
Far away.
From your heart or your place?
From my place.
And your heart.
Nobody lives in it but her.
Then why did you marry me?
I imprisoned myself for years,
Decided to get out, see the
world outside, and marry again.
Imprisoned yourself?
What is your occupation?
I'm a guardian at
the door of heaven,
And sometimes a
guardian at the door of hell.
You are underestimating
a shepherd's mind.
But that is actually my job.
But that is actually my job.
Some people call me a devil.
And others call me an
Imam, calling for justice.
Which one are you?
Imam or devil?
I am Hassan,
Who walked a long path and is still able
to walk as much if it achieves his dream.
A dream for which he lost
his most precious people,
His son,
His wife and his friends,
And he is still pursuing it.
But a dream that causes you to
lose all your loved ones isn't a dream.
But a dream that causes you to
lose all your loved ones isn't a dream.
That's a nightmare.
Big dreams, Badr
Can only be achieved
if you're alone.
And what is the dream?
What is a man's dream other
than to have children, good living
And a peaceful day?
That is not a man's dream.
That's a dream of any
sheep you shepherd.
The sheep's dream is simple.
That's why it has to stay
among the herd to survive.
That's why it has to stay
among the herd to survive.
And every man fits his dream.
And what's your dream?
To be one of the Sultan's soldiers?
Or a servant
in the Caliph's palace?
Or a follower of the crazy
man living in the castle?
Greater than all of that.
You're really beautiful, Badr!
But your heart will never love
me like the mother of your children.
Doniazad has no equal.
And me?
You are Badr.
The beautiful girl who could
potentially be the mother to a strong son.
Just that?
Just that.
I request permission from my lady
To return to my old
home in Isfahan with my daughter.
It's a huge risk for you.
Have you forgotten
whose wife you are?
I have not.
But I want to feel more free.
But I want to feel more free.
No, Donia
You have another purpose.
Because here I can
provide more security for you.
There I can expose him more.
I'll be able to talk to the women
about the truth of Hassan Al-Sabbah.
And save many souls from his evil.
This is not just an escape
It's revenge.
My son's blood is on his hands.
I will ask for permission
from our master.
And there will be
guards at your house.
It's a time of turmoil.
This is my time.
Time to reveal myself to
people and speak to them.
And to save their souls
from misguidedness.
Are you following
their school of thought?
Evil is not in the schools of thought.
Evil lies in how we explain
the school of thought, my lady.
I believed Hassan Al-Sabbah
more than I believed myself.
I believed Hassan Al-Sabbah
more than I believed myself.
He became my school
of thought and religion.
When I saw the truth, I
realized that he worships himself.
And that his school of
thought is that of Al-Sabbah.
It's as if you're a scholar
in your school of thought.
All thanks to Al-Sabbah.
It was the devil who
taught me faith, my lady.
There's not a book Hassan
read that I have not read.
There's not a book Hassan
read that I have not read.
There's not an idea.
That crossed his mind that
has not crossed mine, too.
I was his lover and his wife.
And his follower.
Congratulations, Yahya.
Thank you, thank you.
I know you wanted me to
be the first man you touch.
And I know it was
against your will.
You were forced to be a
virgin in the dream of heaven.
Against your will.
You are my honor, Nourhan.
The pure white dress
that nothing can stain.
You are my father and my mother.
Their souls returned in your
eyes to complete my joy.
All this went through your heart,
Yahya. Yet you still see me as I am?
No one touched me, Yahya.
I suffered for many years.
I faced death more
than once to remain free.
I faced death more
than once to remain free.
But I was sure you would return.
And what's the point
crying and suffering?
I just can't believe we're
finally in the same house.
We are finally in the
same house, Nourhan.
But do you know what's
really bothering me?
That your mother sent
us only one chicken.
Here's a summary of the messages
from the King of the Franks.
You know those who
don't pay the tribute,
Their commanders or perhaps two
of their army officers are killed.
And those who pay more,
We may even help them.
Help them!
Help them!
How, our master?
We may even kill their
enemies' commanders.
We may intercept
their trade routes.
No matter where they are.
No matter which country
they pass through.
This way we'll be in conflicts
with more than one party.
We're not prepared for that.
We have a way
of dealing with such situations.
If our master was here,
He might have a different opinion.
The old ways must change.
I'm pregnant.
A strong boy.
God knows.
I'm certain it's a strong boy.
Are you happy?
Beyond what you can imagine.
The time has come.
Time for what?
Now you understand the purpose
of the meeting and the journey.
What is it?
The boy!
What are you doing?
Returning to the castle.
And you'll wait here.
Wait for what? And which castle?
Are you a follower
of the castle's ruler?
I am him.
I am Hassan Al-Sabbah.
And the mission is accomplished,
the strong boy remains in your womb.
And he will be an
Imam for the entire world.
I don't understand.
Give him birth and raise him in the
desert, he'll be a strong and fierce boy.
And as soon as he becomes a
man, send him to Alamut Castle.
With this ring.
With this ring.
Whether I'm alive or a martyr.
And he will take
my place and position.
And don't worry,
I won't abandon you.
I will send you enough money.
This is madness!
It's not madness.
It's a future I foresee.
Then take me with you.
Take me to the castle with you.
I am your wife.
My wife is Doniazad.
My wife is Doniazad.
I am just like her!
I am your wife too.
You are only the mother of the boy.
Keep the secret and the trust.
The sheikh's wife is
back again, just like that!
There must be a secret!
Or she came back to hide here.
To create a big trouble
for Hassan Al-Sabbah.
What mission did he give you?
To burn Isfahan?
Same as Al-Sabbah’s deeds.
The same Misguidance.
The same Misguidance.
I believed in Hassan
Al-Sabbah and loved him.
But he doesn't love
anyone but himself.
And to be the owner
of the key to Heaven.
Hassan killed his son to make
people around him believe in him.
He worships himself.
His school of thought
is the that of Al-Sabbah.
So don't believe his
words or his miracles.
Because he sends your sons to Hell.
And I'm not like Hassan Al-Sabbah.
God has removed the
blindness from my sight.
God has removed the
blindness from my sight.
And he fell into his own trap.
And I declare it in front of you.
I am Doniazad, a
believer in our Imam.
And a disbeliever
in Hassan Al-Sabbah.
What's wrong?
I hate you. Stay
away from me, stay away!
Why all of this?
What have I done to upset you?
You’re disrespecting my father and
telling people horrible things about him!
I hate you and I love him.
I'm sorry.
And I love you.
And I said I hate you.
Your father is a tyrant.
My father is great.
My father is great.
Your father killed your brother.
This is my father and I
love him no matter what he does.
- Please, calm down, darling.
- I said stay away!
May God protect our master, Hassan
Al-Sabbah, holder of the keys to heaven.
What the lady did,
was far more important
than what the minister did.
Murders and chaos have lessened.
Her words had a great impact.
God save you from a woman's
wrath when she's scorned.
A woman is a beautiful
and gentle creature,
until she is betrayed or insulted.
Then she can shake
the sultan's throne.
Your plot is indeed great.
And our kindness is greater!
And what guarantees the
continuity of this kindness, my lady?
A woman's ultimate
goal is security.
And her man is her safety.
If she doesn't find security
with him, then where will she go?
A wound has no remedy except a one greater
than that which robbed her of her security.
May God save us from
the harm of a wounded woman.
And the harm of a treacherous man.
our master.
I wanted to check on Al-Hadi.
We haven't heard
about him for days.
And he's been getting food
and drink every two day.
And he's been getting food
and drink every two day.
I am worried about him.
Are you more worried
about him than me?
I beg your pardon, master.
But Al-Hadi is a young man.
I am afraid his
imprisonment might last long.
Al-Hadi stays there until our
master commands otherwise.
Our leader has
been secluded for days.
And the talks about his absolute
absence starts to increase.
I am not talking about
the young followers.
I'm talking about
the senior preachers.
Tell them that our master is here,
That this is a test about his
obedience in his absence.
That this is a test about his
obedience in his absence.
Tell them he's giving me the
orders I am relaying to you.
As you wish, my master.
And regarding Al-Hadi?
Tell his guard to double his food.
What did he say?
Something not understandable.
I fear
that he may have done
something unforgivable.
Time will tell.
Bring Al-Hadi's guard to me.
So, you're not sitting with me,
nor looking at me,
nor talking to me.
I was thinking of my grave, Sahban.
Your grave!
Its place, its shape,
and what's planted beside it.
And why this topic?
You should think about the home
where you will continue the rest in.
You should think about the home
where you will continue the rest in.
We spend years in
the homes of this world,
And we'll be forever in the grave.
What conclusion have you
reached about your grave?
First, it should be
in a beautiful place.
Not in Isfahan,
nor Tous, nor Samarkand.
I personally want to
be buried in the spa.
My grave will be in Neyshabur.
Next to a garden
with roses and trees.
And wonderful fragrances
Carried by the breeze of the north.
Every spring,
Omar Khayyam's grave
becomes a paradise,
Filled with all kinds of roses
and beautiful fragrances.
Then, you will be
dust and won't feel anything!
You are talking
about the body, masseur,
Not the soul.
Do you know what we are?
I am masseur and I know.
The truth.
What is our truth?
A pure soul
A pure soul
With an immense light.
Capable of the impossible.
But all this beautiful energy
Is trapped inside a block of dust.
A tiny, narrow maze.
With lusts, instincts,
and degenerate desires.
If this block of dust,
With its instincts and lusts,
Can darken the soul, and
the light that's within,
Then the human
Is but a dead animal.
Even if they appear alive.
Even if they appear alive.
Do you understand?
And I can't understand.
Sometimes, I think
you're a heretic!
Sometimes, I think you're
worshipping the moment you're living.
And sometimes, I feel
you're a wise scholar.
What are you?
What am I?
I am Omar Khayyam,
Lost between clear fantasy
And confused illusion.
I composed the
traits of conscience.
Then how to punish a
conscience you formed!
And how to destroy it a complete!
Or to see a lack
In a conscience you portrayed.
Oh God.
What is all of this!
And you will still see the glory and
fortune like you've never seen before.
You will go to the
gate of Almut castle.
And scream at the top of your
lungs, order the guards to open the gate.
And tell them with full confidence,
I am your master, Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Hassan Al-Sabbah!
And how will they
believe me in this form,
while I am a drunken lowlife?
I will give you my clothes,
and take your ragged ones.
The essence of justice.
And after I scream
And tell them that I am your
master, Hasan Al-Sabbah?
The gates of bliss
will open for you.
If they discover my
truth inside the castel.
They'll kill me.
No, No
No, No I don't want to die.
You won't have time to be killed.
Because you'll meet
the real Hassan Al-Sabbah,
Who very much enjoys those
who pretend to be him.
He will honor you
with amazing gifts,
And laugh at your
sight and set you free.
And he'll change clothes?
So, change out of
these shameful clothes,
So, change out of
these shameful clothes,
And prepare yourself, Hamdan,
for the clothes of the greats.
Open the gates!
I am your master, Hassan Al-Sabbah!
The holder of the key to heaven.
As for the characteristics
of the struggle,
They are for the learned
not to swear by Allah Almighty,
Whether honestly or dishonestly.
And to keep his promise.
And to refrain from
cursing anything.
And to hold his hand
from God's creatures.
And to avoid invoking
God's wrath on anyone.
And not to bear witness against
any of the people of Qibla.
And not to bear witness against
any of the people of Qibla.
Take your place, Yahya.
And to refrain from
Bearing witness against any
of the Qibla people
Of disbelief.
Or hypocrisy.
This is nearer to mercy.
And Morality.
And avoiding looking at sins.
And not to rely on the created.
And not to rely on the created.
To rely on the Creator.
In the name of Allah
the Merciful and there is
no power except with the
Exalted and Great Allah.
In the name of Allah.
Where is the talks about fighting
against the corrupt ideas, our master
And cursing the oppressor
and condemning the oppressors?
If you fix yourself
God will fix through
you everyone around you.
But we are in a time of turmoil
and the enemies are everywhere.
But we are in a time of turmoil
and the enemies are everywhere.
Then it must be the
time of self-struggling.
And struggling with self
Is the greatest form of Jihad.
And the fight against the
disbelievers and the wrongdoers?
And, verily, God will
help those who help Him.
I believe,
If you help God against yourself, God
will help you against whoever opposes you.
Even if they were
all the people on Earth.
Come on, Come on.
Thank God for the
safe arrival of our master.
Stand up because there is an important
spiritual journey that believers must know.
Stand up because there is an important
spiritual journey that believers must know.
And there are great
messages from heaven.
Foretelling the birth of a new
era for Alamut's castle and its master.
I've done this because I love you.
So you can bear and
withstand what's coming.
My dominance is
the sign of affection.
And my harshness is mercy.
I don’t need your mercy!
Prepare and bathe yourself.
Eat and drink.
Tomorrow is the
most significant day.
Tomorrow is the
most significant day.
In the life of our master,
Al-Hadi son of Hassan Al-Sabbah.
In the name of God and blessings and peace
upon his Messenger, and upon his family.
And peace upon our master, the
hidden Imam Nizar, peace be upon him.
As for what follows.
Our Lord Joseph was the
bearer of Lord Jacob's secret.
And our household.
They are the heirs
to the great secret.
The secret of Hassan Al-Sabbah, the
holder of the key to heaven.
Is in the soul, heart, and chest.
Of Al-Hadi son of Hassan Al-Sabbah.
I stand before you, to
declare him my successor.
The holder of my place and status, and
the holder of the key of heaven after me.
He possesses absolute
authority and superior light.
And I have seen wonders from him.
And I have seen the angels
greet him and teach him knowledge.
And I was informed by our
master, the Imam, peace be upon him.
That he is the Imam after me.
You owe him complete obedience.
In all aspects of your
worldly and religious affairs.
From now on and for
as long as Allah wills.
From now on and for
as long as Allah wills.
Stand up and pledge
your allegiance to your leader.
All obedience to you
until the Day of Judgement.
My master and son of my master.
Master Al-Hadi.
I am just Al-Hadi, Barzak.
To you, complete obedience
and love, my master.
You are our master's son.
Your virtue is upon us all.
You are his secret.
I'm not sure if this is something
to rejoice or to worry about.
Rejoice, my master.
Rejoice, my master.
You are the master,
son of the great master.
You are our master.
And I am the humble servant.
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