The Longest Promise (2023) s01e26 Episode Script

Episode 26

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 26=
Master, how about this?
I'll help you undo
the Immobilization Spell.
So you can feel more comfortable.
This time, I swear
I'll definitely succeed in one go.
If you go any further,
you'll die.
drink the medicinal decoction then.
Open your mouth.
I don't need you to feed me.
Hurry up and undo the spell.
With your current skills,
what are you going to do
if you encounter
a large group of Merfolk marine force?
I'm not afraid
of the Merfolk marine force,
I'm afraid that you'll escape.
let me
serve you instead.
My hand slipped.
Forgive me.
I said
if you go any further,
you will
I told you to stop talking.
It must be because of the strong wind.
Don't be angry.
Master, look.
People are destined to die anyway.
Instead of dying soaked
in medicinal decoction,
it's better
to die in clean clothes.
you're wearing
so many layers of clothes.
With this many clothes,
don't you feel hot?
As your Master,
I naturally have to consider everything.
As your disciple,
I also have
to consider everything.
you should just drink
the medicinal decoction.
What's your business here?
Visit my relatives.
Okay, go.
You, what brings you here?
please let me in.
Our place is at war everywhere.
I came to seek refuge
with my third uncle.
Get lost.
Even beggars are trying
to enter Xia City. Next!
Please show some mercy.
we've reached the city gate.
If you go alone,
we'll be discovered.
So everything must go
according to my plan.
We'll disguise ourselves
as a Crimson Clan couple.
You don't have to say a word.
Just do as I say.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Stop your carriage.
Stop right there.
Where are you from?
What brings you to the city?
Sir, my husband and I are both
from the Crimson Clan.
My husband caught a serious cold
during his business journey.
I want to bring him into the city
to see a physician.
This man is our driver.
Where is he?
Tell him to get off the carriage.
His cold is truly serious.
It's not convenient for him to get off.
He has to get off.
No carriages are allowed into the city.
No buts.
Get off immediately.
My dear.
I'm all right.
We should hurry into the city
and find a physician.
you can just drop me off here.
You better don't let me infect you
Infect you with this disease.
Sorry about that, sir.
Just go already.
My dear.
Hurry off now.
Thank you.
Be quick.
Thank you.
I'm going now.
Be careful.
Don't look back.
Lest it aroused suspicions.
What about Chong Ming?
He's a bird.
When it's nighttime,
he'll naturally fly in here.
So this is
your foolproof plan?
Who would have thought my master
could act so well?
Master, you look good
in our clan's clothes.
Since I've already entered the city,
I'll find the physician on my own.
You don't need to risk yourself
for me anymore.
Let's part ways here.
I told you
my plan is foolproof.
How can I easily let you go?
Since we're dressed
as Crimson Clan,
we should follow
the customs of the clan.
In the Crimson Clan,
the husbands have to obey the wives.
I've already found out the location
of Physician Xu's apothecary
from Chong Ming.
Come with me, my dear.
My dear, what's wrong?
Are you shy?
(Don't mind the unused medicines on shelves)
(Just care that people are free from illness)
Remember to take your medicine on time
(Renxin Clinic)
and get more rest.
All right. Thank you.
Master, we're here.
You're welcome. Take care.
Are you here to seek treatment too?
we specifically came from out of town
to find Physician Xu.
It's chaos out there.
It's not easy for you two to come here.
Please wait a moment.
Physician Xu is currently attending
to other patients.
It will be over soon.
Please rest here for a while.
Excuse me.
Please wait.
Can you prepare
some home-cooked meals for us?
It's chaotic outside.
My husband and I
haven't eaten much all day.
I can tell
that you two are deeply in love.
All right.
I'll go to the kitchen
and see what we have.
Please take a seat first.
Master, eat something.
You don't even
have the energy to be angry with me.
Once you fill up your stomach,
you'll have the energy
to keep being angry.
(I'm fine being hungry a little.)
(I mustn't aggravate Master's injuries.)
(Could it be that Master
is going to feed me?)
Actually, I know
you rejected me this time
because you were upset
that I put myself in danger.
You were seriously injured
in Jiuyi Mountain
because of me.
I've always felt indebted to you.
I don't want to owe you anything
when we enter the mortal world.
Look at you.
There you go again.
You have to push me away
just to make yourself happy.
Have you forgotten
the words you said to me
on the day we met?
If you practice magic spells diligently,
you can do it one day too.
This Snowy Rosa
is my proof to you.
You can take it to your father.
Can a lady do it too?
There is no difference
between men and women
in guarding the country
and protecting the family.
Since you believe that I'm not confined
to being just a girl in the house.
Then don't look at me
with the eyes of one
who sees weakness in others.
You don't owe me anything.
I'm doing this to
uphold my own principles.
As cultivators,
how can we ignore
others in distress?
This is what you taught me.
When did I say such a thing?
On the fourth day
after I became your disciple,
you disregarded your own safety
and went to Jiuyi District
to treat the villagers.
Although you didn't say it yourself,
this is the lesson you taught me.
Neglecting those in need
goes against our true nature.
Release the spell
and let's eat in comfort.
Since we're already here,
I won't leave.
Physician Xu,
how is his condition?
You're from Jiuyi Mountain.
How did you know?
This Immortal Official
is overflowing with Jiuyi Mountain's
pure and ethereal aura.
Except for the dark shade
on his left shoulder,
which may be the result
of an attack by an evil force.
Over sixty years ago,
I resided in Jiuyi Mountain,
practicing medicine.
There were countless divine trees
and medicinal herbs on Yaoshen Peak.
The Hall of Books housed medical texts
from all over the world.
It was truly a dream place
for all healers in the world.
It's indeed as Chong Ming said.
You'll surely be able to cure my master.
Please remove your clothes
and let me see.
Luckily, you arrived today.
If it was one day later,
the evil energy would have entered
his bones through his meridians,
and it would have been too late.
Physician Xu,
are you going to cut it open?
Please wait outside, miss.
Please use
more numbing herbs for my master.
His previous mastery of magic
was profound
and he didn't really suffer major injuries.
So it'll be painful for him.
Miss, don't worry about it.
Physician Xu,
please proceed with the knife.
This girl is really nice to you.
In my early days of cultivation
in Jiuyi Mountain,
I made friends
with an Immortal Official.
At that time,
he was only a few years older
than you are now
and was a Grand Marshal.
Everyone thought
he would reach greater heights.
But he insisted
on facing the Tribulations of Hell
to return to the mortal world.
All for one woman.
Tribulations of Hell?
On the eve of the ritual,
I asked him
if it was worth
risking his life
and losing his lifelong cultivation
after he succeeded
for the sake of a woman.
He said
without her in the mountain
is hell.
What was his fate then?
Over hundreds of years,
no one could pass through
the Tribulations of Hell,
and he was no exception.
Once he entered the trial,
he perished under the heavenly thunder,
leaving behind nothing but dry bones.
As for me,
after I witnessed
his miserable state with my own eyes,
I ended my cultivation
and returned to the mortal world.
Those who reside in the mountains
had renounced emotional attachment.
Yet, most are infatuated souls.
Since he has detached himself
from emotional attachment,
he shouldn't seek affection
in the mortal world.
This will hurt.
As a reminder,
the foreign object
may have been removed.
But the evil energy remains deep.
It'll take time to cleanse it.
So in the next three days,
you can't use any power.
If you forcefully try to use them,
you'll only suffer a backlash.
To expedite your recovery,
you can only rely on your essence qi
to expel the evil energy.
And essence qi
is the foundation of a cultivator,
the basis of all things.
I hope you won't act recklessly.
Thank you, Physician Xu.
How's Ying?
Chong Ming,
don't worry.
He's undergoing treatment now.
Since you're here,
I can depart with peace of mind.
Where are you heading?
Back to the relay station.
it must be hard for you.
Won't you say goodbye to him?
It's all right.
Let him focus on his treatment.
He's a stubborn person.
Don't take it to heart.
I understand
that my master acts
for my own good.
But it's a pity
that cultivators are detached
from worldly emotions.
And for a mortal like me,
I shouldn't annoy him anymore.
it's not like that.
Actually, your master
What is that?
The divine healer has extracted
the foreign object.
I'll stay
to rest for a few hours
and I'll be all right.
You can go now.
All right.
Then rest well.
I'll take my leave first.
Yan. Yan!
How can you not even
say thank you?
You're not as considerate
as a bird like me.
Excuse me, mister.
Is there a granary nearby?
You can follow this path ahead.
Cross the bridge, then turn left.
Then you'll see it.
Thank you very much.
It's nothing.
Actually, I know
you'll send the bird's nest.
Only you know me best, my daughter.
When the Priest of Grand Preceptor
quelled the rebellion
of the Huotu Tribe,
you were still able to remain composed.
But now,
there is news of his victory
in Xia City.
I'm sure you have some thoughts.
That's why you're here
to find the daughter
who has been in contact
with Jiuyi Mountain.
It's my fault.
Since you returned from Jiuyi Mountain,
I've been restricting your movements.
But now,
it seems you're more farsighted than me.
What are your thoughts
about this matter?
Pardon me for being disrespectful.
If you were punished
by the Emperor in anger
and became a criminal,
what would you do?
Most people
can only struggle to survive
and spend the rest
of their lives in hardship, right?
But individuals
like the Priest of Grand Preceptor
who possess hidden talents
can make a comeback.
We can't find another person like him
in the entire of Kongsang.
The country is of paramount importance.
When making a stake,
stake on potential individuals.
Now the result has turned out this way,
why are you still hesitating?
If we ignore the signs,
it'll lead to future retribution.
What you said
indeed makes sense.
But we still need to observe.
After all, the Priest of Grand Preceptor
was known to be a deceased person.
And he also committed the crime
of deceiving the Emperor.
I don't want to hide it from you.
Zhu Gaozhao has written a memorial
of the Priest of Grand Preceptor's
and submitted it to the court.
How the Emperor views it
will be evident in the next few days.
Whether it's deceiving
the Emperor or not
depends on the Emperor's discretion.
It all depends on
whose words the Emperor listens to.
throughout history, wealth and fortune
are gained through hardships and risks.
Since the establishment
of the Menghua Dynasty,
the White Clan has always been
in a superior position
and has never considered
the Azure Clan a threat.
Do you want to see
this long-lasting prosperity
jeopardized in your hands?
(I'll soon be able
to place your memorial tablet)
(into the Bai Residence.)
So you're the Sage.
Last time,
you used me
and deceived me.
Last time,
I didn't ask for anything from you.
So why would I go all out to assist you?
Don't you know
the easiest thing to trust in this world
is self-interest?
This time I ask you to come
because I want to make a deal.
A deal?
Quelling the Huotu Tribe's rebellion
is something I've planned for Shi Yu
for years.
Yet Shi Ying took the credit.
How I wish
I could crush Shi Ying to his bones.
If you can help me get rid of Shi Ying,
you can set any conditions
you want.
Things are different from the past.
If you go all out
to kill Shi Ying,
the whole world will know
it was the Azure Clan that killed
the former Crown Prince
who made outstanding
military achievements.
When the time comes,
it's not certain if Shi Yu can keep
his position as the Crown Prince.
Let alone the throne.
So what you mean is
Only in times of war
is there an opportunity
to make achievements.
Instead of letting Shi Ying
steal the credit,
why don't you petition the court
and declare a full-scale war
against the Merfolk marine force?
Let Qing Gang assist
and Shi Yu lead the troops
on the battlefield.
It's too risky
to let Shi Yu lead the troops.
We'll secretly assist and support him.
We'll help him completely annihilate
the Merfolk marine force.
At that time, from the Emperor
to the common people,
they will all look at him in awe.
Taste it.
I personally made this bird's nest,
especially for you.
You are indeed farsighted.
you're truly a blessing
to the White Clan.
You've awakened me with your words.
It seems
a real change is about to happen.
Consort Qing said today
I have the intention of harming Shi Yu
and has forbidden me
from entering the palace again.
But I never had such an intention.
I don't know if you can make it clear
to Consort Qing
on my behalf.
What's the point of mentioning
those trivial matters?
Just stay at home
and reflect on yourself.
Bai Ming.
Yes, Your Lordship.
Send Princess Xueying
back to her room.
Your Highness,
this way.
if you have any wishes,
feel free to speak up.
I can fulfill them for you.
Then please also send
a bowl of bird's nest soup to Xueying.
She has done her best
for the Bai Family.
Of course.
I'll ask someone
to deliver it right away.
But this time, for the campaign
against the Merfolk marine force,
I recommended Fenglin.
I need to have a serious talk with him.
Then I won't see you out.
Your Highness,
haven't you been concerned
about Madam's matter
for a long time?
Why didn't you take the opportunity
to bring it up to His Lordship?
If I move into the Eastern Palace,
I'll eventually fulfill my desires.
There is no need to rely on others.
But Xueying
is not as ruthless
and tough as me.
It would be unlucky
if something were to happen to her.
Someone is raiding the granary!
Come quickly!
Catch her!
You're quite skilled.
Are you trying
to raid the granary by yourself?
Move it!
If you dare to make a move,
I'll kill them immediately.
Do you want them
to die here?
Don't lose focus.
White robe with elegant demeanor?
It's the dragon slayer!
It's the Priest of Grand Preceptor
of Jiuyi Mountain
who has slain countless merfolk.
Don't be afraid, everyone!
We have the hostages.
The dragon slayer
can't do anything to us.
(What is Master trying to do?)
(It hasn't been two hours yet.)
(His power hasn't fully recovered.)
(He can't perform spells.)
(And he's taking his time)
(with the hand gestures.)
(Master is using a diversion.)
(He's attracting)
(the attention
of these merfolk to himself.)
(So I can follow his gestures)
(to perform the spell
and attack from the side.)
(By stone's firm nod.)
Archers, get ready!
(A flute's sweet tune.)
Release the arrows!
(By stone's firm nod,
a flute's sweet tune.)
(By stone's firm nod,
a flute's sweet tune.)
Dragon slayer!
I'll kill him now
to accompany you in death.
Kill them all!
Your leader is already dead.
Are you still going to resist?
Let's get out of here.
Were you scared?
how's your injury?
what reasons do you have this time
to distance yourself from me?
Are you trying
to avoid owing me a favor?
(The Evil Star is shining again.)
Princess Xuelu!
Please wait.
Princess Xuelu,
how have you been lately?
Things have been chaotic lately.
You must take care of yourself.
I'm doing fine.
When you mentioned chaos,
are you referring
to the conflicts between our clans?
Previously, you worked for Consort Qing.
But now you no longer
have her protection.
The Priest of Grand Preceptor
won't do anything to you.
But the High Priest of Grand Preceptor
will not let it go that easily.
You've mistaken.
not only have I gained
the trust of the High Priest.
If the Priest of Grand Preceptor
regains his position as the Crown Prince,
the woman he marries
will be me.
But the Priest of Grand Preceptor
has no intention of returning
to the mortal world.
Then why did he interfere
with the affairs of the Huotu Tribe?
The battle in Guwei City
and the reputation of being
a dragon slayer among the merfolk
were not his true intentions.
It was the circumstances
that made him a hero.
He has the ability to pacify the world.
When the time comes,
he won't have a choice.
General Qing,
you can simply wait and see.
Are you so attached
to that position?
No matter who occupies that position,
you're still willing to marry?
Please stop making
such rebellious remarks.
My mind is set.
I'm determined.
General Qing,
you should focus on your own affairs.
You're about to set out for battle.
There is no certainty
on the battlefield.
My brother is formidable.
If he sparred with you,
he wouldn't stop until he wins.
If he offers you a toast,
you better not touch a drop.
I wish you victory on the battlefield.
I have good news to share.
My father sent a letter saying
that the siege of Xia City
has been lifted.
The military supplies have arrived,
and the soldiers' morale is high.
Jialan has also sent troops to support.
The crisis in Extreme Wind City
has been alleviated.
He told us not to worry anymore.
I also have something
to share with you.
Master, please tell me.
I have important matters to attend to
and need to leave Western Huang.
And you're going back
to Extreme Wind City.
We've traveled together
all the way here.
I'm afraid
we'll have to part here.
I won't stop you
if you want to leave.
But are you truly healed
from your injuries?
Is that so?
I was just stretching my muscles.
Where are you going?
I was tracking a nimbus.
But currently,
I've lost track of it.
So I'm heading to the mountaintop
to observe the stars.
(If Master
has truly regained his power,)
(he would have ridden with the wind
to the mountaintop.)
(might want to take a walk.)
(No, I must test him.)
Are you all right?
It hurts.
Your muscle and bones are fine.
You'll be fine after some rest.
How about this?
Wait here.
I'll be back soon.
even if you've recovered your power,
you just recovered.
I'm worried if you go alone.
I'll carry you up to the mountaintop.
(Am I dreaming?)
Hold on tight.
Or else
you'll fall.
did you hurt yourself
to test
if my power has recovered
and see if I can treat your injury?
Look below your feet.
did you do this?
That's awesome!
If I didn't twist my ankle,
I'm afraid
you'll expose me like you did
in the Emperor Valley.
you've truly recovered.
You didn't blame me
even after you've recovered.
Of course, I have to blame you.
That's why I'm not treating your ankle
and punishing you to suffer for a while.
It's so beautiful.
Master, look at that.
This is incredible.
It's so beautiful.
Master, look!
(Luckily, I'm here.)
(Or else Ying)
(would have blown his cover.)
Since the appearance of the Evil Star,
it has been appearing periodically.
After it appeared in Xia City,
its whereabouts are still unknown.
I don't know what's the reason.
Could this be a hint
that the Evil Star's master
is on the brink of death?
did you descend the mountain
because of the presence of the Evil Star
in the mortal world?
I'm also here because of you.
After all, you're my first disciple.
I can't
let you die
in Huotu Tribe in vain.
Like always, you're afraid
of admitting
that you're concerned about me.
In any case,
the appearance of the Evil Star
concerns the rise and fall of Kongsang.
I must investigate this.
If this star
is truly ominous,
I must take action
before the disaster happens.
I cannot let the world suffer
because of it.
the world has been unfairly judging you
for what happened
to Lady Qiushui.
Why do you still care so much
about the people of the world?
Because you're among the people
of the world.
Not forgetting your parents,
your friends,
and my old acquaintances.
All of you
are innocent.
stop asking
such childish questions anymore.
I'll keep tracking
the whereabouts of the Evil Star.
I can't see the nimbus
with my naked eyes.
I must head
to Jialan's White Tower
to observe the stars.
we'll part ways.
you're an emotionally devoted person.
I made you cry in sadness
each time we separated.
But this time,
I don't want it to be the same.
So, tell me.
Do you have any other wishes?
You can tell me
and I'll do my best to fulfill it.
Can you play the flute for me
once again?
The flute?
Do you still remember you gave me
a jade flute before?
I thought
I would have another chance to hear it.
since the incident at Cangwu Abyss,
we were injured and recovering.
I didn't even have
that many opportunities
to have a proper conversation with you
before I left the mountain.
And you promised me
that you would buy me a drink
after breaking through each stage.
it seems unlikely to drink now,
I still want you
to play the flute for me.
But I didn't bring it with me.
I did bring it.
Physician Xu said
it takes three days
for your powers to fully recovered.
Why don't we wait until tomorrow?
Look at the current situation.
I can't even take you
to fly with me.
We had to ride the horses.
Just let her take care of you
for one more day.
What's there to fear?
I don't want to waste any more time.
I'll let you two talk.
I need to find a restroom.
you said
you don't want
to make me sad and cry again.
But this time,
you lied to me again.
Those people
were falsely accusing you
of being a dragon slayer.
After the battle of Xia City,
you're making yourself a target
of the entire merfolk once again.
I'm afraid the Merfolk marine force
of the entire Western Huang
is hunting you.
And you've also lost your power.
What are you going to do
if you run into them?
Chong Ming can protect me.
Master, watch out!
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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