Theodosia (2022) s01e26 Episode Script

The Last Sunrise

Previously on Theodosia
Here. Hemiunu himself.
My Hemiunu?
The flail you used
to imprison me
..where did you hide it?
Hello, Lavinia. Seurel?
He left this behind.
The flail of Hemiunu.
Somehow, Hemiunu used the
flail to trap Aapep in here.
I will leave you in peace.
Let me show you
what a god can do.
You will turn your
cousin to dust.
With the strength
of the mountains,
grant me the power
to smite my enemies!
Thanks for letting me go.
You have to stop him, Theo.
He'll destroy everything.
There's a mark on
the back of his neck.
Hit him there with the
flail and he'll be weakened.
Tomorrow will be
the last sunrise.
Let the dark swallow the light!
Red sky in the morning,
Serpents' warning.
Granny has the flail.
Her telegram says
she'll be here soon.
When Aapep attacks,
we'll be ready.
Sorry to put a dent in
your rousing speech -
which is excellent, by the way -
but you you don't
have the sistrum?
No sistrum, no
restoration spell.
Push him down the well,
he'll slither back up.
I made this last night with
the piece you found me.
It's as good as new.
We can still do this.
Will, go to the entrance,
keep a look-out for Aapep.
You two get the
sarcophagus into position.
What are you going
to do? Have a lie-in?
I want Mum and Dad
out of the way.
I don't want them here
when Aapep arrives.
OK, let's get to work.
Dad, a messenger just
arrived with this.
Ah, thank you. I'll
read it after breakfast.
Nothing should interrupt
a perfectly boiled egg.
Oh, well, he did say
that it was urgent.
Let me see that, honey.
What is it, Mum?
The British Museum.
They want to see us straight away
to talk about funding our next dig.
Well, this is a
turn-up for the books.
We'd better get over there quick
before Snowthorpe changes his mind.
This could be the best day ever.
Or it could be
the last day ever.
Hold the ladder while I
hang up this tapestry.
Sorry, I'm busy.
Busy doing what?
Mr Throckmorton asked me
to clean the windows.
Well, it'll only take a moment.
Unless you want me to check
that story of yours, hmm?
Flipping heck!
Sorry, sir, we're closed today.
What's happened to your face?
Where is the girl?
Please don't hurt me!
I call upon Ptah, creator god and
constructor of all that is blessed,
make form from the formless.
Wait, you still can't do
the restoration spell?
I thought you said that
sistrum was good as new.
I didn't want to worry you, OK?
I can get this to work, I
think. I just need more time.
That's what we don't
have. Aapep is here!
Saffy, there's something
I need to tell you.
Have I got oil on my face?
No, it's about me
..and you. I
Someone's been working out.
Looking for me?
You broke my spell
on your cousin.
Do I get a special prize?
She betrayed your trust,
threatened you and your family.
Why did you let her go?
Because I believe in giving
people a second chance.
You think you're better than me?
I'm not afraid of you.
You will be.
I am stronger than
when we last met.
Today, I will defeat
Ra once and for all.
You can watch he's consumed
by his own fire
and fills the sky with
the last of his light.
Please don't blow up the sun.
We're really quite fond of it.
It's OK, guys, I won't let him.
The heka that flows through
your veins is no match for mine.
You are not the first
mortal to make that mistake.
Your kind have walked the
Earth since the first sunrise.
Now have seen your last.
Grab something to help her!
Leave her alone! Get back!
Do you want to fight? Fight us!
Catch me if you can!
You two, get the flail off
Lady T. I'll help Theo.
Find us in the well chamber.
Going somewhere?
What do you think? I
think he looks big.
On the count of
three, we charge.
One, two
How are you doing that?
That was a clever trick,
getting me back here.
But you have made a big mistake.
This was my prison
for 4,000 years.
You can't hide from
me in this pyramid.
I know its secrets.
Give up now and I
may let you live.
- BOTH GASP - Will!
Ah! Your friend
has come to help.
How noble and futile.
I can't beat him
without the flail.
Henry and Saf are getting it.
We have to buy them some time.
OK, fine!
I'll turn myself in.
A wise decision.
You'll have to find me first.
Hey. Let's see how many
corridors this thing really has.
Stop the carriage.
I think you have
something for me.
I must thank you for
bringing the flail to us.
We couldn't have
found it without you.
You can't have it.
This belonged to my husband
and now it belongs to me.
All those secrets
he kept from you.
You must feel like your
whole marriage was a lie.
I mean, did he even love you?
How dare you!
You know nothing of love.
You know only hate.
That's where you're wrong.
I love Aapep.
I'll do anything
to keep him safe.
Last chance, Lady Throckmorton.
Give me the flail.
Over my dead body.
Tempting as that may be,
I do have other ways
of getting what I want.
The light's so beautiful.
The flail, if you please.
That's a lot of corridors.
Hemiunu really knew
what he was doing.
He built an amazing
tomb for Aapep.
Argh, and I set him free!
You had no choice.
I should never have
given Nigella the key.
Theo, you saved your parents.
And now the whole world
will end because of me.
OK, when you put it like that
But don't worry, Henry and
Saf will get the flail.
And if they don't?
What if they do and
it doesn't work?
Come on.
That doesn't sound like
the Theo I know and love.
Say that again.
I'm coming for you,
Just to be clear,
that wasn't me.
Run! Aah!
Krait. Granny!
I want to hate that woman,
but she's always so
immaculately dressed.
We have to get that flail.
How? We can't even
get out of this room!
I wouldn't be so
sure about that.
The L word. You said
the L word. Love?
We're doing this now? Why not?
Cos there's an angry
snake god chasing us.
So? So maybe we
should do this later.
You just don't want to
talk about your feelings.
I just don't want to get eaten.
You can't hide from
me, Theodo-ssss-ia!
Pathetic excuse!
You're ready? As I'll ever be.
Hey, you!
Come back here!
Do you really think you're
going to get your hands on this?
No, I am!
You were faking!
But how did you?
An amulet.
Given to me by my
loving husband.
Throw it, Granny!
Catch it, Henry!
Safiya? Henry?
They didn't get the flail.
OK, we'll have to do
it ourselves, then.
Going somewhere, Theodo-sss-ia?
The flask.
OK, you win.
This time, I promise I give up.
Too late now.
I might have let you live.
And do what?
You're going to destroy the sun!
WHISPERS: Hear me, ancients. With
the strength of the mountains,
the secrets of the
valleys Speak up, child.
I want to hear your last words.
Mighty Horus, grant me the
power to smite my enemy!
Thank you.
I needed your heka to
restore my strength.
He was playing us
the whole time.
I don't care about you.
Mortals mean nothing to me.
I am Aapep, eater of the sun,
lord of chaos and
the enemy of Ra!
No-one must stand in the
way of his destruction.
What do we do now?
There's something we should've
done a long time ago.
Hello, my good friend!
Let the dark
..swallow the light.
What's happening?
It has begun. This time,
there is no stopping Aapep.
He's going to destroy
everything, you nincompoop!
Including you.
If this is the end,
there's no-one else
I'd rather be with.
Y'know, it's funny
because, when we first met,
I didn't think much of you.
Well, thanks for letting me
know before the sun explodes.
No, I mean, it's funny because
now I think about you a lot,
which is kind of annoying.
Why didn't you say
anything sooner?
I thought we'd have more time.
Sorry I failed
you. We all failed.
I just wish I'd been as strong
as my ancestor, Hemiunu.
What's wrong?
I don't know.
It happened when you
said Hemiunu's name.
Be quiet!
Silence her!
SHOUTS: Hemiunu!
Grab her. Go, Safiya.
Nice one, Granny!
Go! Go!
Oh, no, you don't!
How come we're free?
Something's changed his magic.
I think
I think Henry and
Safiya have the flail.
He doesn't know it yet.
We still have a chance.
I need my sistrum.
Sh, I'll get it.
Let the dark swallow the light.
But you can't do the restoration
spell. I'd like to try.
Come on.
The dark swallows the light.
Stay back, you brutes!
You two are pathetic.
We'll use the lift.
Come back and
fight, you cowards!
Ha-ha-ha, that worked!
Oh, it's stuck.
It's stuck!
It won't budge.
Well, it has to. We can't carry
this thing, it's too heavy.
BOTH: Yes!
Well, what's going on?
Erm, er Thieves.
I trapped them in the lift.
I'll get the police.
N-no time for that.
Er Follow me!
Come on, Clive, hurry.
Jump on it.
Must I do everything myself?
There they are. Grab them!
Come on, Saf.
Where did those two go?
Focus on the job at
hand, man. En garde!
Two can play at that game.
Don't touch the
exhibits. Take that!
Yes. We made it.
So, which way to
the well chamber?
How should I know?
I thought your great-great-whatever
ancestor built this pyramid.
I wasn't with him
when he did it.
So, left or right?
Let's follow the flail.
At last I can take my true form.
He's growing.
He's huge!
I need my sistrum.
We're going to need
a bigger sarcophagus.
What do we do now?
Hit him with the flail, Safiya!
I can't see the mark on
the back of his neck.
I'll try to distract
him. Get ready, Saf.
Hear me, ancients!
There's the mark. With the
strength of the mountain
I've got you. ..the secrets of the
valleys and the wisdom of the Nile,
mighty Horus, grant me the
power to smite my enemy!
This is for you, Hemiunu!
Let's get the rest of him in.
I'm pushing!
I call upon Ptah, creator god and
constructor of all that is blessed
to lock this creature
away forever!
Coming for you, Theodosiaaaa!
ALL: Yes!
There's something wrong.
Where did you come from?
My new trick. Do you like it?
Hate to break it to you, Miss
Krait, but chaos isn't coming.
Your boss is well unhappy.
Yeah, he wants a
word with you three.
I'd wait till he cools down
in a few thousand years.
I threw the key in the desert.
Good luck trying to find it.
It's a lovely, sunny day.
You should go out and enjoy it.
Or shall I call the police?
We're leaving.
I'll follow them out and make
sure they don't steal anything.
I believe that Grandad
would want you to have this.
I I understand now why
he kept this a secret.
He was he was
trying to protect me.
I miss him so much.
This is our secret now.
I won't tell a soul,
especially your parents -
they'd worry too much.
But you have to promise me
to be more careful in future.
You got it, Granny.
It's Grandmother, if you please.
You know, you should
keep that, Saf.
I saw its magic in your hands.
Did you feel it?
I, er I think it'd be
safer if you watched over it.
Well, that was an odd trip.
The British Museum said
they never sent a message.
But your mother managed
to talk Lord Snowthorpe
into funding our dig anyway.
Back to the Valley of the Kings.
And this time, we won't be
diverted to the Great Pyramid.
I think that's
probably for the best.
I mean, there's nothing much more
to find there anyway, is there?
Did we miss anything?
SAFIYA: Oh, not much, not much.
We were we were just going
to have some tea and cake.
Ah, tea and cake
- splendid idea!
So, about what
happened earlier
What? When I caught the
flail? Amazing, wasn't it?
No, I mean Safiya!
So, what about now?
Well, hopefully, the Serpents
will have found something else
to concern themselves with.
No, I mean, what about us?
Kind of noticed you
..tried to kiss me earlier.
Oh, so you did notice that?
Are we going to talk about it?
Well, we could
talk about it or
..we could do it again.
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