ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e26 Episode Script

Snarf's Day Off

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Come on, ThunderCats.
We swore an oath to help and
protect the people of Third Earth.
That means we help them
with any problems, even
the really simple ones.
I feel like the spirit of the oath
is being taken advantage of.
Maybe so, but when
this Bolkin's oldest, slowest,
dumbest donkey ran away,
do you know
what he did?
- Go out and look for it?
- No! He came to us for help.
he trusts us.
And because I have
better things to do
than spending all day
chasin' a donkey.
So who's with me?
Hands in the middle.
Let's see uh, Panthro, Tygra,
Cheetara, Kat, Kit and me
Hey, wait.
Where's Snarf?
Oh, yeah, Today is Snarf's
monthly day off, isn't it?
I completely forgot.
Go enjoy yourself,
We can take care of this
adventure without you.
- [all] Bye, Snarf.
- Make good choices.
You know, I always wonder what
Snarf does on his days off.
Same time every month,
whatever it is.
Mrs. Grisitidi's house!
[music playing]
Mr. Bottom-Dollar! Is it
your day to visit already?
Oh, That's why
I call you "Mr. Bottom-Dollar."
Because I bet
my bottom-dollar
you'll show up
and you always do.
Oh, ho, ho,
that is adorable.
I just love
watching you do
normal, regular, cat stuff.
Oh, birds love
To tweet and eat ♪
Dogs love
To growl and howl ♪
Horses love
To neigh and play ♪
But cats love
Cat stuff ♪
Cat stuff
Cat stuff
Oh, people love to see
Cats do cat stuff ♪
Both are such cute photos.
But which one says "July"?
- [purring]
- Oh, excellent choice.
Ah, there we are.
Now, just a few
of these.
Muah! Perfect.
I think "Mr. Bottom-Dollar's
Year-Round Kitty Fun Calendar"
is going to be a big
hit at the craft fair.
Oh, people love
To see cats do cat stuff ♪
- Oh, that's nice.
- [purring]
Oh, I just love
the craft fair,
don't you,
Mr. Bottom-Dollar?
So much creativity
on display.
Ha, ha, hello.
I am Lion-O.
Oh, no, it's one of
those furry goblin cats
that are always
causing a ruckus.
Have you seen
this donkey?
Hmm. I'm sorry,
I don't think I have.
[suspenseful music playing]
[nervous meowing]
Hmm. Hmm.
Hmmm. Hmmm.
Do you think
my cat is a donkey?
No. Unless
No. Well, uh, sorry
to bother you. [chuckles]
ThunderCats HO!
I don't care
for those goblin cats,
I don't mind telling you.
Far too much
No, thank you,
I'll just stick with regular,
normal cats like you.
Welcome to the
Third Earth Craft Fair,
where all of your
dreams come true.
- Ooh!
- [purring]
- Ooh!
- [purring]
It's Mrs. Gristidi
and Mr. Bottom-Dollar.
[crowd clamoring]
Oh, Mr. Bottom-Dollar,
I've been waiting here
for hours to meet you.
But it's okay, I didn't have
nothin' else to do today.
[man] I just want you
to shake my hand!
Curse that
Mrs. Grisitdi.
Of course, that old hag
and her adorable cat
would set up
right next to me and
Hello, Jethro.
Afternoon, Agnes.
hog all
my customers.
Once I get one of my
enchanted frog statues
into every home
on Third Earth
- [evil laugh]
- How are your sales today?
Same old, same old.
[forced chuckle]
magically bring
the frogs to life,
and finally teach these
dumb-dumbs to fear the name of
Well, you keep
at it, Jethro.
You too, Agnes.
The Ever-Living!
- [man 1] Oh, that looks nice.
- [man 2] I like that.
Could I interest you
in one of my delightful
ceramic frogs?
[woman] They're very nice.
ceramic frogs.
Very creative.
A great gift for friends
and loved ones.
I don't have any friends
and I'm unlovable.
Blast! Why won't
anyone buy a statue?
Oh, Mr. Bottom-Dollar,
I love you.
Whatever you sell,
I'm buying it.
Hmm, that strange Bolkin
talkin' to himself
gives me a good idea.
Or should I say
[cunningly] Bad idea.
Uh, "bad" as in evil.
The gravy-eating contest
will now be held
in the open field
next to the goose.
Read this.
Would the owner
of Mrs. Gristidi's car
please report
to the parking lot?
Your car
is illegally parked.
- [laughs cunningly]
- Thank you.
Say, I drive
Mrs. Gristidi's car.
I better go
check on it.
Sorry everyone,
Mr. Bottom-Dollar
will need a short break.
- [crowd] Oh
- My eyes are all wet.
Let's see Gristidi steal
all my customers
now that I've stolen
her precious cat
That is not
normal cat stuff.
You're not
Mr. Bottom-Dollar.
You're one of
the ThunderCats!
Ah, ah, ah.
I wouldn't be so fast
with the
if I were you.
You fight me,
and you'll reveal that
you're not a normal cat
[overlapping chatter]
If I find out Mr. Bottom-Dollar
is unusual in any respect,
so help me
See? Mrs. Gristidi
won't want to spend time
with a crazy space robot,
or whatever you are.
Now get outta here
and let me sell
my evil crafts.
I also love how normal
Mrs. Gristidi and all
the craft vendors are.
Yeah, even Jethro
is normal.
I will never buy crafts
from a mummy. Ever!
Ugh, touche.
If you attack me and I
reveal myself as Mumm-Ra,
no one will buy
my statues anyway.
It looks like
we've got a standoff.
I guess
I'll have to get crafty.
Worth it. Ow.
Thank you for your
patience, everyone.
Mr. Bottom-Dollar is back
in business. Who's next?
[all cheering]
Marry me,
Mr. Bottom-Dollar.
- [giggles] Enjoy.
- Hooray!
[dramatic music playing]
[cash register dings]
[banjo music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
Thank you,
enjoy your calendar.
Oh, what's the use.
No one will even
look at my frogs.
I can't compete with a cute
cat and some calendars.
And I already tried
stealin' the cat
Hmm? Oh!
That's it. [cackles]
[announcer] Attention, would the
owner of Mrs. Gristidi's car,
please report
to the parking lot,
your car is
"make up a reason."
[Jethro] No, don't say that!
You're supposed to
make up a reason, not say
Gimme that.
Your car's
on fire, Agnes.
You see,
was that so hard?
[chuckles] I just can't
seem to get it right today.
- Sorry, again, everyone.
- [crowd exclaiming]
Let's see Gristidi
steal all my customers
now that I've stolen her
precious calendars.
[laughs cunningly]
Oh, no. [groans]
So much
for our disguises.
[Agnes] Mr. Bottom-Dollar?
You're not
a cat at all.
[nervously purrs]
That's right,
he's one of
the ThunderCats!
Now that my cover's
blown and my plan's ruined,
there's nothing stopping me
from snuffing him out
once and for all.
Mr. Bottom-Dollar,
you're some kind
of outer-space robot.
Do you know
what this means?
It means, I can be
myself around you.
My good-natured
magic-mummy counterpart
from the other
side of Third Earth?
I recognize you now,
Snarf of the ThunderCats.
I have been watching you
from my white pyramid
on the other side
of Third Earth.
But unlike Mumm-Ra,
I fight for the power
of goodness.
Where he is dark,
I am light.
Where he is cruel,
I am kind.
Where he is Mumm-Ra,
I am Mumm-Rana.
Yeah, that's basically
what I said.
"Why the disguise?"
Well, as you know,
it's tiring to fight evil
all the time,
so once a month
I take a day off
and pretend
to be Mrs. Gristidi.
A day which
you ruined.
Uh, me "ruining" your day's
a bit of an overreaction
[both growling]
Wait. Wait,
what're you [groans]
Hmm. Both are such
good photos, Snarf.
But which one
says "July"?
- [purrs]
- Good choice.
"Mumm-Ra's Year-Round
Vicious Beatings Calendar."
I think this may be
our best calendar yet.
[both laughing]
- [all] Here donkey, donkey.
- [Wilykit] Donkey!
[all] Donkey, where are you?
Where you at?
And I'm secretly Mumm-Randall.
I'm the neutral one. Hee-haw.
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