Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e26 Episode Script

Episode 26

I never wanted to believe
that you were a traitor.
I would never blame you for betrayal.
But you disappointed me
and put our dynasty to shame.
You are the reason of my betrayal!
I was just a brother to you.
I took what I deserved
without harming others' rights.
But you always showed
ingratitude despite what you had.
You were a brother to me. But
you couldn't be a Sultan for this state!
Batinis grew up and
surrounded the state like a virus!
You couldn't deal with them.
That devil named Sayyiduna was right
in front of you in the palace for years!
But you couldn't see him!
Our mother was poisoned
You couldn't even rule
those Hatuns in Harem
None of these happened during
the sultanate of our father Alparslan!
All of these happened
during your sultanate!
I carried our flag that was entrusted to
me by our father to the lands far away!
I am fighting against it's
enemies day and night!
But you you are collaborating with
infidels just because of your ambitions.
So that you care about our
mother, how can you break her will?
My mother didn't write that will
for our state, she wrote it for you.
I would never care about that.
You are a villain son who
didn't only betray our state,
but also betrayed his parents!
Those who collaborate with the enemies of
our state like you can not rule the state.
You spreaded fitna and
betrayal with your poison!
Many lives will be hurt
unless we take that poison out!
You will be taken to a dungeon!
And I will punish you in front of everyone!
Take him!
Enough of words, old man.
Have a good day.
The world will learn what
my words mean soon
And the secret you keep will be exposed.
We found our treasure.
Now we have to leave
the tribe. Where is Efruz?
It's Livya!
If Livya exposes Efruz,
we will all be caught!
What are you doing here?
Speak! Why are you here?
Who are you going to hurt?
Open the way!
Or I will tell them that you
are the leader of warriors.
They won't let you live then.
They already know who
I am. I regret what I did.
And they accepted me in
spite of the mistakes I made.
You must've come here to do
evil! But I will not let you do that!
I will tell them that you and Faysal are
Batinis and killed Emir llteber together!
Know that I don't recognize
any blood relations anymore!
Thomas! Damn it.
You've learnt vileness from your father.
But I'll show you how to be manful.
Not now
Look, I sacrificed my soldiers to save you!
We have to run now.
-I can't leave my son here!
- They will not touch your son.
They will use him against you. Look, even
Tapar is not using his sword. Let's go.
We have to run away from the tribe!
Livya is hurt! Hold the doors!
- Yes Turna Hatun!
Livya Livya Help.
- Hold the doors!
- Let's take her to the tent!
- Hold the doors! No one will go out!
Run! Go after them!
My son My son is back there
I have to save him
MelikShah will hold your
son captive against you.
Now you should think
a way out for yourself.
Melik Hadhrat, we were coming after you.
We followed you after the fight.
They have all of my soldiers there.
I have to go to the tribe
and gather my soldiers!
I have to take important
documents from my tent!
We have to go there
before Sultan does!
You will be caught if
you use the main road
Prefer steep-lands,
it'll be better for you.
It will take time,
but it will be better.
Now the bond between
us and the Sultan is broken.
I will take my son and
the throne by fighting!
Thank you for your help, Mithras.
The rest is my job now.
I will pay for your favour
when I become the Sultan.
Let's go.
My Sultan Melik Tekish is not dead.
-He must've escaped.
- Go after him! Go!
Why did your father make
an alliance with Byzantines?
What were their plans against us, tell me!
I don't know those Byzantines
I don't know why my father went with them.
He would never tell me
what he did, my Sultan.
Don't lie while looking
into our eyes, you dog!
I will find out his secret plans.
And I will catch him. And you
will die in dungeons! Take him!
My Sultan Melik Tekish has soldiers
in the tribe. He'll want to take them.
We have to be quicker.
You are right.
We will waste all of his
chances and corner him.
We will raid Tekish's
tribe before he arrives!
They are too close
We must split up.
I'll meet you in the vault. Go!
Who are you?
Why are Kinik tribe's Alps chasing you?
Did you find an information
about the secret in Kinik tribe?
What does it have to do with the secret?
The leader of warriors, Livya. She is with
Sencer. She knows everything about us.
I went there to take her,
but a problem came out.
How did you find me?
My name is Taculmulk.
I can follow you like a shadow.
Why did you kill my soldiers
that I sent after Tapar?
You wanted to reach
the secret alone, right?!
I didn't! You are our eyes
and ears in the palace!
You are closer to the secret!
Why would I harm you?
-You are lying!
- Enough!
There are traces here! Run!
Let me go now!
They will see us here!
I can run away and save
myself but you will be executed
It is not over here, Sabbah, know that!
I will find out what
you are hiding from me!
We are late.
Sultan will arrive to
the tribe before us.
He will have our soldiers in tribe.
Take the soldiers' swords!
All of the tents
will be searched!
Everything related to
Tekish will be brought!
And we will search his tent.
Everything about his secret
plans will come out from there.
Search this place!
My Sultanthere are some
documents in this chest.
He planned where to attack during a riot.
He was also going to attack my brother
BerkYaruk's land, not only Isfahan!
He was going to attack Kinik tribe as well.
He sees me as an obstacle I guess.
The writings from Izakyos
He has 15.000 soldiers in Horasan
He increased his soldiers silently
and planted the seeds of a riot.
You knew all the things
about your father's dirty plans.
And you said that
you didn't know!
My Sultan, forgive me. I
Take him away!
My Sultan
Blood will be shed if the
soldiers in Horasan take action.
It will be hard to
suppress the revolt.
We should come to attention
with our soldiers, my Sultan.
We should go to Horasan if needed.
I don't want to shed thousands of
soldiers' blood for a single traitor.
Besides, a fight for the throne
will drag our state into a mess.
It will give a chance to enemies.
What are we going to do then?
We must hold all the
ways to Horasan and
prevent Tekish from
contacting his soldiers.
He won't be able to send
news to his soldiers in Horasan.
Announce that Tekish is wanted.
Now he is an enemy of the state.
Now we have one chance.
We will send news to our
soldiers in Horasan and take action.
Arrival of 15.000 soldiers means
a fight for the throne, Melik Hadhrat.
Thousands of soldiers will be killed.
The state is being ruled by blind people!
They took my son captive!
All of our folk's blood can be shed!
Now we will send news to Horasan!
InshaAllah she will wake up soon.
She is the only one who saw the attackers.
I think they were Byzantines but
they might not be.
In the end, she was a leader of warriors.
She might even know things about Batinis.
I need dried daisies to cover her wound.
I should go and bring some.
There are such storms
hidden in your heart that
they can ruin everything
when they are taken out
I see that in you.
What if
Protect us from the evil, Ya Rabbi.
Our men are still looking for traces.
According to recent news, we
are one step closer to the secret.
What news is that?
The knot that will solve the
secret is probably in Kinik tribe.
Traces indicate that.
We will find out what it is soon.
So the clan of Seljuq dynasty, Kinik tribe.
If Sultan has a secret, it's
knot is expected to be there.
Keep tracing, Taculmulk.
They say that silent horses are wilder.
Everyone will witness in due time.
Sultan MelikShah Hadhrat!
My Sultan what happened
to Melik Tekish's son, Ahmet?
Tekish was a traitor, Terken.
He escaped, but we will catch him.
What are you going to do now, my Sultan?
Are you going to fight for the
throne against Melik Tekish's army?
I don't want to kill thousands of soldiers.
I want to punish Tekish.
I'll wait for him to be captured.
Keep the issue of secret
waiting for some time, Taculmulk.
Why, Terken Hatun?
Don't you see that armies
are ready for a throne fight?
May Allah forbid, if MelikShah loses,
the secret will not be important anymore.
Thus, we will take
care of this issue first.
I hope Melik Tekish will be caught
before armies get into a war.
If MelikShah loses
in this war, then they
will not keep me and
my baby in this palace.
And all of the efforts I've
shown for years will go in vain.
You are the assistants who mostly
spend their time here in the observatory.
Now tell me, what were
you doing that night?
We were analysing the "zic" paper of
Ustad Khayyam which is about MelikShah.
What about you?
I was studying Musa
al-Khwarizmi book, Hace Hadhrat.
You can go back to observatory now.
It's obvious that there
is no problem about you.
We found the traitor in
observatory, Ustad Khayyam.
We did, but are you ready to hear it?
Tell me, Hace. Who is it?
Your best assistant
How did you understand
that he was the traitor?
I made a research about what workers
of the observatory did during that night.
But only Fida's words are not
supported the sentences on this paper.
This dagger was found in Fida's house.
The order for an attack must've been
sent to Fida in this dagger that night.
He tried to kill you with this.
Fida was like my son
I taught everything to him
My heart can not accept
it even if my mind can.
The illness of Batinis is
horrible like this, Ustad Khayyam.
They sneak in like a
poisonous water first
they surround that
place like a poisonous ivy
they come closer, but
you can never understand.
The eyes that are blinded by this
illness see this poison like a blessing.
If it was an army, it could be defeated.
If it was the strongest
sword, it could be broken.
But they are such enemies that
everything they do is just about vileness.
May Allah help us deal with them.
Come in.
Hace Hadhrat, Sultan MelikShah came
back to the palace. He is waiting for you.
So Sencer is Sultan MelikShah’s son, ha?
Possibly, yes.
This secret is the most
important trump we have.
But we will use this secret
when we need it the most.
Then it will turn into a terrifying weapon.
Batinis fasting is keeping a secret.
Now your fasting has started.
Keep this secret in.
Don't go to Shalamzar before we
find out what happened to Livya.
If she doesn't die and
if she speaks, she will
expose us and you will
be in the hands of Seljuq.
Yes, Sayyiduna Hadhrat.
Now I will go and meet
Mitraz and Bedrul Cemali.
MelikShah and Tekish
is on the verge of a war.
We have to make an
attack plan according to that.
Besides, we will have the
khilat and flag of Nizar today.
We also have to find that out.
We have MelikShah's secret.
The khilat and the flag is on the way.
A war for the throne is coming closer.
Great Imam has given
us all opportunities to
ruin the Seljuq state
and build a Batini state.
Send news to the soldiers in Horasan.
They should know that they will be
against the state if they join Tekish.
The one who saved him was Quel's infidel.
We will descend upon them
when we solve Tekish's issue.
When we go to Quel, we will not
come back with an agreement
we will raise our flag
there and then come back.
We've completed our investigation
about the observatory, my Sultan.
As a result, we found out that Khayyam's
assistant Fida was the guilty one.
The men who we raised for
years turned out to be Batinis.
It is such a poison that,
they hide the evil inside
them by acting like they
speak the truth, my Sultan.
Even the devil can't have their disguise.
Fidai's like Fida are puppets, my Sultan.
The important thing is to reach the hands
which hold them. Thus, we will bait Fida.
And when he takes the bait, he
will take us to Sabbah and Fatimis.
There is no other thing to do
than waiting for news from Tekish.
Take care of the calendar
issue, Hace Solve it today.
Take Tapar and Sencer Bey with you.
- Yes, my Sultan.
I gave up on my beloved one and my
Ahmed, for the state I took from you.
Now I will have to give up
on your son for our state.
You would say "This is the destiny
of sultanate." in every hardship.
Now we will bow down to our fate.
Melik Tekish! Sultan MelikShah gave
us a ferman to catch you! Surrender.
If the ferman belongs to
Sultan, roads are mine.
No ferman can hold me back.
Sultan MelikShah doesn't want
thousands of soldiers to be killed.
If you don't surrender, your son
Ahmed's life will be in danger.
Can't Sultan MelikShah face me?
He is threatening me with my son.
I set off on this journey
for the grace of our state.
I can sacrifice my son
for this way if necessary!
Everyone should know that.
We shed this blood
now everyone's blood will be shed.
There are no obstacles
left on the way of Horasan.
Be quick and go to Horasan.
Send news to 15.000 soldiers
They will make a mess in Tirmiz.
And they will arrive to the
Great Valley tomorrow.
Don't worry about the calender
we promised about to our Sultan.
Khayyam took the necessary
precautions in advance.
Is there a copy of that calendar?
No. I hid the study about
the nature events which let
us divide the year in four
by seasons, which also let.
Without these papers, the calender
will be useless for those thieves.
It is not easy for them
to find a scholar who
can observe the nature
events and measure seasons.
But we will have finished
the calendar once again.
You can go start the
studies you did before.
The most important part
of that calendar is missing.
I will find a way to take that
missing part and come to Dark Forest.
Go inform Sayyiduna.
The issue we have with Melik Tekish
is too sensitive for our state, my Sultan.
I don't want a war in any case.
Because we can't know
what's going to happen in a war.
Terken Hatun is right, my Sultan.
It is a sensitive issue for our state.
Thus, if they open a war for the throne,
I think we should also fight.
Or else, they will think
that we are scared.
And it will give
courage to our enemies.
We are talking about a war
between brothers, Zubeyde Hatun.
And you carry the blood
of dynasty. Is it that easy?
It's about the future of the state,
it's not about brothers.
If my own son harms the
lasting of our state one day
he must also be punished.
Execution, or a war.
What about our Sultan's life?
Don't you worry about him?
May Allah forbid, what if
they kill our Sultan in the war?
What's going to happen after that?
I have never seen our Sultan lose a fight.
With Allah's consent, he
will win this war as well.
May Allah forbid, if any
other thing happens
our Sultan has
lions to fill his positions.
We don't want to fight, unless
Tekish's soldiers take action.
But we will not avoid
fighting if they take action.
Now, you should not
have different opinions.
We are already dealing with Tekish. Do not
cause disagreements among family members.
These are the missing
parts of that calendar.
I completed my mission,
Great Sayyiduna.
Fida took the papers for the calendar.
Go inform NizamulMulk hadhrat.
My uncle have been feeling an
ambition for the throne for years.
But he went too far this time.
If he gathers his army
and opens a war for the
throne, the state can
not repair itself easily.
Brothers are being enemies.
It will bring bad luck to the dynasty.
The ambition of sultanate makes them blind.
They can lose this world and the
other world at the end of this war.
How can they risk
being tortured in both
worlds for a temporal
sultanate in this world?
The throne da'wah of
two brothers are making
these two brothers
think here, apparently.
One of our brothers are
far away, Zubeyde Hatun.
We are thinking about
all of us, don't worry.
This issue must be a
lesson to all brothers.
When one of the brothers
gets the throne, whoever
deserves and whoever is
granted with sultanate, other.
Thus, you won't fight, and the
order of the state will not be ruined.
My father gave up on
my mother and me for the
safety of our state years
ago, not for the sultanate.
As you can understand, I
learned that the important
thing is the state, not the
sultanate when I was born.
Don't worry, Zubeyde Hatun.
I will always protect our state.
You must have important
things to deal with.
I've received news from my spies.
Fida took the missing papers.
He is going north.
- Good.
Let's go and make a raid.
- Let's go.
Them fighting for the throne
will create a mess in Seljuq.
And it's an opportunity for us.
We will take advantage of this
mess and attack from both sides.
I sent news to Cairo.
Fatimi army will take
action after the throne war.
We will take Mecca and Damascus from them.
And in the end, Kaba will be covered with
the clothing that will be sent by Fatimis.
And they will recite khutbahs for us.
Horasan will be ours after Shalamzar.
Crusaders and Byzantine
army are ready to fight.
Anatolia and Al-Quds will be ours.
Thus, Seljuq will be ruined.
Nizar's khilat and flag set off.
They will be here before the sunset.
Prepare the calendar.
I will give you the entrustments of
Nizar there and take the calendar.
But, the most important papers
of the calendar are missing.
Our fida'i told us that.
What are you saying?
Are you playing with us, Sabbah?
Our fida'i just found that out.
But don't worry.
He will bring the missing parts today.
Inform the group that's coming
from Cairo to come to Dark Forest.
If I don't receive that calendar
you must forget about the
entrustments and our alliance.
What is this ridiculous fight for?
We will invade Seljuq lands soon.
Look what you're
dealing with here.
The thing we are dealing with
is as important as invading Seljuq.
Do whatever you want.
Just be ready to attack on time.
May it be easy.
The books have caught
your attention, apparently.
Seeing all these
books together was
surprising for me, even
if I can't understand.
Is he a student?
-Where is he taking those books?
- He is someone from the folk.
Can a random person
take books with them?
People from the folk who are
interested in books can take 20
books and students can take
50 books from Isfahan's library.
Since you are giving out
many books to random
people, Isfahan must
be the city of libraries.
We have 200.000 books
in the school, 100.000 in
the observatory, and
almost 100.000 books in here.
The folk can't see books in our cities.
The folk can't touch or read
a book except for the Bible.
Let alone taking those
books home, they can't even
find a library open to
public to come and read.
And the books are kept in abbeys
that can only be reached by priests.
We think that our power comes from
the importance we give to science.
Cities can be taken by swords, but
they are always improved with pens.
Our world-view is based on this idea.
Thus, the doors of our madrasa is open
for everyone who is interested in science.
Now I have good news for you.
The honorable person I told you
about have arrived to Isfahan.
We can visit him tonight, if you want.
I would really want that.
There must be people who are waiting for
the missing parts since he is in a hurry.
Get ready. It will be a
bigger raid than we thought.
Let's go.
Here is the khilat and flag of Nizar.
But first the missing parts of
the calendar will be completed.
You told us that your fida'i
would bring it here. Where is it?
He'll be here soon.
You shouldn't remove your masks until the
delivery is made and until we leave here.
Seljuq's spies should not see our faces.
Here he is.
Sayyiduna Hadhrat.
I've brought the most important parts of
the calendar. It's about the nature events.
With this, our calendar will be completed.
Now it is time for delivery.
We are the missing part!
Now our swords will
complete your dirty game!
They set a trap! Attack!
Don't leave the khilat and the flag! Don't!
Go take the calendar!
Balaban! Take the chest!
Are you alright, Hace?
I will feel better when I kill these dogs!
We must run! We can take them later
but we have to leave
this place alive. Let's go!
The documents belonging
to the calendar are here.
Here are the khilat and the flag.
These are Nizar's entrustments
who is supported by Batinis.
They asked for these from
Fatimis in exchange for the calendar.
We didn't only save the
calendar, we also took
entrustments which are
too important for them.
Batinis and Fatimis will be worse.
We took the calendar and
the documents, thanks to Allah.
Let's go back.
Take your servants out.
We will talk privately.
What do you think you are doing?
Don't you think about MelikShah's life?
Why are you egging on him?
Know your limits!
MelikShah is not a man who would
make a decision by listening to others.
I think we should fight if we need to.
You are also a Sultan's Hatun.
Don't be so scared.
Sure. You don't care.
In the end, you have the dynasty's favorite
with you, BerkYaruk. Right, Zubeyde Hatun?
Even if something bad happens to
MelikShah, your son will take the throne.
And that's why you can
comfortably speak in front of me.
You don't worry about MelikShah.
You are worried because
you couldn't give birth to a heir.
If something bad happens to
MelikShah before you give birth,
you can't have the sultanate.
-That's what you care about.
- I care about MelikShah's family.
If Melik Tekish wins, he
won't let any of us live.
You have curtains in front of
your eyes, you can't even see this.
So that you think about
MelikShah's family,
then you should have the
courage to fit to that family.
-Why do you think Tekish will win?
- He can't win this war.
If something else happens, of course,
the one who deserves will have the throne.
And the others must obey.
You are preparing the way of sultanate
for your son since the day you came here.
This is the reason of
all your actions. But
My name is Terken.
I ruin all the plans that
are made against me.
I never obey someone if I don't want to.
We were going to die
because of you, Sabbah!
I swore by you to Mustali!
You disappointed me.
Now we don't have the calendar
and the entrustments of Nizar.
Mustali Hadhrat won't forgive
these mistakes, Sabbah!
But I know what is going
to help me be forgiven!
You are making a mistake, Bedrul Cemali.
If we shoot each other
when Seljuq is about to
fight each other, all of
our efforts will go in vain.
Do you know what's going
to happen after he finds
out that Nizar's entrustments
are in Seljuq's hands?
I will take such a thing from Turks
in exchange for that khilat that
all of Seljuq's enemies
will make an alliance with us.
It's not a right time for playing
games, Sabbah. You disgraced us.
I have to go back to answer.
Speak openly, so I will have
a thing to tell Mustali Hadhrat.
I know a secret that can
help us dethrone MelikShah.
Go back to Cairo. Seljuq will be ruined,
you can receive the news from there.
Trust me, Bedrul Cemali.
I promise you, I won't
disappoint you this time.
You better keep your promise, Sabbah.
Or this time, we will be
enemies with you after the Seljuq.
So Batinis and
Fatimis lost their own
entrustments when they
wanted to take our calendar.
Now they will fight each
other like mad dogs.
They will beg us to take
their entrustments back.
First the sacred spare of Christians,
now the entrustments of Fatimis.
It's even worse than defeating
their armies for them, my Sultan.
My Sultan, we've
received important news.
Our soldiers who we placed on
the way to Horasan were martyred.
We were right.
He did this to send news
to his soldiers in Horasan.
He apparently wants to
fight for the throne, my Sultan.
We couldn't prevent him from
contacting his soldiers in Horasan.
He has wasted all the chances we gave him.
Now we won't wait for Tekish to be caught.
So that he wants to fight for the throne,
we will do the necessary thing.
Gather the army! We will walk on Tekish!
This will be the last fight between us.
Our swords will show
us who will be the ruler.
We have to learn where Melik Tekish
will gather his army first, my Sultan.
I will place our spies right
And I will gather
Turkmen Beys and tell
them that we exposed
the traitor, my Sultan.
They will not blame us anymore.
I will want them to obey you in this war.
-And I will be by your side with my Alps.
- Yes, Sencer Bey.
I stabbed my own brother and
shed the dynasty’s blood.
Don't get mad at me, mother.
Would I do that if I wasn't right?
Look what happened to our state
that was entrusted to us by our father.
They even poisoned you.
How could I resist
against all these disasters?
There is no going back for
me or for my brother, mother.
I swear
..I'll take this state for our state.
I swear
I'll take this state for our state.
Until then
this dagger I bury in your grave
will be the sign of my oath.
When I win this war of throne
I'll come and take it from you.
The medicine that we make with
goat milk will help Lidya's wound.
Come on.
May it be easy, mother.
Who did you milk for it?
For Livya, my Bey.
What happened?
They shot Livya at the plain today.
What do you mean?
-Who did that?
- We doubt that Byzantine did that, son.
We'll learn from Livya
when she gets better.
Those infidels!
How could they enter
the plain freely, mother?
How could they shoot someone
under our protection, Togan?
Increase the guards.
There may be Byzantines
or others who did this.
You try to heal Livya now.
I'll send messengers to
the Bey and invite them.
Turkmen Beys were mad at you.
-Why do you call them?
- Melik Tekish's betrayal came out, mother.
Our Sultan will enter a war for throne.
I need to get Beys' obedience.
I'll fight with our Sultan.
I'll fight to protect him.
May Allah protect you and our Sultan
from the evilness of the traitor.
Ameen, mother.
I should prepare for the Beys arrival.
My Bey.
It's hard to talk to Turkmen Beys.
I should go instead of a
messenger if you allow me.
The news was sent to the troops that
we want them to join us, my Sultan.
We told our spies to learn where
Melik Tekish will meet his army.
When we learn the place,
we'll act according to that.
My Sultan.
We believe you'll win
this war for the throne.
as you know
the first condition
is to take precautions.
May Allah forbid
if something happens
to you at that war
there are your sons next
to your brother Melik Tekish.
Even if they beat Melik Tekish
it's not for sure they
won't fight with each other.
What kind of precaution do you suggest?
In my mind and in my heart
it's time for you to announce your heir.
I fought a lot.
I didn't appoint heir at all.
You must know something. Tell me.
My Sultan. Your sons are
grown up and got stronger.
They all may think they deserve the throne.
That can cause them to separate
instead of uniting against Tekish.
You should appoint your heir
so they can obey him.
And an event after your death
it'll be certain they
will unite around who.
The decision is yours, my Sultan.
What happened, Albert?
I don't understand.
I can't understand.
Believe me.
I don't know why I am crying.
I can't understand.
You need to feel for
crying, not understanding it.
Even if the tears fall from your eyes
the crying is actually the heart.
If Allah Ta'ala wants to purify a heart
He cleans that heart with tears.
Tears are the only water that
cools the burning heart.
they make the fire
bigger in the heart
yet refresh that person.
are the translator of heart.
It delivers to the thing
that you can't say
to the loved one.
And tears
is one of the water
that extinguish the hell fire.
But more than understanding that
we need to live through it.
You're starting to live.
That's why your heart is crying.
Welcome, the light of my eyes, Ghazali.
-You brought us joy.
- Thank you, we found joy.
Count Albert is our guest for a while.
I believe he'll be our
guest for a long time.
Such a good guest.
Such a good visitation.
This one supposed to
tell the story of Al-Burda.
Please allow us to listen it.
During the golden age, there was a
famous poet named Ka'b ibn Zuhayr.
His pen was sharpen than a sword.
Even though his brother
Mucair became a Muslim
Ka'b deprived of the light of faith.
And he even said poems which
include profanity about Islam and Prophet.
Mucair warned his
brother about this rough
poems which could cause
something bad for him.
Then Ka'b started to fear.
Neither his friend nor his tribe..
were trying to protect him.
He didn't have anywhere to go.
He was all alone in this world.
Eventually, he said whatever
happens and came to our Prophet.
Without introducing himself, he asked
Ka'b ibn Zuhayr wants to
see you after his repentance
if I bring him to you, will you accept
his repentance and he becoming a Muslim.
Our Efendi said, yes, if he comes her after
learning the right way, I'll accept him.
He said I'm Ka'b ibn Zuhayr
and then holds our Efendi's hands
then he asked forgiveness by crying.
he started to read "Baned
Suad" poem that you just listened.
Our Prophet liked the
Ka'b's poem so much
with a huge pleasure, taking the coat
named burde that came from Yemen
and put that on his shoulders.
Ka'b found the light in that moment
and found the forever state
by leaving mortal tastes.
Ka'b ibn Zuhayr was an enemy of Islam
and tried to ruin our
Prophet's reputation.
But even his tribe was pushing him away
our Prophet's mercy and compassion
which he was an enemy for him
that gave him the water of life.
And he got the honor of Islam.
So erens (dervishes)
we should have such morals
even our enemies
can find the life with us.
As you know
the events we saw have
pushed us to fight for the throne.
We may not survive this throne war.
That's why
for the future of the state
and for the order
I'll announce my heir.
My Sultan.
You went to so many wars until today.
you never needed to appoint an heir.
And while you're still alive
you'll be announced your heir.
Isn't it early for that?
This throne war will be bloody.
My heir should be obvious
so it'll be clear my
family will be around who.
And as you said
even if I die or be alive
the heir I'm going
to appoint right now
..he'll be the heir forever.
my heir who will ascend the
Seljuk throne after me
is my son Berkyaruq.
with his successes by being an Emir
and with all the conquests
with the good thing he did for
the state, he deserved to be the heir.
When I call him to Isfahan
I'll make the heir ceremony, Inshallah.
I want the dynasty to
obey the decision I made.
The high officials will obey
Melik Berkyaruq, my Sultan.
My other son Tapar, from now on
is the Emir of Shalamzar.
When I come back from the war
my lion will start doing his duty.
The order is yours, my Sultan.
You may leave.
You should tell the news to Berkyaruq.
He should know I appointed him as the heir.
If I can't make it alive after the war
he should come to Isfahan with
his army and take the throne.
It made me so happy that
you made our son the heir.
through your death possibility
it makes me sad to send
a message to Berkyaruq.
You are a smart woman.
Your duty is
to do the necessary thing for our state.
May our son's heirship be blessed.
And blessed.
With Allah's permission
pray for us to make it alive.
With the holy name of Allah.
(Ask Meydani - The Hall of Love) ♪
(Ask Meydani - The Hall of Love) ♪
(Ask Meydani - The Hall of Love) ♪
(Ask Meydani - The Hall of Love) ♪
(Ask Meydani - The Hall of Love) ♪
Disclosure of the traitor who
caused our Beys' death
made us so happy.
We're ashamed, Sanjar Bey.
Because of a traitor, there
was almost blood between us.
We're all Beys.
The law of Beys says
be silent where there is anger
have foresight where there is trouble.
When the truth comes out
whatever happens in between us
there is no importance.
Our Sultan will fight against
Melik Tekish for the throne.
The best thing for all of us
is to support our Sultan.
I gathered you here to obey our Sultan.
The wars in between
brother took so many lives
ruined so many states.
What do do you say about this, Ak Bilge?
Being brothers like Cain and Abel.
Being brothers like the
founders of our state
Tughril Bey and Chaghri Bey.
With the justice of Sultan Melik Shah
for years, the sheep and the wolf
they drink water
together on these lands.
Just like Tughril Bey and Chaghri Bey
he is trying to make
everyone brother to each other.
In the war
what if the traitors win?
Then everyone will turn to Cain and Abel.
if our Sultan wins
just like Tughril Bey and Chaghri Bey
we all be brothers.
Now, what's your decision?
We're the sons of this state.
Of course, we want the brotherhood
of Tughril Bey and Chaghri Bey.
That's why
it suits us to support
Sultan Melik Shah.
I saw our guest has come here as a knot.
But a knot that wants to be opened.
I really want.
I think I'm not good enough for
the goodness I've received here.
Why do you think that?
Because I'm a sinner.
If the sins of all the
people were summed up
they couldn't fill a single
drop against Allah's sea of mercy.
How happy you are that
you are aware of your sin.
And you're searching for mercy.
My heart is burning.
How can I extinguish it
with that sea of mercy?
Please tell me.
If I become a Muslim
will Allah accept me?
The holy Allah is the One who
gives the refresh to the hearts.
Our Hazrat Ali said
your trouble is because
of you, you don't know
you have the cure but you can't see
the whole universe
is hidden inside you
you think you're something small.
Human is the most honorable creature.
The light of the all creatures.
Such a valuable creature for Allah
should know the value of itself.
Since I'm the most valuable creature
then I want to be honored with Islam
that is the only religion worth living.
If we caused such a beautiful thing
that's a huge happiness for us too.
What do I need to do to become a Muslim?
It's enough to say Shadada and express
the faith in your heart with your tongue.
Repeat what I say.
I bear witness that
there is no god but Allah.
and I bear witness that
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
and I bear witness that
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
May it be blessed.
Since you became a Muslim
you need to get a Muslim name.
I'd be honored.
Appearance came from Ali Efendi
your name should be Abdullah Ali.
As it means Ali the servant of Allah.
That Ali was the groom of our Prophet
Ahl al-Bayt's minbar.
Allah's lion.
Leader of the heroes.
And the highest of Wali's. (wisdom)
That Ali won so many
battles for Allah's cause.
For the Allah's cause
may your horse be like his.
May your sword be like his, Zulfiqar.
Inshallah, you'll have a good life
as the worth of the name you carry.
- Inshallah.
I had a mistake about Livya got shot.
I supposed to protect
the tribe in your absence.
But I couldn't do it.
You knew what the enemy is
when you were Emir's daughter.
You can't know what
they can do and when.
After Livya gets better
we'll make them pay for it.
Don't worry at all.
I'm sad about Sultan Melik Shah
because he'll fight his brother.
I knew him even a little bit.
He has so much compassion inside him.
Who knows how sad he is.
What would you do if you were him?
If you were the Sultan, you had the power?
If you were about to fight your brother?
I'd do the same as Sultan
Melik Shah will do tomorrow
Because he is our father.
We know as a law what we see from him.
Inshallah, we'll have kids one day.
I wish they'd know as a law
what they'll see from their father.
I wish they'd be fair
and fight for justice.
But first
go and come back alive.
You fought a lot before.
But this is different.
It'll be a huge war.
May Allah forbid
..what will I do if you don't come back?
Take care of our tribe and tent.
You'll say my husband died
for his Sultan and the law.
You'll carry that honor in
your heart just like our love.
So you'd remember my soul too.
If you weren't with me
this whole world
would be a desert for me.
Our love bleeds my heart.
Our tent and tribe become smaller.
And you are the foundation of my heart.
Without you, the tent of
my heart will be ruined.
This flower bloomed
from the strongest seed.
Just like our hearts.
It grew up with the purest water.
Just like the love that gave
us water of life to our hearts.
It grew up among the stones and black soil.
Just like us that reached
happiness after so many hardships.
You're this flower.
All these troubles
you won't bend your head.
You won't lose your leaves.
We took our precautions.
Now it's time to wait for faith.
You just don't stop praying for us.
Your prayers
and your love in my
heart will be my armor.
Come my crown, have a seat.
I won't sit, Melik Shah.
I'll say my complain and leave.
What happened? What complain?
We shared the happiness about our son.
Now, you
before the son I'm carrying arises
appointed a heir.
-How true is that?
- I told the reason, Terken.
-It was necessary for the state.
- What about our future son?
Among all the Meliks
..what if he'll be the
most successful?
What if he deserves the throne
and being the heir the most?
Is that being fair?
All of my sons will be successful for sure.
they all will obey to one.
That person
is Berkyaruq.
I'm trying to keep all my sons together.
Can't you see?
If the most successful
one can't be the heir
won't he thing that's unfair?
brothers won't unite.
On the contrarily, they'll become enemies.
And just because my son's
mother is from Karahan
wouldn't he be ignored?
- Terken.
You're my Hatun.
Who can't threat you differently?
do you have ambition for the throne so
you're making plans for our unborn kid?
and arguing about my decision?
We lost two sons, Melik Shah.
I always wanted to make you happy
by giving you a son from me.
I wanted to raise our child together.
But with that heir decision
you ruined my unborn child’s future.
am talking here as a mother
who thinks her child's future.
do you part to give a
birth to our child safely.
I warned you today.
I said don't create
issues inside the dynasty.
Look what's going on
between my and my brother.
Never get the ideas that will cause issues
between our kid and his brothers. Never.
Until today
I obeyed every decisions of yours.
Even if it sometimes hurt me
for your sake
I accepted them.
This decision about heir
it s my duty to obey.
I can't accept it in my heart.
Know that.
Being the Emir was your right, Tapar.
But your real right, being the heir was
given to your big brother Berkyaruq.
Your father might gave you
the Emir duty to silence you.
My father doesn't play those games, Gevher.
He must gave that heir decision
after thinking the all of my brothers.
When the time comes
me and my other brother will obey that.
Who is your other brother, Tapar?
Your only brother is your
big brother Berkyaruq.
Terken Hatun
they say her future kid will be a boy.
I meant that.
You even think about
Terken's unborn child.
Think about our kid too, Tapar.
My worry is not about me.
But our child's future.
You be the heir and then the Sultan..
so child can't be a
lower part of dynasty.
There is no more than the fate, Gevher.
Look at my uncle Tekish.
He didn't accept his destiny
and look what happened.
We’ll do our best.
And we'll accept our fate.
May Allah forbid
if something bad happens to our
Sultan, we won't have anything left.
That's why you should pray for
his life and for the Sultanate.
I lost my hope on Seljuk
dynasty, Tajul Mulk.
Seferiye Hatun pushed me away for years.
before my child is born
uncle's daughter,
Zubeyde's son Berkyaruq
he was appointed as heir.
There is no use for me from all of them.
So what are you going to do?
May Allah forbid, if Melik
Shah loses the throne war
I won't leave the throne for
Tekish or the heir for Berkyaruq.
About this
I'll ask support from my
real dynasty Karakhanid.
That's a really serious decision,
Terken Hatun.
If something bad happens
the results will be bad too.
I was born as a daughter of a great state.
I was the Hatun of a world state.
Now, they want me to be without a state.
There is nothing more
important than this, Tajul Mulk.
I'll send a message to
trustable people of Karakhanids.
May Allah forbid
if Melik Shah loses, I'll ask
support from them for the Seljuk throne.
My Sultan.
Until now
we gave up on so
many thing for the state.
They all for to stop those bad
people to not own the state.
Now, we'll fight my brother for the throne.
All the sacrifices we made
I wish they wouldn't be wasted
because of a traitor brother.
There is an army of prayers behind you.
There are so many oppressed
ones who are waiting for your justice.
So many lands to conquer,
so many lands to arrive.
They are all for our case.
My Rabb won't let our state get
under control of the traitors, Inshallah.
My Sultan. News from our spies.
My Sultan.
Melik Tekish called his
soldiers from Khorasan.
Around 15.000 soldiers will come.
And Melik Tekish's soldiers at
Merdik and Tirmiz ruined everywhere.
They'll arrive to Buyuk Vadi tomorrow.
Everyone should get ready.
At dawn, we'll go there.
We say all the soldiers shouldn't
fight because of a person's ambition.
But they don't care their lives.
they're responsible
for the blood of this war.
He paid so much for the state.
I wish the right would come out.
His life and his state will be alive.
Ameen, mother.
You have the ruling of the
plain in my absence, Turna.
Take care of our plain,
our tent and our home.
If I can't come back
give me your blessings.
I give you my blessings, my Bey.
I wait for your news.
Inshallah you'll come back alive.
We were waiting for 15.000 but there
is less than half of it, Melik Hazrat.
It seems that
it's the effect of Sultan
Melik Shah's news.
Most of our soldiers
didn't join because of fear.
there is no going back
for us other than death.
My heroes.
We have no choice but to take
the throne we are entitled to by war.
Today, in this valley
so many lives will be lost.
So many heads will be lost.
But the winner
will be us.
We'll give this state the reputation
and greatness that it deserves.
Sultan Alp Arslan' entrust
we won't give it to the
people who don't deserve it.
There are no brother here.
But only who deserve it and who not.
And we as the ones who
deserve will destroy our opponents.
Me, as the son of Alp Arslan, Tekish
I pulled out my sword.
End of this way either goes
to the state or the death.
Either the state or death!
Either the state or death!
O, destiny.
You dazzle the eyes with
the might of the throne.
you make people wear the shirt of fire.
The day comes and you
take the loved ones away.
The day comes and you take our kids away
Who could resist this burden
if your aim isn't the world's
order and the Allah’s cause?
You say it's time to pay the price again.
You want my brother's blood from me.
Let your shirt of fire burn our hearts
Let your shirt of fire burn our hearts.
We'll wait patients in silence.
Let the cause be forever
we can sacrifice a thousand brother.
May your wrist be strong and
your sword be sharp, Melik Shah.
The war you're going as the ruler
..may it be in your destiny
to come back as a ruler.
two heads of Seljuk monster
will fight to stop each other.
Sanjar, with his Alps
will fight next to Melik
Shah against Tekish.
While they're fighting to end each other.
we'll kidnap Basulu Hatun.
Basulu Hatun won't
leave the Kinik plain, father.
How are we going to take her out?
I'll set up such a game for her
Basulu Hatun will come
to our hands by her own will.
Why are you so sad, Mahmelek?
Will the dynasty girl ever be so
sad when they're going to war?
Brother. What if you and my father won't
come back alive from the throne war?
Don't cry with your beautiful eyes.
You're our most valuable one.
You'II see. My dad and
I will come back alive.
Just pray for us. That's enough.
Melik Hazrat tells the
truth, Mahmelek Hatun.
Our Sultan won so many wars
and came back to his state alive.
Allah will help our Sultan again.
Don't worry.
Thank you, Sanjar Bey.
But it isn't your father and
brother who are going to war.
You can't understand the worry in my heart.
Sultan Melik Shah Hazrat!
The palace is yours, Zubeyde Hatun.
If I can't come back alive
protect Isfahan until Berkyaruq comes.
The order is yours, my Sultan.
For your victory, our prayers
always will be with you.
May Allah protect you and
my brother, my Sultan.
Inshallah you'll come back alive.
The pearl of my children.
My beautiful daughter.
May Allah protect you.
May Allah make your sword sharp, my Sultan.
Our tongues will be with prays,
our eyes will be on the ways.
Our ear will be waiting for victory news.
Thank you, Terken
My Sultan.
Our army and Turkmen Beys are
waiting for us around the valley.
Didn't Livya wake up yet, daughter?
No, mother.
We can learn everything, if she wakes up.
Are you Basulu Hatun?
-Yeah. What happened?
- The spies informed us.
The infidels will attack the
women around the river.
They're so crowded.
We need support.
Those dastards!
They'll attack during the throne war.
-I'll take the Alps and go.
Mother. Let me go with you.
You take care of the plain.
They attacked us before around the river.
We won't allow them this time.
Alps! Take your swords!
We'll go to the river and be
there before their attack!
Sultan Melik Shah's
army is bigger than ours.
I'm ready to die.
I'll fight until the last drop of my blood.
The news we have sent to
Khorosan worked, my Sultan.
It seems like most of them
obeyed you and didn't come.
They understood they'll lose, my Sultan.
If you allow, let's send a messenger
and ask them to surrender.
I think they won't accept.
They'll fight until the very end.
My Sultan, if you allow,
we should put the army in war position.
I won't attack to these little
bit soldier and lose anyone.
This is the war of mine and Tekish.
Whoever make it alive.
the power for the throne will be his.
- My Sultan.
It's unknown what will
happen in a one on one fight.
If something bad happens
the state can't handle with that.
We took this state from
our ancestor Alp Arslan.
whoever doesn't die here
will take the our ancestor's sword.
Allah gives the Sultanate.
So the decision is His.
Sultan wants to fight one on one.
That what suits us as
the sons of this state.
Even your most trusted soldiers
couldn't stay against me next to you.
Can't you still understand you
don't deserve to be the Sultan?
What good did you do?
While you have power to beat me here
you chose to fight one on one.
Your bravery is admirable
But aren't you afraid?
What if I beat you?
Your army will be broken.
Most of them will come to my side.
I went to all of my wars by trusting
Allah's decision and then my own power.
I don't hesitate on that.
The scary thing is
someone who betrayed to his own blood
someone who worked the
state's enemies will lead the state.
And I'll stop that with my sword.
Our ancestor's sword.
Our mother's gift.
We'll fight in front of them.
Whoever makes it alive will take the sword.
That one will get
stronger about the throne.
When the weakest wolf falls
the powerful wolf shreds it.
I'll do the wolf's law.
You'll fall
I'll shred.
And I'll get what I deserve.
Let the swords decide that.
This way doesn't go to the river.
Where are you taking us?
To Seyyiduna's hands.
They pulled us into a trap!
Do you remember me, Basulu Hatun?
You are him!
You followed me on purpose.
There were hidden
meanings behind your words.
There are no secrets in this world
that Seyyiduna can't reach.
Now, you the key of the
secret, it will be mine too.
Sultan Melik Shah's Hatun, Basulu!
The sword fell down.
The sword's power ended.
For this mortal world's Sultanate
was it worth it, Tekish?
Was it worth it that you gave this
suffering to me and to yourself?
The bow rope will give your punishment.
As I came to the brink of death, I
realized the greatness my mistake, brother.
But your mercy is bigger than that.
Forgive your brother.
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