All That Glitters (2023) s01e27 Episode Script

Episode 27

Were you responsible for his wife's death?
He killed Judy Fong.
Not that you didn't do it.
You're already dead.
He jumped off for real.
He did not. You pushed him over!
He jumped off himself.
He was atoning for his sins.
-What are you doing?
-Give it to me.
Calm down!
How can I stay calm?
You saw it too. He pushed Arthur over!
Arthur jumped off himself.
I saw it with my own eyes.
Arthur Thng jumped off himself!
Richard was only trying to stop him.
But he was too late.
Jianzhi, how could you
act against your conscience?
That was exactly what happened.
You'll tell the police
the same thing, won't you?
I'll tell them exactly what I saw!
You want me to go to jail?
Have you never loved me?
I'll forgive you.
Leave with me now,
and pretend that nothing happened.
I won't pursue your betrayal.
I can't do that.
You still want to call the police?
Give her back her phone.
Please, Zhenting.
I've never pleaded with anyone in my life.
Please give yourself a chance.
Don't force my hand!
Hello, Zhenting?
Can you hear me?
-Let go of me
Zhenting! Hello!
Please, Richard.
Please, Richard, let me go.
You brought this upon yourself.
Why did you get together with Richard?
Why did you reject me?
If I can't have you, nobody shall!
I'm sorry.
You know I've been waiting for you
for many years.
I see you as a friend,
someone whom I can confide in.
I know you've looked down on me
since we first met.
Good friends are forever,
while lovers might only last
for one night.
I've never forgotten those words you said.
-I've been the only one who loves you.
-Let go!
Why can't you see that?
No, Jianzhi!
You curbed your desire back then,
for you knew I'd be yours sooner or later.
Don't think so little of me.
No, Jianzhi I beg you
Zhenyu! Did you find Zhenting?
I couldn't catch up with her.
Did you call her then?
Yes. I got through, and she called me Sis.
Then, the line was cut off,
and I couldn't reach her again after that.
I guess reception was poor.
Never mind, let me see you home.
I think they arranged to
jump off the building together.
The woman looked so young.
-Just a minute!
You said someone jumped off a building.
Where was it?
Behind the car park.
Take me there, Jintiao.
Someone committed suicide.
Why do you want to go there?
-Surely you don't think
-Hurry, Jintiao!
-Hurry up.
The winner for today is
the blue boxer,
Stop! Stop!
Break up.
‪Stop! Stop!
How is it, Jintiao? Is it Zhenting?
It is Zhenting.
I'm her sister! Zhenting!
Zhenting is a good friend of mine.
So she asked me to accompany her.
When the negotiation started,
I waited for Zhenting by the side.
After about ten minutes,
I heard an argument.
I heard Arthur saying two things.
"Do you know how agonized I am?"
He's agonized,
as he's unable to get over you.
And the second thing he said was,
"Let's die together."
When I turned around,
I saw Arthur Thng and Zhenting
in a scuffle next to the parapet.
I was terrified,
so I ran over to stop him,
but Arthur pushed me away.
I think I
I think I hit a pillar.
I passed out after that.
When I woke up
When I woke up, they were both missing.
You must help Zhenting.
She's a good friend of mine.
You must help her.
I won.
How are your injuries?
Quite minor.
Stop lying.
It's on the Internet.
That fellow was a beast.
He's banned permanently
from all competitions.
That's a real punishment to him.
A boxer who can't compete
in competitions is as good as a goner.
I've avenged my brother.
You fool.
This fool
misses you a lot.
I'll be back soon.
I'll come back with a sum of money.
And we'll open
the biggest
and grandest Muay Thai gym in Thailand.
You silly girl.
I'm a fool,
while you're a silly girl.
What is it?
I'm fine.
You silly girl, why would I need
the biggest and grandest gym?
I just want a small place
to teach children Muay Thai.
Here's my biggest dream.
After paying off the debt,
I hope we can lead
a happy and carefree life together.
Sure we can, Susakong.
It'll come true.
Focus on teaching Muay Thai from now on.
Don't take part in competitions anymore.
Here's the fool's promise to you.
No more competitions.
Wait for my return.
I'll be waiting.
On the day Zhenting met with harm,
she came to the coffee shop.
She called me Mom,
but I ignored her.
No, you didn't. You talked to her.
I didn't say much to her, and she left.
Some mother I am.
-Some mother I am
-Why are you crying again, Mom?
If Zhenting knew about this,
she'd be heartbroken.
Zhenting's wish is our wish too.
We all want you to be well.
Weihao, take Mom home.
Let's go home, Mom.
Auntie Xiaomei.
Tell me, Jiahui.
How did it happen?
My daughter was alive and well.
She was alive and well.
How did she fall from the building?
Auntie Xiaomei, I already
told you everything I know.
You said that man was responsible for it.
Why did he do that to Zhenting?
-And why didn't you stop him?
-Come on, Mom.
-Why didn't you stop him?
-I'm sorry, Auntie Xiaomei.
-Come on, Mom.
-Go home first.
You know what, Jiahui?
The doctor says Zhenting will not wake up.
She's so young, yet she'll be
bedridden for the rest of her life.
Poor girl.
My poor daughter.
Let's go home, Mom.
-Go home and rest, Mom.
-Come on, Mom.
Sorry, Jiahui.
My mom is emotionally unstable.
I should be the one
saying sorry, Sis Zhenyu.
I failed to stop it from happening.
Don't start reproaching yourself
after what my mom said.
Sis Zhenyu, can I see Zhenting?
Zhenyu, where's Zhenting?
We're about to visit her. Join us.
-You okay?
-I'm fine.
What happened to your arm?
Nothing serious.
I injured myself while working out.
Sis Zhenyu.
Did the doctor really say that?
Is Zhenting really not going to wake up?
The doctor said
unless there's a miracle,
she's not
It'll happen.
The miracle will happen.
I'm really curious, He Jianzhi.
You were hanging your head.
You didn't dare look inside the room.
You didn't dare look at Zhenting?
You feel guilty?
Got it. You must be wondering
how she survived the fall.
Had she died,
it'd be over, once and for all.
He Jianzhi.
You're a scumbag!
That's an understatement.
I'm a slimeball.
But anybody is fit to criticize me
except you,
for you're just as odious as me.
Two million dollars.
That's all it takes for you
to betray your BFF.
You're wrong.
Providence was kind to Zhenting.
She was blessed with beauty and brains.
But providence was cruel to her
at the same time.
All the people she knows
are skunks,
and slimeballs.
Richard Mo,
Arthur Thng,
and myself.
What are you laughing at?
I'm laughing at you,
at myself,
and Richard Mo.
We'll all end up like Arthur.
The wicked ones
will be punished by Heaven.
You're crazy.
Indeed I am.
We're all crazy!
You'll get the money soon.
Just a minute.
I don't want the two million anymore.
Come again?
I said, the S$2 million
I don't want it anymore.
What are you up to?
Don't worry, I won't go to the police.
I just suddenly feel
that I was so foolish.
I only asked for S$2 million from you.
The sum Richard Mo conned out of others
must amount to a few hundred mil at least.
And you, He Jianzhi.
You must've made quite a pile
over the past few years
Two million dollars
is too little to ask for from you guys.
How can you go back on your word?
Scumbags never keep their word.
And others need not
keep their word to them.
How much do you want now then?
Ten times more.
Twenty million? Are you out of your mind?
It includes your compensation
to Bro Musen.
S$20 million in return for
your freedom and Richard Mo's.
I think it's a good deal.
Don't forget that
you already gave your statement
and told the police a different story.
I'll tell them you forced me
to give a false statement.
You threw Arthur and Zhenting
off the building.
I was afraid you might
do the same thing to me.
So I gave a false statement.
You think based on what you said,
they'll believe you?
That's why
I'll hand the evidence over to them.
What evidence?
You'll receive it soon.
You're penniless, or I'd seduce you.
I'll be your girlfriend.
Who can resist a girl like you?
Friends can sleep with each other too.
He Jianzhi.
Will you treat me like this forever?
Shower me with care as a brother would.
I don't want to be your brother.
I'd like to stand by you
and take care of you forever.
I hope that day will come.
What if it doesn't come?
I'll give you my best wishes.
He Jianzhi.
You liar!
You brought this upon yourself.
Why did you get together with Richard?
Why did you reject me?
If I can't have you, nobody shall.
Here's an excerpt.
If I don't see the money in my account
before noon the day after tomorrow,
the police will receive the full clip.
She wants S$20 million?
-What's the matter?
My mind was on something else.
What would you like?
Don't bother.
How's your mom?
She hasn't been able to get out of bed.
The moment she gets up, she feels giddy.
Is anybody taking care of her?
My brother.
It happens to be his term break.
You look weary too, Zhenyu.
Why not close for a few days to rest?
If I rest, I'll think of Zhenting.
I have to keep myself occupied.
What's more,
I need to get ready
to pay her medical bills.
It's my fault.
Had I walked faster, I'd have been
able to catch up with Zhenting.
Blame it on my useless leg.
Don't start talking like that, Jintiao.
We never expected
such a terrible thing to happen.
Is Jianzhi here?
How's your leg?
It doesn't kill me.
Just you today? Where's your mom?
She's resting at home.
I got her some tonics.
As I was coming in, I heard you
talking about Zhenting's medical bills.
That was what brought me here.
If it's okay with you, leave them to me.
I've always regarded Zhenting as
a sister.
You asked me to take care of her,
but I let you down.
I'm really sorry about that.
You've been looking out for her.
I'm really grateful.
How can I still let you
pay her medical bills?
Come on, we've known
one another for so long.
Since my dad is gone, I'm all alone.
I have no commitments whatsoever.
There's really no need to.
-No more buts!
Zhenyu has a backbone.
She wouldn't take your stinking money.
You're right not to
take his money, Zhenyu.
He thinks with the money he has,
he can become a good man.
It's not so easy!
He also told me he'd give me money
to set up a company to help Liu Mu.
Help Liu Mu, my foot!
Who was the one who landed him in jail?
You traitor! Get out!
I'm only trying to help Zhenting.
What's wrong with that?
You have something on your conscience?
Don't be ridiculous.
Where were you when Liu Mu got in trouble?
And what did you do when he was in prison?
You only offered to help him
after he was released.
It was obvious you had something
on your conscience.
And now you try to be kind
and help Zhenting.
My grandma called you a heartless fellow.
Can you hear me?
Let go of me.
Jianzhi, were you at the scene?
Were you at the scene
when Zhenting fell from the building?
Zhenyu is asking you.
Why are you keeping quiet?
I don't know how to answer her.
Why the question, Zhenyu?
Why would I have been at the scene?
It just suddenly struck me.
Sorry, I shouldn't have asked.
No need to say sorry.
He's capable of any evil.
He once tried to kill someone
with a knife.
Huang Jintiao!
What are you shouting for?
You really tried to kill someone
with a knife.
Why rake up the past?
Have you never acted on impulse
and done something stupid?
Zhenyu and her family are vexed
about Zhenting's misfortune,
yet you're adding fuel to the fire.
How childish can you get?!
Thanks for the kind offer, Jianzhi.
If we need help, I'll let you know.
Think it over again.
I've got the money ready.
Take care.
Sorry, Zhenyu.
It's all right.
Can I go and see your mom?
Sure. With someone to talk to,
she'll stop imagining things.
Try and talk some sense into her.
I'm here to visit your mom.
I have Zhenyu's permission.
My mom is having a rest.
This chicken essence is for her.
Who is it, Weihao?
Get some rest, Xiaomei.
I won't disturb you.
Come on in.
Come in.
You shouldn't have got up on your own.
Have a seat.
Some chicken essence for you.
You shouldn't have gone
to the expense. Thanks.
You can't do this.
What can't I do?
You can't go on like this.
You look so
Old and ugly, right?
Are you here to make trouble?
Ever since Zhenting met with harm,
my mom hasn't been eating
or sleeping well.
She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday.
How do you expect her to look good?
Instead of comforting her,
you're making useless remarks.
Get out this minute. Out!
Xiaomei, I'll make a move.
Sit down.
Jintiao is right.
I can't go on like this.
If Zhenting wakes up
and sees me in this state,
she'll be so upset.
Sis Zhenyu, here's Susakong's number,
and my number and email address.
Please keep me posted
on Zhenting's condition.
I will.
When are you going back to Thailand?
If Bro Musen looks you up,
do ask him to contact me.
Will you do that?
Sis Zhenyu.
I'm sorry.
What is it?
I'm really sorry.
30 JUNE 2022
What are we doing in a cemetery?
As you know, my dad was a gambling addict.
This is where he was buried.
I'm here to give him money for gambling.
Come and get the money, Dad!
It's the anniversary of his death today.
Getting cold feet?
You bet I am.
I've never seen anyone as inhuman as you.
I'm numb to it.
When you see it too often,
you become numb to it.
You should know that in order to survive,
you can't afford to be human.
Neither can you be sympathetic.
If you don't kill others,
you'll be killed instead.
After you kill a person,
someone will come after you for revenge,
and you'll have to kill more people.
If you manage to survive,
you'll be rewarded
with wealth, power and status.
But of course, in order to get all that,
you have to be prepared to lose your life.
He Jianzhi.
Are you intimidating me?
I just want you to know that
all good things come with a price.
Like a sum as big as S$20 million.
Let me tell you.
I have poisonous stings
that prick and cause death.
Don't ruffle my feathers.
You should have nothing
to worry about then.
Get into the car.
See if the account number is correct.
And the amount, S$20 million.
It's been transferred.
Richard! No!
No, Richard! No! Richard!
How can I be sure you only have one copy?
If I said I didn't make
any duplicate copies,
would you believe me?
You have no choice but to believe me.
Relax. Having taken your money,
I'm in the same boat as you now.
It won't do me any good to betray you.
Let me check with my boss.
I forgot that
you're working under someone.
Hurry up then.
I have a flight to catch.
I'm going back to Thailand.
Susakong, I'll see you soon.
Wait for me.
It's all done.
All done?
You've checked out of the hotel.
The letter you left at reception
has been recalled too.
You left a letter at reception
and told them
if you didn't return to check out,
they should hand it to the police.
Were you following me?
You have poisonous stings.
You can prick and kill me anytime.
I have to guard myself against you.
Look, if I don't return to Thailand today,
none of you will get away.
By the way,
is your fiancé waiting
in Thailand for you?
Now, what's his name?
He's doing quite well.
Why, you
He's a boxer all right,
getting back on his feet so soon
despite being badly injured.
If it were someone else, he'd have
been bedridden for a dozen days.
As you know,
it's easy to get admitted into hospital
but often hard to get out.
Subtitle translation by: S Lin
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