Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e27 Episode Script

Episode 27

So you are such a person?
Strong enough to be fearless.
I'm not.
There is time when I fear,
and don't know what to do.
(Are you really)
(strong enough to be fearless?)
(Yes, I am.)
(Because I have to protect you.)
(Cheng, did I really make a mistake?)
(Should we call off our relationship?)
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 27=
Why are you crying?
I'm not crying.
You're not crying?
Who was wailing like a wolf?
Do you think this room is well sound-proof?
If you want to lie next time,
hide under the blanket and cry.
I'm sure I can't hear you
even you passed out for crying.
I'm not crying.
I don't want to ask the same question again.
That's because
I was just washing my face
and my hand touched the water.
It hurts, so that's why I cried.
You wrap your fingers in an ugly way.
With only one hand,
can you wrap it beautifully?
Are you stupid?
Why don't you let me help you?
I don't need your help.
I can do it myself.
It'll hurt a little.
It hurts just as much as before.
Didn't you cry so loudly just now?
You become tough
when I came?
I've cried enough.
What's wrong?
You wouldn't talk to me several days ago.
And now you're coming all the way over here.
What's this about?
Are you looking for a joke?
Do you want to have a good laugh at me?
I came because I worried about you.
If you want me to leave,
either you don't cry
or you can deafen me.
(The man in front of me)
(the king of Onmyoji Arena Pro League,)
(is the god of the fans.)
(Was it really me)
(who dragged him down
from the altar little by little?)
(Am I really doing it for his sake?)
Bear with it.
(- Cheng.)
- It will be fine soon.
(Did I really make a mistake?)
If I've done something wrong,
why don't you give me a scolding?
Beating me up is fine.
Ban me from the game.
Just let me play training match.
Make me absent from each game. It's all fine.
Why didn't you say anything
from beginning to end?
I could only watch you from afar.
You didn't even talk to me
and just ignored me.
I'm a human being,
a living human being.
I'm not air.
Are we going to break up?
You want to break up with me?
Because I didn't do a good enough job
and made you cry,
you're breaking up with me?
That's what you just said.
I did.
Why are you nervous?
How can I not be nervous
with you looking at me like that?
So now you're going to denounce me?
No, I'm not.
I'm just curious.
What makes you think like that?
You've always been great.
You're Lu Sicheng.
You're Chessman,
the god of shooter in their minds.
No one dared to scold you before
until I appeared,
meddling around
and making trouble.
If there is a troublemaker,
it would be me.
I'm just curious
what makes you think like that.
I'm not trying to break up with you.
It's because just that
you ignored me the other day.
I was wondering
whether you were mad at me.
Or maybe you're tired of me?
That's why I couldn't help but ask you.
If that's really the case,
at least I can dump you first
so that it won't be so humiliating.
A lot of things have happened
in the past few days.
I was confused.
And then there was
the incident where you got hurt.
I was so angry.
But I didn't know
who was the man to be angry at.
So you were angry at me.
I wasn't.
I was just mad at myself.
It's not that I didn't want to talk to you.
It's that I didn't know how to talk to you,
to make you accept me as I was.
I'm not the perfect man atop of everything
in your heart.
I couldn't even protect you
in critical moments.
You thought too much.
What perfect man atop of everything?
Isn't that so?
I've seen you sloppy.
Is this the reason you broke up with me?
I told you.
I didn't.
Why do you still…?
From now on, no matter what happens,
don't break up with me.
But I want to make a move
before you dump me.
That's not gonna happen.
Don't even think about it.
I will take care of you
for the rest of your life.
So I'll repeat
the breakup thing.
Don't even think about it.
(Hey, Yao.)
(Why are you still sleeping?)
(Look at the news link I sent you.)
(ZGDX e-sport club)
(has indicated the reason for
Tong Yao's absence from the game)
(is that her hand got cut
by a malicious package she received.)
(ZGDX condemns this kind of behavior.)
(We hope that fans will discipline themselves)
(from acting aggressively.)
(In response to this situation,)
(ZGDX will take legal action if necessary.)
What happened to your face?
Maybe I ate something bad last night.
It's an allergy.
Rui, is this you
who did the righteous thing?
Cheng has pressured the club
to make the statement.
And we didn't say anything before
to calm the public opinion.
But if now
we don't reveal the truth to the public,
the public opinion will become
more and more outrageous.
This is even worse.
this statement really works.
The person who sent you
the express delivery has been found.
She is the one who sent the post
"How Tong Daji is made".
And some fans found out
she declared on another account that
she was going to send you a razor blade.
Oh my god, all your fans are cursing her now.
Her blogs are going to be trending.
Take this and put it on.
It'll make it look better.
Don't eat anything bad in the future.
don't show off frequently.
Lu Sicheng.
Are you a stupid pig?
You came downstairs in your pajamas again.
(The poster of "How Tong Daji is made",)
(you made hater posts,
and sent razor blades.)
(What's your grudge against Smiling?)
(How shameless.)
(What's your intention in scolding Tong Yao?)
(And you even sent razor blades?)
(Are you out of your mind?)
(Are you very depressed in the real life?)
(Made hater posts and sent razor blades.)
(Blogger, the price of groceries must increase
when your mother goes out for shopping.)
(You must step on the stinky shit
when you go out.)
(You must forget to bring paper
when you go to the toilet.)
(All the Smiling fans,)
(don't make a scene here, okay?)
(Put internet violence on a blogger.)
(Are you humans?)
(Put internet violence on a little girl.)
(Good for you, Tong Daji.)
(Hurry up and apologize to her.)
(That's funny.)
(The victim hasn't yet spoken.)
(You guys came out
and blamed the victim first?)
(Does it make any sense?)
(ZGDX midsolo Tong Yao's fans push
internet violence on an ordinary blogger.)
(As you wish,
I'm going to die with recurring depression.)
Hello, everyone.
I am what you call
the unforgivable "Momo is a devil".
I posted
"How Tong Daji is made".
I am just an ordinary person.
I'm just an ordinary
junior high school student,
a loyal fan who used to
love ZGDX's Lu Sicheng.
I am also a depressed person.
This is the diagnosis of major depression
from the First People's Hospital
in March this year.
From that time to now,
I've been taking medicines.
The situation was improving.
your internet violence
has interfered with my life.
From the moment I suffered it,
I haven't closed my eyes for 48 hours.
I'm too tired
and disappointed.
I'm too scared.
Let's end it like this.
Goodbye forever.
As you wish,
I'm going to be driven to death by you guys
with recurring depression.
(Smiling is too hateful.)
(As a public figure,)
(how dare she allow her fans)
(to push internet violence
and insult an ordinary blogger?)
(Why don't you all step in
and calm the situation down?)
(Smiling and her lackeys.)
(It's better to let Smiling
make a public apology.)
(ZGDX, please deal with Smiling seriously.)
(I'm so confused!)
(How can this be the victim's fault?)
(Just because the perpetrator was depressed?)
(Nice moral kidnapping.)
(Just clicked on the video
and took a closer look at)
(the depression diagnosis of
"Momo is a big devil".)
(Test Conclusion: Major depression)
(And I surprisingly found)
(it seems that the test was conducted by
the psychology department of our hospital.)
(But we don't seem to have received her.)
(Is it possible that too many vitamins
can cause problems?)
(I'm scared.)
(The truth is not yet clear.)
(And you're already cursing Smiling.)
(Smiling's lackeys.)
(Go away, you accomplice.)
From the moment I suffered it,
I haven't closed my eyes for 48 hours.
Now it has come to this point.
It's no longer a petty fight
among e-sports fans
but a social event that has attracted
the attention of the whole society.
So we must be careful with it.
We must come up with the best solution.
Save ZGDX and the club
from more trouble.
Before the best solution is finalized,
in order to avoid public anger,
exclude Tong Yao
from all the recent activities of ZGDX.
How about this?
Let's let Tong Yao apologize first
to relieve the bad comments on the Internet.
Although the whole thing
is not directly related to Tong Yao,
it's more or less
because of her.
Because of her?
First of all, the cause of the whole thing
isn't Tong Yao.
But because this girl
sent a razor blade to Tong Yao.
Second of all,
the depression report this girl provided
in the video
is questionable.
Her behavior and results
in the video are questionable.
When the whole thing is not clear,
it's impossible to let Tong Yao
come out and apologize.
The problem is that
the public opinion is now one-sided.
You can't tell the truth at all.
Can't you tell it?
Whether it's true or false,
a phone call to the police will make it clear.
Is this how you
protect your own club member?
If something happens,
you push us out as shield?
Is that so?
Lu Sicheng is right.
In fact, there were fans who
contacted the local police
after "Momo is a big devil"
had released the suicide video.
They said they didn't receive
any case of junior high school student
committing suicide.
So we can't be sure about
whether this is true or not.
It's not
as simple as it seems.
Lu Sicheng.
Lu is the largest shareholder,
you don't own the club alone.
It doesn't matter
how you make trouble at other times.
But now,
I have to take into consideration
the collective interests of the club.
You can't overweigh the whole club.
The most important thing for us now
is to show our sincerity
- to calm the public opinion.
- Calm the public opinion?
If this is what you'll do,
aren't you afraid of letting the players down?
That's enough.
Save anything else.
This is the club's decision.
Lu Sicheng.
What are you doing?
You executives can let the ZGDX players down.
I can't.
Because I'm the captain.
Since you are not responsible,
I'll be completely in charge.
Hey, I need you to do me a favor.
In the next regular season,
we are facing
our old rival YQCB.
Through the system analysis in the last issue
and this data comparison chart,
you can see clearly
we and the next-door team
are close in overall capacity.
In terms of offense and economic efficiency,
we are a little bit higher.
But in terms of vision and resources control,
YQCB is a bit higher than us.
In the case of equal capacity of both sides,
we must be prepared for a long battle.
The toughest person of YQCB is Hierophant.
He has always played aggressively.
Cheng, you have to be vigilant.
Make sure to take shikigamis
like Komatsumaru in the BP section
who can carry
in the early and late stage of the game.
Even if it's a long battle,
you can also restrain Hierophant.
Hey, go ahead.
Come on, let's continue.
(The number you dialed
is temporarily unavailable.)
Have you contacted Cheng?
Tong Yao also called.
He didn't answer it.
That was the case yesterday.
Today is the same.
Do you think
the thing that happened to Tong Yao
still affects Cheng anyway?
It can't be.
I've been with him for so many years.
He is not
someone who would delay the training
and game for his own private matter.
If he leaves,
it's because there is a must.
Both Tong Yao and I have told him
today's training time.
I believe
when he wants to come back,
he will be back.
But the training is coming soon.
What if he doesn't come back?
I'll take his place for a while.
I'll take Komatsumaru.
But Ming, your hand
Stop it.
We're about to train.
Don't look so sad.
Let's go.
- Well.
- I'll play a game for Cheng first.
Where is Cheng?
Cheng will definitely be back
in tomorrow's game.
Don't ask about it.
Come on.
Let's get ready to start.
No more questions.
I'm sorry.
I'm taking up your time.
We're waiting for you.
Have a seat.
Your hand.
Don't worry. It's okay.
Let's start.
Come on.
Let's get into the BP section.
Cheng, you choose Komatsumaru.
Chubby, choose Hotarugusa.
Cat, Ibaraki Douji. K, Yasha.
Cat, K, you guys go around the back.
Tong Yao, press the line.
Chubby, come with me.
Cat, K, go up.
Chubby, stay with me.
Tong Yao, go back and get your blood refilled.
Cheng, look out.
What's going on?
It's okay. Let's do it again.
We can't fight now.
Let's develop first.
Fight again after organizing ourselves.
Cheng, you're up so early.
What are you doing?
What am I doing?
I was going to ask you what you're doing.
You stayed up all night
last night, didn't you?
You were up all night ranking?
The doctor said you can't over-train.
Do you still want your hand?
It's okay.
How about you?
Does your hand still hurt?
I'm fine.
You see?
It's almost healed.
How can you practice like this?
I didn't play the best of Komatsumaru
during the training game yesterday.
I just wanted to play a little longer
to get a feel for it.
Help me finish this game.
I'll go up and wash my face.
(Chessman and Hierophant)
(I'm looking forward to it!)
(How much is the ticket?)
(Is my half a month's salary enough?)
(I want to bring my binoculars.)
(I want tickets for the front row.)
(Will it be the ultimate kill of Light
or the reversal of Shadow?)
(I'm betting. I'm betting.)
(I bet on Lu Sicheng to win.)
Selling the tickets of
"duel between Light and Shadow".
Have a look.
Don't rob it! Don't rob it!
Selling the tickets of
"duel between Light and Shadow".
Don't rob it! Don't rob it!
There's more here.
Give me one. Mine.
Don't rob it. Give me two more.
Don't take it! Don't take it!
I want it. I want it.
I'm saving it for myself.
Come on, guys.
I paid for your coffee myself.
Come on, have some to cheer up.
Would you?
Where're Cheng and Ming?
My brother just called Ming out,
saying he had something to talk about.
I think they should be in the hallway.
Won't they drink coffee?
I'll bring it for them.
(No reason.)
(It's because I don't want to
take a shikigami for a long battle.)
(Youko can contain Hierophant
in the early stage.)
(If I don't let him develop quickly,)
(we might be able to finish the game
as soon as possible.)
(Why do you want to finish the game
as soon as possible?)
(I thought I told you before.)
(It's a tough fight.)
(- It's a constant battle.)
- What's wrong?
(Give me an explanation.)
(There is none.)
(Hierophant is my corresponding opponent.)
(ZGDX, please get ready.)
(You're about to get on the stage.)
Rui asked me to bring the coffee.
Let's go to the stage.
Let's go.
(Onmyoji Arena Pro League)
(Live audience,)
(are you ready?)
The combination of
the previous Light and Shadow
will finally meet on the gaming field today.
So please bring us all a
battle of the century.
Live audience,
please grab the glow stick in your hands
and welcome them to the stage
with your loudest shout.
(First of all, please welcome YQCB.)
(Please welcome Ai Jia,)
(Liang Sheng, Kim Eun-seok,)
Rong and Hierophant.
(Since Hierophant officially joined)
Onmyoji Arena Pro League,
we have been looking forward to him.
The whole league
has finally embraced
today's cross-group battle.
Will this day be the victory of Light
or the reversal of Shadow?
Let's wait and see.
Isn't it today
when Smiling is back in the game?
Do you have to be so excited?
You're overly dramatic.
(Even if we can see Smiling
back on the field,)
(don't you want to see
Chessman and Hierophant's)
(ultimate head-to-head match?)
(I'm telling you.)
What's wrong?
Cheng, you
(Of course I want to see it.)
(Actually, to be honest)
Don't worry, it's fine.
(Besides the anticipation,)
(the matchup between
the two teams' bottom lane ADC)
is quite a killer.)
(In this version where shooter
isn't as competent as before)
(who doesn't seem to be able to)
(turn the tide of a battle,)
(there are still two teams)
(in which ad weighs a lot)
(in Onmyoji Arena Pro League.)
(Let's take a look at)
(who the winner will be.)
(Please welcome Cat.)
Now our two teams
are both ready to go.
So next,
we'll ask the members of the two teams
return to their seats
to bring us a wonderful game.
It's really
intense here today.
It's as if the finals have come early.
Live fans.
You're so enthusiastic!
Hierophant! Hierophant! Hierophant!
(With so many fans,)
(Hierophant is worthy of
being the equal of Cheng.)
Come on!
We'll start in a moment.
Put on your headphones.
Okay, we can see that now the game
has entered the BP section.
(Let's see Smiling from ZGDX…)
Ban Iron Mouse.
(Who will she ban?)
Just now in the backstage,
I asked Hierophant what to play today.
He said he would play Iron Mouse.
Could he tell you the truth?
Can you trust his word?
He was lying to you.
Although Hierophant
seems to have been
practicing that shikigami lately,
Listen to me.
Ban Iron Mouse.
Ban Iron Mouse.
Iron Mouse?
(Tong Yao actually banned Iron Mouse.)
(- ZGDX.)
- What's going on?
(- Is it because she's got…)
- Hierophant seems to have
such mixed feelings.
To put it simply,
two words,
you liar.
What's the situation?
Looking from their faces at this moment,
they seem to have practiced
the tricks of Iron Mouse.
Cheng, so I have to suspect
Hierophant will come and kill you.
War is always deceitful.
Give him Chin.
Ban Higanbana.
Higanbana is too competent in this version.
I'll choose Susabi later.
I'm afraid Tong Yao will contain me then.
Sure enough.
ZGDX has banned Susabi
and Ubume.
YQCB has banned
K's famous Mannendake
and Smiling's Tamamo-no-Mae.
I wonder if Smiling
is to choose Ootengu again.
Cat, choose Ootengu for Tong Yao.
(As expected,)
(ZGDX chose Ootengu)
(while YQCB, chose Chin and Yama Usagi.)
(Next, ZGDX)
(chose Yasha as jungler)
(and Ibaraki Douji as topsolo.)
(YQCB chose)
(Menreiki and Youtou Hime instead.)
(Now only Chessman is left.)
- Cheng.
(- To be reasonable,)
(facing YQCB's lineup,)
(Cheng should take Komatsumaru, right?)
(Yes, yes.)
(Komatsumaru is a relatively)
(safer choice.)
(Chessman once again chose Youko?)
(Oh my god, this is another)
(unexpected choice!)
(I hope this time Chessman)
(can still be the same as before,)
(getting the advantage in the early stages
of the battle and handle it quickly.)
Here we go.
Go, go, go!
Hello, everyone!
This is the last match day
on the fifth week in Chinese server
of Onmyoji Arena Pro League.
Today we will have
the first ZGDX vs. YQCB match
of the cross-group BO3.
Will the traditional powerhouse ZGDX
defeat YQCB's quest for victory
or the dark horse YQCB
in the national tournament
end ZGDX's road to godhood?
Let's wait and see!
Cat, come to the top jungle.
Cheng, it's not safe to have the line
too deep into the turret.
K, come to ambush them in the bottom lane.
Let's go.
It's time for the opposite jungler
Youtou Hime to come down.
Chubby, check out the vision.
Lu Sicheng is pushing the turret very hard.
He won't leave even after taking the line.
He chose Youko
to compete with me in the early stage
and suppress the development of Chin.
Since they are playing so fiercely,
okay then.
Kim Eun-seok, ambush.
Ai Jia, stay in the middle lane.
Be careful, their jungler must be there.
(K also came to the bottom lane.)
(Can they make it
to ambush Hierophant this time?)
My god, Hierophant is not
even out of the turret.
Kim Eun-seok's Youtou Hime
is also hanging around in the bottom lane.
There's no way they can take an advantage.
Let's withdraw. They have a blood advantage.
Wait for our midsolo to develop.
Then we'll come down together.
(Neither the middle nor the bottom lane
is superior at the moment.)
(I feel like ZGDX is having
a hard time in this game.)
(And in the middle lane now,)
(Ai Jia's Menreiki is also
keeping up a steady pace.)
(Smiling can't take any advantage at all.)
It's obvious that Ai Jia
is as steady-going as a mountain,
ready to contain our midsolo.
What steady-going as a mountain?
It's obvious that he's cunning.
I can't support you at this moment.
It's okay, we're safely out of there.
Don't act rashly, bottom laners.
Rong's Aobouzu
is also tough to deal with.
Today I've been stuck to
Ai Jia, the dogskin plaster.
He's brought the sticky nature
he usually applies to Jinyang
to the gaming field.
I can't find a chance.
My skills are prepared.
Go back and catch them.
Chubby's Hotarugusa still got a control.
Be careful, guys.
Okay, it's only been a few minutes
since the game started.
How many levels have you reached?
Don't confront them in the bottom lane.
We can fight with them.
(- Light and Shadow are in a confrontation now.)
- Don't rush.
Back up a little.
A collection of heads.
(Can Hierophant leave?)
(He's gone.)
Chubby, control Hierophant.
(YQCB almost lost two people.)
Nice, Cheng.
Captain is great.
Nice counterattack.
Hierophant lost this time.
Our Cheng earned 260.
I think you should keep a low profile.
Keep a low profile.
It's a pity.
Youko and Hotarugusa
are also not of full blood.
My support won't die in vain.
(What? Hierophant didn't return to the base for blood-refilling.)
(He crossed the turret
to force a surprise attack.)
(Double Kill)
(He killed little-blooded Youko and Hotarugusa.)
Nice, Hierophant. Awesome.
Hierophant's turret raid
has made the score
in the bottom lane from one to zero
to two to two.
They're even in gold again.
It seems that it's still unclear
who the winner of this game will be.
Turret raid?
Is it worth it?
I think Hierophant couldn't help it
seeing Cheng's little blood.
Hierophant was so tough using the flash.
If it were me, I must have conceded.
You are such kind of person.
(We see now Chessman)
(still in the bottom lane pressing the line.)
Pull back.
I think Kim Eun-seok is coming.
Let's go.
(- Oh my god!)
(- Yes.)
(Kim Eun-seok is attacking.)
(Chubby blocked it.)
(They are retreating.)
(Can they get away?)
(Can they?)
(- That was close.)
- I was scared to death.
(Kim Eun-seok's
backward movement is so obscene.)
(Cheng, go back to
the base for blood-refilling.)
My heart is about to burst
with you pressing the line like this.
Cheng's Youko
should be back for blood-refilling.
Here comes the line.
Lu Sicheng must be going for experience
and hit the turret in my absence.
Kim Eun-seok, don't go.
Keep ambushing him.
The line is here.
Let's clear the line before we go.
No, Kim Eun-seok didn't leave.
(After a while, Hierophant is back in shape.)
(There's a fight in the bottom lane.)
(Kim Eun-seok is still here.)
(Hierophant and Liang Sheng
both have enough blood.)
Be careful, Cheng.
Kim Eun-seok is in the bottom lane.
K, come to the top lane.
Let's destroy the top turret.
Don't be greedy. We won't have time.
Whatever, I'll go.
(Luckily, they ran fast.)
(That's right.)
(Look at the top lane.)
(K is coming up to the top lane.)
(Cat went up first.)
(He's not of full blood anymore.)
(K is also arriving.)
(Can he save Cat?)
Cat was killed.
(K didn't let go of Rong.)
(Turret raid.)
(Unfortunately, he didn't get away.)
I told you to come earlier.
You kept staying in the bottom lane,
and ganking Hierophant.
Will you output the damage later
if I didn't suppress him?
(This two for one is not worth it.)
Let's be honest,
the situation of ZGDX is not good.
It's been 11 minutes since the game started.
The gold gap between the two teams is 1,300.
- YQCB is temporarily superior.
- Yes.
Did you see that?
The topsolo and ad of
are having a hard time now.
is now containing Chessman in the bottom lane,
- not giving him a chance to fight.
- Yes.
He can't get rid of it,
but he can't get away either.
Now we can say that
the only one
who's developing normally of ZGDX
is Smiling
playing against Ai Jia.
Yes, we can only count on her now.
I hope she can save the day alone.
Come on, let's take it.
Hurry up!
Cheng, they're hitting the monster.
Let go of the monster.
Go and destroy the middle turret.
I'll try.
(Killed off the monster)
Watch out!
Liang Sheng's Yama Usagi is accelerating!
(The flag of the monster is picked up.)
Take Hierophant behind you.
No, Hierophant is clearing the line too fast.
I can't destroy the turret.
I'll go back to the turret.
Hold on to it. Destroy it.
It's not that hard.
I'm going around the back.
You guys must be careful
not to let them scatter you.
Ai Jia's ult isn't refreshed.
Cat, you go to suffer the turret damage,
and I will get behind.
(A team fight.)
Move back! Move back!
(Ai Jia was killed.)
Ult refreshed in three seconds.
The opposing jungler hasn't been exposed.
Put the ult at my feet.
I can release a set of skills too.
(Kim Eun-seok rushed out,)
(trying to get to the back row)
(only to be controlled by Chubby)
(and killed by Smiling's set of skills.)
Go, go, go!
(It's not good for YQCB.)
(I guess they can't defend this turret.)
(Definitely they'll let go of it.)
We can't let them retreat.
Cat, go into the turret.
Yes, keep going.
(Cat rushed over.)
(Look, Liang Sheng is killed.)
(Now YQCB is down to Hierophant.)
(Double Kill)
(YQCB is aced.)
(YQCB has lost a lot in this team fight.)
(Both people and the turret are gone.)
(Kim Eun-seok made a mistake in positioning.)
Zero-for-five for ZGDX.
But I don't think it will happen again
next time.
YQCB will learn from their mistakes.
Protect their output.
wants to kill
the opponent's output player again,
it won't be so easy.
Yes, I hope ZGDX
can seize this opportunity.
We've finally destroyed
Ai Jia's middle turret.
Captain, push.
Where are you going?
(Chessman is retreating?)
- (Why choose to retreat)
- Cheng.
(in the most advantageous situation?)
I don't think they can hit the Orochi now.
(What is Chessman thinking?)
They seem to have withdrawn.
No way.
Chessman doesn't want this turret.
He must have gone to hit the Orochi.
Everyone, go to the snake pit
after coming back to life.
- What?
- Cheng.
It's too dangerous
to hit the Orochi at this time, right?
There's not enough time to fight the Orochi
if we don't continue to advance at this point.
They've already revived.
Let's get out of here!
Go. We can't finish the fight, Cheng.
Cheng, let's retreat!
How can we fight this?
Cheng, they're coming.
We can fight.
Tong Yao, go up with your ult.
I'll hold off Hierophant.
YQCB is resurrected.
- Won't ZGDX retreat?
- Fight.
Cheng missed.
It's a historic moment.
Cheng, I can't take it anymore.
What should we do?
- Team fight.
- My ult is prepared.
Up, up, up!
Up, up, up!
(I'm dead.)
(What a pity!)
(Chessman was so close.)
(If Chessman had gotten
his ult on Hierophant just now,)
(it'd have been different.)
(This is obvious)
(a command error of Chessman.)
(Yes, how can you let the midsolo
go up to pick up the team fight?)
(Think about it, how long can a midsolo hold?)
(Where is the tough shikigami?
How to fight it?)
Nice, nice.
(- Let's congratulate YQCB)
(- That was awesome!)
(- for winning the game.)
(- Come on.)
(Congratulations to YQCB!)
Cheng, your hand.
It's okay.
Let's go.
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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