Follow Your Heart (2024) s01e27 Episode Script

Episode 27

[Follow Your Heart]
[Episode 27]
In your opinion,
is there some truth
in what Li Jun said?
Your Majesty,
Li Jun was killed by Lu Dingzhao
before he could tell you everything.
I'm afraid
most of what he said is true.
Your Majesty.
They must still be hiding something.
they're afraid of something.
Jiang Xinbai.
I allow you to go back to the Inspection Office
to be the deputy chief constable.
But you must
get to the bottom
of this matter for me!
Your Majesty,
I'm afraid it's not a good idea.
Your Majesty,
the place I should go to
is not the Inspection Office
but Tingzhou.
Your Majesty,
the South and the West have different trade routes.
It's Daqi that connects them.
And Tingzhou
is a crucial hub on the western trade route.
My preliminary conclusion
is that Lu Dingzhao
wanted to transport Zornia
out of the country via Tingzhou.
Are you sure of it?
To confirm my guess,
I have to go to Tingzhou first.
I may also find the truth
that Lu Dingzhao would rather die
than reveal
in Tingzhou.
But if you go straight to Tingzhou,
it may alert them.
You're wise, Your Majesty.
You must already have a plan.
I appoint you as regional inspector
to inspect the Western Route on my behalf.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Why didn't you discuss with me
your plan to go to Tingzhou?
No risk, no reward.
Tingzhou is so dangerous.
My brother died there.
Do you want to die there too?
So I have to go alone.
You should stay in the capital.
Stay here?
I have a feeling that
taking down Lu Dingzhao
will lure out
the mastermind that's hiding deep in the dark.
The capital
is more dangerous than before.
I also feel something is wrong.
you need to stay in the capital
and keep an eye out.
you must be careful.
I know.
I'll keep
your Yan Nanxing safe.
And you.
You should stay safe too.
Stop nagging.
I see.
[Yingzhen Hall]
There were so many of you.
How could you just
let an old man in his sixties
kill someone with a sword?
What were you doing?
Two people have died,
yet you haven't gotten
any useful information.
Xinbai is still leaving!
Mother is mad.
At this time,
you'd better not go in
to add fuel to the fire.
Let her calm down first.
How can I calm down?
Men are always
telling women to calm down.
If a woman can't calm down,
it's all men's fault!
I'm going as an official.
I won't get myself killed.
Your Highness, crying too long is bad for your health.
I'm not crying!
Do you know
what the places along the Western Route are like?
They're barren and remote,
full of bandits
and highwaymen.
Sorry, Mother,
for making you worry.
I asked to be the regional inspector myself.
Why did you do that?
Is it because of Zornia again?
You can look into Zornia
whenever you want in the capital.
Why travel so far?
Even if you think it's fine
to not discuss it with us,
you should consider
your wife's feelings.
Can you bring yourself
to leave her behind?
I have reason to believe that
the current scourge of Zornia
has persisted
for over 20 years.
The mastermind behind it
is the culprit
who caused my father's death.
The deaths of General Nan and my father
must not go in vain.
have to continue the investigation.
Now, I have to go to Tingzhou
to find new clues.
On the surface,
His Majesty is sending me to inspect the Western Route.
In fact,
he's given me a chance
to go to Tingzhou
to find out the truth.
But Xinbai,
I've already lost
your father.
I'm not my father.
At least this time,
I won,
didn't I?
If you think
this is what you must do,
just do it.
I'm proud of you.
Thank you, Grandfather.
When are you leaving?
Tomorrow morning.
After I come back from Tingzhou,
I'll come up with a plan
to break your engagement with Yan Biqing.
I agreed to this engagement myself.
If I break it,
the Yan family will feel humiliated
and say we're throwing our weight around.
I mean to throw my weight around.
Leave it.
I'll find a way.
Take care of yourself.
have something to tell you.
Where are your servants?
I dismissed them.
You've lived alone for years.
You have no servants either, do you?
I want to follow your example.
Follow my example?
You never think of yourself as a duke.
you treat
everyone equally.
On that point,
I think you're doing better than me.
So I want to improve myself
in this way.
Am I right in thinking
that the fight between us
is officially over?
shouldn't we
have a celebratory toast?
Wait for me.
I'd like to drink to you
and wish you a smooth journey.
Looks like I have to
finish this cup of wine.
Xinbai, you once said
you won't compete with me
for the inheritance of Yuejiang's Residence.
I've changed my mind recently.
A princess without royal blood
can neither protect her family
nor those loyal to our country.
You and your father
went through so much to eradicate Zornia.
But when you were
in danger,
who was there to protect you?
I'll be the first female grand councilor of this country.
Only when I become
the second most powerful person
will I be able to
protect loyal officials
and punish rebels and outlaws.
You're laughing at me?
Are you drunk?
You can't hold your liquor at all.
Listen to me.
You're intelligent
and capable.
It's true that you shouldn't stop here.
You should
have greater ambitions.
you may not like
what it takes to get to the top.
You have to say things you don't mean,
keep up appearances,
lie through your teeth,
and have a cold heart.
Can you
do all these things?
I've set sail.
I won't stop
before I reach the shore.
I trust you.
You must come back safely.
I'll wait for you to cancel my engagement.
You also need to see how I'll become
the first female grand councilor.
Of all the time I've spent with you,
I've never been
as happy as I am now.
Me neither.
I missed the original you.
You drank?
Blame Suoluo.
She made me drink.
How old are you?
Only kids tell on their siblings.
You're making medicine?
Are you sick?
The shapeshifting this time was so sudden.
I think
it might be due to a lack of Qi and blood.
So I'm making medicine to replenish them.
Yan Nanxing.
Come with me.
I need to give you something.
What's it?
A gift?
We've been married for just two days,
and you want to divorce me?
Yan Nanxing,
it's not what you think.
Then what is it?
This divorce agreement
was written
before we got married.
You'd planned
to divorce me before we got married?
I'm going to Tingzhou,
leaving tomorrow.
On the surface,
His Majesty has appointed me as regional inspector
to inspect the Western Route.
he's allowed me to investigate in Tingzhou.
you set off fireworks for me on the gate tower
to encourage me,
I made up my mind
that if we could get it through,
I'd go to Tingzhou for investigation.
Then go.
Why must we get a divorce?
Hear me out.
Shang Bieli
said I married you
not just because I love you.
Actually, he was right.
Our marriage
is a lifeline I prepared for you.
What lifeline?
Before we got married,
I didn't know
Lu Dingzhao and Li Jun would die.
So I thought
being the duchess
could keep you safe.
I prepared the divorce agreement
because I was worried that
might frame me again
and my family would be dragged in.
If that happened,
you could take out this divorce agreement
and sever relations with me.
This way,
you wouldn't be implicated.
Lu Dingzhao and Li Jun
are dead now.
But the capital is still not safe.
I don't care.
I'm going to Tingzhou with you.
No regional inspector before me
has done the inspection with his wife.
Then I'll sign
the divorce agreement now.
I won't be your wife.
I can be a servant of yours.
Can I go with you then?
Yan Nanxing.
During this inspection,
there are many important things I need to do.
Even if you come with me,
I won't be able
to take care of you.
I don't care.
This is just an excuse.
You just want to leave me behind.
To tell you the truth,
I hope
you can stay
to protect the Jiang family.
Those in the capital
may scheme
against us again.
We can't be set up by things
like the artworks given to
my grandfather again.
But I…
Be good.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
Yan Nanxing.
Keep this divorce agreement,
will you?
[To my wife, Nanxing]
Nanxing, my dear,
I fell in love with you
when we met in Heman,
but I was too dense to realize it.
I had no choice
but to trick you into marrying me.
I used you and hurt you.
I can't tell you how sorry I am.
Then we met again in the capital.
You could still make my heart beat fast.
Yan Nanxing?
I'm fortunate to marry you again.
I only wish to grow old with you
and always stay by your side.
with Zornia not eradicated
and deaths unavenged,
I dare not stop now.
I have no choice
but to leave you.
I don't know how to say goodbye
and feel mixed feelings.
You're smart. You can understand me.
No need to see me off.
I hope
we can see each other soon.
Boss disappeared.
Sai'er didn't come either.
They're all gone,
leaving me to run the store alone.
[Blossom Beauty]
Dad, Mom, I'm back.
Dad, Mom, where are you?
What happened?
Your dad accidentally
fell on an iron fork.
I'm old now.
I've become clumsy.
What did the doctor say?
It's not serious.
It's just that
the order of the farming tools
can't be delivered on time.
I need to return the deposit
and pay for the loss.
What should we do?
Enough. Stop crying.
Don't worry.
I'll take care of it.
This suits me.
It's well-paid.
I can give it a try.
What's the job?
300 coppers.
I only need to work
two hours every day?
Young man, take a close look.
You need to start working at 5 p.m.
So what?
Haven't you heard of it?
Recently, many young people
went missing in the west of the city.
They all disappeared around 5 p.m.
Before the kidnapper is caught,
nobody dares to go out at 5 p.m.
This job is too dangerous.
Young man,
will you take it or not?
Young man,
let me remind you,
that employer always wears a veil
and is very mysterious.
She doesn't dare to be seen.
She's anything but good.
Can I get paid on time?
Don't worry.
Not a copper short.
I'll take this job.
So sloppy
yet so knowledgeable.
The lady living here
is so strange.
What a thoughtful maid.
[Shang Residence]
What brought you here today?
My boss disappeared again.
Ruoqian is busy
working in another household.
There are no customers at Blossom Beauty.
So I came to you
to help you regain your sense of smell.
I come here so often.
Does it bother you?
Not at all.
I wish you could come every day.
Your cooking
is as good as ever.
Let's eat.
I forgot an important dish.
Wait for me.
Wait a moment.
Shang, smell it.
Come on. Smell it.
Take a deep breath.
Herba Houttuyniae.
You smelled it?
Great! Great!
Come on. Keep smelling.
Come on.
I have no sense of smell.
But I'm not blind.
you didn't smell it.
Where did you get them?
I picked them myself.
Why don't you try one?
It was painstaking for me to pick them.
Since you're not interested,
I'll eat them myself.
I'll try one.
So many left.
You really picked a lot.
Maybe I should catch a snake tomorrow
to make wine for Shang.
He may be able to smell things
when he's healthier.
The words on the prescriptions
are too difficult.
Ruoqian said if I can't write them,
I can draw circles instead.
Mr. Shang.
Trust me.
You look great
with your nose.
I must cure Shang.
[Regional Inspector's Residence]
[Daoming Hall]
♫Pretty faces and illusions dazzle my eyes♫
♫How can I recognize your original self♫
♫I cannot betray my duties♫
♫The sky changes, but hearts are hard to betray♫
♫In the midst of chaos, everything becomes blurry♫
♫My heart is frosted, my eyes are fogged♫
♫Using time as my last bet♫
♫I allow you into my dreams, don't prove me wrong♫
♫Stars in the mirror♫
♫Give me emptiness♫
♫Three thousand drunken glances are not worth♫
♫A single look at you♫
♫Even if deeply understanding your heart♫
♫Is my delusion♫
♫I'll still wholeheartedly pursue it♫
♫Only for you to stay in my heart♫
♫For a brief moment♫
♫The road is long and far♫
♫Even so, I rush forward on my horse and boat♫
[To my wife, Nanxing]
What are you doing?
You have insomnia?
I don't have the luxury
of worrying about that.
I didn't get enough sleep.
You study very hard
and work part-time.
Are you in need of money?
I always am.
If you need money,
you can borrow some from Boss.
Boss doesn't have money
to lend me.
And she's nowhere to be seen.
I'm back.
You disappeared again.
You suddenly showed up again.
I just got married.
You're too young to understand.
Her Highness sent me
to get the new beauty cream.
We haven't had any new products recently.
Go get the beauty creams
that Her Highness likes.
Just a friendly reminder:
Her Highness has high expectations for you.
You've just married the duke
and are already loafing around and neglecting your business.
Look around.
You don't have any customers.
Her Highness will be upset.
Why don't you simply close the store
and go live an idle life
in Yuejiang's Residence?
Ms. Bai,
I'm running a store
to build connections
instead of making quick money.
Well, Ms. Bai,
you call me Duchess
but still think of me as an unscrupulous
traveling doctor, don't you?
I don't dare.
Ms. Bai.
These are the creams Her Highness
usually uses.
Ms. Bai.
What was she looking at?
Come with me.
What's up?
Let me show you something.
Beauty of the City.
All our customers
have been stolen by them.
We've had no income for days.
It's that bad?
We know
you just got married.
But you can't ignore your career
for your love life.
Bai Yuchen is right.
We need new products.
You need to come to work.
You often disappear.
This is no way to do business.
I'm the boss.
We don't see ourselves
as employees.
We run this store too.
you need to learn your lesson, okay?
Make up for your mistakes.
[Blossom Beauty]
You have a chance now.
Go keep that customer.
We have a customer? You should've told me.
It's not like that.
That customer
is a bit stingy.
She came here early in the morning,
prying and judgmental.
She won't buy anything
but keeps using our samples.
She's really made herself at home.
You two need to be patient
with customers.
Somehow, I feel
she's a big client.
Serve her my fruit tea.
Take out the most expensive beauty cream.
Let me empty her pockets.
Ms. Yan.
You've earned a good fortune in the capital.
Greet me.
You know you have a mom?
Where are the betrothal gifts?
When was your wedding?
You got married
so casually.
You've known everything?
Of course!
Or why have I come?
I've been making my way in the world
for so many years.
If I couldn't find that out,
I'd be a total loser.
In a word,
I don't agree to your marrying
Jiang Xinbai!
You have to.
We're already married.
You bad girl.
-Already married?
-What are you doing?
I don't agree
to your marrying him.
Keep your voice down.
Don't embarrass me before my staff.
I don't care.
Stop being so unreasonable.
I'm your mom.
You have to listen to me.
I don't want you to be my mom.
You adopted me when I was young
and asked me to call you Mom.
I only call you Mom
to repay your kindness.
Once your mom, always your mom.
What else do you want to call me?
Madam, Miss, whatever.
-What are you doing?
-You ingrate.
Lower your voice.
They're listening.
No more crap.
Get Jiang Xinbai here.
He's not around.
You're newlyweds,
yet he lets you go home alone.
How could you marry such a man?
He's not out fooling around.
He's doing something serious.
What is it?
What is the serious matter
that's more important than you?
I don't care if you
have married Jiang Xinbai.
Even if you had children,
you still must divorce him!
Why do I have to divorce him?
Because of the divorce agreement
he gave you.
This is private.
With me,
nothing about you is private.
Give it to me.
I know everything about you.
Let me tell you.
You can marry any man
in the world.
But Jiang Xinbai
is out of the question.
Have you forgotten
how he came after us in Heman?
That was a misunderstanding.
we did look like
two thieves.
What did you say?
We looked like thieves.
You're driven by vanity.
I'm driven
by love.
Give it to me.
Should we help Boss out?
Her mom looks fierce.
We can't help her.
Fingers crossed for Boss.
Just sign
the divorce agreement.
-Sign it.
-Give it to me.
I'm driven
by love.
Give it to me.
Be good. Sign it.
Pack your things and leave with me.
Give it to me.
-Give it to me.
The best beauty salon in the capital.
The best technique in Daqi to stop aging.
The best beauty salon in the capital?
Blossom Beauty is still here.
How dare they call themselves the best?
Let's go.
Let's go.
Beauty of the City is about to open.
Come and see if you need anything.
Great! Great!
Great! Amazing!
Great! Great!
[Happy Opening Day]
Beauty of the City,
the best beauty salon in the capital.
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