Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e27 Episode Script

Ningen no jidai

Indeed, there is no end
to the search for strength.
You are one step closer to
finding the secret.
There is nothing left for me to teach you.
You tell me that every day.
Oh, Fern?
She's angry? Why?
I'm scared.
I had a fight with Mistress Frieren.
This has been happening a lot lately.
The upcoming third stage
is the final stage of the exam, right?
This is no time to be fighting.
This time, she has crossed the line.
My staff broke during the battle
in the Ruins of the King's Tomb,
so I told Mistress Frieren
that I wanted to get it repaired.
But she told me that I should throw away
my old staff and buy a new one.
That staff?
She said it was shattered
and can't be fixed.
But still,
I received that staff from Master Heiter.
I've had it ever since I was small.
You know how Frieren is.
She didn't mean to hurt you.
For me, the thought of
throwing it away
never even crossed my mind.
The next first-class mage exam
is three years from now, huh?
Three years is a long time.
Go ahead and laugh at me, like usual.
You want me to laugh at you?
Well then, little Lawine,
want me to pat you on the head?
You want to fight?
Hurry up.
She's really taking it hard.
Oh, it's Frieren.
What's that bag?
How long are you going to stay here?
I failed the exam. We have
nothing to do with each other anymore.
You're interfering with my business.
Go away.
I am here as a customer right now.
Then hurry up and pick something.
-You can have it.
-Keep it.
You were out of luck this time.
The situation was not in our favor.
Everybody who was there
could have ended up like you.
Either way, I still failed.
I didn't have enough skill.
Don't bring this subject up again.
I may not look it,
but I am in the worst mood.
And yet you still opened your shop.
this may come as a surprise to you,
but no matter how bad their mood is,
people need to work
to put food on the table.
I see.
Well, it's a good thing that
I was the one who dropped out.
First-class mage exams
are once in three years.
for a feeble old man like you,
that time may never come.
At least try to retort.
Richter, you really are
an impudent little punk.
You disrespect authority
and are willing to
mistreat the weak for the sake of
fulfilling your purpose.
You are definitely no saint.
Despite that,
I don't have any ill feelings toward you.
That is probably
because I used to be
an impudent little punk myself.
But look at me now.
I am now an Imperial Mage.
What are you trying to say?
What I mean is,
you don't have to be so pessimistic.
Three years from now, you will be
much stronger than you are now.
Let's go, Laufen.
Sorry. That old man isn't good
at expressing his feelings.
What is your relationship with him anyway?
That old fart
In the end, he didn't even buy anything.
Today is really not my day, is it?
I asked around town,
and everyone said that
you would be able to repair any staff,
no matter how broken it is.
Let me see.
What are all these pieces?
Don't tell me this is a staff.
What am I supposed to do with this trash?
It's not trash
I think.
I was starting to feel a little better,
but now I'm back to being
in a horrible mood because of you.
I have the right to choose my jobs.
Just give up on this staff.
I see.
If you're unable to fix it, it's okay.
Frieren, you sure know
how to get on my nerves, don't you?
When did I ever say I was unable to do it?
Can you finish it by today?
I want it ready by
the third stage of the exam.
What an unreasonable request.
I'm sorry for calling it trash.
It's a nice, well-maintained staff.
I can tell the owner really treasured it.
Fern, let's go back already.
Mistress Frieren
doesn't understand me at all.
Well, I don't understand you either.
Stop it! Don't take it out on me!
In my opinion,
that is why it's important
to try to understand.
I think Frieren is doing her best.
Oh, you're Frieren's
apprentice, right?
Am I wrong?
No, you're right.
Well, I couldn't care less either way.
The second stage just ended,
and I'm already being overworked
because of your master.
It would have been better for my business
if she had just bought a new one.
Take good care of it.
My staff
Frieren lacks emotions and sensibility.
I'm sure that will lead to
difficulties and misunderstandings.
But there is also one good thing about it.
To make up for what she lacks,
Frieren will spend more time
worrying about you.
You're not going to find
another master like her that easily.
It's dark
Um, Mistress Frieren, about yesterday
Never mind. It's nothing.
We will now begin
the third stage of the exam.
Do you know the reason why I came
all the way here, Sense?
You're not going to answer?
This is how you are
whenever things become inconvenient.
There were 12 people
who passed the second stage.
That is an unprecedented number.
It's too many.
I don't mind exams where
everybody joins forces.
The existing first-class mages
lack a sense of cooperation, after all.
I'm afraid that's true.
But among them
was one person with too much power.
You mean Mistress Frieren?
Thanks to that, many inadequate people
were able to pass as well.
If they go onto
the third stage as scheduled,
they will all die.
that's not even close to what you desire.
And even I don't want
to waste the lives of this many people.
Mistress Serie
You don't have to apologize.
It's all Frieren's fault.
We'll make an exception this time.
I will take care of the third stage.
I'll select them in a peaceful way.
You were
in charge of it originally, right?
You don't mind, do you, Lernen?
This isn't my first time
being at the mercy
of your one-sided decisions.
I am not at a level where I can
test Mistress Frieren.
Just one glance, and I knew
that she was suppressing her mana.
She has an enormous amount of mana.
It is on par with you, Mistress Serie.
Falsch, did you notice?
No, I don't know what he's talking about.
I saw her mana with my own eyes
at the exam hall.
I highly doubt that her mana
was suppressed.
It didn't even have the characteristic
of instability of suppressed mana.
All living organisms with mana
have this instability
and it cannot be stopped.
Even if that is possible,
it'd take an exorbitant amount of time.
It is by no means a practical skill.
Frieren dedicated her entire life
to this so-called unpractical skill.
In order to deceive demons.
Demons are far more sensitive to mana
than mankind.
Unless you're some kind of prodigy,
you wouldn't be able to
deceive them just by suppressing
your mana for 100 or 200 years.
It's literally a waste of time.
Using that time on other training
would make you
significantly stronger.
It's completely inefficient.
such inefficiency can open up
a window of opportunity.
When it comes to battles
between skilled mages,
miscalculating your opponent's mana
can lead to your death.
Frieren is living proof.
Her level of skill is low
for someone her age,
but she's been defeating demons this way.
That is how
precise Frieren's mana suppression is.
As far as I know,
the Demon King is the only one
who noticed in one glance.
At least, that's what I thought
up until now, Lernen.
It was a coincidence.
I happened
to see the slightest instability.
That's all.
You're so modest and dependable.
It's been half a century
since you became the very first
first-class mage.
You are still the same timid boy
you used to be.
And that's why it's such a shame.
You've made it this far, and yet you
don't have much longer to live.
You probably will never have the chance
to battle Frieren.
Even if it's a battle
you can possibly win.
I really shouldn't take in
any human apprentices.
It's such a shame
In the end,
not even he could notice the instability
of my mana, huh?
The third stage of the exam
will be an interview
with the Great Mage Serie.
I didn't expect that.
Serie has no intention of letting us pass.
You know her?
From a long time ago.
She's probably going to choose
who passes by instinct.
But Serie's instincts are always right.
As proof of that,
I still haven't become the mage
that Serie wants me to be.
-Excuse me.
-You fail. Go home.
Can I ask why?
Right now, you are afraid of my mana.
You are well aware of your limits.
You can't visualize yourself
as a first-class mage, can you?
In the world of magic,
you can't actualize it
if you can't visualize it.
That's the basic principle. Go home.
Fail. Fail.
Fail. Fail.
you also can't visualize yourself
as a first-class mage, can you?
But the reason is different
from the other examinees.
You are absolutely sure that
I'm not going to let you pass.
It's the truth, right?
I will give you one chance.
Tell me a spell you like.
The spell to create a field of flowers.
You learned that from Flamme, huh?
How stupid. You fail.
You're not going to stand your ground
even after being ridiculed?
It's hard to believe that a mage
like you was able to
defeat the Demon King.
I didn't do it alone.
Himmel, Eisen, Heiter, and me.
If even one of us was missing,
we couldn't have done it.
You were blessed with good comrades?
How lucky of you.
That's right.
I was lucky.
why did you invite me into the party?
Because I was looking for a strong mage.
There are a bunch of them
in the royal capital.
It didn't have to be me.
I wanted you.
Frieren, you probably don't remember,
but I've met you once in the past.
Yeah, I don't remember at all.
I figured.
When I was a kid,
I entered a forest to pick herbs
and got lost.
For a while, I was wandering around
the forest at night.
For the first time in my life,
I experienced solitude.
I thought I would never be able
to return to the village.
But then
an elf pointed to the direction
of civilization.
She literally only showed me the direction
and didn't give me
any words of encouragement.
As a child,
I thought she was so coldhearted.
I don't know if you sensed my fear
or if you just did it on a whim, but
you showed me
the spell to create a field of flowers.
I thought it was beautiful.
For the first time in my life,
I thought magic was beautiful.
It's probably nothing but a coincidence,
but the "stupid" spell
that Master taught me
was what brought me together
with Himmel and the crew.
Also, Serie,
I'm sure you're planning on
failing Fern as well,
but I don't think you can.
She will exceed your expectations.
We've entered the era of humans.
She will "exceed my expectations"?
My mana has her paralyzed with fear.
She's the same as all the other examinees.
Wait, what is it that you see?
It's unstable.
Your name is Fern, right?
Become my apprentice.
What? No.
You won't regret it.
I will be able to take you
to even greater heights.
To a level which
no other mage has ever reached.
Will that impact my result on this exam?
Maybe it will.
I see.
Mistress Serie
I'm sure Serie is going to
say this and that,
but you don't need to
listen to her demands.
Just as I will be failed
no matter what I say to Serie,
you will pass
no matter what you say to her.
After all,
Serie's instincts are always right.
I am Mistress Frieren's apprentice.
You were advised by Frieren, huh?
I'm not foolish enough to let
a promising mage slip away.
You pass.
See you again.
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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