Ghost Force (2021) s01e27 Episode Script

Somnibou / Troublestretch

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Hey, Mike, do you want to play?
No, thanks. Not today.
- Glowboo?
- Greetings, Mike.
How is your project going?
I've been working on it all week
and I think I cracked it.
This oughta unlock
loads of your features.
I knew you'd succeed with your
smart yet spongy human brain.
However, should we not alert
Ms Jones before upgrading me?
But then it wouldn't be
a surprise!
Just imagine her face
when she sees you, I don't know,
boocap a ghost in 30 seconds
and do a victory breakdance
thanks to my handiwork.
I do not know what breakdance
is, but I trust you, my friend.
Now, go, go, go!
Move it or lose it!
- How dare you?
- Sorry. Not you, lady.
In the name of the law,
stop your car!
(Evil laugh)
So? Feeling new and improved?
Greetings, Spike.
- Er, it's Mike!
- OK, upzorging my data-blurg.
Aw, man! My upgrade
must have boggled your circuits!
Up and at 'em, Mike! We got
a brand-new ghost in town.
Uh, sure. Yeah. Be right there!
I've got no record
of our spectre,
but it's on the corner
of 5th and Madison.
- You'd better take Glowboo!
- Or maybe he deserves a break?
The three of us can handle this.
Right, guys?
Glowboo's an indispensable
part of the team.
He's going with you!
BOTH: Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Er, since when did you learn
the backstroke, Glowboo?
Anything to assist
the Gross Force.
Ah! Ha, ha! Gross Force!
Nice one, Glowboo.
Such a sophisticated
sense of humour.
Look! Boo-bogey below!
Quick, Boocap!
Imminent danger detected.
- Uh What just happened?
- Not cool, Glowboo!
Boocap hazard neutralised.
You are now safe, Smush.
- (Makes weird noise)
- Smush?
Is it just me or does Glowboo
have a major?
- (Hoots)
- Woah!
Roosters wake people up,
but this bird makes 'em sleep,
so let's call it Snorebird?
No, that's dumb.
Got it. Somniboo! Way smarter!
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
Genius. The powder
comes from its rear plumage.
So, let's shake
its tail feathers!
b-b-block bird butt!
- Nice butterfly.
- Uh, thanks, Glowboo.
But we're gonna need
more firepower.
Fractal power!
(Hoots) Boo!
Uh Looks like it made it
more angry than anything else!
Our feathered friend
is still fighting back!
So, what's our plan now? Huh?
Under the feathers!
That's its power supply!
Then that's our target!
(Hoots happily)
Glowboo's out of whack.
I'm calling Ms Jones.
What? He's acing this!
Thanks to him
we know the ghost's weak spot.
New objective.
Catch b-b-butterfly.
(Frantic squawking)
- You were saying?
- Kids, we got a problem!
I'm afraid
Glowboo's been hacked!
Oh, great!
We need his Boo-Firefly
to distract and defeat
this ghost!
Well, what if we
Ooh! Hack the hacker!
I'll get cracking, er, hacking!
- (Gasps)
- Aaah!
What do we do about
our butterfly chaser?
He's becoming
a real loose cannon.
I'll handle Glowboo.
I know him like
the back of his circuit board.
If you say so!
Good luck, Krush. Boo ya later!
Huh? Aaah!
Glowboo! No!
Huh? Whoa!
Sorry to Fractal Boo you,
but you're becoming
way too dangerous.
Hostile presence detected.
Easy now, Glowboo.
It's me, Krush!
Neutralizing Slush
- Thank you!
- (Hoots)
Krush, over here!
That was close!
Ms Jones, things are heating up!
Glowboo's our only hope.
If you can't fix him,
it'll be nap time
in New York forever!
Oh! I can't crack the malware.
it's password-protected!
- What?
- Krush!
27-G-01-F. That's the password.
I'm in! I can access the code!
Starting reboot now.
- Rebooting.
- Well done, Krush!
But how on Earth
did you know the password?
Somniboo's going after Glowboo!
BOTH: Krush!
Oh, no!
I'll put you to bed for that!
Reset complete.
Greetings, I am Glowboo.
Time to give this ghost
a wake-up call.
Now! Glowboo!
Boo-cap it, sis!
Time to go to sleep!
Hello, my friend.
I'm so sorry I didn't tell you
I wanted to upgrade Glowboo.
I wanted to impress you,
but instead
I messed up big time.
Apology accepted, Mike.
And I've gotta admit,
I am impressed.
Your work
had a touch of brilliance.
Whaddaya say
we both take a crack at it?
Maybe together we could unlock
Glowboo's hidden features.
- Hmm?
- I'd uh
- Yes!
- If I can put in a request
for a future update,
I'd like to have
a special breakdance feature.
Good one, Glowboo.
I see you haven't lost
your sense of humour.
Didn't understand that one.
Maybe you should update
his comedy features?
(Laughter) Duly noted!
(Frantic squawking)
I don't understand
why you took that with you.
This is my lucky charm!
And I could use
all the luck I can get, Andy.
Yeah, well,
I'm not superstitious, Liv.
It's Charlie's Ghost Force Quiz.
I don't need luck to win,
since we are the Ghost Force.
Go away!
Still don't believe in luck?
Here come the Bakers.
Now let the game begin!
Welcome to my latest,
greatest Ghost Force quiz!
We are live on my Ghostblog!
Everyone cool with that?
- Yeah!
- Mmm-hmm.
(Dreamily) Yeah
- Mike?
- Right Let's start!
Excellent! You know the rules.
Buzz before you answer.
All right, Ghost fans,
here we go!
What's Liv got in her hand?
- Some so-called lucky charm.
- Won't do her any good,
'cause I know my Ghost Force
trivia as if I was one of 'em.
First question.
What is Myst's primary weapon?
- Spectral Bow!
- Correct!
One point for Liv's team.
Question two. What kind of power
does the awesome and amazing
Krush have?
- Ha!
- (Honking)
- Fractal power!
- Yeah!
(Honking) Burghorror!
(Repeated honking)
Blowing up fireworks!
- Unbelievable, Liv!
- Yeah!
Amazing! Liv is in it to win it!
- (Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
Which ghost
did the Ghost Force?
- Arak Gum, the giant spider!
- Wow, Liv!
You really know your stuff!
Charlie didn't even finish
the question!
- I guess I'm just lucky!
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
Oh, no, no!
No! Not another ghost!
Oh, no!
Psst! Liv! Mike!
- My lucky charm!
- Huh?
(Evil laugh)
(Evil laugh)
- Ghost!
- Oh!
(Evil laugh)
- It merged with my lucky charm!
- We'll get it back!
ALL: Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Your turn.
FURY: Ms Jones, we've got
a bogey in Central Park!
Oh, right. Glowboo and I
were just in the middle
of a chess match.
The lucky devil's already
beaten me 18 times in a row!
That's more than luck,
but we're dealing with
a fiercer opponent here.
Indeed. That's Stretchy,
a level-7 merger ghost.
It merged with my lucky charm!
Hold on. I'm sending Glowboo
in for backup!
- Checkmate.
- Argh! Not again.
- We gotta neutralise its fists!
- On it!
- Hope they have insurance!
- Spectral Gate!
Fractal mace!
That ball of yarn could sure use
a knitting needle!
- Aaah!
- (Gasps) My bad!
Not so lucky without your charm,
It's heading to Fifth Avenue!
We've gotta stop it!
I'll handle our fuzzy friend!
Second time lucky!
What the?
Krush! Watch out!
(Mocking laugh)
Glowboo! Not a second too late!
My internal clock
is highly accurate.
My shield will not stand
for long We need to retreat!
What're you waiting for, Myst?
Use a portal right now!
- What's up with you, sis?
- I'm jinxed, that's what!
You appear to be
in optimal condition.
I mean, I'm all out of luck.
I can't do anything right
ever since that ghost
merged with my lucky charm.
- (Evil laugh)
- On it!
C'mon, I was joking about that!
This is no joke!
All my arrows missed!
And now Krush is down
thanks to me.
Maybe I should sit this one out.
The jinx is all in your head,
making you lose your mojo.
Oh! Please! Uh maybe
I can give you a discount!
- (Evil laugh)
- Whoa!
My official hot-dog provider!
This is going too far!
Whaddaya say
we unravel that ball of yarn?
Glowboo, you blind it,
I'll grab its fists
and Myst will do the rest, OK?
- Are you sure? I
- Boo-firmative.
You're up!
It's over, wool-ball!
- Whoa!
- That's cheating!
Oh, no!
Talk about fists of fury!
(Evil laugh)
Spectral Gate!
Your knitting days are over.
'Cause I got my mojo back!
Good job, guys! Myst,
that really was a smart move.
Well, it took me a while
to figure it out,
but kicking butt
comes from the heart,
not from some lousy keychain!
ALL: Boo-yah!
All right Ready
for round two, Ghost fans?
I'm out. Can't compete with Liv
and her lucky charm.
Oh, come on,
quit being superstitious.
You can even have it,
if you want.
Let's do this!
So, which fanged phantom
did the Ghost Force defeat
by the skin of their teeth?
- Er, the Molar Ghost?
- Wrong!
And you just made that up,
didn't you?
- The correct answer is
- Sharkoak!
Told ya.
I don't need my lucky charm!
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