The Assassins (2024) s01e27 Episode Script

Sultan's Minister

Hassan Al-Sabbah, who
terrified everyone and
formed a state in his
castle on the mountain
formed a state in his
castle on the mountain
started becoming lonely.
He lost everyone around him.
He killed his lifelong
friend, Nizam Al-Mulk
And his companion,
Zaid bin Sayhoon.
He killed his son,
And lost his wife and lover.
Hassan is on his
way to becoming alone.
Hassan is on his
way to becoming alone.
But the dream that makes you lose
all your loved ones is not a dream,
It's a nightmare.
Keep the secret and the trust.
The man who introduced himself to
the world as a man who fights injustice
Exceeded in injustice.
It's time for the lover
to serve the Seljuq Sultan
With all sincerity,
love, and trust.
It's time for accountability.
Episode 27
"The Sultan's Minister"
Master Al-Hadi.
I am just Al-Hadi, Barzak.
To you, complete obedience
and love, my master.
You are our master's son.
Your virtue is upon us all.
You are his secret.
I'm not sure if this is something
to rejoice or to worry about.
Rejoice, my master.
You are the master,
son of the great master.
You are our master.
And I am the humble servant.
Our master.
I want you to understand and
pay attention, you are different now
I don't know why I did it.
I am confused
I feel like I am in a
position I don't understand.
Confidence is the
most important thing.
But I feel like I'm getting
circled by people's eyes.
And I'm afraid I'm not suitable.
I want you to get it together.
And I want you to pay attention to
everything happening around you.
Even the people who bring you
food and drink, pay attention to them.
Even the people who bring you
food and drink, pay attention to them.
And of course, pay
attention to Barzak Amide.
He's the closest person to you!
There is no one
closer to me than you.
And I want you to remain connected with
me even when you're alone in your chamber.
What do you mean?
It means to see me and hear
me, even when I'm far away.
Is that possible?
With training, silence,
and hunger it's possible.
Just like I can see our master
Nizar, may peace be upon him.
And others as well.
And your first task, Hadi
Is to write a very important book.
Which book?
The biography of our master.
Which master?
Our master, Hassan Al-Sabbah.
I will reveal to you
how the journey was.
When I say "our master",
Hassan Al-Sabbah
It's not about
aggrandizement or vanity, Hadi.
It's a status that our
God has given to me.
And the higher the status
of Hassan Al-Sabbah is
The status of our master,
Al-Hadi bin Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Would Greater and bigger.
Would Greater and bigger.
What should I write?
Start the journey
from the very beginning.
About an inspired young man
Who was able to
change the whole world.
Of course, this book will
remain a secret between us.
Because its appearance is
very important for believers.
Are you going to
keep worrying, Yahya?
There's nothing more you can do.
That's the problem
I can't do anything.
Well, maybe what Yahya can't do
His son can!
My son?
Or your daughter.
Are you pregnant?
get up, my lady.
Why are you sitting
on the ground! Get up.
You are carrying Sa'eed Bin
Yahya Bin Sa'eed in your womb.
He will take his grandfather's name?
It's an honor for him.
No, I was just afraid
you'd name him Tayfour.
May God have mercy on him.
May God have mercy on him.
I want him to be a noble knight.
That's enough, Yahya.
Please stop bringing
death into this.
He becomes a muezzin.
And was the
muezzin left to himself!
May God have mercy on him.
Death is inevitable.
But honour is a choice.
I want him to be a
knight and a fighter.
Nothing is more
honorable than that.
Are you afraid for him?
Very much.
Don't worry.
Fear doesn't add an hour to life.
Could it possibly be a girl?
Sa'eed Bin Yahya Bin Sa'eed.
I wish his grandfather
could see him and know him.
We're blessed, Yahya.
You and I are together finally
And our son is on the way.
And our son is on the way.
God's mercy is vast.
Praise to God.
I will go and prepare the meal.
No no no, what will you prepare?
I will prepare everything.
What is it, our master?
A call at this odd
time made me worried.
Al-Hadi, Barzak.
Al-Hadi's safty and
his life depends on you.
I'm his servant and his
father's servant, Master.
I would give my life for him.
I dreamed of you killing him
and throwing him from the castle.
God forbid!
I'd rather throw myself if he
suffered the slightest harm.
If anything happens to Al-Hadi
I won't spare you.
Heard anything?
I've heard something and I'm
trying to deny it until now.
And you'll remain loyal to my son.
That's a great honor
for me, my master.
Be at ease and reassure yourself.
My lord Al-Hadi sleeps,
and I stay up serving him.
If you asked me to kill myself now
I wouldn't hesitate for a moment.
Do it.
For our master.
That's enough.
Stand by your master, Al-Hadi.
More beautiful girls.
Where are you two from?
I'm from Armenia
and my father was
a shepherd.
And I'm from Samarkand.
my father was a rich merchant.
You two are new and very nice.
You're reminding me
of my first days here.
You're going to taste both luxury
and torment in one place here.
Keep going.
Fill their heads with evil.
I want to lestin!
I'm sorry, my mistress.
That's goodwill.
everyone shuts up.
And follows orders only.
Where's the sweet smile?
Don't be scared.
The face of our master
says he can't sleep.
Sleep has long
forsaken me, Barzak.
The rest of the body
is important, my master.
There is no rest in this world.
Master Al-Hadi's been
absent for a while.
Al-Hadi is in solitude.
A voluntary isolation and he
will emerge filled with light.
A voluntary isolation and he
will emerge filled with light.
God protect Master Al-Hadi.
Al-Hadi is our hope, Barzak.
We ruled the Castle of Alamut
and terrified people of Falsehood.
But he will rule an empire stretching
from China to the heart of Francia.
That's a prophecy, my master!
It's a fact.
Hassan Al-Sabbah
only speaks the truth.
Any news of the
believers in Isfahan?
They all left their homes
and went to the outskirts.
They all left their homes
and went to the outskirts.
I want them to set
Isfahan on fire, Barzak.
I want the Sultan to be sleepless
and unable to resume day or night.
He can't tell our followers
apart from his own.
I want them to dress
like scholars and sheikhs.
I want them to enter
mosques, markets, and spas.
I want everyone in Isfahan
to doubt themselves.
And when the night falls
it means the angel
of death has arrived.
I want a huge chaos.
And they shouldn't differentiate
between age or gender
I want killings.
My husband went out in the
morning and still hasn't returned.
As the sunset came
and the night entered,
this means he was
killed by the Esoterics.
- No!
- Pray for his mercy.
Hopefully not.
Hopefully, he will return.
To them, you are dead.
But I'm still alive!
Your bad luck made you
fall into our hands after sunset.
So they think you were killed.
I just want you to see
their grief for you before you die.
But I don't want to die!
You can stay alive
and come out of here alive.
But you go down
and say you've died.
And your soul was revived
when you abandoned your beliefs.
And knew that our
belief is the right one.
You declare your allegiance to our
master, the key holder to heaven.
And say I was the dead
who was revived by our master.
And I'll wait for you here.
An arrow aimed at your
heart in case you disobey.
An arrow aimed at your
heart in case you disobey.
I won't do that!
You're refusing life!
I refuse to go against my beliefs.
What do you mean,
you can't control it?
Are you insane?
I'm at war in Isfahan, and my minister
stands like a stupid idiot, saying that!
There's no specific attire
or form for them, my lord!
They are in the market and mosque
just like the people of Isfahan.
And in a moment
mass killings begin.
And what are you doing?
We are doing all we can, my lord.
We know them as much as we can.
And we kill them as much as we can.
The death of a single person I am responsible
for means that I don't deserve to be a Sultan!
It means I'm a failure!
Stay in your home, don't move
until this chaos is extinguished.
And then I'll deal with you.
As you order, my lord.
The people have become terrified
and too scared to live.
and too scared to live.
cowardice is the biggest enemy.
What cowardice, Yahya?
They have suffered!
Death and killing
are now everywhere.
The esoteric isn't
any different from you.
Standing beside
you buying vegetables
Suddenly, he stabs you in
your heart with a knife.
And the one standing
praying beside you
In the same row!
He just waits for you to kneel or
postrate So he can stab you in your back.
And you say they can't afraid!
No, they can't be afraid
And they confront.
People are poor, Yahya.
Not like you,
soldiers and fighters.
Not like you,
soldiers and fighters.
During the time of turmoil,
We all have to defend ourselves.
Don't burden people
beyond their capacity.
The biggest disaster is for
people To lose confidence.
If they feel they are weak
And they have to lock their
houses so they won't die.
And they leave their enemy to triumph
over them, Then there is no hope.
Hope exists when your
confidence in yourself endures.
And you remain alert and awake.
Where are you going, Yahya?
They shouldn't fear
the esoteric or other.
They own the
country and the right.
They have to come out, pray,
buy, Sell, live, and stay aware
Then, the enemy will be afraid.
No enemy fears a
coward and a runner.
We have received your
diligence and sincerity, Siraj.
We have received your
diligence and sincerity, Siraj.
It's an honour for
me to be the servant
In the court of my Sultan.
The previous minister allowed
disorder and chaos during his time.
He was not firm.
I chose you in his place.
If it reaches my Sultan
That there is an esoteric who
Raised his voice in one
of the streets of Isfahan
I will send my head in The hand of
the smallest soldier to your highness
For you to throw
it under your throne.
Everything one of you
Should have a talent
Playing music.
What's your talent?
Clearly, you defied Alinar's order.
I wasn't born to be a toy form
the hands of a man to another.
I am free, not a slave.
You were free before you came here.
But the day you entered the Alamut
castle, You became Alinar's slave.
So, your fate is punishment
If you do not obey orders.
Your death and throwing your
body will be the easiest thing
As if you never came to this world.
Well, come with me Let's
find a solution for all of us.
Alinar's body shall be thrown off
the roof of the Alamut Castle.
Alinar's body shall be thrown off
the roof of the Alamut Castle.
And the three girls?
They get the same fate.
Those who kill their
teacher must be punished.
But the difference is that she is
dead and they will be thrown alive.
And I want them to be thrown
in front of the castle's virgins.
Deterrence and wisdom are the most
important things in Alamut Castle.
As our master orders.
Enough, Yahya.
This is the twentieth time you've requested
to meet the minister and he has refused.
Even if it's a thousand times
I will keep requesting
until my wish is fulfilled.
We need you.
I won't be able to
look my son in the eye
That's why I tell you to
stop, we’ve seen enough.
I will not accept anything
but killing Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Or die a martyr.
- Yahya, please.
- Don’t make me feel weak!
Help me achieve my wish.
Where are you going?
I am escaping.
I will return to my father.
And leave your mother?
I love my father.
What if your father killed Al-Hadi.
Would you still love him?
He would never kill Al-Hadi
because he loves him.
He killed Hussein for he's a just man.
Your father killed
Hussein for his own sake.
And if Al-Hadi stood in
his way, he would kill him.
And me and you.
Anyone on earth, if they stand in
your father's way, he will kill them.
You are telling me this
to make me hate him.
If you want to go back,
then let's go back together.
But if I go back,
your father will kill me.
But if I go back,
your father will kill me.
And if you agree that your
mother is thrown from the castle roof
Then I will go back with you.
I have never loved anyone
as much as I love you all.
You, Hussein, and Al-Hadi.
And your father!
But he caused me to lose two.
Hussein and him.
And only God knows
what happened to Al-Hadi.
I have lost everything.
And I only have you left, Khadija.
For my sake.
I was informed that you requested
to see me more than once.
What's wrong?
I had requested from
His Majesty the Sultan
During the tenure
of the previous minister
To grant me the honor of
leading a squad to attack Alamut.
To grant me the honor of
leading a squad to attack Alamut.
And His Majesty promised me.
Yes, but the state is now preoccupied
with what is more important.
You return home and
work your father's job.
Wasn't he a muezzin, I think?
It's a noble profession.
But I've spent my life in
the service of the Seljuk army.
And your service is over.
Go back to your home.
Master Siraj, I wanted
to ask a favor from you.
Master Siraj, I wanted
to ask a favor from you.
Go back to your home.
I can't understand
this new minister.
Yes, Siraj.
A very strange man indeed.
Even though I received a promise
from the Sultan to return to the army,
He refused.
Well, he is a minister, Yahya.
Be thankful that he agreed to
meet with a lowly person like you.
When I met him, I saw treachery and
hatred for the whole Sultanate in his eyes.
God, Yahya.
You've become wise and can
read people from their eyes.
I was raised for a
while next to Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Tell me about Hassan.
A charming man.
Leading mind.
He has extraordinary abilities.
So strange.
What's strange?
What's strange?
Talking about the man who
killed your parents this way.
I am speaking of a truth
witnessed by my own eyes.
I wish the talent and knowledge he has was
used for good and the service of people.
But he used it to serve the devil.
Who can stop Hassan Al-Sabbah?
The evil within him
is what will kill him.
And for all the years
you spent in the castle,
Why didn't you kill him?
Hassan is very cautious.
All my plans in the castle failed.
But I'm still waiting
for my moment.
Not until you return
to the army first.
I'm going to the camp.
How's the camp?
After Ibrahim and Tayfour,
and Soliman,
and Yahya.
Goodbye, Yahya.
Goodbye, Yahya.
From the keeper
of the heaven key
Hassan Al-Sabbah, the great proof
and senior preacher to God
To our loyal follower, Sirajuddin
Keep the promise
And make the sea calm.
As for the son of the muezzin
You should slaughter him.
And make it look like an ordinary crime.
And from us to you
peace, prayer, and total protection.
Son of Sa'eed the muezzin.
He was my comrade in the army.
Are you okay?
Get inside.
I'm okay, get inside!
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