The Longest Promise (2023) s01e27 Episode Script

Episode 27

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 27=
the entire marine force in Western Huang
could be looking for you.
But you've lost your power.
What if you run into enemies?
Chong Ming can keep me safe.
Watch out, Master!
Leave me!
Run now, Master!
Master, run!
Master, watch out!
Let me go!
The odds are in my favor.
Dragon slayer.
You've lost your power?
Master, forget about me.
Heed my advice.
Surrender and stand down.
The net is a prized item of the Merfolk.
This is the Impairing Net.
It was forged using
the millennial dark iron
from the ocean bed.
The more one struggles,
the tighter it becomes,
making whoever ensnared
suffer more pain!
Get him!
Let me go!
Shi Ying.
Where is Zhu Yan?
The marine force took her.
Those people
used a Merfolk item to escape.
I must rescue her.
Shi Ying!
Are you going to use your essence qi
to repel the evil energy
to regain your power?
You must not do that!
The essence qi
is the root of your attainment.
If you disrupt it recklessly,
you could become deranged.
Shi Ying.
Shi Ying.
Extreme Wind City is not far from here.
Let's ask the Crimson King
for reinforcements.
We can't wait.
Did you succeed?
We lost many of our soldiers.
And only caught
the dragon slayer's disciple.
You wasted the Impairing Net
and Dragon's Stroke
only to apprehend
a little girl?
Worthless fools!
Elder, please calm down.
This woman is very powerful.
She is the dragon slayer's disciple.
She is the Princess of the Crimson Clan.
Cursed marine force!
I won't let you use me
as leverage against my father!
Dragon Blood Jade!
It's the Dragon Blood Jade!
Whoever carries it
can't be harmed by the Merfolk.
Dragon Blood Jade
is the prized gem of our clan.
It's priceless.
Why does the Kongsang princess
have this?
Where did you get this?
I get it now.
That person
has been hiding
in the Crimson Residence.
I bet he gave you
Dragon Blood Jade.
Since you mean so much to him,
I shall put you to good use.
Who is this?
What do you want?
Send the word.
Keep an eye on this woman.
(The reaction)
(is getting stronger.)
(Could it be)
(the Sea Emperor is nearby?)
This is only a dream.
Is Yan'er connected
to the Sea Emperor?
Let's go.
Aren't they Lady Yu and Sumo?
Why are they in this
sorry state?
Could it be that
one of them is the Sea Emperor?
Was the child I saw in my dream
actually Sumo?
Lord Zhi.
It really was you.
(That child is
probably the Sea Emperor.)
My lord.
Elder Jian ordered me to pick you up.
I won't repeat what I said.
You misunderstood.
Elder Jian
wants to know
if you want to see
the Princess of the Crimson Clan.
What did you say?
Lord Zhi, halt.
The Merfolk's prized Impairing Net
is impenetrable.
If you make any sudden movement,
I'll chant the spell
and suffocate her.
Bad news!
Elder Jian, the dragon slayer is here.
How dare he?
Perhaps he wishes
to see his disciple killed?
Elder Jian!
Don't you know
all the divine items
came from the Zhi family?
The name and spell
of this item
were designed by my father.
Where is she now?
Is this the so-called dragon slayer?
take his life.
Avenge our people
and bring glory to the Sea Kingdom!
Kill him!
Kill him!
Kill him!
Dragon slayer!
I doubt
you'll make it in time to save her.
Very well.
You asked for this.
Hold up!
It's you.
She's the one you came for.
Hand her over.
(Fate is cruel to us all.)
(The marine force
is waging a war on Kongsang.)
(At this point,)
(how can I tell Yan'er)
(our fate in the past life?)
(I'd only put her in a tough position.)
Keep her safe.
You know her?
I've known her
far longer than you do.
Lord Zhi!
With a swing of his sword,
he can raze this place to the ground.
He was showing mercy.
But you almost got yourselves killed!
His essence qi hasn't dissipated.
Had I not blocked it,
you would've died
as soon as you charged at him.
Let's run!
What is this place?
You're awake.
Did you save me?
Yan'er, are you alright?
I am.
How did you regain your power
so quickly?
Did you use your essence qi?
I wouldn't be foolish enough
to use it for you.
I merely took some Red Fruits.
(Shi Ying was throwing up blood.)
(He's clearly used his essence qi.)
(But he doesn't want Yan'er to know.)
(Shi Ying really cares about Yan'er.)
(Yan'er only cares about him.)
(I was too late)
(in this lifetime.)
I didn't save you.
It was him.
He said he knew you.
Why are you here too?
You are reunited with the Priest.
You must have a lot to tell him.
It's alright.
This is the man
I mentioned to you.
Keeper Yuan.
Thank you.
you're the keeper
Yan'er often mentions.
She talks about you a lot too.
The Priest of Grand Preceptor
has peerless might.
So why was she in danger
in the first place?
The marine force was cunning.
They caught us off guard.
But I didn't think
the keeper of the Crimson Residence
would be the leader of the marine force.
They addressed you as Lord Zhi.
Hear me out.
I was banished
from the Crimson Clan long ago.
I severed my ties
with my old acquaintances.
My actions have nothing to do
with the Crimson Clan.
you play an important role
in the marine force.
Those people attempted to take my life
and took Yan'er hostage.
They even started
a war in Western Huang.
Do you
know nothing about these?
The mastermind
was someone else.
It was Elder Jian.
I even heard him
blackmailing Yuan with my life.
had returned
to the marine force not long ago.
He was looking
for his younger sister.
He's not colluding with the enemies.
You have wits and bravery about you.
You are an honorable ally.
You are indeed unlike the other
enemy soldiers.
we fought Diba together.
You know the details of that day.
Soldiers of the marine force
branded me the dragon slayer.
your sister is also in the marine force.
Your family has a deep connection
with the marine force.
So why did you spend so many years
lurking in the Crimson Residence?
The marine force marched prepared
to lay siege to Extreme Wind City.
Why do they know the lay of the place
so well?
It's the horn of the Crimson Clan.
My father's army
will be here soon.
I must leave.
I will give you
the answer you seek another time.
If your conscience is clear,
lead the marine force into surrendering.
Return to Extreme Wind City with us.
Explain everything.
I will order a retreat from the city,
and promise they won't attack again.
The marine force plagues
every corner of the land.
Letting you go is too big of a risk.
It's a rule in the marine force
for captives to take their own lives.
You know the soldiers
are only taking orders.
You could have killed them
if you wanted them dead.
Am I right?
Had they put up a fight,
there would've been
more casualties on both sides.
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
I know you are
not a heartless person.
If you don't want
unnecessary bloodshed,
please let us go.
I know you have your doubts.
But I believe in Yuan.
He will never go back on his promise.
When the time is right,
you will give us an explanation.
Don't make us wait too long.
I won't let your trust be in vain.
Very well.
You may go.
But remember,
you owe both of us
a real explanation.
There's another thing.
It's personal.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
I leave Yan'er in your care.
But what happened today
must never come to pass again.
Who are you
to leave her in my care?
Yan'er is my disciple.
I will not put her in harm's way.
Remember your promise.
If you fail to keep her safe,
and put her in danger again,
I'll be her guardian.
You trust Yuan, don't you?
Otherwise, there would be no way
I could convince you to let him go.
Do not
tell my father and others
that Yuan is the leader
of the marine force.
You care a lot about him.
Are you glad
that I let him go?
Of course not.
I'm happy because
you are willing to trust
the person I trust.
Yan'er, are you
Are you hurt?
I'm glad to hear that.
Take them down!
The Crimson Clan's army is here!
Fall back now!
We want to fight them!
What are you doing?
We'd rather die
than retreat.
This fight
shall be part of
the Sea Kingdom's glorious history!
Fight till the end! Never back down!
Fight till the end! Never back down!
Fight till the end! Never back down!
You broke free from the Impairing Net.
(Ruyi, Merfolk)
You're not the only one
who can deactivate it.
Let's go.
This is strange.
The marine force was fighting
for their lives
and had no fear for death.
But they are retreating now.
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Have you met their leader?
The army arrived as soon as
I'd rescued Yan'er.
I've never seen their leader.
You must have suffered a lot.
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Thanks to your protection and caring,
my daughter was able to escape
from the Huotu Tribe
and the marine force.
Your kindness for her
shall be forever remembered
by the Crimson Clan.
Despite my divine duty,
I have constantly intervened
with matters of Western Huang.
I did so because I had no choice.
You need not thank me.
Now that Yan'er is safe and sound,
I should be on my way.
You disrupted your essence qi.
Shouldn't you rest for a little longer?
It's alright.
By the way,
you scolded me for letting him go,
so why did you do the same this time?
The first time,
we didn't know who he was.
But now,
we've learned his real identity.
We must
verify it at Jialan White Tower.
If he really is the Sea Emperor,
we will meet again soon.
If he is
who I expect him to be,
him being the Sea Emperor
might be a blessing
for Kongsang.
Who would've thought?
So he was the keeper
Zhu Yan often mentioned?
But Keeper Yuan
seems very young,
probably around your age.
Shi Ying.
You should work harder
before Yan'er
is stolen from you.
You call pointless sacrifices
dedication to the nation?
Since we couldn't
kill the dragon slayer
to bolster our morale,
we have to
prove Shi Ying's cruelty.
He killed Lady Qiushui
when he was young.
In Guwei City, he committed
heinous crimes against the Merfolk.
In Xia City,
he killed a large number of soldiers.
And to rescue his disciple,
he razed our base to the ground.
The Merfolk are living in fear.
we must stand united.
Present tribute if we must.
Charge if we must.
You've lost your mind!
Are you taking his side?
I don't know
every detail of the Elder's plan,
but you left without a word.
Over the past 200 years,
Elder Jian has been our leader.
I'd rather trust his decision
than someone who showed up
out of nowhere.
When did you
become so irrational?
We hadn't met in 200 years.
Is lecturing all you have to say to me?
When you left,
I was tortured
after the Kongsang people captured me.
It was Elder Jian who rescued me.
You were gone for 200 years.
Elder Jian gave me
a new purpose and duty.
By the way,
I've spent more time with Elder Jian
than with you,
my brother.
I didn't know you were alive.
Even when you knew, you chose to
stay with that Princess of Kongsang!
At 5 o'clock, seven days from now,
the Sea Emperor will show up
near this location.
If groups of Merfolk show up,
how can we tell which of them
is the Sea Emperor?
The Emperor Star
will show a glimpse
of fate to the people.
And that glimpse into fate
is the mark of the Sea Emperor.
I got it.
The time you calculated
with this orrery
is when the Sea Emperor's
identity is revealed.
Predicting his location
isn't within my power.
Fate is guiding the people
through my hand.
This is the only chance we have.
If we miss it,
we can't make further predictions.
If this is our chance
to identify the Sea Emperor,
there will be signs of anomalies.
At that time,
the Evil Star will shine bright.
The dragon's mark will be shown.
I get it now.
Whoever carries the dragon's mark
is the Sea Emperor.
When you left this place,
you were but a little kid.
Returning to your home
after so many years
might be sentimental for you.
Do you recall the time
you lived here?
After my mother passed away,
the last attachment I had for this place
was gone.
Jialan doesn't belong to me.
I don't belong in Jialan.
Let's go.
How have you been over the years?
How is the man who let you transform?
He's dead.
And you?
Was it the princess
from the Crimson Clan
that Elder Jian captured?
It's not her.
If she wasn't the one,
why would you risk your life for her?
Don't you know our kind
can only have one love in their life?
The person
who swore an oath with me
was gone 200 years ago.
You and I are the same.
You fell in love
with someone from Kongsang.
I fell in love
with someone Kongsang killed.
You were a keeper
for a Kongsang family
for over 200 years.
But over these years, I've been waiting
for the Sea Emperor's return
so I can have my revenge.
Why are you in a hurry to go to Ye City?
Are you on a mission?
Over the years,
I've done things I'm proud of
and things I'm ashamed of.
I need not report
every detail to Lord Left Envoy.
If there is nothing else,
please go.
The approaching abyss
and treacherous ice.
I failed to take care of you.
Zhi Yuan.
Zhi Bing.
Your name came from the adage,
"The approaching abyss
[ "Yuan" means abyss in Chinese]
and treacherous ice."
[ "Bing" means ice in Chinese]
Such is the predicament
the Merfolk are in.
I hope that when you grow up,
you can take on
the duty of the Zhi family.
Make our people great again.
Do you
Yes, Father.
Yes, Father.
I don't like war!
I don't want to become a boy.
I don't want to be called "Zhi Bing"!
What name do you want?
I want to be called "Ruyi."
[ "Ruyi" means free from worries in Chinese]
It has a nice ring to it.
(A Life Free From Worries)
Very well.
You have my word.
I will keep you safe
and free from worries.
When Father is gone,
that's your name.
But don't let
Father know about it.
It's much better than "Zhi Bing."
Thanks, Brother.
When you grow up,
you will be the most beautiful
among the Merfolk.
My sister,
you've become the world's
greatest beauty.
I know no explanations
are enough to make amends.
I am sorry.
As I said,
let's leave the past in the past.
Are you free from worries now?
In the past,
you hated war.
We went to war
to rebuild our nation,
to save our people.
A brief moment of pain
means nothing to me.
Elder Jian deceived you.
War is not the only way
to rebuild our nation.
The Priest of Grand Preceptor
isn't the villain they say he is.
The Principle Sorcerer
turned the Merfolk into puppets.
They wanted to kill me.
The Priest of Grand Preceptor
killed them to save me.
I know the marine force
has its own problem to deal with.
But I'd rather trust
our own people
than a man from Kongsang.
I'm not asking you
to betray your clan.
The Merfolk will have our own future.
The Sea Emperor is our hope.
If we can rebuild
with fewer sacrifices,
what will you do?
Judging by the tone,
do you have a plan in mind?
Do you remember the Blood Orb?
It will be difficult
to locate the Sea Emperor in Ye City.
We must locate him
before he enters Ye City.
What is your brilliant plan?
There is a small town here.
Any who enters Ye City
will stop by the place.
We enter the city
and split up to search
while carrying the Blood Orbs.
If the orbs glow blue,
the Sea Emperor is nearby.
Then, signal me.
I'll verify it.
Do you remember the Blood Orb?
My blood
can sense the power of the Sea Emperor.
It's the same with
the Blood Orb made by my blood.
I'll give Elder Jian and his men
the Blood Orbs
so they can help with the search.
But I will find the Sea Emperor
before they do.
When I find the Sea Emperor on my own,
I'll signal you.
We'll decide on
the next course of action.
Will you join me?
Father told us when we were little.
Blood of men from the Zhi family
has this unique trait.
We'll follow Lord Zhi's plan.
You shall lead the search.
The marine force
will only search for the Sea Emperor.
Do not stir up any trouble.
Take a break.
I have some food with me.
Let the kid have it.
Thank you.
It's a trying time.
They are with the marine force.
Seize them!
We are refugees!
We're not soldiers!
You are if I say so.
Every Merfolk works
for the marine force.
Each Merfolk head
will get you two golds!
Kill them all!
- Run!
- Slay them!
Stop right there!
Stop running!
Take their Jade Tears.
But we have the order from Lord Zhi.
Elder Jian plays along
to find the Sea Emperor.
He's busy with the search,
why would he know
about this slaughter?
Quick, do it now!
We lost the Jade Tear.
But we have the boy with us.
The Sea Emperor shows himself.
But where is this anguish
coming from?
Could it be
the Sea Emperor is in danger?
Dragon's mark!
Only the Sea Emperor has that!
Sea Emperor?
Is he the Sea Emperor?
We have to bring him back
to Elder Jian!
The marine force is coming!
I'll let you fight.
All of you should die.
I hate all of you!
Sumo really is the Sea Emperor.
Little boy?
Little boy?
You're not going anywhere.
The Evil Star is shining bright.
The Sea Emperor's identity
has been revealed.
It's south of here.
It's not far from us.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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