ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e27 Episode Script

Mumm-Ra of Plun-Darr (Part 1)

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
- [alarm blaring]
- [shudders]
Wake up, Lion-O!
That's the intruder alarm.
We're under attack.
Come on, five more minutes.
There. Driller is trying
to break into the Lair.
I thought we made
friends with him.
[WilyKat] Ooh!
And the Warrior Maidens
are trying to break
into the garage.
[Tygra] And is that
the Netherwitch?
Okay, I distinctly remember
having adventures
with all of these guys
where we started off
as enemies,
but became friends.
- [door slams]
- That's how it works, WilyKit.
We have a big adventure,
but everything always goes
back to normal at the end.
For example,
I just smashed my alarm clock.
But the next time I looked,
it was good as new.
Ah, just one
of life's mysteries.
That's not a mystery.
Panthro fixes
all the stuff you break.
Ho-ho, so that's
what those stickers are.
Hey, where is Panthro?
[cheering] Whoo-hoo!
Nice one, guys.
Smash it. Yeah.
Don't hold back.
Give it all you got.
Panthro? What the heck, dude?
Wait, Cheetara, I can explain.
I invited everyone here
to break into Cats' Lair.
I installed
some serious upgrades
to the Lair security system.
And who better to test them out
-than all of our friends who
successfully -[all screaming]
broke in before?
So everyone's just here
helping test out
the new defenses.
I even increased security
against the Mutants.
How'd you do that?
I locked the door.
[grunts] It won't open.
You gotta jiggle it.
So, you see,
everyone's just here to help.
Except the Mutants.
They're legitimately here
to hurt us,
but I'm not too worried
about it.
Hey, thanks for
letting our house
punch you in the face.
Now step right over here
for your complementary
pancake breakfast.
And the best part of the Cats'
Lair's new defense system is
I control it all
with this CatPad.
Cool! Let me see.
Hmm, how's this work?
Press this.
And do this Uh, unlock
Argh! My thumbs.
Uh, sorry, Lion-O,
I didn't exactly give you
access to the CatPad.
It's a big responsibility.
What? I am the Lord
of the ThunderCats.
I can handle
plenty of responsibility.
I have the Sword of Omens.
That's just because you're
the only one who can use it.
Which is a shame, because you've
straight up lost the sword
like 100 times.
It's okay, Lion-O.
The Sword of Omens
is our most important tool
in the fight against evil.
That makes you
a super important tool as well.
You're a huge tool.
I made it worse.
- Um
- [sighs]
Okay, Lion-O,
I'll teach you
how to use the CatPad.
Hey, a sword.
[all groaning]
Oh, hey, can we get
some pancakes?
Oh, man, she's already gone.
Stop throwing
the sword, Lion-O.
[chuckles] See?
That was nice and easy.
You just activated
our anti-Mumm-Ra barrier.
So, the ThunderCats
have more
anti-evil technology, eh?
What a bunch of nerds.
I could defeat them easily,
if I had the right gear.
Like an anti-ThunderCats hat.
That I could wear.
Or a scepter, or something.
[Spirits of Evil] Mumm-Ra!
The weapon that can defeat
the ThunderCats already exists.
The Sword of Plun-Darr!
I knew that!
But the Sword of Plun-Darr
is gone.
There's no way to reach it.
Look again, Mumm-Ra.
- [rumbling]
- Whoa! [laughs]
When did I get that?
Oh, nice. Pretty cool.
So I, uh, just look in here?
I uh don't know
what I'm looking at.
[gasps] The Sword of Plun-Darr.
It's orbiting back
to Third Earth.
If I can just calculate
the trajectory,
I can predict
when and where it
- [exploding]
- [Mumm-Ra groans]
Oh, hey! That's convenient.
Hey! You're not messing around
with the CatPad, are you?
It's not a toy.
I know, it's way more fun
to play with than a toy.
I can control everything
from here.
The security system,
- the lights, even the vacuum.
- [beeps]
I have the thermostat set to
a perfect 73.4 degrees.
And if anyone
tries to mess with it,
- I send the vacuum after 'em.
- [screams]
- Cool.
- Uh-oh!
Tygra's been in the shower
for over 20 minutes.
Oh! I did not need to see that.
-We can't let him use all the hot water.
Boink! -[beeps]
[Tygra screaming] Why?
You don't have to say "boink,"
but I recommend it.
Nice one, Lion-O.
You're showing
a lot of responsibility.
Maybe I was wrong about you.
[alarm blaring]
Another alarm?
To the control room!
All right, Crumbellina,
let's ride. Hyah!
What is it this time? Whoa
[Tygra groaning]
What's all the commotion?
It's no big deal.
Looks like Mumm-Ra
got big again.
[laughing maniacally]
Trashed! Trashed! Trashed!
Boo! [laughs]
I scared you.
I got out of the shower
for this? Pfft.
Let's get in the ThunderTank.
Mumm-Ra's not going
to defeat himself.
I mean, he probably will.
Nah, it'll take too long.
[Cheetara] Yeah, you're right.
- [laughing maniacally]
- [engine revving]
Oh, hello, ThunderCats.
I've been waiting for you
puny little
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
How do you want to do this?
I feel like
we haven't seen WilyKit
- do something in a while.
- Yeah!
You dare send your
tiniest warrior against me,
Mumm-Ra the
[dramatic music playing]
Ah, there we go.
[all] Hooray.
[laughing maniacally]
Uh, he's laughing.
That's never good.
[laughing maniacally]
Check it out, ding-dongs.
It was a trap.
He's got
the Sword of Plun-Darr.
How? We defeated Ratar-O
and the sword
was launched into space.
Ha. That foolish rat man
didn't deserve the evil
power of this sword.
Only a magic mummy-man
may manipulate
magic machetes
maccurately! [laughs heartily]
[all screaming]
We're doomed! What do we do?
We've got to
get back to the Lair.
I've still got one more
trick up my sleeve.
[engine accelerating]
[laughing maniacally]
There's no escape
from the Sword of Plun-Darr.
Wherever you run,
I will follow.
At the speed of my preference.
[intense music playing]
[engine spluttering]
[Panthro] Whoa!
What's the deal?
The garage door won't open.
[Mumm-Ra yelling] ThunderCats!
I'm gonna get you.
Floatin' on my rock.
Leave the tank,
everyone inside.
- [thudding]
- [all groaning]
It's locked! Does anyone have
- [yelps]
- [all] Huh?
[electrical buzzing]
- [all gasp]
- That's not good.
[all screaming]
You know what?
I'm just gonna say it.
I liked our house better when
it didn't shoot lasers at us.
It's no big deal.
Lion-O, give me the CatPad
so I can disable everything.
Sure thing.
I, uh it's here somewhere.
Looking for this?
[all cackling]
Lion-O, did you really
leave it behind?
Well, how was
I supposed to know
the Mutants
would be able to break in?
Break in? Ha!
One of you ThunderCats
left the door unlocked.
[laughing maniacally]
ALL: Lion-O.
Hey, don't look at me.
Then who was it?
Then why'd you say,
"Don't look at me"?
I was gonna run away.
- [all laughing]
- Not a bad idea,
lion guy. Fire!
[Panthro] Everyone,
to the ThunderTank.
[dramatic music playing]
[all gasping]
[laughing maniacally]
Hello, ThunderCats.
I see you've met my associates.
Mumm-Ra and the Mutants.
Our two greatest enemies
working together?
Once I obtained
the Sword of Plun-Darr,
it was easy to recruit them.
I thought we already went
through this with Ratar-O.
Ratar-O didn't understand
our needs.
That's right.
After we defeat you,
they will be
kings of Third Earth.
This is it.
It's the end
of the ThunderCats,
and it's all my fault.
I should never have
trusted Lion-O
with so much responsibility.
Aw, don't be so hard
on yourself.
We're all to blame.
We're all to blame
for trusting Lion-O.
I'll be taking
your weapons now.
[laughing maniacally]
No. Those are mine.
- Bolo whip!
- Nunchuck-ku!
Huh? I feel like
I'm missing something here.
Hey! Gimme that sword.
You want the Sword of Omens?
You're gonna have
to take me with it.
Thunder, thunder, thunder!
Thunder, thunder, thunder!
- Uh, give up already.
- [swords clashing]
You're not the only one
with a magic sword,
you big blue jerk!
Can your magic sword do this?
- [grunts]
- Or this?
- Whoa!
- [swords clashing]
Pretty good.
- But not good enough.
- [Mumm-Ra grunts]
[grunts] Plun-Darr,
Plun-Darr, Plun-Darr!
[Lion-O] Hey! That's my trick.
Oh, okay,
that part's different.
- [screams]
- [thuds]
[panting] Thunder,
thunder, thunder!
-[swords clashing] -You're
so tiny and annoying. Ugh!
I'd rather be tiny and annoying
than big and losing.
[swords clashing]
[Mumm-Ra] Ugh!
Why do you weigh so much?
Plun-Darr, Plun-Darr,
Thunder, thunder, thunder!
Plun-Darr, Plun-Darr,
Thunder, thunder, thunder!
Plun-Darr, Plun-Darr,
Thunder, thunder, thunder!
-Plun-Darr, Plun-Darr, Plun-Darr!
-Thunder, thunder, thunder!
[yelling] Plun-Darr,
Plun-Darr, Plun-Darr!
[Lion-O groaning]
[weakly] Thunder!
[all gasping]
[dramatic music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Tygra] Hold on, Lion-O!
We're comin', buddy.
Let me just, uh,
line up my shot here.
Sorry, guys.
I really messed up.
[all screaming]
We win?
Did you see that?
I had them all lined up.
I was like, pow!
- We beat the ThunderCats.
- [all cheering]
[all screaming]
[all groaning]
[all screaming]
- [thudding]
- [all groaning]
[all moaning]
Well, looks like
everyone's here.
Wherever here is.
Yeah, but we have no weapons.
Or tech.
Or shelter.
Come on,
we've survived worse than this.
- Heck, we survived
- [chomping]
our home planet
being blown up.
We can start over again.
We'll build a new base,
here in the woods.
We'll defend it with sticks
and rocks if we have to.
We'll continue to uphold
the code of Thundera,
and most importantly,
we'll do it together.
Right, Lion-O?
How did I mess
this up so bad?
I'm the biggest tool
in the world!
Everything's gotta go
back to normal!
It always goes
back to normal, right?
Sorry, Lion-O.
I don't even have the tools
to fix that here.
[wind blows]
But you know, Lion-O,
I might have a plan,
a plan so great it would
Aw, toots.
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