Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e27 Episode Script

Episode 27

Don't do it, brother. Don't!
You don't cut the head of a horse
when it makes a mistake for the first time.
That's not the first mistake.
I stayed silent for your many mistakes.
You always protected me when I
made a mistake in my childhood.
When my parents got mad at me
you sacrificed yourself for me.
I made a mistake again
again you defend me again.
Our parents are dead.
I don't have anyone
else to ask for mercy.
Forgive me, brother!
You are my brother!
You are my blood.
I'll be a big brother to you one last time.
I won't take your life.
But your actions won’t go unpunished.
To stop you from rioting again.
I'll give the necessary punishment.
I'm the son of Alp Arslan, Melik Shah!
I made those who riot bend on their knees!
I’m holding the sword of the state!
I want this sword
not to cut the sons of the state.
Either rioters will lose their heads
or those bending their
heads will be forgiven.
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach the sky!
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach the sky!
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach the sky!
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach the sky!
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach the sky!
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach the sky!
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach the sky!
Long live Sultan Melik Shah!
May your sword reach the sky!
Years ago, Melik Shah ascended
the throne thanks to your absence.
Now, he will lose the
throne due to your presence.
When I make your secret known
your state will collapse.
How dare you spit on the Great Seyyiduna?
They raided the stream
so they can attack the tribe.
Some take positions at
the entrance of the tribe.
As you order, Turna Hatun.
-My Turna.
Thanks to Allah, I'm
back to you and our home.
We won the game of the throne.
You made our home and my heart happy.
- Thank you.
The hatuns of Zubeyde Hatun sent and
our alps fortified the security. Why?
We were told the ladies in
the stream would be attacked.
My mother went there with the alps.
I intensified the measures.
They did the same
dirty trick before, my Bey.
It seems Mother Bashulu didn't
let a disaster happen this time.
Isn't my mother back yet?
Something bad may have happened!
Aydogdu! Ayaz!
You deal with the security of the tribe!
Come on!
Come on.
When they notice Bashulu
Hatun got abducted
both Sanjar and Tapar
will attack us, father.
They’ll all attack but they
won't be able to do anything.
Now we'll take life-blood of the Seljuk.
Well capture that precious
treasure in front of their eyes and
and they will be able
to do nothing against us.
Because we have the
most powerful treasure
to stop them.
Hazrat Sultan Melik Shah!
Take him away.
He'll wait for his punishment.
My Sultan.
We always totally
believed that you would win.
Your wrath was a good lesson
for those who doubted you.
May you be always victorious.
When hyenas don't see the lion around
they think they are the ruler.
Thanks to Allah, you didn't leave
the sultanate to anyone, my Sultan.
May your state be everlasting
and your sultanate be strong.
The state will be everlasting.
The sultanate will be well served.
What about your health, my Sultan?
Did they treat your wounds?
Are you all well?
My beautiful daughter.
The love in your beautiful heart,
gave me more desire to live.
Your words healed all of my wounds.
The head of the rioters will
get punished as he deserves.
For those with ambitions,
For hose who don't accept their fate,
it will be a great lesson.
There are some trails going another way.
These trails are still fresh.
Togan! Balaban
You go to the stream.
-We'll follow these trails.
- As you order, my Bey.
Come on.
They got killed.
Bashulu Hatun isn't among them, my Bey.
Obviously, this is a trap.
They drew them here intentionally.
There is a sign that indicate
that they were Batini's, my Bey.
It seems like it was their trap.
It seems there are others
who are after the secret.
You should be more cautious.
Don't leave the tribe
unless it’s necessary.
My Bey, I checked the trails.
They've disappeared ahead.
It's not sure where they went.
Investigate around where
the trails have disappeared.
Come on.
Bashulu Hatun may have
gone to the stream, my Bey.
We should wait for news
from Balaban and Togan.
Togan! Balaban
Have you seen my mother in the stream?
There was nobody in the stream, my Bey.
All the hatuns went back to the tribe.
We're going to the tribe then.
We will ask the hatuns who
got back from the stream.
Let's go.
Where did you bring me?
Unfold my eyes, rascals!
You settled in Shalamzar secretly, huh?
I'm Sanjar Bey's mother.
You will pay for this.
We already know who you
are, the hatun of Secrets.
You're not only Sanjar’s mother
but also Sultan Melik Shah's
hatun and Tapar's mother.
What are you talking about?
I'm only Sanjar Bey's mother!
If so, let’s send you to the palace then.
When you appear before Melik Shah,
we'll know if you're his hatun or not.
You can’t!
Besides, what will I even
do in our Sultan's presence?
Because you are so afraid,
it seems Melik Shah
doesn't know you are alive.
Why else wouldn't you want to go?
The old wolf Nizamul Mulk obviously
made a game of his own style.
After you got exiled from the
palace, you gave birth to Sanjar
and Nizamul Mulk hid you.
If you had got exposed, Melik Shah
couldn't have ascended the throne, right?
Well.. Does Melik Shah
know Sanjar is his son?
If you don't say,
I will learn it in my own way.
And by announcing this to Melik Shah.
Would you want him to learn it from me?
Melik Shah
doesn't know Sanjar is his son.
Get off Melik Shah's,
my son’s and our state's back!
If you want a life, take mine.
They cast many aspersions on you.
They exiled you from the
palace and ruined your life.
But you are still trying to defend
the state which did this to you.
Even Melik Shah didn’t hold you dear.
Couldn't the heir of a great
state have kept you in the palace?
Don't say bad words about
him with your twisted tongue.
Just like you enabled Melik Shah
to ascend the throne years ago.
now you will enable us to take
away the life blood of the Seljuks.
Until then, you will be our guest.
We'll take a good care of you.
If you have a heart,
fight Melik Shah bravely.
You won't be able to do anything to him.
Traitors! Cowards!
I'm so curious, father.
What is your strike to Seljuks
through Bashulu Hatun?
What's your plan?
Let our followers hiding from the
shadows of the demons appear again.
It's time to destroy the darkness over
us with the brightness of our daggers.
We, on our own, will take Shalamzar.
that Seljuks didn't give us.
Let's say we captured Shalamzar.
The Seljuk army will
jump on us immediately.
How will we resist their attack?
We don’t have enough arms
and soldiers to hold the city.
Only Bashulu Hatun will be enough for us.
As long as we have her,
they can do no harm to us.
And they will have to
give whatever we want.
Inform Tajul mulk about the things.
Tajul Mulk should know
that we have her.
Accordingly, he will provide
support from inside the palace.
Organize our followers in
Shalamzar as it should be done.
I will take his support
to be able to get Shalamzar.
With the helping hand of the Great Imam.
we'll begin the rise
of Batinis in Shalamzar.
My mother never went to the stream?
Nobody saw her?
She didn't, my Bey.
We didn’t see her.
You weren't informed about the attack?
We weren't, my Bey.
They played a trick to get
my mother out of the tribe.
You may leave, hatun.
Problems are raining on us.
I wish they did all
those bad things to me
May I be the only one who gets hurt.
The only one who gets killed
I don't want to be tested by
the grief of my beloved ones
My destiny the throne of my heart
There have always been problems on your
shoulders since the day I've known you.
But Allah never gives a burden
more than they can't handle.
You know it the best.
We will get over this InshaAllah.
There is no trace left from my mother
I wonder where she is
and who she is with.
We will find your mother.
Allah will open a door, for sure.
Don't worry.
Can I come in, my Bey?
Come in Bozkus.
Livia woke up. I came here to inform you.
Let's go and check, Turna.
We will find out who hurt her.
Do what you want to do!
Why are you performing a show?
Hazrat Sultan Melik Shah!
I've forgiven every mistake of yours.
I didn't have you executed because
I thought it was your first riot.
You answered every
goodness I did for you
with rebellion.
So that you don't see my favours
those eyes don't need a place
on your head.
What does that mean, my Sultan?
Are you going to blind me?
I asked for mercy.
I asked you to act like brother.
Is it your mercy?
Is it the brotherhood we have?
Everyone gets their share from
my mercy and justice.
Everyone gets their share from
my mercy and justice.
It is your share
in return for your treachery.
Don't do it, brother!
Don't, my Sultan!
I wish you killed me.
You darkened my world, brother!
Your eyes were always closed to the truth.
Now your eyes are closed.
The eyes of your heart should be
open then maybe you'll be able to
see the truth.
Send him to his tribe with Ahmed.
Who are you?
How can you know
what wealth is?
Your world is built up on a blowing wind.
Your presence is nowhere.
Every single thing around
you just nothingness.
You are also nothing.
Do you think Melik Shah
will let you build
a Batini state on his lands, Sabbah?
Even if you conquer Shalamzar
you can't control it for a long time.
I have such a sword in my hands that,
they can’t even approach us.
You have to tell me what that
advantage is to make me believe.
Think about collaborations I made
with you and before you to believe me.
When did I make you wrong?
Melik Shah is the invincible
conqueror of the East and the West.
But we will weaken him by attacking
him from the East and the West.
You will attack him from the West.
while we attack him
from East, Shalamzar.
Are you going to support
us as our ally or not?
Don't, brother!
Don't, my Sultan.
My Sultan, Count Albert wants to see you.
Welcome Albert.
- My Sultan.
Thank you.
But I am not Count Albert anymore.
I want you to call me Abdullah Ali.
I am honoured with Islam.
Hz.Ali(RA) was
Allah's Great lion
the leader of valiants.
the sharp sword of
Islam's justice
Your news gave us happiness
May Allah accept your Islam
What brought me to this place was
the justice, bravery and manners
of the Seljuk.
May Allah bless you.
Ali must have a sword
like Zulfiqar.
I just made it.
I made it with my own hands.
It was granted to you.
May it be my gift to you
May it work for justice
and may it be your
companion with many wars.
Thank you, my Sultan.
What does that octagon star mean?
That octangular star is one of our
state's symbols.
The guide of how to be a big state
the basis of our state
Wand our eternal rules
are imprinted onto this star.
One corner of it is mercy.
creature which is created by
Allah with mercy.
One edge stands for patience.
It tells us to take
shelter in patience while
dealing with hardships,
and stand on the right way.
One edge stands for honesty.
Like Allah the Greatest
ordered us in a verse
"So remain steadfast
as you are commanded."
It tells us to be honest with everything.
One edge stands for loyalty.
It tells us to stay loyal to our way,
to our goals and path.
One edge stands for humbleness.
for every blessing
come from only and only from Allah.
One edge stands for generosity.
It tells us to spend the wealth
and goods that Allah gave
spending them all for Allah's cause.
One corner is about being grateful.
It tells us to know that
the good and bad
and to be thankful for His decisions.
One edge
stands for keeping a secret.
Even if your heart burns
even if it makes
you miserable
it points out that
we should always bury
even the heaviest secret
into your heart for
your state and cause.
Here it is.
we are embroidered in the
meaning of this eight pointed.
From now on, I will listen to your orders.
and your cause and
take that star as my guide.
I'll be under your order and on your cause.
I am ready for any
assignment you'll give me.
I will send Tapar
as the Emir of Shalamzar.
Go to the city before him.
From now on, be with Tapar.
and take care of Shalamzar's security.
As you order, my Sultan.
How are you doing, Livia?
Do you have any pain?
Are you able to tell
who did this and why?
Efruz in the Shalamzar hospital
I was going to bring him to Turna Hatun.
And then all of a sudden,
I was stabbed in the back.
I didn't see who it was.
Why did you want to bring Efruz to me?
Because he is a Batini.
I was going to expose him.
He has worked with us for years?
He is always with me.
How is this possible?
we had some contact with the Batinis.
That's how I know he’s a Batini.
And I left him in charge of the hospital.
How could I not see his real face?
Not just him.
Faysal is also a Batini.
And the adopted son of Hassan Sabbah.
I knew something was up with him.
But I did not expect this much.
What else do you know, Livia? Tell me.
Emir llteber
He didn't die of natural causes.
Faysal and Efruz
came together and poisoned him.
They planned the whole thing!
I was with them.
A man who has been with us
for years poisoned my father
and I did not understand
my father was poisoned,
even though I’ve
been a healer for years.
You’ve been in our tribe for a while.
We opened our arms for you.
And you tell this now?
Why didn't you tell it before?
Even though you've been very good
you wouldn't have believed me.
That's why I wanted to catch them.
come to you with
evidence and force them.
But I failed
I wanted to do something good for you!
But they stopped me.
Why couldn't you just say it?
They murdered my father!
Did you never think how
important this would be for me?
Turna. Calm down.
Let's go outside.
How can I see his real face?
How did I get fooled?
You said, "Allah surely opens up a door."
He did.
Efruz must have come
to the tribe to check the
surroundings, so that he
could kidnap my mother.
I understand your grief and your anger.
But you need to keep your chin up.
I will go to Shalamzar and make
them pay for what they did to you.
I'll burn their whole world down
for a single tear drop of yours.
But now.
You have to look after the tribe.
I see now how right you were
in keeping Livia in the tribe.
If she wasn't here
we wouldn’t know about
my father’s murderer
or see the real faces of these traitors.
Go with ease, now.
Hazrat Sultan Melik Shah!
It is time to fly away from
your home like an eagle!
And make a home for yourself.
Thanks to you, my Sultan.
Everyone shall know
Sultan of the Seljuks,
Sultan Melik Shah
give the administration of Shalamzar
to the son of Sultan Melik Shah
Muhammed Tapar.
I promise to carry out
this blessed responsibility.
this blessed entrustment of yours
like a true son of Seljuks, my Sultan.
From now on, you are administrator Melik.
Give justice to the cruel
and compassion to the innocent.
The folks are expecting your efforts.
Never stop working.
Have no doubt.
that I won't sleep at night
and never rest during the day, so
that I can work for your entrustment.
Go to Shalamzar together.
There, give the seal of
the city to Melik Tapar.
As you wish, my Sultan.
Be on your way now, son.
After all those hard challenges
you are finally a Melik that
will rule his own city, Tapar.
It was meant to happen now.
Everything happens at the right time.
I will put things in order in Shalamzar
and bring you by my
side as soon as possible.
We received the sign from Seyyiduna.
Reveal yourselves, my followers.
Shalamzar is our target. Move!
They are coming for the change of guards.
My followers.
It is time to take over Shalamzar as
per the orders of Great Sayyiduna.
You get on the streets and
keep the people in their home.
You will raid the mansion and take it.
The rest will come with me.
We attack the soldiers and get their heads.
Kill them if they show resistance.
And if they bend the knee, we
imprison them for Great Sayyiduna!
Today is ours!
Open the gate.
Attack for Great Sayyiduna!
They cornered us.
How are we going to get out of this?
Mitras came to change
the fate of the battle?
I did not expect you to come from there.
Hassan Sabbah said that the passages
through Daru’l Hijre would be open?
And I don't like gates very much.
I came just in time, it seems.
Since the bloodbath
here is over,
we can go to the city
center and see the feast.
Come on!
We took the mansion
and killed the resisters.
These are the men we took in as prisoners:
That's Mitras.
They took the whole city with Batinis.
What now?
Attacking now would be useless!
We hide and wait for things to settle down.
Good news, Great Imam!
This is the first conquest of our path.
Seljuks will be ablaze
with the fire of rebellion.
This fire will engulf the Seljuk lands
from Shalamzar to
Tabaristan, to Khorasan
and the Batini state
will rise from its ashes.
Once, they did not even let us
live in a small neighborhood here.
But our cause took over the whole city now!
Until we
rule all lands.
People, hearts and minds, we will fight.
We will fight!
Bashulu Hatun is the
key to Shalamzar, Efruz.
Protect her well.
You are the physician
that worked with Turna.
You were just a scum!
You know, I am the mother of Sanjar Bey.
You can imagine how you will end up now.
Don't talk too much.
Move now.
Our friend Mitras You
provided us with power.
This is just the beginning, Hassan Sabbah.
Soon, we will take over
all the lands of Seljuk.
I will leave some of my men with you here.
They will be at your service.
I am going back to the Queli Castle now
and keep on sharpening
my sword for Seljuk.
The Batini flag is waving on the walls.
The followers are waiting.
What is the meaning of this, my Bey?
Batinis took Shalamzar.
And they have my mother.
What's wrong, Sanjar Bey?
We were going to Shalamzar, Hazrat Melik.
But Batinis invaded
Shalamzar and closed the doors.
The day I was going there as an Emir.
Now it is a must to drop their flag
and behead them.
Stop, Hazrat Melik!
Don't attack.
Why should I stop? Are we going
to let them do whatever they want?
They have my mother.
They might hurt her if we attack them.
What does that mean, Sanjar Bey?
They abducted my mother from the plain.
Trader Faysal and
doctor Efruz turned out to be Batinis.
We learned it from Livia.
I was going to make them speak and
learn where my mother was but
they will apparently keep her in
Shalamzar and use her as a threat against
How dare they use
Bashulu mother as a threat?
We'll bring the whole army here.
We'll do what's necessary.
Someone like Hassan Sabbah doesn't kidnap
Basulu just because she's Sanjar's mother.
He may know something else.
As Sanjar Bey said
he holds her as a threat.
He'll use Basulu Hatun for a bargain.
-What are we going to do, Khwaja?
- To protect Basulu Hatun
we have to talk to him.
We'll immediately send a messenger
and say we want to talk to him.
Let's see what he'll ask
from us for Basulu Hatun.
Don't think I hold you as a hostage.
You're not our prisoner but
our special guest.
You set a trap like a coward and
kidnapped me. Are you kidding me now?
Not at all, Basulu Hatun. Not at all.
How can we dare to make fun of
such an important Hatun like you?
There will be a private
room in our mansion for you.
But if you try to escape
we will have to
leave this kind attitude.
Seyyiduna Hazrat.
Nizam Al Mulk, Melik
Tapar and Sanjar Bey
came to near Shalamzar.
They want to see you.
Let's see, are they going to sacrifice
what we want for their secret?
Since the morning, you're trying to
distract yourself with hunting and stuff.
Tekish issue has mixed up your mind a lot.
The issue isn't about Tekish.
I think about our dynasty.
Now, I have sons.
I'm worried that one day
they'll fight like I did with Tekish.
Tekish fought with his brother
because he aimed for the Sultanate.
But your aim
is Constantinople.
Medina. The whole world.
That's what you taught to your sons.
Don't worry.
Your sons will put on their aim what
their father taught them not the Sultanate.
One of our son has
been working as the Emir.
Now our Tapar will show he's a
worthy son for his father in Shalamzar.
My Sultan!
News from Shalamzar.
Batinis have seized the
city and closed all the doors.
What are you saying, Kamac?
How could they seize the city?!
Tapar went to the city.
Did they capture him too?
Melik Tapar, Nizam Al
Mulk and Sanjar Bey
are around Shalamzar.
They'll surround the city.
I'll make them pay this
daring with their lives.
Tapar's soldiers aren't enough.
Send a word to Emir Algan.
He should get his
soldiers and join the battle.
They shouldn't leave anyone alive there.
The order is yours, my Sultan.
We're going back to the palace! Come on!
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Very well. Very good.
Melik Shah's two sons.
Tapar and Sanjar.
They came to save their mother.
Such devoted sons.
I'll cut your head and
hang it on Shalamzar.
Come, come on! Come here!
Then take your mother's dead body! Come!
The moment you touch me
first, your secret will be exposed
and then Basulu Hatun will be dead.
The moment your secret gets exposed
think about how
your state will be ruined.
Not only that
your soldiers are my guests too.
As you can see, your army's
power isn't enough for me now.
You have to bargain.
That dog next to you
couldn't get the Emir position.
And then you raided, right?
Now, not the state's slap
but its sword will hit your face.
You'll pay the price of
killing Emir llteber, Faysal.
So you understood our power.
Okay then, if you don't do what we want
you must be sure that we'll do worse.
I'm sorry for Melik Shah, old wolf.
The man who closed to him has
lied to him without any shame.
You aren't ashamed of hiding his Hatun.
What kind of arrogance you have
you thought you are higher than
the Sultan and played with his life.
Cut the nonsense, Sabbah.
Tell me, what do you want?
You'll give Nizar's hilat and flag
and you'll remove your army.
Otherwise, I'll expose Basulu Hatun
to all of the dynasty members.
Melik Shah and your state will
be ruined on next throne war.
They'll take your head too.
Are we going to trust a liar like you?
If you're looking for a liar,
look at the old man next to you.
He left you without mother for years.
Now, I'm giving you a chance to save her.
Go take Nizar's hilat
and flag from your father.
And save your mother
that you missed so much.
Otherwise, you'll be without
her the rest of your life.
How will we know you're
not playing a game?
How do we know you'll free my mother
after you get the Hilat and the flag?
If I wanted to play, I'd expose Basulu
Hatun without asking anything
and I'd watch you
killing each other with joy.
We have to say to our Sultan what
we'll get as a return for Hilat and flag.
That can't be Basulu Hatun.
That's why you should
give the captured soldiers.
As a return for Nizar's belongings
we'll say to our Sultan we
are going to save our soldiers.
I always like your smart thinking,
old woof. Deal. Deal.
With Basulu Hatun
I'll give your captured soldiers.
You have time until tomorrow night.
Bring Hilat and flag
If you hurt her
I'll burn you after
all Shalamzar, Sabbah.
Go convince your father to take Hilat
and flag so there would be no trouble.
It's up to you to beg
or you'll steal the Hilat and flag
or you'll expose the secret.
We're following you like a
shadow in every part of the state.
If the army tries to come to Shalamzar
we know how to stop it with our daggers.
When we go back to Balkh
we'll make the best
healers see your eyes, father.
I'll be ashamed if I go back
to Balkh after the defeat.
Forget there.
Me, the huge Emir of Tokharistan
son of Alp Arslan, Tekish.
Look what happened to him?
He made me worse than killing me.
May I come in?
Come in.
Melik Hazrat. Batinis seized Shalamzar.
How could they do that?
And Sultan?
-What was he doing?
- The soldiers talked about that.
But it seems difficult to take it back.
When the Sultan doesn't
have any foresight
Batinis can do whatever they want!
His power is only enough for his brother.
How could I lose against
people without foresight?!
They ashamed the state!
I should have been the Sultan!
You're ruining yourself, father. Stop.
- You'll hurt yourself.
My heroes.
Traitor Batinis seized Shalamzar.
With our Sultan's orders
we'll go to Shalamzar to support
Melik Tapar and take the city back.
Our army at the
headquarter will join us too.
If the devil's army starts to move
hit them with their heart.
We'll erase every Batini we see.
That charlatan named Seyyiduna
You'll say great Seyyiduna!
Seyyiduna Hazrat's followers
are close to you like death.
My life is for great Seyyiduna!
Terken Hatun!
Come, Tajul Mulk.
An answer from Karakhanids Dynasty.
About a future throne war
they said they'll support me.
If we look at your hurry
there is something important.
-Tell me.
- Batinis
seized Shalamzar.
They kidnapped Sanjar's mother.
We don't care about
Sanjar's mother, Tajul Mulk.
I told you before the secret
has something at Kinik plain.
That's Sanjar's mother.
Her name is Basulu Hatun.
She's the Basulu that
was exiled. She's alive.
Sanjar is our Sultan's secret son.
That's so important, Tajul Mulk.
Are you sure?
I'm sure, Terken Hatun.
My trusted sources told me.
But our Sultan doesn't know
Basulu is alive or Sanjar is his son.
And Khwaja was the man who
has set up all the game.
The cradle at the ruined house
it was Sanjar's.
since that day
we were following the right trace.
If Basulu and Sanjar get exposed
all dynasty will rebel
against Melik Shah's dynasty.
People, the army, the state
officials will be effected from this.
Their existence
is a danger for Melik
Shah's Sultanate and our future.
What do you order?
shouldn't leave Shalamzar, Tajul Mulk.
This secret
before it gets exposed
it should be buried forever.
I've put soldiers who are
loyal to us after your order.
We have two soldiers
among Tapar's soldiers.
If they act to save Basulu
we'll know it.
Do what's necessary
and inform me, Tajul Mulk.
You couldn't defend Shalamzar
and are you bargaining
with those dastards?!
And are you asking Hilat
and the flag from me now?
First, we have to save the
innocents ones, my Sultan.
Then we'll take Shalamzar with a fight.
And is Hilat and flag more valuable
than innocent people's lives for us?
The issue isn't about Hilat and flag
it's about state's reputation!
They invaded our city and
will we accept their requests?
That's a shame.
Khwaja like you
how come you came at me with this offer?
Ali and soldiers are at Shalamzar too.
is there someone
important at Shalamzar too?
I said is there someone important?
Nobody, my Sultan.
My Sultan.
News from the headquarters.
Emir Algan that you appointed
him for Shalamzar battle
was murdered.
His helper was a Batini.
He killed him.
Then he killed himself
in front of everyone.
They are everywhere inside
the state like a snake.
While we cut their head
they come from other places.
Sabbah meant that if we act the army
he'll make assassinations, my Sultan.
Their real aim about the
assassinations and suicides
is to spread the fear among people.
This assassination
will disturb the army too.
Everyone will look at
each other with doubt.
When the situation is like this,
we have to handle this with a trade.
We can't deal with them
by only fighting, my Sultan.
-They're cowards and that's why
- You're Shalamzar's Emir.
How could you think about
not fighting but obeying?!
If it's necessary
I'll fight until the
last drop of my blood.
And I won't accept their requests!
I won't give Hilat and flag!
either you step aside
..and I do this with my own way
or you'll go and take Shalamzar!
That devil Hassan Sabbah
will use Basulu as a threat against us.
He asked Hilat and flag
as a return for my mother.
But my father doesn't give them.
We couldn't tell that
our mother was caught.
We can't even tell our father
that our mother is a captive.
My mother may lose her
life just because of this.
-What is this?!
- Hold on brother.
You'll see so many difficulties.
My father didn't allow us
to give the Hilat, Khwaja.
Now, we have to do it.
We'll save my mother from Shalamzar.
Let me talk to our Sultan
about Hilat and flag.
All together
if we try to change his mind
we'll get his doubts even more.
That's why
just as Sanjar said
to save Basulu Hatun,
we'll make a secret operation.
The most important people
of our state are together.
Our Khwaja.
Our head Hatun.
Our new Emir.
And our Sultan's son
I mean, our Sultan loves him
as his real son, Sanjar Bey.
I heard what has happened
at Shalamzar, Khwaja.
-What's the situation?
- They have
our innocent people and our soldiers.
First, we're trying to save them.
Is there any more captives?
Sabbah wants Hilat and flag
as a return for all of them.
But our Sultan is
dedicated to not give them.
So the prisoners won't be
saved without Hilat and flag.
You have set up so many
games for our state until today.
And you always achieved
to get what you want.
With you being a play maker
that caught so many
we can save the prisoners for sure.
Our dear Melik
will take the city which he was
appointed as the Emir, right?
And he won't allow anyone to say
that's why he wasn't the Emir, right?
Excuse us.
I told our soldiers among Tapar's.
If they try to save Basulu
we'll know it immediately.
They didn't tell me that Basulu
is a prisoner, Tajul Mulk.
It seems like they didn't say that to
our Sultan because they're afraid.
These four
might know the secret.
What's your idea?
To save the prisoners
they asked Hilat and
flag from our Sultan.
It seems that
their real aim is to save Basulu.
But our Sultan didn't give them.
So, I know what to do very well.
What's happening at Shalamzar, Tapar?
I was so scared that something
bad would happen to you.
Don't worry about my life.
Now, we have lives to save from jackals.
Pray for them, and that's enough.
What kind of fate do we have, Tapar?
The day you became the
Emir, they seized the city.
We are powerful to take it back,
the light of my eye.
You be careful about our
child and about yourself.
You'll see
our luck will rise again.
There is no way to sneak in trough
Shalamzar's doors, Khwaja.
The tunnels from outside are
closed too. Need another way.
Don't worry.
I know how to enter
without even their souls hear.
Now, let's go and start.
Either theirs or our
doomsday will happen tonight.
Wash these and turn them to wool.
Then we'll make yarns and
use them to make rugs.
As you wish, Turna Hatun.
-My Hanim. Yeah?
I brought medicine to Livia
but she wasn't there.
She left this bottle and a letter.
You helped me a lot.
You kept having mercy
for me after all these.
I tried to return the favor but
with this shame I have
I understood that I can't
stay at your plain anymore.
I'm going far away to start a new life.
I'll always remember you with gratitude.
I hope the owner of this bottle
will find cure for the rest of his life.
My Melik Shah.
I hurt you about our child.
Forgive my feelings at that moment.
While you have so much trouble
don't worry about me at all.
If my heart gets hurt
I know yours will got hurt too.
That's why I knew you'd come to apologize.
I wasn't wrong with my guess.
You don't worry about me too, Terken.
I heard Hassan Sabbah asked Hilat
and flag as a return for prisoners.
You did the right thing for your
reputation by not giving what he asked.
We never ever made a
bargain with an enemy.
And against the great Seljuk state
who are Batinis?
Khwaja doesn't want innocent
people to get hurt.
But, I
without shedding any blood
know how to take Shalamzar back.
You made your brother blind for your state.
You should never make
concessions to the enemy.
You're the king.
They will be a lot around
you that set up games.
The Queen sets up deep games.
The rooks
and even pawns
as you see the prisoner
and even the enemies
they're all parts of the game.
You're the king.
You'll always remain as
the Sultan of the world.
By check mating everyone
only you'll remain.
When I took Faysal's mines
I made them open the secret passages.
They don't know.
Now, you'll enter here.
And go Batinis' neighborhood.
I'll stay with soldiers
for a possible event.
Melik Hazrat and heroes are enough.
A crowded group will draw attention.
We opened the gate, Khwaja
Our target is Emir's mansion.
They hold Basulu hatun in there.
We'll save Basulu hatun and our soldiers.
Everyone know what to do.
Come on.
They split the passage here.
Arslantas should come with us.
The others should follow the other passage.
Come on.
Here is the door of mine
at Darul Hucre, my Bey.
Your way ends here.
Kneel and surrender.
Or I'll inform Seyyiduna
and Basulu will die.
Who are you so we'll kneel to you, dog?!
Okay then.
Now, you'll take Basulu's dead body.
We'll kneel.
And you'll say nothing.
Just like that.
Will we surrender to them, my Bey?
Kneel Arslantas.
You killed Emir llteber.
Did you think I'll let
you go away with that?
This is for Turna.
Let's be quick.
Come on.
We came to the right place.
This leads to the old Batini neighborhood.
The heroes didn't come yet, my Bey.
Arslantas, you go where we came from.
Take the heroes and come.
We'll wait for you with Sanjar.
As you wish, my Bey.
Let's go brother.
- My kids.
Seyyiduna has eyes and ears everywhere.
I have pigeons that you
tell me every step you take.
Don’t you get that yet?
- Mother.
My soldiers around Tapar
said they'd go to Shalamzar
to save Basulu tonight.
Did you tell them how to
prevent them, Tajul Mulk?
I did.
I informed the necessary people.
They'll be the hunt
when they go for hunting.
Leave my mother, Sabbah.
I told you my conditions to release her.
But you didn't keep your promise.
Since you didn't keep your promise
..then I'll do what's necessary.
Don't do it!
We'll go back.
We'll make the deal.
Leave my mother.
Okay then, go back like you came.
You should pray that we had an agreement,
otherwise I'd kill you both.
Bring Hilat and flag until tomorrow night.
If you come to save Basulu again
..I'll kill her and you next time.
Sanjar Bey and Melik Tapar.
So they came here to
save Sanjar Bey's mother.
hang on, mother.
I promise we'll save you.
It seems like they couldn't save her.
When they leave Darul Higre
our followers should
close all the passages
so they won't come again.
As you order, father.
While everything is calmer
let's find the secret pigeons.
We'll tell everything to Sultan Melik Shah.
What happened, Bey?
Why did you come?
We met Sabbah.
He threatened us with killing my mother.,
It seems like someone
told them about our attack
They won't leave the passages like this.
They'll close them all.
Let's go outside and think what to do.
Come on.
The one who informed Hassan
could be someone from the
soldiers who were with us today.
That's why we'll send them back
and bring a new troop.
We can't go to Shalamzar anymore.
We can't give Hilat and flag too.
Need another solution.
We have time until tomorrow night.
Every moment
is bringing our mother to death.
Ah, father!
Why are you resisting?
Don't complain about my father, brother.
Would he do this if he knew the truth?
After this, none of our plans will work.
Our last solution is to
tell the secret to our father.
That's the only way to save my mother.
At the end of this
our Sultan may see Basulu hatun.
Now, our part is to hope good things.
Let it happen, Khwaja.
It's enough for me.
They captured my mother where I'm Emir.
And I can't do anything.
If I can't be a son and save my mother
the milk I got will be a sin for me.
There is no Sultan but your opponent here.
Act according to that. Come on.
Increase the wrestling
exercise of the soldiers.
I'll test everyone.
To get rid of the trouble
I said let's test our strength.
I hope the news you brought
won't bring more trouble, Kamac.
It came via the pigeon
from Shalamzar, my Sultan.
Ali sent it secretly.
My Sultan.
Batinis captured everyone.
Me and two soldiers didn't get caught.
I'm following everything at Shalamzar.
The most important prisoner
is Sanjar Bey's mother.
Sanjar Bey and Melik Tapar
tried to save her secretly.
But they had to go back without saving her.
I'm waiting for your orders.
Batinis captured Sanjar Bey's mother.
Even though I asked many times
why did they hide this from me?
That's why they asked
Hilat and flag, to save her.
And Tapar and Sanjar
tried to save her secretly.
Are these two crazy?
What's this working together?
Why didn't they tell Sanjar Bey's
mother was kidnapped, my Sultan?
Ali and soldiers are at Shalamzar too.
Or, is there someone important too?
at Shalamzar?
There is nobody important, my Sultan.
Why did they hide Sanjar's mother from me?
There are something we don't know.
But I'll learn.
What's your order, my Sultan?
Where is the clean hearted
man with open eyed?
Where is the one who
goes after good thoughts?
Everyone is the servant of their own minds.
Where is the servant of Allah?
Where is that hero?
May you have a nice night, master Khayyam.
You too, Abu Hamid Al Ghazali
You too, Abu Hamid Al Ghazali.
You asked so nicely in your poem.
Allah's servants look at the presence
and explore the thing that leads
to the most beautiful one.
Are those who are the
slaves of their head like that?
They become blind against
the truth and make idols
from the things they
make up from their heads.
And trick people with them.
They don't know they're the tricked ones.
I was thinking about Shalamzar.
I was sad about people go after
someone who is the slave of his own mind.
No need to worry, master Khayyam.
They didn't enter
Shalamzar with science that
enlighten the minds or
wisdom of heart but brutal force.
The one who came
with force will go by force.
the one who comes with wisdom
the one who enters the
heart, no power can remove that.
The rough one is a friend of death
but the soft one is a friend of life.
Everything that hardens the
heart is always defeated by life.
You said well, master Ghazali.
But what do you think
about Hassan Sabbah?
What do you say?
Doesn't he know what we know?
I and Khwaja Nizam know
Sabbah for a long time.
What did make him go to the wrong way
push him to betray his friends
and make him a villain?
I wanted to ask that
question to you for a while.
You and Khwaja know Hassan very well.
Do you have an answer for your question?
What do you think happened?
The wisdom turn into a light in the
hands of a person who seeks the truth.
And it turns into fire in the hands
of a people who seeks power.
Sabbah wanted the wisdom
to use the people for his own
interests and trick their eyes.
At the end, while wisdom
turns into a light for our eyes
but in his hands, it turns into fire
to make people go
blind with a dagger or fear.
The lesson is that fire burned Sabbah too.
His ambition passed his efforts.
His desire passed his talents.
And now, he's the prisoner of
everything he wanted to own.
Inshallah our Sultan
won't get mad because we
didn't tell him that
my mother is a captive.
Just let's save Basulu Hatun.
The rest isn't important.
There is no time left for the night.
Let's take hilat and the flag.
Our Sultan is waiting for you.
My Sultan.
About Shalamzar
we came here to inform you about that.
- Let me say what I need to say.
I thought about this issue
and made a decision.
Deliver the belongings to Sabbah.
And save the prisoners.
And then
we'll attack Shalamzar.
The decision you made
it's good for our state, my Sultan.
We'll bring all the prisoners.
Don't worry, my Sultan.
There might be a game of Sabbah.
I don't want any mistakes.
Sabbah is giving so much value
to these belongings, my Sultan.
He'll want to gather people around him.
While that's the situation,
he wont dare to play a game.
What's the info you'll say?
My Sultan.
We have ideas about our
first attack to Shalamzar.
since we have hilat and flag
we can save the innocent ones.
We'll think about the big attack later.
Okay then.
My Sultan.
What are you going to do now?
What if Hassan Sabbah takes the stuff
and won't give Sanjar's mother?
- Don't worry, Kamac.
Sabbah neither will keep Sanjar's mother
nor he'll take the belongings.
We'll learn when we bring Sanjar's mother.
Why did they hide that she was a prisoner?
I remember the first
day I came here, father.
What did I say to you on that day, son?
First, llteber
then his stores
then the whole city
and you said we'll establish
the Batinis' state here.
Yeah, son.
Today is our start.
Being in the dark has ended.
When we get the belongings,
people will gather around us.
We'll establish our state very soon.
and the Seljuk lands will be ours.
You won't give back Sanjar's mother
when you get the belongings, father, right?
A secret imprisons a person.
Look, we're here but
Sultan's sons are working for us.
That's the power of secret we have.
This power makes Meliks
our prisoners, even the Sultan.
I'll set up such a game
before I give Basulu to them
they'll give the belongings for sure.
Seyyiduna Hazrat. We finished all
the preparations for our celebration.
We're waiting for you.
Then we shouldn't keep them waiting.
we'll show our gratitude for the first
time under the son for the Great Imam.
Holy Seyyiduna!
Great Seyyiduna!
Holy Seyyiduna!
They said we don't have
a plane on this earth.
The army of devils that
took an oath to end us
has searched everywhere for us.
They attacked us.
They chaise us.
They killed us.
They thought they have ended us.
am Hassan Sabbah.
I was next to Seljuk's devil,
Melik Shah in his palace.
With the efforts of the Great Imam
next to the devil's eyes
I secured your protection.
They wanted to drown me.
Me! Seyyiduna!
They threw me on a cliff.
I'm here all alive.
being in the dark has ended.
Meeting secretly has ended.
Hiding has ended.
is the home of Batinis now.
From now on
we'll be everywhere when the sun is up.
Today is our feast!
Today is your day!
Holy Seyyiduna!
The news came.
They're bringing Nizar's belongings.
Then let's go take them.
And send them away with empty hands.
My Sultan. We're ready.
My mother isn't with them.
We brought them.
Where is Basulu Hatun?
Or are you betraying to the deal?
You are betraying.
You'll pay for this.
What are you talking about?
Basulu Hatun was
kidnapped from the mansion.
You saved me from the devils.
May Allah bless you, hero.
Open your face so I can see.
Who are you? What's your name?
Sultan Melik Shah's claw, Ali.
So you are the Sultan Melik Shah's claw.
It was so difficult to enter the mansion.
How did you do that?
I informed Sultan Melik
Shah about everything.
And he ordered me to save you.
Since Batinis were at the square for
the celebration, the security was weak.
So I acted quickly to save you.
I entered the mansion as a follower
and killed the other followers.
You know the rest.
So our Sultan personally ordered my escape.
May Allah bless you and our Sultan.
I can go back to my plain now.
No, Hatun.
Our Sultan's order.
He sent these soldiers to take you back.
We'll go to the palace.
You'll see Sultan Melik Shah.
If we kidnapped Basulu Hatun, why would
we bring the belongings to you, Sabbah?
Stop playing.
Hand over my mother!
You'll pay the price for
setting up a trap for me.
My followers!
My Sultan. Ali informed us.
He fulfilled the duty.
He's taking Sanjar Bey's
mother to the palace.
It's time to ruin Sabbah's trap now.
What's this?!
You fell into a trap inside a trap, Sabbah.
Kill them all!
You will pay for this! Attack!
You will pay!
My mother's situation
is still unknown, brother.
We have to stop fighting.
My Sultan! Stop the fight!
You have to stop the fight, my Sultan!
I said kill them all!
Why did you do this attack, my Sultan?
It'll get worse now.
I can't stay here.
I need to find Sabbah.
It's obvious where those dogs will go.
-We won't let them leave Shalamzar.
- How can I stop, my Sultan?
They have my mother.
They may kill her.
Basulu mother's life
is in danger, my Sultan.
-We need to find Sabbah!
- I said stop!
I kidnapped your mother from Sabbah.
I'll ask you later why you hid that
Sanjar Bey's mother was kidnapped
and what kind of
stuff you did to save her.
I wanted
to get Sanjar Bey's mother from them
and killed all of them when
Sabbah comes here to take them.
our state didn't do what they wanted
and your mother freed alive.
If my mother was saved,
where is she now, my Sultan?
Going to the palace.
We all will see her when
we go back to the palace.
-Is Sanjar Bey's mother here?
- Not yet, my Sultan.
Sultan Melik Shah Hazrat!
Welcome, my Sultan.
You supposed to give
hilat and flag to Batinis
did you do that?
We didn't give them.
But we ruined them.
How, my Sultan?
Batinis kidnapped Sanjar Bey's mother.
They asked hilat and
flag as a return for her.
We didn't give them what they wanted
and we saved Sanjar's mother.
Did you see her?
Where is she now?
Ali saved her.
He'll bring her here.
They'll be at the palace soon.
-Did Sultan Melik Shah arrive?
- Yes. He's waiting for you.
So you're Sanjar's mother.
You don't need to cover your
face at the Sultan's presence.
Open your face.
Open your face, Hatun.
Melik Shah.
This can't be
This can't be happening
are alive.
You had a boy.
- And Basulu?
Basulu went to somewhere
she can't come back.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Basulu left an entrust
from both of your lives.
My son. My Ahmed.
Ahmed's existence should be a secret.
Now, if it comes out that
you have a son from her
the state and the
dynasty will be ruined.
So you are the hero what
saved us. With eagle eyed.
With a tiger wrist. Where are you
from Sanjar? Who is your ancestor?
Sanjar is from our
private heroes, my Sultan.
When he was a little
kid, hid dad was martyred.
We took him under our wings
and made him state's heroes.
I'll hide you in my heart
when you go away from me
you'll come closer.
Some get closer to each other
when they go far away, my Sultan.
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