All That Glitters (2023) s01e28 Episode Script

Episode 28

He's a boxer all right.
Getting back on his feet so soon
despite being badly injured.
If it were someone else,
he'd have had
to be bedridden for a dozen days.
As you know,
it's easy to get admitted into
the hospital but often hard to get out.
Susakong doesn't know anything.
What do you want?
If you'd sent him the video,
he'd know.
I didn't send him the video.
Susakong doesn't know a thing.
He'll never find out.
I don't want him to see me like this.
He's a righteous man.
If he finds out what I did,
he'll be so disappointed.
Even if I die,
I want him to remember me
as being kind and good.
Who else did you send a copy to?
I didn't send anyone a copy.
The only copy is in the envelope,
left with the hotel front desk.
Susakong will never find out.
I will never tell him. Please believe me.
It's true.
Bro Jianzhi.
It's been a long while
since you called me that.
I swear I won't tell anyone.
Susakong doesn't know a thing.
It's true, Bro Jianzhi.
I believe you.
Have you forgotten that
we grew up together?
I regard you as a kid sister.
I remember you once told me
you were tired of being a good girl,
that you wanted to be a bad girl.
But it's not easy
being the bad guy.
You have to be merciless,
bury your conscience,
and lose your humanity.
When necessary,
you have to kill the people
closest to you.
Bro Jianzhi.
Please let me go.
Let me go. I won't tell anyone,
Bro Jianzhi.
I want to let you go.
But were you going to let me off?!
I'm sorry, Bro Jianzhi.
I was wrong.
I was wrong. I'm sorry.
Bro Jianzhi,
I'm getting married.
I'm marrying Susakong.
I'm going to help him repay his debts,
set up a Muay Thai school,
bear him kids.
There are many things I haven't done.
Please let me off, Bro Jianzhi.
I'm sorry. I've realized my mistake.
I made a mistake.
Bro Jianzhi.
It wasn't easy for me
to have the life I have now.
I'm not going back to a life
in which I have nothing.
I don't want a life
in which I have nothing!
Are you serious about me?
I am.
Look at me.
Tell me who I am.
You are Lin Jiahui.
A fool.
I'm a dummy.
You're a fool.
The dummy
misses you.
Bro Jianzhi, don't feel discouraged.
Others will recognize your talent
sooner or later.
You offered to accompany me
to the doctor's without hesitation.
I'm touched by that.
Bro Jianzhi.
Let's work hard together.
I've always wanted to be a bad girl.
Bro Jianzhi.
Have you ever wanted to be a bad guy?
24 DECEMBER 2022
Santa Claus!
Mommy, he's here!
Mommy, he's here!
-It's Santa.
This is your present.
It's real.
Can presents be fake?
Yes. Those over there are empty boxes.
Only the one from Mommy is real.
You imp.
Put the present under the Christmas tree.
We'll unwrap it after dinner.
You surprised me.
You're normally quiet and reserved.
Who knew you had such a trick
up your sleeve?
I wanted to see Kaikai's reaction.
He's over the moon.
He was just asking me
if Santa would show up.
It's just these two years.
When kids grow up,
they lose their innocence.
Thanks to you, I saw the glint
of happiness in his eyes.
No, I should thank you.
Actually, I have a daughter.
She's about Kaikai's age.
Oh, why didn't you go back
to spend Christmas with her?
She doesn't know I'm her father.
Why is that?
Sorry, I shouldn't have asked.
It's okay.
At least, I can now imagine
the joy on her face if she sees Santa.
Where did you get this outfit?
This? The tablecloth you threw away.
No wonder your Santa get-up looks weird.
What about the beard?
The cotton inside a pillow.
Go get changed.
Dinner will be ready soon.
Kaikai! Zhu-zhu!
I'm here.
-Come here.
Come here, Kaikai.
I got you a Christmas present.
Come and get it.
This is my present?
Kaikai, it's the thought that counts.
You're in my thoughts,
and I love you very much.
That's more precious
than any expensive present.
I don't want it!
Kaikai doesn't want your present.
Please leave.
I came to celebrate Christmas
with you guys.
I'm Kaikai's father after all.
It's cruel letting me
spend Christmas Eve alone.
He's my son too.
Don't tell me that.
He knew you were patronizing him.
I wasn't.
I also wish I could buy him
a nice present.
But, as you know, I'm out of a job.
I haven't eaten since yesterday.
Wow, this is quite some feast.
Take this money.
Leave! You're not welcome here.
Don't be so petty,
I'll leave after I've eaten.
Leave! Don't touch my food.
You okay, Sis Zhu?
I see now why you wanted to throw me out.
You've got yourself a toy boy.
That's nonsense!
Bet you're good in bed.
She's chosen you over me.
Our son is still small.
Don't let him walk in on you.
You jerk!
I want my money back. Give it back!
I hate men who hit women the most.
Get out.
Watch your back.
-Sis Zhu, I should go.
-No need.
Eat first.
Thanks for making him leave.
Don't mention it.
Sit down.
I got to know Tang Dawei
when I ran away from the girls' home
and lived on the streets.
We split up and got back together
many times.
The relationship soured,
and we hated each other.
My dad fell ill
and wanted to sell the farm.
I came home
and asked him to let me run the farm.
I'd thought I'd then be able to
break free from my past.
But I was wrong.
Sometimes, you find yourself
still shackled by the past.
I guess this is what people call "karma."
Whatever happens, I'm still your wife.
I am yours.
You can't get rid of me.
I like being with you.
-I just want one kid.
A girl.
We shall give her all the love
in the world.
Lin Musen.
You look dazed. What's wrong?
I'm thinking about what you said.
Am I that remarkable?
You were dazed by
some random stuff I said?
I picked a jackfruit. Can you cut it up?
Any old newspapers?
In the back.
30 DECEMBER 2022
Excuse me.
Where's Li Zhenting's room?
Over there.
-You're welcome.
I'm sliding down now.
-All right, be careful.
I'm going to go again.
How many more times?
Come here.
Want me to carry you?
You're a big girl now and too heavy.
-You okay?
-I'm okay.
Beibei, you forgot to look after Mom.
I'm sorry, Mom.
You ignored me as soon as you saw Dad.
I want Mom and also Dad.
Let's go.
I saw a man's back
and thought it might be you.
You were sneaking around.
What did you want?
Remember what I said the last time we met?
I don't want to break up your family.
I believe what you said.
That you'll do everything in your power
to protect them.
I can tell you love Beibei very much.
Thank you.
Who are you to thank me?
What right do you have to thank me?
Beibei is still little.
I'd like her to be left alone.
We'll talk when she's older.
Can I see Zhenyu?
-I want to see her.
-No means no.
-I just want to
-Don't even think about it!
Zhenyu has long forgotten you.
She wouldn't want to see you.
Zhenyu. What are you doing here?
Where's Beibei?
Weihao showed up. He's with her now.
I know he's here.
I can feel it.
Is he here now?
He wants to see you.
-But if you don't want to see him
-I'll see him.
Well I'll leave you guys to talk.
I'm going back.
Stay with me.
Zhenting has been in a coma
the last six months or so.
The doctor says her chances
of coming round
It's in the hands of fate.
How did that happen?
We'd like to know too.
A healthy person suddenly
falling into a vegetative state.
Before her accident, she'd turned up
at the shop to catch up with Zhenyu.
Shortly after, we got news that
she'd fallen from a building.
The man died.
Zhenting is in a coma.
Nobody knows what happened.
The police found nothing?
The car park where the accident happened
was scheduled to be closed
for upgrading the next day.
Few people had parked their cars there.
There was no CCTV there either.
The only eyewitness was Jiahui.
Have you seen her?
I tried calling her,
but the number was not in service.
I guess she changed her number.
She came to say goodbye
the day before she returned to Thailand.
She also told me
to pass this to you if you looked me up,
and to make sure you contact her.
The number you have dialed
is not in service.
LIN JIAHUI +66 9947 98298
SUSAKONG +66 9879 83793
Who are you?
Look at the mess you've made!
What are you doing here?
I came here to see Jiahui.
Don't you bring her up!
Since she got to know that Thai man,
she's forgotten about this family
and also me, her mother.
This is all your fault.
You said that Thai chap was a good man.
He duped her into going to Thailand.
At first, she'd send money home.
Now, she doesn't even send a single cent
or call home.
I don't even know if she's dead or alive.
Go on, get lost!
Why are you taking so long
to finish your food?
You've got food everywhere again!
Take this to the customer.
Thank you.
Who is this?
Are you Susakong?
Yes. Who are you?
I'm Musen.
Bro Musen!
Do you have news of Jiahui?
I was going to ask you that.
I don't.
Jiahui hasn't called me
for the last six months.
Something bad must've happened to her.
I'm really worried.
Calm down. I have a question.
When was the last time you saw Jiahui?
Six months ago.
I took her to the airport that day.
She'd taken leave to go back
to Singapore to fetch you.
To fetch me?
Jiahui wanted to meet you
upon your release.
But she didn't get to meet you.
Her flight had been delayed.
When she got to the prison, you'd left.
Yeah, I didn't see her.
She looked everywhere for you
without any success.
The last time I spoke to her on the phone,
she said she was flying back
to Thailand the next day
and asked me to wait for her.
But she didn't show up.
My calls to her didn't connect either.
Something felt wrong,
so I flew to Singapore to look for her.
But nothing came out of it.
The police looked it up
and told me she had no exit record.
Bro Musen,
Jiahui must still be in Singapore.
Susakong, I want you to be honest with me.
Were things okay between you and Jiahui?
Yes, things were okay.
We were going to get married
at the end of the year.
But the wedding date came and went,
and still there was no news of her.
Susakong, did you sense anything amiss
the last time you spoke to her?
She said she was coming home the next day
and asked me to wait for her.
Try to recall if there's anything else.
Oh yes, she said she'd bring with her
a sum of money
to set up a Muay Thai school for me.
A sum of money?
Bro Musen, my friend needs my help.
I know you're busy.
If I hear anything, I'll let you know.
But I can't fly high
I'm just searching for a warm embrace
Is this too much to ask for?
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
I'll push it.
I don't need your help!
If you regarded me as a friend,
you wouldn't show up only now.
Feeling guilty, huh? Shamefaced?
You should've looked me up
when you got released.
Aren't we brothers?
I didn't look you up
precisely because we're brothers.
What are you saying?
You'd told me
you'd moved house and got married.
I didn't want to disrupt your life.
I didn't want to bring you bad luck!
That's rubbish.
Bad luck, my foot!
How did you end up like this?
You're asking me?
It was your fault.
Why did you go to jail?
If you hadn't gone to jail,
I wouldn't have married that wicked woman,
and Grandma wouldn't have died.
Grandma is dead?
What happened?
She was fine and healthy.
How did she die?
If it weren't for her, Grandma
would have lived a long life.
I should've watched over her
when you weren't around.
I failed to watch over her.
It was my fault!
Grandma must've been
deeply attached to this flat,
so she had me moving back.
The housing market is not good.
The flat was sold at a loss.
There's only 30K, 40K left
after the deductions.
You get a share too.
I get a share too?
The allowance you gave Grandma
was more than what I gave her.
Grandma said,
whether it's buying a flat
or getting married,
Liu Mu will get help with money.
You're not married,
and I'm divorced.
We'll split the money evenly.
Count me in
if you want to start a business.
Put it in a fixed deposit account.
It'll earn you interest.
You can only eat instant noodles
if you rely on busking.
Now that you're back,
why should I still busk?
Don't you know what people say about me?
They say my singing
makes them want to throw up.
I'll go wherever you go.
Whatever for?
I take things one day at a time.
Making it through today is what I do.
Frankly speaking,
I have nothing.
My legs are useless now.
My dream of setting up
a Muay Thai gym has been dashed.
Grandma is dead.
I have nobody but you.
All right.
Vegetable farming. Are you in or out?
Vegetable farming?
I work on a vegetable farm,
under the unforgiving sun.
I make S$1,200 a month.
Only S$1,200?
Malaysian ringgit.
That's less than 500 Sing dollars.
-In or out?
Not just vegetable farming,
but also begging and running from the law.
Who wants to run from the law?
Eat up.
We have
a breaking international news story.
The Singaporean fugitive, Huang Jintiao,
died from his injuries
in a hospital last night.
Huang and Lin Musen,
who is still on the run,
fled from Singapore
after a fatal shooting.
During a police operation,
Huang Jintiao sustained serious injuries
and was sent to hospital.
Lin Musen managed to escape.
Why did these people commit murder?
They'll come to a bad end.
He didn't commit murder.
Change to a music station.
My name is Huang Jintiao.
But I haven't got any gold bars.
I'll follow you wherever you go.
That's what friends do.
Friends are there in joy and sorrow.
Friends go to jail together.
Where there's a gold necklace,
there's Jintiao.
Carrying it with you
means having me around you.
It's me.
Gauze, antiseptic.
This old laptop can still be used.
The card reader you asked for.
Is your injury giving you problems?
I'm fine.
I cooked. Eat it while it's warm.
Sis Zhu, there's a lot of food here.
You can't eat cold canned food
all the time.
Stop bringing me food.
Lock the door when you leave.
Don't come back here.
-Sis Zhu.
I came back only
because I had nowhere to go.
If you get into trouble because of me,
I'll never be able to forgive myself.
Don't worry.
Once my injury is healed,
I'll leave.
Stop saying all this.
Just stay here and get yourself well.
Thank you.
Richard! No, Richard! Richard!
No. Jianzhi!
4 JANUARY 2023
Liu Mu.
I was so happy when you called,
I left in the middle of a meeting.
Sorry, I didn't know you were busy.
It's cool, man.
Liu Mu, he's loaded now.
Of course he's busy.
He's flaunting his wealth
wearing that in this hot weather.
But so what? He's still a traitor.
Jintiao's changed too.
He slams people in a roundabout way.
I get why he's upset with me.
While you were doing time,
I didn't do anything for you.
I'm still working for Richard Mo.
Don't say that.
Back then, you offered to take the rap
and go to jail in my place.
He said that only because he knew
you wouldn't agree to it.
It was so obvious. Couldn't you tell?
After you were released,
I asked around for news of you.
Where have you been all this time?
I left for Malaysia
and got a job on a farm.
That's a waste of your talent.
Since you're back now, why not stay?
If it's a huge sum, I don't have it.
If it's a few hundred grand, I can manage.
You can start a business
or invest the money.
Ask and I'll transfer it right away.
Liu Mu and I have grit.
We won't take your dirty money.
Enough already.
You want to listen to his rubbish? Fine.
I'm leaving.
Jintiao has become
more and more hot-tempered.
I looked him up
and offered my help,
but he turned me down.
Look, Liu Mu
I'll write you a cheque for 100K.
You can spend it however you like.
When you have no more left, let me know.
I'll transfer more money to you.
No, thanks.
I wasn't looking for help
when I called you.
I just wanted to ask
if you'd seen Jiahui.
I think the last time I saw her
was six months ago.
She'd just returned from Thailand.
It was around the time you were released.
She came to ask me
if I knew where you were.
We chatted briefly.
She seemed to be doing well.
You saw her just once?
Another time was at the hospital.
I visited Zhenting
after her accident
and ran into Jiahui there.
You know they were as close as sisters.
She was distraught at the time.
She kept saying sorry to Zhenyu,
that she failed to prevent the tragedy.
When she was leaving,
she asked me out of the blue
if I had extra cash.
She needed a loan.
Did she say what the loan was for?
I didn't ask.
But it was a fairly big sum.
Seeing my surprise,
she said Susakong was in debt,
and she wanted to help him.
What was the amount?
I told her I'd do my best
and even asked her to text me
her bank account number.
But she never got in touch again.
I kept calling her,
but her phone was never turned on.
5 JANUARY 2023
Xiao-jie! Did you miss me?
Are you tired?
No. Xiao-jie says he wants to
see the waterfall.
You want to see the waterfall?
Let's go!
Dad, Mom, it's up ahead!
It's so beautiful.
You've always wanted to see it.
Let's take a picture of you.
I'm here.
I asked you out
to get closure for our relationship.
I'd previously written you a letter
to end things.
Looking back on it afterwards,
I thought I'd been too thoughtless.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't bring myself to face you.
You were arrested on our wedding day.
My heart was broken.
I knew it'd happen one day,
and I was prepared to wait for you.
But I found out I was pregnant.
I didn't want Beibei
to be mocked and looked down on
as soon as she was born.
So I broke it off with you
and married Bro Ming.
I wanted our daughter
to grow up in a normal family,
to have a happy childhood.
I knew
my decision was a selfish one.
I also knew
it'd crush and hurt you.
I'm sorry.
I hope you can forgive me.
I should be the one
saying sorry.
Instead of listening to you,
I sank deeper and deeper.
I let you down.
If I could do it all over again,
I'd choose you and our daughter.
I can only imagine
a life like that would be simple,
but it'd also be
and joyful.
I'm sorry.
-Don't say any more.
It's all in the past.
I want to ask you something.
Did you love me?
And now?
Do you still love me?
Do I still matter to you?
Does it matter?
Subtitle translation by: PK Chew
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