Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e28 Episode Script

Creek Cart Racers

Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends
are always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
He's gonna save the day
It's Craig of the Creek
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Seat belts click ]
Okay, JP. You ready, buddy?
Uh, I -- I think so.
C'mon, JP!
The entire fate of our summer
is depending on you!
He knows that!
We're all very clear on
what's going on
in this situation, okay?
Racers! On ya marks.
-Vroom vroom!
-Get set!
[ Twinkle! ]
It's the First Annual
Creek Kart Race!
A free-for-all downhill derby
where anything goes!
The grand prize: exclusive
access to the new in-ground pool
in my parents' backyard!
Enter now and you'll be drowning
in fun -- uhh, while you swim!
Pool pass!A pool pass.
Kelsey was enticed by
the chance
to soothe her war-weary muscles
in the chlorinated oasis.
The only armor she'd don --
and perhaps a pool floatie
given to her by the selkie
artisans at swim lessons.
Oh, man, I love races!
The crashes, the adrenaline,
the corporate sponsorship.
Everyone, everyone make way!
[ Rings bell ]
[ Thud ]Make way, I say!
Miss Eliza of the Tea Timers
is making an entrance!
My, my, Miss Jane.
It sounds like the common-folk
are holding
a little competition.
How precious.
It's amusing
what the little people do
to entertain
their sad lives.
[ Giggling ]Indeed.
But if you ask me,
this whole thing sounds
a bit barbaric
for our precious little creek.
I guess it's up to us to bring
this race some poise and grace.
I'll have daddy buy me a car,
and we'll surely win this race!
[ Speaking with lisp ]
Not a chance!
Because us Forest Scouts
are the heroes of this story.
And we're going to win
with our secret weapon!
A silly racing badge you will
just repeatedly point to?
Uh, no! We'll be entering
a mystery driver!
Racer J! He's a foreign exchange
scout from another country.
[ Laughs ]
He's cool and daring
and handsome,
and everyone's
gonna love him.
Yo, is there a race going on?
I'd be down to join.
Ooh! Yeah!All right!
It's Cannonball
from the 10 Speeds!
He's never lost a race
in his life!
He's the fastest kid
in the creek!
I roll pretty fast,
that doesn't mean I'm better
or worse than anyone else.[ Scoffs ]
None of these chumps
are worthy of the glory
of an in-ground pool.Yeah.
One of us should definitely
enter. Just imagine it.
Roaring through the creek
at a million miles a minute.
Your orange Jersey
whipping in the wind.
Your best friends,
Craig and Kelsey,
cheering you on
from the side lines
as you approach the finish!
[ Gasps ]
I'll do it!Oh, yeah, yeah.
You should -- you should
totally enter the race, Craig.
You'd build the best cart
in the whole creek.
I'll see you all
at the finish line.
Right after you eat my dust!
If I'm gonna build this kart,
then we're gonna
need some parts.
Are you sure that junklord's
gonna let you
take the stuff you need?
He's pretty clingy.Aw, come on.
Building a race car
is the coolest thing ever.
Who would say no to that?
No!What do you mean "no"?
I thought you changed?!I have changed!
I gave away stuff
the last time you were here,
and I'll get rid of more junk,
uhh, next year.
[ Whispers ]
Craig, corporate sponsorship.
Well, how about you sponsor us?
The junk will still be yours,
you'd just be
letting us borrow it.
We'll paint your name
on the side,
and it'll be real cool.
Hmm. I've always wanted
to be a brand name.
Junk Lorde with an "e".
Very well.
I guess I can
sponsor your cause.
In ya go!
Got that trash
can you asked for!
Aw, that's perfect
for the body!
Okay, now we just
need four wheels.
What do you need wheels for!?
This rolls just fine by itself!
Ugh, fine!
You just take and take and take!
Oh, man, dance mat!
The perfect stage
for some freestyle vogue.
[ Disco music plays ]Mm, da, da, mm, ahh, laa, yeah.
Hmm? Whoa!
[ Gasps ]
Oh, man.Smooth moves, JP!
[ Laughs ]
Thank you!
All right,
just one last tire.
Can someone please
pass me the wrench?
Mortimer's got it.
Thank you, Mortimer.
[ Grunting ]
That ought to do it.
Check it out.
This beast has got
an all-terrain,
bi-shovel rock
plow on the front,
an extra propulsional box
fan in the back.
And all kinds of secret gadgets!
[ Seat belt clicks ]
You ready to test
this bad boy out?
Oh, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait!
I got your helmet
ready for you.
It's actually mine,
but it'll look better on you.
The flames will make it look
like you're going faster,
and the backwards "R" is
charming because we're children.
All right, let's see
what this baby can do.
Yeah! Go, Craig!
Hah! It's working!
I can actually drive!
I'm driving! I'm --
[ Yells ]
Give it to me straight, Kelsey.
How bad is it?
It doesn't look good.
You skinned your knee.
We're talking a level 4
boo boo.
Aw man, that's gonna
leave a nasty scab.
Aw, but it's gonna
peel like a dream.
I guess that's it.
I can't race.
Our cart will have to wait
till next year.
Along with our dreams
of using Sailor Boy's pool.
-I could do it.
I could do it. I want to do it.
Yeah, JP would be perfect!
Remember that stunt he pulled
at the junk pile!
He rode that piece
of cardboard
like it was a piece
of magic cardboard!
So you use that stick
to steer the cart.
Okay, great!
And underneath there are
the rest of the controls.
It's got accelerators,
defense mechanisms,
spring systems.
Do you want me to explain them
in alphabetical order
or numerical?
Can I wing it? I'm usually
my best just winging things.
JP, those other racers
are not gonna pull any punches.
You're gonna need
all the help you can get.
Okay.I got an idea.
I'll put my phone here so I can
coach you through the race!
It'll be like I'm right there
at the steering wheel with you!
[ Sighs ]
Well, you know best.
Right this way, Miss Eliza.
[ Tires squeal, mud splats ]Excuse me!
Ugh, now I'm going to have
to tell George to clean this up!
George! Clean this up!
Oh, sorry 'bout that.
I'm just excited to win
that pool pass.
They don't call me Cannonball
for nothing, you know.
[ Panting ]Bon soir, everyone!
It's me,
the mysterious Racer J.
Aren't I intriguingly handsome?
C'mon, JP!
The entire fate
of our summer
is depending on you!
He knows that!
We're all very clear
on what's going on
in this situation, okay?
[ Gulps, sighs ]
Racers! On ya marks.
-Vroom vroom.
-Get set.
[ Twinkle ]
[ Cheering ]
Racer J was in the lead,
but little did
the other kids know,
Racer J was actually Jason.
-Wassup, Jason?
-H-Hey! I'm not Jason!
I'll see you
at the finish line, Jason!
Uhh, uhh.
You're doing good, JP! But keep your eyes on the road!
Miss Eliza, we appear
to have a garbage heap
barreling towards us.
I'll take care of it.
My tea was getting
cold, anyways.
JP! Quick! Activate the deflector shields!
-Uh --
-The red button!
[ Splat! ]
C'mon JP!
I want that pool pass.
Mama doesn't wanna share a
birdbath with Mortimer anymore!
Okay. If you do exactly as
I say, we can pull this off!
Now go left!
Uh, oh, okay![ Tires squealing ]
Watch it, you crumb-bum.
Wait, what's that? A rock?!
You're gonna have to use
the rock plow!
Uh -- can I just go around it?
Just crank the wheel!
-What wheel?
-On your left!
[ Coughing ]
It all plowed in my mouth!
[ Gasps ]
He's slowing down.
You need a speed boost.
You have to activate the fan!
I don't know
if that's a good idea!
I can barely see!
-C'mon, JP!
This is it!
[ Coughing ] Okay!
I'm trying!
[ Tires squealing ]
Whoa! Ugh!
Are you okay?
Yeah, I think so.
I'm sorry, guys.
There's just so much going on
with the directions
and the gizmos and the gadgets.
Hey, it's okay.
I'm gonna get you through this.
Okay, first I want you --Wait!
Craig, don't say anything.Huh?
JP is a great driver because
he follows his instincts.
But he can't do
if we don't trust him.
We gotta let him spread
his wings and wing it!
[ Grunts ]
Okay, what do I do now?
-I can't tell you.
You trusted me to build
the best cart in the creek.
And I did.
And it's so good.
But now it's my turn
to trust you.
So just be JP and wing it!
Racer J was going to win,
and everyone would respect him.
And then he would tell
everyone to respect Jason.
[ Rumble ]Huh?!
Mortimer says he's catching up!
[ Gasps ] He is!
But he still gotta pass
Eliza and Cannonball.
Whoo! Hoo-hoo-hoo!
That's dope.
Both: Whoa!
[ Grunts, thud ]
Oh-hoh-oh! You did it!
That was amazing!
Thanks for believing
in me, guys.
We may have lost,
but we still looked the best.
George, please dispose
of the car.
I finally lost a race.
The curse has been lifted.
[ Grunts ]
[ Gasps ]
The "J" was for Jason?
Of course it was!
Ladies and gentlemen!
I now bestow the all-inclusive
pool pass to --
It's mine!
I hope you're ready
to swim with the Junk Lord!
I just need to dig up some swim
trunks from the clothes pile.
Oh, dear.
Well, that pool's ruined.
When it's time to go to bed
I know I don't
have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
at the creek ♪
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