Enheraf (2022) s01e28 Episode Script

Episode 28

How are you, Mr. Abdulhamid?
Don't you remember me?
Don't you remember the man who came
to you a few months ago with his tools
looking for a job,
and you sent me
to Abu Rawash bridge by the bus stop
with sesame and date pastries.
When I didn't find a job,
you brought me back to sleep here.
It's me, Talaat.
Forgive me, I didn't
recognize you. You look
What do you mean? Thank goodness.
God's blessings are great.
Thank God.
That's why, I came to return the favor.
Do you have ten minutes to talk?
Thank you very much, Mr. Abdulhamid.
Thank you.
Okay, but I don't get
what it has to do with you.
It all started that day.
Did you see that lot I showed you?
They're asking for $54,000 for it.
God has blessed me
since you prayed for me.
I was blessed greatly.
I now own a big real estate office,
and I work in land.
I saw this lot and asked around.
I heard that it will be given
building permits.
Each yard's value will increase.
This lot's price will
reach around $649,000.
When it gets building permits, it
will be sold by the yard, not the acre.
You'll make a lot of money.
Does the owner know?
He's ignorant and dumb as a brick.
He's an employer who knows nothing.
He doesn't even check on it.
So, I sent my people to him,
and he asked for $81,000.
I agreed.
All I have is 27 grand.
With $54,000 from you,
we can buy it together.
Son, I don't have that money.
You got this wrong.
So what, old man?
How much can you get for this shop?
If you can get $54,000,
sell it and join me.
Sell it? My daughter and I are making
a living with it.
You'll live and see.
You won't need
to worry about a small shop.
Think of the $649,000
that we'll make off the lot.
Look at your share.
You'll have two thirds,
and I'll have one.
You can then take your money,
and open 20 bakeries.
You'll have many branches to your name.
Don't let this chance slip by.
I have a lot of people waiting
to join me with that kind of money.
But I came to you
specifically to return the favor.
Hey, man, are you still
going to think about it?
Have faith and call the buyer
to bring the money and the contract.
I had no idea,
until we were caught by surprise.
What surprise?
The pastries don't have enough butter.
Will more butter make
customers pray for us?
Or will it get us a golden award?
It's all the same.
What are you on about?
That's how I feel, Ma'am.
It's a good thing the bakery is open,
so we can see it for ourselves.
It was closed when we
stopped by yesterday.
-Who are you?
-The bakery's owners.
You'd better fix your attitude.
Here's the deed and purchase contract.
The buyer and the old man who sold it.
Are you trying to make a fool out of us?
Let them be, child.
Welcome. Come in and
check out the bakery.
-All right, old man.
-Come in.
Why would I let them be?
Why would they take a look?
What are you talking about, dad?
Let's talk upstairs, darling.
Just follow me and we'll talk upstairs.
Why did you let them
check out the bakery?
What is this contract they have?
Say something, dad. Why won't you?
I sold the bakery.
Goodness gracious!
-Calm down.
-How can I, dad?
How could you do that
without letting me know?
Darling, it was a surprise
because I knew you'd object.
What a surprise!
This is your life's work, dad.
Child, I sold this bakery
to open up ten other bakeries.
It was not a loss.
How? What do you mean by ten others?
I found a piece of land
that's about to get a building permit.
I sold the bakery to its owner,
and bought his land
with Talaat Eldakkak.
I got two thirds, and he got one.
Who is Talaat Eldakkak?
I barely recovered
after the first storm,
and the second storm hit.
Sorry, I'm not used to staying home,
and not in the bakery.
But I'm taking a break at least,
a break from hard work. Thank God.
What is it, dad? Is something wrong?
It's just that
the bank called to remind me
to pay the first installment
of the loan I took.
What loan, dad?
The bakery wasn't enough to buy the lot,
so I took out a loan on this house.
Which house? You took a loan
on the house we live in?
What is this, dad?
Are you going to keep surprising me?
Darling, I don't want to worry you.
I wanted to give you a better future,
so that we'd live in luxury.
But it looks like
It didn't work out.
The land didn't get the permit.
I must sell it.
I'll pay off the loan,
and buy the bakery back.
I put up ads for the lot everywhere
to sell it.
And I found a buyer.
He was serious about buying it.
Did you see the lot?
Did you like it?
What are you talking about?
Of course, we own it.
I have the deed
and all the other papers.
Not at all.
You must have seen
a different lot or something.
You must be mistaken.
Yes, you must be.
I'll check. All right.
What is it, child?
A disaster, dad.
If the man is right,
we'll be in very big trouble.
I looked for him everywhere.
I asked around.
He was gone.
It was like he had
vanished into thin air,
without a single trace.
The man who had called me
was indeed right.
The third storm hit.
We were scammed, dad.
What are you saying?
The land turned out
to be government owned.
I have the contract and the deed.
It's all fake, dad.
It can't be sold.
Talaat paid a third.
Do you still not get it?
Talaat scammed you.
He hired a fake owner.
You gave him the loan
and sold him the bakery.
Why didn't you consult with me, dad?
Why didn't you ask me?
You usually consult
with me on everything.
Why didn't you ask me?
What do we do now?
How will we manage, dad?
What do we do, dad?
How do we get out of this?
What do we do?
The bank seized the house.
Because we couldn't pay off the loan.
Everything was gone.
The house, and the bakery.
My dad too.
His spirits were crushed,
and lost.
We had nowhere to go.
Other than my aunt's.
Welcome. Let me take that for you.
Welcome. My home is yours too.
I'm glad to have you.
Be careful.
Come in.
Be careful.
In the name of God.
Be careful.
Take it easy.
My dad remained silent.
Eat, Abdulhamid.
This is your favorite.
Why won't you answer aunt?
Please don't be upset.
Everything can be restored,
but your health won't be.
Everything can be fixed.
I have a feeling that
God will to bless us.
Everything will be fine.
You're more important.
Your health is too.
Please don't do this to yourself, dad.
Answer us, dad. Say anything.
He remained silent,
and eventually lost his voice.
took away his health,
and his spirit.
He became too ill.
I lost my dad.
He left and took
everything good with him.
I got you the apples you like.
Why won't you answer me, dad?
You're sleeping, right?
You'll wake up and talk to me, right?
You know you're all that I have.
I have no one else.
Nothing matters. Don't be upset.
Money doesn't matter.
The money Talaat took isn't important.
You're my world.
I'll beg in the streets
and get whatever you want.
We'll get everything back,
the bakery and the house.
And you
I'll get you back.
Why won't you answer me?
Why won't you answer, dad?
Why won't you answer?
No, you have to talk to me.
You have to answer me.
You have to say something.
No, you can't leave me.
Who are you leaving me with?
I have no one else. I know no one else.
I want no one else.
Wake up and talk to me, dad!
Wake up and answer me, dad.
You're the only one that matters.
You're the most important to me.
I have no one. You're my everything.
Why won't you answer?
Don't you feel bad about leaving me?
Don't you?
No, you're not leaving me.
No one can take you away from me.
Wake up and talk to me.
Please wake up and talk to me.
Talk to me, dad.
I lost my security, love and safety.
Back then
I felt like a child,
unable to survive in this world.
When will this end?
Is she staying for long?
What is wrong with you?
Do you want me to abandon my niece?
I don't care. Figure it out.
We barely make ends meet.
She has nothing.
Her father left her with nothing
to help with our expenses.
She'll be a burden to us.
Our plate is already full.
Lower your voice. She will hear you.
I want her to hear me.
-Have mercy.
-I'm done. You have mercy.
I'm done.
I can't be in my own home.
I wish she'd be considerate.
Thoughtfulness is better than any wealth.
Enough! Have mercy on her!
-Have mercy on me! I'm sick of this!
-Have mercy!
I felt bad for myself,
very bad.
Why was life so tough on me?
Why me?
That's why
I decided to leave.
To leave it all behind.
To leave it behind,
and go to my parents.
Every time, I would survive.
I would wake up in the hospital.
Then they would send me to my aunt's.
But not this time.
This time
I woke up in an unfamiliar place.
It's as if they wanted to get rid of me.
The sanitarium.
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