Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e28 Episode Script

Episode 28

(Whether it's e-sports or her,)
(I just want to love what I love.)
You executives can let the ZGDX players down.
But I can't.
Because I'm the captain.
Hey, tell me.
(What have I done wrong?)
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 28=
During the whole game,
YQCB's flawless defense and zero turnovers
are the reason for their victory.
On the other hand,
there were frequent errors in positioning,
bad coordination,
and slow support efficiency in our team.
The main problem is condescension.
Youko can't be the best choice in that game.
But this is also my problem.
I shouldn't have connived at you guys.
The next game is crucial.
We can't lose any of the three lanes.
Take defense as attack.
If they want to keep it steady,
we have to keep it steadier than them.
Cheng, pay attention to the development
and lead the line in the early stage.
Don't let Hierophant take advantage of it.
I know Lee Gun-hyeok very well.
If we don't restrain him in the early stage
to prevent him from developing,
it'll be incredibly tough for us
to fight in the late stage.
This is why you chose Youko?
Youko can easily beat up Chin in the same line
before reaching level 6.
As long as he's not with
high-burst-of-damage equipment in the late stage,
we can easily crush him in team fights.
So we must make the fight a quick one.
You're all silent now?
Welcome back.
This is the gaming scene of
the second match
between ZGDX and YQCB.
I'm Fan, the commentator.
I'm commentator Chen Yao.
We now see the players of both teams
are ready to play.
YQCB first
banned Kosodenote, Yamakaze and Tamamo-no-Mae
while ZGDX banned
Aoandou, Yama Usagi and Shuten.
Then let's see
what midsolo
will Smiling choose?
I guess basically she will choose Ootengu again.
Yuki Onna?
(Oh my god, she chose Yuki Onna.)
(Is this the time to play
four-preserving-one tactics?)
Yuki Onna.
(To be honest, I don't get)
(why she chose Yuki Onna now.)
(She should know their opponent is YQCB.)
(Can the tactics work?)
(I don't understand it either.)
(After Smiling chose Yuki Onna,)
(ZGDX actually picked Hannya!)
(What kind of lineup is this?)
According to the current lineup,
I think this should be the case.
Hannya and Ibaraki Douji go to the bottom lane.
And the midsolo is Yuki Onna.
The topsolo would be Onikiri.
Onikiri as midsolo?
What in the world is this?
(I'm a little baffled now.)
(The players in this season
are too unpredictable.)
(Everything I say may be refuted.)
(I am a bit autistic and
don't want to talk anymore.)
(Okay, now we see that)
(it's been 13 minutes since the match started.)
(In ZGDX…)
YQCB is too patient.
It's been over ten minutes.
They have just hit and lead the lines.
I'm even not used to the fact
that no one has ambushed me.
We have similar gold and equipment.
They are now waiting for their chance.
Now it depends on who'll slip up.
Plus the lineup is very confusing.
Chubby, go make me a vision.
I'll come over.
K is here.
I'm coming too. I'm coming too.
Me too.
Get in.
Where is the promised friendly development?
Four people actually came.
I can't hold my Barrier for long.
Cheng has only half of blood now.
I'll be right there. I'll go around the back.
Wait for me, don't be impulsive.
(Okay, now we see)
(Yuki Onna made
an ultimate skill to stall for time.)
(Onikiri and Ibaraki Douji used Shift.)
Lu Sicheng is not full-bloodied.
You want to be killed under the turret
in the bottom lane by Smiling?
I don't want to sacrifice my ad.
Tong Yao.
Are they afraid of you?
Why did they retreat as soon as you came?
They left the moment I came.
Then my gold was wasted all the way here.
YQCB team is so restrained.
If they wait another half second
when my barrier vanishes,
they can totally kill captain with several hits.
YQCB is now playing differently than before.
They want to fight a long battle with us now.
So when it comes to late team fights,
we must be cautious.
(On the contrary,)
(ZGDX players)
(are famous for quick reaction, strong positioning)
(as well as stronger awareness to support.)
(It's still a familiar playing style.)
(It doesn't)
(look good now.)
It depends on
who has more stamina in the following match.
(However, it seems to be the other way around)
(in today's game.)
Ai Jia.
Come and stall with me in the middle lane
to cover Hierophant and others over Orochi.
They'll come steal it.
Yasha is not as fast as me.
I'm saving my ultimate skill for Smiling.
As soon as she comes, I'll kill her.
YQCB's ad and jungler are together hitting Orochi.
We can't let them have it.
Doumeki and Youtou Hime
are too fast hitting Orochi.
I may not be able to steal it even if I enter with Subdue.
Yeah, let's lead the line separately.
No, we can't let them have it.
Cat, pick up a team fight.
I'll flank it
and kill Menreiki first.
You have to slap my face like this?
They got me killed in a second.
They came for Orochi in a hurry.
Watch your positions!
Rong, you stop Hannya.
Make sure Hierophant will get Orochi.
K will definitely come to reclaim it.
Kim Eun-seok, use Subdue first.
K, come for it.
(K jumps into the snake pit for Orochi.)
Youtou Hime has Orochi. Retreat!
They have Kirin with them.
We have no advantage.
(Successfully sealed)
(They didn't get it.
YQCB already got Orochi.)
We're all dead, go back!
Youtou Hime is out of blood.
Onikiri, come and get it.
(Double Kill)
Let's go. We can't fight this.
We can't even touch the back row.
Besides, Doumeki has tremendous damage.
Retreat, Tong Yao is running out of blood too.
(Retreat! Retreat!)
Let's go. Cheng, we don't have enough blood.
Let's go. I can't protect you.
I can fight.
I can fight.
I can fight.
I can fight.
(If they don't retreat and got aced,)
(the result of this match)
(would be obvious.)
(I can fight.)
(Chessman and Smiling worked together)
(to kill Rong in seconds.)
(Smiling was killed
by Hierophant's set of skills.)
(Chessman is still holding on.)
(Hierophant! Hierophant! Hierophant!)
(Pushing up to the base turret.)
(ZGDX base has exploded.)
(Let's congratulate YQCB)
(for winning the game!)
(Congratulations to YQCB.)
♪If I'm pressed, I'll make them pay♪
(That was a great play by us.)
♪Yeah, if you push me, I'll make you pay♪
(We won.)
♪We better move. Move♪
Ai Jia, do you think I played well just now?
- Yes.
- Nice, nice.
Good for you.
That's a must.
Let's go, let's go.
Let's go.
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you for your hard work.
Come on, thank you.
Good job.
Go for it.
Good job.
It's amazing that a girl can do like this.
Thank you.
Chessman is suffering from his hand injury?
Take good care of him.
All right, all right.
Don't look like it's the end of the world.
It's just a loss in the regular season.
It's nothing.
Winning and losing is a common thing, right?
Even though we lost this game,
as long as we win the next game,
we're still able to make it, right?
Respond to me.
Look at me.
One game is really nothing.
What does that say about us?
It's just that we'll be watching less Weibo
and do less live streaming.
Let's put our minds at ease for a while.
Tomorrow we can analyze
the reasons why we lost the game.
The reason for the loss.
Before we split the blame today,
shouldn't we settle some other stuff?
What's wrong?
I can't talk?
Rest early today.
Prepare for the game tomorrow.
Prepare for the game?
That's it, right?
Don't you have anything
you have to explain to us?
What do you want me to say?
Cat, calm down.
Then I'll say it.
You've been out early and back late these days.
What are you doing?
You're distracted.
When Ming was talking about the tactics,
was your soul here though your body was here?
How much of the tactics have you heard?
what the hell happened today?
Why didn't you do what we had trained for
to take Komatsumaru?
Why did you take Youko?
Why did you change Ming's tactics?
We're so confused.
Aren't you going to say anything?
Don't tell me
you took Youko just to show off to Hierophant.
Before the game
I was in the hallway.
I heard you said that to Ming.
I just need an explanation.
Before the race,
Cheng came to see me alone.
I can't take Komatsumaru in this match.
Let me take Youko.
We don't have time now
to train new tactics.
At least you can tell me why.
No reason.
It's because I don't want to
take a shikigami for a long battle.
Youko can contain Hierophant in the early stage.
If I don't let him develop well,
we might be able to finish the game
as soon as possible.
Why do you want to finish the game
as soon as possible?
I thought I told you before.
It's a tough fight.
It's a long battle.
We need to compete in
endurance and physical strength.
I can't fight a long battle.
Give me an explanation.
There is none.
Hierophant is my corresponding opponent.
Before the game, Cheng told me
he wanted to take Youko.
But Cheng,
I need an explanation.
You've all got him wrong.
Cheng actually had a relapse of his hand injury.
Your hand is injured?
That's why Cheng wanted a quick fight.
Say something!
What did you do?
Why did you hurt your hand before the game?
Yesterday's training match was not so good.
Cheng played ranking overnight.
Played ranking overnight
just because a bad training match?
The whole world knows
your hands can't take this.
Have you forgotten how Ming retired?
You felt guilty?
Then what had you done?
You thought the short training time
affected how you performed.
Here is the question.
What have you been doing all this time?
Cheng went to solve what happened to Tong Yao.
Solve what happened to Tong Yao?
How? How to solve it?
Cheng seeked a relationship in the police
and found out about
the background of "Momo is a big devil".
It turned out this person is in Shenzhen.
What's the result?
The result is
the same as Cheng predicted.
She is a specialized troublemaker.
She didn't commit suicide at all.
She's not a junior either.
Now she's at the police station.
Be prepared, Tong Yao.
We'll go to the police station in several days
and confront this girl in person.
I was ready to apologize.
Is it true that if Rui hadn't got this call,
you'd have planned to
hide for the rest of your life?
What the hell is wrong with you?
You didn't tell us about your hand injury.
You solved what happened to Tong Yao alone.
You didn't tell us either.
Are you worried that we wouldn't let you go?
Or are you worried that we had to
ask you to take the Komatsumaru shit
regardless of your hand injury?
Why didn't you
talk with us
about this in advance?
Is it you wouldn't want to talk about it
or you just didn't trust us,
didn't trust your teammates at all?
That's right.
Tong Yao is your girlfriend.
But have you ever thought
she's not just your girlfriend,
but also our teammate.
She's been wronged by the public.
She has been treated unfairly.
Would we ignore it?
Would we not let you go?
That's right.
We just lost
one game today.
But do you know I'm upset?
It's not because we lost today.
It's because I found out that you,
Lu Sicheng, all this time,
you don't trust your teammates at all.
If you don't need your teammates,
then I would like to say,
we don't want a captain like you at all.
- Cat.
- Cat.
Hurry up!
What are you doing?
- What are you doing
- What are you doing?
What else can I do?
Let's all go home and find our own mothers.
You just said this because you're angry.
It's not like that.
You should know
I'm almost going to retire after this year.
If I'm not going to get
a World Championships ticket this year,
there is no hope for
my e-sports career.
You know what?
My parents don't even
agree with me playing e-sports.
If I don't get any accomplishment this year,
how am I going to face my family?
In this case,
will we be forced to withdraw again this year
like what we did
because of Ming's hand injury last year?
Are you afraid?
Are you afraid?
You're not afraid, I am.
Don't go, Cat.
These are words out of anger.
No one said we'd withdraw.
Cheng is just having a relapse of hand injury.
It's not like it's broken.
Why do you think it's so serious?
I sat next to him at the game today.
I observed it the most clearly.
It was only in the late stage
that he slipped up a little.
If he didn't tell you,
you wouldn't have noticed it, would you?
take it easy.
Love and peace.
The most important thing now
is to face it together
and solve the problems.
How can we face it together after all this?
Does he ever want to take us with him?
You are playing games for yourself,
not for others.
That's what you said yourself.
Have you forgotten?
My dream
is to win every game
on the field with my bros.
It's not like this now.
That's what I want, too.
I'm also pretty mad today.
Cheng didn't even tell us
before he made the choice alone.
But if you think about it from another angle,
isn't everything he's been doing
for the team?
He's been the only one
to suffer all the pressure.
He is used to bear the burden himself.
That's why he felt
he must carry.
He doesn't trust us at all.
How can we work together
in the future?
I wonder
did we choose the wrong person from the beginning.
You mean Tong Yao?
I don't think so.
She proved to be very good.
I'm not saying she's technically challenged.
I'm talking about
the effect she's had on other people.
The club was looking for big news before.
And now there's a lot of news coming on us.
Tong Yao does have an effect on us.
But I think
she is the one who made the whole team,
and Cheng
become better.
It's just that
they probably haven't even realized it yet.
Cheng, does your hand still hurt?
Open the door.
Let me apply the medicine for you.
Tong Yao.
I want to have some quiet time.
Then open the door when you've figured it out.
I'll be here with you.
Come on, come on. Catch up.
- Come on.
- Destroy the turret.
Keep up, keep up.
- Break down the turret.
- Break down the turret.
- In one breath.
- Hurry up.
In one breath.
- Nice.
- Nice.
(- This is a good one.)
(- Yes.)
When I first came to the team,
and officially met you,
you shut me out.
At that time, I was thinking
oh no.
The captain is so bossy.
What if we don't get along well in the future?
If I don't perform well in the future,
you must judge me every day.
as expected,
you judge me every day.
But I seem to be used to it
because what you say is right.
No matter if you call me a loser,
or criticize me for beating the girl.
The truth is
you are right.
I seem to have gotten used to it.
I'm used to listening to you,
used to relying on you,
thinking you can do anything.
You've always been the captain of ZGDX,
the top 3 ad in the world.
You're competent.
It's like you can solve everything
by yourself.
I still have to nag around you.
Although you are the captain,
don't be like a hen protecting her chicks,
protecting everyone under your wings.
You are a human being,
not a god.
There will always be things that you can't bear
or are difficult to solve.
You said before
you were afraid that you were no longer
the perfect man I thought you had been.
Actually, it's not like that.
Although I've seen you in cheap T-shirts,
without shaving and cutting your toenails.
You are
still irreplaceable
in my heart.
There is one more thing
I didn't tell you.
It's about when you made the love affair public.
As your girlfriend,
I'm really touched
because you ignore the judgments of the world.
It proves that you care about me.
You love me.
I'm really happy.
You know what?
I'm really grateful to you
for helping me find that girl
and find out the truth.
In fact, Rui told me in secret
what the club planned to do.
I said it's okay.
I have to take care of the overall situation.
I was ready to be scolded
and apologize on the internet
because there are always so many people telling me
you are a public figure.
When you enjoy the glory of the spotlight,
you have to learn to bear
the dark side behind the light
no matter how much you've been wronged,
how much accusations you've suffered.
But you
gave me a different answer.
You tell me
I don't have to be so aggravated
because you got my back.
You know what?
I feel bad.
I feel bad.
I can't do anything
about what's going on.
I know.
I know I'm just a housekeeper.
But I still believe,
I still believe that we can win the championship.
You know what?
I don't care what pressure the company puts on me.
And I don't care what people say about me.
You know what I care about?
I care about you guys.
I care about you.
I don't want to lose each and every one of you.
Do you understand?
Lu Sicheng.
If you don't pull yourself together,
I will blame myself so much
and feel so guilty.
If Cat is disappointed because of this
and left,
I will feel that it is my fault.
I don't seem to be able to
handle this well.
I easily get vulnerable.
If something really happens to the team
because of this.
Will you blame me?
I would probably go nuts.
And I'm a very resentful person.
I'll hate you for the rest of my life.
I can imagine your face through the door.
I used to think
I could handle everything.
I didn't care what anyone thought.
Cat was right.
I was wrong.
I thought I could handle everything.
I was wrong.
I'm not fearless.
I can be scared too.
I hesitate too.
I guess
this day will come.
I need you.
I need you.
(Base, 2:00. See you there.)
(ZGDX Group)
(Best ADC Lu Sicheng)
About the ban in the previous game,
I didn't think it through to pick Youko.
I hadn't discussed with you
before I changed Ming's tactics.
It's my fault.
I'm sorry to you.
You don't have to indulge me like this
in future games.
If I have done something wrong,
just tell me.
I will correct it.
As the captain of the team,
it's my fault for leaving the team
without permission.
I just hope you can give me a little time
so that I can slowly learn
to correct my series of problems
such as assertive character,
team bully,
and caprice.
The team is a whole.
I can't fight alone,
not to say do everything
all by myself.
I admit
I need you guys.
I hope you can accept my apology.
From now on,
I hope we can face whatever we may encounter
all together.
I will focus on the following games
and trainings.
isn't my team alone.
It's a team for all of us.
I hope we can fight to the end
with no regrets
and no grudge.
I'm sorry.
I apologize again to you
for my ego and caprice.
Our Cheng.
I don't know why
I feel very scared now.
Forget it.
I never thought I'd see
you apologize in my lifetime.
My life is worth it. I have no regrets.
Do you want to apologize for getting me killed
just because you didn't cure me to save your skill
by the way?
Chubby, don't go too far.
Let go of Cheng. You want to strangle him?
He should apologize.
Cat, why are you acting like a statue?
Who woke up early in the morning,
saying Cheng wouldn't call you?
Cheng, you scared me.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you.
I'll never yell at you again, Cheng.
Don't cry anymore.
I'm not crying.
You didn't cry? Then I feel at a loss.
My brother doesn't cry.
Think about it.
This is nice.
That's right.
A family should be in one piece.
No one should be left behind.
(Mrs. Lu)
(Police Station)
- Hello.
- Here we are. Let's get in.
Let's go.
Are you nervous?
Don't worry, I'm here. Let's go.
(Mediation in accordance
with the law, fair and just.)
You both know the details of the matter.
(Peace is beautiful.)
We arranged you to meet today
(Peace is precious.)
to solve the problem.
Lin Mo
is the holder with the Weibo ID
of "Momo is a big devil".
This is her parents.
After our investigation,
the delivery of the razor blade
is indeed sent by Lin Mo.
Young people today
do things without caring about consequences.
We deal with about one or two
prank delivery cases like this
every month.
Have you examined the injuries here?
(Please take a look.)
Usually it ends with an amicable settlement.
After all, the child is young and act wild.
She's been scolded.
I think she's pretty scared too
and has learned a lesson.
She probably doesn't dare
to do so anymore in the future.
That's true.
She's young and act wild.
My daughter is only 18 years old.
She is re-enrolling this year,
preparing to take
the college entrance examination.
Yes, yes.
We'll teach her well when we get back.
We'll cover all the medical expenses.
It's a shame
to take what happened online into reality.
And our child
came crying all the way here today.
She was called out of her school like this.
When she gets back,
her classmates may say something bad about her.
And her father and I still have to go to work.
No reconciliation.
Your kid is in her early 18s.
My girl is only in her early 20s too.
If we're going to let it go
just because your kid is young and acts wild.
What about
the injuries and grievances my girl suffered?
She not only posted hater posts
on the Internet to spread rumors
but also sent a razor blade
and make up her misery on the internet,
saying she was depressed and
wanted to commit suicide out of nowhere.
This has brought more insult and trouble
to my girl.
How can we settle this?
So, we don't want to reconcile.
Apologize now!
I I didn't mean it.
I was wrong.
I won't dare to do it again.
Please forgive me.
Don't be nervous.
It's not a controlled blade.
And you can only be locked up for a few days
for lying and spreading rumors on the Internet.
It's just you'd have a stained document.
We will educate you
and have you compensate for her moral damages.
She just messed around on the internet.
Is it that serious?
It's not so serious.
if I break your daughter's hand
before her college entrance exam,
is it not so serious either?
After all, you can take it next year.
What are you talking about?
We didn't mean to do it.
Watch out.
This is the Public Security Bureau.
No more nonsense.
That's right, no more nonsense.
I'm talking about you.
Our opinion is not to reconcile.
Let's go.
Why are you so unreasonable?
Why did they leave?
Comrade police.
If they don't reconcile,
will our kid have a stained document?
That's right.
Then, if there are too many such records,
will it affect her college entrance examination?
What does she mean by too many such records?
You feel sorry for the little girl?
I'm a little girl too.
You're the only girl in our family.
How can she be detained?
She can't be held in custody for even a day,
let alone five days.
My child still has to go to school.
Last time it was fine.
How come she has to be detained this time?
It's obviously the same thing.
how can you say that?
As a parent,
you didn't properly educate your children.
The first thing you think of
is how to avoid punishment irresponsibly
in face of a problem.
This is not the first or second time
she did this kind of thing.
Three months ago, she wrote
a threatening letter to someone,
just for dissing her idol.
Does that make sense?
No, it's just a letter.
What can she threaten?
What can she threaten?
You have no sense of law at all.
You're afraid that
your child will be detained.
Doesn't the other kid have parents?
Last time, they didn't hold you accountable
and let you pay for it.
But it doesn't mean that she is not at fault.
I don't think I can mediate
with this kind of attitude of yours.
Let's go through the procedure next.
You have worked hard.
We'll contact you later.
How can they do that?
No way. I don't believe it.
She'll be detained like this?
How is it?
What a surprise.
This little girl
was sued before
for sending threatening letters to others.
This time,
I'm afraid that she will be detained.
According to Article 20
of the Public Security Management Punishment Law,
anyone who violates public security management
in one of the following circumstances
shall take heavier penalty.
Those who have been previously punished
by public security management within six months.
Article 42,
anyone with one of the following acts
shall be punished by detention
for less than five days
or a fine of less than five hundred yuan.
Which in more serious cases,
shall be detained for more than five days
or less than ten days
with also a fine of less than 500 yuan.
One of them, write a threatening letter
or by other means
threaten the personal safety of others.
She has reached eighteen years old
with a previous conviction within six months.
Just deal with it the way it should be.
You memorized it from Baidu last night?
How do you know she has a previous conviction?
How would I know?
Then how come you memorized it so well?
I graduated from
the University of Political Science and Law.
I heard it from Lu Yue before.
But I didn't buy it.
How good am I?
(Our kid is young.)
(What should we do?)
(All right, stop it.)
(It's all your fault.)
(You spoil her so much.)
(Why are you yelling at me?)
(Hurry up and find a solution.)
(It's all because you've spoiled her.)
Let's go. We're done with the show.
(What should we do?)
(I don't know.)
(You troublesome kid.)
(ZGDX e-Sports Club solemnly declares)
(the user whose Weibo ID is "Momo is a big devil")
(posted "How Tong Daji is made")
(in the forum before)
(Lawyer's statement)
(and sent a malicious package to Ms. Tong Yao,)
(causing Ms. Tong Yao to cut her finger.)
(ZGDX e-sport club)
(has been actively cooperating with the police
to investigate and collect evidence.)
(The police have now closed the case.)
(Now the police investigation results
are announced as follows:)
("Momo is a big devil" has become an adult)
(and doesn't suffer from depression.)
(The suicide thing is not true.)
(In order to protect
the legal rights of Ms. Tong Yao,)
(the club solemnly declares the following:)
(One, we ask "Momo is a big devil")
(to immediately delete
the above false information)
(and publicly apologize to Ms. Tong Yao.)
(Second, we ask the relevant
network users and platforms)
(to immediately stop reprinting)
(and commenting
on the corresponding inaccurate information.)
Honey, what are you looking at?
- Look.
(- We hereby remind)
(Lawyer's statement)
(all the Internet users, cyberspace…)
This is resolved?
(Don't be a rumor spreader.)
(Respect others.)
You know what?
That's called getting what she deserves.
(Lawyer's statement)
(No one can stay at the altar of God forever)
(and no one will be in the swamp forever.)
(Be bold and love what you love.)
(What's wrong with that?)
(Successfully released)
(e-sports industry farm)
(Love what you love! I'm on board!)
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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