Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e28 Episode Script

Episode 28

Ruby's Ring What are you doing? You startled me.
Chorim, what are you doing? Pardon? Oh Just making some fried anchovies.
Anchovies? This late at night? We have fried anchovies.
I know, but anchovies are great for your bones, so I want to have them every day.
Boy, am I tired.
I should fry them tomorrow.
Good night, Gilja.
Chorim, come sit with me.
We need to talk.
I thought long and hard about it, but a wedding is in order, right? A wedding? Now she's talking.
What took her so long? I've really wanted it to happen for a long time, but money was the issue.
It doesn't seem like he's that well off either.
You know our money situation.
Of course.
But dragging this out won't do anyone any good.
And Ruby said she'd help out.
So I think we should make it happen.
Ruby? Ruby offered? She's being way too generous.
If we're going to do it.
there's no need to think any further.
The sooner the better, right? Chorim, you've had it tough too.
Gilja, it hasn't been tough at all.
Thank you, Gilja.
Thank you so much.
In any case, let's get the date set.
Let's make it happen before the year's end.
We shouldn't let another year pass us by.
I'll take care of everything, so don't worry yourself too much.
I'll let him know too.
Okay, Gilja.
I'll do as you say.
Go on in and sleep.
It's late.
Gilja, thank you.
That was tough.
Chorim, why are you still up? Soyeong.
Soyeong, I think I'll be getting married soon.
Oh, wow.
Really? Dongpal asked you to marry him? Did he propose to you? No.
It's not that.
Gilja told me to get married.
Yu? Yup.
That's odd.
How so? But didn't Dongal say you two weren't close? So what's this wedding talk all of a sudden? I think Dongpal had a lot to think about.
Well, I did hear all men hesitate on whether to get married or not.
Some even think of making a run for it once the wedding date is set.
Be that as it may, shouldn't Dongpal propose to you first? You think so? Oh, I got it.
Dongpal must have been too shy to talk to you about it, so he must have talked to Mrs.
Yu first.
He looks all tough on the outside, but he's a softie on the inside.
Chorim, congrats, congrats, congrats.
Good for you.
You'll finally get to wear a wedding veil.
Oh, come on.
What's so great about getting married? Good grief.
Get the light.
Let's go to sleep.
You must be so happy.
Oh, my goodness.
Why aren't you sleeping at this hour? You're causing a racket.
I was actually working out.
I've gotten bit of a belly as of late.
Just your belly? You have a bit extra of everything.
My goodness, ma'am.
You have just as much of a belly as I do.
Why're you only poking fun at me? What kind of a workout are you doing? Would you like to try? What? Stand like this, and put your hands on my shoulders.
My head is spinning.
It's making me dizzy.
I feel so dizzy.
Goodness me.
I feel so dizzy.
Yes? Is something up with the company? No.
I'm not sure.
Come over here.
If you look that way Man, what is this? Hello? Is this Mr.
Na Insu? Yes, it is.
This is the auditing office.
Come by and answer a few questions.
Here's the receipt.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
Thank you.
Ko, I'd like something to drink.
I'll get it.
I'll get it.
You go over there.
It's still hot.
I'll open it for you.
It's cold.
It's hot, isn't it? You're sweating.
She's over the moon.
Why? You know why.
What is it, Chorim? Do you have a secret to tell me? You see, Gilja told me, Dongpal.
Um Hello? Oh, hello.
What is this? Again? Jeez.
I'll ask you one more time.
Are you denying these claims? Yes.
This never happened.
So why have we gotten multiple grievances filed against you? Multiple? Now, now.
This isn't a trial.
This isn't a police interrogation.
Why are you being so stern? I'm sorry.
You see, he's a former cop.
In certain respects, it may not be that big of a deal.
It might actually be quite common in our industry, but we have to do our job.
Of course.
But you need to know it never happened.
And please tell me who filed the grievances.
It's against company policy to reveal their identities.
Shouldn't you at least show me proof of the grievances filed against me? Show me.
We will, of course, undertake a thorough fact-finding investigation, but do let us know if there's anything you'd like to tell us beforehand.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
What are we going to do, Mr.
Na? You're sure it's not true, right? How many times do I have to tell you? I've been set up by that scoundrel Gu Yeonho.
He had come to see me several times about launching his product, but our MD said the product's quality was so low that we aired it only once very briefly.
After that, he called and asked me to meet him at the park to discuss something, so I met with him briefly.
If that's all that happened you need not worry.
The truth will eventually come to light.
Is it you again, Jeong Runa? Ah I died.
Oh, my goodness.
What? You're about to get married.
Why the long face? You look miserable.
I'm about to get married? At this rate, I'll die an old maid.
What? Why? I don't know.
I'm done with that good-for-nothing Dung Beetle.
You're done with him? Really? I'm an exceptional judge of character.
I knew the moment I met him that he was a womanizer.
And guess what? He is.
A womanizer? What do you mean? He's a playboy, okay? A playboy.
Good grief.
Do you really need me to explain what a womanizer is? Now, Chorim, you need to calm down and tell me what's going on.
What's the matter? I was going to have a heart-to-heart with him, right? But then, he gets a call from yet another woman.
- Jeez.
- Chorim, are you sure it was a woman? Well Um Fine.
Let's say it was a woman.
But how can you be sure something's going on between that woman and Dongpal? This is your problem.
You're too headlong.
You don't find out what's what and just jump to conclusions.
As far as I can tell, I think Dongpal's worried about something.
At times like this, you need to comfort him.
If you just think the worst and get upset, men just go AWOL.
Go AWOL? Did you make fried anchovies? How about fried dried squid? Braised tofu? Yeah.
Early this morning.
Then barge in on him stealthily.
You have to be very stealthy and shrewd.
You barge in and just Just what? Do I jump him? You can jump him, pin him down, or shove him to the wall.
What did I tell you? Push and pull.
Right now, you should be pushing.
Push aggressively.
Push aggressively? Here.
It's not much.
It's small token of appreciation.
We will, of course, undertake a thorough fact-finding investigation I'm sure your parents want you to get married soon.
Don't worry about money.
I have some money saved up, and Ruby said she'd help out too.
Jeong Runa, you're taking it too far.
Why did you quit your job in Chuncheon? It was due to a personal matter.
A personal matter Is it something we're not supposed to know about? That has nothing to do with the current case.
Maybe you were involved in some kind of a scandal there as well.
Here you go again.
I'm sorry.
He was hired upon the vice president's enthusiastic recommendation.
How could he have been involved in a scandal? I haven't done anything to compromise the vice president's recommendation.
Of course not.
What's this? These are the photos that were sent with the bribery grievance.
An illicit affair with a homeshopping model.
Look, sir.
This woman's a close work colleague.
Listen, you shouldn't take this lightly.
You do know how serious an offense sexual harassment in the workplace is, right? And given what our company does, we more female than male workers at JM.
Putting your hand on a woman's shoulder is considered sexual harassment.
So did this woman file the grievance herself? Regardless of your intention, if the woman felt sexually humilated or was offended by your action, it's considered sexual harassment.
Why don't you just come clean so we can take care of this quietly? I wasn't going to tell you this, but whether or not your guilty, whether or not you've been set up, rumors will spread, and your career here will be done for.
Given how far things have come, it would be best just to admit to it and tender your resignation.
No, I won't, because I didn't do anything wrong.
Slow down.
You could've tripped.
Your leg is still weak.
What's going on? It's just as you've heard.
What do you think about it? It's absurd.
Something's terribly wrong.
Thank you for believing in me.
Don't worry about it.
And don't try to prove my innocence.
It's something I have to deal with one way or another.
Do you believe in me? We can't do this.
I'll go down for sexual harassment.
I just don't get it.
As far as I can tell, Mr.
Na's not one to take a bribe.
This is why they say you can never tell with people.
Who could've imagined Mr.
Na would do such a thing? Nothing's been proven yet, so let's not jump to conclusions.
The investigation is ongoing.
I'm not jumping to conclusions.
I'm just concerned as it's Runa's fiance who has been implicated in this awful scandal.
Is it true that they're engaged? Yes.
They've been seeing each other for quite some time now.
Grandma had no idea and Good grief.
She'll be the death of me.
Grandma? Oh, nothing.
I don't want Mr.
Na getting special treatment because he's engaged to my sister though.
I believe facts should be looked at objectively and accepted just as they are.
But this will impact your sister.
Keep work and personal life separate.
That's what you said, Vice President Bae.
I did.
I find this absurd too, but appropriate disciplinary action has to be taken as per the findings irrespective of the reason.
Dismissal is par for the course for accepting a bribe, isn't it? Big news.
Big news.
Have you all heard? Mr.
Na's being investigated by the audit office.
Be quiet.
Why talk about such an unpleasant matter? Is the rumor true? We don't know yet.
It's not just the bribe.
There's a sex scandal with a model too.
What? Ms.
Jeong, is it true about Mr.
Na? Yes, regrettably.
What is it? Okay.
You know very well Insu's not someone to do that.
So please do something to resolve this.
Resolve this? Are you telling me to pressure the audit office to get him off? That's not what I mean.
Have them be very thorough so that Insu isn't falsely charged.
They will be very thorough.
They will look at the facts and deal with him as per company regulations.
Don't get involved.
You'll put me in an awkward position.
You just stay put.
They wouldn't be doing this without evidence.
Evidence? Has mom said anything to you about you getting married? We have something more urgent at hand.
If you two say you're getting married, I won't have a choice but to let this slide.
I'll be his sister-in-law after all.
I will have to help my sister's husband-to-be, won't I? Marry him.
Ruby, I'm not ready to Just get married, you fool.
Then I'll make sure Mr.
Na gets off scot free.
I could even get him a promotion.
See you.
How about having a cup of morning coffee with me? I'm sorry.
I'm in a rush.
Do you not like me? I'm sorry.
I really have to run.
Goodness me.
Yup? You should have breakfast.
Jihyeok, I'm heading out.
Hey, Dung Beetle.
Dung Beetle.
What? I'm sitting right here.
You should at least acknowledge me.
You do the dishes.
Jihyeok has to go study.
Okay, fine.
Earn my keep, eh? Fine.
I'll do it.
How petty.
There's rice, right? Yes.
You get better food at the homeless shelter.
Then go and eat there.
How dare you? I'm your uncle.
My dad and I eat like this every day, and we never complain.
Hey, this is no way to live.
The thing about life is Those boxers You promised you wouldn't wear mine.
What are you doing in my boxers again? It's just a pair of boxers.
You're so petty for a guy.
I'll take them off.
I'll them off right now.
You can have your boxers back.
Anybody home? Is Mr.
Noh Dongpal home? It's a woman.
We've met, right? Hello, ma'am.
Oh, my goodness.
I'm Jang Geumhui.
I take baking classes with Dongpal.
He's not home though.
Oh? That's odd.
I saw him coming up earlier.
He did stop by, but he had to head right back out.
Oh, I see.
Then here.
Given that it's just men here, I figured you'd need some side dishes.
Please come in.
Where are your manners, Jihyeok? You're supposed to invite a guest in.
Oh, right.
Please come in.
Oh, okay.
Sorry to intrude.
Why isn't he picking up? Is he still sleeping? Every single feature of her face has been cosmetically enhanced.
They do say plastic surgery is a symbol of wealth these days though.
Does that mean? I'm sorry, but how do you know Dongpal? I'm a good friend.
A good friend from where? From college.
Oh, wow.
College? Yes.
What did you major in? Law.
That is so impressive.
But I would've been even more impressed had you two gone to medical school, specializing in plastic surgery.
What's this? Another woman? Wait.
Oh, my goodness.
I'm so sorry.
I must have come to the wrong apartment.
Aren't you here to see Dongpal? Why yes.
Huh? Anchovies? What the? Hey, I'm sorry to call out of the blue.
Could you lend me some money? The landlord wants to raise the lease.
I promise to pay you back.
Chorim, how did it go? Did you go to Dongpal's? I have no idea what's going on.
I just don't know.
Huh? What are you talking about? Something very fishy is going on.
There were already side dishes in tupperware stacked up yay high.
Some lady supposedly brought them.
And some friend of Dongpal's is staying with him.
He's the one who told me.
A friend? He has a friend staying with him? Yeah.
Turns out, he's the guy who stole my dried anchovies.
Oh, wow.
That's so funny.
How uncanny.
So did he really say it was a woman who brought all those side dishes? Yes.
This is driving me mad.
I'm so annoyed.
This is getting quite weird.
So what should I do? You need to confront Dongpal.
This is just absurd.
You said Mrs.
Yu had even talked to him about you two getting married.
Yeah, I think so.
Gilja said she'd take care of everything.
It's almost September.
Why is it still so hot? Soyeong, could you fetch me a glass of ice water? Sure.
Goodness me.
So have you talked to him about the wedding? Yes.
He didn't come right and tell me, but he seemed happy.
So who was that woman? Does she have a sister? What? What are you talking about? Give me the details.
There's a producer named Na Insu, Runa's fiance.
I know who that is.
Someone reported him to the audit office for corruption.
He allegedly accepted a bribe.
A bribe? Who does such a thing in this time and age? The newspapers found out about a corruption case and caused a huge stir a while ago.
Does this mean there's still corruption at JM? How much was the bribe? The audit office said it was $10,000.
Good grief.
Dimiss him before the media catches wind of it.
Even if he were your sister-in-law's husband, not just her fiance, he has to be penalized for what he's done.
I heard he was very talented.
How can a talented person do such a thing? The audit office said he vehemently denied the allegation.
He said he was framed.
Do we have proof? Not yet.
The investigation is still ongoing, dad.
Tell them to get this done quickly.
By tomorrow.
There's nothing more I hate than corruption.
It tarnishes the reputation of our entire organization.
Tell them to complete the investigation ASAP.
I will.
Yu, I'm heading out.
Thank you, Chef Noh.
See you tomorrow.
Chorim, we should get going too.
Where's Chorim? She headed out first.
She did? Without saying a word? There's something I don't know about.
Oh, my goodness, Dongpal.
We must be fated to be together.
It's destiny.
What brings you here? I felt like coming out for a walk today.
But how did you end up in this neighborhood? Who knew I'd run into you? I'm so happy, so very happy.
What is that in your hair? In my hair? Could you lower your head a bit? I'm not tall enough.
They're going to get it from me.
What are you two doing? Oh, my goodness.
What's going on between you two? Chorim.
Chorim? How dare you even utter my name? Do you have any conscience? And who are you? What skanky lair did you come from? How dare you hit on someone else's man? Good heavens.
How vulgar.
Stop being so crass, okay? What? Crass? Come here.
Oh, my goodness.
What are you doing, Chorim? What's with you? What do you think you're doing? You know very well what I'm doing.
Why you Who's this woman, Dongpal? How can she be so ignorant, so barbaric, and so out of control? She looks like a beanpole.
I'm scared, Dongpal.
Calm down.
- Why are you being like this? - Come here.
- Come here.
- Chorim.
Come on, Chorim.
Stop it.
Get out of the way.
Come here.
Let's calm down and talk this through.
How am I supposed to calm down when my fiance is seeing another woman? What woman would stay calm? Your fiance? Who? Dongpal, are you getting married? No.
She just said you were her fiance.
You and I are getting married? You haven't heard? Gilja said she was going to talk to you about the two of us getting married.
Yu? She hasn't said anything.
Good grief.
You're not even engaged, so how is he your man? Give me a break.
You know how serious a crime accepting a bribe is, don't you? Runa will get fired if Mr.
Na gets fired.
Dimiss him before the media catches wind of it.
You should've known that that the deeper a trap you set for me, the deeper you'll fall into the same trap.
Where's your boyfriend? Gu Yeonho, you idiot.
Did you know that Gu Yeonho's the one who filed a grievance against Insu? You have 24 hours.
If you don't resolve the matter, everyone at JM Group will see this video.
Spare me, Insu.
See you next time
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