The Assassins (2024) s01e28 Episode Script

No Mercy

Hassan Al-Sabbah has
could with his might and power
Hassan Al-Sabbah has
could with his might and power
Your austerity and sincerity
have reached us, Siraj.
To make one of his hidden
soldiers in the palaces of Isfahan
In the court of my Sultan.
Become the state minister.
I want you as a hidden soldier
So the moment I issue
my commands to you
He finds himself alone,
unarmed and bare.
The controller and the
forbidding commander.
But I've always been
serving of the Seljuk army.
And your service is over.
Go back home.
As for the Muezzin’s son,
You must slaughter him.
You must slaughter him.
In the darkness,
Hassan is ruling the
biggest state on Earth.
Through the minister who's controlling
the armies, the treasury, and everything.
And you will have more
gifts than you can imagine.
I want a huge turmoil.
Hassan spent many years attempting
and preparing to reach the goal.
Sirajuddin, the loyal minister, the
honest believer of Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Became the state minister.
Episode 28
"With no Mercy"
The situation was heated.
And the believers managed to
turn Isfahan into streets of sorrow.
But it was reported later that
things reduced significantly.
Sultan Berkyaruq's madness made
him respond brutally, Berzek.
No, my master.
A woman.
A woman!
She gathers the women
around her and keeps
keeps spreading lies about us
and our master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
She leaves no flaw or defect
​​except she accused you of it.
​​except she accused you of it.
And her words are
for our enemies.
They are for the women
among our followers.
she managed to
influence them significantly.
The matter is for
Allah before and after.
What would be the reaction
towards a devil who slanders us?
Or makes people doubt,
their faith in us, Barzak.
The murder, my master.
God forbid.
Are we going to kill women, Barzak!
Can we send a man to kill a woman,
even if she is an
infidel or an enemy!
But like there are loyal men
who sacrifice their lives for us,
there are women also.
A faithful woman from,
our followers in Isfahan
Shall end this matter.
And Khadija, my
daughter, shall return to me.
Our master!
She is your wife!
And my mother!
"Indeed, among your spouses and your
children are enemies, so beware of them."
God speaks the truth.
May God magnify your
reward, Hadi, about your mother.
You must know the truth
and bring it to your homes.
Tell your children and spouses.
Hassan Al-Sabbah is misguided.
And he's not like they believe.
Al-Sabbah killed his son.
And he's pushed youth
to death for a mad idea.
And he falsely
claims things he is not.
Protect your lives and the
lives of your children and spouses.
Don't believe his
messages or illusions.
Imam Nizar was murdered.
And there is no connection or
inspiration between him and Al-Sabbah.
Review your faith.
And remember your real Imams.
And tell every household.
That Al-Sabbah
Is an illusion.
Al-Sabbah is a killer.
Al-Sabbah is the devil
sending your children
To Hell and delusion,
not to Heaven.
And every day you will
hear from me something new
About his lies,
illusions, and madness.
And as long as I
have breath in my life
I dedicate it to reveal
the truth about the mad killer.
Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Fear God, liar.
My soul is dedicated to
the keyholder of Heaven.
- Mother!
- Khadija!
Our master, Hassan bin Ali bin
Muhammad Al-Sabbah was born
In the city of Rayy
To honourable parents.
And he was raised with piety
and love for the righteous family.
And since his childhood,
he has had miraculous acts
And amazing stances.
Cheer up, our master.
May God magnify your
reward in Doniazad.
And Khadija?
She's on her way to Alamut Castle.
Continue to write the book.
Prepare to write about the first
miraculous acts of our master.
Prepare to write about the first
miraculous acts of our master.
There is no knowledge or poetry
or anything without imagination.
Imagination is the bridge
that connects us to eternity.
We started the conversation
that hurts my brain.
With imagination
You can go to Heaven.
And you can go to Hell.
And you can go to Hell.
And you can enter the grave
and travel from place to place
And from time to time.
And what connects
knowledge and imagination?
Astronomy, is a
son of imagination.
And Algebra, is a
son of imagination.
Once, those with imagination
were considered mad.
Even though madness is
the mind's share of imagination.
And the mind?
Serving the imagination.
And any mind that
limits imagination
is a deficient mind.
So, what's differs
imagination from illusion?
Imagination is illusion!
An illusion is a sick imagination.
It takes you away from yourself,
making you feel despair and boredom.
It takes you away from yourself,
making you feel despair and boredom.
The illusion
makes you imagine the cheapest
of impossibilities and desire it.
Are there cheap
and expensive
When it comes to impossibilities?
Every impossible that gets you to
a higher, more complete, and wider place
is an expensive impossibility.
And every impossible that
leads you to dirty dreams
is a cheap impossibility.
I would understand more
if you gave an example.
Like, for example, you
try to control people's money
and their place and status
and their place and status
by controlling their souls
with magic and jinn.
This is cheap imagination.
It leads to disease and depression
and frustration.
I dream of a way
that can transport
me to distant planets.
I walk on them with my feet
and observe all their
views with my eyes.
Madness seek refuge
from you people.
Don't you hear what you're saying!
What planets do
you want to walk on?
What's wrong with
the Earth to leave it?
I dream like you too.
I dream of how I can convey
all my thoughts and dreams to you.
I dream of how I can convey
all my thoughts and dreams to you.
So, if Omar Khayyam died now
everything about
Omar Khayyam's imagination
would be in your heart, mind
and soul.
Are you afraid of me?
I'm your loving father.
My mother.
My mother was killed
in front of me!
You are safe here.
Don't be afraid,
you are in Heaven.
My mother.
My mother.
I want my mother.
I want Doniazad.
Okay, could you make Hassan
Al-Sabbah feel happiness
- and hold you in his arms?
- No!
Yahya Bin Said the Muezzin.
Kills a guard of the
minister's soldiers.
Isn't that a great
audacity from you, Yahya?
That's not murder.
It's self-defense.
Self-defense, or the execution of a
scheme, assigned to you by Bin Al-Sabbah?
I was entering my home and he
attacked me with a treacherous dagger.
Meaning, I didn't go to
him, he came to me
Commissioned by someone to kill me.
And he is supposed to get your
permission for his actions, isn't he?
You should find out who ordered
him to kill me and hold him accountable.
It seems that we were too quick in
releasing you from prison, Yahya.
It seems that we were too quick in
releasing you from prison, Yahya.
You are going back to prison.
Until your trial for the crime
of killing a soldier from the Sultanate.
And this crime is
punishable by death.
I request to see the Sultan.
Our Sultan doesn't meet
anyone who kills his soldiers.
Why doesn't Sirajuddin just
kill the Sultan at once?
This is more important, bigger and
urgent than killing the son of the Muezzin.
Smart question, Hadi,
from Barzak Amide.
Why do you think we didn't assign
the minister to kill the Seljuk Sultan?
Not sure, although killing the
Sultan is a serious occurrence.
Surely a serious occurrence!
But if we had tasked the minister to kill
the Sultan, they would kill him eventually.
Then a Sultan will come after him to avenge
and wage a campaign on Alamut castle.
And the story ends.
But the stronger
and more dangerous
is that the minister
controls the Sultan.
Making him like a toy in his hands.
Making him like a toy in his hands.
Then the one who controls the Sultan
will be a follower to Hassan Al-Sabbah.
And Alamut will be
ruling the Sultanate.
Which do you think
is more dangerous?
That the Sultan follows our follower.
As for Yahya Bin Said the Muezzin
He's just a young man who entered
our castle and knows its ins and outs.
And the revenge for his parents will
remain within him as long as he is alive.
And his killing would merely
be the killing of a young man
which signifies nothing to
the authority or the Sultanate.
May God preserve
our inspired master.
May God preserve
our inspired master.
This is not mind thinking.
It is an inspiration,
almost a revelation.
So it is, Barzak.
We've started preparing Minister
Sirajuddin to rule the Sultanate
At our command.
It's as if the Esoterics have
completely vanished from Isfahan.
I promised my Sultan.
And I've staked my neck
To fulfil this promise.
The safety and security of the
Sultanate is in one scale, my master
The safety and security of the
Sultanate is in one scale, my master
And my entire life is in the other.
There are no esoteric
I haven't interrogated
And tortured.
Until I've reached
every piece of information.
I need to know.
Are they numerous?
I don't want to worry you, my Lord.
I have prevented more than twenty
assassination attempts on the Sultan.
Without the Sultan even noticing.
I altered his movements.
I altered his movements.
So I could catch the murderer
before they do it and
in a blink of an eye.
How do they communicate?
Who's controlling them?
I beg the Sultan to excuse me
from answering this question.
Because the answer
Includes names
That may anger.
and even shock you.
Even very close ones, my Lord.
Including blood relatives.
Including blood relatives.
Not strange at all.
I want you to bring them
here, bound under my feet.
No, my Lord.
Not now at least.
Until we secure their threat.
Who are they?
If your highness insists
This is serious.
Do you have evidence?
All the evidence are present
and documented, my Lord.
If your highness wants me to show it
to you firsthand, I am ready to do so.
But I believe it's
best to be cautious.
It's more important.
I request from your highness
That you change your chamber
At least every a week.
The hunting appointments
And shooting.
All of these need
to change as well.
Anyway, I have recorded all
these in a complete plan.
With all times.
You want me to be patient
and wait after all I've read?
There's no waiting, my Lord.
But there is caution.
I need an opportunity to
Reach for the other
parties of the conspiracy.
I, my Lord
With your permission
I suspect those who are closer
And more dangerous.
Closer than this?
Greedy souls among
relatives is dangerous, my Lord.
Their evil
Could surpass the Esoterics'.
The Esoterics
Can be crushed with
their castles tomorrow.
Can be crushed with
their castles tomorrow.
We can tear down Alamut
castle on the head of Al-Sabbah.
But our backs will be exposed.
Exposed, my Sultan.
For the enemies.
The traitors.
The relatives.
If my lord would allow me
My lord.
Please, my lord, don't eat or drink
From my your wife’s hands
for, at least, these two days.
My wife?
Just suspicion, my lord.
Just suspicion.
Still, there’s no proof.
My love
And my duty
Oblige me
To warn you.
My lord.
My lord.
The struggle for the
throne is dangerous.
It’s terrifying.
It destroys homes.
And it has displaced great
families in the sultanate.
Any mother, my lord,
who cares about her son,
And his future,
possibly more than
her husband themselves.
I apologize to my lord.
I apologize.
Welcome back, Khadija.
I have made this toy for you.
It wasn't fitting for me ss
an Imam to make a toy
But you are Khadija.
And we only have each other.
Tomorrow my father might
kill you and I'll be all alone.
I don't know the future.
Maybe your father will kill
me, he killed the closest to him.
His eldest son.
And his wife.
But you know what!
Even if that happens and he kills
me I won't be worried about you.
You know why?
Because you are the
strongest One here in the castle.
Because you are the
strongest One here in the castle.
You're stronger than
Hassan Al-Sabbah himself.
Until I die,
We only have each other.
Does my father hate us?
He loves us.
But he loves Hassan Al-Sabbah more.
That's why
We shouldn't be a hurdle
In Hassan Al-Sabbah's way.
Would you allow me a hug?
I don’t have the desire or
The strength to continue here.
I need to go to the city
Where my grave will be.
Will you come with me?
And the spa?
Are there no spas in Neyshabur?
Omar, please spare me
Live with us here and when
You die, we’ll bury you anywhere.
Omar Khayyam did not choose
Where he was born or how he lived.
So, at least, I’d choose
where my grave is.
Well, to be honest
Well, to be honest
I'm afraid to travel with you.
I only see trouble with you.
As you wish.
If you want to remain
friends, you're welcome.
If you want to
part ways, it's your right.
It'd be better
to be away from you.
But I love you, what can I do?
It's all in God's hands.
Indeed, a good friend
you are, masseur!
Now, look!
So for us to travel
with no deceits.
I want to confess something.
Confess what?
I told about you to the guard
who was with me in the spa
I told about you to the guard
who was with me in the spa
and told him the story of Hassan
Al-Sabbah's wife escaping to you.
Why'd you do that?
I don't know, it just came out.
I wanted a thrilling story
to tell the guard so he
becomes my customer.
I couldn't think of anything else.
But I didn't mean to
hurt you at all, Omar.
I know.
A sensible enemy
is better than
an ignorant friend.
An ignorant friend who loves you
is better than a
scholar who hates you, Omar.
is better than a
scholar who hates you, Omar.
I'm Sahban, the man with the
pure heart, forgive me, please!
I forgive you, Sahban.
Get ready to go to Neyshabur.
Right away! What
are we going to do?
I'm going to open
a school for young students.
Nice, youth means hope.
and build my grave.
Today the sultan will sleep in a
small room at the end of the palace
to save his soul.
Every day you hide him in a
different place, master.
And if they want him to sleep on
the roof of the palace, I'll do it.
The more his fear increases
the more I can control him.
As for the prisoners who can't
stand their cells, Your Highness
in exactly two days
they will be executed
to be spared the
distress they are in.
The idea that the sultan sleeps on the roof
of the palace is very funny and strange.
But Your Highness
would never do that.
What will they do to me?
Where will they take me?
Tell me where we are going!
By God, I did nothing.
I did nothing.
By God, I did nothing.
What's my sin in all of this?
And what's your charge?
Suddenly, they arrested me.
And threw me here accusing me
of plotting to kill
our lord, the Sultan.
What's your job?
I'm the chef
of the Sultan's palace.
How could I do something like this?
They told me that I was
planning to poison the Sultan.
They threw the food that I was
going to serve him to a cat
and it was poisoned and died.
I was standing in shock.
And here I am waiting
for my death sentence.
Minister Sirajuddin.
Yes, yes it’s him.
Him! He's the one who
threw the food to the cat.
He threw the food.
I'm sure that it was fine.
I tasted it before I served it.
And you?
I am the Sultan's head servant
since the days of his father.
I am very sorry, my lord
but caution is also necessary.
but caution is also necessary.
From here, my lord, you can see
and monitor all the movements of
the Sultana as she meets the traitors.
The place here is safe.
Because all the expected places for
my master to sleep in have been exposed.
I know that you do
this to protect me, Siraj.
Above my Sultan's palace
I have prepared everything.
All the comforts are here.
All the drinks and all the
foods that my lord loves
All the drinks and all the
foods that my lord loves
I prepared them.
And tasted them myself.
To ensure that there is no poison
or any danger that can hurt my master.
Also, I prepared a bed for my
master the Sultan with a soft pillow.
For your comfort, my master.
And I repeat my apology.
No need for apologies.
In a few days, my lord
all the names of those
involved in the betrayal
will be in your hands.
My lord, if you want
me to be by your side
My lord, if you want
me to be by your side
and at your service
and entertain you
and even postpone my
monitoring of the traitors
I am at your command.
No, continue.
With your permission, my lord.
Thanks to God, it's completed
writing the biography of our
master and our Lord Hassan Al-Sabbah
writing the biography of our
master and our Lord Hassan Al-Sabbah
after the angels
dictated it in full
to our master Al-Hadi
son of Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Should I write this?
That's what happened.
But you were the one
dictating to me, not the angels.
That's apparent.
But in reality
you asked me one night
who is our master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
And I remained quiet.
I left the papers next to you
and left without replying.
I left the papers next to you
and left without replying.
And when you woke up to pray Fajr
you found the book next
to you, written in full,
sealed with my seal.
After angels have filled it
while you were sleeping.
This is the story that
believers will repeat after me.
But that didn't happen.
I told you that's apparent.
But the truth and the secret
is what happened.
Holiness and awe are
constructed in the hearts of believers
So that you remain a
respected figure in their minds.
And they are willing to kill anyone
who contradicts the story you told.
And the higher the status of
Hassan Al-Sabbah in their hearts is,
the higher and greater the status
of Al-Hadi bin Hassan Al-Sabbah is.
If you believe you're Holy,
everyone around you
will bow down.
I don't know.
Is evil
Is evil a sudden
occurrence in humans?
And he is born good and kind.
Then, hardships and life
tests drive him to evil.
So it starts with him
defending himself against evil.
Then he learns the arts
of evil and masters them
until he turns into a devil.
Or is good and evil both
inherent in human nature,
So goodness prevails
over one person,
and evil over another.
And if everything was predestined,
then what can man do?
And if he has the choice,
then why to choose evil?
Which matter?
Which way out?
People of Isfahan,
Today is the execution
of the traitor esoteric.
Yahya bin Sa'eed bin Awfa
who betrayed the
army and the Sultan.
People of Isfahan,
Today is the execution
of the traitor esoteric
Yahya bin Sa'eed bin Awfa.
This traitor,
sold his honor,
and his military allegiance.
He fought his own army,
his family,
and his people.
He fell victim to deviation.
He joined Hassan
Al-Sabbah and his aides.
an order was issued by
my Master, Sultan's Majesty,
to kill him.
You know I'm not a traitor.
Tell my son that fate has decreed
I won't die by my enemy's hand.
Praise be to God, I will die
here while seeing my loved ones.
Tell him I've taken your
grandfather's revenge, Sa'eed.
And the time will come
Where there is less oppression.
And less betrayal.
And greater faith.
And people's hearts
are more aware.
He'll take the entire nation's
revenge, from those who misled people.
And from who
unjustly killed his father.
Carry out the order!
And if the murdered has a last wish,
I wish to be killed standing.
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